Overview of The Simple Four Research Model

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+The Simple Four Research Model

Step 1: PLAN: Students should ask themselves such questions as:

● What do I need to do?
● What’s my assignment? What’s my research topic?
● What information do I need to answer my question? What information do I need for my
research topic?
(Planning means that students are engaging the topic or assignment and deciding what they want
to know about the topic and /or information they need for their assignment.)

Step 2: ACT: Students should ask themselves such questions as:

● Where can I find the information I need to answer my question or for my research topic?
● Which information source(s) will be the most helpful in answering my question? Which
information source(s) will be the most helpful for my research topic?
● What search strategy will work best for each information source (e.g., book, online
encyclopedia, web site)?
● Now that I’ve found some information what do I do with it?
● How do I decide what I need from everything I’ve found?
● How do I investigate all these resources to make a decision about what I need?
(As students ACT on their plan, they must prioritize their list of possible sources of information, find
those resources, engage the resources to extract the relevant information and then evaluate the
information for credibility, authority, and relationship to the topic or assignment.)

Step 3: ORGANIZE: Students should ask themselves such questions as:

● How can I put my information together to show that I answered my question?
● How can I show what I learned?
● How do I document all the information sources I used?​(When students ORGANIZE their
information, they are making decisions about that information and their assignment or
research topic. During this phase, students will write their report, create their multimedia
presentation, complete the assignment, and submit their work. During this phase students
must demonstrate what they learned.)

Step 4: REFLECT: Students should ask themselves such questions as:

● How will I know if I answered my question?
● How will I know if I did my job well?
(When students REFLECT on their work, they are evaluating their product as well as their research
process. During this phase, students’ work may be submitted for peer review. Also during this
phase, the teacher and/or library media specialist will reflect on the students’ work and using a
grading rubric, evaluate the students’ work for assigning a grade.)

To learn more, talk to your school librarian and visit ​www.kcsdschools.net/simplefour​.

Adapted by the Kershaw County School District Librarians with permission from Martha Alewine, S.C. State Department of Education.

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