Multi Layer Insulation

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R=19990047691 2019-04-05T09:49:19+00:00Z


Multilayer Insulation
Material Guidelines
M.M. Finckenor
Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama

D. Dooling
D 2 Associates, Huntsville, Alabama

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Marshall Space Flight Center • MSFC, Alabama 35812

April 1999
Trade Names

Trade names are used in this guidebook to illustrate the use of various commercial materials and
not to imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The trade names are the property of the companies
listed here. Trade names should be used only to describe specific products, not as generic terms (for
example, not all hook-and-pile fasteners are Velcro brand).

3M Co.: Nextel, Scotch

Chemfab: Beta cloth
E.I. Dupont de Nemours Inc.: Dacron, Kapton, Kevlar, Mylar, Nomex, Nylon, Tedlar, Teflon
Kamen Wiping Materials, Inc.: Rymple cloth
Texwipe Co.: Alpha 10 wipe
Velcro USA, Inc.: Velcro, Hi-Garde

Available from:

NASA Center for AeroSpace Information National Technical Information Service

800 Elkfidge Landing Road 5285 Port Royal Road
Linthicum Heights, MD 21090-2934 Springfield, VA 22161
(301) 621-0390 (703) 487-4650


1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................

1.1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 2

1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Applicability ............................................................................................................................. 4

2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................................... 5

2.1 NASA ....................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 U.S. Department of Defense .................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Other U.S. Government ............................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Other ......................................................................................................................................... 6

3. GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 Applicable Documents .............................................................................................................

3.2 Processing ................................................................................................................................
3.3 Materials Traceability ..............................................................................................................

4. SELECTION OF MATERIALS .....................................................................................................

4.1 Standard Blanket Layers .......................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Thread Selection ................. _..................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Adhesives ................................................................................................................................. 15
4.4 Adhesive Tape .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Fasteners ................................................................................................................................... 18

5. FINISHING ..................................................................................................................................... 22

5.1 Seams ....................................................................................................................................... 22

5.2 Billowing .................................................................................................................................. 23
5.3 Tie Downs ................................................................................................................................ 23

6. ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS ON MULTILAYER INSULATION ........................................... 24

6.1 Atomic Oxygen ........................................................................................................................ 24

6.2 Ultraviolet Radiation ................................................................................................................ 25

6.3 Meteoroid/Orbital Debris Impacts ........................................................................................... 25

6.4 Contamination Control ............................................................................................................. 27

6.5 Outgassing ................................................................................................................................ 27

6.6 Plasma Effects .......................................................................................................................... 27


7. OTHER CONCERNS ..................................................................................................................... 28

7.1 Electrical Bonding and Grounding .......................................................................................... 28

7.2 Installation Requirements ........................................................................................................ 28

7.3 Venting Requirements .............................................................................................................. 29

7.4 Cutouts or Protrusions .............................................................................................................. 30
7.5 Storage .....................................................................................................................................
7.6 Repair .......................................................................................................................................
7.7 Other Hazards .......................................................................................................................... 31

7.8 Cryogenic Insulation ................................................................................................................ 31

8. VENDORS ...................................................................................................................................... 32


Schematic cross section depicts the key elements of an MLI blanket. Not all elements
need be present in every design ..................................................................................................

. The interior of Space Shuttle Columbia's payload bay is seen here with the Spacelab
module (right) and crew transfer tunnel (left to center) installed before the vehicle is closed
and moved for stacking. Note that virtually everything inside is covered in Beta cloth since
the Shuttle orbiter flies, for up to 2 wk at a time, with the payload bay doors open .................. 2

. Experiment trays on the LDEF showed varying degrees of damage, depending on their
orientation relative to the line of flight, after 69 mo in orbit ...................................................... 3

. MLI is fragile and easily damaged even under controlled conditions. The MLI
covering the Huygens Titan probe was damaged by cooling air that was blown
too quickly through the launch vehicle nose fairing. The probe had to be removed
so the MLI could be repaired ...................................................................................................... 4

(a) A technician checks the thickness of MLI components as they are assembled into
a complete blanket assembly. Note that she is wearing latex gloves, a hair cover,
and safety glasses. T-shaped objects to the rear are large plastic clips (the same as for
potato chip bags) to gently hold MLI sets together. Also note that blanket materials farther
back on the table are covered with bagging plastic. (b) Two technicians, also wearing
gloves and face masks, hold a completed blanket. It includes hook-and-pile fastener strips
at top and right, and a neatly stitched cutout strip, from the left side, for a protrusion
(Boeing photos) ..........................................................................................................................

Several reflectors' layers are stitched to make a complete blanket
(photo courtesy of Boeing) ......................................................................................................... 22

AO erosion is readily seen in scanning electron microscope images. Beta cloth
(a) before and (b) after exposure to AO. Note that the Teflon coating has been eroded
but that the glass fibers remain intact. Samples of (c) Kapton and (d) silverized
Teflon are shown after exposure to AO on LDEE ...................................................................... 24

Multilayer insulation is easily penetrated by high-speed debris, as in this ballistic test
of a panel using a sample of Space Station materials. Lightweight, slower debris poses
a greater hazard to MLI which can erode with long exposure, especially when coupled
with AO and UV effects. These views cover a width of _-15 cm (6 in.) ..................................... 25


To protect areas where the MLI had degraded in orbit (a), astronauts applied MLI repair
patches (b) to the exterior of the Hubble Space Telescope (c) during the January 1997
servicing mission (STS-82). Such repair techniques will become more common
with expanded operation of long-duration spacecraft and the availability of humans
or robots to maintain them .......................................................................................................... 26

10. Electrical grounding straps are required to ground MLI layers to the primary structure
on spacecraft that may build up a static charge. In this design for the International
Space Station, the aluminized polyimide layers are electrically connected by aluminum foil
(the grounding insert), and a metal grommet through the blanket connects the layers
to the ground strap (from a Boeing drawing) ............................................................................. 29

11. Beta cloth-covered MLI in the aft end of the Space Shuttle payload bay was pulled
out of position by the payload bay door mechanism. The underlying spacecraft
structure was not damaged, but the event highlights the potential for damage
with moving equipment .............................................................................................................. 31


o Standard blanket layers, outer cover ........................................................................................ 10

2. Reflector layers ........................................................................................................................ 11

3. Separator layers ....................................................................................................................... 12

4. Reinforced Kapton inner cover ................................................................................................ 13

5. Reinforced multilaminate inner cover ..................................................................................... 13

6. Threads for nonexposed MLI seams ....................................................................................... 14

7. Threads for exposed MLI seams ............................................................................................. 15

8. PSA tape, plain ........................................................................................................................ 16

9. PSA tape, glass fabric .............................................................................................................. 17

10. PSA tape, metallized ................................................................................................................ 17

11. Conductive tape ....................................................................................................................... 18

12. Organic hook-and-pile fasteners .............................................................................................. 19

13. Metallic hook-and-pile fasteners ............................................................................................. 20

14. Lacing tapes and tie cords ....................................................................................................... 21


AO Atomic oxygen
BOL Beginning of life
EOIM Evaluation of Oxygen Interaction with Materials
EOL End of life

GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center

HST Hubble Space Telescope
ISS International Space Station
JSC Johnson Space Center
LDEF Long-Duration Exposure Facility
LEO Low-Earth orbit

MDAC McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Company (now part of Boeing Co.)

M&P Materials and Processes

MLI Multilayer insulation

MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MUA Materials Usage Agreement
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene
SSF Space Station Freedom (now ISS)
STM Standard material specification
STP Standard processing specification
UV Ultraviolet




In general, multilayer insulation (MLI) is a type of high-performance insulator which uses multiple
radiation-heat transfer barriers to retard the flow of energy. Individual radiation barriers usually are thin
polymer films with vapor-deposited metal on one or both sides. Because it is nearly impossible to design a
blanket that reflects 100 percent of incident radiation, an MLI design may range from a few simple blankets
to a series of subblankets to fit complex geometries (fig. 1). Typically, each reflector will reflect 90 to 99
percent of radiation. The cumulative effect is that of a nearly 100-percent-effective barrier.

For MLI to be effective, a number of guidelines must be followed in selecting materials, designing
them into the spacecraft, and assembling the vehicle.

(Sectionof book in parentheses)

/ _ • I
Outer Cover (4.1.1) "
Light Block(if necessary)

MetallizedReflector(4.1.2) [
Netting Spacer (4.1.3)
ExposedThreads (4.2.2) AdhesiveTransferTape (4.4.1) Glass FabricTape (4.4.2)

Nonexposed Threads (4.2.1)

(15 to 20 Reflector/SpacerLayers,Total) Adhesives(4.3) MetallizedTape(4.4.3)
Hook-and-Pile GroundingTape (4.4.4)
Connectors (4.5.1)

MetallizedSeflector (4.1.2)
Netting Spacer (4.1.3) I
InnerCover (4.1.4)

Note: Detailsand featuresareshown for illustrationand will varywith actual designand installation.

Figure 1. Schematic cross section depicts the key elements of an MLI blanket.
Not all elements need be present in every design.
1.1 Scope

This document defines the materials approved for and used in previous spacecraft thermal blanket
designs. Data from these can be used for future MLI designs on various spacecraft surfaces, whether
exposed to the space environment or shielded from direct exposure. Some material data gathered from
ground simulations of the space environment are included.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to provide data on MLI materials used by previous spacecraft such
as Spacelab (fig. 2) and the Long-Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) (fig. 3), and outlines other concerns
(fig. 4). The data within this document are presented for information only. They can be used as guidelines
for MLI design for future spacecraft provided the thermal requirements of each new design and the
environmental effects on these materials are taken into account.

Figure 2. The interior of Space Shuttle Columbia's payload bay is seen here with the Spacelab module
(right) and crew transfer tunnel (left to center) installed before the vehicle is closed and moved
for stacking. Note that virtually everything inside is covered in Beta cloth since the Shuttle
orbiter flies, for up to 2 wk at a time, with the payload bay doors open.

Figure3. Experimenttrayson the LDEF showedvaryingdegreesof damage,
dependingon their orientation relative to the line of flight, after
69 mo in orbit.
Figure4. MLI is fragile and easily damagedeven undercontrolled conditions. The MLI
covering the HuygensTitan probe was damagedby cooling air that was blown
too quickly throughthe launchvehiclenosefairing. The probehadto be removed
sothe MLI could berepaired.

1.3 Applicability

This document describes various approved MLI designs and lists materials used, with specifications,
sources, and available properties. The data are not all-inclusive; i.e., other MLI designs and materials may
be available that will perform successfully. This document gives no recommendation, endorsement, or
preference, either expressed or implied, concerning materials and vendors used. Regardless of vendor
specifications, each design must meet the outgassing requirements of SP-R-0022A and, if involving line-
of-sight proximity to sensitive optics, MSFC-SPEC-1443. MLI blankets must be tested for flammability
propagation requirements of NHB 8060.1C, but may be tested as an assembly rather than individual material

Wherever possible, the latest manufacturer's specifications are used. These are subject to change
without notice, and should be taken as typical and not used in writing design or assembly specifications.
The designer should review vendors' latest catalogs and specifications, which are updated frequently, and
often contain more data than are presented here. Further, the designer should take into account lessons
from new space missions as they are flown. NASA is not responsible for typographical or other errors in
the data listed.


2.1 NASA

CR-184245 MLITEMP--A Computer Program to Predict the Thermal Effects Associated

with Hypervelocity Impact Damage to the Space Station MLI
MSFC-HDBK-527 Materials Selection List for Space Hardware Systems
MSFC-PROC- 1779 Ultrasonic Weld Procedure for Multilayer Insulation Blankets
MSFC-SPEC-1443 Outgassing Test for Non-Metallic Materials Associated with Sensitive
Optical Surfaces in a Space Environment
MSFC-STD-506 Materials and Processes Control
NHB 8060.1C Flammability, Odor and Offgassing Requirements and Test Procedures
for Materials in Environments that Support Combustion
SP-8013 Meteoroid Environment Model (Near-Earth to Lunar Surface)
SP-8038 Meteoroid Environment Model (Interplanetary and Planetary)
SP-R--O022A Vacuum Stability Requirements of Polymeric Material for Spacecraft
TM-100351 Material Selection Guidelines to Limit Atomic Oxygen Effects
on Spacecraft Surfaces
TM-104825 Computer-Based Orbital Debris Environment Model for Spacecraft
Design and Observation in Low Earth Orbit
TM-104748 Beta Cloth Durability Assessment for Space Station Freedom Multi-Layer
Insulation Blanket Covers

2.2 U.S. Department of Defense

MIL---C-20079 Cloth, Glass; Tape, Textile Glass; and Thread, Glass and Wire-Reinforced
MIL-F-21840 Fastener Tapes, Hook and Pile, Synthetic
MIL-P-46112 Films and Plastic Sheets, Polyester and Polyimide
MIL-STD-970 Standards and Specifications, Order of Preference for the Selection of
MIL-T--43636 Thread, Nylon, Non-melting (Typically replaced by A-A-50195)

2.3 Other U.S. Government

FED-STD-209B Clean Room and Work Station Environments, Controlled Environment

L-P-377 (No title given)

2.4 Other

ASTM-B-117 Method of Salt Spray

ASTM-D-257 Surface Resistivity of Materials
ASTM-D-374 Thickness of Solid Electrical Insulation
ASTM-D--882 Tests for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting
ASTM-D--2261 Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by the Tongue (Single Rip) Method
ASTM-D--3330 Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape at 180* Angle
A S TM-D-- 1000 Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape Used for Electrical and Electronic
ASTM-D-4030 Glass Fiber Cord and Sewing Thread
ASTM-E---408 Test Method for Emittance of Surface
ASTM-E---490 Solar Constant and Air Mass Zero Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables
ASTM-E-595 Standard Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable
Materials from Outgassing m a Vacuum Environment
ASTM-E-903 Solar Absorptance, Reflectance, and Transmittance of Surfaces Using
Integrated Spheres
ASTM-E-5213 Specification for Polyimide Film
ESA PSS--O1-701 European Space Agency MLI Standards

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

CR Contractor Report
HDBK Handbook
MIL Military Specification
NHB NASA Handbook
PROC Procedure
SP NASA Special Publication
STD Standard
TM NASA Technical Memorandum

3.1 Applicable Documents

Define and control materials and processes by engineering drawings, specifications, or standards
whenever possible. Select U.S. Government and industry specifications in accordance with MIL-STD-
970, except that NASA documents shall be considered first in the order of precedence.

3.2 Processing

All materials used in making an MLI blanket shall be treated as flight- or program-critical hardware
from the time they are received (fig. 5). This requirement extends to all vendors in the manufacturing chain.
Do not handle materials with bare hands or expose them to uncontrolled or corrosive environments. Do not
pull or unnecessarily wrinkle materials as this may stress the layers and lead to defects that do not appear
until after launch.

Separation of the radiation barriers is maintained by lightweight, low-thermal conductivity materials

between the reflectors. Avoid tautness of the MLI blankets. MLI requires an atmospheric pressure of
<10 -5 torr to prevent convection and gas conduction between radiation barriers. At pressures > 10 -5 torr,
the conductivity of the MLI quickly reverts to approximately the conductivity of air, thus degrading the
MLI blanket's protection.

3.3 Materials Traceability

Consider organic materials used in the fabrication and assembly of MLI as age life-limited and
treated accordingly. Traceability includes documenting the storage and handling conditions from the item
of manufacture or receipt through the assembly of the complete vehicle.

The designer will ensure, by way of a Materials Usage Agreement (MUA), that materials used in
the fabrication of MLI blanket hardware meet all of the spacecraft materials requirements by considering
the nonoperational and operational requirements for the particular application, design engineering properties
of the candidate materials, and total program cost effectiveness. These requirements include, but are not
limited to, nonoperational and operational thermal limits, loads, fluid environments, charged particles,
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, electrical bonding and grounding, contamination, and life expectancy. Ground
transportation, storage, handling, and spacecraft on-orbit conditions will also be considered during materials

In general, MLI materials fall into two broad categories of base materials, inorganic and organic, to
which various coatings are applied. The primary materials (and principal trade names) are:

Inorganic: Fiberglass woven cloth (Beta cloth)

Organic: Polyester or PET (Mylar), polytetrafluoroethylene or PFTE (Teflon), polyimide (Kapton),
polyfluorovinyl or PVF (Tedlar).



Figure 5. (a) A technician checks the thickness of MLI components as they are assembled into
a complete blanket assembly. Note that she is wearing latex gloves, a hair cover,
and safety glasses. T-shaped objects to the rear are large plastic clips (the same as for
potato chip bags) to gently hold MLI sets together. Also note that blanket materials farther
back on the table are covered with bagging plastic. (b) Two technicians, also wearing
gloves and face masks, hold a completed blanket. It includes hook-and-pile fastener strips
at top and right, and a neatly stitched cutout strip, from the left side, for a protrusion
(Boeing photos).


4.1 Standard Blanket Layers

4.1.1 Outer Cover

The outer cover material will be resistant to shedding, flaking, and other forms of particulate
generation. Outer cover materials that are not opaque to UV radiation will have a metallized reflector layer
acting as a light block directly under the outer cover with no separator layer. Outer cover materials which
are aluminized will have the aluminized side facing the interior of the blanket. Peel tests should be specified
since aluminized Beta cloth can lose its metal coatings with light handling. Where external optical property
requirements cannot be met with these listed outer cover materials, an MUA will be submitted to obtain
approval for an alternative cover material. Where electrostatic discharge may result in spacecraft electronic
systems damage, a conductive coating should be evaluated for an outer cover. The outer cover standard
blanket layers are shown in table 1.

A tight weave is essential for long-term durability of Beta cloth in atomic oxygen (AO).
NASA TM-104748 contains data on the failure of a looser weave Beta cloth (Sheldahl G414500) to protect
underlying layers from AO attack. Looser weave Beta cloth may be acceptable for use in spacecraft areas
not exposed to AO.

Prolonged exposure to UV radiation may increase the solar absorptance of Beta cloth if a
methylsiloxane agent is used during processing. Less methylsiloxane or a different additive altogether may
be used, dependent on flexibility requirements. Batch testing of Beta cloth is recommended where
maintenance of optical properties is essential, by an exposure of 500 equivalent Sun hours to UV radiation
in vacuum, which is sufficient to start the yellowing process. It is essential that the UV radiation testing of
Beta cloth be performed in vacuum, otherwise atmospheric bleaching may cancel out any effect of UV.
This testing may not be necessary for Beta cloth to be exposed to AO on orbit, since AO will maintain the
solar absorptance through bleaching.

4.1.2 Reflector Layers

Generally, reflector layers need an outer cover for protection from space environment effects. Organic
material is heavily attacked by AO, reducing the effectiveness of the insulation. Most MLI blanket designs
call for the reflector layers to be perforated to allow venting during ascent to prevent ballooning. Vent
placement is critical for space optics applications to prevent contaminant deposition. If the reflector layers
are not perforated, leaving some areas of the blanket unsewn may allow enough venting through the blanket
seams. Designers will find references to perforation and porolation (pores) in manufacturers' data sheets.
Both terms refer to holes in the reflector layers, made either by a needle (perforation) or a hole punch
(porolation). Because many patterns, hole sizes, and hole densities are available, no data are listed here on
reflector holes.

Table 1. Standard blanket layers, outer cover.

ldaterial BetaCloth BetaCloth, Ted,, Kaplon, Teflon, Tollon,

Aluminized Reinforced Coated
&Backed Backed Coated
& Backed

Specification Rk.MB0135-027 Rk.MB0135-027

Description Fiberglass
woven Fiberglass woven PVFreinforced
with Kapton,trans- FEPTeflon, Teflon,
clothimpregnatedclothimpregnatedopenweaveNomex parentindium tin vacuum deposited indiumtinoxide
withPTFETeflon withPTFETeflon bonded w/polyesteroxideconductive silverandInconel conductive
(500F:nosilicone) withoneside adhesive,
oneside Fcoatingand backinglayers andsilverilnconel
aluminized aluminized aluminumbacking backing

Vendors Chemfab Chemfab,

Ounmore Sheldahl,
Dunmore Sheldahl,

Weave Plain Plain

(_n.) 32x24(85x60) 32x24(85x60) N/A N/A ! NIA N/A
Yarnfiberdiam,mm(in.) 0.00(104
(0.00016) 0.00004(0.00016)

cm(in.) 0.020(0.008) 0.020(0.008) 0.01(0.004)+20% [1] (1] [1]

2) 0.0237(0.44) 0.0271((3.5) [11 (2] [3]

Warp,ko/cm(Ib/in) 16(90) 16(90) - - -
Fill,ko/cm(Ib/in) 10.7(60) 10.7(GO)

at break,
% rain
Warp G.5 6.5 70 300 300
Fill 2.0 2.0 70 300 300

kg(Ib),min. 0.82(1.8) 0.82(1.8) - -

"C(1:) -72/107
Continuous,min/rnax < 204(400) <2o4
(400) (-100/225) -73/65 -184/150 -73/65
(-100/150) (300/300) (-100/150)
rain/max <175(350) -184/260

% 17-22 17-22 -

_ 350 -

fl/square 250,000 250,000

(a),min. 0.45(whiteside) 0.37(VDAside) 0.30 [1] 0.10 0.14

(e),max. 0.80(whiteside) 0.30(VDAside) 0.80 [11 12] [31

compatibility AO,UV AO,UV Soort-termAO Short-term
AO Short-term
k,O Short-term
Lon0-termUV Long-termLIV Long-termIN


andinlraredemissivitylot coversofvaryiq thicknesses
[1]Kapton [2] Teflon,
backed [3]Teflon,
cm(mil) gm/cm2(Ib/yd
2) a e gnt/cm
2} e grWcm
2) e
0.0019(0.034) 0A1 0.50 o.oo2s(o.o51)
i(I.011 0.0036(0.66) 0.44 0.62 0.0055(0.10) 0.48
o bi2.mI O.0071(0.131) 0.49 0.71 0.011(0.20) 0.60 0.011(0.20) 0.60
0.011(0.20) 0.51 0.77
_._ _13.o1i 0.019(0.34) 0.54 0.81 0.027(0.50) 0.75 0.02710.50) 0.75
i0.019_ 0.055
(0.75) O.SO
(1.01) 0.85

Also to be considered in designing an MLI blanket is how many reflector layers are needed to
achieve the desired thermal effect on the protected surface. Long-term low-Earth orbit (LEO) spacecraft
generally use 15 to 20 reflector layers.

The metallized coating shall be 99.99 percent pure metal, vacuum-deposited onto the polymer film
substrate with satisfactory adhesion. The coating will be uniform with a bright metallic color and free from
significant discoloration. Discolored areas will be evaluated for emissivity standards (use ASTM-E408-
71). Minimize scratching of the metallized film during blanket layup and handling.

Table 2 shows the different reflector layers and their characteristics.

Table 2. Reflector layers.

Material AluminizedKapton GoldlzedKapton AluminizedMylar Polyezler Teflon

Specification MDAC-STM0691, Rockwell MB0135-038, MDAC STM0691,

i Type II, Class 1, TypeII, Class1, Type II, Class 1,
GradeA GradeA Grade A

Description Singleor double Single or double Doublealuminized Single or double Single or double
aluminized goldized aluminized aluminized

Vendors Sheldahl, Dunmore Sheldahl Sheldahl, Dunmore Sheldahl, Dunmore Sheldahl, Dunmore

Thickness,mm (mil) 0.0076-0.127 (0.3-5.0) 0.0076-0.127 (0.3-5.0) 0.0051-0.127 (0.2-5) 0.00006-0.0013 0.00003-0.0013
metal,A 1,000 750 1,000 (0.25-5); 300 (0.1-5); 300

Weight,gm/cm2 (oz/yd2)
0.0051 mm(0.2 mil) 0.0007 (0.013)
0.0064 mm (0.25 mil) 0.00093 (0.017)
0.0076 mm (0.3 mil) 0.0011 (0.020) 0.0011 (0.020)
0.013 mm (0.5 rail) 0.0019 (0.034) 0.0019 (0.034) i 0.0017 (0.031)
0.025 mm (1.0 mil) 0.0036 (0.066) 0.0036 (0.066) 0.0033 (0.060)
0.051 mm (2.0 mil) 0.0071 (0.131) 0.0071 (0.131) 0.0066 (0.12)
0.076 mm (3.0 mil) 0.011 (0.20) 10.011 (0.20) 0.0104 (0.19)
0.127 mm (5.0 mil) 0.019 (0.34) 0.019(0.34) 0.0175 (0.32)

Temperature,"C('F) 26o(5oo) 260(500)

Continuous,max/min -250/+288 (-420/550) -250/288(-420/550 ) -250193 (-420/200)11]
Intermittent,max/min -250/+400 (-420/750) -420/750 (-250/400) -250/150 (-4201300)

0.14;0.12 0.30; 0.28 0.14;0.12 <0.14 <0.14

a (max/typ)

<0.04 <0.04
Infraredemittance,e 0.05;0.03[21 0.04; 0.02 [21 0.05; 0.03 131

Typicalemittancefrom noncoatedside

[1] Temperaturerangefor double-aluminized Mylarmay be limited [2] Kapton,single goldized . [3] Mylar, singlealuminized
to 120 "C(250 "F) dependingonsensitivityof blanket design to Thickness,cm (in.) a e I Thickness,cm (in.) a e
shrinkage.Shrinkingtheblanketbefore installationis advised. 0.00076(0.0003) 0.31 I 0.50I 0.00064(0.0oo25)I o.16 I 0.33 I
0.0013(0.0005) 0.31 I 0.55 I 0.0013(0.0005) I 0.16 I 0.46 I
0.0025(0.001) 0.33 I 0.65 I 0.0025(0.001) [ 0.19 I 0.57 I
0.0051 (0.6O2) 0,34 I 0.75 I 0.0051 (0.002) I 0.23 I 0.72 I
0.oo76(0.oo3) 0.37 I 0.81 I 0.0076(0.003) I 0.25I 0.77 I
0.0127 (0.005) 0.41 I 0.86 I 0.0127(0.005) I 0'27 I 0'81 I

4.1.3 Separator Layers

Place separator layers between each reflector layer and between reflector layers and the inner
(a)and outer covers or other surfaces. See table 3 for Dacron and Nomex netting separator layers.

Table 3. Separator layers.

Material DacronNetting Nomex Netting

Specification Rockwell MB0135-042,


Description 100% polyesterfabric 100% Nomex aramid

mesh1 fabric mesh2

Vendors ApexMills Stem & SternTextiles,

J.P. Stevens

Thickness,mm (in.) 0.16 + 0.01 (0.0065 in.±0.0005) 0.16 + 0.01 (0.0065 in.:L-0.0005)

Meshes/cm2 (in.2) 7.8±1.2 (50 ± 8) 7.9±1.2 (51±8)
Denierfilaments 40 40

Wei0ht, gm/rn 2 (oz/yd2) 6.3 _+0.85 (0.185 _+0.025) 6.3 _+0.85 (0.185±0.025)

Burst strength,kg/cm 5.625 (10) 5.625 (10)


Temperaturerange -70 +120 (-94 +250) continuous -70 +120 (-94 +250) continuous
continuous,"C(*F) -70 +177 (-94 +350) intermittent -70 +177 (-94 +350) intermittent

1 Dacronnettingmay shrinkand melt above 177 "C(350 "F)

2 Nomex nettingmay containa phthalateplasticizeraddedfor flexibility. The plasticizershouldbe
removed by chemicalmeans or vacuum bakeoutbeforeassembly of the blanket,

4.1.4 Inner Cover

The inner cover is adjacent to or faces the underlying hardware. This is not always included in MLI
designs. The reinforcement in these films and single aluminizations must face the MLI blanket. Mylar film
is not recommended for inner cover use because of flammability concerns. Materials with Nomex scrim
should be checked for the presence of a phthalate plasticizer sometimes added for flexibility. This plasticizer
should be removed through chemical means or baked out if the blanket is to be used with or near sensitive
optics. Often, the inner layer is not metallized in order to reduce the chance of an electrical short.

In recent years, vendors have started offering complex laminates comprising reflective, impact-
resistant, and structural materials plus several metal coatings, all in a single layer. Because so wide a range
is available, only a few are included in table 4. See table 4 for reinforced Kapton inner covers and table 5
for multilaminate inner covers.

Table4. ReinforcedKaptoninner cover.

Material Aluminized Double Goldlzed Glass Ralnlorced

Specification MDAC-STM0691,Type II, Class2, Rockwell MB0135-048, Type II, LAC-22-4448(G); varieswith the film
GradeB Class2, GradeB andfabric used

Description Polyimidereinforcedwith aramid Double goldizedpolyimidereinforced Aluminizedpolyimdewith fiberglass

(Nomexor equivalent)open weave with aramid (Nomexor equivalent) backing
fabric; 1 or 2-side aluminum open weavescrim fabric.

Vendors Dunmore,ComplexPlastics Dunmore, ComplexPlastics Dunmore,Sheldahl

Availablethicknesses,mm (in.) 0.013, 0.025, 0.0762 0.01 (0.00045) ± 56% 0.01 (0.00045) ± 56%
(0.0005, 0.001, 0.003) ± 20%

Metallizedthicknesses,A 1,000 750 300

Reinforcement Lenoweave,6.3x5.9/cm (16 x15/in.) Lenoweave,6.3x5.9/cm (16 x15/in.) 1070 or 108 fiberglass
yam countof 200 denier yam yarn count of 2_) denieryarn

Ply adhesion,kg/cm (Ib/in.) 0.054 (0.3) 0.054 (0.3) 0.18 (1.0)

Tearresistance,kg (Ib) rain avg 1.4 (3) 1.4 (3) 1 (2.2)

Tensilestrength,ko/cm (Ib/in.)
Warp 7.14 (40) 4.46 (25) 17.85 (100)
Fill 7.14 (40) 3.57 (20) 17.85 (100)

Elongation,% avg.
Warp 50 9 50
Fill 50 ;5 50

Porotation, pinholes/m2 (ft2) 145,300±2152 (13,500 ± 200) 145,300±2152 (13,500 ± 200) N/A
(Lightvisiblethrough90% of holes) Openarea 3% of surface

Weight,gm/m2 (oz/yd2) 50 (1.47) - 50 (1.47)

Infrared emittance(e) 0.06 aluminizedside 0.04 coatedside <0.04

0.4 reinforcedside 0.2 coated, reinforcedside

Table 5. Reinforced multilaminate inner cover.

Material Double Nomex Laminate Kevlar/KaplonLaminate LightweightLaminate

Specification LockheedMartin/Denver,0-06149(H) LockheedMartin/Denver, 0-06149(H) BoeingD683-29034-1(D)

Description Aluminumcoated Corrosionresistant,perforated Aluminumcoated,perforated

Vendors Ounmore,Shsidahl Dunmore,Sheldahl Dunmore,Sheldahl

Layer sequence Teflon,aluminumcoated FEP,aluminum coated 0.5 Kapton,aluminum coated

Nomax Kevlar Nomex,aluminum coated
0.3 Kapton,aluminumcoated 0.5 Kapton,aluminum coated
0.5 FEP,aluminumcoated DB-15 corrosioncoating
0.3 Kapton,aluminumcoated
DB-15 corrosioncoating

Tensilestrength,kg/cm (Ib/in.) 8.0 (45) 8.0 (45) 8.0 (45)

Tear strength,kg (Ib) 4.5 (10) 4.5 (10) 4.5 (10)

Materialyield, gm/m2 (oz/yd2) 74 (2.18) 74 (2.18) 74 (2.18)

Maximumtemperature,"C ('F) <121 (<250) <121 (<250) <121 (<250)

Emittance(e) <0.04 <0.04 <0.04

Absorptance(a) <0.14 <0.14 <0.14

* Aluminumcoatingsare 356 ,_ for Dunmore,1,000 A for Sheldahl

4.2 Thread Selection

4.2.1 Thread Selection for Nonexposed MLI Seams

Seams which are not exposed to AO in the LEO environment will be stitched with nonmelting
polymeric thread. The thread will be free of wax, paraffin, and other volatile finishes. Table 6 shows the
various thread selections.

Table 6. Threads for nonexposed MLI seams.

Material NomexThread NylonThread NylonThread Reinforced KevlarThread

Specification MIL-T-43636, TypeII, Size E MIL-T-43636, TypeI, Size E MIL-T--43636, TypeI, Size F

Description Aramid,nonmelting, low Aramid,nonmelting,low- Aramid, nonmelting,low- Polyimidethreadw/stainless

volatilecontent thread,no volatile contentthread volatilecontent thread steel wire reinforcementand
siliconefinish Teflon coating

Vendors Synthetic ThreadCo. SyntheticThreadCo. SyntheticThreadCo. AlphaAssociates

Diameter, mm (in.) 0.41 (0.016) 0.41 (0.016) 0.46 (0.018) 0.43 (0.017)


Twist, tums/cm (in.) 3.3 (8.5) 3.3 (8.5) 3.1 (8) 3.3 (8.5)

Yield, m/kg (fl/Ib), max, rain 4167, 4560 4288, 5980 3226, 3407 1988
2813, 3078 (6200, 6784) 2895, 4038 (6380, 8899) 2178, 2300 (4800, 5070) 1343 (2959)

Breaking strength, kg (Ib) 2.36 (5.2) 2.36 (5.2) 3.13 (6.9) 9.07 (20)

Elongation, maximum % 38 38 38 (not available)

Maximum operation temp., <329 (625) <329 (625) <329 (625) <371 (700)
"C('F) 25% fail @ 371 (700) 25% fail @ 371 (700) 25% fail @ 371 (700)

4.2.2 Thread Selection for Exposed MLI Seams

Seams that are exposed to the LEO environment will use thread that is resistant to AO erosion and
UV degradation for the anticipated mission life (see table 7). Manufacturing MLI blankets with glass or
ceramic thread may be diffficult due to sewing needle wear and thread breakage. Where design requirements
or manufacturing capabilities do not allow for glass or ceramic thread to be used, organic thread may be
used provided that it is protected with an AO-resistant cover. Where possible, metallic yam will not be used
in standard seams because of its tendency to cause heat shorts, although proper blanket design can mitigate
this problem. If metallic thread is necessary to comply with electrical bonding requirements, the amount of
thread used will be the minimum amount required to meet the grounding requirements and will meet
blanket thermal requirements.

An AO-resistant thread was developed by Coats America, but is no longer marketed due to lack of
sales. It was developed through a NASA Small Business Independent Research program.

Table7. Threadsfor exposedMLI seams.

Material QuartzThread Glass Thread Coated w/PTFE Reinforced Glass Thread Nexte1312,440
Coated w/PTFE

Specification MIL--C-20079, TypeIII, MIL-C-20079, Type III, MIL-C-20079, Type III, 3M ceramic materials
Class3 Classes3 and 4 Class6

Description High-temperaturequartz Fiberglasscoatedwith PTFE Fiberglassreinforcedwith Aluminum borosilicate

thread Teflon stainlesssteelwire and ceramicthread combined
coatedwith PTFETeflon with Rayon

Vendors AlphaAssociates, AlphaAssociates, AlphaAssociates, 3M

W. F. Lake Corp. W.F. Lake Corp. W.F. Lake Corp.

% weight, otherthread 16 to 24, PTFE 13 to 16, PFTE 13 to 16, PTFE 10, Rayon1

Temperaturerange,"C('F) -240 to 1,093 (--400 to -240 to+316 (--400 to +600) -240 to+316 (-400 to +600) <300 (572)

I Rayon fibers improve sewability. Rayon is susceptible to AO; loss may affectabrasion resistance but not overall strength of the thread. Nexte1312 fibers
can withstand temperatures up to 1,204 "C(2,200 "F); Nexte1440 to 1,370 "C(2,500 "F').

Thread Properties

QuarlzThread TFQ-12 TFQ-18 TFQ-24

Diameter,mm (in.) 0.356 (0.014) 0.432 (0.017) 0.508 (0.020)

Yield,m/k0 (yd/Ib) 1982 (2950) 1327 (1975) 991 (1475)
Tensile stren0th, kg (Ib) 5.44 (12) 9.07 (20) 10.89 (24)

Glass Thread

Diameter,mm (in.) 0.356 (0.014) 0.432 (0.017) 0.533 (0.021) 0.686 (0.027)* 0.762 (0.030)*
Yield, m/kg (yd/Ib) 1982 (2,950) 1327 (1,975) 991 (1,475) 773 (1,150) 252 (375)
Tensilestrength,kg (Ib) 5.4 (12) 9 (20) 10.9 (24) 15.9 (35) 22.7 (50)

ReinforcedGlass Thread TFE-12 TFE-18 TFE-24

Diameter,mm (in.) 0.36 (0.014) 0.43 (0.017) 0.53 (0.021)

Yield, m/kg (yd/Ih) 2015 (3000) 1343 (2000) 1007 (1500)
Tensilestrength, kg (Ib) 5.4 (12) 9.1 (20) 10.9 (24)

Nexte1312, 440 AT-21 AT-28 AT-32 BT-28 BT-32

Diameter,mm (in.) 0.533 (0.021) 0.711 (0.028) 0.813 (0.032) 0.711 (0.028) 0.813 (0.032)
Yield, m/kg (yd/Ib) 1,007 (1,500) 672 (1,000) 504 (750) 585(870) 430(640)
Tensile strength, kg (Ib) 4.5 (10) 6.4 (14) 7.3 (16) 6.4 (14) 6.4 (14)

*May not be suitable for sewing

4.3 Adhesives

Low-outgassing, silicone-based adhesives meeting the requirements of SP-R-0022A may be used

to bond low-temperature fasteners to a structure. These silicone adhesives may not be used on surfaces
directly exposed to LEO environment or on surfaces expected to reach temperatures of 204 °C (400 °F) or
more. It is recommended after applying adhesive the bond will be allowed to set for at least 24 hr before
installation on the hardware. Heat application, up to 66 °C (150 °F), may also be used to improve adhesion.

4.4 Adhesive Tape

All pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) tape used on the outer covers or environmentally exposed
surfaces of MLI blanket assemblies will be tacked every 2.5 to 5 cm (1 or 2 in.) with an AO-resistant thread.
All tape used on the external surfaces of inner covers which are not exposed to LEO environment may be
hand-tacked every 2.5 to 5 cm ( 1 or 2 in.) with nylon thread. A hard rubber roller or equivalent is recommended
for applying pressure during tape application.

4.4.1 PSA Tape, Plain

Adhesive transfer tapes may be applied to thin films where a good bond is ensured. Table 8 lists
specifications for plain PSA tape.

Table 8. PSA tape, plain.

Material ScotchAdhesiveTape, ScotchAdhesiveTape, ScotchAdhesive Tape, Tedlar Tape

3M Y966 3M 9460 3M Y9473


Description Polyimidew/966 PSA Polyimidew/9460 PSA Polyimide w/9473 PSA Tedlar film w/3MY966

Vendors 3M, Ounmore 3M, Dunmore 3M, Dunmore Complex Plastics,


Substrate film thickness,mm (in.) 0.05 (0.002) 0.05 (0.002) 0.25 (0.01) 0.1 (0.004)

Maximum operation temp., "C('F') 160 (<320)

Continuous <150 (300) 149 (300)
Intermittent <260 (500) 260 (500)

Peeladhesion,90" @ 1m/rain (1 ft/min.)

Aluminum,onYcm (oz/in.) 1,340 (120) 547 (49)
Stainlesssteel 547 (49) 1,407 (126)
Acrylicplastic 1,273 (114)
Polycarbonate 1,005 (90)

Flight HST -

4.4.2 PSA Tape, Glass or Glass Fabric Impregnated

A contact-adhesive-backed, glass-fabric tape can be used on the outer cover and any seams stitched
with organic thread that need AO protection (table 9). It is desirable to have tape with optical properties
identical to those of the outer cover, but tape with different optical properties may be used as long as the
performance of the entire blanket is not significantly degraded.

4.4.3 PSA Tape, Metallized

A contact-adhesive-backed metallic tape may be used on the reflective layers and the inner cover of
the MLI blanket provided that it meets the optical property requirements of the blanket (table 10). The
metallic foil will be dead soft, uniform, clean, and free of corrosion. Neither the liner nor the foils will be
wrinkled or buckled. The adhesive coat shall be smooth and uniformly applied, without voids, streaks, or
foreign materials.

Table 9. PSA tape, glass fabric.

Tellon (PTFE)-ImpregnatedGlassCloth Tape Polyimide

Material Plain Aluminized Goldlzed Aluminized

Specification MDACSTM0692 MDACSTM0692 RockwellMB0135-059 LMC LAC24-4686 & 4687

Description w/3M 5451 siliconePSA Aluminizedon one side, Gold coatedon oneside, w/108 fiberglass, 966 PSA,
3M Y966 acrylicPSA 3M Y966 acrylic PSA 1st or 2ridcoating

Vendors Sheldahl 3M, Sheldahl, Dunmore Sheldahl Dunmore,Shetdahl

Widths,cm (in.) 2.54, 5.08 (t, 2) 2.54, 5.08 (1, 2) 2.5, 5.1,7.6, 10.2 (1,2, 3, 4) -

Substrate filmthickness,mm (in.) 0.15 (0.006) 0.08 (0.0032) + 10% 0.08 (0.0032) + 10% 0.18 (.007)

Weight,gm/m2 (odyd2) 9.15 (27) - -

Tensilestrength,kg/cm (Ib/in.) 12.5 (70) 2.14 (12) 2.14 (12) 000 (24K psi)

Elongation,% max. - 10 10

Unwindforce, gm/cm (odin.) - 447 (40) 447 (40)

Paneladhesion, gm/cm(odin.) 391 (35) 447 (40) 447 (40) 279 (25)

Continuous -73 to +204 (-100 to+400) <149 (<300)
Intermittent <260 (500)

Infrared emittance, _, max 0.04 0.04 0.14 (1st) 0.39 (2nd)

Absorptance, _, max - - 0.04 (1st) 0.62 (2nd)

Resistance,EL/square - - _<250,000

Table 10. PSA tape, metallized.

Material Kaplon, Aluminized Kapton, Goldized Mylar Teflon

Specification MDAC STM0695, Type I RockwellMB0135-050, Dunmore Dunmore

Type II, 3M 848

Description Polyimdefilm, 3M 966 PSA, Polyimdefilm, 3M 848 Polyethylene teraphthalate PFTEw/aluminum2nd

aluminumcoating PSA, gold coating film, PSA alumiumcoat. sudace

Vendors Dunmore,Sheldahl 3M, Sheldahl ComplexPlastics, Sheldahl, Dunmore, Sheldahl


Thickness,mm (in.)
Substrate 0.013-0.025 (0.0005-0.001) 0.025 (0.001) - 0.051 (0.002)
Total 0.064-0.076 (0.0025-0.003) 0.051 (0.002) 0.102 (0.004)

Tensilestrengthkg/cm (Ib/in.) 4.64 (26) 4.64 (26) - -

Unwindforce, gm/cm(odin.) - 447 (40) - -

Adhesion,gm/cm (odin.) 279-447 (25-40) 145 (13) - 279 (25)

Infrared emittance,¢ 0.64 (See 1) 0.04 0.05 <0.04

Absorptance,¢x 0.14-0.39 - - <.0.14

1TypeIII Kaptontapehas thesame requirements exceptthat there =sno requirementfor emissivity.Kaptontape is also availablein 0.013 mm (0.0005 in.)

4.4.4 Conductive Tape

A PSA tape with conductive adhesive may be used in conjunction with a grounding strap to ground
the layers of an MLI blanket. The tape is folded between the metallized reflective layers. See section 7.1 for
grounding concerns. Optical property requirements are not as important as the conductive properties of the
tape. See table 11 for conductive tape characteristics.

Table 11. Conductive tape.

Material Aluminum Tape DM-106, DM-140 M006061


Description PSAw/conductive BlackE7 polyimidewith BlackE7 polyimidewith

particles1 966PSA2 966PSA3

Vendors 3M Dunmore Dunmore

Thickness, mm (in.)
Substratefilm 0.102 (0.004) 0.025 (0.001) 0.025 (0.001)
Total 0.076 (0.003) 0.076 (0.003)

Tensile strength, - 3,022 (17,000) 3,022 (17,000)

kg/cm (Ib/in.)

Unwind force, gm/cm


(odin.) 279 (25) 279 (25)

Resistance,[_]square <109 <4 x 109 <109

Infrared emittance, 0.05 (max) >0.81 >0.81

Absorptance,ct - <0.95 <0.95

1Must be bakedout beforeflight

2Availablewith aluminum coating
3Availablewith 9703 conductivePSA (M006061).

4.5 Fasteners

The layout of the fasteners of an MLI blanket assembly shall be specified on the assembly drawings.

4.5.1 Hook-and-Pile Fasteners

Hook-and-pile fasteners may be used to attach MLI blanket joints and assemblies. The hooks may
be attached to the structure or the MLI blanket by approved adhesives applied to the fastener tape. Hook
fasteners may also be attached mechanically, such as riveting, to the spacecraft, provided that structural
stress and fatigue factors are considered. The pile fastener may be sewn to the blanket or attached by
ultrasonic welding using an approved adhesive. This weld operation shall be through the entire blanket to
inhibit inner layer shifting.

Flammability requirements limit the use of hook-and-pile fasteners to a maximum of 930 cm 2 (12
in. 2) per application with at least 5 cm (2 in.) separation in all directions from other applied hook-and-pile

18 Organic Hook-and-Pile Fasteners. Flight experience indicates that hook-and-pile fasteners
made from organic materials may be used on surfaces that will not be directly exposed to the LEO
environment for more than a few hours. When designing these fasteners for an LEO environment, allow 6-
12 mm (0.25-0.5 in.) overhang of the blanket assembly to prevent AO erosion, either through direct contact
or scattering. A major contractor required 5 cm (2 in.) flaps of Beta cloth for International Space Station
blankets. Hook-and-pile fasteners are generally available in 2.5-cm (1-in.) widths but may also be available
in widths of 1.6 cm (0.625 in.), 1.9 cm (0.75 in.), 3.8 cm (1.5 in.), and 5 cm (2 in.). To prevent unraveling,
do not slit fastener tapes lengthwise or trim selvage edges. Fastener tapes may be slit widthwise for forming
into an arc or adjustment around a protrusion. Table 12 lists various organic hook-and-pile fasteners.

Table 12. Organic hook-and-pile fasteners.

Material AstroVelcroFastener Nomex Fasteners Nylon Fasteners Polyester Fasteners

Specification MIL-F-21840 MIL-F--21840, TypeI, MIL-F.-21840, Type II, MIL-F-21840, TypeII,

Class2 Class1 Class3

Description Hookfastenertapeof Hookfastenertapemade Hookand pile fastener Hook-and-pilefastener

polyesterhookson Beta of Nylon hookson tapes made of nylon tapes made of polyester
glassground, pile Nomex ground, pile
fastener tapeof Teflon fastenertapeof 100%
loopsonBetaglass Nomex

Vendors Velcro USA Inc. Velcro USAInc., Aplix Velcro USAInc., Aplix Velcro USA Inc., Aplix

Hookand loop filament size, mm (in.) 0.2 (0.008) 0.17 (0.007) 0.2 (0.008) 0.2 (0.008)

Hooks/linear cm (in.) 110 (280) 112 (285) 100 (255) 75 (191)

Hooktape breaking strength, kg (Ib) min N/A 70.3 (t 55) 56.7 (125) 72.6 (160), 1O0pile

Loop tape breaking strength, kg (Ib) rain N/A 65.3 (144) 45.4 (100) 54.4 (120), 100 pile

Compositeshear strength,kg (Ib) min 6.8 (15) 6.8 (15) 6.8 (15) 10.8 (24)

Compositepeel strength,kg (Ib) rain 0.40 N/A N/A N/A

Temperaturerange, "C('F) -57 to +93 (-70 to 200)

Comments Recommendedfor high OKfor a few cyclesof UV

temperatureapplications or chemicalinteraction

Data for these materials are given for 2.5-cm- (1-in.-) wide tapes. Hooks are generally placed every
four picks on the ground fabric, loops are every three picks. Composite shear strength is tested with 7.6 cm
(3 in.) overlap of hook-and-pile tapes. Metallic Hook-and-Pile Fasteners. Metallic hook-and-pile fasteners (table 13) may be
used on surfaces that will be exposed to AO for longer times than organic fasteners. These fasteners shall
meet thermal requirements. Metallic hook-and-pile fasteners will not be considered for more than 10 peel
cycles. If the fastener is expected to exceed 10 peel life cycles, then a combination of organic and metallic
hook-and-pile fasteners may be used where the organic material is not exposed to AO. However, this
combination has a lower adhesion strength and will require more adhesion area to fulfill strength

Table13.Metallic hook-and-pilefasteners.

Material Hl-Garde Stainless Steel


Specification MIL-F-21840

Description Hook-and-pilefastener
tapes made of

Vendors VelcroUSA Inc.

Hooksize, mm (in.) 0.1 (0.004)

Hooks/linearcm (in.) 98 (250)

Hooktape breakingstrength, kg (Ib) rain 45.4 (100)

Loop tape breakingstrength,kg (Ib) rain 45.4 (100)

Compositeshearstrength, kg (Ib) rain 6.8 (15)

Temperaturerange, "C('F) -40 to +427 (-40 to +800)

4.5.2 Laces and Hand Ties

In many cases it is necessary or desirable to attach MLI blankets to each other or to a spacecraft by
hand ties or laces. Laces should be taut and have no slack that will let the blanket shift and expose protect
areas or break away. Neither should the laces be pulled so tight as to cause the blanket to bunch or pucker.
At their ends, the laces should be tied offin a square knot that is snugged down to the fabric (note: a granny,
which resembles a square knot, is unacceptable). The tips of the laces shall be protected to ensure that they
do not unravel.

Laces should attach to the MLI blanket either by cloth or other loops attached to the exterior of the
blanket, or by metal grommets that penetrate the blanket. In the latter case, the blankets to be attached in
this manner should be designed so a flap of material passes over the two edges that are to be laced, thus
ensuring that the gap between the laces or the blanket does not allow sunlight or gases to pass through. The
covering flap should then be secured in place.

Holes for the laces shall be protected with aluminum grommets which provide a firm grip on the
blanket and prevent tears from propagating from the hole. The grommets are coated, if necessary, to protect
MLI fibers or films where they are punctured. See table 14 for fiat and round braid lacing tapes and tie

Table14.Lacing tapesandtie cords.

Material Flat Braid Round Braid

Specification See below See below

Description PTFEcoatedbefore PTFEcoatedbefore

braiding braiding

Vendors W.F. Lake W.F. Lake

Yield,m/kg (yd/Ib) 446-872 (220.-432) 730-2332 (360-1150)

Thickness,turn (in.) 0.2-0.5 (0.007-0.018) N/A

Width, mm (in.) 3.2-1.2 (0.125-0.47) N/A

Diameter,mm (in.) N/A 0.7-1.2 (0.027-0.047)

Breakstrength, kg (Ib) 68.1-18.1 (150-40) 36.3-22.7 (80-50)

Elongation,% <5 <5

Temperature,"C ('F) -240 to 288 (-400 -240 to 288 (-400

to 550) to 550)

MIL-T-43435B; MIL-C-20079H HamiltonStandard 539769
Martin STM-F-411, 417, 420 GeneralElectric 932A224
Lockheed 25-4066A U.S. Navy 17773All 18A007X
BoeingBAC 5170, 5157


5.1 Seams

Minimize the total length of seam in a blanket assembly to limit the reduction in blanket thermal
efficiency by heat shorts (the thread will conduct heat from the surface of the MLI blanket to the interior
structure). Seal edges of blankets by either adhesive transfer tape or by ultrasonic welding. Ensure that
welds have no discontinuities, and carefully trim off welding residuals, threads, and netting strands.

Continuous stitch lines (fig. 6) are best when the blanket configuration permits. Recommended
stitch length is four to eight stitches per inch (about one every 3 to 6 mm (0.12 to 0.24 in.)). If the thread
breaks or runs out in the middle of a stitch line, back up --25 mm (1 in.) and restart the stitch line. The new
stitch line will be restarted in a previously made needle hole to reduce blanket perforations. At the end of a
stitch line, backstitch --13 mm (0.5 in.) to secure the seam.

Figure 6. Several reflectors' layers are stitched to make a complete blanket

(photo courtesy of Boeing).

5.2 Billowing

Buttons may be used to sew the inner layer of the blanket to the outer layer to prevent billowing and
ripping. This is necessary with large blanket assemblies and will not be considered necessary for equipment
geometries of 15.2 cm (6 in.) diameter or less, such as fluid lines and equipment supports. Use buttons
made of UV- and AO-resistant materials, according to the environment expected. Buttons may be fixed by
a fiat, braided Kevlar or Nomex cord, or equivalent.

5.3 Tie Downs

Tie downs employ straps or clamps to fasten intersecting blanket assembly terminations to the
surrounding structure or equipment. Tie down materials will be protected from the space environment
unless they are made of resistant materials.


6.1 Atomic Oxygen

AO erodes most organic materials and will react with a number of metals and other inorganic
materials (fig. 7). The requirements for materials exposed to AO and AO reaction rates are given in NASA
TM- 1000351. All materials susceptible to AO erosion in structural applications, including stitching, buttons,
and groundings, shall be shielded from AO. MLI blanket surfaces which are exposed to AO shall be made
of AO-resistant materials that will maintain the thermal design requirements for the life of the blanket.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7. AO erosion is readily seen in scanning electron microscope images. Beta cloth
(a) before and (b) after exposure to AO. Note that the Teflon coating has been eroded,
but that the glass fibers remain intact. Samples of (c) Kapton and (d) silverized
Teflon are shown after exposure to AO on LDEE

6.2 Ultraviolet Radiation

Long-term exposure to UV radiation has been shown to cause significant changes in optical and
mechanical properties for various materials. Materials that will be exposed to UV radiation shall not embrittle
or show significant change in optical or mechanical properties for the life of the material. Note that UV
radiation combined with AO can cause reactions that might not take place in the presence of AO or UV
alone. In effect, the energies from both sources are additive.

6.3 Meteoroid/Orbital Debris Impacts

Exposed MLI blankets may be hit by micrometeoroids and orbital debris which may penetrate the
entire assembly and expose the underlying surfaces (fig. 8). Designers must consider whether to minimize
impacts with shielding or to allow for thermal performance degradation due to impacts. The amount of
damage to an MLI blanket during a mission may be calculated using NASA TM-104825 for orbital debris
impacts and NASA SP-8013 for meteoroid impacts. NASA SP-8038 may be used for predicting meteoroid
impacts for an interplanetary mission. Computer models, such as MLITEMP, have been developed to
predict insulative deterioration due to impact damage.

Note that much of the orbital debris problem is generated by launch vehicles and satellites and may
be expected to get worse over the next few decades as satellite launch rates increase. Debris can range from
fragments released during staging down to paint chips and bits of insulation that flake off during service
life. Designers thus carry the obligation to ensure that MLI materials contribute as little as possible to the
problem as they degrade during operation.

Blankets under shielding may experience damage by impacts through the shield with accompanying
debris and plasma spray. Place blankets as close as possible to the meteoroid/debris shield to minimize
damage to the blanket.

Figure 8. Multilayer insulation is easily penetrated by high-speed debris, as in this ballistic test
of a panel using a sample of Space Station materials. Lightweight, slower debris
poses a greater hazard to MLI which can erode with long exposure, especially when
coupled with AO and UV effects. These views cover a width of---15 cm (6 in.).

Long-termspacecraftmay needallowancesfor eventualreplacementof MLI blanketassemblies to
maintainthermalperformance.Designersshouldconsultthe operationalexperienceof astronautsand
cosmonautswho haveparticipatedin extravehicularrepairmissions.Forexample,the repairof the Solar
MaximumMission sawthecrewpatchthegoldizedKaptonon the telescopesectionaftercuttinginto it to
replaceanelectronicsunit.OnthesecondHubbleSpaceTelescope servicingmission(fig. 9), theastronauts
noticed severalareasof erodedMLI on the spacecraftexterior.They applied patch kits that hadbeen
suppliedfor suchan event.Otherlessonsto consultincludethe designfor replacementof larger units,
includingthe useof heavierconnectorsandfasteners.In somecasesit may bemoredesirableto replacea
module(possiblyby robot)andrepairthedetailsinsidethestationor aftertheelementis returnedto Earth.


(b) (c)

Figure 9. To protect areas where the MLI had degraded in orbit (a), astronauts applied MLI repair
patches (b) to the exterior of the Hubble Space Telescope (c) during the January 1997
servicing mission (STS-82). Such repair techniques will become more common
with expanded operation of long-duration spacecraft and the availability of humans
or robots to maintain them.

6.4 Contamination Control

Construction and assembly of MLI blankets shall meet the contamination control plan of the
spacecraft. The work area where assembly, disassembly, or testing of MLI blankets is accomplished shall
have minimal dust, particulate material, and condensate fumes. All tools, equipment, templates, holding
fixtures, or other structures which may contact the MLI shall be cleansed before use with a solvent having
a nonvolatile residue not exceeding 0.02 g/L. Solvents shall be compatible with the component materials so
that the materials are not damaged by normal cleaning operations. Work table surfaces shall have clean
protective covers when not in use. MLI blankets shall be handled with clean white gloves or powder-free
latex gloves suitable for clean room use. Workers shall wear clean laboratory smocks and practice good
housekeeping in the work area. Foot coverings shall be worn when working above the MLI blankets or
blanket installations and shall be removed when leaving the overhead location and replaced when returning
to the overhead location. Templates shall be used whenever possible during blanket fabrication.

Blankets shall be inspected for contamination before flight. Observed contaminations may be
removed by dry-wiping with a clean room wipe (Rymple cloth, Alpha 10 wipe, or other purified wiping
cloth) and vacuuming contaminants as required. When Beta cloth is used as an outer cover, vacuum with a
brush attachment in the direction of the fabric's warp. Cloth warp is in the direction of the raised fibers and
may be determined using a x 30microscope. Some manufacturers may place an alignment thread showing
the direction of the warp. A clean room wipe moistened with an appropriate solvent may also be used to
clean MLI blankets. However, avoid excessive wiping, cleaning, and solvent use. Replace blanket assemblies
that have been permanently degraded by contamination.

Because most launch sites are next to a beach, the MLI designer should be aware of the potential
exposure of MLI to salt spray and other corrosive agents. (Even inland launch sites have corrosion problems
comparable to those near beaches.) Most spacecraft will be handled inside clean rooms or in environmental
capsules for transit to the launch pad and installation on the launch vehicle. The Space Shuttle has ventilation
panels on the sides of the payload bay. While the bay normally is ventilated with dry air, the potential exists
for sea air or vehicle exhaust to enter the bay. MLI designs should take into account potential exposure to
airborne corrosion.


All finished MLI blanket assemblies shall meet the outgassing requirements of SP-R--0022A.
Materials that do not meet outgassing requirements shall undergo a component bakeout prior to assembly.
The recommended bakeout should comply with MSFC-SPEC-1238.

6.6 Plasma Effects

The presence of plasma (ionized gas) at LEO (<5,000 km (3,100 mi)) presents a medium for surface
and differential charging that can result in considerable potential difference between remote locations
dependent on the conductivity of the interconnecting materials. This can lead to static electric discharges
between the spacecraft and the ambient plasma, or between partially insulated elements of the spacecraft.
The final result can be severe damage to key electrical components, possibly resulting in loss of the spacecraft.


7.1 Electrical Bonding and Grounding

The number of grounding assemblies required depends on the size of the MLI blanket and the
environment. Blankets <1 m 2 (10.8 ft 2) in area may not require grounding. Two grounds shall be provided
for each blanket assembly >1 m 2 (10.8 ft 2) in area, with additional grounds for blankets larger than 4 m 2
(43.2 ft 2) in area. Grounding assemblies shall not keep blankets from meeting thermal requirements. Ground
locations shall be at least 2.54 cm (1 in.) away from other fasteners (fig. 10), and the blanket assembly may
not be welded together in the grounding area.

An example of a grounding assembly follows. Other designs may also be acceptable, providing
they meet the grounding and thermal requirements. Resistance through the assembly will be <1 ft.

Cut away the spacer netting in a 2.54-cm (1-in.) square. Apply grounding tape, such as aluminum
tape with conductive adhesive, continuously, accordion-style, between each blanket layer. Wrap the tape
around the inner and outer cover to complete a grounding path through the entire blanket. Additional tape
may be used to minimize contamination to the surrounding surfaces through venting or particulate generation.
Punch a hole through all layers of the blanket and the tape before placing the grounding bolt. Preferred
materials for grounding bolts and washers are brass or corrosion-resistant steel (CRES) without surface
coating, though alodined aluminum has been used. The bolt passes through a flat washer, an eyelet terminal,
the blanket, another flat washer, a lock washer, and a lock nut. Crimp a single conductor wire (of length to
be specified in the engineering drawing) to the eyelet terminal and then attach it to ground. The grounding
wire will be 22 gauge and insulated by Teflon or as specified in the engineering drawing. Torque the bolt
and lock nut assembly to 7 to 9 in.-lb.

The resistance from any ground assembly to the spacecraft structure must be <1 _. The resistance
from any aluminized surface to ground will be <5,000 g_.

7.2 Installation Requirements

Where possible, MLI installation shall take place in an area designated strictly for this purpose, or
in a common work area where other tasks are excluded for the duration of the MLI installation. Normally,
installation will be done in a clean room certified as meeting the requirements of the most sensitive equipment
exposed during the process. For example, a spacecraft exterior can tolerate a wider range of conditions than
a telescope's optics. The lead installer will inspect the MLI and the MLI's documentation to ensure that the
correct components are being installed, and that they have been properly stored and handled.

Before starting an MLI installation, the lead technician or engineer will review the design with the
installation team and with a representative of the engineering design office. The lead installer will ensure
that all workers are properly trained and certified for the task, including making repairs, should the MLI be
damaged during installation. The lead installer will also ensure that the installation steps are properly
recorded and documented, including photography and videotaping, as appropriate.

AluminizedPolyimide Tape
(As required to hold
grounding insertto reflector Screw
layer during ground


2.54 cm (1 in.)


Reflector Grounding

Layer _ Insert


Separation _t

Layer _
(Trimmed '_

Back) /

" it
(Install after grommet installation
on polyimide coveronly)

Figure 10. Electrical grounding straps are required to ground MLI layers to the primary structure
on spacecraft that may build up a static charge. In this design for the International
Space Station, the aluminized polyimide layers are electrically connected by aluminum foil
(the grounding insert), and a metal grommet through the blanket connects the layers
to the ground strap (from a Boeing drawing).

7.3 Venting Requirements

MLI blankets shall be designed so that all gases trapped between layers can vent within 48 hr of
launch. The design of vent paths and of holes between each layer of the MLI is left to the designer since
each situation will be unique. The 48-hr requirement is set to match the initial on-orbit period when a
spacecraft is allowed to outgas before full activation. This ensures that high voltage is not applied in the
presence of trace amounts of gas that would support arcing and thus the short-circuiting of the spacecraft.

Theblanketdesignmustalsopreventbubblesfrom beingtrappedandthenoutgassinglater(i.e., gasflow
makesthe layersbillow so they fold and obstruct a passage).

In designing the MLI for venting, the designer shall be mindful of the need to ensure that the vent
paths do not inadvertently provide return paths for sunlight, AO, or gases vented by the spacecraft.

7.4 Cutouts or Protrusions

To allow for protrusions, cut the blanket assembly with a sharp scalpel. Take care to minimize
tearing of the blanket materials since tears can weaken the blanket or allow light to penetrate the MLI
assembly (this, in effect, cancels part of the blanket in the area that is penetrated). If a cutting template is
used, the template will be made of noncontaminating material. Firm pressure on the template during cutting
will prevent layer slippage. Ultrasonically weld or tape the exposed edges with aluminized polyimide tape.
Additional stitching with approved thread may be required around the protrusion.

When slitting is required, simultaneously weld and slit the blanket with the appropriate ultrasonic
welder. Offset slits by at least 5 cm (2 in.) to minimize the effect of slitting on blanket performance.

7.5 Storage

Unpackage raw materials in the clean room or clean room airlock just before blanket fabrication.
When not in use, cover or bag these materials to maintain cleanliness.

When not being worked, such as during nonworking hours, cover blankets in fabrication with
noncontaminating plastic sheets, such as bagging materials approved by the contamination control plan.
Purge all finished blankets with dry nitrogen and double-bag them with heat-sealed edges for storage. The
bagging material must be a minimum of 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) thick. Any blanket identification must be
visible through the storage bag, or the bag shall be properly labeled with the part number of the fabricated
blanket. Do not open bags containing flight hardware blankets in any environment other than a clean room
or other environmentally controlled area, as specified in the contamination control plan.

While in storage, maintain the blankets in a low-humidity, temperature-controlled environment.

The recommended storage temperature is 15-27 °C (59-81 °F). Desiccant packs and a humidity indicator
may be used between the inner and outer storage bags.

When removed from storage, inspect the bags for structural integrity, and the blanket for visible
signs of deterioration such as loose particles or discoloration.

7.6 Repair

Repair cuts, abraded areas, and other defects of the reflective layers of an MLI blanket with aluminized
or goldized tape (sec. 4.4.3). Damaged areas of the outer cover may be repaired with Teflon-impregnated
glass cloth tape (sec. 4.4.2), provided that the optical property requirements are met. Large amounts of
damage will be cause for rejecting the blanket for spacecraft use.

7.7 Other Hazards

Designers should be aware that the moving parts of a spacecraft can displace or tear a section of
MLI blanket (fig. 11) if the blanket is in the path of the mechanism. While designers normally take care to
avoid such interference, the natural flexibility of MLI blankets may allow them to shift.

Figure 11. Beta cloth-covered MLI in the aft end of the Space Shuttle payload
bay was pulled out of position by the payload bay door mechanism.
The underlying spacecraft structure was not damaged, but the event
highlights the potential for damage with moving equipment.

Further, ground support equipment can be a hazard to MLI if not properly used. In late 1997, the
Huygens probe on the Cassini spacecraft had to be removed for repairs to the MLI covering the heat shield.
Fans blowing cool air through the launch vehicle nose shroud were set too high, and the air flow pulled and
ripped the MLI. Making all personnel aware of the potential for damage to the MLI can help avoid damage.

7.8 Cryogenic Insulation

In addition to protecting spacecraft exteriors, MLI also is used to insulate cryogenic fluids for long
durations in space. NASA's Lewis Research Center has developed a Supplemental Multilayer Insulation
Research Facility which provides a small-scale test bed for cryogenic experiments in a vacuum environment.
The facility is capable of simulating a Space Shuttle launch pressure profile, a steady space vacuum
environment of 1.33x10 -4 N/m 2 (1.3x10 -6 torr), warm-side boundary temperatures between 111 and
361 K (200-650 R), and a typical lunar day-night temperature profile. Details are available in NASA


Vendors are listed for the convenience of the reader in contacting known suppliers of MLI blankets
and components. Inclusion in the list is neither a NASA endorsement nor a guarantee that the supplier's
goods will meet your specific needs. While every effort has been made to include all MLI vendors, some
may have been inadvertently left out. We will be glad to add them to the list as these guidelines are updated.

Ben Wirth
Ed Kennedy
3M Chemfab Corp.
Saint Paul, MN 55144 701 Daniel Webster Highway
612-733-7984 Merrimack, NH 03054
Fax: 612-736--5982 800-243-6322, x3254 Fax: 603-424-9012
Jack Miner
Alpha Associates Inc. Brady USA
2 Amboy Avenue 6555 West Good Hope Road
Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Milwaukee, WI 53201
800-631-5339 800-537-8791
Fax: 732-602-3277 Fax: 800-292-2289
Art Mallett
Elliott Terman
Dunmore Corp.
Apex Mills Inc. 672 Monmouth Avenue
P.O. Box 960670 Fort Monmouth, NJ 07758
Inwood, NY 11096--0670 732-787-3733
800-989-2739 Fax: 732-787-7596
Fax: 516-239-4951 art_mallett @
apexmil @ ibm. net
http://www.thomasregister.corn/olc/apexmills/ DuPont, E.I., de Nemours & Co., Inc.
Barley Mill Plaza
James Bishop Wilmington, DE 19880--0010
Aplix Inc. 800-441-7515
P.O. Box 7505
Charlotte, NC 28241
800--438--0424 Jeff Jones
Fax: 704-588-1941 Lake, W.E, Corp.
GEBE 1 65 Park Road Glens Falls, NY 12804
Fax: 518-798-9936

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Public reporting burden tor this collectson of intormation is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
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April 1999 Technical Publication


Multilayer Insulation Material Guidelines


M.M. Finckenor and D. Dooling*


George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 35812 M-925


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546--0001 NASA/TP--1999-209263


Prepared for NASA's Space Environments and Effects (SEE) Program

*D 2 Associates, 555 Sparkman Dr., Suite 820C, Huntsville, AL 35816

Subject Category 29
Standard Distribution

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Multilayer Insulation Material Guidelines provides data on multilayer insulation materials used by
previous spacecraft such as Spacelab and the Long-Duration Exposure Facility and outlines other
concerns. The data presented in the document are presented for information only. They can be
used as guidelines for multilayer insulation design for future spacecraft provided the thermal
requirements of each new design and the environmental effects on these materials are taken into


materials, space materials 16. PRICE CODE


Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unlimited

Standard Form 296 (Flev. 2-89)
NSN 7540-01-280-5500
Preo=dbedby ANSI Std. 239-18
Phyllis Ellingboe Neil Forgosh
Sheldahl Inc. Synthetic Thread Co.
1150 Sheldahl Road, NW93B 825 12th Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057-0944 Bethlehem, PA 18018
507-663-8276 610-868-8575
Fax: 507-663-8545 Fax: 610-868-8575
phyllis.ellingboe sales @

Mike Paluzzi Loretta Mills

Stern & Stern Industries Inc. Velcro USA Inc.
188 Thatcher Street 3761 Venture Dr. NW, Suite 245
Hornell, NY 14843 Duluth, GA 30096
607-324--4485, ext. 2 800-835-2762
Fax: 607-324-6274 Fax: 800--835-2761
lmills @
AI Lapore
Swales Aerospace, Inc.
5050 Powder Mill Road
Beltsville, MD 20705
Fax: 301-902--4114


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