Symmetry: Green Cloud Computing: A Literature Survey
Symmetry: Green Cloud Computing: A Literature Survey
Symmetry: Green Cloud Computing: A Literature Survey
Green Cloud Computing: A Literature Survey
Laura-Diana Radu
Department of Research, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
of Iasi, Bulevardul Carol I 11, 700506 Iasi, Romania;; Tel.: +40-745-403-036
Abstract: Cloud computing is a dynamic field of information and communication technologies (ICTs),
introducing new challenges for environmental protection. Cloud computing technologies have a
variety of application domains, since they offer scalability, are reliable and trustworthy, and offer
high performance at relatively low cost. The cloud computing revolution is redesigning modern
networking, and offering promising environmental protection prospects as well as economic and
technological advantages. These technologies have the potential to improve energy efficiency and to
reduce carbon footprints and (e-)waste. These features can transform cloud computing into green
cloud computing. In this survey, we review the main achievements of green cloud computing. First,
an overview of cloud computing is given. Then, recent studies and developments are summarized,
and environmental issues are specifically addressed. Finally, future research directions and open
problems regarding green cloud computing are presented. This survey is intended to serve as
up-to-date guidance for research with respect to green cloud computing.
1. Introduction
Sustainability has been gaining importance among software and hardware developers and users
in the last two decades, due to the rapid growth in energy consumption. The influence of information
and communication technologies (ICTs) on the environment throughout the entire life cycle has been
studied, in order to promote green and sustainable developments. These can contribute significantly
to the improvement of the current condition of the environment by weakening the negative impacts
that have intensified during the last decades. There is a great deal of pressure on producers to fall
into line with environmental regulations and to develop products and services that minimize negative
influences on the ecosystem. In relation to ICTs, the green characteristics of products and services
are seen in sustainability-related concepts such as green ICTs, ecological informatics, environmental
informatics, sustainable computing, and green computing. According to Hilty et al. [1], the decisions
made with regard to the sustainable development of ICTs and the relation between these two fields
must consider the positive and negative influences of ICTs on the environment both in the present
and in the future. The attractiveness of the technologies has led, in many cases, to the neglect of
environmental issues by both the producers and the users. Their degree of maturity, together with
pressure from international environmental organizations, has determined a shift towards the use
of ICTs in compliance with environmental regulations. It is also clear that there is an interest in
monitoring and protecting the ecosystem. Nevertheless, there are some obstacles to developing and
implementing certain sustainable strategies in ICTs, such as the associated costs, a lack of the time
and interest required to deal with the strategies’ challenges, lack of responsibility for environmental
impacts, or lack of cooperation between departments within companies (ICT companies and others).
Cloud computing, as a subfield of ICTs, is the subject of studies on the environment. There are
arguments and views for and against these technologies. Apart from the interest shown by the
providers of cloud-type products and services, there is considerable pressure from governmental
organizations to reduce negative effects on the environment.
The development of green cloud computing is closely related to the evolution of green data
centers, because the data centers are the core of the cloud computing. According to Koomey [2],
the energy consumed by data centers in 2010 represented 1.3% of the total consumption. A report
published by GeSI [3], which is considered “one of the most comprehensive and well-recognized
snapshots of the Internet’s energy demand at the global level”, estimates an increase in the share of
total carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions from ICTs from 1.3% of global emissions in 2002 to 2.3% in 2020.
With cloud computing and energy consumption in mind, a group of researchers at Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory and Northwestern University created a modeling tool called the Cloud Energy
and Emissions Research Model (CLEER). Their model calculates the energy savings from transferring
local network software and computing into the server farms. These server farms make up the cloud.
The results estimate that the primary energy footprint of email, productivity software and Customer
Relationship Management software might be reduced by as much as 87% if all business users in the
US shifted to cloud computing [4]. Even if the model does not take into account all the variables, it can
prove useful in leading to energetic efficiency in the data centers which belong to Internet companies.
It could ensure an increase in energetic transparency and inform consumers to enable them to choose
the best offer. The benefits of cloud computing are more significant for environment protection if data
centers are built on the green computing principle.
The purpose of this paper is to survey the existing literature on green cloud computing and to
identify the key issues that have been researched and applied. The most important contributions of
cloud computing to environmental protection are identified in the following sections. This paper does
not present new solutions for green cloud computing. Instead, it highlights the interest and efforts
of researchers and society in a very important area: sustainable technological evolution. Academic
literature is concerned with innovation and always presents the latest discoveries and achievements
in the researched field. However, in the field of environmental protection, many actors in society,
such as journalists, bloggers, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), human rights defenders and
ordinary people, play an important role. For this reason, we choose to present both academic literature
and non-academic studies in the field of green cloud computing in this paper.
The rest of the survey is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present a brief overview of cloud
computing. In Section 3, we provide a discussion on research methods. In Sections 4 and 5, we present
recent developments in green cloud computing in the academic literature. In Section 6, we explore how
this field is presented in non-academic studies in reports published, respectively, by ICT companies,
NGOs, ICT consulting companies, and other sources. Finally, the future research directions and open
problems regarding green cloud computing are given in Section 7, and conclusions are formed in
Section 8.
Figure 1. Types
Figure 1. Types of
of cloud
cloud computing.
According to
According to Kliazovich
Kliazovich et al. al. [11]
[11] (p.
(p. 2) and with regard to the topic topic of this
this paper,
paper, “from
“from the
energy efficiencyperspective,
perspective,a acloud
cloud computing
computing data
data center
center cancan be defined
be defined as aas a pool
pool of computing
of computing and
and communication
communication resources
resources organized
organized in the in
waythetoway to transform
transform the received
the received power
power into into computing
computing or data
or data work
transfer transfer work to
to satisfy satisfy
user user demands”.
demands”. This definition
This definition refers to therefers to the
energy energyofefficiency
efficiency of the
the IaaS model.
IaaS also
SaaS model. SaaS also
provides provides
benefits benefits for environmental
for environmental protection: through protection: throughofcentralization
centralization processing and of
service and service
sharing, sharing,data
it consolidates it consolidates data center
center operations operations
in order in order
to use less to use less
equipment. SaaSequipment.
SaaS offer
could providers
green could
softwareoffer green
services software
deployed on services deployedwith
green datacenters on less
green datacenters
replications withcould
or they less
use algorithms or they could usesoftware
that improve algorithms thatefficiency
energy improve software energy efficiency
without violating without
Service Level violating
Service Level Agreements (SLAs). The cloud providers have more resources
(SLAs). The cloud providers have more resources and more motivation than individual users have to and more motivation
than individual
invest users have
in environmental to invest
protection. In in
case of PaaS, the protection.
providersIn the offer
could case of PaaS, the
facilities suchproviders
as green
could offer
schedule andfacilities such as green
green compilers. To schedule and green compilers.
help environmental protection To help environmental
through protection
green cloud computing,
both SaaSgreen cloud
and PaaS computing,
providers haveboth SaaS and
methods PaaS to
and tools providers have methods energy
achieve software-level and tools to achieve
The increase energy
in theoptimization.
popularity of cloud technology was due to the benefits it brought to individual
The increase
consumers in the popularity
and companies. These benefits of cloud
flexibility, was duerecovery,
disaster to the benefits it brought in
reduced investment to
individual consumers and companies. These benefits include: flexibility, disaster
ICT resources, optimized collaboration between members of an organization, and automatic software recovery, reduced
investment in ICT resources, optimized collaboration between members of an organization, and
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 4 of 20
updates. Cloud computing is attractive to business owners, due to the possibility of dynamically
increasing the resources accessed to match increases in the company’s activities. For the environment,
the advantages of cloud computing are: better strategies for energy efficiency, and reduced equipment
requirements and lower CO2 emissions, with, consequently, less e-waste [4,11,12].
In order to switch to cloud computing, enterprises might also face the challenges of a change of
software/hardware architecture, obstacles to data transfer, and concerns about interoperability [13].
These technologies carry some risks, mainly related to security issues. In spite of this, cloud computing
technologies are constantly growing as a result of the major benefits they offer to companies, i.e.,
access to high-performance computing resources and high-capacity storage together with lower costs.
With regard to the influence on the environment, the sections below present in detail the main problems
identified in both the academic and the non-academic studies.
3. Research Method
According to Webster and Watson [14], reviewing the literature is important for creating a reliable
foundation for advancing knowledge. In order to obtain a sense of the current state of green cloud
computing studies, we surveyed both the academic literature and non-academic studies. In the
former case, we collected information from conference papers, journal papers, technical reports,
and books from multiple scientific databases, including ISI Web of Science, Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM) Digital Library, IEEE Computer Science, Scopus, and Science Direct. These
databases allow access to leading computer science journals and high-quality peer-reviewed computer
science conference publications [15]. The keywords used were “green cloud computing”, “sustainable
cloud computing” and “sustainable” in combination with “cloud computing”. Using these searches,
we identified 1922 results (Table 1).
Web of Science ACM Digital Library IEEE Computer Society Scopus Science Direct
2009 7 4 4 8 10
2010 3 4 12 17 19
2011 12 15 21 42 41
2012 22 12 37 70 73
2013 31 12 43 82 83
2014 61 12 51 84 142
2015 65 3 63 84 201
2016 48 16 48 94 266
Total 249 78 279 481 835
For the following steps, we used EndNote. The filtering criteria involved the exclusion of
redundant articles, conference reviews, and announcements of conferences or other events. For the rest
of the papers we read the title, keywords, and abstracts, and eliminated the papers unrelated to the
topic of this research. These exclusion criteria reduced the results to 90 articles that were considered
relevant and reasonable for our research. The year 2009 was selected as starting point, since the concept
of green cloud computing has attracted the attention of researchers since that year.
For non-academic studies, we analyzed reports published directly by ICT organizations, by ICT
consulting companies, NGOs, and other sources. We analyzed these studies and opinions because they
strongly influence the attitude towards green cloud computing for a wide variety of users (companies,
governmental organizations, and individuals). In some cases, they could better reflect the real impact
of technological change, as they can control the market and, implicitly, the new trends. Academic and
non-academic research complement each other. The study of both sources offers a complete picture of
green cloud computing, which is very important technically and socially.
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 5 of 21
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 5 of 20
We identified
We identified fivefive categories
categories of cloud
of green green computing
cloud computing studies:
studies: models andmodels
methods, and methods,
frameworks, algorithms, and general issues. These studies analyze and propose solutionspropose
architectures, frameworks, algorithms, and general issues. These studies analyze and for the
solutions for
following the followingissues:
environmental environmental
improving issues: improving
energy energy
efficiency, efficiency,
efficient efficientofmanagement
management data center
of data center
resources resources
(hardware and(hardware
software),and software),
reducing reducing costs,
operational operational costs, andcarbon
and reducing reducing carbon
Some authors present their proposals and solutions for two or more environmental issues andissues
emissions. Some authors present their proposals and solutions for two or more environmental some
and some
studies couldstudies
fall intocould
two offalltheinto two ofmentioned
categories the categories
above,mentioned above,and
e.g., frameworks e.g.,algorithms,
frameworks and
and/or models
methods andand/or methodsorand
architectures architectures
models or models
and/or methods andand/or methods and algorithms.
Table 22 presents
presents the the reviewed
reviewed paperspapers by by category
category and according
according to the the environmental
environmental issues
For each
addressed. For each paper,
paper,we weidentified
identifiedthe themain
main category
category andandone one
or or
moremore environmental
environmental issues
issues for
for which solutions were
which solutions were proposed. proposed.
Efficient resource management will improve cloud computing performance by reducing energy
consumption, e-waste, and costs.
consumption, costs. InIn green
green cloud computing,
computing, resource management
management meansmeans using
heterogeneous and geographically distributed resources to meet clients’ requests with the minimum
negative effect
negative effectonon thethe environment.
environment. Fortunately,
Fortunately, some some
factorsfactors which cloud
which benefit benefit cloud computing
computing providers
also also bring
bring benefits forbenefits for the environment.
the environment. For example,For example,
reducing reducing
energy energy consumption
consumption will
will cut providers’
cut providers’ costs, but will also result
costs, but will also result in reduced CO2 reduced CO 2 emissions.
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 6 of 20
The The
mostmost studied
studied topic
topic is is optimization
optimization of consumption,
of energy energy consumption,
followedfollowed by management
by resource resource
(Figure 3). (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Distributionofofsurveys
3. Distribution surveyson
on environmental
environmental issues
between2009 andand
2009 2016.
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 7 of 20
Symmetry 2017, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 21
Figure 44 presents
Figure presents the
the five
five categories
categories of
of green
green cloud
cloud computing
computing studies
studies (models
architectures, frameworks, algorithms, and general issues) identified in the literature review
architectures, frameworks, algorithms, and general issues) identified in the literature review between
2009 2009 and 2016.
and 2016.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Distribution
Distribution on
on categories
categories of
of green
green cloud
cloud computing
computing surveys.
In the papers on green cloud computing, the authors have proposed new methods and models
In the papers on green cloud computing, the authors have proposed new methods and models
to optimize resource management or to reduce energy consumption. Algorithms are presented in a
to optimize resource management or to reduce energy consumption. Algorithms are presented in a
substantial number of articles. Other aspects such as metrics, general studies of negative influences
substantial number of articles. Other aspects such as metrics, general studies of negative influences on
on the environment, and the involvement of providers in environmental protection are included in
the environment, and the involvement of providers in environmental protection are included in the
the general issues category.
general issues category.
5. Discussion of the Topics in the Review Articles
5. Discussion of the Topics in the Review Articles
The benefits of green cloud computing are focused mainly on energy saving and
The benefits of green cloud computing are focused mainly on energy saving and carbon-footprint
carbon-footprint reduction. From the energy-efficiency perspective, there are two ways for cloud
reduction. From the energy-efficiency perspective, there are two ways for cloud providers to
providers to achieve greener cloud computing: improving the energy efficiency of the cloud, and
achieve greener cloud computing: improving the energy efficiency of the cloud, and using clean
using clean energy. For cloud users, replacing high-powered computers with low-powered devices
energy. For cloud users, replacing high-powered computers with low-powered devices will improve
will improve energy efficiency. Methods for reducing energy consumption might be simple
energy efficiency. Methods for reducing energy consumption might be simple techniques such as
techniques such as ensuring energy management for servers in the cloud, such as turning them on
ensuring energy management for servers in the cloud, such as turning them on and off or putting
and off or putting them to sleep [68,79], or more complex techniques such as auto-scaling
them to sleep [68,79], or more complex techniques such as auto-scaling infrastructure to create
infrastructure to create greener computing environments [81] or the use of virtualization techniques
greener computing environments [81] or the use of virtualization techniques for better resource
for better resource management [29,40,43,45,61,78]. Green cloud computing development is
management [29,40,43,45,61,78]. Green cloud computing development is influenced by green data
influenced by green data center development. In green data centers, the entire infrastructure is
center development. In green data centers, the entire infrastructure is designed to achieve maximum
designed to achieve maximum energy efficiency with minimum environmental impact. This
energy efficiency with minimum environmental impact. This includes lightning, electrical, mechanical,
includes lightning, electrical, mechanical, building, and computer systems. These data centers use
building, and computer systems. These data centers use low-emission material for buildings,
low-emission material for buildings, use alternative energy sources, and consume minimal power
use alternative energy sources, and consume minimal power resources for operations and maintenance
resources for operations and maintenance for all equipment. Green cloud computing would be
for all equipment. Green cloud computing would be much easier to implement if all data centers
much easier to implement if all data centers would have these characteristics.
would have these characteristics.
In order to minimize servers’ energy consumption, we identified two main levels of solutions in
In order to minimize servers’ energy consumption, we identified two main levels of solutions in
the academic literature: (1) the server level—minimizing the power consumption of a single server
andacademic literature:
(2) the data center (1) the server level—minimizing
level—optimizing the power consumption
the power consumption of a pool of of a single
servers server
[50]. and
For the
(2) the data center level—optimizing the power consumption of a pool of servers [50].
first level, specific methods and techniques have been proposed for reducing energy consumption at For the first level,
specific methods
the compiler and techniques
layer, have been
the operational proposed
layer, and theforapplication
reducing energy
layer consumption at the compiler
[50,76,90,96,98,100]. These
layer, the operational layer, and the application layer [50,76,90,96,98,100]. These techniques
techniques include: powering off parts of the chips, slowing down CPU clock speeds, improving the include:
performance off parts of thedeveloping
per watt, chips, slowing down to
the ability CPUrunclock speeds, improvingenvironments,
in higher-temperature the performance per watt,
developing the ability to run in higher-temperature environments, increasing the
the efficiency of workload management, and powering off parts of the components when they areefficiency of workload
management, and For
idle [50,83,85,90]. powering off parts
the second level,ofi.e.,
the the
components whenconsumption
case of power they are idle in
a server pool,Forthe
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 8 of 20
second level, i.e., the case of power consumption in a server pool, the researchers’ efforts focused on
virtualization techniques. These improve resource utilization, and offer flexibility and reliability.
The optimization of data centers’ architectures and energy-aware scheduling may contribute to
important energy savings. According to Kliazovich et al. [11], energy-saving solutions attempt to use a
minimum set of resources to accomplish the necessary tasks and, hence, to maximize the amount of
resources that can be put into sleep mode. They identified three components that consume energy:
(a) “computing energy”, (b) “communicational energy”, and (c) “the energy component related to the
physical infrastructure of a data center”.
Energy consumption can be improved using software techniques or hardware techniques.
According to Jing et al. [90], cloud infrastructure is the most important component (servers, storage,
network equipment, lighting, cooling devices, etc.). For hardware optimization, researchers mostly
used dynamic voltage frequency scaling (DVFS) techniques [23,30] and power management (DPM)
technologies [17,83]. Software technologies for green cloud computing include design methods
to improve program efficiency and to use less storage space, and computing modes such as
high-performance computing, and distributed and grid computing [49,64,86].
In 2009, a heuristic algorithm based on a virtual machine (VM) dynamic migration technology
was proposed to optimize the placement strategy of VMs [12]. The energy consumption of these
solutions was 27% less compared with that of the traditional cloud. In the following years, the amount
of research in the field of algorithms for cloud resource optimization increased. Shu et al. [39]
proposed an algorithm for clonal selection in the cloud, based on time, cost, and energy consumption.
Xu et al. [56] realized a management cloud computing framework to minimize energy consumption.
Azaiez et al. [20] proposed a genetic algorithm that scheduled customer applications dynamically
and, therefore, reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Other models or frameworks were
proposed by Liu et al. [12], Hulkury and Doomun [46], and Guazzone et al. [53]. Scheduling algorithms
that efficiently increased resource utilization were proposed by Kolodziej et al. [21], Wu et al. [30],
Xu et al. [22], Cao et al. [27], Kaur and Midha [23], Koutsandria et al. [34], Liu and Shu Zhang [24],
and Zhang [25].
Thermal management is very important for optimal operation of data centers. It has a significant
impact on the environment. In this case, energy savings can be achieved by altering the layout of
hardware to optimize the flow of hot and cold air in the data center, by improvements in cold air
delivery using an intelligent system controller, or by choosing the geographical locations for data
centers such that the outside temperature is less than 13 ◦ C for at least four months of the year [90].
In the GENETiC project, the authors proposed an integrated energy management system that optimized
energy consumption by considering the workload of monitoring and control information technology,
data center cooling, local power generation, and waste heat recovery [36].
However, sustainable energy has two key components: one is energy efficiency and the other is
the use of renewable energy. According to Bateman and Wood [105], cloud computing has “green”
credentials as long as it uses renewable sources of energy.
Another major benefit of green cloud computing is reducing carbon footprints [52,55,56,99–102].
The research papers on this aspect of green cloud computing have addressed both users and providers
who are interested in using and delivering greener services. According to Garg et al. [52], CO2 emissions
measure the environmental sustainability of cloud computing. They are linked both directly and
indirectly with energy consumption [27,72,75]. This issue has been addressed as an effect of improving
energy efficiency, rather than as a stand-alone problem. Renewable energy usage will reduce CO2
emissions. Garg et al. [52] proposed an architecture to reduce the carbon footprint across the entire
cloud infrastructure in a unified manner, based on three parameters: CO2 emission rate, the power
efficiency of the data center (the fraction of total power dissipated that is used for information
technology resources), and VM efficiency (the amount of power dissipated by a fully active VM
running at maximum utilization level). In order to reduce carbon emissions, Wadhwa and Verma [68]
proposed a technique for VM allocation and migration in two steps: first, the placement of the VM
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 9 of 20
with a host having the minimum CO2 emissions from the distribution of data centers and, second,
optimization of VM allocation within each data center. Their technique is dedicated to a geographically
distributed cloud. For the reduction of carbon emissions at the applications level, Cappiello et al. [100]
designed an application controller that allows an improvement in the trade-off between Quality of
Service (QoS) and carbon footprint reduction by adopting a strategy appropriate to the specific context.
The benefits of cloud computing adoption for small and medium enterprises in terms of reducing
energy consumption and carbon emissions were analyzed by Williams et al. [99]. The results indicated
that the carbon footprint of the ICT sector could be reduced by 1.7% if 80% of enterprises use cloud
computing. The results of studies by companies or others concerned with environmental protection
are presented in the following section of this paper.
Reducing operational costs is another important advantage of moving to green cloud computing
for both users and providers. For cloud service users, costs will decrease as a result of reduced
expenditure on energy and on the necessary infrastructure. For cloud computing providers, using
energy-saving techniques and optimal cooling systems can reduce maintenance and operational costs.
There is overwhelming evidence that company servers are using only 10 to 30% of their available
computing power, and desktop computers have an average capacity utilization of <5% [106,107].
In these circumstances, there are substantial underutilized investments in hardware and software.
Less infrastructure is important for the environment since it results in less e-waste generated by the
consumers of cloud services [17,42]. To achieve maximum cost-effectiveness, some authors have
proposed different approaches to scheduling workloads across servers depending on their cost of
operation [81,87,89,96,103].
In cloud computing, the providers are responsible for hardware and software resource
management. Business owners and managers can therefore focus less on the technology required
to run their business and more on their core business. Technical problems such as upgrading and
maintaining servers and data centers are the responsibility of cloud computing providers [107]. E-waste
minimization by encouraging equipment recycling and reuse is a basic requirement for green data
centers. This is very important for green cloud computing, taking into account the negative opinions
related to this issue. According to Robinson [108] (p. 1) “miniaturization and the development of
more efficient cloud computing networks, where computing services are delivered over the Internet
from remote locations, may offset the increase in e-waste production from global economic-growth
and the development of pervasive new technologies”. At the same time, moving to cloud computing
might reduce the lifetime of the suppliers’ equipment as a consequence of the increased amount of
information and the speed of data processing. In many cases, a new technology leads to a total or
partial replacement of the equipment. Thus, it results in an increase in the amount of e-waste. This is
a serious problem for the environment. Factors such as increased cooling requirements, low server
utilization rates, or increasing equipment power densities persuade companies to use cloud computing
services. Efficient resource management involves maximizing the use of available resources. In green
cloud computing, this can be achieved with smart task-assignment algorithms [17,18,22,23]. These
algorithms decide where tasks should be placed upon their arrival, depending on the availability
of VMs. They must allocate resources to improve resource utilization and to reduce task execution
time. In order to achieve this, Liu et al. [24] proposed a green cloning scheduling optimization
algorithm using a clonal immune algorithm. If the hardware and software used have different negative
environmental influences, the tasks can be scheduled according to the ecological efficiencies of the
physical and virtual machines.
Zhang et al. [25], analyzed sustainable resource allocation for green cloud radio access networks
powered by renewable energy. He proposed an algorithm to maximize the aggregate user utility and
the sustainability of the energy buffer. CyberGuarder is a security assurance architecture for NetApp
operating systems designed to address several key security problems in green cloud computing [43].
Frameworks able to automatically and sustainably manage resources for cloud computing and
simultaneously achieve a high level of QoS have been proposed by Guazzone [53] and Chaudhry [54].
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 10 of 20
Models and methods to optimize hardware and software resource allocation for greener clouds have
been developed by Dougherty et al. [81], Hussein et al. [83], Luo et al. [84], Rocha and Cardozo [85],
Carrega and Repetto [86], and Aswal [87]. They aim to increase energy efficiency and to cut down
operational expenses by improving the use of resources.
The benefits of green cloud computing identified in literature are interdependent. The reduction
of energy consumption entails lower costs and lower CO2 emissions. In addition, a reduction
in the amount of equipment leads to a cut in energy consumption (with the above-mentioned
advantages) and in the quantity of e-waste. The reduction in infrastructure and improvement in
energy efficiency can decrease CO2 emissions in cloud computing [52,63,75,76,86,90]. Apart from the
direct effects on the environment, there are also expected to be indirect effects, which can be clearly
seen in education, transmission of information to increase environmental awareness, sustainable
environmental governance, and better communications for environmental projects and networks.
Other general solutions for achieving green cloud computing identified in the reviewed articles
are related to the fact that providers and customers should buy and use the most environmentally
friendly ICTs (hardware and software). Cloud computing providers should measure and understand
the existing power consumption of servers, their cooling requirements, the power consumption of
various applications used by clients, and their influences on the environment. Software used at
different levels should facilitate ecological efficiency, and the design solutions should be holistic and
should consider all the factors (cooling, memory, network, CPU, etc.) in the scheduling and resource
provisioning of software.
Figure Cloudcomputing
computing characteristics
characteristics and
and their
In this case, most of the studies concentrate on energy consumption in cloud computing. In a
The cut in energy consumption and the required hardware is accompanied by reduced
report from Accenture [110], it is claimed that, by energy optimization, CO2 emissions in cloud
CO2 emissions, as well as reduced (e-)waste. An important role is played by the major cloud
computing might be reduced by at least 30%. Another study, undertaken in 2011 by an independent
company on severalFacebook, Google,
multinational Amazon,
companies Microsoft,
that had been using IBM,
computingetc.—which have
for at least two
committed to use only renewable energy in data centers, and are showing early signs
years, estimates that the energy saving for US companies would be more than $12 billion per year. of accomplishing
carbon The amountisofestimated,
reduction clean energy used
in the bystudy,
same these companies
at 85.7 millionhasmetric
increased significantly in
theoflast few years. Table 3 presents
50% of CO2 emissions [111]. the data collected by Greenpeace in 2012 and 2016 about the energy
sourcesThe used
cutbyinsome of the
energy big cloud computing
consumption providers.
and the required hardware is accompanied by reduced CO2
emissions, as well as reduced (e-)waste. An important role is played by the major cloud
Table 3. Comparison
companies—Apple, Facebook, of significant
Google, cloud data
Amazon, centers inIBM,
Microsoft, 2012 Salesforce,
and 2016 [113,114].
etc.—which have
committed to use only renewable energy in data centers, and are showing early signs of
accomplishing this promise [112]. TheCoal amount of cleanNuclearenergy used by these Clean companies has
Cloud Datacenters
increased significantly in the last few 2012years.2016
Table 3 presents
2012 the
2016data collected
2012 by2016
Greenpeace in
2012 and 2016 about the
Amazon energy sources
34% used by
30% some of
30%the big cloud
26% computing
14% providers.
Apple 55% 5% 28% 5% 15% 83%
Table 3. Comparison of 39%
Facebook significant 15%
cloud data13%
centers in 2012
9% and 2016
Google 29% 15% 15% 10% 39% 56%
HP 50% Coal
27% Nuclear 5%
14% Clean
19% 50%
Cloud Datacenters
IBM 50% 201227%2016 12% 2012 2016 15% 2012 12%2016 29%
MicrosoftAmazon 39% 34%31%30% 26% 30% 26% 10% 14% 14% 17% 32%
Oracle Apple 49% 55%36%5% 17% 28% 5%25% 15% 7% 83% 8%
Salesforce 34% 16% 31% 15% 4% 43%
Facebook 39% 15% 13% 9% 36% 67%
Google 29% 15% 15% 10% 39% 56%
According to Wheeland HP[115] “the50%simple27% 14% imperative
business 5% 19% of50% maximizing profit and
minimizing costs is sure toIBM 50% 27%toward
drive cloud providers 12% the
12% 29% computing practices
possible, and the side benefits 39% 31%
of energy efficient 26% in
computing 10% 14%of carbon
a world 32% limits and climate
legislation makes green IT a necessity from a compliance standpoint as8%
Oracle 49% 36% 17% 25% 7% much as an operations
standpoint”. The power ofSalesforce
the servers and 34% 16% 31%are 15%
their efficiencies 4%important
the most 43% factors for reducing
energy consumption. The industry has identified new ways to use servers’ total capacity thanks to
their virtualization [116]. For this reason, hardware requirements have had a much slower growth
than expected.
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 12 of 20
“Servers have gotten a lot more powerful and efficient, and the industry has figured out ways to
utilize more of each server’s total capacity, thanks primarily to server virtualization, which enables
a single physical server to host many virtual ones.” [116] Not all the opinions were favorable to the
expansion of the cloud computing phenomenon. A study published by Greenpeace [117] estimated
an increase in the intensities of CO2 emissions and global warming due to the expansion of cloud
computing. This could happen only if the organizations will insist on savings from reducing energy
consumption rather than on improving the effects on the environment. At present, none of the data
centers has proved to be fully green, but they are greener than ever before in their history.
As we have previously mentioned, cloud computing may lend support to environmental
protection by reducing the amount of e-waste. By promoting eco-friendly aspects, cloud computing
may lead to a reduction in equipment and, consequently, diminished associated negative effects, mainly
resulting from the amount of e-waste, but also from CO2 emissions. The use of cloud computing
might contribute to the reduction of e-waste in at least two ways: the cloud computing clients will
use less equipment and will reduce the speed of their replacement, and the cloud providers will use
the equipment more efficiently due to resources shared between more clients. These changes are
important, considering that the amount of e-waste has risen over the years, reaching 49 million tons in
2012 [118]. This represents more than 5% of all municipal solid waste. The contribution to reducing
e-waste is still debatable, since the global ICT sector spent about $3.8 trillion in 2015 on devices,
services, and data center systems. This is an increase of 2.4% from 2014 [119]. We do not have enough
information regarding the actual amount of e-waste generated by cloud computing. It is accepted that
a significant amount of e-waste has been transferred from the end user to the cloud providers, which
are often located in another country. As can be seen from the non-academic publications, the same real
or potential contributions of cloud computing to environmental protection are identified, analyzed,
and debated. The merits and demerits are reasonably abundant in this case, and information regarding
the real influences of cloud computing on the environment is limited.
and the heat recirculation has to be improved. The building of data centers in areas with free cooling
resources is a non-technical solution for this problem.
“Non-technical aspects” refers to standards, internal and international regulations regarding the
environment, and the internal policies and strategies of the organization. There are two problems in
this case: the international regulations are focused on security issues in the cloud, and the international
regulations are different across countries. Some of them have adopted and applied strict environmental
protection regulations. Others are very permissive in this field—they either do not have regulations,
or do not apply them properly. Another non-technical issue is the cost of green cloud computing. These
costs are transferred from the cloud providers to the cloud customers, and providers will increase the
price of services. The use of renewable energy is a non-technical issue. The intermittency of this energy
is a challenge for cloud computing providers and disrupts the conventional methods for planning
operations in the cloud. To ensure that SLAs’ requirements are respected, the use of a mix of energy
sources that complement one another is necessary. Some cloud providers have already built data
centers in geographical areas where renewable energy sources are available or may become available
during the operational stage.
This paper is not without limitations: The first limitation is that we included only five databases.
Others which are very important in the field (such as SpringerLink) were not analyzed in our study.
Fortunately, some papers published by these are indexed in researched databases (such as Scopus,
ISI Web of Science, ACM Digital Library) and were extracted, filtered, read, and cited in our article.
A second limitation is that the paper is a theoretical piece. It does not offer new solutions, technical or
non-technical, for green cloud computing. Third, the environmental issues of green cloud computing
have been analyzed separately. A holistic management of green cloud computing problems is also
necessary to meet specific sustainable development requirements. Future research should be oriented
in this direction.
8. Conclusions
Cloud computing is a new model that integrates already-existing technologies in order to increase
the efficiency of resource use. The results of using these technologies are varied. The suppliers of
such services and the authors of studies undertaken by organizations interested in environmental
protection have highlighted both favorable and unfavorable aspects of the effects of cloud computing
on the ecosystem. Broadly speaking, cloud computing is likely to favor a harmonious relationship with
the environment to the extent to which the ICT equipment producers and the companies supplying
services in the field align themselves with environmental policies and agree to the proposals of
non-governmental organizations regarding methods of diminishing the negative effects of hardware
and software. This paper discusses the contribution of cloud computing to environmental protection
according to the studies on this topic undertaken so far. The most important aspects are as follows:
• The main advertised benefits are those which refer to energy efficiency. In order to comply
with regulations on environmental protection, the companies which offer cloud services should
reduce to a minimum the consumption of energy from non-renewable sources and replace it with
renewable energy consumption. The studies undertaken so far have highlighted that the index of
clean energy usage is still quite high, outrunning the energy obtained from non-renewable sources.
• An increase in the consumption of energy from renewable sources will lead to lower CO2
emissions, but considering that the first indicator is not yet accomplished as expected, carbon
emission reductions are unlikely to meet the expectations of environmental organizations.
• Minimizing e-waste is another controversial aspect leading to high expectations. The use of cloud
computing may influence the reduction in the amount of equipment required by organizations
and the speed of replacement. Nevertheless, this is a long-term benefit and it is difficult to estimate
if cloud computing will be a solution to this current, controversial, and global issue.
Symmetry 2017, 9, 295 14 of 20
However, the cloud market is constantly growing and, if the current tendency continues, the effects
on the system will be seen sometime in the future. Clearly, favorable effects on the ecosystem will be
seen if cloud computing suppliers and consumers become fully involved in the issues, as is the case
for any policy or strategy which highlights the importance of the environment.
The data collected in this study should help to familiarize readers with the current state of green
cloud computing. As a result of the research undertaken, we mention the following aspects, which
should be considered by cloud suppliers as well as users if cloud computing is to have a favorable
relationship with the environment. (1) Providers of cloud computing services should justify the
benefits to organizations in terms of a proper cost–benefit ratio. (2) Cloud technologies should be
implemented according to green ICT principles, with the minimum possible negative influences
on the environment. (3) Reducing energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and e-waste should be a
priority for the suppliers of cloud services, as well as for consumers when they choose their suppliers.
(4) Environmental organizations should make sure that information is clearly available on the influence
of cloud technologies on the environment. Specific objective analyses should be performed, aimed
at providing data to organizations interested in adopting these technologies. (5) Cloud service
suppliers should be aware of all the environmental recommendations in every country and adapt their
activities accordingly.
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