SP - 048-Hill Road Manual PDF
SP - 048-Hill Road Manual PDF
SP - 048-Hill Road Manual PDF
Published by
1RC:SP:48-1 998
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(As on 31.3. 96)
1 AD, Narain DG (RD), Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing), New Delhi
2 S.C. Sharma Chief Engineer (R) Stds/R, Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing),
~Mernber-Secretary) New Delhi
3. S.C. Garcj Engineer-in-Chief, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Town Hall,
Delhi-i 10006
4. Dr. M.P. Dhir Director, CSIR (Retd),A-l/133, Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi-i 10029
5. RN. Malik Chief Engineer (Mech), Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing),
New Delhi
5., OS. Tawarmalani AddI Director General (S&P), CPWD, Nirman Bhawan, New
Delhi-i 10011
7. Dr.. AK. Gupta Professor & Coordinator, Centre of Transport Engg., University of
Roorkee, Roorkee
B. H.P. Jamdar Secretary to the Govt. of Gujarat, R & B Deptt., Btock No14,
SachivalayaComplex, Gandhinagar-382010
10, K.S Narayanan Chief Engineer (CCU), Mb Environment & Forests (Retd.),
E-23, Central Govt Qtrs., St. Martin Marg, New Delhi-110021
12. Maj. CR.. Ramesh Engineer-in-Chief, Public Health Engg, Ananda Rao Circle,
13. Dr. L.A. Kndiyali Chief Consultant, Dr. LR, Kadiyali & Associates, S-487,
md Floor, Greater Kailash-l, New Delhi-110048
14. Ninan Koshi DG(RD), MOST (Retd), 56, Nalanda Apartment, Vikaspuri, New
Delhi-i 10018
15, The. Director General, National Council for Cement & Building Materials, P21, South
Exin II, Ring Road, New Delhi-i 10049
16. Dr. S. Raghava Chari, Transport Engg. Section, Deptt. of Civil Engg., Regional Engg.
College, Warangal
17., Vinod Kumar Director & Head (Civil Enggj, Bureau of Indian Standards,
Manak Bhawan, 9, Bahadurshah Jafar Marg, New Delhi-i 10002
18. P.J. Rao Dy Director & Head, Geotechnical Engg. Division, Central Road
Research Institute, Delhi-Mathura Road, New Delhi-110020
19. Prof. G.V. Rao Prof of Civil Engg, ILT., Hauz Khas, New Delhi-i 10016
21.. Prof., C..G. Swaminathan Badri’, 50, Thiruvankadam Street, RA. Puram, Madras-600028
ADG~being not in position, the meeting was presided by Shri AD. Narain, DG(RD), Govt. of india, MOST
IRC:SP:48-i 998
21. B. Megu Chief Engineer (Zone-I), Arunachal Pradesh, PWD, ltanagar-79i iii
22. M.K. Saxena Director, National Institute for Training of Highway Engineers, 174, Jor
Bagh, New Delhi-i 10003
Director, Central Road Research Institute, Delhi-Mathura Road,
23. Prof. DV. Singh
P.O,CRRI, Okhla, New Delhi-i 1002i
25. A. Sen Chief Engineer (Civil), Indian Roads Construction Corpn. Ltd., 6, Core,
6th Floor, Scope Complex, Lodhi Road, Now Delhi
26. RD. Mehta Chief Engineer (T&T), Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing),
New Delhi
27. R,L. Koul Chief Engineer (Planning), Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing),
New Delhi
Prof. of Civil Engg., Faculty of Engg. Civil, Bangalore University,
28. Prof. C,E.G. Justo
29. OP. Goel B-i 1/8164, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-i 10030
30. MR. Kachhwaha Chief Engineer (B) Std/R Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing),
New Delhi-i 10001
31, Maj. Gen. C.T. Chari D.G.W., E-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Hqrs., Kashmir House, DHQ P0,
New Delhi- 110011
32. Prof. N. Ranganathan Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Transport Planning,, School of Planning &
Architecture, 4, Block-B, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi
33. B.N. Srivastava Chief Engineer, Dy. Director General/DS Dte, General Border Roads,
Kashmir House, DHQ P0, New Delhi-i 10011
34. AK. Mishra Director (Technical), Oil Coordination Committee, 2nd Floor, Core-8,
Scope Complex, 7, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1i0003
35. H,S, Bhatia Chief Consultant, Engineers & Management Associates, 3/5, Kalkaji
Extn,, New Delhi
36. R.K. Jam Project Director, ADB Project, Kothi No.1, Nirman Kunj, Sector-i6A,
37. President, MS. Guram, Chief Engineer, Punjab PWD, - Ex-Officlo
Indian Roads Congress
B&R Branch, Patiala
38. Hon. Treasurer, A.D. Narain, Director General (Road 0ev.) & - Ex-Otficio
Indian Roads Congress AddI. Secy. to the Govt. of India, Ministry of
Surface Transport (Roads Wing), New Delhi
i. L.N. Narendra Singh B-36, Plot 86, Kakateeya Apartments, Patparganj, Delhi-i 10092
IRC:SP:48-1 998
2. SCOPE 4
5.1 General 17
5.2 Sequence of Survey and Survey Methods 17
5.3 Reconnaissance 18
5.4 Ground Survey 21
5.5 Final Location Survey 24
6.1 General 26
6.2 Basic Principles of Geometric Design 26
6.3 Design Speed 28
64 Sight Distance 28
6.5 Width of Road Land, Roadway, Carriageway and Shoulders 29
6.6 Camber/cross fall 30
6.7 Clearance 31
6.8 Horizontal Alignment 32
6.9 Vertical Alignment 43
6.10 Design Criteria for Hair-Pin Bends 46
6.11 Passing Places 47
6.12 Co-ordination of Horizontal and Vertical Alignments 47
6.13 Bridle Road and Bridle Path 48
7.1 General 49
7.2 Trace-cut 49
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7.3 Jungle Clearance 49
7.4 Earthwork-Excavation 52
7.5 Rock Cutting 54
7.6 Embankment 57
7.7 Profile Finishing 57
7.8 Expedients 57
7.9 Special Points 61
7.10 Ecological Aspects 64
8.1 General 65
8.2 Hydrological Study of Rain and Snowfall 65
8.3 Snow 68
8.4 Roadside Drains 68
8.5 Catch-Water Drains/Intercepting Drains 69
8.6 Chutes 69
87 Pavement Drainage 69
8.8 Sub-surface Drainage 74
8.9 Application of Sub-surface Drains 75
8.10 Cross-Drainage-Hydrological Considerations 76
9.1 General 96
9.2 Reataining Walls 96
92 Breast Walls 103
9.4 Parapets, Railing and Edge Stones 103
9.5 Toe and Check Walls 107
9.6 River Training Structures 108
9.7 Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls 109
9.8 OtherStructures 109
10.25 Drainage IRC:SP:48-t
139 998
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18.12 Machinery Required for Rock Blasting on Roads 283
18i3 Record of Drilling/Blasting 283
18.14 Blasting in Adverse Weather Conditions 284
18.15 Fly Rocks 285
18.16 Misfires 285
18.17 DO’s and DON’Ts with Explosives .287
18.18 Caution 287
5.1 Machans 22
6.1 Elements of a Roadway 27
6.2 Classification of Terrain 27
6.3 Road Land 28
6.4 Camber/Cross FaIl 31
6.5 Typical Details of Vertical/Horizontal Clearance 32
6.6 Bad Alignment 33
6.7 Reverse Curve 33
6-8 Broken-Back Curve 34
6.9 Compound Curve 34
6.10 Elements of a Combined Circular & Transition Curve 38
6.11 Visibility at Horizontal Curves 40
6.12 Vision Berms 41
6.13 At Site Measurement of Radius of Existing Curve 42
6.14 Summit Curve 44
6.15 Valley Curve 46
6.16 Hair Pin Bend 46
6.17 Passing Places ODR & VR 47
7.1 Typical Sections of Formation 50
7.2 Tree Cutting 51
7.3 Typical Deployment of Dozers 53
7.4 Driling for Fresh/Initial Cut 55
7.5 Drilling for Widening 55
7.6 Embankment/Cut& Fill 57
7.7 Temporary Cross Drains 58
7.8 Drainage Scupper 59
7.9 BaIly Revetment 60
1RC:SP:48-1 998
7.10 Wire Crated Masonry Slope Protection 60
7.11 Ledgeand Drain 61
7,12 Typical Box Cut 62
7.13 Typical Zig 63
7.14 Vision Berm 63
7.15 Typical Drilling Pattern for Half tunneling 64
8.1 Discharge by Area Velocity Method
- 67
8.2 Side Drains 70
8.3 Catch-Water Drain in Stable Area 72
8.4 Catch-Water Drain in Slide Area 72
8.5 Culvert with Catchpit, Chute, Guide Wall and Appron 73
8.6 Cross Sections of Chute 73
8.7 Moisture Movement Resulting from Rise and Fall of Water Table
Sub-Soil Drainage 74
8.8 Cross Section of Transverse Trench Drain 75
8.9 Seepage from High Ground Sub-Soil Drain 76
8.10 Sub-Grade Drainage 77
8.11 Lowering Water Table 77
8.12 Pavement Drainage 77
8.13 Ford 79
8.14 Paved Dip/Flush Causeway (12m) Plan 80
8.15 Vented Causeway with R.C.C. Pipes for Vents (Sketch-i) 81
8.15 Vented Causeway with R.C.C. Pipes for Vents (Sketch-2) 82
8.16 Submersible Bridge 83
8.17 Culvert in Embankment Pipe Culvert
- 85
8.18 RCC Slab Culvert 2m x 2m (Section) 86
8.19 2mx2m Arch Culvert Section 86
8.20 Wooden Trestile/Pile Pier 87
8,21 Scupper 88
8.22(A) Suspension Bridge (Light Load) on Jeep Road/Mule Path 91
8.22(B) Scheme of 30m Long Suspension Bridge 92
8.23 Cable Stayed Bridge 93
8.24 A Typical Flying Bridge Arrangement 94
8.25 Wire Rope & Trolley 95
9.1 Cross Section Retaining Wall
- 97
9.2 Horizontal Pressure P Due to Back Fill 99
9.3 Inclination of Back Fill Pressure Due to Surcharge 99
9.4 Typical Breast WaIl 104
9.5 Parapet Wall 105
9.6 Railing 106
9.7 Edge Stone 106
9.8 Guard Stone in Deep Drain 106
9.9 Toe & Check WaIls 107
9.10 River Training Works 108
9.11 Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall Arrangement and Views 110
10.1 Typical Pavement Section 112
10.2 Load Dispersal in Pavement 112
10,3 C.B.R. Curve for Pavement Thickness (C.V,D. Method) 120
10.4 Pavement Thickness Curve (C.S,A. Method) 121
10.5 Thickness Combination Block 121
10,6 Pavement Design 10 MSA and Strengthening to 24 MSA 123
10.7 Frozen Soil and Ice Lens 132
10.8 Flexible Pavement High Altitude/Snow Bound Area 135
10.9 Stone Set Pavement ‘137
10.10 P.C.C. Block Pavement 138
10,11 Drainage by Extended Sub-Base 140
10.12 Drainage by Open-Graded Sub-Base 140
10.13 DrainagebyPipes 141
11.1 Slopes in Hill Roads Natural Man Made and Cut 142
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11.2 Classification of Slides 145
11.3 Geological Map of Kaliasaur Slide (Garhwal Himalayas) 149
11.4 Geomorphological Map of Kaliasaur Slide Landslide (Garhwal Himalayas) 150
11.5 Unstable Slope, Slip Circle and Slices for Analysis 151
11.6 Slip Circle Analysis 152
11.7 Removal Unstable Material 154
11.8 Bridging Unstable Area 154
11.9 Tunnel to Avoid Unstable Slope 155
11.10 Buttress Fill (Wall) (Serving as Retaining Wall) 156
11.11 Sodding & Riprap 157
11.12 Horizontal Drain 158
11.13 Deep Trench Drain 159
11.14 Cross Section of Trench cum Surface Drain 160
11.15 Reduction of Weight 160
11.16 Benching 161
11.17 Counter Weight Fill 162
11.18 Reinforced Earth Wall 162
11.19 Sausage Walls 163
11.20 R.C.C. Crib Wall 164
11.21 Slope Covering with Grass Through the Net 166
11.22 Bally Benching 167
11.23 Typical Layout of Instruments for Monitoring a Slope 171
11.24 Panoramic View of Mussorie Slide 176
11.25 Panoramic View of Kaliasaur Slide 176
11.26 Control Measures for a Slide (Section and Plan) 177
12.1 Slope and Avalanche Formation 180
12.2 Types of Avalanches 181
12.3 Zones of Avalanches 182
12.4 Snow Marker 184
12.5 Snow Bridge 190
12.6 Snow Rake 190
12.7 Snow Nets 190
12.8 Avalanche Fence 191
12.9 Terraces 191
12.10 Jet Roof 192
12.11 Wind Baffle 192
12.12 Typical Arrangement Snow Fence 193
12.13 Snow Fence 193
12.14 Gallery and Guide Walls 194
1 2.1 5 Typical Layout Earth Filling and Diversion Dam 195
12:16 Avalanche Ramp 196
12.17 Avalanche Wedge 196
12.18 Masonry Catch Dam 197
12.19 Wedge & Mounds 198
14.1 District Map Showing Roads 214
14.2 Strip Chart (Road Inventory Chart) 215
14.3 A Few Road Signs 222
14.4 Arrangement of Signs for Work on Edge and Shoulders 223
14.5 Arrangements of Signs for Closure of One Lane 224
14.6 Arrangement of Signs for Working in Centre of Carriageway 225
14.7 Road Section with Hill and Valley Slopes and Protection/Correction Works 236
15.1 Typical Design of Laybyes 244
15.2. Highway Development Plan Typical Tourist Camping Ground Lay-out Plan 245
15.3 Highway Development Plan (Amenities-Typical Wayside-Restaurant) 246
15.4 Layout of Pick-up Bus Stop Lay-Bye in Hilly Areas 247
16.1 Widening Roadway 252
16.2 Divisional Stand (Island) 252
16.3 Increasing Radius of Vertical Curve 252
16.4 Timber Avalanche, Prestressed Concrete Snow Shed and Shaitani NaIlah 254
IRC:SP:48-1 998
16.5 Khuni Nallah, Buffer Net and Bridge 255
17.1 Arrangements for Traffic when a Section of the Road is Closed Due
to Breach or Damage 260
17.2 Arrangements During Reconstruction of Cross Drainage Structures
Where Traffic can be Passed Over Part Width of Structure 261
17.3 Arrangements During Reconstruction of Cross During Drainage Structures
where Traffic is to be Passed Over a Diversion 262
17.4 Gate System Station A to B 264
18.1 Detonators 269
18.2 Fixing Detonator, Safety Fuse and Explosive Cartridge 274
18.3 Blasting with Detonating Fuse 276
18.4 Drilling in Stages 277
18.5 Rock Excavation by Benching 280
18.6 Section of Half Tunnel Face 281
18.7 Pyramid Cut 282
18.8 Wedge Cut 282
18.9 Drag Cut 282
18.10 Burn Cut 282
Appendix-i Traffic Census Field Data Sheet 301
Appendix-2 Traffic Census Daily Traffic Summary 302
Appendix-3 Guiding Principles of Route Selection and Location Applicable
to Hill Roads 303
Appendix.-4 Points on which Data may be Collected during Ground
Reconnaissance 305
Appendix-5 Sample Form for Ground Recce Officer Fortnightly Report 307
Appendix-6 General Points for Comparison of Routes 309
Appendix-7 Aerial Survey, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing 311
Appendix-8 Geological Survey and Considerations 314
Appendix-9 Average Output Norms of Labour 315
Appendix-b Average Output Norms of Machines 317
Appendix-il Surface History of Road 318
Appendix-i 2 Check List of Points to be Examined during Inspection for
Maintenance of Hill Roads (at level of Assistant Engineers/Junior
Engineers/Supervisors) 319
Appendix-13 Do’s & Don’ts on the Use of Explosives 321
Appendix-i 4 Important Points on which Attention is Required During Planning,
Construction and Maintenance of Hill Roads 323
Appendix-is Check List of Points About Erosion Control on the Construction
of Roads in Hill Areas 325
Appendix-16 Form for Seeking Prior Approval Under Section 2 of the
Proposals by the State Governments and Other Authorities 327
Appendix-17 Check List of Items for a Highway Project Report 332
Plato-i Example of Tentative AlignmentAfter Anal and Ground Survey 335
Plate-2 Determination of Final Centre Line 336
Plate-3 Schematic Diagrams Showing Different Methods of Attaining Superelevation 337
Ptate-4 Length of Summit Curve for Stopping Sight Distance 338
Plate-S Length of Summit Curve for Intermediate Sight Distance 339
Plate-6 Length of Valley Curve 340
Plate-7 Sketches Showing Good and Bad Alignment Coordination 341
Plate-8 Manner of Presesentation of Details in Plan and Long Section 342
IRC:SP:48-1 998
1 .1. India has a vast area in hilly regions consisting of the Himalayan region from North to North-East,
the Central Highlands of Aravalli, Vindhyaand Satpura ranges, the Sahyadri (Western ghats) and the Eastern
qhats. Out of 25 states and 7 union territories, 9 states are predominantly in hilly regions in North and North
East, whereas 9 other states have substantial hill areas. The Himalayan region itself covers about a fifth of
the country’s total area and about 3000 kms of the country’s sensitive international borders lie along this
region. Economic development and strategic needs have resulted in launching of massive road construction
programme in the hilly regions and in the recent past the activity has increased manifold.
1 .2. These hilly regions, generally, have extremes of climatic conditions, difficult and hazardous
terrain, topography and vast high altitude areas. The region is sparsely populated and basic infrastnuctural
facilities available in more developed plains of hinterland are mostly absent. The areas and, therefore, the
roads ar~affected by floods consequent to torrential rainfall, land-slide, snow-fall, avalanche etc., compelling
certain roads to be kept closed in part of the year, especially in winter months. However, the areas are rich
in natural resources, flora and fauna, and are important to launch development projects, industries, tourism
1.3. In view of the diverse problems met in the area, the necessity for preparation of a manual for
“Design, Construction and Maintenance of Hill Roads” to bring in uniformity of standards and to serve as a
guideline has been engaging the attention of the Indian Roads Congress for past several years. The matter
was deliberated upon in several meetings of the Indian Roads Congress.
1.4. A sub-committee for compilation of the Manual was initially constituted in 1980. This matter was
further discussed in details during Seminar on “Construction of Roads in Hill Areas held in Nainital in July
1985 and the Sub-Committee formed earlier was reconstituted in 1986.
1.5. The Hill Roads Committee (composition given below) deliberated on various aspects of the
R.T. Atre V. Murahani Reddy
Amal Ghosh V.S. Murti
K,C. Bansal T.P.P. Nambiar
ML. Bansal T.K. Natarajan
Brig. S.S. Cheema Col. (Dr.) R,C. Pathak
L.B. Chhetri P.J. Rao
Dharam Vir Robulla
Dr. M.P, Dhir A.N. Sastni
Brig. Gobindar Singh AVSM H.K. Sharma
VS. lyer S.D. Sharma
Mohammed Ismail G.M. Shontu
H.S. Kalsi R.P. Sikka
B. Karamalkhi Arun Kumar Sincar
Padmashri N.N. Lama N. Sivaguru
S.N. Mane, AVSM VSM J.S. Sodhi
S,K. Malhotra Subrata Sinha
IRC:SP:48-l 998
It was agreed that each Chapter of the Manual should contain both guidelines as well as the code
of practice with type-design, tables etc., so that the Manual in itself is a complete document and the existing
IRC: 52-1981 “Recommendations About the Alignment Survey and Geometric Design of Hill Roads (First
Revision)” could also form part of the Manual. The format of the chapters and sub-chapters was discussed
and the drafting of the chapters of the Manual were assigned to the various specialists. The Technical
Chapters were authored by the following engineers:
The chapters drafted by various experts were also discussed at length by committee in its
rneebnqs held on 6-5-86, 20-8-87 and 7-12-87. All the Chapters of the Manual were received by the end of
1991.. Durinq the final meeting of Hill Road Committee held on 23-12-91, an editorial Committee consisting
of Shri D.S.. lx’.. Ayyar as its head and Shri SN. Mane and DS(R), IRC (Shri Nirmaljit Singh) was constituted
to edit and re-write the Manual in IRC format.
Thereafter the draft Manual was placed before the meeting of Highways Specifications &
Standard.s Committee in its meeting held on 12-5-94. The Committee felt that the draft Manual needed
refinement, For this purpose a Sub-committee was set up consisting Shri S.N, Mane as the Convenor, Shri
Nirmaljit Singh as Member-Secretary and S/Shri KB. Rajoria, P.J. Rao and S.C. Sharma as members. The
draft rrianual finalised by this Sub-committee was placed before Highways Sp3cifications & Standards
Committee in its meeting held on 19.3.96, when members were of the view that more time should be given
to therrT for reviewing the manual. It was, therefore, decided that the members may send their comments in
writing to Member-Secretary, Highways Specifications & Standards Committee for further orders of the
Convenor of Highways Specifications & Standards Committee. Comments received from Members were
reviewed by a sub-group, formed by the Convenor, Highways Specifications & Standards Committee
consisting of the following
The Executive Committee considered the draft on “Hill Road Manual” in its meeting held on
21.12.96 and approved for its being placed before the Council. The Council in its 148th meeting held at
Nagpur on 13th January, 1997 approved the Manual for printing with the proviso that Convenor, HSS would
consider the written comments of Members. Accordingly, the Convenor, H.S.S. Committee considered the
written comments and sent the final documents for printing after carrying out necessary modifications.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
2.1. The manual covers the various aspects of design, construction and maintenance of roads in Hilly
2.2. The guidelines contained in the Manual have largely been drawn from relevant Indian Roads
Congress Codes, Ministry of Surface Transport Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, DGBR Technical
Instructions, IS codes and other similar publications and Technical papers available on the subject. To make
the guidelines exhaustive, the standard practices prevailing in different Departments, which have stood the
test of time, have also been included in the Manual. The Manual, based on codes, practices etc., as per
standard engineering norms, has been compiled using the experience and expertise of the authors ofvarious
Chapters as well as other members of the Hill Roads Committee and Engineers who participated and
contributed to the deliberations and discussion of the Chapters in the Hill Roads Committee meetings.
2.3. The guidelines contained in the Manual will apply to all phases of construction and maintenance
of hill roads. Where the guidelines are silent, the relevant IRC Codes, Ministry of Surface Transport
Specification and/or IS Codes would apply. Considering the vastvariations in terrain, climatic and topographic
conditions in the different hill regions of the country, an uniform system cannot obviously, apply to all areas.
As such, the guidelines in the manual relevant to the areas have to be applied. The experience and feedback
from the engineers on adoption of the guidelines in the manual will enable upgradation and updation of the
IRC:SP:48-1 998
3.1. General
3.1 .1. Construction of hill roads comprises various stages of works viz. Reconnaissance, Survey and
Trace cutting, Formation, Protective and Drainage Works, Pavement Works, Bridges etc. Each stage is
further divided into different items of works. Definitions of typical terms used normally in reference to hill roads
are given in the succeeding paras. For easy reference, these terms are grouped underthe following headings:
(i) Classification
(ii) Reconnaissance, Survey and Trace cuthng
(iii) Geometrics
(iv) Formation works
(v) Protective and drainage works
(vi) Pavement works
(vii) Bridges
(viii) Miscellaneous
3.2. Classification
3.2.1. Hill Road is a road passing through mountainous or steep terrain. As in the case of other roads,
hill roads may be classified as per IRC: 52-1981, as one of the following:
(a) National Highways
(b) State Highways
(c) Major District Roads
(d) Other District Roads
(e) Village Roads
3.2,2. Each classification may also be qualified by a suffix indicative of the maximum laden weight of
vehicles in tonnes which could negotiate the road safely.
3.2.3. Terrain classification: The classification of the terrain is normally done by means of cross slope
of the country viz., slope approximately perpendicular to the centre line of the highway location. The following
classification is generally followed:
i) Plain OtolO
ii) Rolling Greater than 10 upto 25
iii) Mountainous Greater than 25 upto 60
iv) Steep Greater than 60
3.3.2. Trace cutting: is the footpath of prescribed width made along the proposed alignment for
facilitating detailed survey, collection of data etc.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
3.4. Geometrics
3.4.1. Camber: is the convexity given to the cross section of the surface of the carriageway to facilitate
3.4.2. Crossfall: is the fall at right angles to an alignment given to the surface of any part of a roadway.
It may he e.pressed as ratio of vertical to horizontal or equivalent percentage.
3.4.3. Curvature (degree of): is the angle in degrees subtended at the centre of a circular arc by a
chord of a given length, usually 30 meters.
3.4.4. Curve horizontal: is the curve in plan to change the direction of the centre line of a road.
3.4.5. Curve transitional: is a curve whose curvature goes on changing at a certain rate from one
radius to another radius for giving smooth change of direction of road.
3.4.6. Curve vertical: is a curve in the longitudinal section of a roadway to provide for easy and safe
change of gradient.
3.4.7. Curve compound: is a curve consisting of two or more arcs of different radii curving in the same
direction and having a common tangent at the point or points of junction.
3.4.8. Curve reverse: is a curve consisting of two arcs of the same or different radii curving in opposite
directions and having a common tangent at the point of junction.
3.4.9. Gradient (incline or grade) : is the mate of rise or fall with respect to the horizontal along the
length of a road expressed as a percentage or as a ratio or in degrees.
3.4.10. Gradient ruling: is a gradient which in the normal course must never be exceeded in any part
of a road.
3.4.11. Gradient limiting: is a gradient steeper than the ruling gradient which may be used in restricted
lengths where keeping within the ruling gradient is not feasible.
3.4.12. Gradient exceptional: is a gradient steeper than the limiting gradient which may be used in short
stretches only in extra-ordinary situations.
3.4.13. Hairpin bend: is a bend in alignment resulting in reversal of direction of flow of traffic. A bend
may be for reversing road direction on same face of hill slope.
3.4.14. Lateral clearance: is the distance between the extreme edge of the carriageway to the face of
the nearest structure/obstruction.
3.4.15. Ruling minimum radius of a curve: is the minimum radius of curvature of the centreline of a
curve necessary to negotiate a curv* at ruling minimum design speed.
3.4.16. Absolute minimum radius of a curve: is the minimum radius of the centreline of a curve
necessary to negotiate a curve at absolute minimum design speed.
3.4.17. Roadway width: is the sum total of carriageway width and shoulder width on either side. It is
exclusive of parapets and side drains.
3.4.18. Road lane width: refers to the width of carriageway of the road in terms of traffic lanes. Single
lane 3.75 m, intermediate lane 5,5 m and double lane 7.0 m (7.5 m with raised kerbs), multilane 3.5 m per
additional lane.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
3.4.19. Sight distance: is the distancealong the road surface at which a driver has visibility of objects,
(stationary or moving) at a specified height, above the carriageway.
3.4.20. Skidding: The lateral motion of the contact area of the tyre of a moving vehicle over the surface
of the road.
3.4.21. Slope: isthe inclination of a surface to the horizontal expressed as one vertical linear unit to the
number of horizontal linear units.
3,4.22. Superelevation: is the inward tilt or transverse inclination given to the section of a carriageway
on a horizontal curve to reduce the effects of centrifugal force on a moving vehicle. Superelevation isgenerally
expressed as a slope.
3.4.23. Transition length: is the contreline length along a curve, radius of which goes on changing at a
certain rate of change of acceleration.
3.4.24. Vertical clearance: is the height above the highest point of the travelling way, i.e., the
carriageway and part of the shoulders meant for vehicular use, to the lowest point of the overhead structure
or rock surface.
3.5. Formation
3.5.1. Benching: is the formation of a series of level platforms or ledges upon an incline.
3.5.2. Berm: is the horizontal ledge or margine formed at the top or bottom of an earth slope.
3.5.3. Boulder: is rock fragment with diameter minimum plan dimension greater than 300 mm and
weight not less than 40 kg.
3.5.5. Compaction: is the process by which the soil particles are consolidated by rolling, vibrating or
other moans, to pack more closely together, thus increasing the dry bulk density of the soil.
3.5.6. Cut and fill: is a term used to describe any section of earth work which is partly in cutting and
partly in filling.
3.5.7. Embankment: is an earth work raised above the natural ground by the deposition of material to
support construction at a higher level.
3.5.8. Escarpment: a steep slope or long cliff resulting from erosion orfaulting and separating two areas
of different elevations.
3.5.9. Formation width: is the finished width of earth work in fill or cut.
3.5.10.. Pass: a narrow space between mountain peaks that can be used as a way through or on which
one can travel.
3.5.11. Passing Place: is an area provided on the side of the road at convenient locations to facilitate
crossing of vehicles approaching from the opposite direction and toe aside a disabled vehicle so that it does
not obstruct traffic.
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3.5.13. Road land width (also termed the right of way) is the land acquired for road purposes.
3.5.14, Rock: is natural accumulation of mineral matter in earth’s crust or upper mantle consisting of
atleast two crust minerals.
3.5.15. Rock, hard: covers any rock, excavation of which involves intensive drilling and blasting. This
can stand vertic~dor even over-hanging cut depending on the type/mass and dip of the rock.
3.5.16. Soft rock: This comprises of soft varieties of rock such as lime stone, sand stone, laterite,
conglomerate or other disintegrated rocks which can be excavated by crow bars and/or pick axes or
mechanical excavators normally without use of blasting.
3.5.17. Rock, dip of: is the angle with which the rock is dipping against horizontal plane.
3.5.18. Rock, fault in: are rock fractures along which the opposing blocks of rock have moved or moving.
3.5.20. Valley: is an elongated low land between ranges of mountains or hills often having a river or
stream running along the bottom.
3.6.1. Angle of repose: is the maximum angle between the horizontal plane and the slope at which
earth or other loose material stabilizes without tending to slide.
3.6.2. Angle of surcharge: is the angle between horizontal plane and sloping face of a surcharge of
earth or other matter.
3.6.3. Back filling: is the earth or other material used to fill cavity on earth retaining structures such as
in culvert trenches and behind the bridge abutments, retaining walls etc.
3.6.4. Boxculvert: is a monolithic drainage structure rectangular in section having clear span less than
or equal to 6 m.
3.6.6. Catch pit: is a pit excavated or a chamber constructed below the normal bed level of a ditch,
drain, stream or sewer to trap bed silt and solid matter.
3.6.7. Catch water drain: is a drain excavated on the upper slope of a hill road area to intercept and
collect water flowing towards the road, and to lead it to a point where no damage will result to the road or in
general it is a drain to catch water flowing to a certain area and drain it off to another area.
3.6.8. Causeway: is a paved dip in a road across a shallow drainage course, at the bed level.
3.6.9. Causeway, vented: is a paved dip appreciably above the bed level of a stream, usually provided
with vents to pass low water flow or is a causeway with vents below road level to drain off low water flow.
3.6.10. Coefficient of roughness or rugosity: is a reduction factor which has to be applied in
formulae, such as Kutter, Manning and Barfen when calculating the discharge of a stream, to allow for the
frictional and other losses engendered by the characteristics of the wetted perimeter.
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3.6,11. Culvert: isa structure used for purpose similar to that ofa minor bridge having total linear opening
of 6 m or less measured at right angles to faces of abutments.
3612. Curtain wall: is a wall used as a shield or protection against scouring action.
3.6.13. Cut-off wall: is a wall, collar, or other structure intended to cut off or reduce percolation of water
in smooth surface, or through porous strata.
36.14. Drain: is a conduit or channel, either artificial or natural, for carrying off surplus ground water or
surface water.
36.15. Erosion: is the process of removal of matter from the banks of a stream or other surfaces by the
action of natural forces like flowing water, wind etc.
3.6.16. Retaining wall: is a wall constructed to maintain in position material capable of exerting lateral
pressure, generally a mass of earth.
3.6.17, Return wall/wing wall: is a retaining wall built parallel or at an angle to the centreline of a road
and in continuation of an abutment to retain the embankment.
3.6.18. Revetment: is a facing of stone or other material laid on a sloping face of earth to maintain the
slopes in position.
3.6,19. Run-off: isthe total quantity of precipitated water from a catchment area, reaching a given point
within a given time.
3.6.20. Safe bearing capacity: is the pressure which may be applied over the soil without causing it to
settle to an extent deterimental to the structure built over it.
3.6.21. Side drain: is a drain along the side of a road.
3.6.22. Storm water: is that portion of the precipitation which runs off the surface of the ground during
a rain storm and for a short period following it when the flow exceeds the normal or ordinary rate of run~off.
3.6.23. Sub-surface: is the undisturbed strata lying below the natural top soil.
3.6.24. Sub-surface drain: is a drain below the ground surface to drain away sub~soflwater.
3.6.25. Surcharge: is the load superimposed above the level of the top of the retaining wall on the earth
resting against it.
3.6.26. Toe wall: is small retaining wall structure at the foot of an earth slope.
3.6.27. Viaduct: is a structure which carries a road or across a wide and deep valley or ground having
generally no flow of water.
3.6.28. Water cushion: is a pool of water maintained to absorb the impact of water flowing over a dam,
chute, drop or other spiliway structure.
3.6.29. Weep hole: is a small opening left through soil retaining structure to drain away percolated water.
3,7, Pavement Works
3.7.1. Bituminous concrete (asphaltic concrete): is a mixture of bitumen, coarse aggregates, fine
aggregates and filler material and used as a wearing course without any seal coat. It is also termed as
Asphaltic Concrete.
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3.7.2. Base course: is that part of the construction resting upon the sub-base or in its absence the
subgrade, through which the load is transmitted to the subgrade or the supporting soil.
3.7.3. Bitumen emulsion: is a liquid product in which substantial amount of bitumen is suspended in
finely divided condition in an aqueous media and stabilised by means of one or more suitable reagents.
3.7.4. BitumenlTar macadam: is a type of construction in which the fragments of coarse aggregates
are bound together either by bitumen or tar applied either by premix or grouting method. Bitumen macadam
may be semi-dense or dense.
3.7.5. Bituminous Penetration macadam: is a macadam crust in which the stone aggregate is bound
together by a binder applied to penetrate to the designed depth.
3.7.6. Black top surface: is a general term applied to wearing coats or surface of road in which tar or
bitumen is used as binder.
3.7.7. California Bearing Ratio (CBR): is a measure of the shearing resistance of a soil to penetration
under carefully controlled density and moisture conditions. The ratio is expressed as a percentage of the
unit load required to force a standard piston into the soil at a rate of 1.25 mm per minute divided by the unit
load required to force the same piston the same depth at the same rate into a standard sample crushed
3.7.8. Built-up spray grout: is a two layer composite granular construction with application of
bituminous binder after each layer.
3.7.9. Carpet: isa finished top surface obtained by the application of premixed aggregate or bitumen/tar
concrete and is called premix carpet and may consist of mix seal, open graded, semi-dense or dense.
3.7.10. Carriageway: is that portion of the roadway designed and constructed for use of vehiculartraffic.
3.7.. 11. Cement concrete surface: is a surface obtained by placing and compacting cement concrete.
3.7.12. Coarse aggregate: is a relative term to denote the larger mineral fragments usually limited to a
size greater than 4.75 mm.
3.7.13. Cutback bitumen: is a bitumen whose viscosity has been increased by a volatile dilutant.
3.7.14. Earth road: is a road with the carriageway composed of natural soil.
3.7.15. Edging: is the block of concrete, brick, stone or the like embedded along the edges of a pavement
to protect them from damage caused by traffic.
3.7.16. Expansion joint: is the self-adjustingconnection formed between two parts of the samestructure,
and so designed as to permit small relative movements under thermal changes without destroying continuity
or structural properties.
3.7.17. Fine aggregate: is a relative term to denote the smaller mineralfragments and particles passing
through 4.75 mm square mesh.
3.7.18. Gravel road: is a road with the carriageway composed of a compacted layer or layers of gravel.
3.7.19. Grouting: is the action in which a fluid cementitious binder is made to penetrate into joints,
fissures, or cracks between stones or blocks, or void spaces in mineral aggregates either under the action
of gravity or by externally applied pressure.
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3.7.20. Moisture content: is the loss of weight expressed as percentage of the dry material, when a soil
sample is dried to constant weight at 105°C.
3.7.21. Pavement: is the structure consisting of superimposed layers of selected and processed
materials placed on a subgrade to support the applied traffic loads and distribute them to the soil foundation.
3.7.22. Percolation: is the slow passage ofwater through soil or a porous solid under the action of gravity.
3.7.23.. Premixing: is the process of mixing of coarse or fine aggregate with a binder prior to laying at
3.7.24. Prime coat: is the single coat application of a binder of low viscosity to an absorbent granular
surface preparatory to any super-imposed bituminous treatment or construction..
3.7,25.. Rapid curing cut-back bitumen: is cut-back bitumen which sets or stabilises rapidly.
3.7.26. Resurfacing: is the complete renewal of an old wearing surface by new layer of surfacing.
3.7.27. Slow curing cut-back bitumen: is a cut back bitumen which sets or stabilises slowly.
3.7.28. Soil stabilisation: is the process of treating a soil in such a manner as to improve or alter its
physical properties so as to serve a specific purpose.
3.7.29. Stone set paving: is a paving of rectangular blocks of stone sets laid in regular courses.
3.7.30. Subgrade: The top 50cm of the embankment over the entire formation width, directly supporting
the pavement.
3.7.31. Sub-base: is a layer of material placed between the base course and the subgrade.
3.7.32. Surfacing: is a wearing coat laid upon a prepared foundation in the form of a continuous surface
3.7.33. Tack coat: is the initial application of binder to an existing surface given to ensure thorough bond
between the new construction and the existing surface..
3.7.34. Traffic lane: is a longitudinal strip of the carriageway of a road, regarded as an unit width to
accommodate safely the traffic going in one direction.
3.7.35. Water bound macadam: is the layer consisting of clean, crushed aggregates, mechanically
interlocked by rolling and bonded together with the screening, binding material and water.
3.7.36. Wet mix macadam: is a type of surfacing in which graded aggregate and granular material,
premixed wit.h water is laid uniformly on a prepared subgrade/sub-base/base or existing pavement and
compacted to a dense mass.
3.8. Bridges
3.8.1. Abutment: is an end support of the superstructure of a bridge or similar structure generally
sustaining the pressure of the abutting earth or back fill.
3.8.2. Afflux: is the rise in level of water above the normal level of water due to obstruction caused to
normal flow of water.
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3.8.3. Aqueduct: is an artificial channel through which water, flowing with a free surface, is taken across
a valley, drain, canal, river, road or railway.
3.8.4. Backwater: is the water in a stream rising above its normal level due to some obstruction in flow
down stream.
3.8.5. Bridge: is a drainage structure, with a total linear opening of more than 6 m erected for carrying
traffic across a natural or artificial water course, a railway track, another roadway or any other obstruction.
3.8.6. Catchment area: is the area from which the rainfall flows into a drainage channel at any specified
3.8.7. Coffer dam: is a temporary box like structure or enclosure formed to isolate the area which it
encloses for excluding water therefrom.
3.8.8. Deck level: is the level of the crown of the carriageway over the deck.
3.8.9. Diversion: is an alteration in the course of the road, river, or a stream, as a temporary expediency,
during construction, improvement or repairs.
3.8.10. Free board: is the vertical distance between the designed maximum flood level, allowing for
aftlux, if any, and the road surface level at its lowest point whether on the bridge structure’ or its approaches.
3.8.12. Pier: is an intermediate support between the end support of a bridge or culvert.
3.8.13. Pile: is a column driven or screwed into or formed in the ground in order to consolidate the soil
or to transmit the weight or the thrust of a structure to firm zones of the subsoil.
3.8.14. Rocker bearing: is a bearing or a support which permits slight angular movement at the
supported ends of a bridge superstructure.
3.8.15. Roller bearing: is a bearing assembly, consisting mainly of rollerswith suitably designed top and
bottom plates which permit slight longitudinal movements at the supported ends of a bridge superstructure.
3.8.16. Scour: is the process of erosion and removal of matter by the action of running water on the bed
3.8.17. Shuttering: is temporary timber or metal forms or other means used to mould the structure to
3.818. Silt: is the fine grained soil (particles size from 75 micron to 2 micron) with little or no plasticity
or no strength when air dried.
3.8.19. Skew bridge or culvert: is a bridge or culvert the centreline of which is not at right angle to the
axis of the crossing.
3.8.20. SubmersIble bridge: is a bridge designed to allow normal floods to pass through its vents but
allowed to be overtopped during high floods.
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3.8.21. Substructure: is that part of the bridge or culvert which lies above the foundation level and below
the superstructure seats, or below the springing line of the arches.
3.8.22. Superstructure: is that part of the structure which lies above the bridge seats or above the
springing line of arches.
3.8.23. Through bridge: is a bridge in which the roadway is at or near the bottom chord level of the main
supporting members.
3.8.24. Water shed: is the line of separation between adjacent catchment areas.
3.9. Miscellaneous
3.9.1. Avalanches: is a hurtling of a mass of snow/ice moving down from a height and gathering
momentum in the descent which may carry rock fragments or earth from hill slope during movement.
3.9.4. Maintenance: is the upkeeping of a construction to a definite standard of efficiency and quality.
3.9.5. Pothole: is a marked local depression in a surface layer, roughly circular in plan, arising from the
displacement or wearing away of material by traffic or other causes.
3.9.6. Settlement: is the downward movement (depression) of the soil or structure, which it supports
due to shrinkage by consolidation or subsidence caused by the movement of subsoil.
3.9.7.. Slip: is the local soil movement produced by a mass of soil sliding over a slope.
3.9.8. Spur: The word is normally used in hill roads to indicate the convex portion of the hill feature on
the road alignment sloping in one direction only. These are also structures made to train the flow and reduce
the velocity of water in channel.
3.9.9. Subsidence: is the downward movement of the soil produced by removal or displacement of the
underlying strata.
3.9.10. Tunnel: is a passage through a hill to be used as a road, rail track or water channel.
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Transport is a vital infrastructure for rapid economic growth of a country. Rail and Road are the
dominant modes of transport in the country with railways providing trunk service for bulk movement of
commodities as: well as passenger traffic and road transport taking up most of the medium and short haul
traffic including feeder and distribution activities. In the near absence of network of railways in interior hill
areas, roads arE. the main, if not the only, means of communications. Hill areas, by and large have remained
to an extent remote, inspite of a large network of roads to interior areas constructed since independence,
due to inadequate road system connecting far interior and remote villages. The need for roads in the hill
areas will he ever increasing considering the vastness of the hill areas and the density of roads required to
cater all infrastructural development and strategic needs.
4.~...1. The. fundamental measure of traffic on a road system is the volume of traffic using the road in a
given interval of time. The traffic is usually expressed in terms of vehicles per hour or vehicles per day. When
the traffic is composed of a number of types of vehicles, it is a normal practice to convert the flow into
equivalent Passenger Car Units (PCUS) by using equivalency factors given in Table 10-2
4.2.2. Judicious location of traffic count stations is very important. For trunk routes serving inter-city
tn~ffic.,the census .site should be placed well away from all urbanised developments and villages. Every road
should be divided into convenient sections each carrying approximately similar traffic between points of
substantial traffic change. Count stations should be set up for each section. Traffic should be counted at each
point at least twice a year. One count should be taken during peak season of harvesting and marketing and
thE~other during lean season. Guidelines given in IRC:9-1972 ‘Traffic Census on Non-Urban Roads’ should
befollowed for carrying outtraffic census on all importanttrunk routes like National Highways, State Highways
and Major District Roads. A field data sheet form for the normal recording of hourly traffic flows is given in
Appendix-i. Form for daily traffic summary is given in Appendix-2.
4.2.3. For new roads connecting new areas an estimation of traffic likely to be generated can be done
by population and consumer need studies, development plans forthe area and traffic on adjacent roads.
4.3.1. Capacity analysis is fundamental to the planning, design and operation of roads and provides
among other things the basis for determining the carriageway width to be provided at any point in a road
network with respect to the volume and’composition of traffic, It is also a valuable tool for evaluation of the
investments needed for future road construction and improvements and for working out priorities between
competing Projects.
4.3.2. IRC:64-1990 ‘Guidelines for Capacity of Roads in Rural Areas’ contains recommended design
service volumes for hill roads also. These are given in Table 4.1.
4.3.3. The capacity of two lane roads can be increased by providing paved and surfaced shoulders at
least 1.5 m width on either side. Provision of hard paved shoulders results in slow moving traffic being able
to travel on the shoulder which reduces the interference to fast traffic on the main carriageway. Under these
circumstances, 15 per cent increase in capacity can be expected vis-a-vis the values given in Table-4-1.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
Table 4.1. Recommended Design Service Volumes for Hill Roads
4.4.1. Planning of roads in hill areas is much different from plains. Villages are small and scattered in
valleys and over slopes of numerous hill ranges located at different altitudes. These cannot be connected
by straight roads as in plains. Alignment of roads has thus to be circuitous and is primarily governed by
4.4.2. In hilly areas, road links should be provided on the basis of cluster or group of villages as far as
feasible hecause the population of each village may be very low. Villages located within a radius of 1 .6 km
and havinq a n altitude difference of not more than 200 m can be considered as one clusteror group. Isolated
villaqes, having population of more than 500 should be provided with an all-weather link road. For a cluster
of villages of population less than 500, a selective approach of an all-weather road within S kms from the
village may he considered to start with. Where funds do not permit construction of regular motor road, road
may he constructed ‘for light vehicular traffic to link villages.
4.4.3. Due to topographical constraints and location of small isolated villages, it may not be possible to
ccnnc~ctall vilk..qes with motorable roads. However for the developmentof the area and its economic growth,
theme is a need to connect all villages and production centres with some means of communication. The
isolated villE:Lqes/h.abitations can be connected by bridle roads after bringing them within 2 to 3 km of a
motnrable road., with an altitude difference of, say, not more than 200 m. Gravity type aerial cableways can
~lsohe provided for cheaper and easier transportation of produce to road-head from such isolated habitation,
where necessary.
4.4.4.. As in the rest of the country, roads in hill areas are also classified as National Highways, State
Highways, Major District Roads, Other District Roads and Village Roads according to specifications, traffic
nec’ ds, socio-economic, administrative or strategic considerations. However, from topographical
considerations, these can broadly be divided into Arterial roads and Link roads. Arterial roads are trunk routes
and can be further divided into Major val’ey roads and Inter-valley roads. While former run in major valleys
along rivers/streams or in some cases, depending upon topography, nearto the ridge line, the lattertraverse
through different valleys, connecting one majorvalleyto another either running nearto the ridge line or across
slope of hill ranges., rising from one valley to the ridge and going down to the next valley and soon, connecting
enmoute a number of villages to market or administrative centres. Arterial roads will include National/State
Highways and Major District Roads. Link roads take off from Arterial roads to link villages/production areas
in small/sub-valleys. These will comprise Other District Roads and Village Roads.
4.5. Priority Strategies
4.5.1. The priority for hill rcads in rural areas should be as under
ii Village connectivity as per criteria proposed in para 4.4.2. For hamlets (Wadis) ofvillages located away from main
villages connection tray be provided by pathways and foot bridges.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
ii) Upgrading of existing unsurfaced roads, Such roads can be used only as fair weather roads with limited level of
service. These roads require to be surfaced and provided with cross-drainage works for serving as an all-weather
road connection,
4.5.2. While deciding interse priority for upgradation of the existing unsurfaced road lengthvis-a-vis new
connections, the thrust should be for providing new connections, unless all weather route is essential for the
traffic needs.
4.6.1. Construction of roads in hilly region disturbs the ecosystem in many ways. The main ecological
problems associated with hill roads construction are:
I) Geological disturbances
ii) Land degradation and soil erosion
ii) Destruction and denuding of forest
iv) Interruption and disturbance to drainage pattern
v) Loss of forestry and vegetation
vi) Aesthetic degradation
vii) Siltation of water-reservoirs
These factors underline the need to plan, align and construct hill roads after careful thought. The
help of geologists and environmental specialists should, therefore, be enlisted while planning for hill roads.
Details in this regard are given in Chapter 19 and can be referred.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
5.1. General
5.1 .1. In this Chapter, guidelines for carrying out survey work in fixing alignment of hill roads situated
primarily in a rural or non-urban area are given.
5.1.2. The requirement of the road is decided based on administrative, developmental, strategic, other
needs and the obligatory points to be connected by the road. Control points between obligatory points are
governed by saddles, passes, valleys, river crossings, vertical and over-hanging cliffs, forest and cultivated
land and other natural features like escarpments, slide-prone, avalanche-prone and other unstable areas.
The control points are determined by the appropriate technical authority.
5.1.3. In order to explore the possibility of various alternative alignments, preliminary investigation
should start from the high obligatory or control summit points and proceed downwards. The alignment finally
selected linking the obligatory and control points should fit in well with the landscape. The aim should be to
establish a safe, easy, short and economically possible line of communication between the obligatory points
considering the physical features of the region and traffic needs apart from least disturbance to the
eco-system. Ideal road alignment is the one which will cause the least over-all transportation cost taking into
account the costs of construction, maintenance, and recurring cost of vehicle operation.
5.1 .4. The route should avoid the introduction of hair-pin bends as far as possible. However if such a
provision becomes inevitable, the number of hair-pin bends should be reduced to absolute minimum and the
inevitability o’f each hair-pin bend should be recorded in the reconnaissance report. Further, the bends should
be located on stable and flat hill slopes, and their location in valleys avoided. Also, a series of hair-pin bends
on the same face of the hill should be avoided.
5.1 .5. Economy in operating cost of transport vehicles is achieved by adopting easy grades, minimising
rise and fall and by following a direct line as far as possible between obligatory points. Although shortest
distance is an important factor, it may have to be sacrificed, at times, in order to obtain easy curvature and
gradients, to avoid prohibitive cuts or fills and long river crossings. Even a longer road length to ease gradient
and curves may result in a more economical operating cost.
5.2.1. With the guidelines enumerated under para 5.1 the work, right from the initial survey to fixing final
alignment of a hill road, should follow sequence as under.
(a) Reconnaissance
(b) Preliminary Survey.
(c) Determination of Final Centre line
(d) Final Location Survey
5.2.2. To facilitate the survey team in the tentative selection of alternative alignments for subsequent
detailed ground reconnaissance it will be advisable, if economy of the project permits, to take advantage of
modern techniques like Aerial Survey, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
5.3. Reconnaissance
5.3.1. General: Once the obligatory points are known the next step will beto undertake reconnaissance
survey in the following sequence:-
(a) Study of topographical survey sheets, geological and meteorological maps and aerial photographs.,~’~crc
avail ahis’
(h) Preliminary aerial reconnaissance (as against aerial photographs), ‘where practicable.
(c) Ground reconnaissance,
(dl Final reconnaissance of inaccessible and difficult stretches
5.3.2. Study of survey sheets, maps etc:- Topographical sheets are available in the scale of 1: 50000,
i.e. 2 cm to 1 km, showing towns, villages, rivers and terrain features with altitudes and contour lines at
intervals of 20 m. Close study of these sheets and the geological and meteorological maps of the area is
essential in order to locate the obligatory and control points and to marktentatively alternative feasible routes
on the topo sheet for further survey on ground. Such study should be done by a Senior Civil Engineer to
select tentatively and mark the possible routes on the map keeping in view the guiding principles given in
Appendix-3 as reproduced from Appendix-i of IRC-52-1 981 ~Recommendations About the Alignment Survey
and Geometric Design of Hill Roads”.
Aerial photographs of the area under survey, if available, to the scale of 1 in 20,000 to I in 50,000,
will supplement the information obtained from topographical maps. With stereoscopic techniques a skilled
photo-interpreter can not only gather quantitative data but also obtain significant soil and sub-soil information
from such photographs which will be very useful in selecting the alignments.
5.3.3. Aerial reconnaissance: Aerial Reconnaissance will provide a bird’s eyeview of the alignments
under consideration and the surrounding area. It will help identify factors which call for rejection or modification
of any of the alignments. Final decision about the alignments to be studied in detail on the ground can be
taken up on the basis of aerial reconnaissance.
5.3.4. Where required, this should be done by a Senior Civil Engineer in charge of the Project alongwith
two other assistants. This aerial reconnaissance is essential to verify the correctness of the details of
obligatory and control points indicated in the top sheets and also to find out other control points, if any, not
shown in the map. Such reconnaissance will confirm the feasibility of the routes for proceeding further with
ground reconnaissance, The team doing the aerial reconnaissance will have to carry the following documents
and equipment alongwith them:-
(a) Topographical sheets, where tentative routes are marked along with the details of obligatory and control points
obtained on study of maps.
(h) Photo mosaics or aerial photographs of the area, if available, with pocket stereoscopes.
(ci Binoculars
(d) Altimeters
5.3.5. The aerial recce party will have to fly over the area covering the possible routes selected from
study of maps and air photographs and examine the following points making notes of observations:-
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(v) Camping sites
(vi) Rocky areas
(vii) Vegetation
53.6. The altitudes of various obligatory and control points can also be recorded roughly from the
altimeter, taking due consideration of the height at which the aircraft hovers over the required points. On
completion of the reconnaissance, the team should do following:-
5.3.7. Ground reconnaissance: The various alternative routes found feasible as above are further
verified physically in the field by ground reconnaissance to recommend the final route. It consists of general
examination of the ground by walking or riding along the probable routes and collecting all essential and
available data as per guidelines given in Appendix-4.
538. This part of the survey is very important in the selection of the final route and should be carried
out by a Recce Team headed by an engineer of some experience and associated with the survey right from
map study and aerial reconnaissance (preferably not less than an Assistant Executive Engineer) supported
and assisted by necessary technical and administrative staff and labour, It will be beneficial to associate a
Geotechnical Engineer or Geologist with this work.
5~39. A suggested composition of the team and equipment required to be available for efficient and
effective conduct of the ground survey is given in Table 5.1.
5.3.10. Where necessary, local habitants may also be associated with ground reconnaissance.
5.3.11. The general method of ground reconnaissance and fixing route/grade pegs by the
reconnaissance team are described below:-
la) A starting point is fixed near the first obligatory point at a higher ground from the surrounding area from where one
can see the next obligatory and/or some nearby control points. Being the starting point of the traverse survey, a
cement concrete masonry block of dimensions 30 cm x 30 ctn x 60 cm (deep) with upper surface 20 cm above the
ground should he erected on which the bench tnark/nltitude, chainage, etc. should be marked. From the altitudes of
the two control points the approximate distance to be traversed between these two points can be ascertained taking
into consideration a gradient flatter than the ruling gradient by 20 per cent or so (ifruling grade is 5%, grade assumed
is 4%) depending on slope of the hill side. The jungle ahead of the fixed point is cleared along the route for placing
and sighting the alignment and ranging poles. The width of jungle clearance should be 0.6-i.2 m or even more if
required. The direction of, route should be checked with the aid of survey instruments.
Iii With abney level and/or ghat tracer the route line along the hill face should be ranged at the required grade and the
corresponding position on ground located by ranging rod and driving the grade peg into the ground, keeping the top
of peg at level as per required gradient. Such grade pegs may be positioned nt intervals between 25-100 metres or
closer where required.
Ic) The distance of the grade peg from the preceding one is measured and recorded in field book. On the peg, the serial
nuinher, distance, gradient (rise/fall) are marked in paint. The process is repeated at next location.
~d) The indication of the grade peg for the detailed survey party should be marked by a clearly visible sign noticeable
irons a distance on the route. This is generally done by debarking a portion of a nearby tree of size 20cm by 10cm
at the eye level and indicating in red paint direction, distance, the serial number and chainage of the connected grade
peg In places, where trees are not available, the hill face near the grade peg may be levelled about 30 cm square
and then a pole at about 2 meter high with a cross piece tied to it is firmly fixed near the peg to indicate the position
of the connected grade peg. In rocky area the level, line could be marked on the rock face with red paint and details
required, as above, he written just above the level line. Any other method, depending upon the terrain and local
facility available, may be adopted; the main aim being that the survey party for detailed survey, to be done later,
should not have any difficulty in locating the reference and grade pegs on the route, However, the method adopted
should he clearly indicated in the field book and reconnaissance report.
(c) Whenever a high hill range has to be crossed, it is essential to select a suitable pass or saddle (which becomes a
control point) and to work from the top downwards. This is more convenient than working from bottom upwards,
as in the latter case, there is a possibility of missing the pass or saddle especially when the area is dense jungle.
hI cross sections are taken with Abney level at about 25 to 100 meters apart or any other interval convenient to indicate
the hill slope. Notes will have to be recorded in field book on the following points:-
Ii) Nature and classification of soil (including rock out~crops,if any) encountered
(ii) The character of waterways and streams
(iii) Approximate span and type of culverts and bridging required
(iv) Availability of materials such as timber, stone, gravel, sand, etc.
(v) Location of quarries
Ivil Possible camping places and availability of drinking water
lvii) Any other useful information like availability of local labour, air dropping zone, helipad, etc.
igl It has to be ensured that the survey and recording are made accurately by timely checking. A fortnightly progress
report in the format given at Appendix- 5 alongwith a diagramatic chart showing the rough L-Sectmon and also hill
slopes (which need not be to scale) has to be prepared and submitted to the engineer authority who ordered the
survey. It should contain adequate information to enable the Engineer who ordered the survey to get a fairly good
idea, not only on the progress of the ground reconnaissance, but also on the suitability of the proposed alignment.
Similar procedure for carrying out the preliminary ground reconnaissance and submission of
fortnightly report should be followed by the Survey Team in respect of all alternative alignments also.
5.3.12. Reconnaissance report:- On completion of reconnaissance survey on all the alternative routes
a report alongwith a comparative statement ofthe alternative alignments in the proforma given at Appendix-6
should be prepared alongwith recommendations on the alignment to the Engineer authority who ordered the
reconnaissance survey. The report should contain a plan on the scale of 1 : 50,000, showing alternative
alignments alongwith their general profile and rough cost estimate. A sample of topo-~heet,showing two
alternative alignments proposed, is given in Plate-i. The Senior Civil Engineer-in-Charge of the area should
IRC:SP:48-1 998
carry out inspection of the alternative alignments personally. Ground reconnaissance may disclose certain
difficult stretches which call for detailed examination. A trace-cut might be made in such sections for
inspection. Apart from this, before the alignment is accorded approval by the competent authority, it may be
desirable to have one last round of aerial reconnaissance to resolve any remaining doubts. The
reconnaissance report is processed to the competent authority for approval.
5.4.1. General: This survey consists of pegging at 20 or 25 m intervals the route previously selected
on the basis of the reconnaissance survey more accurately and at regular and close intervals, cutting a trace
1.0 to 1 .2 m wide and running an accurate traverse line along it by taking longitudinal and cross sections of
the alignment establishing hench marks at convenient intervals and fixing reference pegs where the direction
of the alignment changes. The data collected at this stage forms the basis for the determination of the final
centre line of the road. For this reason it is essential that every precaution is taken to maintain high degree
of accu racy. Besides the above, general information concerning traffic, soil conditions, construction materials,
drainage etc., which may be relevant for fixing the design features should also be collected during this phase.
The Survey Team may be similar to that for reconnaissance with supporting staff and equipment.
5.4.3. Jungle clearance: An advance party with required labourers and tools should commence
clearing the jungle along the selected alignment to provide clear sight distance for three or four ranging
pole/levelling staff positions at a time on each direction of the alignment. The party should commence work
at least three days before the pegging party. The necessary clearance from forest department as required
has to be obtained.
5.4.4. Pegging the alignments: A party consisting of the following personnel with necessary equipment
should commence checking grade level, directions and curvature of the alignment arrived at earlier, during
the reconnaissance refixing the correct alignment and repeggingthe alignment at convenient and workable
distance, two to three days after the jungle clearance has progressed:-
(a) Levelling Instrument - 2 Nos.
(quick setting level)
(b) Ghat tracer - I No.
(c) Theodolite - 1 No.
(d) Surveyor’s chain -2 Nos.
(e) Mettalic tape 30 m - 3 Nos.
5.4.5. The line, grade and direction of the selected alignment should be properly checked and corrected
with the levelling instrument and theodolite with more details and accuracy. The gradient to be followed at
this stage should be easier than the proposed to be achieved on the road by a margin of 20 per cent or so
IRC:SP:48-1 998
as stated in para 5.3.11(a). Procedure for pegging will be the same as in para 5.3.11 sub paras (c) and (d).
However, the intervals of the pegs should be 20 or 25 m as per ground and terrain condition. The size of the
pegs may be 6 cm dia or square and 60cm long out of which 45cm be driven into the ground. The indication
about the grade should be provided at conspicuous locations so as to be easily visible from a distance as
mentioned in para 5.3.11 subparas (b) to (d). To avoid confusion, the earlier markings made in the trees or
roads or poles will have to be removed or erased once the corrected and revised makings are ascertained
and displayed.
5.4.6. Trace cut: A party consisting of the following personnel, should carry cut the trace out along the
selected alignment and follow the pegging party:-
Trace Cut will be about 1 .0 metre wide track cut along the selected alignment to facilitate access
to the area for inspection and survey. It may not be possible to cut a trace where the pegged route traverses
precipices and may, therefore, be detoured by cutting the trace either along the top or bottom periphery of
these areas.
5.4.7. Machans: In continuous long stretches of rock, with sheer vertical faces where trace cutting is
not possible, machans can be constructed by erecting framework with locally available ballies, resting on
suitable ledges or pegs driven in the crevices/cracks in the rock-face on the valley side. 0.75 to 1.0 m wide
platform/decking of ballies/bamboos with suitable railing wherever required, is provided on the top of the
tramework. Where suitable ledge/support is not available, the machans are constructed by hanging cane
suspenders from trees or pegs driven in crevices/cracks on the rock-face on hill side and the platform/decking
is tied to these cane suspenders. Typical sketches of machans are shown in Fig. 5.1. Where the rock is steep
and inaccessibly deep for construction of machans, temporary pathways can also be developed by driving
jumpers of iron rods into the rock-face and putting wooden ballies or planks over them for the men to safely
walk along.
75—l,OM WIDE
labourers under a resourceful/imaginative supervisor/officercan achieve a daily progress of about 0.5 to 1.0
km of trace-cut in ordinary soil and 0.25 to 0.5 km in average rocky area, depending on cross slopes and
jungle growth. The speed of construction of machans depends on availability of local materials like
ballies/bamboos/cane, suitability of location for construction and skill of labourers. A gang of about 20 to 25
labourers can construct about 50 to 60 metres of machans per day in easy locations, whereas the speed can
be as low as 10 to 15 metres per day in difficult locations.
Where ballies/bamboos are not easily available either because of non-availability or because of
restrictions for their extraction, machans may be constructed using pre-fabricated angle iron section of 1.0
m to 1 .5 m length which could be easily bolted at site.
5.4.8. Survey procedure: The survey should cover a strip of sufficient width taking into account the
degree and extent of cut/fill, with some allowance for possible shift in the centre line of the alignment at the
time of final design. Normally a strip width of about 30 m in straight or slightly curving reaches (i.e. 15 m on
either side of centre line) and 60 m at sharp curves and hair-pin bends (i.e. 30 mon either side of centre line)
should meet the requirement.
Traverse along the trace cut should be run with a theodolite and all angles measured by double
reversal method. Alternatively this can be done by prismatic compass for less important roads. Distance
along the traverse line should be measured with metallic tape or chain.
No hard and fast rule can be laid down as regards distance between two consecutive transit
stations. In practice, the interval will be dictated by directional changes in the alignment, terrain condition
and visibility. The transit stations should be marked by means of stakes and numbered in sequence. These
should be protected and preserved till the final location survey.
Physical features such as buildings, monuments, burial ground, burning places, places of
worship, pipelines, power/telephone lines, existing roads and railways lines, stream/river/canal crossings,
cross drainage structures, etc. that are likely to affect the project proposals should be located by means of
ott-sets measured from the traverse line. Levelling work includes taking ground levels along the trace cut at
intervals of 20-25 m and at closer intervals whenever there are abrupt changes in slope and also establishing
bench marks at intervals of 250 metres, exceptionally 500 metres, by running check levels on a closed
traverse basis independently. While levelling along the tentative centre line, readings of bench marksshould
also be taken so as to have a cross check in regard to accuracy of field work. It is particularly important that
a single datum, preferably GTS datum, is used.
Cross sections should be taken at intervals of 20 or 25 m and at points of appreciable change in
sail conditions. While taking cross sections, soil classifications should also be recorded. At sharp curves and
difficult locations, detailed levelling may be done for the plotting of contours. Interval of contours may be 2
m though this could be varied according to site conditions.
5.4.9. Map preparation: At the conclusion of the ground survey plan and longitudinal sections (tied to
an accurate base line) are prepared for detailed study to determine the final centre line of the road. At critical
locations like sharp curves, hair-pin bends, bridge crossings etc, the plan should also show contours at 2 m
intervals, so as to facilitate taking final decision. The map of the final road alignment may be prepared, where
required, with the help of plain table survey as well.
Scales for the map should generally be the same as adopted for the final drawings. Normally
horizontal scale might be 1: 1000 and the vertical scale 1: 100. However, for study of difficult locations such
as steep terrain, hair pin bends etc., it may become necessary to have plans to a larger scale.
<< 23
It will be a good practice to do survey work in the forenoon and plotting work in the afternoon so
that any doubts arising can be cleared immediately thereafter by ground verification.
5.5.1. Determination of final centre line: Determination of final centre line of the road in the design
office involves the following operations:-
~ai Detailed study should be done of the plans, longitudinal profile, cross-sections and contours of the final alignment
prepared during the grotind survey to work out various alternatives for the centre line of the proposed road. out of
these, the best one satisfying the engineering, aesthetic, economic and environmental requirements should he
selected as the final Centre Line. Factors like economy in earth work, least disturbance to hill slope stability,
efficient drainage, balanced cut and fill, requirement of protective works such as retaining/breast walls, etc. should
be kept in view while making the final choice.
(hi For the. selected final centre line, a trial grade line is drawn taking into acccount the control points which are
established by mountain passes, intersections with other roads, river crossings, unstable areas etc. In the case of
improvements to an existing road, the existing levels are also kept in view.
(Li For the centre line finally chosen, study of the horizontal alignment in conjunction with the profile is carried out
and adjustments made in both, as necessary for achieving proper co-ordination,
(d) Horizontal curves including spiral transitions are designed and the final centre line marked on the map. A typical
example of Final Centre Line chosen is given in Plate-2.
(c) The vertical curves are designed and the profiles are shown on the longitudinal sections.
5.5.2. The sub-group of this operation may comprise of the following personnel:-
5.5.3. Transit survey: The Final Centre Line of the road, as determined in the design office, is translated
on the ground by means of a continuous Transit (Theodolite) survey and pegging of the centre line on the
ground as the survey proceeds. All angles should be measured with a theodolite. It will be necessary to fix
reference marks, to be pegged along the final centre line for this purpose. These marks should be generally
20 m apart in straight reaches and 10 m apart in curves. To fix the final centre line, reference pillars/control
blocks of cement concrete of size 30 cm x 30 cm x 60 cm deep should be firmly embedded in the ground.
These should be located beyond the expected edge of the cutting on the hill side. The maximum spacing of
reference pillars may be 100 m. The following information should be put down on the reference pillars:-
The reference pillars should be so located that these do not get disturbed during construction.
Description and location of the reference pillars should be noted in the field bookfor reproduction on the final
alignment plans. Distance of the reference pillars from centre line of road should be measured along the
slope, the slope angle determined with theodolite, and the actual horizontal projection calculated.
The final centre line of the road should be suitably pegged at 20 metres or closer intervals. The
pegs are intended only for short period for taking levels of the ground along the centre line and the
cross-sections with their reference. In the case of existing roads, paint marks may be used instead of pegs.
Distance measurements along the final centre line should be continuous, following the horizontal curves,
<< 24
IRC:SP:48-1 998
where these occur. At road crossings, the angles which the intersecting roads make with the final cefltre line
should be measured with the help of a transit theodolite.
The sub-group for this operation may comprise of the following personnel:-
5.5.4. Detailed levelling: Bench marks: To establish firm vertical control for location, design and
construction, bench marks established during the preliminary survey should be re-checked and where likely
to be disturbed du ring construction re-established at intervals of 250 metres (but not more than 500 metres),
and at or near all drainage crossings.
5.5.5. Longitudinal sections and cross-sections: Levels along the final centre line should be taken
at all pegged stations and breaks in the ground. Cross-sections should be taken at2O m intervals. In addition,
cross-sections should be taken at points of beginning and end of spiral transition curves, at the beginning,
middle and end of circular curves, and at other critical locations. All cross sections should be with reference
to the final centre line, extend normally uptothe right-of-way limits and show levels at every 2-5 metre intervals
and all breaks in the profile.
Centre line profile should normally be continued atleast 200 metres beyond the limit of the road
project. This is intended to ensure proper connecting grades at both ends. With the same objective, profile
along all intersecting roads should also be measured upto a distance of about 150 metres. Further, at railway
level crossings, the level of the top of the rails, and in the case of subways the level of the roof, should be
noted. On existing roads, level should be taken at all points of intersection in order to help fix the final profile.
The sub-group for this operation may comprise of the following personnel:-
5.5.6. Proper protection of points of reference: The final location survey is considered complete when
all necessary data and information are available and ready for the designer to be able to plot the final profile
and prepare the project drawings and detailed estimate. Among other things, field notes should give a clear
description and location of all the bench marks and reference points. This information should be transferred
to the plan drawings so that at the time of construction, the centre line and the bench marks could be located
in the field without any difficulty.
At the time of execution, all construction lines will be set out and checked with reference to the
final centre line established during the final location survey. It is important, therefore, that not only all the
points referring the centre line are protected and preserved but these are so fixed at site that there is little
possibility of their being disturbed or removed till the construction is completed.
5.5.7. Short notes on the following items that are relevant to survey and fixing of alignment or Hill Roads
are given in Appendices-7 and 8.
5.5.8. The survey and fixing of alignment having been done, the stage has been reached to design the
road as per standards.
<< 25
IRC:SP:48-1 9ci8
6.1. General
6.1 .1. Hill roads have mostly to negotiate through difficult topography, inhospitable terrain and extremes
of climatic conditions. As such, design of hill roads to predetermined standards, considering importance of
safety and free flow of traffic, is necessary so that travel is safe and comfortable.
6.1.2. Geometric design standards have been laid down keeping above in view.
6.2.1. Design criteria of hilly terrain should be applied forthose roads located mostly in hilly terrain where
stretches of plain/rolling terrain are short and isolated. Similarly where hilly terrain intervenes only for short
and/or isolated stretches in plain/rolling terrain, criteria for such stretches should be as per standards for
plain/rolling terrain.
6.2.2. A uniform application of design standards is desirable for safety and flow of traffic. The use of
optimum design standards will reduce the possibility of early obsolescence of the facilities likelyto be brought
about by inadequacy of the original standards.
6.2.3. As a general rule, geometric features of a highway except cross sectional elements do not lend
to stage construction, particularly in the case of hill roads. Improvement of features like grade and curvature
at a later date can be very expensive and sometimes be impossible. It is, therefore, necessary that ultimate
geometric requirements of hill roads are kept in view right in the beginning.
6.2.4. Development of cross-section in stages is technically feasible. But this should be decided only
after very careful consideration, since hill roads need a lot of protective and drainage works like retaining
walls, breast walls, drains of various types and categories etc, consistent with safety and sometimes the road
may ha~eto be altogetherrebuilt when same is upgraded If stage construction is unavoidable, betterstrategy
will be to use dry masonry and/or crated masonry for drains, breast walls, pitching etc, locate the intercepter
drain well back at the very start and provide culverts to full width formation/roadway to avoid the need for
their widening subsequently. However, road being an important part or rather forerunner of all development
activities, stage development will become inevitable over a period of time and as such a decision on this
issue should be based on needs for a period of 15-20 years or so.
6.2.5. The design standards indicated are absolute minimum. However, the minimum values should be
applied only where serious restrictions are placed by technical or economic considerations. General effort
should be to exceed the minimum values on safer side to the extent possible. Where the minimum design
standards cannot be adopted for inescapable reasons, proper signs should be put sufficiently in advance to
inform the road users. The intention should be to provide a road to the user with such geometrics which gives
safe and reasonably comfortable travel.
6.2.6. The standards have been classified separately for mountainous and steep terrain. Generally, the
standards for steep terrain take lower values of design speed, radii of curve etc. It is likely that in many
sectors, the terrain change from mountainous to steep or vice versa may be within short distances. It is,
however, not the intention to change standards frequently. In practice, stretches should be classified as
mountainous or steep depending on pre-dominant terrain in the stretch and accordingly standards adopted
for that stretch. The same standards should, generally, continue for maximum distance possible/practicable.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
6.2.7. Elements of a Roadway (in hills and plains), classification of terrain and Road-land widths are
depicted in Figs. 6.1, 6.2 & 6.3 respectively.
I OM -~
<< 27
IRC:SP:48-1 998
-J w
-J -J
0 w
I- z -J
z -I
z 0
0 0
6.3.1. The design speeds for various categories of hill roads are given in Table 6.1.
Mountainous Steep
SI. Road Classification Terrain Terrain
Ruling Mm Ruling Mm
6.3.2. Normally, ruling design speed should be the guiding criteria for correlating the various geometric
standards. Minimum design speed may, however, be adopted in sections where site conditions including
costs do not permit adoption of ruling design speed.
6.4.1. Visibility is an important requirement for safety on roads. Forthis, it is necessary that sight distance
of sufficient length is available to permit drivers enough time and distance to control their vehicles to avoid
IRC:SP:48-1 998
6.4.2. Two types of sight distances are considered in design of hill roads. These are:
a) Stopping sight distance which is the clear distance ahead needed by a driver to bring his vehicle to a stop before
meeting a stationary object in hiJ path. It is the sum of braking distance at the particular speed plus the distante
travelled by the vehicle during perception and brake reaction time.
b) Intermediate sight distance is defined as twice the stopping sight distance.
6.4.3. Design values of both sight distances and criteria for measurement of sight distance are given in
Tables 6.2 and 6.3 below :-
Table 6.2. Design values of stopping and intermediate sight distance for various speeds
Design values metres -
20 20 40
25 25 50
30 30 60
35 40 80
40 45 90
50 60 120
6.4.4. On hill roads stopping sight distance is absolute minimum from safety angle and must be ensured
regardless of any other considerations. It would be a good practice ifthis value can be exceeded and visibility
corresponding to intermediate sight distance provided in as much length of road as possible. Advantage of
intermediate sight distance is that the driver is able to get reasonable opportunities to overtake with caution
and driving task becomes much easier.
6.4.5. Though a third category of sight distance i.e. Overtaking Sight distance is considered for roads
in plains, it is not normally feasible/practicable on hill roads and hence not dealt with.
6.5.1. Desirable widths of road land (right of way) for various categories of roads are given in Table 6.4
<< 29
In order to ensure proper sight distance, it may be necessary to acquire additional right of way over that
indicated in the Table.
Notes I. Right ofway should be enough to ensure minimum set back of Sm for building line fromedge of road land boundary.
2. Additional land is required at locations involving deep cuts, high fills and unstable/landslide area.
.3 If the road is planned to be upgraded in the future, land width should correspond to higher class of road.
6.5.2. Width of carriageway, shoulders and roadway for various categories of roads are given in
Table 6.5.
Notes I. The roadway widths are exclusive of parapets (usual width 0.6 m) and side drains (usual width 0,6 m)
2. In hard rock stretches or unstable locations where excessive cutting may lead to slope failure, width maybe reduced
by 0.8 ns on two lane and 0.4 m on other roads. Where Such stretches are to be provided continuously for long
distances, passing places should be provided.
3. On horizontal curves, roadway width should be increased to provide for extra widening at curve.
4. On roads subject to heavy snow fall, where snow clearance is done over long periods, roadway width may be
increased by 1.5 In. However, the requirement of such widening may be examined with reference to ground
conditions in each case considering terrain, traffic and other influencing conditions/factors.
6.5,3. The clear roadway width on culverts and causeways (measured from inside to inside of parapet
walls or kerbs) should be the same as given in Table 6.5 but for village roads the desirable is 4.25 m.
6.5,4. For bridges, the clear width between kerbs should be 4.25 m for single lane bridges and 7.5 m
for double lane bridges.
6.6.1. Generally, the pavement in straight reaches should be provided with a crown in the middle and
surface on either side sloping towards the edge. ln case of winding alignments where straight sections are
few and far between, a uni-directional cross fall towards the hill side may be given having regard to factors
such as the direction of superelevation at the flanking horizontal curve, easy drainage and problem of erosion
of downhill face etc. Typical section of road with camber and cross-fall is given in Fig. 6.4.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
6.6.4. Cross fall for earTh shoulders should be atleast 0.5 per cent more than the pavement camber
subject to a minimum of 3 per cent. If the shoulders are paved, crossfall appropriate to the type of paved
surface as given in para 6.6.2 should be provided. On superelevated sections, the shoulders should normally
have the same crossfall as the pavement.
6.6.5. As the provision of cross-fall and superelevation tend to oppose each other in re-entrants and
drainage gets affected, appropriate transition and drainage arrangements should be made.
67. Clearance
6.7.1 .1. Desirably the full roadway width atthe approaches should be carried through the underpass. This
implies that the minimum lateral clearance (i.e. the distance between the extreme edge of the carriageway
and the face of the nearest structure/obstruction) should be equal to normal shoulder width. On lower category
roads in hill areas, having comparatively narrow shoulders, it will be desirable to increase the roadway width
at underpasses to a certain extent. Minimum vertical clearance of 5 metres should be given over the entire roadway at all
underpasses and similarly at overhanging cliffs and semi-tunnel sections. The vertical clearance should be
measured from the highest point of carriageway i.e. crown or superelevated edge to the lowest point of
overhead sturctures/rock out crop. Due allowance for future raising/strengthening of pavement should also
be made.
6.7.3. Fig. 6.5 gives typical details of lateral and vertical clearance on a hill road.
IRC:SP:48-1998 ‘I.22M
~ MAX.~
b) HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE The horizontal alignment should be fluent and blend well with the surrounding topography. A
flowing line which conforms to natural contours is aesthetically preferable to one with long tangents slashing
through the terrain. The horizontal alignment should be co-ordinated carefullywith the longitudinal profile., Breaks in horizontal alignment at cross-drainage structures and sharp curves at the end of long
tangents/straight sections should be avoided, Fig. 6.6. Short curves give appearance of kinks, particularly for small deflection angles, and should be
avoided. The curves should be sufficiently long and have suitable transitions to provide pleasingappearance.
Curve length should be atleast 150 metres for a deflection angle of 5 degrees and this should be increased
by 30 metres for each degree decrease in the deflection angle. For deflection angles less than one degree,
no curve is required to be designed. Reverse Curves may be needed in difficult terrain by very sparingly used. It should be ensured
that there is sufficient length between the two curves for introduction of requisite transition curves, Fig. 6.7.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
FIG, 6.b. 13A’ ~I..IGNMLN
POINT OF TANGENCY Curves in the same direction separated by shorttangents, known as broken-back curves, should
be avoided as for as possible in the interest of aesthetics and safety and replaced by a single curve. If this
is not feasible, a tangent length corresponding to 10 secondstravel time must atleast be ensured between
the two curves, Fig. 6.8. Compound curves may be used in difficult topography but only when it is impossible to fit in a
single circular curve. To ensure safe and smooth transition from one curve to the other, the radius of the
flatter curve should not be disproportional to the radius of the sharper curve. A ratio of 1.5: 1 should be
considered the limiting value, Fig. 6.9. In general, horizontal curves should consist of circular portion of the curve followed by spiral
transitions on both sides. Design speed, superelevation and coefficient of friction affect the design of curves.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Length of transition curve is determined on the basis of rate of change of centrifugal acceleration or the rate
of change of superelevation.
TRANSITION Superelevation is required to be provided at horizontal curves to counter the effects of centrifugal
force and is calculated from the formula
e =
225 R
e = superelevation in metre per metre width of roadway
V = speed of vehicle in KMPH and
R = radius of curve in metres
The above formula assumes that the centrifugal force corresponding to three-fourth of design speed is
balanced by superelevation and one-fourth counteracted by the side friction between the tyres of vehicles
and the road surface. Superelevation obtained from the above formula should, however, be kept limited to the following
values ~
a. In snow bound areas 1 /0
IRC:SP:48-1 998 The change overfrom normal section to superelevated section should be achieved overfull length
of transition curve. In case transition curve is not there or adequate length can not be provided due to some
reason, two-third superelevation should be attained on the straight reach and balance on circular curve. From the drainage point of view, the superelevation should not be less than the camber/crossfall
appropriate to the type of wearing surface. Accordingly, when the value of superelevation obtained from
formula in para above is less than road camber/cross-fall, the later may be continued on the curved
portion without providing any superelevation. Superelevation at culverts in curves : The top surface of the wearing course of culverts should
have the same cross profile as the approaches, The superelevation may be given on the abutments keeping
the deck slab thickness uniform as per design. The level of the top of the slab of the culverts should be the
same as the tc,p level of the approaches so that any undue jerk while driving on the finished road is avoided. Radii beyond which no superelevation is required; Table 6.6 shows the radii of horizontal curves
for different camber rates beyond which superelevation will not be required.
20 50 60 70 90 100
25 70 90 110 140 150
30 100 130 160 200 240
35 140 180 220 270 320
40 180 240 280 350 420
50 280 370 450 550 650 Methods of attaining superelevation : The normal cambered section of the road is changed
into superelevated section in two stages, First stage is the removal of adverse camber in outer half of the
pavement. In the second stage, superelevation is gradually built up over the full width of the carriageway so
that required superelevation is available at the beginning of the circular curve. There are three different
methods for attaining the superelevation: (i). revolving pavement about the centre line; (ii). revolving
pavement about the inner edge; and (iii). revolving pavement about the outer edge. Plate 3 illustrates these
methods diagrammatically. The small cross sections at the bottom of each diagram indicate the pavement
cross slope condition at different points. Each of the above methods is applicable under different conditions. Method (i). which involves
least distortion of the pavement will be found suitable in most of the situations where there are no physical
controls, and may be adopted in the normal course. Method (ii). is preferable where the lower edge profile
is a major Control, e.g. on account of drainage. Where overall appearance is the criterion, method (iii) is
preferable since the outer edge profile, which is most noticeable to drivers, is not distorted. The superelevation should be attained gradually over the full length of the transition curve, so
that the design superelevation is available at the starting point of the circular portion. Sketches in Plate 3
have been drawn on this basis. In cases where transition curve cannot, for some reason be provided, two-third
superelevation may be attained on the straight section before start of the circular curve and the balance
one-third on the curve.
IRC:SP:48-1998 In developing the required superelevation, it should be ensured that the longitudinal slope of the
pavement edge compared to the centreline (i.e. the rate of change of superelevation) is not steeper than 1
in 150 for roads in plain and rolling terrain, and 1 in 60 in mountainous and steep terrain. On a horizontal curve, the centrifugal force is balanced by the combined effect of superelevation
and side friction, Basic equation for this condition of equilibrium is as follows:-
or R=
127 (e+f)
v = vehicle speed in metres per second
V = vehicle speed in Km/hr
g = acceleration due to gravity in metres/Sec2
e = Superelevation in metre
= Coefficient of side friction between vehicle tyre and pavement (taken as 0.15)
= Radius in metres
Based on this equation and maximum permissible value of superelevation, radii for horizontal curves
corresponding to rulling minimum and absolute minimum design speeds are given in Table 6.7.
Table 6.7. Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curves for Various Classes of Hill Roads
Classification Mountainous terrain Steep terrain
National 80 50 90 60 50 30 60 33
Highways and
State Highways
Malor District 50 30 60 33 30 14 33 15
Other District 30 20 33 23 20 14 23 15
Village Roads 20 14 23 15 20 14 23 15
Note: Ruling minimum and Absolute Minimum Radii are for ruling design speed and minimum design speed respectively~
6.8.4. TransitIon curves
6.8,4.1. Transition curves are necessary for a vehicle to have smooth entry from a straight section into a
circular curve. The transition curves also improve aesthetic appearance of the road besides permitting
gradual application of the superelevation and extra widening of carriageway needed at the horizontal curves.
Spiral curve should be used for this purpose. Minimum length of the transition curve should be determined from the following two
considerations and the larger of the two values adopted for design.
i. The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration should not cause discomfort to drivers. From this consideration, the
length of transition curve is given by:
0.0215 V3
L~ = length of transition in metres
V = speed in Km/h
R = radius of circular curve In metres
C = (subject to a maximum of 0.8 and minimum of 0.5)
ii The rate of change of superelevation (i.e. the longitudinal grade developed at the pavement edge compared to
through grade along the centre line) should be such as not to cause discomfort to travellers or to make the road
appear unsightly. The formulae for minimum length of transition on this basis are:
2.7 V2
L~= _______ Having regard to the above considerations, the minimum transition lengths for different speeds
and curve radii are given in Table 6.8. The elements of a combined circular and transition curve are illustrated in Fig. 6.10. For deriving
values of the individual elements like shift, tangent distance, apex distance, etc. and working out coordinates
to lay the curves in the field, it is convenient to use curve tables. For this, reference may be made to
1RC:38-1 988 “Design Tables for Horizontal Curves for Highways”.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Table 6.8. Minimum Transition Length for Different Speeds and Curve Radii
Curve radius (metre) Design speed (km/h)
50 40 30 25 20
15 NA 30
20 35 20
25 NA 25 20
30 30 25 15
40 NA 25 20 15
50 40 20 15 15
55 40 20 15 15
70 NA 30 15 15 15
80 55 25 15 15 NR
90 45 25 15 15
100 45 20 15 15
125 35 15 15 NA
150 30 15 15
170 25 15 NA
200 20 15
300 15 NR
400 15
500 NR
NA Not applicable
NR Transition not required
IRC:SP:48-1 998
6.8.5. Widening at curves
6,8.5,1. At sharp horizontal curves, it is necessary to widen the carriageway to facilitate safe passage of
vehicles. The widening has two components i.e. Mechanical widening to compensate the extra width
occupied by the vehicle due to tracking of rear wheels and Psychological widening to permit easy crossing
of vehicles, since vehicles tend to wander more on curve. Both the components are to be taken care of in
double lane and mechanical components on single lane roads. However, at blind curves double-laning may
be considered. Extra width should be given by increasing the width at uniform rate along transition curve and full
width given along circular curve. Entire widening should preferably be provided on inside of the curve. The
extra widening may be attained by means of offsets radial to the centre line. It should be ensured that the
pavement edge lines are smooth and there is no apparent kink. Requisite sIght distance should be available to sight the inside of horizontal curves. Lack of
visibility in the lateral direction may arise due to obstructions like walls, cut slopes, wooded areas, high crops,
etc. Set-back distance from the centre Hne of the carriageway, within which offending obstructions should be
cleared, to ensure the needed visibility, can be determined as given in pam However, in certain
cases, due to variations in alignment, road cross-section and the type and location of obstructions, it may
become necessary to resort to field measurements to fix the exact limits of clearance. The set-back distance is calculated from the following equation (see Fig. 6.11 for definitions):
m=R-(R-N) Cos8
where 0 = radians;
m = the minimum set-back distance to sight obstruction in metres (measured from the
centre line of the road);
H = radius at centre line of the road in metres’
n = distance between the centre line of the road and the centre line of the inside lane
in metres; and
S = sight distance in metres
In the above equation, sight distance is measured along the middle or inner lane. On single-lane roads sight
distance is measured along centre line of the road and ‘n’ is taken as zero.
6.8.6,3. Utilisirig the above equation, the design values for set-back distance corresponding to safe
stopping distance for single lane carriageway are given in Table 6.10. These design values relate basically
to circular curves longer than the design sight distance. For shorter curves, the values of set-back distance
given in Table 6.10 will be somewhat on the higher side, but these can, however, be used as a guide. Lateral
clearances for two lane carriageway can be computed similarly from the above equation.
14 3,4
15 3.2
20 2.4 3.8- -
23 2.1 -
30 1 .7 2.6 3.7
33 1.5 2.3 3.4
50 1.0 1.6 2.2 5.0 -
<< 40
IRC:SP:48-1998 Lateral clearance for intermediate sight distance can be computed similarly but the set-back
required is usually too large to be economically feasible in the case of hill roads.
6.8.6,5.. Where there is a cut slope on the inside of the horizontal curve, the average height of sight line
can he used as an approximation for deciding the extent of clearance. For stopping sight distance, this may
be taken as (17 m. Cut slopes should be kept lower than this height at the line demarcating the set~back
distance envelope, either by cutting back the slope or benching suitably, Fig. 6.12. Such a provision is also
generally known as better benching or vision berms.
12 m
PLAN Blind curves are those on which sight distance available is less than the sate stopping sight
distance i.e. absolute minimum from safety point of view. While clearance of obstructions within the minimum
set-back distance is expected to ensure the minimum sight distance required as per standards, in hill roads
it may not always be possible to ensure this due to terrain conditions. In such cases certain curves will have
sight distance less than minimum as per standards and hence blind.
IRC:SP:48-1998 In a blind curve there is always the danger of a vehicle not being able to come to a stop before
reaching danger point or a vehicle coming from the opposite direction which is likely to collide with it, due to
lack of adequate sight distance. The remedy for this problem, to ensure better traffic safety, may be provided
as under:-
a) better benching or vision berms (Pam & Fig. 6.12 refers) in a more !iberal manner as required on ground by
b~ making the road two - lane width in the stretch and providing lane dividers in the form of central studs or medians
c) restriction of traffic to one way at a time in the stretch, if otherwise practicable, It has to be ensured that blind curves are accepted only where it is un-avoidable and that also
rarely in any stretch of road since trafficability and safety of a hill road is considerably reduced by blind curves. It is often necessary to know radius of an existing curve on a hill road to plan improvements etc.
As it may not always be possible to reach the centre of curve, an indirect method may have to be adopted.
A simple method is given below, Fig.~6.13.
= 2R offeset offeset2 -
8 offset
IRC:SP:48-1 998
6.9. Vertical Alignment
6.9.1. General Broken-back grade lines, i.e. two vertical curves in the same direction separated by a short
tangent, should be avoided due to poor appearance, and preferably replaced by a single curve. Decks of small cross-drainage structures (i.e. culverts and minor bridges) should follow the same
profile as the flanking road section, with no break in the grade line.
6.9.1,3. Recommended gradients for different terrain conditions, except at hair-pin bends, are given ri
Table 6.11.
6.9.1 .4. Gradients upto the ‘ruling gradient’ may be used as a matter of course in design. The ‘limiting gradients’ may be used where the topography of a place compels this course or
where the adoption of gentler gradients would add enormously to the cost. In such cases, the length of
continuous grade steeper than the ruling gradient should be as short as possible. Exceptional gradients’ are meant to be adopted only in very difficult situations and for short
lengths not exceeding 100 m at a stretch. Successive stretches of exceptional gradients must be separated
by a minimum length of 100 m having gentler/flatter gradient. The cumulative rise/fall in elevation over 2 Km length shall not exceed lOOm in mountainous
terrain and 120 m in steep terrain.
6.9,2.1. At horizontal curves, the gradients should be eased by an amount known as ‘grade compensation’
which is intended to offset the extra tractive effort involved at curves. This is calculated by the following
Grade compensation (per cent) = — — subject to
maximum of 75/R where R is radius of the curve in metres. Since grade compensation is not necessary for
gradients flatter than 4 per cent, when applying grade compensation correction, the gradients need not be
eased beyond 4 per cent.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
6.9.3. Vertical curve Vertical curves are introduced for smooth transition at grade changes. Convex vertical curves
are known as summit curves and concave vertical curves as valley or sag curves. Both these should be
designed as square parabolas. The length of the vertical curve is controlled by sight distance requirements,, but curves with
greater length are aesthetically better. Curves should be provided at all grade change exceeding those indicated in Table 6.12. For
satisfactory appearance, the minimum length should be as shown in the Table.
Upto35 1.5 15
40 1.2 20
50 1.0 30 Where horizontal and summit vertical curves overlap, the design should provide for the required
sight distance both in the vertical direction along the pavement and in the horizontal direction on the inside
of the curve.
,f’ NJ
SUMMIT CURVE L The length of summit curves is governed by the choice of sight distance. The length is calculated
on the basis of the following formulae.
<< 44
IRC:SP:48-1 998
a. For safe stopping sight distance
Case (i) When the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater
than S.
L =
N = Deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades.
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve in metres.
S = Sight distance in metres.
Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less
than S.
L = 2S-
Case (i) When the length of the curve exceedsthe required sight distance, i.e. L is greater
than S.
L =
Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less
than S.
L = 2S-
N The length of summit curve for various cases mentioned above can be read from Plates 4 and
5. In these Plates, value of the ordinate ~M to the curve from the intersection point of grade lines is also
shown. The length of valley curves should be such that for night travel, the head light beam distance is
equal to the stopping sight distance. The length of curve may be calculated as under:
Case (i) When the length of the curve exceeds the required sight distance, i.e. L is greater
than S.
L =
1.50 + 0.035 S
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Case (ii) When the length of the curve is less than the required sight distance, i.e. L is less
than S.
1.5 + 0.35 S
L =2S-
In both cases
N deviation angle, i.e. the algebraic difference between the two grades
L = length of parabolic vertical curve in metres
S = stopping sight distance in metres Length of valley curve for various grade differences is given in graphical form in Plate 6.
6.10.3. Widening of hair-pin bends subsequently is a difficult and costly process. Moreover, gradients
tend to become sharper as generally widening can be achieved only by cutting the hill side. These points
should be kept in view at the planning stage, especially if a series of hair-pin bends are involved.
6.10.4. At hair-pin bends, preferably, the full roadway width should be surfaced.
20M -
30M -~
20M -~
30M =1
6.11 .1. Passing places are required on single lane hill roads to facilitate crossing of vehicles approaching
from the opposite direction and to tow aside a disabled vehicle so that itdoes not obstruct traffic. They should
be provided at the rate of 2-3 per kilometre.
6.11.2. Normal size of passing place is 3.75 m wide, 30 m long on inside edge and 20 m long on the
farther side. The exact location of passing places should be judiciously determined taking into consideration
the available extra width and visibility.
<< 47
6.1 2.3,. Sharp horizontal curves should be avoided at or nearthe apexof pronounced summit/sag vertical
curves from safety point of view.
6.12.4,. Plate 7 illustrates some typical cases of good and bad alignment co-ordination.
6.13. Bridle Road and Bridle Path
As earlier brought out in para 4.4.3, the isolated villages habitations can be connected by bridle
roads. Bridle paths are also provided in border areas (generally called border tracks or village tracks). These
may also be necessary for pockets of very small population in remote areas. Typical specifications of Bridle
road, Bridle path and Operational tracks (OP tracks) are given in Table 6.13.
2. Formation width
a. Normal 2m 1.0 m 2.75 m
b. Exceptional 1.7 m 0.8
3. Radius of Curves (Minimum) 5m 5m 12 m
4. Widening at sharp curves 1.0 m 0.3 m 1.5 m
upto 3 M radius
7. Gradients
a. ForGhattracing 12% - Ruling
b. Ruling 17% 17% 1:15 Max.
c. Limiting - 25% 1:10
d. Exceptional (not more 25% 30% may be
than 30 M length) upto
1 in 7
<< 48
IRC:SP:48-1 998
7.1. General
7.1.1. Formation is the finished profile of the road, ready for construction of protective/drainage works,
carriageway/pavement, shoulders, drains, parapets etc. Some typical sections of formation in different
terrains are shown in Fig. 7.1.
7.1 .2. Construction of formation on hill roads generally comprises of the following items of works:
a) Jungle clearance. including clearing of under-growth, brush wood, shrubs, creepers and cutting down of trees.
hI Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil, sort rock and hard rock or soil mixed with boulders.
c) E.arthwork in embankment with suitable material including protection of slopes (by turfing. pitching etc. as suitable).
dl Temporary capedients during initial construction like temporary side/cross drains., dry stonefbally revetments,
service soling/shingling in weak soils to keep the road traffic worthy (mainly for constxuctionlsupervision traffic)
till proper structures and pavement are constructed.
7.1 .3. On the finalised alignment, construction of formation is taken up with reference to the trace-cut
made along the selected alignment. Various aspects of construction of formation, including the trace-cut, are
brought out in the succeeding paragraphs.
7.2. Trace-cut
7.2.1. The subject of Trace-cut has been dealt in Chapter 5 “Surey and Alignment”. This is a primary
operation for formation work.
7.2.2. The trace-cut provides an inspection path for inspection of the alignment by the inspecting
officers. It facilitates detailed survey (like levelling, plane table/compass surveys) of the alignment for
preparation of detailed estimates for the works. It also serves as approach track for the formation cut
construction parties deployed forward ahead of the main construction party. Trace-cut also helps in
determination of the classification of soil close to the actual one likely to be encountered in the formation cut.
7.3.1. The alignment of hill road generally passes through dense vegetation except for barren snow
clad areas and cultivated habitations. The land is either Government (forest/revenue) or privately owned or
in some areas owned by village. Clearance of vegetation/jungle along the proposed alignment is the first
activity in actual Construction of the road. Before commencement of the work, various formalities like
allotment/acquisition of land from revenue/land acquisition authorities and dereservation of forest land from
Forest Authorities under Forests (conservation) Act 1980 should be completed so as to obviate any
complications/delays.. As clearance of jungle results in reduction of green cover and is harmful to environment
and ecology, and upsets eco-balance, when done on a large scale, it is essential that alignment is so chosen
to minimise jungle clearance. Even when clearance is inevitable, only the barest minimum must be cleared.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
7,3.3. The actual area to be cleared should be marked on ground with reference to the trace-cut. The
hill side edge should be marked about 1 or 2 meters above the edge of formation cutting determined from
the cross section survey details at the particular location and the valley side edge is marked about 1 or 2
meters below the trace-cut (formation) level. The clearance is done manually using datris, kukris and axes
felling. The forward working party of about 4 to 5 labourers keep on cutting the jungle, followed by another
working party of 10 to 15 labourers sorting out retrievable materials like cane, bamboo, ballies, etc. which
can be used for camp construction and/or for other construction expedients/temporary structures. The
creepers, brushwood, stumps and other rubbish having no utility are rolled down the hill side about 1 or 2
metres below the trace-cut level. This during the subsequent stage of earthwork, helps retention of the earth
sliding down the hill and thus protects the hill-side from erosion. Some of this material takes roots depending
on soil/weather conditions and helps in stabilizing the slopes. No uprooting or grubbing of
undergrowth/shrubs, etc. should be done as it causes damage to the top soil cover, except for the areas
coming under road bed where all vegetation and other deleterious materials have to be removed and surface
has to be furrowed/stepped.
7.3,4, Cutting/clearance of trees follows the clearance ofthe undergrowth, shrubs, etc. In order to restrict
cutting down of the trees to the bare minimum, the area should be inspected by an experienced/responsible
officer and the trees not interfering directly with the construction of road should not be cut. Similarly, trees
and shrubs, having some valuable properties, which are required to be protected should not be cut as tar as
possible, unless they are directly, within the marking of the formation cut. Generally the hill features offer lot
of scope to adjust the alignment either towards the valley side or towards the hill side to avoid unnecessary
cutting of trees. For protection of environment, tree cutting should be limited to the barest minimum.
7.3.5. Cutting of trees is normally done by using axe felling and cross cut saws. Portable
electric/mechanical saw may also be used forjungle clearance of large magnitude. The technique and pattern
of cutting of trees should be such that the trees from hill side as well as valley side fall on to the proposed
alignment and not away from it, so as to avoid damage to the jungle on either side. The pattern of initial cut
and the final cut to facilitate falling of the tree on the desired side is shown in Fig. 7.2. Initial V-notch is cut
about 0.3 to 0.5 metres above the ground level on the side on which tree is required to fall. The initial cut is
taken up to the centre of the standing tree.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
have to be taken when the tree is on the verge of fall so as to avoid any accident. After the tree has fallen,
it is logged in suitable lengths by cutting with cross-cut saw or power saw. The branches are hacked/sawn.
The logs are retrieved for future sawing into sizes for use in camp/other construction expedients or for
disposal. The stumps and roots ofthe trees within the area of actual formation cut are removed either manually
or allowed to remain at site for eventual removal by dozers during the earthwork operation. Other stumps/roots
should not be removed so as to obviate damage to top soil.
7.3.6, For cutting down very large trees special attachments like tree feller, rooter etc., to be fitted to
ciozers are available and can be used depending on the quantum of the work involved. In exceptional cases,
with the prior permission of the appropriate authorities, clearance of large diameter trees can be done by
using explosives. This, however, needs considerable experience for working out and placing the charges
correctly and should, as far as possible be avoided.
7.3.7. In some locations where the jungle growth is very heavy and the soil conditions are perpetually
moist, there may be a requirement of additional jungle clearance to expose the formation to direct sun light
and air circulation. ln such cases some of the trees away from the alignment may have to be cleared. This
should preferably be done by pruning the branches of the trees to permit sun light to penetrate upto the
alignment and cutting of tree as a whole, should be avoided, as far as possible.
7.4. Earthwork-Excavation
7.4.1. The earthwork for formation of the hill road involves mostly side-cut excavation to achieve
designed formation width. For the purpose of excavation the soil is classified in three broad categories as
a) Ordinary/Heavy Soil:- This comprises of organic soil, clay, sand, moorum and stiff clay which can be excavated
manually by pick axes and/or shovels or with dozers/excavators with normal efforts. This can be cut to side slopes
of 1 : Ito ½: I (H:V). Soil mixed with boulders is also deemed to come under this category.
b) Ordinary/Soft Rock:- This comprises of soft varieties ofrocks such as lime stone, sand stone, laterite, conglomerate
or other disintegrated rocks, which can be excavated by crow bars and/or pick axes without blasting or with casual
blasting. This can be cut to side slope of ¼: Ito 1/8 : 1 (H:V).
ci Hard Rock:- This covers any hard rock, excavation of which involves intensive drilling, and blasting. This can
stand vertical oreven overhanging cut depending on the type/mass and dip of rock. Normally the cut may vary from
0tt - 900 to horizontal.
Nob: Classification of earthwork is at times done based on tools of excavation viz spade-work, pick work, jumper work and
blasting, which also more or less corresponds to the above classification.
7.4.2. The excavation for formation cut follows the jungle clearance with approproate distance lag. The
excavation is done manually or mechanically using angle dozers (Tracked dozers with angle dozing blades)
based on various relevant factors. If done manually, the work is commenced generally from the top edge of
the cut working downwards. If done by mechanical means, the work is commenced generally using dozers,
and started at trace-cut level culling sideways into the hill side. The work can be done either in one operation
or in two stages i.e. construction of a 2.5 m wide track in first stage and widening it to designed width in
second stage. While single stage construction obviates redeployment of resources in the same stretch, the
two-stage construction is preferred where there is an urgent requirement to establish some sort of early
communication at least for light vehicles, initially.
7.4.3. The choice of man ual/mechanised cutting and single/two-stage Construction has to be made on
detailed examination in individual cases depending on various individual factors, viz terrain, availability of
man power and machinery, workability, time constraints and cost aspect. However, a combination of manual
and mechanical cutting (with about 25 to 30% work being done manually and 70 to 75% work being done
mechanically) and single stage construction is considered to be most suitable for construction of hill roads
<< 52
IRC:SP:48-1 998
under normal circumstances. However as dozers can operate only on about 2.5 m width at a time, the
construction operation has to be initial cut by forward dozers followed by widening to final width by rear
dozers. However two stage Cutting has the advantage that a road of adequate width becomes available after
first stage cut itself for equipmentlmachines ~ move and also to undertake work from forward road heads
to which machines and stores can be easily moved.
7.4.4. The deployment of resources and execution of earthwork may be planned as under:
a) For area with hill side slope steeper than 30°,an initial cut of 2.5 to 3 meters width is made by manpower so as to
enable a light dozer (D-50 or equivalent) to move forward, widening the track to about 4 meters on its own power.
When this forward dozer moves about 50 to 100 metres, a heavier dozer (D-80 equivalent) should be deployed in
the rear to widen the road to full formation width. This rear dozer should be assisted by man-power for dressing the
side slopes from the top so that vertical hill side does not fall accidentally on the dozer/operator.
b) For hilt slope flatter than, 300, man power may not be required for initial cut as the forward light dozer can make
its own track by cutting into the hill side. This should be followed by heavier rear dozer assisted by manpower for
dressing the side slopes, and for widening to the final width as indicated above.
c For rocky areas, the general deployment pattern will be the same as above except that drilling and blasting party
will have to work ahead of the dozer party to loosen the rock for removal by dozers, (The details of rock cutting
are covered in a subsequent part of this chapter).
dl In case of widening of the existing road, manual labour with wheel barrows for disposal of the earth from the hill
side to the valley may be utilised, Alternatively, wheel dozers or excavatorslloaders on pneumatic tyres may be
utilised so that the existing road surface is not damaged.
7.4.5. While the pattern of deployment discussed above is basically machine oriented for consideration
of speed of construction, there may be projects where the road construction is a part of long term plan and
speed of construction is not the guiding factor for deciding the pattern of deployment. In such cases labour
intensive approach may be more beneficial for its job generation as well as for economy. In such cases the
deployment pattern could be 75% by man power and balance by machinery.
7.4.6. In order to achieve maximum output the dozer should be deployed to work down hill assisted by
gravity to enable greater loads to be pushed. When the starting point of the road sector is at lower altitude,
the dozer may be moved to higher location by cross country move or by makiing approach track along the
trace-cut to minimum essential width for move of dozer and then start working down hill from that point
backwards. The blade of the dozer is used as angle blade for side hill culling with the leading edge of the
blade towards the hill and tilted downwards so as to get maximum bowl fill of the blade.
~ ~ ,~1I~IIll ii (ii
I-.-— lOOm lOOm “1
7.4.8. The rate of progress in ordinary soil is much faster than that in rocky areas. As a result, at times
the progress gets hampered when rock is met with and earthwork resources remain idle. To avoid such a
situation, the Officer-in-charge should inspect the trace-cut well ahead of the construction party and if any
isolated bottlenecks like rocky stretches or bridge sites are encountered, the work on these bottlenecks should
be commenced by sending working parties well in advance, so that the bottleneck iscleared by the time main
working party reaches that location. The trace-cut can be used as approach track for such parties or initial
formation cut with minimum width to move compressor/dozershouldbe made, if necessary. It is often possible
to take dozers to forward location cross-country and commence work from that road-head also to overcome
delays due to intermediary rocky stretches, etc., to accelerate progress.
7.5.1. Rock cutting involves drilling with specialist equipment, blasting with explosives and the clearance
of blasted debris with dozers. These, being very expensive and risky operations, call for thoughtful planning
and careful execution by personnel having thorough knowledge and extensive practical experience in rock
cutting work and use of drilling and blasting equipment and explosives. Apart from the immediate cost and
risk, improper/excessive use of explosives may result in large scale disturbance of hill side creating slide
areas leading to erosion and expensive control measures.
7.5.2, There is a wide choice of drilling equipment, compressors, explosives and accessories. Selection
of these items may be made after careful assessment of job requirements and technical data supplied by
the manufacturers of various products. All statutory laws, rules and regulations pertaining to procurement,
transportation, storage, handling and accounting of explosives should be strictly followed. The subject of rock
Cutting and related blasting techniques are dealt with extensively in Chapter 18 ‘Rock Blasting”. However,
this being an essential operation of formation work, important aspects related to formation work are given
7.5.3. The planning of rock cutting work comprises of:
a) i)etermination of resources/stores required based on estimated quantum of work, output norms and target time for
completion of the work.
bI location of nsost advantageous points/faces to commence the work based on detailed ground reconnaissance
c) Working out the drilling pattern most suitable to the particularloeation, assessing the quantum of individual charge
and sequence of blasting.
dl Special precautions for wet/under-water/cold weather blasting and dealing with misfires,
el The effort should be to collect and store as much blasted rock as possible to use the same for subsequent protective,
drainage and pavement works.
7.5.4. Drilling:- The first step after detailed planning is drilling operation. The main points pertaining to
drilling are:
a) In forward/isolated locations where compressors cannot be taken, light portable mechanically operated drills are
hi The most commonly used drilling equipment is pneumatically operated jack hammer capable of drilling about 40
tom dia holes upto 3 meters in depth. Generally, the maximum depth of holes for blasting in continuous rock is
restricted to 1 m.
c~ In very exceptional eases where deeper holes are essential lobe drilled, in order to avoid the drill rods getting stuck,
he first I m of the hole is drilled with 42 mm bit dia rods, and the next 1 m with 38 mm dia rods.
dl For cutting fresh/initial formation, hill-slope is cut into benches of I to 1.5 mts vertical face. These benches are
brought down to trace cut level in stages by drilling vertical holes of depth equal to or slightly more than the face
height. The burden (distance of the nearest row of holes from the face to the face) is kept about two thirds of the
depth of the hole and spacing (distance between two adjacent holes) is equal to the burden. The successive rows of
holes are drilled in rig zag pattern. A typical drilling pattern and cutting sequence are shown in Fig. 7.4.
ci For widening the initial cut or widening an existing road, one row of holes about 1.25 so 1.5 metre deep are drilled
about I metre apart and I metre above road level on the vertical face at a slope of about 45°to the face dipping
downssards, The hole is taken about lOto 15 em below the formation level so that toes and lumps are rot left after
the blast. The second row is drilled horizontally with about 1.0 to 1.25 metres spacing in zig zag pattern with relation
to lower row,. The typical pattern and layout of holes are shown in Fig. 7.5.
. . * . . 0 • HOLE (D)
0 0 0 0 0 0
D F or 1.2SF
B = S O.67D
F = 1 TO l.5m
l—lm to l.25m-~i
ft In heavy rock cut areas, wagon drills capable of drilling approximate tO ciii dta holes and depth ttptc II) to Is mci re~
are used. This, however, needs extreme caution as, with heavy charge, large disturhancen arc ltkcl\ to tat c pl~iLc
and may destabilise the hill face. Wagon drill can he used to (trill in any desired direct tor The dril Ii itg pitttcro i
similar to Ic) above except that spacing can be increased to about 1 5 to 2 nsct res anti a third row of holes doping
45°upwards can be drilled and larger output can be obtained. Use of this prac tiLl: has to he restricted to ntt win c
rock-cutting work areas only.
7.5.5. Blasting:- After drilling the holes, their charging for blasting is taken up. The charge per hole
depends on the type of explosive Used and blasting ratio expected. Special gelatine 600/n or 80% 5 the most
commonly used explosive and blasting or firing is done normally with detonating fuse initiated by ordinary
detonator and safety fuse or electric detonators. The main points to be observed in charging/blasting are:-
a) The charging of holes is commenced after the drilled hole has cooled down.
hi Lower one third or half of the hole is filled with explosives (gelatine) by light tatoptng with wot.tdcn rod. The last
cartridge of gelatine is primed with knotted detonating fuse or detonator and safety fuse ttr electric detonator ‘[he
upper enspty space in the hole is filled with suitable stemming material, pre ferahly’ clay hi proper I attipi ng wit Ii
wooden rod The other end of safety fuse/electric detonator/detonating fuse is kept outside the hole tict
ci The holes primed with ordinary detonator and safety fuse are fired tndis iditally ‘[hose pi imed a ith letori~eIn,:
arc connected to each other with aoother detonating fuse on the surface ,snd ftred 55 tb ordi nars dctctn au ii it
connected in series to a lead cable and fired by an exploder dynamo The continuity of the connection ,tnd whether
the number of holes are within the capacity of the exploder dynamo, is tested with ohmmeter icr cir~uit tester
dl Blasting may be done at fixed timing, either just before lunch hreak or evening hreak, sit that there is nic csmk
immediately after blasting and loose stones if any are allowed to fall on their own
ci Warning/precautions should be taken hy whistle, red nags orany other effectin e sugnals Equipments ititist he tutos ed
to safer distance or suitably covered After the blasting is over, clearance is gisen by svhtsule and red flags shall hi.
withdrawn only after checking the site for misfire, if any.
ii In ease of misfire, the primed cartridge should, if possible, be removed by remos ing the steotottng ser~carefulla
Otherwise a fresh hole is drilled about 30 to 40cm away from the misfired hole and the new hole t~blasted This
will also blast the misfired hole.
g) While working in extreme cold weather, the explosives get frozen and is dangerous No forcing, prtcktng or rolling
of explosives should be done to soften them. Similarly, the outer coating of safety fuse cracks ia estrertie cold and
water may enter the inner core through the cracks The explosive as well as safety fuse should in such circumstances
be kept in a warm place (about 20°cto 25°c)before use.
hi In wet weather conditions, firing is done with detonating fuse by a single detonator placed at dry location.
i) Blasting, specially with electric detonatsars, should be stopped dsiring thtinder stttrot and ssorke rs nbc a Id leac c. the
stte to safe distance
1 Careful day-to-day account of explosives drawtt front stores, consumed at site and ret urned to store a nec in ototed
should he maintained.
7.5.6. As a caution, it is mentioned that blasting should always be controlled. Deep holes with less
charge causes shattering of rock and does not allow it to fly off. Similar is the case with larger diameter
shallow holes. A burden of clay and other loose material filled in gunny bags prevents rock fragments flying
7.5.7. Clearing:- After blasting, sufficient time should be allowed to elapse to allow for any loose stone
to fall. The site is inspected for any dangerous overhang or loose stone, These are removed carefullyto avoid
accidents. The clearance of blasted debris is then taken up either manually or with dozers under proper
supervision. During the clearing of debris, maximum possible stone should be retrieved and stocked/shifted
to suitable locations for use in protective, drainage, pavement works etc. subsequently.
7.5.8. The three operations of drilling, blasting and clearing the debris should be synchronised in such
a manner that none of the resources are allowed to remain idle. The work should be planned at two or three
adjoining locations, so that drilling and charging at one site is under progress while clearing of previous
blasting at other site is being done. The deployment is reversed after blasting at the first site by which time
the second site should be ready for drilling/charging.
IRC:SP:48-i 998
‘7.6. Embankment
7.6.1 In hill nads, heavy embankment work is very limited. The ratio of cut and fill method can vary
with the slope and terrain of hill. However, there is scope/requirement for adopting cut and fill method at few
places in mountainous region except where valleys are to be negotiated between hill features or mountain
range The areE:i where the embankment/fill is to come is cleared of all organic matter. Selected material for
new embankment is spread and consolidated in layers with roller, In case of cut-and-fill with dozer, the
consolidation is normally achieved under dozer operation. Typical cross section of embankment/cut and fill
are shown in Fig. 7.6.
7.7.1. During the main earthwork/rock cut operation, it is not possible to achieve the final desired profile
according to design gradients, super elevation, camber, side slopes etc, unless the entire work is done
manually. The final finish is done in such cases, by deployment of a separate working party with a grader
EissistE?d by a..deguate labourers. The requirement of dressing (cut/fill) at each location is worked out by proper
survey and guidelines given to grader operator/supervisor. The unevenness in the rock cut is filled up with
broken piece..s of appropriate size and blindage of suitable material is spread over the surface to give smooth
riding. Kutcha drains made at the time of formation cutting for surface/hill side drainage are made pucca
when suitable breast and retaining structures are made.
7.8, Expedients
78.1. In order to keep the road in traffic worthy condition during the period intervening between the
formation cut and completion of drainage structures/protective/pavement works, certain
<< 57
IRC:SP:48-1 998
expedients/temporary works are done alongwith the formation cutting so as to minimise the
damage/deterioration of fresh formation. These are treated as part of formation work and are either provided
for in the estimates of work or executed as contingent to the main work.
7,8.2, Temporary side drains:- Most of the road work estimates provide for proper lined side drains
along the hill side for taking the surface run off to the nearest cross drain. These can be taken up for
construction after stabilization of hill slopes to some extent. In the meantime, temporary unlined drains of
appropriate size are provided. At places these drains get stabilized and the requirement of lined drain is
dispensed with, But at places where the water flow is likely to erode the bed and sides of the drain, lining is
necessary. In inhabited areas, the lining of drains could be on aesthetic reasons also.
7.8.3. Temporary cross drains: Till construction of regular culverts, temporary culverts using
ballies/logs retrieved from jungle clearance or any other material are provided on the road. Some typical bally
culverts are shown in Fig. 7.7.
7.8.4. Scupper:- One other reliable and popular structure forcross drains is the scupper made of stones,
wider at the bottom and narrower at the top by corbelling and covering by a flat stone and given adequate
cushion of local material to the extent of 0.6 to 0.7 mts which can be constructed out of excavated stones at
nominal cost at the time of formation cutting. These have withstood the loading of traffic successfully.
Fig. 7.8. shows the sketch of a scupper.
7.8.5. Temporary bridges: On larger water courses proper investigation, design and construction of
bridges take considerable time. In the initial stages, temporary log bridges or portable steel bridges are
constructed to open the road for traffic. Care is required in locating firm foundation for such temporary bridges
to avoid damages during floods. These bridges, as far as possible, should not be constructed, at the
prospective permanent bridge site as it would involve their dismantling and providing another diversion during
permanent bridge construction. Full care should be taken that the structure is safe against loading norms.
IRC:Sp:48-1 998
Fig. 7.8
7,8.6, Hill streams have occasionally large flow and till the permanent structure of the bridge comes up,
it will always be expedient to have diversions made in naltahs (streams) by constructing multi-vented hume
pipe low level crossing with masonry head walls. These have proved successful to cater for the needs of
7.8.7. Where the discharge is low, the alignment is taken along the contours in the nallah by raising its
bed with the help of excavated and locally available stone i.e. a stone paved bed for flow of discharge.
7.8.8. Dry stone revetment: in rocky stretches, dry stone walls/revetments may be provided at narrow
gullies and re-entrants to provide additional width for movement of traffic taking construction materials to site
till the road is widened. Proper dressing and levelling of foundation sloping towards hill side is essential.
7.8.9. In areas prone to water seepage a structure of wire crated stone work proves very useful. These
are flexible and help stabilisation of slope. These are robust structures to withstand the pressure of back fill.
Once the area gets stabilised, the stone from these structures can be retrieved for reuse in permanent
structures elsewhere on the road.
7.8.10. BaUy revetments:- In weak’wet sliding area, revetments of battles driven vertically and tied
horizontally in rows parallel to the road along the hill slopes above and below the formation level as shown
fl Fig. 7.9 provide temporary stability to the slope. These can be replaced by breast walls of masonry or
crated masonry in due course. At times the temporary revetment is enough to stabilise the slopes
permanently. If the revetment is made with selected varieties of fresh cut ballies, which take roots quickly
under wet conditions, it provides vegetation cover and adds to stabifity of the slope.
<< 59
10 Cm DIA
10 Cm DIA
7.8,11. Another method of retaining the hill side can be by using wire crates filled with stones and used
as breast wall. The suggested specification for wire crate walling is as follows, Fig. 7.10.
“Wire crates of 3 mx 1.5 m size, consisting of 15cm x 15cm size square mesh of 10 gauge GI
wire interwoven each other in one or two tiers as required”
7.8.13. Service soling: In weak soils, temporary service soling/shingling with granular material, spalls
from rock cut areas or locally available shingle can be provided to facilitate movement of traffic during rainy
season. This is restricted to wheel tracks in case of shortage of sand/granular material in near-by areas.
Where time-lag between formation cutting and pavement work is considerable, it becomes obligatory. In such
cases, provision of soling of granular material as well as proper drainage structures are essential with
formation cutting.
<< 60
7.9.1. Geosynthetics: Geosynthetics which include geotextile, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes and
geocomposites can be used in various applications of road and bridge works. Some of the application areas
for geosynthetics and their functions are given in Table 7.1.
7.9.2. Temporary catch water drains: Drains provided on hill side away from the road to intercept and
divert the flow of water before it reaches the road side drain are known as catch water drains. Their location,
size, gradient and lining helps in checking potential slides.
<< 61
7.9.3 Box cut: At steep and narrow spurs, box cut or through cuts may be provided. These reduce the
length of the road and also improve the radius of curves. Such cuts, however, have their own problems.
During excavation, the cutting and disposal of spoils take more time and efforts as compared to hill side cut.
Drainage of road surface and surrounding areas isdifficult. Sub~surfacesprings get activated on the formation
during wet weather. If the soil is unstable box cuts become trouble spots due to frequent slides and blockage
of road, requiring expensive protective works, like breast walls, sub-soil drains, catch water drains etc. A
careful study and comparative cost analysis of reduction in length vis-a-vis provision of additional protective
works should be made before taking a decision on providing box cuts. A typical cross section of box cut is
shown in Fig. 7,12.
BREAST WALL However it will be good to provide a box-cut at suitable sites, not only for reduction of length, but
to ensure safer road for traffic, as it eliminates possible sharp or blind curves with lesser sight distance.
7.9.4. Dry gap bridge: At narrow re-entrants in steep rocky stretches, at times, it will be economical
to provIde a bridge even if there is no water flow. Detailed cost analysis of bridge vis-a-vis rock cutting or
providing a high retaining wall should be done to arrive at an appropriate solution.
79.5. Zigs: When the space available on the hill face is not adequate to connect the two obligatory
points within the ruling gradients or when heavy rock cut or potential slide zones are to be avoided, zigs are
provided. The zigs are however trouble prone spots. Their location has to be carefully sited at reconnaissance
stage in fairly flat hill side. During execution, the work may be commenced on the upper arm which is required
to be taken well into the hill side and often becomes box cut. The lower arm is either in cut or cut-and-fill or
on embankment. Extensive protective works like breast walls, catch water drains, lined box drains on upper
arm, breast/retaining walls on lower arm and culverts with lined chutes between the two arms are required.
A typical sketch of zig is shown in Fig. 7.13.
<< 62
IRC:SP:48-1 998
FIG. 7. t~.
7.97. Half tunnelling: In solid/stable rocky stretches with vertical hill face, half tunnelling is done to
economise on rock cut. Very careful planning of drilling and blasting is required to achieve speed, economy
and safety in half tunnelling work, A typical drilling pattern for half tunnelling is shown in Fig. 7.15.
IRC:SP:48.1 998
nr — U — ‘A
0 U U
0 o 0
0 o °
0 o 0
7.9.8. Roadside arboriculture: Most of the hill roads (except those in snow clad areas) pass through
forests or through fertile areas. As such, roadside arboriculture does not present any major problem However
selection of right type of sapling, right season for plantation and proper upkeep for first one or two years have
to be attended to properly. Help of the local forest authorities may be sought for this purpose, wherever this
is to be done.
The formation of road in a hill area, which is normally forest area, causes disturbance of
environment due to jungle clearance, tree-cutting, movement of earth, altering slope stability, rock blasting
etc. and affecting flora and fauna. As such, every caution has to be taken in planning road cutting in hills so
that least disturbance to environment is caused.
<< 64
IAC:SP:48-1 998
8.1. General
6.1 .1. Topography of hill generates numerous water courses. This coupled with continuous gradient of
roads in hills and high intensity of rain-fall calls for effective drainage of roads. Uncontrolled water is the
primary cause of problems like soft surfaces, pot holes, rutting, washed out shoulders, and even failure of
complete sections of roadway structures. Prevention of such failures makes roads safer for motorists and
pedestrians, reduces maintenance costs and adds immeasurably to the pleasure and satisfaction of the road
user. A hill road is good if the degree of drainage achieved is good.
8.1.~?. The cost of controlling water is a significant part of total highway construction cost. It is therefore
important to plan and develop adequate facilities for drainage and erosion control.
8,1 .3. A cardinal rule while planning drainage would be least interference with natural drainage. Ideally,
this r’night he achieved by aligning all rDads along ridges or drainage divides. For most roads, however,
ahqnment is already determined by various other obligatory considerations. Minimum interference with
natural drainage will mean stable earth face/surface with some kind of vegetative cover preventing erosion
and allowing free drainage.
8.1 .4. On hill roads the moisture content in the subgrade is liable to considerable seasonal variation on
account of the following:
8.1 .5. Wa.te.r flowing towards the road surface may be diverted and guided to follow a definite path and
the tlcv~on the valley side controlled so that stability is not affected. This will help in protecting the road bed
and pavement. A network of drains helps in confining and controlling flow of water and thus check adverse
effect on road structures. In hill roads, where the surface and sub-soil water run rapidly towards subgrade,
interceptor drains would trap the flowing water and prevent it from reaching the road side. In the lower slope
i.e. nea.r the pavement, the in-flow of water in side drains will be local only. This has to be intercepted by
catch pits which will collect the flow from side drain, reduce velocity and divert the flow to cross drain/culvert
for disposal.
8.1.6. When viewed in totality against the back-drop of the hills, the road acts as an interceptor and its
longitudinal cut on hill slope obstructs the natural drainage and the road ledge therefore acts as a collection
area of all watt...r from hill side. As such adequate drains in the form of catch water drains collecting flow from
hill side to bring itto side drain leading to cross drains and further discharge in into natural drainage channels
through valley side~drain/chutes (if erosion is likely on valley side), are essential for stability of road.
8.2.2. Run off is that portion of precipitation which does not get evaporated. Run-off may be classified
a) surface run-off
b) Interfiow or sub-surface run-off
c) Ground water flow or base flow
8.2.3, Measurement of rainfall: The amount of precipitation is expressed as the depth in centimetre
which falls on a level surface and is measuredby rain gauge which may be automatic or non-automatic type.
8.2.4. Run-off: The run-off of catchment area in any specified period is the total quantity of water
draining into a stream or into a reservoir inthat period. The principalfactors affecting the flow from a catchment
area are:-
a) Precipitation characteristics
b) Shape and size of the catchment
c) Topography
d) Geological characteristics
e) Meteoroligical characteristics
f) character of the catchment surface
g) Storage characteristics
8.2.5. Computation of run-off: The run-off can be computed either by empirical or rational formulae. Empirical formulae for peak run-off from catchment: Although records of rain-fall exist to some
extent, actual records of floods are seldom available sufficiently to enable the engineer to accurately infer
the worst flood condition, for which provision has to be made in designing structures. Therefore, the help of
theoretical computation has to be taken. Some of the most popular empirical formulae are:-
4 where Q is the peak run-offin cum/sec and M is the catchment area in square 1cm, C
a) Dicken’s formula: Q = CMTM
is a constant depending upon the rain-fall.
h) Ryves formula: (For Tamil Nadu Hills)
Q = cM~
c) Inglis formula: (For Western Ghats) Q = 125M where Q is the maximum nood discharge in cumfsec and M is
the area of catchment in sq. km. + 10 These empirical formulae involve only one factor, viz., the area of the catchment. Many other
factors that affect the run off have to be taken care of in selecting an appropriate value of co-efficient. This
is an extreme simplification of the problem and can not be expected to yield accurate results. In recent years hydrological studies have been made and theories set forth which comprehend
the effect of the characteristics of the catchment on the run-off. Attempts have also been made to establish
relationships between rainfall and run-off under various circumstances. These formulae are not, however,
strictly applicable to hill areas (especially in the North and North East) and as such, appropriate evaluations
by collection of data from ground in each case may have to be resorted to. Rational formula (velocity area method): The hydraulic characteristics of the stream that
influence the maximum discharge are:
a) Velocity of flow
b) Slope of the stream
c) cross-sectional area of the stream
d) Shape and roughness of the stream
In case of streams with rigid boundaries, the shape and size of cross-section is significantly same during a
flood as well as after its subsidence. But when a stream is flowing in alluvium, the bed gets eroded during a
flood and t gradually silts up again after the flood subsides. DeterminatIon of velocity: The velocity of a stream can be determined by:
In making velocity observations the selected reach should be straight, uniform and reasonably
long. The following methods are usually used:
V = —•——--- (R)V3 (S)1t2
V = Mean velocity of flow in M/Sec
R = Hydraulic mean depth = NP
A = Cross sectional area in square metre
P = Wetted perimeter in metre
S = Bed slope
N = Co-efficient of Rugosity
For measurement of the discharge, the cross-sectional area is generally divided into small vertical strips as
shown in Fig. 8.1.
The width of the strip is so chosen that each strip be taken as a rectangle. The velocity of each
compartment can be calculated with fair accuracy with any of the methods described earlier. The products
of area of strip and mean velocity of the strip gives the discharge of the strip. The discharge of the channel
can be obtained by summing up the discharge of all individual strips.
JRC:SP:48-1 998
If A (1), A (2) ---(n) etc. are the area of the strips and V (1) V (2)
A --- V (n), are the corresponding
mean velocities then the channel discharge is given by:
= ~ (A X V)
The normal practice is to compute the slope from the bed level at two cross-sections over a long
distance. Since it is difficult to take any particular level in a cross-section at the bed level, it is reôommended
that the slope of the stream be calculated from one section at low water level of the proposed site and one
section each at upstream and downstream of the proposed site and same be treated as the correct slope.
The use of empirical formulae should be as far as possible avoided. They ~areprimitive and are
safe only in the hands of an expert. The rational formulae explained above is the most commonly used in
the determination of discharge.
8.3. Snow
8.3.1. Most high altitude regions are subject to heavy snowfall during winter. The average snowfall
varies from sector to sector depending upon various factors. In certain sectors, the annual snowfall is less
than 1 .5 metres, whereas there are sectors having moderate snow fall varying between 1 .5 to 4 metres and
heavy snowfall areas with average snowfall exceeding 4 metres. In sectors having snowfall not exceeding
4 metres the intensity and frequency of snowfall is considered not very high. The roads in such sectors are
kept open to traffic during winter by resorting to snow clearance operation. in other sectors, the intensity as
well as frequency of snowfall are so high that it is neither economical nor feasible to keep the road open to
traffic mechanically or manually during winter (which are confined to some high passes only) and is cleared
in spring by launching a major snow clearance operation.
8.3.2. At the end of winter, when there is steep rise in temperature, snow starts melting from top as well
as from the bottom of frozen layers. As the coefficient of thermal conductivity of snow is high the melting is
always associated with enormous and instantaneous release of water. The water thus released, normally
collects and flows on the road pavement in the absence of any outlet due to snow accumulation or ice
8,3.3, Run-off from snow varies with its physical characteristics. The physical characteristics vary with
the region depending upon meteorological conditions. Snow is classified as crystalline, granular, powdery
pallet snow or mixtures. For run off purposes, it will be appropriate to classify snow as dry, damp and wet
according to moisture content/density. Snow density varies from 0.40 - (fresh snow) to 0.7 0.8 (wet
snow). The snow with low density is termed as dry whereas snow having moderate and high depsity are
termed as damp and wet snow respectively.
8,~3,4. Chapter 12 on “Snow Clearance and Avalanche Treatment” gives details of snowfall, its effects
8.4.1. Inadequate cross drainage on a hill road causes softening of the sub-grade and rencjers it too
weak to take the load of the moving traffic. Roadside drains are therefore necessary on a hill road. They
should he taken below the subgrade of the road or in a kutcha road these are invariably taken about 300 mm
below the road surface Where cross-fall and super-elevation oppose each other in valley side curves, proper
arrangement to the layout of drain has to be done.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
8.4.2. Roadside drains should generally be of uniform section throughout irrespective of the location of
road on the. hill slope Road on ridge alignment may not require the same section of drains due to lesser
quantity of flow of water. For convenience of construction, it may be necessary to have uniform section of a
drain but the frequency of culverts could be regulated to the catchment area that it has to cater to. Roadside drains are constructed to parabolic (Saucer shape), trapezoidal, triangular, V-Shape,
kerb and channel or U-Shaped cross-sections. The parabolic section is hydraulically the best and most
erosion resistant. The trapezoidal sectionis easierto construct and is more generally used. Kerb and channel
drain gives exf ra widlh in case of emergencies forvehiclesto use. U-Shaped drains are generally deep drains
and are provided where higher discharge has to be catered and adequate road width is available. Generally drains are made of size 60 cm x 60 cm and should have a gradient of 1:20 to 1:25 to
develop self cleansing velocity to disperse floating debris conveniently. In continuous long stretches of road
with steep grades, the road side drains should be stepped to break the velocity. A 0.6 m high toe wall along
the hill side will he required to prevent erosion of hill-slope-as an integral part of side drain. In U-Shaped
drain, road side edge should he provided with guide stones (duly white washed) to maintain distance of
vehicles for safety.
8.4.~?.3. Fig. 8.2 gives details of various types of side drains and their arrangements as described in
preceding paras. To discharge runoff from hill side drain to valley side, 8 to 10 culverts or scuppers can be provided
per km or the side drains may be connected to discharge into natural water course.
8.5.1. Such drains are provided on hill slopes to intercept water flowing from upper reaches and gui!.t3
such flow into culverts. These drains should be trapezoidal shape and should be at least stone lined and
cement pointed. Catch water drains must carrythe intercepted waterto the nearest cross-drainage point and
it should be well cleaned and repaired before the onset of every monsoon.
8.5.2. Such catch-water drains should be provided in stable hill slopes outside the periphery of
slide/unstable areas so that stability of hill is not further worsened. In such cases, additional intermediate
drains may also have to be provided in some cases depending on ground conditions. Figs. 8.3 & 8.4 depict
catch-water drain arrangement on a stable hill slope and in a slide area.
8.6. Chutes
8.6.1. Surface run off on a hill slope generally flows down in the form of natural gulleys/chutes. The
water entrapped in the catch water drains is a)so brought down either by connecting them with existing natural
gulleys or through specially provided chutes!, The cumulative discharge with its increasing momentum causes
imment~erosion. It is, therefore, desirable to provide lined chutes to lead the discharge to the catch pit of
culvert or to a natural drainage channel (Fig. 8.5). Box type stepped chutes of stone masonry have been
found more a.ppropriate because of their stability and long life. A typical section is given in Fig. 8.6.
8.7.1. Drainage! problem may be considered in two-categories, surface and sub-surface. Surface
drainage or in other words, pavement drainage includes the disposal of all water present on the surface of
the pavement and adjacent ground.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
60cm— —II
15/20 cm
60cm pA
P.C.C. 1:3:6
RRM IN cm 1:4
<< 73
RC~SP:48-1 998
In the case of re-entrants, which necessarily have to be cross drainage points, cross fall is given
lcwards the valley side. Surface drainage should provide for the surface water run-off from the
rflrrinqeway/shoulders, The surface run-off, which is mostly due to local rainfall on the roadway is allowed
‘,cw down quickly to the adjacent natural ground where appropriate cross fall is available.
The water collected on the surface of road and the adjacent ground is taken away by the side
‘ fl.S and disposed off into natural water courses nearby. As such the berms/shoulders should be well
:1 ~~‘;erl and maintained to draIn off the surface water either towards valley side or hill side, Roads in areas
,.h•~ctto heavy rainfall and snowfall are generally provided with hard or surfaced shoulders. It has been
~ n actual practice that inadequate provision of proper crossfall~ongitudinaIgradient coupled with the
V.:’~nporary overflow of side drains, damages the shoulders considerably and the waterfinds easy access into
flUbgradE? thereby causing damage to the pavement. Overflow along the road length damages the
shH ‘ders on the valley side.
Adequate care has to he taken in geometrics to ensure channelised drainage to avoid damage
~aruI‘rl’~ulders. On the valley side, protective parapets with intermi~entgaps will help in surplus water to
:lan off on valley side. In straight reaches, camber to the road surface should be provided for disposal of
,‘:a.riSce water. Use of granular soil in slushy reaches has been found useful.
Sub-surface Drainage
~crE.aso n the moisture content of subgrade reduces its strength and bea~ngcapacity and hence
~nsuredthat the moisture content in the sub-grade is kept as minimum as possible. Further,
ii the ‘no sture content of clayey soil in the subgrade may lead to corresponding volume changes,
the soi’ akes place with increase in moisture content. In order to correct these problems it is
sta.ll drains below ground level which will intercept and car~theground water to a stream or
flue system
FIa~varioi.s causes due to which changes in soil moisture content occur below a pavement are
in Fiq. 8 To counteract such possible changes, a sub-soil drainage system should be provided
<< 74
IRC:SP:48-1 998
these blocks, boulders are properly packed to take the load of road structure and traffic over the transverse
trench. Fig. 8.8 shows the cross section of Transverse Trench Drain.
_._ 80cm -j
8.9.1. Seepage from High Ground: Seepage from high ground occurs when a layer of permeable soil
overlies an impermeable layer. Cut slopes, which continually slough away at a point where free draining
water reaches the face can be stabilised by installing sub-soil drains at back of the cutface. In such cases, a drain is constructed as a cut-off drain and installed to a depth slightly below the
pervious material and backfilled with clean sand. A pipe is usually bedded on stone or lean concrete on
impervious material to prevent water from collecting underneath the pipe and eventually causing deterioration
of the subgrade. The underground water is carried away in the drain to an outlet or a stream, removing the
cause of sloughing. When the impermeable stratum is at a lower level and the seepage zone is deep, it is
generally not practicable to intercept all the seepage water and the intercepting sub-surface drain is
positioned so as to keep the seepage water at least one metre below formation level. Fig. 8.9. shows a
sub-surface drain intercepting free water in a slope before it reaches the face where it would cause sloughing
or sliding.
8.9.2. Subgrade drainage: The underground water flows in a layer near the road surface. This water
can weaken the road and create soft spots and rutting. The subgrade drainage controls the moisture
movement due to water table effect.
8.9.3. Water table effect: Where the road is in cutting or at ground level it is important to prevent the
water table from rising too close to formation level, since moisture content by capillary action can cause
changes in sub-grade moisture content. It is considered that a stable sub-grade can be maintained if the
water-table is kept at least one metre below formation level. Sub-soil drains running along the pavement at
appropriate depths will achieve this.
<< 75
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Infiltraflon through pavement: Most of the road surfaces are topped with open-graded bitumen
riremix carpet only and ingress of moisture through the porous surfacing may penetrate into the subgrade.
If the pavement has surface cracks, the inflow through the pavement into the sub-grade during rainy season
will be much more and cause further deterioration of the pavement.
8.96. Due to snow: Thawing of snowcreates problem andthe resultantwaterthereof should be drained
off the road from the nearest exits, These exits can be developed by cutting snow on the berm on valley side.
A regular flow of this water will help in quick melting of snow also. Use of common salt, saw dust/sand is
made to counter the problem posed by ice formation/frost. Chapter 12 dealing with snow clearance gives
more details.
8 7. A drainage blanket of selected filter material below the structural section of the pavement, will
take care of the infiltration through the pavement, lower the water table and arrest moisture movement by
capillaryartion from the soil all around. Figs. 8.10, 8.11 & 8.12 indicate such arrangements.
8.9.8. Sub-surface drainage is also achieved by having trenches filled with filter material, i.e. sand,
gravel, etc. which drain off the underground water.
8.9.9.. As an alternative to conventional filter material, geotextiles can also be used as indicated in
para 7.9.1.
8.10. Cross-Drainage-Hydrological Considerations
8.10,1. Whenever streams have to cross the road, cross drainage structures have to be provided.
Similarly water from the side drains is taken across by these cross drains in order to divert the water away
from the road to a water course or valley.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
<< 77
8.10.2. A variety of Cross-Drainage structures are possible. These can be considered under two broad
groups namely:
a) Crossings that are submersible, such as fords, paved dips, causeways, and submersible bridges.
I Crossing that are not submersible, such as culverts, bridges and ferries.
a) Functional
I) Number of vehicles delayed.
ii) Length of lime of each delay.
iii) Number oftimes per year these delays occur.
b) Technical
i) Nalure and width of stream and flood flows . whether flashy or sustained.
ii) velocity of flow and bed slope.
iii) Maximum and minimum depth of flow,
iv) Presence of floating debris, boulder movement on the bed etc.
v) Local materials and skills available.
c) Economical
i) Cost of initial construction,
ii) Cost of maintenance or reconstruction,.
hi) Cost of delays to vehicles (in the case of submersible crossings).
Normally experience and local practice will be highly helpful in the choice of the appropriate
crossing.. However, there can be overlapping cases suggesting more than one alternative. In such cases,
where doubt exists, it would be worthwhile to evaluate alternatives taking all the aboe mentioned aspects
into account. For quick selection of promising altematives, the guidelines given in Table 8.1 will be helpful.
Table 8.1, Guidelines for the Choice of Cross Drainage Structures for Hill Roads
SI. No. Type of Structure Locations where the structure will be found suitable
Ford Shallow non-perennial stream where maximum depth of flow does not exceed 1.6 m
and the period of interruption at one stretch does not exceed 12 hours for ODRs and
24 hours for vRs in hilly terrain. Also, the total period of interruption in a year may
not exceed 10 days for ODRs and iS days for vRs. Suitable for roads in isolated areas
carrying very low traffic. Also for roads in a network where alternative route is
available during the rainy season. Low in initial cost and ideal for crossing of men
on foot and cattle.
Paved di p (flush or low— level
2. Same as for SI. No. I except thar the traffic on the road may be somewhat higher
3. vented Causeway Shallow streams having permanent dry weather now exceeding 0.6 mn in depth. The
same criterion indicated for Sl.No. I as regards interrsmption equally apply to this case
4, Submersible bridge In case where high level bridge is too expensive to construct.
5 Culvert This is a high level stracture having length between abutments upto 6 in. Suitable
for narrow streams.
5. High Level bridge Ordinarily high level bridges are designed to cater for the mnaximam possible flood
discharge. Situations warranting such bridges are crossings of deep sarrosv streams
or ravines its hilly terrain,
7. Steel Equipment Bridges Portable steel bridges are quite easy and quick to construct even for emergent needs.
B. Suspension Bridges Ideally suitable to bridge long and deep gaps in hilly terrain.
9. Boat rerry and Pontoon/boat In case of lnrge streams where it is not economical to provide a bridge, ferry service
bridges or pontoon/boat bridge may be appropriate.
10. Other Crossings Wire rope trolley may he used for remote and unimportant areas.
<< 78
8.10.4. Details of submersible types of cross-drainage structures are given below:-
a) Ford Location for the ford is chosen at a place where the stream runs in shallow channel.. A trench
about I m wide and 1 to 1 .2 m deep is dug on the bed of the stream along the downstream edge of the road.
The trench is then filled with stones in wire crates upto the level of the road. As an alternative, a masonry
(stone or brick in cement mortar 1:4) wall could be built along the down-stream edge to retain the road in
position. The road surface is formed by levelling the stream bed with gravel. After one or two seasons, fines
transported by the stream will fill in the voids in the gravel surface, leaving a satisfactory stream crossing.
Details of a typical ford are illustrated in Fig. 8.13.
FtC. 8.13. FORD This is similarto a ford constructed flush with the stream bed exceptforthe provision of permanent
riding surface protected by cut-off walls both on the upstream and downstream sides. Fig. 8.14 illustrates
the details of a paved dip.. The criteria for design is restricted depth, required length and shock-free vertical
c) Vented Causeway or High Level Causeway Vented causeways have the double function of passing normal discharge through the vents below
the roadway and the flood discharge both through the vents and over the road-way itself. Some of the
important considerations in the design of this type of structure are:-
a) The vents should be sufficient to pass the normal water flow without overtopping. This should be checked for the
maximum annual flood to ensure that the interruption criteria given in Table 8.1 are not transgressed
b~I The vents should he distributed throughout the length of the causeway, All entry faces should be belI-rrouthed to
reduce hydraulic losses and thereby the afflux. The vents may consist of pipes, reinforced concrete slabs, arches or
stone slabs depending on the availability of materials and local conditions.
c) The roadway should preferably he given one way crossfall towards the downstream side. This will have the
advantage of reduced afflux and avoid the chance of a standing wave (consequent turbulence and serious erosion)
being formed.
d) Other measures for reducing the hydraulic resistance are rounding/bevelling the upstream edge of the causeway and
provision of streamlined guard stones.
<< 79
10cm OF
u/SW—.- fl 0/S
CC 15cm
e) The final road levels (grade line on the causeway) should be kept as low as possible, consistent however with
satisfying the interruption criteria, It should be clearly understood that the flood levels will increase (because of
afflux) on the upstream side after the construction of the structure depending on the extent of obstruction,
f) Suitable cut-off walls should be provided at both the upstream and down stream sides. Unless rock is met with at
higher levels, these walls should go down to at least I m and 2 mon the upstream and downstream sides respectively.
These walls should be protected by means of apron comprising rubble stone or cement concrete block of a width of
2 m and 5 m on the upstream and downstream sides respectively.
Fig. 8.15 shows two typical vented causeways using R.C.C. pipes for the vents.
<< 80
—‘—1 IN 25 LEVEL —1 IN 25
r——f 11
L . — J .J~
WALL 600—900
IRC:SP:48-1 998
‘6.Om -I
IRC:SP:48-1 998
d) Submersible Bridges Obviously, for rivers which have considerable difference between HFL and OFL and if the road
is of minor importance submersible bridges are generally considered adequate. These are eminently suitable
ri hilly areas where the floods are flash and do not interrupt the traffic for long. Submersible bridges are normally built on in-erodible bed rock. Otherwise the design becomes
more complicated and requires careful consideration both in design and the sequence of construction. In
case of submersible bridges built on erodible soil, protective pitching or apron should go hand in hand with
the construction of other bridge elements. Though submersible bridges are cheap compared to high level bridges, they need greater
maintenance of their approaches if there is considerable spread of water. The design of submersible bridge
needs consideration of certain additional aspects of design like that of hand rails, impact of floating debris
and the hydrodynamic effect of the water acting over the whole bridge, theoretical condition being when the
river is just about to overtop the bridge. These have to be considered along with buoyancy in design.
t,7m iIIT~I.~
6.1m 20cm
& 23cm Do
EL 1 OOm(
2.8m I~.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
8.10.5. Details of non-submersible drainage structures are given below:-
a) Culverts It is a bridge having a length of six metres or less between the faces of abutments or extreme
ventway boundaries and measuredat right angles thereto. Culverts are generally provided 5to 6 per kilometre
for efficient drainage and at every small rivulet. The vent should be about 1.0 m x 1.5 m so as to afford ample
space for the maintenance staff to clean them before and after the rainy season. Blockage and choking of
these vents can cause serious damage to the road structure as water spills over to the road.
8.1 0.5.2. Adequate protective works are required at the discharge point which should preferably be in the
form of stepped walls to dissipate the kinetic energy of the discharged water outfall.
a) Pipe Culvert
b) Slab Culvert Typical sections are given in Figs. 8.17, 8.18 & 8.19
c) Arch Culvert Arch culvert : This consists of abutments, wing walls, arch, parapets and the foundations. The
construction materials, commonly used, are stone masonry or concrete. Floor and curtain wall may or may
not be provided depending upon the nature of foundation soil and velocity of water flow. Slab culvert : A slab culvert consists of RCC slab with or without beams or a stone slab, with or
without steel girders to cover the span across the abutments and piers. The deck slab should be designed
as one way slab. Pipe culvert: They are provided when discharge of stream is small or when sufficient headway
is not available. Usually one or more pipes of diameter not less than 60 cm, preferably 90 cm 100 cm, are
placed side by side. Their exact numberand diameterdeponds upon the discharge and heightof bank. These
pipes can be made of masonry, stoneware, or cement concrete. A concrete bedding should also be given
below the pipes and earth of sufficient thickness on the top to protect the pipe and their joints. As far as
possible the gradient of the pipe should not be flatter than 1 in 30. As the pipe culverts need a cushion of 60
cm or so, these culverts may be adopted only at locations where it is suitable.
b) Foot Bridges In isolated areas, in locations where provision of a motorable bridge may not be economically
feasible and where a crossing is required only for people and cattle, provision of foot bridges will be an
expedient solution. Foot bridges may vary in shape and details of construction depending on the local
materials available. Avariety of materials, like tree trunks, wooden sections, R.S.Js or used rails can be used
for the main beams over which wooden deck could be constructed. In areas where bamboo is available fl
plenty, two to four pieces of bamboo can be clamped or fixed together to act as a single beam for span upto
3m. - For foot bridges, the minimum width of deck shall be 1 .5m. Where the crossing stream is deep,
or the water current is fast, hand railings should be provided.
c) Timber Bridges In areas where timber is locally available, it can be used both for the substructure and the
superstructure of a bridge. Timber bridges should be considered as temporary structures having a life span
of 10-20 Years.
—----4 3-_rn
J_ — —
___________ D/S
IRC:SP:48-1 998
IN CM 1:3
IRC:SP:48-1 998
8.10.5,10. The substructure may consist of timber piles of trestles depending on local conditions. Pile type
supports should be used when site conditions are affected by deep water or swift current causing scour, low
bearing capacity soil overlaying rock, or un-consolidated soil with low bearing capacity. Typical timber trestle
pier and piile pier are illustrated in Fig. 8.20. For spans greater than 5 m, a double row of piles/trestles should
be used for a pier.
BEAM l5Oxl25mm
,.-“ FOOTING 300xl5Omm
Mm. 6m1 ~
lRC:SP:48~1998 Considering the effect of extracting timberin denuding forests and adverse environmental impact,
timber bridges are best avoided unless timber is available from trees cut as part of road formation work,
d) Scupper
810.5.12. It is E:i cheap type of culvert or cross drain about 1 metre wide made of course rubble dry masonry
abutments. The top of the abutments are corbelled with a few layers of stones till the gap is 0.5 0.6 m. and
a stone slab is laid on the top. Hand packed stones are placed on top (0.3 0.6 m thick) and also all round
the scupper. Retaining walls are provided on both ends of the scupper. Retaining walls are provided on both
ends of the scupper. Typical section of two types of scuppers are given in Fig. 8.21 Fig. 7.9 also gives a .~
I — I ~_ I
1.09m 0.9Dm 1.09m
IRC:SP:48-1 998 Scupper is a very cheap cross drainage structure and plays vital and significant role in drainage
of hill roads. It requires more attention during construction as well as in maintenance. The following points
need care:
a) Opening should he kept clean. The catchpit of the scupper, which gets easily filled with debris and/or vegetation
should be kept clean. It is also necessary that there is no erosion or scour at the outlet of the scupper. Retaining wall
may be constructed at least 1.00 in approximately above the road level, to avoid choking of the catchpit.
hi In case, suitable corbelling stones are not available in the vicinity of the scupper site. RCC prescast slab ofsh~1.5
m a 0.060 in x 0.15 m be cast and placed over the opening.
L~ For efficient drainage the road side drains along with scuppers should be cleaned regularly, for free flow of water,
specially in reaches prone to land slides. Bridges are structures facilitating a communication route for carrying road traffic or other moving
loads over a depression or obstruction such as river, stream, channel, road or railway. They are also very
good cross-drainage structures. Bridges are classified as Major or Minor on following criteria:
a) Bridges with waterway ofmore than 60 in between the two abutments are generally termed as major bridges, whereas
those with waterways less than 60 m and more than 6 m are termed as minor bridges. Since the bridge structures
are of vital importance for communication system, more so in hilly areas where alternative routes are generally not
available, the design and construction of the bridges needs special attention. l.R.C. Bridge Codes covering
subsurface investigations, design and execution already exist and the same should be made use of.
h) Depending upon the merits ofeach case, the foundations of the bridges in hilly areas may be either open foundations
or on wells Similarly the superstructure may be in R.C.C., prestressed concrete, timber, steel o~some composite
construction. The final choice should, however, be arrived at most judiciously, keeping in view the economy and
practical feasibility Detailed field studies and inspection by senior engineers are very necessary, However special
points relating to hilly areas are given below,
i. While making temporary crossing on a river the same be built on a second best site, the best site being kept
for construction of the permanent bridge.
ii Since the bed level of the nallahs (stream) are steep, cross sections should be taken at appropriate short
intervals so as to cover all topographical details,
iii. Since the flow of water in hill streams is very fast and in most cases they carry boulders and also construction
of diversions is not easily possible, it may be preferable to provide single span bridges depending of course
on economies and feasibility.
iv. In case of suspension bridges, the safety of the bridge depends upon the safety of the anchor block. The
geology of the hill below the anchor, should be very carefully studied. Reinforced cement concrete bridges: These type of bridges are universally used for highways.
Their durability, rigidity, economy and ease with which pleasing appearance can be obtained make them
<< 89
IRC:SP:48-1 998 purpose. There are numerous type of bridges built in reinforced cement concrete. The
suitable for this
following are in general use:
a) Slab Bridges This is the simplest type of reinforced cement concrete bridge and easiest to construct. It is
suitable for spans upto 10 m.
b) Girder Bridges This type of bridge is economical for spans between 10 m 20 m. Depending on the width of the
- In case of beam bridges, rolled steel I-Beam with or without cover plate are used as main girders.
The top flanges of the rolled beams are well embedded in the flooring for lateral support. The cross I-beams
act as bracing for main I-beams.
(ii) Plate Girder Bridges: A plate girder bridge is essentially a built-up beam to carry heavier load over longer spans. This
simple type of rivetted plate girder consists of pair of angles connected to a solid web plate. Generally girder
bridges are adopted for simply supported spans less than 50 mts and for continuous span upto 260 mtrs.
(iii) Steel Truss Bridges: Generally a truss bridge is economical for spans greater than 30 metres and are suitable for a
span range of 40 to 90 metres. There are three types of truss bridges viz, through type, deck type and
semithrough type. The erection of a truss bridge is considerably easier because of the relative lightness of
the component members. Prestressed concrete bridges: The principle of prestressed concrete has been widely applied
for the design of bridges. The inherent advantages of prestressed cOncrete bridges are higher load capacity
and fewer expansion joints. The prestressing members are light and best suited for artistic and architectural
treatment. These are economical for spans ranging from 25 lrnlo50 m. For prestressed concrete Box sections,
span of 50 to 75 m is viable and for prestressed cantilever construction, bridges of span of 75 to 120 m are
generally suitable. Portable steel equipment bridges: Portable steel equipment bridges like the Bailey Bridge is
formed by joining pre-fabricated panels and members. This bridge is easy to assemble and quick to erect.
Such bridges are in extensive use by tile Armed Forces and are alsO being adopted for hill roads as a normal
bridging system.
<< 90
IRC:SP:48-1 998, Suspension bridges: A suspension bridge consists of a set of cables hanging in a curve form
from which the road way is supported. They can be divided into two main classes:~
I) Unstiffened
ii) Stiffened
b) Where the spans are very large; usually spans of about 100 metres onwards are considered economical due to ic~
dead load.
c) To negotiate gorges. A low cost suspension bridge, consistingof wooden plank decking and ribands as superstructure
suspended directly from cables is used as mule Track and Jeepable roads. These are used generally for
spans of 30-100 m.
SPAN 15m
RC:SP:48-1 998
0 CO
z 0
<0 SSC
5,).- Li
Cs: Ui
z Li
U 2:
0 Li
I-. ~o.. ~
2 0”~” a~:
U) z
a, ~I_~•]~ Q
~u, v)
2: -J
0 0. 0
2 p..,
Li 0
z a
Li <Li Li
CL 2
C’) U,
U) ~
Iz ~
~a_ ~
Li cc
0 -J
2: Li
8.10 5.31. Cable-stayed bridges: Cable-stayed bridge, also called the stayed-girder (or truss) or the
cahl&stiffened girder (or truss) has come into wide use since about 1950 for medium-and-long-span bridges,
because of its economy,! stiffness, aesthetic qualities, and ease of erection without falsework. Design of such
bridge utilises stay cables connecting pylons to a span to provide intermediate support. The cable-stayed
bridge has the advantage of greater stiffness over a suspension bridge. These are generally provided in the
span ranging from 180 m to 500 m. A scheme of cable-stayed bridge is given in Fig. 8.23.
8.10.5,37 Boatferry: Ferry is a floating device that operates between two terminal points of a road network
interrupted by a water barrier. Ferry should normally be considered only where the draft is adequate for
playing of boats, there is not much seasonal fluctuations in water level or widths and where the river current
is within manageable limits. The site of crossings should allow the economical construction of terminal
facilities such as ramps, leading/unloading platforms, etc. ln adverse weather and high spate conditions of
the river, the ferry will not be safe and the operation should be suspended. For passenger traffic, country
boats having capacity of 15~20passengers can be operated economically. For transport of vehicles like
lorries and passengers/cattle in larger numbers, large sized boats or two boats joined together may be
8.10.5,33 Flying bridge: When sufficient funds are not forthcoming or sufficient material is not available to
make a regular bridge across a stream, a boat or a raft may be used as a terry. Ferry boats are usually rowed
or poled across. The action otthe current on the boat or raft may also be utilised to move a ferry boat across
a stream. A ferry working in this manner is termed as ‘Flying Bridge’. There are three methods of making Flying Bridges:- (1) By Suspension Cable, (2) By using
anchors and “Swinging Cables” and (3) By using a “Warp”. In the first method a steel wire cable is stretched between 2 posts or shear-legs erected on either
bank away from the water line at a height sufficient to keep the centre of the cable well above the flood level.
A traveller with 2 wheels moves over the suspended cable and the ferry raft is connected to the traveller with
the help of 2 lines. The length of the longer line is varied as required to keep the length of the raft inclined
ElpproXirflately at a.n 8ngle of 550 to the direction of the stream. For return journey the lengths of the lines are
reversed. In the second method i.e. swing bridge, the length of the cable should be from one and half times
to twice the width of the river, and if a long one is used, it should be kept out of the water by being supported
<< 93
IRC:SP:48-1 998
on intermediate floats. The end of the cable is secured to a short mask fixed in the boat or raft, about one-third
of its length from the bow, or the cable may be secured to a rope bridle as shown in the sketch. In a very
rapid current, the cable may be anchored to both banks instead of to a float in the middle of the stream. In
this case four landing-places and two cables will be required, one of the cables being taken across in the
boat for the return journey. In the third method a cable is stretched across the river as tightly as possible and the boat or raft
runs along through rollers on the raft. A typical flying bridge arrangement is given in Fig. 8.24.
<< 95
IRC:SP:48-1 998
9.1 General
9.1.1 Hill Road is formed mostly by cutting into the hill and thereby disturbing natural stability of slopes.
Water course.s along the slopes cause erosion affecting road stability. Soil movement along slopes tend to
disturb the road formation All these have to he effectively countered to obtain a stable road by provision of
structures. to act as retaining, restraining and protective structures. Similarly safety of traffic also needs
structures to he provided on the road.. Where the road is aligned along a river bank or a nallah (stream) slope
failure and erosion of toe has also to be prevented and valley side slope made stable... This can he achieved
by construction of retaining walls, breast walls, parpet walls, railings, edge stones, toe walls, check~walls,
river training structures etc. While each problem has to he studied, analysed and structure designed to suit
the location and problems thereon, general features and arrangements are discussed in this chapter.
9.~i..1, During the formation cutting of a road, the natural hill slope gets disturbed. Masonry structures
to support the down hill side unstable strata or fills are called retaining walls. They can be constructed in
stone masonry, cement concrete, reinforced cement concrete, wire crated masonry, wooden/timber/poles
etc. depending on ground condition. Reinforced earth is also now being used.
9.2,2. Generallyfor hill slopes with gentle slope retaining walls may not he required. For steeper slopes,
relative t~iconomyof cost of earth cutting and retaining wall has to be compared. From stability point of view
full hill cutting should he preferred as retaining walls involve weakness in the road structure.
Places where the valley side surface gets saturated in the monsoons and is likely to result in slip taking a
road svit Is it.
I Places where undercutting by a st reartt or other water cciarse causes damage to tlse s’alIcy side and the road
c In vaIl cv point, where water flows over the road,
di To achieve width of road way, where rutting into hill is not economical or has lobe restricted due to other re.asons
9.2.4. Specifications: According to the strength and service required, retaining walls may be
constructed of:
c Masonry in lime mortar, or lime with puecolana sir cement concrete foundations
d Masonry in cement mortar on cement conettte foundations. Para 9.2.4 (a) and (b) apply to ordinary retaining and breast walls, not impinged upon by floods
and not i’e.quired to hold water and 9.2 4 (c) and (d) apply to abutments and to important retaining walls or
portions thereof. Retaining walls will generally be constructed of dry stone masonry with strengthening hands of
R.R, masonry in mortar a.s p~irFig. 9,1 except where these are impinged on by floods or where high degree
of strength is necessary. This figure is representative of the scheme for other specifications also.
<< 96
IRC:SP:48-1 998
-~ ~-
9.2 4.3. Ret~ningwalls upto about 4 metres height should generally be in RR dry masonry, walls from 4
to B nietnE?s in FR dry masonry with 1:6 cement masonry bands or with a course of Cement concrete 1:4:8
thrc:uqhout the section both in lengthwise and breadthwise directions of the retaining wall to break the joints
and to c.ovcc up short~~cornings in the execution of dry retaining wall, Beyond 8 metres height walls should
he. avoided and wheo unavoidable these should be stepped and built in cement mortar.
9.7 4,4. Retaining walls in RR dry stone masonrywith proper bond stones can safely be constructed upto
4 metres heir:jht and shnuld ho a dopted. Bond stones should he provided at least one set per 0.5 sq. metre
of wail face. They should overlap each other by at least 15 cm. Where natural bond stones are not available,
precast cvo rioent concrete bond stones of 20x20x60 cm size with nominal reinforcement should be used.
9.2 5. Foundations: Foundations must be taken deep enough to rest on sound foundation materials
whic.h mu.st bE;? 5afE~.from scour, frosi and surface water. Rock must be cut in level steps or to a downward
slope tcwvards ths. fillinq. Rock bed slope should he towards the hill and not away. The necessity of filling
t’nLlndatiorl pits in front of toe of the retaining wall back upto original ground level, so as to avoid pooling of
water leadinq to toE? erosion, is to be considered.
9.2,6. WaIls-masonry construction: The base width must be substantial and capable of distributing
the pressure over the foundation. The projections of any footing course should not exceed halt the depth of
the course. The top thickness is usually 0.60 m. The front batter is given as 1 in 3 upto 4 m height and
thereafter made flatter and the back face is kept vertical. Walls should be made in rubble masonry consisting of hammer dressed hard stones brought to
course every 0.6 m (approx). Masonry courses must be normal to face batter; and the back of the wall can
be left rough. Masonry work should proceed in an uniform level. The least dimension of stone should be 20 x 15 x 10 cm. Approximately half the stones should
tail into the wall by twice their height. Stones must break joint by half the height of the course. In case of dry rubber walls, it is generally advisable to bed each course in stone dust or earth, to
spread the load and increase the frictional resistance between courses, particularly where shale slabs are
9.2.7. Coping: The coping should consist of large stones, laid and pointed in cement mortar or PCC
50-75 mm thick. The top of the coping should be, weather sloped towards valley side. Coping, preferably,
should be with stones on edge so that these are not easily dislodged. Parapets with weather slope may be
provided on retaining walls in lieu of coping.
9.2.8. Backfill: The backfill layer immediately behind the wall should consist of hand packed stone or
some granular material, as shown in Fig. 9.1. Remainder of the backfill should be rammed in 150mm thick
layers sloping towards the back ofthe wall, The top surface should better be sealed with bituminous macadam
to prevent unnecessary direct seepage of water in the retaining wall increasing thereby the back pressure.
9.2.9. Drainage: Provision must be made to prevent water accumulating behind the wall. Adequate
staggered weep-holes not less than 15 cm x 10 cm should be provided at one metre interval both horizontally
and vertically. The inlets of all weep-holes should be surrounded by loose stones. In wet situations a
continuous loose stone drain should connect the weep-holes. The weep-holes should have a slope of 1 in
10 towards valley side. Weep-holes are not necessary in dry masonry walls due to open joints though it may
be better to provide weep~holes.
9.2.10. Design: Most of the retaining walls on hill roads are gravity type and hence only design procedure
for such type of walls are given here for ready reference.
Wm = the wt. of the backfill between the back of the wall and a vertical line
through the heel.
13 = angle of the surcharge slope
P tan ~ = the vertical component of the backfill pressure which is zero in the case
of level backfill
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Ws = any super-imposed load on wall such as the superstructure and live load
on bridge as in the case of abutments
Wb = Dead weight of wall
C) Resultant Principles of design: The principal cause of failure of a retaining wall (Figs. 9.2 & 9.3) are:
a) Overturning
b) Tension in masorny
c) Sliding
d) Pressure on foundations
P1 (~
-9 ~
FIG. 9.3.
9.210.3. Overturning: For safety against overturning, the resultant R of the horizontal and vertical forces
must pass through middle third of the base of the wall.
9,2,10.4. Tension in masonry: To avoid tension in the masonry, the resultant R should pass through the
middle third of any horizontal section of the retaining wall. This can be checked by taking moments about
IRC:SP:48-1 998
the toe of the wall. The earth pressure (P) can be computed by the following formulae for vertical-backed
a) Without surcharge
(I-Sin 4))
P =TH~x
(1+ Sin 4))
= wt of unit vol. of earth
H = Total ht. of wall
4) = Angle of repose of soil
P = Earth pressure acting at depth of 2/3 H below the horizontal earth surface.
I H~
P = xK8
\/Cos13 +
1- Sin 4)
1 + Sin 4)
when l~ = 0
13 Angle of surcharge
c) For wet conditions
The horizontal thrust is equal to the sum of the thrust due to an equal height of water plus a thrust
due to a soil pressure of equal height with reduced density by the buoyancy of water.
Iw, H2 (I-Sin 4))
P = + 1/2 (I-lw) H2 X “4
2 (l÷Sin4))
1w Density of Water
I = Density of Soil
IRC:SP:48.-1 998
d) Effect of superimposed load
If a load W, such as a vehicle or a bridging load is placed on the fill within a distance H of the top
of the retaining wall, the wall must be designed for an increased height of filling Hi
D = Length parallel to the wall of superimposed load
W = Superimposed load
I = Unit weight of back fill
12 x 1000
Hi = 4÷ =4.30m
4 x 5 x 1600 Sliding: The wall must have a factor of safety of two against sliding. To meet this condition, tan
~ must not exceed half the coefficient of friction of the wall on the foundation material. The value of tan j.t can
be decreased, if this proves necessary, by sloping the foundation downward towards the back-fill (Fig. 9.1)
and taking this foundation slope as 1 in q (tan p.-1/q) must be less than half the coefficient of friction.
p angle of resultant force on the wall to the vertical
lIq foundation slope (e.g. for slope of 1 in 8 q = 8)
Ka 1H2
tan~.t =
2V + PB
V = Vertical load per metre length of wall, from the vertical component of the backfill
pressure and any superimposed load.
B = Width of base without toe projection
P = Toe pressure on base B in kg/sqm.
1 -Sin4)
Ka __~........._for level backfill
1 ÷Sin4)
I = Density of back fill material
9,2.10.6. Pressure on foundation: The pressure on foundation material at the toe of the wall must not be
greater than the safe working stress. By projecting the toe, the centre of the base is brought nearer to the
IRC:SP:48-1 998
resultant and the toe pressure is very much reduced. Projections on the heel increases the maximum
pressures and should not be given.
Width of base
6 Fe
Pe = ________
(B + 1)2 Depth of foundation: Foundations must be taken deep enough to reach solid material, and be
safe from frost action, surface water and scour. Minimum depth of foundation (h) for stability is given by the
following equation. However actual depth is dependent on the nature of soil and may be 0.3 m to 0.9 m
W 1-Sin4) 2
h =..-..—— x
Al 1+Sin4)
9.2,10,8. Practical proportions: For average dry conditions, width of base may be taken as 0.4 H + 0,3
m (where H is the total height of wall in mtrs) and width of foundation footing as 0.5 H + 0.3 m. For saturated
cqnditions the base width should be suitably designed and provision of drainage should be made to reduce
the pressure. Top thickness of the wall is generally kept as 0.6 m, minimum depth of foundation as (0.1 H +
0.3 m) and the projection of any footing course not exceeding half the depth of the course. Back is generally
vertical and front batter about 1 in 4. In the case of loose ground, the walls are generally 0.9 m thick at the top with front batter about
1 in 3. Back may be vertical or given a batter of 1 to 5 to reduce the masonry work.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
9.2,10.10. Incorrectly designed and constructed retaining wall is a great source of weakness in a hill road,
arid special care must be taken that specifications and designs for them are efficient. Complete retain ir~g
walls fail due to errors in construction such as:
Settlement of the toe, due to too shallow foundations or due to the presence of water at the toe, or no toe projection
being provided to reduce the pressure on foundation.
b) Lack of proper drainage like omission of weep holes etc.
c) Carelessly placed back~fillnot properly packed.
dl Insufficient bonding in masonry courses
ci Masonry courses not at right angle to the face of the wall.
a~ They would keep the road edge defined and also protect the drain to some extent.
b The bill slope to the extent of Breast Wall height will remain protected from slips. Any slide above this height will
flow over the top of the breast wall.
ci It would not allow continuity of the flowing mass of soil and would thus facilitate the clearance of slides
dl Assistance in drainage from hilI~slopethrough weep~holesin breast wall on to the side drain in front of the wall.
9.3.2.. Materials of construction: Since these walls are usually provided against wet hill slopes, they
have to be stronger than Retaining Walls and are usually comparatively less stable. They are usually provided
in stone masonry in cement mortar though banded and dry masonry construction may be done where hill
slope is not wet. Weep-holes have to be provided liberally in breast walls.
9.3.3. In very unstable situations, even stones enclosed in wire crates have been successfully tried
which have the advantage of re-building in case of failure and act as flexible structures.
a) Of necessity, the height of these walls is kept low i.e. about 1.5 m to 3 m since they occupy lot of useable space in
the Cross Section and generally the height is kept as 1.5 m.
hi Front hatter is usually kept 1:3 as a~ainst1:4 ‘ 1:6 for retaining walls except that earth pressure is computed as a
saturated coarse back fill with a 60 slope of hill.
9.4.1. Parapets: For defining the edge of road and for safety of traffic, parapets are required on the
valley side. They are usually made 0.45 m thick of rough dry stone masonry in lengths of 2m to 6m width
0.6m to 1 m gaps. Their height is usually 0.6 m and follow the regular geometrical edge of road and not the
hill edge to give a better look. In the initial stage of construction of the road they are made in dry masonry
but in due course, top and end layers for 15 cm are replaced by cement masonary.
<< 103
IRC:SP:48-1 998
o.1j~fl~4, .1
O.6m 1.12m
80mm x
1 .20m
c.c. (i O.30m
STANDARD 1.50m HIGH BREAST WALL Parapets on Retaining walls are made of stone masonary in cement, 0.45 m wide and 0.6 m high
in lengths of 2 m with a gap of 0.6 to 1.0 m. A typical sketch of a parapet wall in AR masonary is given a Fig. 9.5. Top of the parapet may be
given a slope towards valley side so that these are not used as resting places by pedestrians. In selected
locations these may be used as flower beds to improve appearance of the road.
<< 104
IRC:SP:48-1 998
2.5cm CC. COPING
9.4.2. Railings: Railing is provided on bridges or in rocky or other stretches where full formation width,
as per standards, could not be achieved, These are provided as safety measure also. Railings may be of
angle iron, Cl pipes rail sections, RCC posts etc. A typical sketch is given in Fig. 9.6.
9.4.3. Edge stones/delineators: Where the road is extra wide due to a gully or a through cut, the
parapets are not required and can be safely replaced by edge stones. They are dressed stones embedded
in earth and projecting about 0.3 m above the road level, duly white washed, for visibility. Ref. Fig. 9.7. On
sharp bends delineators with metallic pipes and reflective paint/tape may be provided for traffic safety. In some situations, where deep rectangular drains are provided on the hill-side, guard stones are
necessary to prevent the wheel going into the deep drain. In this case they are embedded on the road side-wall
of the drain as shown in Fig. 9.8. In curves and in vulnerable locations on the valley side wire rope safety barriers may be provided.
<< 105
[Ti ~1
/19c~ .~/ ~
7025 c.~i
R.R. MASONRY 15—20cm
IRC:SP:48-1 998
9,5. Toe and Check Walls
9.5.1. When culverts/scuppers are constructed and water falls above the retaining walls on the valley
side to a considerable height, in the form of a free fall, there is considerable erosion at the toe of the retaining
wall. In order to check this erosion, one or a series of toe walls are constructed in order to break the water
force so that the retaining wall does not get eroded.
9.5.2. In some cases, similar structures called checkwalls are required in the nallah bed onthe upstream
side of the road to reduce the flow of debris which blocks the road.
9-5,3, Typical sections and arrangement of Toe and Check walls are given in Fig. 9.9.
<< 107
IRC:SP:48-1 998
9.6. River Training Structures
9.6.1. As hill roads, in many cases, are aligned along river courses, river training measures like spurs
or groynes, slope pitching, aprons etc. are required to be provided at the toe of down hill slope of road to
prevent erosion and subsidence of road bed. Designs have to be evotved to suit site conditions as per sound
engineering practice in each case. A few typical sections and arrangements are given in Fig. 9.10.
0.75m ‘~~y’
1—1.5 dmcx
IRC:SP:48-1 998
EL?. Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls
9.7.1. Reinforced soil retaining wall is a new concept. It is a composite construction material, in which
the strength of fill is enhanced through addition of inextensihie tensile reinforcement in form of strips, sheets.
rids or qeotextiles. The technique of construrtion is quitci suitable for hilly areas mainly due to the following
The dli material which consists of mainly granular material is easily available in all parts of the hilly areas from
9.7.2. Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls are flexible walls. Their main components are:-
ai iack.filI, which is granular soil.
ii Rcinlorcirig rriaterials . thin and wide strips or geosynthetics placed at regular intervals
ci Facing galvanised steel plates or precast concrete panels. In ease or geotextifes. the saitte can he wrapperl around
caitlissorli arid covercsl with stottc masonars’ etc In case of inclined wall the lacing can he envered WIth earth and
u rho g
9.7.3. Fig. 9.11 shows a typical reinforced earth retaining wall. Reinforcing ties are placed with a
horizontal spacing of h centre to centre and vertical spacing of ‘v’ centre to centre. With a conservative
design, 0.5 mm thick galvanised steel plate would be enough to hold a wall about 15 m high. The use of
precast slabs as a c:over on the front face is also common. The slabs are grooved to fit into each other so
that soil does not flow out heiween the joints. Panel size, configuration, surface texture and colour can be
varied to,! provide an aesthetically pleasing finished structure. When metal plates are used, they are bolted
together and reinforcing strips are placed between the plates.
9.8.1. in areas suh~ecttoland~slides,rock slides snow-fall, etc., special structures such as buffers, snow
shed tunnels etc. may he needed. These have to be designed to meet specific requirements. These a!! re
discussed in subsequent chapters.
<< 109
IRC:SP:48-1 998
H Density of soil
H — Height of wolt
1/I Ko Coefficient of active earth pressure
Y.HJCO \ —
I Sin
6 (o) (b) I
+ Sin
IRC:SP:48-1 998
10.1. General
10.1 .1. Design of pavement for roads, whether in plains or hills follows the same basic principles like soil
and traffic parameters as also climatic considerations and their effects. However, while designing pavement
for hill roads, specific aspects relevant to the hill regions like terrain and topographic conditions, extremes of
weather conditions, altitude effects etc have also to be duly considered and suitably incorporated in the design
so that the pavement is able to perform well for the designed traffic and service life.
10.1.2. The main items that require consideration for design of pavement in hill areas, not normally met
within the plains, are given below:
at Whereas the road bed or suh~gradematerials in the plains tend to he more or less homogeneous mainly due to
forissing sub~gradcby horrowed material) and fine grained. the road bed/sub~gradesin the hilly regions arc otostly
tol sturcs of gravel, boulders, various lypes of rocky material etc with sonic fioc-grained soil matrix ithe ittatcrial
forming the hill ttself beeotttes road bed material).
hi Hilly regions normally receive very high rainfall Ireaching as high as 1200-1500 tttrn annually in certain areas i
spread over 6 months or sit with very high intensity for short duration. This resulls in saturated road bed for prolonged
periods and creates problems of drainage of pavement, erosion and instability.
ci Large scale differences in day and night air temperatures cause thermal stresses.
di Rarefied atmosphere at high altitude gets exposed to higher degree of solar radiation and has effect on perforioancc
characteristics of materials like bitumen which tends to become harder and brittle.
c1 Sortie regions in high altitudes land even at lower altitudes in Northern Flitttalayan ranges) receive snow fall with
soote areas remaining snow bound in winter. Apart front extremes of cold and problems of snow clearance, issues
like frost heave, icing, repeated freezing and thasving create probleots of design, composition, construction, druinagc
and maintenance of pavetnent.
0 Road eonst ruclion period available in higlt altitude ansI snow fall areas is very listtited and design of pavetoent and
select ion 5sf miaterials for same need special consideration so that the work is done with speed in the short working
seas sin,
10.1.3. The measures to be taken in pavement design to effectivelycounteract the above adverse effects
in hill roads are dealt at the appropriate places in this chapter.
10.2.1. Considering various aspects brought out in preceding paras, rigid pavement is not generally
recommended for roads in hilly regions. In seismic areas, rigid pavement is liable to severe damages
whereas flexible pavement, by its granular composition, can withstand effects of tremors better. Hence
flexible pavement is normally provided on hill roads and is therefore dealt with in detail. However a brief note
on rigid pavement is given for reference and understanding of the issue for consideration where site
conditions, traffic etc. necessitate and permit a rigid pavement.
IRC:SPA8-1 998
10.3.2. In a road the entire width on which construction activity takes place is defined as road bed which
is the sub-grade. To make the road bed passable to traffic in all seasons/weather, a hard surface is laid. This
surface may consist of sand, gravel, crushed rocks with or without binding material. The binding material
may be bitumen, tar or cement. (Use of tar is very limited now-a-days and cement is used sparingly only.)
This hard surface laid on sub-grade is the pavement. The sub-grade of weak soil is compacted or stabilised,
as required, to ensure its desired strength.
10.3.3. The sub-grade which is natural soil brought to required profile and compacted to optimum density
serves as foundation of the road structure and the entire load on the road is taken evenly by the sub-grade.
Sub-grade is the top 50 cm of the road bed covering entire formation width of road. This sub-grade supports
the road pavement.
10.3.4. A flexible pavement disperses load in a geometrical pattern as shown in Fig. 10.2.
<< 112
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Each lower layer has a lesser stress due to dispersion of load. Hence, in principle, the highest
quality material should be nearest the load and weakest material farthest away. All granular and bitumen
bound pavements are flexible. Essentially, in a flexible pavement, the strength and quality of material used
may progressively increase from sub-grade to the top of the pavement, where the load of vehicles comes in
contact with road surface.
a) Sub-base: This consists ofa well drained material placed on the sub-grade. The sub-base maybe made up of granular
materials like natural sand, moorum, gravel, laterite, kanker, brick metai, crushed stone, crushed slag or combination
thereof or other materials like stabilised soil which remain static under saturated conditions, Soil aggregate mixes
also are suitable for use in sub-base. The sub-base may be in more than one layer and in such case nomenclature as
lower sub-base and upper sub-base may be used.
hi Base Course: The base course cotssists of granular unbound or bound course placed above sub-base and transmits
lssad and shear stress on pavement to sub-grade through sub-base, The base may be Water Bound Macadam (WBM),
Wet-Mix Macadato (WMM), or any other equivalent granular construction (like Crushed Granular Aggregates or
Dry Bound Macadam in water scarcity areas) or Bitumen Bound Macadam.
ci Wearing Course or Wearing Surface: This is the hard top crust of the pavement which comes in contact with the
load, This consists of a Wearing Course only or a Wearing Course over a binder course. The function of the wearing
course is to withstand the abrasive and attritive stresses due to traffic, provide good riding surface and prevent
ingress of moisture to the road bed. It also prevents the base course from ravelling. At times a binder Course is
provided below a wearing course. It is a bitumen bound layer between granular base course and wearing course to
give better load transmission and to act as a superior bound layer, reducing over.all thickness of unbound granular
base like Water Bound Macadam and adds to the structural stability of the pavement as a whole. The binder course
is provided on roads with higher traffic intensity. While wearing course mnay be Surface Dressing, Mis-Seal,
Surfacing, Open Graded Premix Carpet, Semi~DenseBitumen Concrete or Bituminous Concrete, binder course is
generally either lean Bituminous Macadam or Dense Bituminous Macadam.
dl Shoulders or Berms: The Shoulder or Berm is that portion of the pavement, outside the carriageway, covering the
formation width (except drains and parapet, if any). The shoulder may be earthen, treated/stabilised ora paved hard
shoulder. The shoulder provides lateral support to the pavement, prevents damages to the pavement edge and acts
as extra space for traffic in emergencies.
10.4.1. Design of Pavement requires considerations of wheel load of vehicles, traffic, climate, terrain,
sub-grade condition etc. Methods of pavement design normally used in the plains based on quantitative and
qualitative evaluation of sub-grade materials (soils etc) for withstanding given conditions of traffic and climate
also take advantage of the successful past practices and experience. This is equally applicable in the case
of hill roads also duly considering aspects peculiar to hill areas as given in para 10.1.2.
10.4.2. The design procedure, as applicable to plains/rolling terrain, will apply to hilly regions in tower
altitudes, high altitudes which are not snow bound, valleys and high rainfall areas. IRC: 37 “Guidelines for
Design of Flexible Pavements have generally been adopted in this manual. These guidelines are under
revision. The revised guidelines when published should be adopted. However selection of specifications,
composition of component layers, provision for drainage etc., have to be done to suit the special problems
in such areas.
10.4.3. A pavement design may have to meet any of the following requirements:
IRC:SP:48-1 998
10.4.4. The various factor affecting design of pavement, are dealt progressively in this Chapter.
10.5, Traffic
10.5.1. For the purpose of structural design of pavement, only the number of Commercial Vehicles per
Day (CVD) of laden weight of 3 tonnes or more and their axle loading are considered. However, for purpose
of deciding on the lane width of road/pavement, all kinds of traffic i.e. from bullock cart and cycle to heavy
vehicles are considered and converted as per norms to equivalent Passenger Car Units (PCU). To obtain
realistic estimate of design traffic, due consideration should be given to the existing traffic and anticipated in
case of new construction, possible changes in road net work, land use of the area served, the probable
growth of traffic and design life.
a) Ittittal average traffic for any road should he based on 7 days of 24 hours classified traffic counts. In e~ception~i
cases 3 days count could be done.
hi On new roads traffic estimation is forecast on land use, development needs and traffic on adjacent routes in the
di In absence of accurate data, a growth rate of traffic can he considered as 7.5% per year or more if revised by IRE:’
10.5.3. The procedure for traffic census as laid down in IRC:9-1972 Traffic Census on Non-Urban
Roads” may be followed.
10.6.1. It is considered appropriate that roads in rural areas should be designed for a life of 10-15 years
but provision must be made in the design for progressive strengthening of the road. Arterial roads should
normally be designed for 15 years life and others for 10 years life. Urban roads may, however, be designed
for a longer life based on judgement and depending on the rate of growth of the traffic expected.
10.6.2. Very often it may notbe possible to provide the ultimately needed full thickness of pavement right
at the time of initial construction. In such cases stage construction techniques could be resorted to and those
forms of construction chosen that could readily be strengthened as traffic increases. The initial construction
stage period should not be less than 5 years.
10.7.1. A realistic assessment of distribution of commercial traffic by direction and by lane is necessary
as it directly affects the total load application in the designs.. The following distribution may be assumed for
design, subject to the stipulation, that, if in a particular situation a better estimate of the distribution of traffic
between the carriageway lanes is available from traffic surveys, the same should be adopted and the design
made based on the traffic in the most heavily trafficked lane. The design, as evolved, will apply to the whole
carriageway width:-
a) Single-lane roads (~.75 m width): Traffic tettds to be more channelised on single lane roads than on two-lane roads
and to allow for this concentration of load, the design should be based on the total number of corttmercial vehicles
per day in both directions multiplied by two.
hi lntertnediate width roads (5.5 m width): The design should be based on the total number of comnsercial vehicles
per day in both directions multiplied by 1.5.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
c) Two lane single carriageway roads: The design shotild be based on 75 per cent of the total number of commercial
vehicles in both directions,
10.7.2. The traffic in each direction may be assumed to be half the sum in both directions when the latter
only is known. Where significant difference between the streams can occur, the condition in the more heavily
trafficked lane should be considered for design.
10.8.1. Width of carriageway and therefore the pavement width will be arrived at based on the traffic
census and/or design road capacity as given in Table 4.1 under Chapter 4 ‘PLANNING CRITERIA. The
same is reproduced as Table 10.1 below for ready reference:-
Table 10.1. Design Road Capacity (Service Volume) for Hill Roads
10.8.2. Tentative equivalency factors for conversion of different types of vehicles into equivalent
Passenger Car Units (PCUs) based on their relative interferencevalues are given in Table 10.2 below. These
factors are meant for open road sections and not for intersections.
Table 10.2. PCU Factors for Various Types of Vehicles on Rural Hill Roads
SI. Vehicle of Type Equivalency Factor
IRC:SP:48-1 998
The above data can be applied essentially forwidening and strengthening of existing roads rather
than for new roads under construction. However on existing unsurfaced road this data can be used for design
of new pavement as long as existing traffic data is available and likely traffic growth forecast is realistically
10.9.1. The vehicle damage factor, a multiplier for converting the number of commercial vehicles of
different axle loads to the number of standard axle-load repetitions, takes into account the various influencing
factors of traffic mix, type of transportation, type of commodities carried etc. The tentative indicative values
of vehicle damage factor based on some surveys carried out on National Highway sections as indicated in
IRC: 37-1984 ‘Guidelines for the Design of Flexible Pavements” for hilly regions are given in Table 10.3.
10.10.2. The following equation may be used for computation of design traffic.
365 x A (1+r)~ 1)
Ns = ...——--- •— xE
Ns = The cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for in the design.
A = Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of commercial
vehicles per day duly modified to account for lane distribution.
= Annual growth rate of commercial traffic
n = Design life in years
F = Vehicle damage factor
IRC:SP:48-1 998
a) Data (assumed)
Initial traffic in design lane = 750 x 2 = 1500
a) Data (assumed)
365x750 ~1+0.075)10-1~J1.25
Design traffic = xl
= 48,40956 = 4,84 msa Say 5 msa
10.10.3. The traffic data to be used in the design of pavement is deduced as above.
10.11.1. The traffic used in the design is either in terms of Cumulative Standard Axle (CSA) or Commercial
Vehicles per Day (CVD) as explained below:
a) CS’A Method: This method of assessttient of traffic data is in lerms ofCVMULATIVE STANDARD AXLE iCSA)
i.e. repetitive axle loads (axle load taken as I.. 16 MT) over design period and hence the design is related to life,
traffic intensity, volume and repetition. This is a logical way of assessing traffic and designing a pas’ertteitt to
wsthsland a gross pre-deterniined repetitive axle load coming on the road. In this case, if the CSA is already reached
prior 10 the originally designed life, a re-evaluation and strengthening can be planned assessing pavertient hehav our
as long as traffic data for the period is maintained.. For design of pavement, certain traffic and axle load factors are
considered as explained in subsequent paras.
hi CVI) Method: In this method of estimating, traffic is considered in terms of COMMERCIAL VEHICLES PER
DAY (CVI)), provided the design traffic is ~otmore than I500CVD. The cotnmercial vehicles have been ct.tnsidered
as those having laden weight of 3-lonne or more. In Ihis method of design the traffic, in terms of CVI), is divided
into certain ranges for purposes of design. The traffic range and approximate corresponding CSA are indicated
a) 0-15 CVD
b) 15~45 CVD . 0.5 msa
c) 45-150 CVD
d) 150-450 CVD - 0.5-2msa
e) 450-1 500 cVD - 2-5 msa against provision in IRC: 37 of 2-4 msa considering rationalisation of
CVD and CSA.
A = P (l+r)(m’~
10.11.2. Where traffic is increasing rapidly it is probable that a single lane road may require to be widened
to two-lane standards within a short period even otherwise and this aspect should be borne in mind when
deciding the pavement thickness.
10,12.1. For design the subgrade soil strength is normally assessed in terms of the California Bearing
Ratio (CBR) for use in the flexible pavement design method. The design subgrade strength depends upon
the type of soil, degree of compaction, worst moisture content and the climatic conditions that the subgrade
would attain during the design life of the road.
10.12.2. The conventional procedure for evaluating the sub-grade strength is by determining its laboratory
CBR, an empirically determined index value representing the resistance to penetration of the subgrade soil.
The subgrade soils in the hilly regions normally vary from hard rock to soft shale with intermediate types
having gravel with different percentage of binder, silty gravels, silty clays, silty sands and boulders mixed
with varying proportions of silty and clayey soils etc.
10.12.3. The soaked CBRs on disturbed samples are conducted on soil fractions obtained after sieving
the subgrade material through a 20mm sieve and compacting it at the Proctor dry density and optimum
moisture content. The CBR test is not applicable on materials having aggregates larger than 20 mm size
(Ref. para The subgrade material consisting of varying mixtures of boulders of different sizes and
the fines, generally met with in the hilly regions, therefore renders the CBR evaluation method not
10.12.4. The various sub-grades materials have been grouped into various strength categories and their
typical CBR values given in Table 10.4.
10.12.5. The subgrade materials which are affected by frost action, tend to lose their subgrade strength.
The method to be adopted for design is given in this chapter separately.
10.1,2.6. The CBR value is ascertained as per a standard test procedure described in IS: 2720 (Part XVI)
“Methods of Test for Soils”.
<< 118
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Table 10.4. Type of subgrade material and CBR
2. Gravel with binder soil less than 20%, hard slate Soaked CBR 8-15
3. Gravel with binder soil more than 20%, shale Soaked CBR 5-10
of medium hardness, silty sands
4. Silty clays and soft shale Soaked CBR 2-5
10.13.1., The design, specifications and selection of component materials suitably related to climate,
terrain, topography and specific conditions obtainable in specific regions of hill areas are dealt in the
appropriate places in this chapter. The design of pavement for high altitudes and snowfall areas are dealt
elaborately under para 10.22.
The procedure outlined primarily for design of new pavement may also be applied for design of
overlays/strengthening of existing pavements. However an alternate method for design of strengthening
overlay, i.e. Benkleman Beam. Deflection Method is available which is discussed separately.
10.14.2. The equivalent axle load concept is the best method available for design purposes, to handle the
large spectrum of axle loads actually applied to a pavement. However where data is not available to adopt
the equivalent load concept, the CBR method which considers traffic in terms of commercial vehicles per
day may be used provided the design traffic is not more than 1500 commercial vehicles per day.
10.14.3. The CSA method adopts superior bituminous specifications for traffic of 2-5 msa and above
(equivalent to above 450-1500 CVD) and hence adoption of CSA should be limited to high traffic roads. As
such stipUlation of this method for traffic above 1500 CVD has been done.
10.15. Design of Pavement Based on Commercial VehicleslDay
10.15.1. The CBR strength of soil and the design traffic has been co-related and the corresponding depth
or thickness of pavement required has been worked out. This has been plotted ~ngraphical form as curves
for various traffic intensities. The commercial vehicles are those having laden weight of 3 tonnes or more.
The curve is given in Fig. 10.3.
10.15.2. Thickness of Pavement: Having obtained the CBR value of the subgrade and worked out the
design traffic, the total thickness of the pavement may be obtained from the curves given. The total thickness
of different layers i.e. sub-base and base may be arrived at knowing CBR value of sub-base. The thickness
of various layers can be arrived at by repetitive applications of CBR value of materials composing the layer.
The minimum thickness of component layers are same as for CSA method given in Table 10.5. When the
wearing course consists of thin bituminous layers like surface dressing or premix carpet it should not be
considered for arriving at the pavement thickness.
<< I 19
IRC:SP:48-1 998
o ~
o 700
10.16.1. The method of design is based on the Cumulative Standard Axles (8160 kg)to be carried over
the design life period. The various aspects to be considered in arriving at the CSA based on traffic data,
design life, VDF etc have already been explained.
10.16.2. In this method also, the CBR value is used for evaluating pavement thickness. The thickness of
pavement has been plotted against CSA in the form of a curve for various CBR values from 2% to 10%.
(Beyond CBR 10, no curves are drawn as the thickness arrived at will be less than minimum required to be
IRC:SP:48-1 998
provided). As such for CBR more than 10 the minimum thickness of layers as stipulated will have to be
provided. The thickness of pavement can be read from the graph knowing CSA and CBR value of sub-grade.
After having ascertained the thickness of pavement, the various layers should be adopted from the thickness
combination block and composition Table. The thickness curve and thickness combination block are given
in Figs. 10.4 & 10.5 respectively. The corresponding structural composition is given in Table 10.6.
- —-
U) 8OO~-- —-
200 S—-— - — -
<< 121
IRC:SP:48-i 998
10.16.3. The design curves provide for CSA upto 30 rnsa.. For traffic exceeding 30 msa, the ~curves will
have to he suitably extra-polated. However, roads with such high traffic intensity on one lane will he ‘very
rare, However,in an eve ntuality of such case happening, a suitable design can he evolved by this method.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
150mm SUBBASE CBR—30
25mm SDC
m i’fl~
~ ~
! I.
! ~ UI
;0 1
50mm 40mm
~ 500mm CSA—lOmso
590mm CSA—24rqsa
IRC:SP:48-1 998
10.17. Design Method for Strengthening of Existing Pavement
10.17.1. The design of the pavement maybe done as per CVD or CSA method depending on traffic
para meters explained earlier. The additional thickness over and aboveexisting should be added as additional
layers. An illustrative example based on CSA method is given below:-
Date (same as given for example in para 10.16.4 but to be strengthened to 24 msa.)
10.17.3. The strengthening layers have to be so adopted that on existing bitumen bound courses, granular
unbound construction like WBM, WMM, or Dry Granular Macadam etc. do not come. If existing pavement
has only a thin bituminous wearing course, which requires to be scarified for bondage, with granular unbound
base like WBM below, the build up may start with WBM or similar construction.
10.18.1. In paras 10.6.2, the aspect of stage construction of pavement related to design life and
development of traffic was brought out, In resorting to stage construction the following may be kept in view:-
a Stage construction should apply to base course and above, The thickness of sub-base may be provided to the ultimate
pavement section for the full design life.
bi Thickness of base course may be based on initial stage design life period chosen.
c) The base may be covered by a thin bituminous surfacing to serve as wearing course without an underlying bmder
course, (See para ID. 18.2 below).
dl Extra pavement thickness may be added when first stage design traffic is reached.
10.18.2. If the initial stage itself warrants thick bituminous wearing course and binder course due to initial
traffic and/or other consideration like climate etc., in such a case strengthening layers may compose of
bituminous layers like BM, DBM etc.
10,19,1, The soil parameters at sub-grade change from place to place along the road. As such, pavement
design and composition will also vary. CBR values and other soil characteristics have to be ascertained at
every change of strata along the road. This may necessitate modification of pavement thickness at shorter
intervals due to frequent changes in soil type, but generally this should be avoided. Frequent changes in
crust thickness is undesirable and should be resorted to only when necessary in the interest of structural
design and economy. The realistic method would be to divide the road into sectors depending on soil, terrain
climatic condition etc. and design pavement for that stretch for the weakest soil.
10.20.1. Road pavement comprises of sub-base, base and surfacing/wearing course, and rests on a
<< 124
10.20.2. Subgrade The subgrade, whether it is in cut or fill should be well compacted to attain thickness of pavement
required. Specifications prescribe use of selected materials and stiffer standards of compaction in the top 50
cm portion of roadway (usually 95-100 per cent of the standard proctor density: sometimes even higher) and
this stipulation should be followed. On a hill road, the road may be in full cutting, part cutting and part filling and in fill (embankment)
at certain locations. While in the formation cutting the road bed and sub-grade will be the cut hill formation,
in cut and fill method the fill is formed by placing the cut soil itself. Hence in both these cases, the compaction
has to he achieved properly. In the case of formation filling the embankment has to be formed by selected
borrow material but the top 50 cm i.e. sub-grade has to be such material which when compacted gives a
CBR of not less than 7 percent (Maximum dry densityof atleast 1.65gm per cc. Para 7.2. of IRC: 36-1970).
- For pavement design, the sub-grade strength in terms of CBR of the sub-grade soil at the most
critical moisture condition likely to occur in-situ is considered. The standard procedure stipulated in IS: 2720
(Fart XVI) Methods of Tests for Soils: Laboratory Determination of CBR should be adhered to. ‘~orother
aspects like dry density, moisture content, number of tests required etc. the guidelines given in IRC:37-1 984
may be followed. The pavement design is based on CBR of the sub-grade which is compacted to stipulated density
as mentioned in para above. If during construction, the field compaction is lower than stipulated,
the pavement thickness may be reviewed and any extra thickness required provided by an increased
thickness of sub-base. Salt infestation of subgrade: In hilly regions, due to repeated freezing’ and thawing, water
soluble salts tend to move up due to capillary action. Besides leading to hardening of bitumen due to chemical
action, salts, due to change in volume on freezing and thawing, break-up the pavement in cold regions.
Wherever salt, concentrations in excess of 0.2% are met with, a capillary cut off in the form of a layer of coarse
sand 225 mm may be provided on subgrade to check the upward movement of the moisture from below.
Addition of appropriate quantities of gypsum to form non-expansive calcium salts can also be used to correct
the situation. For details of recommendations for road construction in salt infested areas reference may also
be made to IRC: 34-1970 Recommendations for Road Construction in Waterlogged Areas”. Sub-grade CBR loss than 2%: In such cases a capping layer of 150 mm thickness of coarse
material with a minimum CBR of 10% may be provided over the sub-grade in addition to sub-grade
requirement for 2% CBR. Subgrade CBR more than minimum required for sub-base: In such a case no sub-base is
required. (Mm CBR of sub-base is given in para Base course (WBM or WMM) directly placed on subgrade: Where it is proposedto place WBM
or WMM (as base or sub-base) directly over sub-grade without any other intervening layer, a 25 mm course
of screening or coarse sand may be spread on the subgrade before WBM/WMM is taken up to serve as an
inverted choke. Fine sand or clayey subgrade: If the subgrade is fine sand or clay with plasticity index more
than 15 and/or clay content more than 50%, a 100 mm insulating layer of screening or coarse sand should
be laid on top of such subgrade, the gradation of material selected depending on whether it is intended to
act as a drainage layer as well. Alternately, appropriate geo-synthetics performing functions of separation
and drainage may be used over prepared sub-grade.
IRC:SP:48-1 998 Expansive soil subgrade: If the road bed material is expansive soil like black cotton soil, a
non-expansive buffer layer should be placed over the same to act as subgrade. If this is not feasible, a
blanket course of at least 225 mm thickness composed of coarse/medium sand or non-plastic moorum having
plasticity index less than 5 should be provided on the expensive soil sub-grade (as a sub-base in addition to
sub-base required as per design) to serve as an effective intrusion barrier. This blanket should extend over
the entire formation width as per Appendix-2 in IRC: 37-1984. Rocky subgrade: In rocky subgrade, in order to correct surface irregularities and to make
interface drainage effective, it is necessary to lay a levelling course of 100mm thick base course material
over subgrade and duly compacted. This will act as levelling-cum-base course on which binder/wearing
course can be laid.
10.20.3. Sub-base The sub-base is laid on a properly prepared and compacted sub-grade. The sub-base should be
a layer composed of materials like natural sand, moorum, gravel, laterite, kankar, brick metal, crushed stone,
crushed slag or combination thereof like soil aggregate mixes, or any other material like stabilised soil, which
remain stable under saturated conditions. The sub-base is laid on the sub-grade suitably overlaid by screening layer, insulating layer or
blanket course etc., necessary as per details given under para 10.20.2 ~Subgrade~ The sub-base layer shall be any one of the following as suitable:-
IRC:SP:48-1 998
c) For very low trafficked roads
(say upto 15 CVD) I,J/o Road construction materials in hilly regions: Availability of road construction materials in
hilly regions along the alignment maybe limited. Techniques of properly designed soil-gravel/aggregate mix,
lime established shales (if lime is locally available), and cement stabilised soil may be employed for sub’-base. Water availability may be a serious problem in the dry working season (even though it may
be plenty all over in rainy season) and may have to be fetched from streams in valley side with considerable
lift and perhaps lead also. Hence it would be advisable to use specifications, needing less water like Crushed
Stone Sub-base and Dry Bound Macadam Sub-base instead of Water Bound Macadam. Wet Mix Macadam
and Soil Stabilisation may not be suitable in this context. Specifications and standards: The specifications and standards including maximum
permissible single layer compacted thickness should be as per relevant MOST & IRC specifications &
standards. The maximum single layer compacted thickness shall be as under subject to use of appropriate
compaction equipment/roller. The base course is laid on a well prepared and compacted sub-base (or on a sub-grade duly
prepared where no sub-base is necessary) as given in paras 10.20.2 and 10.20.3. The thickness of the base
course deduced from pavement design chart/table are for unbound granular bases like conventional WBM
and WMM and any other equivalent construction like Bituminous penetration macadam or Built-up spray
(Bituminous) Grout. The base course layer shall be any one of the following:-
IRC:SP:48-1 998 Minimum CBR requirements: Base material must be of good quality so as to withstand high
stress concentrations which develop immediately under the surfacing. The CBR of the material (coarse
aggregate) used in base construction shall not be loss than 100 per cent. Since CBR test will not be applicable
as base material consists of aggregates larger than 20 mm size, the strength will have to be assessed from
experience or correlation with other tests. The standards laid down for physical requirements of aggregates
and screenings for bases by JRC & MOST have to be adhered to and in such cases conventional construction
of properly designed WBM, WMM, etc. of adequate thickness may be assumed to satisfy CBR requirements
of 100%. The coarse aggregates should consist of crushed stone, conforming to laid down standards.
Screenings shall generally be of the same material as the aggregates conforming to IRC/MOST standards.
10.20,4.4, Minimum thickness of base course: The minimum thickness should be as given in Table 10.5.
A minimum of 150 mm thick compacted base is required even for lightly trafficked roads. However, it is
reiterated that where sub-grade is rocky strata, a 100 mm thick compacted layer laid as levelling course will
be adequate as stated in para Equivalency factor: An equivalency factor of 1.5 for bituminous macadam and 2 for dense
bituminous macadam might be adopted in design to equate the thickness of the bitumen bound base layer
to that of conventional granular base layer like WBM, WMM, Dry macadam, BUSG and Penetration
macadam. The surfacing layer consisting of wearing course and/or BM/DOM as provided in CSA method of
design is not a part of base for this purpose. Road construction materials and water availability: The aspects mentioned in paras
and against sub-base apply to base course also. The choice of specifications will have to consider
availability of materials. Some of the possibilities to overcome/reduce the problem are as under:-
a) in water scarce areas WBM and WMM may not he adopted and instead bituminous hound bases like BUSG,
Penetration macadam provided.
b) in areas where good quality stone aggregates are hard to come by from economical leads, the requirement can be
reduced by adopting Bituminous Macadam taking advantage of equivalency factor in preceding para to reduce
pavement thickness. Specifications and standards: The specifications and standards to be adopted should be as
per MOST “Specification for Road & Bridge Works” and relevant IRC Standards. The maximum single layer
compacted thickness of the base course shall be as under subject to use of appropriate compaction
a) WBM 75 mm for Grade 2 and 3
material and 100 mm for
Grade I material
b) WMM
i) 80-1 00 KN smooth wheel roller 100mm
ii) 80-100 KN (static wt) vibratory roller 200 mm
d) Bituminous Penetration Macadam
e) BM 75mm
f) DBM
10.20.5. Bituminous surfacing Surfacing on a flexible pavement consists of a bituminous wearing course in all cases whether
the design is based on CVD or CSA. However, where the design traffic is more than 1500 CVD (5 msa), a
binder course of BM/DBM is also provided as part of surfacing as an intervening layer between the wearing
course and the base course as shown in Fig. 10.5. and Table 10.6a.
<< 128
IRC:SP:48-1998 The recommended types of wearing courses and binder courses for adoption related to design
life and traffic are also given in Table 10.6a. When the traffic is upto 1500 CVD (5 msa) the type of wearing
course be adopted as given in Table 10.6a based on equivalency of CVD and CSA given in para 10.11.1(b). The types of wearing courses available for adoption are given below:-
IRC:SP:48-1998 As regards binder course Bituminous Macadam and Dense Bituminous Macadam are to be
adopted. These are described in para while discussing base course. Selection of wearing course related to climatic and environmental considerations: The type of
wearing course to be adopted are given in Table 10.6a for both CVD and CSA methods of design. However,
considering traffic, environmental and climatic conditions, provision of wearing course may be suitably
modified as per the guidelines given in Table 10.6a. In this table the provision of type of wearing course is
related to the binder course if any and the base course. It will not be appropriate to adopt semi-dense or
dense carpet on granular unbound base courses like WBM or WMM. Similarly on BM/DBM binder/base
courses the wearing course should be SDC/AC unless there are some strong technical considerations to
adopt lower specifications of open graded carpets.
10,20.5.5,1, Considering life and otherconditions of terrain, climate and geometrics obtained in hilly region,
surface dressing is not generally recommended in hill roads (though given as an alternative in Table 10.6)
and this aspect has been duly considered in evolving specification in Table 1 0.6a. Where the attritive effect of vehicles or equipment on surface is high like bus stops,
roundabouts, very steep gradients, slide areas/snow clearance areas, where heavy equipments are
deployed, dense asphaltic course may be provided in single or multiple layers to render surface more stable. Choice of bitumen: The following aspects are brought out for adoption as required:-
a) In high rainfall areas, where. open graded bituminous surface is done, an appropriate seal coat using artist ripping
agent of l~1.2 per cent by weight of bitumen be used.
hi i)ue to wide variation of temperature in working season (may be 4~-25~C) bituminous paving work has to he carried
out with eut~backs/caticmicemulsions if otherwise found suitable instead of straight run bitumen. The specifiL:atioos
given in liara 11)20.5.3 ante cover cationic emulsions also,
c) As an alternative to (b) above, the bitumen may be fluxed with kerosene for ease of workability ansi rapid curing
di i)ue to high incidence of water action, stripping of aggregates maybe experienced in case ofhydrophillic aggregales
It will be appropriate to use bitumen mixed with antistripping agents for surface courses.
ci While bitumen 801100 grade will be suitable for most of the. locations but 60/70 grades which is harder grade can
also be considered as both have similar performance characteristics.
10.21.1. In heavy rainfall areas provision should be made for adequate drainage as brought out in Chapter
on drainage and as per drainage measures given in this chapter. The following provisions also be considered
as necessary:-
e) In areas where annual rainfall is higher than 300cm the entire formation width be surfaced without leaving any gap
between edge of pavement and drain/parapet.
di If the area is subject to frost-heave in sub-soil, the crust thickness should be not less than 45 cm (if design thickness
is less, the balance should be made up by additional suh.base thickness) and wearing course should not be inferior
to semi dense carpet.
ci If sub-grade is salt infested, 225 mm sand blanket should he laid on sub-grade before sub-base is constructed,
1RC:SP:48-1 998
10.22. Pavement for Snow Fall, High Attitude/Snow Bound Areas
a) Snow fall occurs in certain areas at altitudes less than 2500 m to 3000 m where rainfall also is medium. In such
areas the snow fall is such that the same can be continuously cleared on occurrence. To quote examples of such
places, the Western Himalayas in Jammu & Kashmir and Eastern Himalayas come under this, where rainfall also
is medium to fairly high. In these areas winter snow clearance can be resorted to keep the road open throughout the
b) High altitude areas above 3000 m of the Great Himalayan ranges which are distinct snow belts where intensity and
periodicity is so high that the snow is allowed to accumulate in winter months and road closed in winter. The snow
clearance is undertaken in summer, Here the problems of avalanche, frost, icing, etc. • are encountered. The subject of snowfall, etc., are dealt in Chapter 12 ~SnowClearance and Avalanche Treatment
10.22.2. Pavement for areas subject to snow-fall at lower altitudes where continuous snow clearance can
be done. In such areas the normal design of flexible pavement would be generally adequate with certain
specific provisions. Certain important roads including National Highways in such areas in Western Sector of
Himalayas have been performing successfully. While designing/providing pavement, the following should be
a) The specification for Wearing Course be adopted as given in Table I0,6a. Thick dense carpets should be considered
in preference to open-graded carpets.
b) The entire formation width may be surfaced, as suggested for high rainfall area, leaving no gap between edge of
pavement and drain/parapet. In any case shoulders should be hard shoulders.
c) Since snow clearance will be done by heavy equipment, dense aspnalticlbituminous layers in wearing course and
bituminous layers in base courses would be preferable. Maintenance and drainage of roads in such areas should be given full attention. Periodicity
of renewal of surfacing may be more frequent than guidelines, as required by ground conditions.
10.22.3. Pavement for high altitudes (above 3000 m)that remain snow bound in winter In high altitude areas which are subjected to heavy snowfall, sub-zero temperature, frost
action, snow drifts and avalanche activities, design and construction of pavement require special
consideration. The performance of conventional type of flexible pavements, comprising viz GSB, WBM etc,
may not be found satisfactory due to factors like:
a) Frost heaving and thawing action.
b) Intensive snow and avalanche activity.
c) Icing problems
d) Damage by movement of tracked vehicles during snow clearance operations.
e) Loss ot ductility of bitumen due to sub-zero temperatures.
f) Blocking of drainage system
g) Glacier and avalanche movements on the road.
The above result in excessive maintenance requirement and even destruction of pavement
and allied structures. Roads in high altitude areas should be designed to retain their stability and serviceability
inspite of yearly relentless cycle of freezing and thawing and occurrence of avalanches. Not much research
has been done in this field nor the experiences are well documented and it becomes imperative for Engineers
on ground to apply their skills judiciously based on their observations and experience.
IRC:SP:48-1 998 Climatic factors: This is the singular most important factor which influences the design of
road in high altitude areas. Factors like snow fall intensity, temperature, avalanche, snow drift, icing and frost
action must be considered alongwith traffic intensity, its growth, axle load and design life. The subject of
climatic factors except frost and its effects have been brought out in Chapter 12 and traffic related issues in
this chapter itself which may be referred. Frost action (frost heaving and thawing): Frost can be defined as process of freezing or
deposit/covering of minute ice crystals formed from frozen water vapour. Due to the exposure of the area to
sub-zero temperatures for months together the soil temperature falls below the freezing point. Due to the
fall in temperature, moisture at subgrade level freezes and resutts in forthation of ice crystals. When water
freezes, it expands about 9 per cent of its original volume and is known as frost heave. In some cases water
becomes super cold and remains in liquid state at temperature well below freezing point. The super cold
water and ice crystals have strong affinity, with a result the water is drawn to ice crystals that are initially
formed and thus continue to grow until ice lenses begin to form. The ice lenses in turn grow untilfrost heaving
results. Fig. 10.7 Illustrates ice-lens formation and frozen soil strata.
,,t,,,,,r,,, ,,r, #‘ ,,,,#‘,
‘/ fe’ / / , f #//
,~4..~ct~4.a_a~t4tlh,y, / ,, , / / , , / ,. /,fj4.Ats4.Z444fJ
14 / /
‘/f//~//~f~// ////////f/~~//////f/ /
‘,‘,‘,‘ / / ‘,‘“ / /// / /// ‘‘‘. // ~ // , / ‘IPLANE OF FREE~NG
‘.‘ S..,,,
‘‘‘‘~‘~‘‘,~‘~‘‘‘tMPRfl94 $4$_////~/////////////
, / / / // / ~1/ // ////f ,/, /// / / ,•/// / /////
/ / ,/// ,,/ /,, ,,/ ,,/ ,,, / /,f,,/ ,,, ,,//////////
/ / //// /// , , //// ,,/ /d/ / /// /~/ ,,, ,/, ,/, ,
~ ~
10.22,3.2.1 .1. Afterthe winter when atmospherictemperature increases above the freezing point, the melting
of ice lenses start. As the thermal conductivity of frozen soil is greater than unfrozen soil, the melting of ice
lenses releases an excess of waterwithin the soil, with a corresponding reØuction in load supporting capacity
of the subgrade and consequently pavement as a whole. Further, since restriction of vertical drainage is a
characteristic of frozen ground in seasonal frost areas, the excess water released by melting of ice lenses
cannot drain downward through underneath impervious frozen sub-soil. The water, therefore, tends to ooze
upward and saturate subgrade/sub-hase/base course, resulting in very unfavourable conditions in which not
only the subgrade is in a weakened condition, but the pavement itself may be supported in part by water
under traffic loading. Loss of subgrade supporting capacity can be considerable in magnitude (almost 50%)
and may exists for relatively long periods of time after thawing has taken place. The weakening of sub-grade
and pavement gets aggravated further during snow melting period because of wide variation in day and night
temperatures. During day time, temperature rises sometime upto 25 degrees and in night it falls even below
zero degrees. Due to fall in temperature below freezing point during night, alternate thawing and freezing
take place. Each time the soil freezes a loss of density results. This, in turn, results in higher potential for
moisture absorption. After several cycles of freezing and thawing, a large portion of the subgrade supporting
capacity is lost. Low atmospheric temperature: In high altitude areas, flexible pavements become brittle
and least ductile during the period of subzero temperature when the greatest shrinkage tendency and heave
occur. Brittleness of the pavement results in cracking of pavement surface. Cracks at pavement surface
provide means for ingress of moisture into the base/sub-base/sub-grade. This offers a point where ravelling
starts and where freezing of moisture in and immediately below the cracks add to further widen and intensify
the cracks, as a result of which the life of pavement is affected adversely. Frost susceptibility of soils: From the point of view of pavement design and construction,
the need is for a simple set of criteria to distinguish whether a given soil is frost susceptible or not. Such
criteria, in empirical form, incorporating the principles of freezing of soils and formation of ice lenses has
been evolved by Casagrande essentially based on grain size to serve as a useful guide. Casagrande
concluded that:
Li) Weligraded soil with 3 per cent or more soil particles less than 0.02 mm in size are highly frost susceptible.
bi uniformly graded soils with 10 per cent or more particles less than 0.02 mm size are frost susceptible.
Elaborating the above system, soils have been divided into 4 groups Ft to F4 (by US Corps
of Engineers) as in Table 10.7 with increasing frost - heave potential as well as increasing loss of strength
on thaw. As regards adoption for design, while the above may be used, it would be desirable to study
sub-grades met on roads and update frost susceptibility criteria in the environments existing.
10.22.. 3.4.1. For the areas which are affected by frost action two different concepts are available for design
of pavements. The concepts are, control of surface deformation by provision of sufficient pavement thickness
to reduce frost penetration and design for reduced subgrade strength during the frost-melt period. Both
methods of design are explained below.
In this method, sufficient thickness of non~frostsusceptible material is used so that only limited, tolerable
penetration of freezing temperature into the frost-susceptible subgrade occurs. By this means, both pavement heave
and subgrade weakening are reduced sufficiently in amount as well as frequency of occurrence and duration so that
their effects may be neglected. Depth of frost penetration can be worked out from the conditions developed by
Aldrich as per the modified Berggren’s formula given as under:-
Z = A....—
A number of charts have been developed by US Corps of Engineers based OT1 field studies and research to arrive at
depth of frost penetristion in above equation, But these may not be directly applied to our conditions unless data nit
our situlilion is evolved by expert and research bodies.
~rhisdesign approach is based on the reduced supporting capacity of the. .subgrade due to the thawing i.e. frost
melting. A number of charts have been developed by US Corps of Engrs to work Out the reduced subgrade strength
and thickness ot pavement required. But these cannot be readily eatende.d to our conditions. Both systems of assessing frost affected subgrade given in a & b above may be taken as for
information. If necessary, study of sites by expert agencies in the field and site investigation will have to be
done. However, an empirical method based on experience in field and performance of pavement in such
areas are given in next para onwards. Pavement composition and layer arrangement: Based on experience on the design and
performance of various types of pavements provided in such areas (in consultation with research bodies on
the subject also), the following aspects emerge:
s;i the design svill have to be related to the actual depth of frost penetration and severity of frost.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
b) freezing conditions could develop within the pavement structure if water had a chance to ingress from above and
hence has to be avoided.
c) depth of construction (Pavement) should not be less than depth of frost-penetration and should compose of non-frost
susceptible materials. In any case the thickness should not be less than 45 cm.
d) Structurally strong courses like BM/DBM as against conventional granular bases like WBM or WMM will be more
suitable especially if it is considered that heavy machinery and equipment are to use the road for snow clearance
c) crushed stone base, which is a better non-frost susceptible medium will be more appropriate as it is free draining
also. It may extend over full formation width. Alternate specifications: The various alternate specifications that may be adopted are as
under for heavy snow accumulationfavalanches sites requiring clearance by heavy mechanical equipment:-
a) Flexible pavement
This may consist of a layer of Dense Bituminous Carpet, over Bituminous Macadam/Dense Bituminous Macadam.
on a Crushed Stone Base Laid on Non-frost susceptible sub-base. The suggested thickness is as under: See
Fig. 10,8)
565 mm
Note:- (i) If CBR values require hcigher thickness, the same maybe made up by increased sub-base thickness.
(ii) If conditions warrant only lesser thickness, the thickness may be restricted to not less than 450 mm by
reducing sub.base thickness,,
b) Stone set pavememt
This is a semirigid type of pavement. The stone is set over a layer of lean cement concrete (1:4:8) and crushed stone
base. The sub.base should be non.frost susceptible material. Fig. 10.9 illustrates arrangement. The suggested
arrangement is as under:-
~Stoneused shall be of the best quality, locally available granite or other variety of igneous origin rock. If in a
particular locality the origin of all stones is metamorphic the stone of the variety may also be used provided it is
equal to granite in toughness and uniformity of te,ture. Sedimentary stone shall in no case be used.
Stone sets shall be rectangular in shape, 250 mm to 300mm long, 150mm to 200 mm wide and 150 mm deep, with
tolerance plus or minus 12 mm. Stone sets used in any one area shall be of uniform size. They shall be hammer
dressed on top to the extent that maximum depression of the dressed surface from a straight edge applied across any
part of the surface for testing, does not exceed 20 mm. The dressing on the sides shall be similarly carried out, so
as to obtain a tnortar joint not exceeding 20mm in width. They shall be set on the base concrete over a bedding
layer of cement mortar 1:3, 20 mm thick, with joints not exceeding 20 mm. in width, The joints shall be grouted
with cement mortar 1:2 with an admixture of metallic hardener such as ironite, hardonate or equal and approved
variety, in the proportions as recommended by the manufacturers and joints struck off as work proceeds.
Stone set shall be laid in sections not exceeding 12 m long, in herring-bone pattern, separated by two rows of stone
sets laid along the width of the road, with longitudinal axis of the stone sets parallel to the length of the road.
Edge stones shall be 350 mm to 400mm long, iSO mm 10200mm wide and depth not less than 450mm laid with
their longitudinal axis parallel to the length of the road.”
Where construction time is limited and road is to be kept open during the construction stage, small size high density
precast concrete blocks laid on sand over crushed stone base and non.frost susceptible sub-base is suitable,
Fig. 10.10 illustrates arrangement. The suggested arrangement is as under:
680 mm
Note:- (i) The thickness may b~’reduced upto 450 mm as per ground conditions as in (a) above.
(ii) Specification for the work is given below:-
‘The blocks of size 225 mm length, 112 mm width and 120 - 200 mm height are recommended as shown in Fig
I 0.10. To ensure adequate durability under the combined action of repeated freezing, thawing and snow clearance,
the blocks should have high compressive strength, not less than 500 kgfcns sq. Cement used should be high strength
ordinary portland cement conforming to IS : 8112-1989. Coarse aggegates should conform to IS: 383-l97() with
size not exceeding 20 mm.
Precast edge restraints are of prime importance to this type of pavement. The edge restraints prevent the blocks
from migrating outwards, joints opening and interlocking being destroyed. Precast stones are laid in advance to
provide edge restraint. Precast rectangular blocks of 200 mm -230 mm depth should be used for this depending on
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The blocks are laid manually in self repeating herring bone pattern over full width in one operation The surface
of the blocks is vibrated using plate vibrator, After the vibrations, the sand is brushed over the blocks to fill the
joints using a plate vibrator, Required number of vibratory passes is best determined by field trials
10.23.1. Rigid pavement is not generally recommended for roads in the hilly regions due to its high initial
cost, practical construction problems, unstable areas, due to high temperature fluctuations and maintenance
problem because of frost and snow precipitation. Cement concrete (reinforced/unreinforced) is generally
1.Ised on the hill roads at the places of causeways, bridges, culverts, tunnels, hairpin bends and also at the
locations where special requirements call for this type. Because of severe cold climatic conditions, the
concrete paving slabs are subjected to frost action and freeze-thaw conditions. Thus under such conditions,
the maintenanceof the special concrete structures poses special problems such as scaling and slipperiness,
spalling of joints and cracking etc. For the design of concrete pavements reference may be made to IRC:
58 whereas for their construction, Clause 602 of MOST Specifications for Road & Bridge Works and other
relevant IRC and BS Codes may be followed.
10.24.1. Composite design i.e. a combination of flexible and rigid pavement (called semi-rigid) is also not
normally suitable for hill areas. However, for high altitude areas that are prone to avalanche activity and
remains snow bound in winter, a combined type of pavement i.e. stone-set and PCC block paved on PCC
base has been suggested in para 10.22.3 to overcome the frost effect problems as a specific method suitable
for such areas.
10.24.2. Semi-rigid materials such as lean cement concrete have not been suggested for hill areas for
same reasons for which rigid pavement is considered not suitable.
10.25. Drainage
10,25.1. As brought out in this manual repeatedly, drainage is the most important aspect for stability of a
hill road. Pavement drainage is highly crucial for effective performance. These have been dealt with in
Chapters 8 Drainage & Cross-Drainage Works’ and 12 ‘Snow Clearance and Avalanche Treatment also
as well as touched upon in other chapters. However, considering importance of the subject, certain aspects
specifically related to pavement are reiterated.
10.25.2. The performance of a pavement in hill areas can be seriously affected if adequate drainage
measures to prevent accumulation of moisture in the pavement structure are not taken. Some specific
additional points related to pavement drainage and composition are given below:-
al When the traditional granular construction is provided on a relatively low permeability subgrade, the granular
sub-base should be ettended over the entire formation width in order to drain the pavement structural section,
Fig. 10.11 depicts the arrangement.
hi i)rainage of the pavement structural section can be greatly improved by providing a high permeability drainage
layer (open graded material) which can be substituted on a centimetre forceniirnetre basis forthe granular sub-base,
Aggregates meeting the following criteria are regarded as very good drainage materials:
02 >or=2.5mm
[)~~means the size of the sieve that allows $5 per cent by weight of the material to pass through it, Similar is the
meaning of l)i~and D2. The drainage layer when placed on soft erodible soils should be underlain by a layer of
filter material to prevent the intrusion of soil fines into the drainage layer. Fig. 10.12 depicts this arrangement
Synthetic material like non-woven geofabric can also be used in place of graded filter material.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
c) Where large inflows are to be taken care of, an adequately designed sub-surface drainage system consisting of an
open graded drainage layer with collector and outlet pipes should be provided. The system should be designed on
a rational basis using seepage principles to estimate the inflow quantities and the outflow conductivity of the
drainage system. It should be ensured that the outflow capabilities of the system are at least equal to the total inflow
so that no free water accumulates in the pavement structural section. Fig. 10.13 indicates the arTangemeni.
d) Very often,waterenters the base, sub-base or the subgrade at the junction of the verges and the bituminous surfacing.
To counteract the harmful effects of this water, the shoulders should be well-shaped and, if possible, constructed
of impermeable material,
e) To prevent ingress of water into the pavement through shoulders, end to end surfacing of roadway could be resorted
to as stated earlier also.
10.26.1. On all National Highways and other important roads where the traffic has reached 1500 CVD on
a sustained basis and where the strengthening of the pavement is involved the design of strengthening
measures may be worked out by Benkleman Beam Deflection Technique. The procedure has been outlined
exhaustively in IRC:81 -1997 “Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements Using Benkleman
Beam Deflection Technique” (First Revision,). The design value obtained may be Compared with the design
evolved for same data by CSA method of design as given in this Chapter. The strengthening measures to
be adopted may be decided based on above as suitable to the ground condition.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
11.1. Introduction
11.1.1. A hill road is formed either by full cutting into the hill or part cut and part fill, Typical sections are
given in Fig. 11 .1. Stability of slopes, natural and man-made, is important for a hill road. Disturbance to slope
can occur due to erosion caused by rain-fall and run-off and consequent slides, Effective erosion control
measures protect slopes and prevent slides. The subject of slope stability and erosion control, therefore,
become very vital for control and prevention of land slides/slips.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
11.1.2. Landslide is a major hazard faced on hill roads. Study of stability of natural slopes and control of
landslides thus forms an integral part of hill road design and construction.
11.1.3. A landslide may be defined as the failure of a slope mainly under the action of its own weight in
which the displacement has both vertical and horizontal components of considerable magnitude. Landslide
denotes downward and outward movement of slope-forming materials composed of natural rock, soil, artificial
fill or a combination of these mat~rials.The moving mass follows any one of three principal types of
movements viz, falling, sliding, flowing or their combinations. The rate of movement may vary from slow to
11.2.1. According to Ward (1945) classification of the types of slope failure is necessary for an engineer
to enable him to distinguish and recognise the different phenomena for purposes of design and to take
appropriate remedial or safety measure where necessary.
11 .2.2. Over the years, different systems of landslide classification have been evolved based on the
mode and rate of the movement, shape of the slide surface, type of material involved and a number of other
factors, From the engineering-geological point of view, Terzaghi’s (1950) grouping of landslides was based
on the physical properties of the rocks involved. Sharpe (1938) classified sliding movements according to
the material displaced and the type and rate of movement and studied the relationships between mass
movements and geomorphological cycles and climatic factors. Varnes (1978) classification, establishes five
principal types of mass movements and adds a sixth to accommodate landslides which combine
characteristics of several principal types as given in Table 11.1. The same is summarised and explained
a) Falls
The loosened rock mass is in free fall for the greater part of the distanceof movement.
b) Topples
The rock mass overturns about a point below its centre of gravity
c) Slides
i. Rotational
The rock mass moves about a point above its centre of gravity.
ii. Translational
The rock mass moves predominantly along more or less planar or gently undulating surfaces.
d) Lateral spreads
e) Flows
1. In bedrock
These include continuous deformations and surficial and deep creep, involving extremely slow
and generally non-accelerating differential movements among relatively intact units.
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ii. In soil
Movement occurs within a displaced mass, the form or apparent distribution of velocities of which
resembles to that of a viscous fluid.
f) Complex Slides
Landslides exhibiting a combination of two or more of the five principal types of movements listed
Type of Movement
t-’reaomtnantty I-me
Engineering Soils
Predornlnantty Coarse Bedrock
‘F~1Ts ‘ hartfl I-alt tJeorts i-au Hock i-att
Slides Rotational Few Units Earth Slump Debns Slump Rock Slump
Translational Many Units Earth Block Slide Debris Block Slide Rock Block Slide
11.2.3. The workable classifications mentioned above provide some general directions for investigation
and the selection of preventive or remedial measures for each established group of slope movements.
11 .2.4. The main types of slides under this classification are illustrated in Fig. 11.2.
11.3.1. Terzaghi (1950) summarised the processes leading to landslides in his classic paper on the
mechanics of landslides. In general, the causative factors are divided into those conditions that exist in a
slope such as topography, lithology and structural features, and those conditions that may produce a change,
such as excavations, seismic events and variations in ground water level. The following are the important
conditions that cause slopes to become unstable and factors that trigger the movements.
a) Geological Factors
The type and nature of geological formation plays a vital rote in determining the degree of stability
of hill slopes. The composition and the type of the rocks, orientation of bedding planes and joints, the presence
of faults and folds play a dominant role in determining the degree of stability. The dip of the beds in particular
is an important and controlling factor. If the dip is such that the bedding planes are inclined towards the face
of the slope, stability problems are likely to arise. Frequent and open joints also lead to instability.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
Depend mg upon the orIentation of bedding planE.,.s and joints with respect to the hill face, different
types of nstnhil tIes can arise namely falls., slides or topples. If the slope contains many tension cracks if s
an nthcaflon of c.listrE,ss being expenenced by the slope formation. If bedding planes are filled with gouge
material stability is likely to uffer. Wherever the hill face is covered with considerable amount of debris or
soil. Lull re.s may he restricted within the zone of the de.bris or may involve both the distressed rock as well
as the overlying debris.
A progressive increase in the slope angle due to undermining of the foot of slope by stream
E?~O5iOOor by excavation may resUlt in a landslide. The angle of slope is increased due to previous rock fall
slide suhsid~,ncr~~or large..scale faulting. An increase in slope gradient causes a change in the internal stress
of the roc.k mass and equilibrium conditions may be disturbed by such increases in the stress.
c) Surcharge
The surcharge from natural causes may be due to rain, snow, accumulation of talus over-riding
landslide rnateriEtls collapse of accumulated volcanic materials and vegetation etc. The surcharge may also
be due to construc.:tion activity like fills and spoil heaps, weight of buildings and other structures. This produces
an increa.se. in the shea.r stresses and pore-water pressure in ctayey soils, which result in decraased shear
Vibrations from blasting, machinery and earthquakes including minor tremors may trigger a
landslide due to an increase in the shear stress and a decrease in the shear strength. In saturated fine sands
and sensitive clays, vibrations may result in a sudden liquefaction of the soil.
Chanqes in water content can occur because of rainfall and snow melt or because of human
activities such as diversion of streams., blockage of drainage, deforestation etc. ln soils, rise in water table
causes pore. water pressure to increase and consequently the shear resistance to decrease which may
eventually lead to instability
Increased pace of developmental activities in the hill areas have generally resulted in increased
incidence c,It landslides. f3lope cutting for road.s, housing etc. and denudation of hill due to clearing of forests,
mining act vities etc., have had adverse effects on the stability of hill slopes. However, with adequate planning
such problems can bt~.avoided and where necessary suitable protective measure s taken to preserve the bill
slope stability.
IRC’SF:48- 1998
it .4. Landslide Investigations
Ii .4. t Investigation and study of lmndslides broadly comprises of field and laboratoryinvestigations. Both
geological and geotrschnical a..spects, in the broad sense of the terms, need to he studied, The objective of
thisse studies is to coltect data for the ~,vaIuation of the stability of the slope, determine the conditions under
which faili.ine may c,iccur a.nd base the remedial measures on a ratIonal footing.
ii .4.2 Field Investigations: Field investigations may be divided into three stages.
1 .42.1 Topographical mapping of the area: The slide area should be mapped in detail. Field maps
should he po..pared giving the plan of the affected area and typical cross-section.s, which can he used for
stability analysis lf possflhk?, the topography may he determined by aerial surveys (photogrammetry) which
provides a.n overall view of the site. features General observations should be made concerning the condition
of the slope., covering such a.spects as the extent and nature of vegetation cover, surface run off
characteristics, presence of springs etc. Erosion of the toe and tension cracks in the crown area may be
observed in detail.
11.4.2 ii. Topo sheets of the area should be studied as a part of the field investigation. Any signs or
evidences for loc.ating surfaces of failure should he carefully taken note of. Data concerning rainfall and
intensity should he obtained as a part of field investigation.
ii .4.2 2.1. The rock types in the slide area should be identified and their qualities should be assessed. The
minerals in the rocks a.nd their alteration products should he taken into consideration. The investigation roust
carefully observe for the presence of any soft pockets or beds or interlayers. In some instances, geophysical
studies may help in detecting such layers or pockets.
ii.4 2,2.2. On the plan of the area already prepared or on a separate map the geomorphologial features
should he marked. Thrs.se include such features as elevated and depressed zones, break in slope, erosional
and depositional zoners, mass movement vectors etc.
11 4.2.3. Geotechnical investigation: Geotechnical investigations shall be carried out with the objective.
cd dete.rmininq the nature and s.trength characteristics of the material comprising the slope. If the slope is
predonmnantly made up of soil or a mixture of soil and rock, disturbed and undisturbed samples should he
c,ollecte.d at a,te~vlcicationscovering the affected area. Disturbed samples maybe made use of for determining
the indisx prope.~rties,grain size a. nalysis etc. Undisturbed samples may be collected from open pits or from
boreholes, using appropnate type of sampling tubes. In debris covered slopes, as is very often the case in
land slides affecte.d areas of Himalayas, undisturbed samples of good quality can be collected only from
open pits Good quality undisturbed samples are a basic requirement for reliable evaluation of shear strength
IRC:SF:48-1 998
11 . The depth and seasonal fluctuahons of water table also form an important component of data
required for landslide VnVi3sticiEihons. This inforrnaton may he obtained from local enquiries, observatons n
wells that may he pre.sent or by noting the presence of springs, etc. Sometimes, it may be desirable to make
a borehole arid instal a piezometer, to observe the water level over a cycle of seasons.
11.4 2 4 Geological and qeomorphological maps of one major land-slide in Garhwal Himalayas are
illustrated in Figs. 11.3 and 11.4.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
hI Determination of shear characteristics of slope material by appropriate type of shear tests. If the material is by and
large fine.grained, triaxial shear test may be suitable. If sample contains relatively high content of gravel or rock
fragments, direct shear test could be conducted more easily on such samples. The size of the samples used for testing
would depend upon its granular composition. The shear strength parameters should be determined using a test
procedure compatible with the method of analysis.
c,~ IRC:SP:48-1996
Rock sample should be examined to find out the nature of rock, extent of weathering, presence of any ~eak inter
layer etc. If suitable samples are obtained, strength of rock samples may also be determined,
11 .4.4. The above data are used for stability analysis and formulation of corrective measures.
11 .5,1. Stabilityanalysis of predominantly soil slopes: Slopes often fail by rotation as the mass slides
along a curved surface. The geometry of the failure surface is predicted on many factors such as the presence
of weak layers or seams, strength properties of slope forming materials, the height and inclination of slope
etc. The first sign of an imminent failure of slope is usually an outward or upward bulging near the toe and
developmentof cracks nearthe crest of the slope, the failure plane being approximately arc of a circle. Though
in actual practice the failure plane may be a complex surface, in most stability analysis cases a cylindrical
rupture surface is assumed to simplify computation. The analysis consists of drawing trial circles and
calculating the factor of safety of each circle. Analysis may be done either by considering the stability of the
slope en-mass or by dividing the strip mass into many vertical slices and considering equilibrium of each
slice i.e. the Equilibrium Method.
11.5.1 .1. Typical sketch of slope failure, slip circle, vertical slices etc. are illustrated in Fig. 11.5.
~ i I ~ c~~oc~
OlD r’IDI”l c ssjr~ c’i
IOitk.... ~ lrc’O c’r~D
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IRC:SF:48-1 998
11 .5.1.2. Method of analysis of stability isgiven in detail in IRC:75-1 979 “Guidelines for the Design of High
Embankments which may be referred, Though IRC: 75-1979 deals with man made slope i.e. Embankments,
the method of analysis given is equally applicable to natural hill slopes including cut-slopes.
11.5.2. Methods of stability analysis: The slope stability can be analysed by slip circle analysis or by
deformation (stress) analysis. The latter method is rather complex. As such the equilibrium method of stability
of slices is common and simple. Limit equilibrium methods: In all limit equilibrium methods of analysis shearing forces tending
to disturb the equilibrium are quantitatively evaluated and compared with the available shear strength. This
process enables the calculation of a factor of safety. At the out-set, continuous failure surfaces that are
kinematicallyacceptable are assumed and calculations are made for several such surfaces. The slip surface
for which the factor of safety is minimum is called the critical slip surface. Common methods of calculating
factor of safety assuming circular failure surfaces are Fellenius method (Swedish slip circle method) and
Bishop’s method. A sketch showing analysis by Fellenius Method is given in Fig 11.6. For details
IRC:75- 1979, as stated, may be referred.
1 ~ Cos~—uI)ton
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
11 .5.3. Stability analysis for predominantly rock slopes: Where the hillside formation is made up of
jointed rock mass, failures are governed by the relative orientation of the discontinuities within the rock mass
with respect to slope of the hill face. Different types of spherical projections can be used to determinewhich
mechanism of failure of the rock masses are kinematically possible. The results of such analysis form the
basis for choosing appropriate method of analysis for evaluating the factor of safety against sliding. The interactions of joints and bedding planes with reference to a given plane are normally
evaluated by resorting to spherical projections and by use of stereonets. With the help of such stereonets, it
will be possible to identify if sliding is likely to occur on a single plane or along two planes or over a set of
stepped joints etc. Reference may be made to Goodman (1980) “Introduction to Rock Mechanics” for details
concerning the application of stereonet projection methods for evaluating stability of rock slopes.
11 .5.3.2. In certain situations sliding in a slope made up of rock mass can also be analysed by slip circle
analysis, discussed in the previous section. Some of such conditions are:
it The rock mass on hill face is highly fractured and has randomly oriented joints.
II The rock mass has low strength and its strength characteristics approach that of soil.
ii) Faults or pre~shearplanes or other discontinuities may exist, which may induce failure along non~linearslope
11 .5.3.3. Notwithstanding the above, the geological and geomorphological study of the rocky area and
devising corrective measures would normally be adequate for meeting most requirements of rocky slopes
on hill roads.
11 .6.1. A variety of remedial, corrective or control methods are practiced to protect hill slopes from
instability. These are briefly discussed under three broad categories.
h) Reduce the forces tending to cause movement i.e. the driving forces.
11.6.2. Avoid the problem: The problem may be avoided or eliminated by one of the following methods:
a) Change of alignment: During reconnaissance, potential stability problems such as poor surface drainage, seepage
zones on existing natural slopes, hillside creep and old landslides should be carefully noted, Early recognition of
known troublesome areas helps studies for choice of alternate alignments. It is often more practicable to avoid a
potential landslide by changing the alignment of a proposed highway initially than resorting to elaborate remedial
measures. In some places, it may be possible to choose the opposite side of valley or hill where the bedding planes
of the rock dip away from the cut slope rather than dip towards the cut.
hI Removal of materials: If relocation and realignment of a proposed highway is not possible, either complete or
partial removal of the unstable material should be among the alternative considerations. The removal of potentially
unstable material can vary from simple stripping of a surface layer by few metres to depths as great as 50 m.
Economics as well as the relative risk of slope stability play an important role in the selection of final course of
action, This is illustrated in Fig. 11.7.
el Bridging: In some case when removal of steep, long and narrow unstable slope is too costly then the alternative
solution is bridging. A land bridge or a structure founded on piles placed well below the unstable foundation
materials is constructed, spanning the unstable area. A sketch illustrating this is given in Fig. 11.8.
d) Tunnelling: An unstable alignment can also be avoided by resorting to tunnelling, if the rocks at a suitable depth
are found to he stable. Both tunnelling and bridging are capital intensive solutions and have not so far been widely
F’L~R ~r.cBlL]T’i
b I
used in India. However due to increasing demands of safe, and uninterrupted traffic movements in hill areas, these
solutions may have to be resorted to. An illustrative sketch is given in Fig. 11.9.
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IRC:SP:48..1 998
11 .6.3. Reduce the driving forces: The driving forces comprise of the component weight of the soil,
superimposed loads and water. The simplest approach to reduce such forces, is to reduce the mass involved.
There are three methods by which the driving forces can be reduced as described hereafter.
a) Change the line or grade: Line or grade changes are generally done to reduce the driving forces Shifting the
highway alignment away from the toe of the slide area eliminatesthe need to provide toe support. Where necessary.
a buttress may be placed to support the sliding mass in the form ofa retaining, breast or toe wall. A sketch of buttress
is given in Fig. 11.10.
hI Surface Drainage:
ii) Drainage not only reduces the weight of the mass tending to slide but also increases the strength of the
slope-forming material. A high degree of surface erosion and development of excess pore pressure within
the slope, due to the absence of proper drainage facility are the two principal causes of slope instability. It
is, therefore, natural that the improvement of the drainage facilities in the area is given high priority
(ii) Mere provision of contour drains, culverts and drainage chutes does not help if it is not ensured that the
catchment would effectively feed them and that the drainage system is firmly founded. A broken or
dislocated surface drain may sometime cause damage to the slope more than the lack of any drainage
Surface drains should be located very carefully after the topography of the ground is studied. It has been
observed in practice. that poor location of surface drains results in their serving no purpc,se. since no water
would he collected by them. On the other hand. the run-off by-passes the drains and continues to damage
the slopes. A number of rows of inter-connecting lined catch-water drains should be constructed on the
slope to collect the surface run off which should in turn be brought to culverts at a lower level to he led
through chutes to natural water-courses~.Lined road side drains should~~~~lso
he built. The different types of
drains and drainage works are described in Chapter 8 ‘Drainage and Cross-Drainage.
(iii) To prevent intrusion ofdirect rainfall in the loose mantle of earth along the slopes, a vegetatisc eosershould
be provided. ~Sealingof tension cracks on the surface of the slope in any type of landslide will prove
beneficial since it prevents the ingress of surface water into the slide mass. (Methods of sealing of tension
cracks and provision of vegetative cover are dealt separately later).
iv) Methods of surface drainage should also include the following where required:-
All precautions should be taken to prevent the surface run-off from entering a potentially unstable area
Proper surface drainage measures are a good investment compared to any other type of preventive treatment.
Provision of surface drains along the outer periphery of the potentially unstable area is particularly
desirable. Surface drains serve to intercept the run-off from higher ground above the scarp. and divert it
assay from the slide surface. If surface drains are likely to he clogged by debris from above, a drain pipe
should be placed to ensure that the water is not trapped inside the area! The bed of the drain should he
sloped such that it drains off the water quickly or else it should be sealed with an impermeable material
IRC:SP:48-1 998
fyI The surface drains must be provided with impervious paving and have a uniform gradient to prevent
deposition of material silt on the bottom of the drain. Surface drainage may also be used in conjunction
with other types of treatment such as seeding of sodding, rip-rap, etc. as illustrated in Fig. 11.11.
c) Sub-surface drainage: Removal of sub-surface water tends to produce a more stable condition in several ways such
The removal of water within a slope by sub-surface drainage is usually costly and difficult. Methods generally used
to accomplish sub-surface drainage are the installation of horizontal drains, deep trench drains, vertical drainage
wells and drainage tunnels. Sub-surface drainage has been dealt in ChapterS “Drainage and Cross-Drainage” also
However, drains related to slope stability not covered earlier are described below:-
Ii) Horizontal drains may be used in slopes where steady seepage of water is encountered. They provide
channels for drainage of sub-surface water either from the sliding mass or from its source in the adjacent
area. It has been observed that installation of such horizontal drains is very effective in lowering the ground
water level and thus stabilising the slopes. A typical sketch and arrangement of horizontal drain is given
in Fig. 11.12.
I ahI Horizontal drains enable an overall improvement of the stability of the. slopes hy reduction in the level of
the water table. Rcducion in water table results io decreased pore water pressure at the base of the slide
surface. The relation between the factor of safety and pore water pressure is shown in Fig 116 where in
the porewater pressuc is expressed in terms ofa non—dimensional parameter. As may he seen from the’ figure.
reduction in pore water pressure results in a direct increase in the factor of safety. The relattonship can he
worked out easily, for a given slope. In general. the disposition of horizontal drains should he so arranged
that the desired decrease in piezometric levels occur.
lad Practical experiences concerning the installation of horizontal drains indicate the following:
I) Horizontal drains can be used in a wide variety of soil types including weathered and fragtnented
21 For Horizontal drains, perforated or slotted rigid PVC pipes with internal diameters of 311 miii to 50
mm and in lengths of 3 nt to 6 m can be used. Perforations or slots are made on the upper tsvo thirds
of the ptpes.
3) These pipes are installed at an outward inclination with the horizontal A special chuck may have to
be attached at the end of each pipe to prevent its slip oat from the drill hole.
4) Sub-surface drainage by horizontal drains represents a more effective solution conspared to the
prohibitive cost of adopting other conventional corrective measures, in situatiotis where excess
hydrostatic pressure is the main cause of slope failure.
5) Adequate geological and geotechnical studies should be conducted to locate the water table.
determine the material properties and evaluate the benefits frota horizontal drain installation.
6) In critical slopes, the horizontal drain may be placed behind retaining structures like breast walls and
the discharge allowed to collect by dratning across the wall into side drains.
(ii) Deep Trench Drains
as) Deep trench drains can also he used for the purpose of sub-surface drainage. A typical sketch is given in
Fig. 11.13. These are generally limited, by practical consideration, to those locations where water can he
intercepted at depths less than S to 6 m. Such effective drains consist of a permeable gravel core, surrounded
by a filter fabric like geotextile to prevent clogging. These can be adjusted to varying conditions of soil
and groundwater. The gravel size is either 16-32 mm or 36-70 mm to ensure a sufficiently
3 of gravel high
and 5void
mtm ratio.
The average amount of material needed per metre of drain length is about t m
flNefl fl’msS~
~ 44
4 44
~ 44 44
4 4 4,
46 .6 — 4 Li-.
44 44444 ~.a
‘4 46444 444 4 9:
~ .54444 4 4 44
4 4 / 44 4
~ 44 44 LU
.5 4 6 4~ Z
FILTER FABRIC 44 4 46 ‘4
~ ~ 4
444 ‘4~
444 4144 4
444A 414 4 LU
(ac) The individual trenchdrains have to be made in short sections Sm to 10 m long. After the trench is excavated
the filter fabric is spread out, trench is filled with gravel upto the top water bearing layer and then the fabric
is overlapped. Control shafts at the junction of drains are installed in order to ckeck the time dependent
flow of water in the individual drains. Pipes may be required to feed the water into the control shafts, at
some locations.
(i) If relocation or realignment of a proposed highway is not possible, either complete or partial removal of
the unstable material should be among the alternative design considerations. This method wilt contribute
to increase sability of the soil mass beneath a slope. The main methods used for prevention or correction
are removal of head of the slide, lowering of the grade line, flattening or benching of slopes and complete
removal of all unstable material, The required quantity of material to be removed must be carefully
estimatedby stability analysis, using laboratory and field data. Removal of head ofa slide aims at unloading
or taking away a relatively large quantity of material from the head of a landslide, thereby reducing the
activating force. The method is illustrated in Fig. 11.15.
(ii) Slope flattening and benching reduces the driving forces on a potential orexisting slide. Slopes constructed
with benches or berms are considered preferable to equivalent uniform straight slopes. Benching produces
increased stability by dividing the long slope into segments of smaller slopes connected by benches. The
width of benches should be adequate to enabtethe slope segments to act independently. Benches are useful
in controlling instability if they are properly designed and provided with paved drains. Slope flattening by
benches is illustrated in Fig. 11.16.
<< 159
IRC:SP:48-1 998
SCALE:lcrn = O.Sm
Refer Figs. 11.7 R
and 11.16 also
IRC:SP:48-1 998
IRC:Sp:48-1 998
•~‘. :j
DEBRIS •4~:~
- •. ~
— 4 1
• ‘~ ~ :-.. •~ ~4.dc.’ 4 •- -
(iii) Of late, sausage walls (more commonly termed as gabions) are assembled from perforated gcogrtds
Ceogrids, which are made of polypropylene, have high resistance to impact and weathering bestdcs
possessing good strength and elongation characteristics.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(iv) A row of sausage walls may be placed at the toe of the slide so that these serve to improve the stability of
the slopes by their dead weight. It is a common practice to use sausage walls to serve as breast walls as
well as-i.n..themiddle of running slopes where they serve as check-walls. In such applications sausage walls
help to retard the flow of water and reduce the surface erosion of the slope, to a certain extent. Fig. 11.19
illustrates sausage walls of various types.
g P_______ -.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
dl Restraining Structures:
(i) Different types of restraining structures are used to protect slopes from moving. Retaining/Breast walls of
masonry or concrete are such examples. Timber, metal, or concrete crib walls are also used as restraining
structures. These structures have been dealt in detail in Chapter 9 “Structures and Protective Works”. In
Fig. 11.19 retaining/breast walls in’ sausage have also been shown, Restraining structure are often used
where due to the limitation of space it is not possible to flatten the slopes•
(ii) Crib Waits
Crib walls can be used as restraining structures and may be made of reinforced concrete or steel members.
The vertical posts are connected by horizontal members and allow free drainage. These are suitable for
small slides that are not deep seated. An arrangement is illustrated in Fig. 11.20.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(iii) Timber piles
Can be used for stabilisation of small and relatively shallow potential slides. For stabilising the slope, the
piles, preferably of hard wood, are driven vertically into the slope with the help of monkey hammer,
operated manually or by any other suitable means. The size, spacing and number of rows of the piles may
depend upon the local requirements. In a slide area, the piles may be driven into the body of the slide so
that the same are anchored into firm strata beneath. Such groups of pileslrows can be repeated on top and
toe in shallow failure areas of the slide, if necessary.
The piles should not be driven into soils which are susceptible to liquefaction. The longevity of the wooden
pile may be increased by treating them with protective agents such as creosote oil. Such a treatment is
essential if the area is infected with insects like white ants, etc.
Timber isa forest produce and extraction ofpiles denudes forest and may cause environmental dc-gradation,
As such, this practice may be followed only where timber pile availability is plenty and regular system
exists for re-plantation and where forest is not adversely affected.
11,7.1. Hill slopes are subject to erosion from flowing water Leading to the foot of hill slopes. Cutting of
forests increases the erosion potential. The debris carried away by the flowing water may damage the slopes
downhill and choke the streams. It has also been found that, erosion, if unchecked, tends to produce mass
movements in the shape of landslides. Thus the slope degradation by surface erosion has a multiplier effect.
It is more economical to control the damage at the initial stage itself i.e. when it is existing as surface erosion.
11 .7.2. Majority of slope stability problems in hill areas have their origin ~ncumulative erosion of hill
slopes. It has been repeatedly observed that the combination of rainfall, soil type and slope conditions in
these areas favour the occurrence of shallow erosion type of landslides. Plantation of grass and shrubs to
restore the vegetative cover has been found to be successful in arresting this type of mass movements. The
presence of vegetative cover is beneficial to the stability of slope in a number of ways as enumerated
a) Surface erosion will be controlled. If some remains unchecked, there is a high probability that the erosion may
extend deeper and wider and eventually endanger the stability of the slope.
h~ Infiltration of water into the slope will be controlled, thereby reducing the build-up of pore pressure. Decrease in
factor of safety is directly proportional to the increase in pore pressure.
11 .7.3. Growth of vegetative cover and the spread of root-network to an approximate depth of 0,5 to 1.0
m depth help to improve the overall stability of the slope as brought out by field experiments carried out on
different hill slopes for erosion control. Certain methods are described below
Ii) Field trials have indicated that the asphalt mulch technique is effective in controlling erosion ofhill-slopes
by providing suitable vegetative tuning. For this treatment, the proposed slope area is prepared otto vast
seed beds by levelling of the top, regrading or reshaping and finally raking the top soil about 2 cm thick.
If the soil is infertile or slightly acidic, calcium ammonium nitrate is applied at the rate of 50 kg. per 1 000
sq.m. in solution. The root slips or locally available grasses are dibbled IS to 20cm apart, root to root and
i-ow to row. An asphalt emulsion (mulch) of a specified grade is then spread by a suitable sprayer. The
optimum rate of application of the. emulsion is 0.9 litre per sq.m i.e. just a thick film.
(ii) The asphaltic film gradually disintegrates and its place is taken by a carpet ofgreen vegetation and the deep
rooted species of grasses, clovers, etc. The advantages of this technique are:
(aa) Susceptibility to erosion is cut down.
(ab) The moisture content as well as the nutrients in the soil mantle are conserved.
(ac) The soil temperature is raised by absorbing light rays, promoting the emergence and growth of tiny
(iii) This method, if done just before the monsoons, the increased moisture content due to rains automatically
helps in the growth of saplings.
(1) Field trials have shown that Jute/coir netting are promising techniques for erosion control especially where
problem is of surficial nature. The slopes are initially demarcated, graded, fenced and fertilised as in the
case of ~phalt mulch technique cited above. The levelling of the area in this case must be uniform so that
the netting laid is flush with the ground, permitting water to flow over the matting. Initially seeding at the
rate of 5 kg per acre or dibbling of the root slips of locally available grasses 15 cm apart row to row and
plant to plant is done. After that light compaction of seeds and root slips is done by tamping.
(ii) Thereafter, jute or coir netting with 1.27cm to 2.54cm opening size and in widths of 1.0 m to 1.22 mis
laid on the prepared ground surface. The widths of netting are secured against displacement by an overlap
of 5 cm to 8 cm and pegged down with staples of 3 mm GI wire, 30 cm to 60 cm apart. The top and bottom
ends of the nettings are fixed in slots of 30 cm deep fully stretched. Subsequently another dos~of light
fertilizer and seeding is given.
a) The net provides innumerable miniature check dams thus absorbing the impact and kinetic energy ofthe falling rain
drops and water flow.
b) The soil, seed and slips are kept in-situ without being dislodged and are protected by getting the full benefit of
moisture. The technique is simple to use and inexpensive and thus merits widespread use to improve the stability
as well as the ecology of slopes that have been denuded by either mass wasting process such as landslides or due
to man made cause such as clearing of existing forest. A view of this method is shown in Fig. 11 .21.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
11 .7.4. Bally benching: Sally benching is used for control of surface erosion on slide areas as well as for
arresting shallow movement of the top mantle of slide mass. This technique can also be used effectively in
preventing the deepening of gullies/chutes, caused by the eroding action of flowing water. During rains, the
surface flow generally results in gullyformation on slopes. Such gullies, if allowed to deepen, induce instability
in the slide slopes which eventually fall/slide down and help the gullies to widen. Latter this phenomena can
result into a potential landslide. Barrier/bench system helps in densification of soil material surrounding the
ballies thereby increasing the strength of the slope, prevents the shallow movement of the loose mantle and
retards the speed of surface water responsible for gully formation, Typical arrangement is shown in
8 TO 10cm 0
a a a~
a a o~
i0.6—1.2mJ \12 TO 15cm 0 The procedure adopted in sealing the tension cracks is that a trench of about minimum 50 cm
depth and 50 cm width should be cut all along the length of the cracks. The excavated material should be
mixed with water to make up to the optimum moisture content for filling the trench. At first the deeper parts
of the cracks should be filled up by rolling and tamping thoroughly with crow bars. The filling of the trench
should be done by spreading the wet soil at O.M.C. in layers of 15 cm and compacting by hand rammers. The top layer should be finished such that the original shape/gradient of the slope is retained to
the t”iaximum possible expert,. The filled up surface over the tension crack should then be made water proof
by evenly spraying it with bituminous cutback of following composition viz. Bitumen (1.0 kg), Kerosene (0.6
kg) and Paraffin Wax (0.01 kg). The bitumen should be first heated to about 110°Cand removed away from
the flame and other two componentsadded. The mixture may be sprayed with a garden sprayer, atan average
rate of 0.2 kg per sq. metre.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
11 .7.5.3. Sealing of tension cracks should be considered as a regular maintenance measure and not as a
one time remedial measure. The slopes should be inspected before the onset of monsoons and tension
cracks sealed. As may be seen from above, sealing of tension cracks is an inexpensive measure and the
returns in form of improved slope stability are very high as observed at a number of slide locations in practice.
11.8.1,. Hill slopes composed of rocks are prone to generate rock fall and rock slide hazards. Falling
rocks, especially, are highly dangerous to life and property because of the large momentum they acquire in
motion. The volume of rock affected by instability may range from isolated boulders to enormous volumes
involved in rock slides. It has been a common experiencethat long after the construction has been completed,
rock fall or slide incidence can occur.
11 .8.2. Cutting of slopes in rock: The quality of rock which is commonly designated by qualitative index
or ROD can he of help to the engineers in qualitatively assessing the overall stability of slope. The relation
between ROD (Kraatx, 1964) and the description of rock quality is given in Table 11.2.
Table 11.2. RQD Vs Description of Rock
IS 1 2070-1 987 RMR RQD (percent) Description of rock quality
Roc k Mass Rating
0-20 0-25 Very poor
21-40 25-50 Poor
41-60 50-75 Fair
61-80 75-90 Good
81-100 90-100 Excellent
ROD= xlO0where
Lc = Total length of intact pieces> 100 mm long
La = Total length of core advance
If the hill slope under consideration has no major fault planes or shear zones nearby, ROD can
have a significant influence on the stability. In general, a tendency exists for adoption of experience based
rule of thumb procedures when dealing with stability of rock slopes.
However, it would lead to safer and economical rock slopes if properdesign methods are adopted
to evaluate the stability of rock slopes as well. Rough guide for the slopes or cuts in rock is given in Table
11 .3. However in adopting this table, caution must be exercised and such factors as the influence of dip in
relation to the inclination of the slope face, the nature of joints etc. must be kept specially in mind.
11 .8.3. Review of methods of rock slope protection: A number of methods are available for the control
of rock slope instability. Some of the methods by which rock slides can be controlled for protection from
rockfall hazard are listed below:
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Table 11.3 Slopes for Bed Rocks Cuts
Range of permissible slope
Sedimentary Rocks
Massive sand stones and limestones 1/4 : ito 1/2: 1
Inter bedded sand stones, shales and limestone 1/2: 1 to 3/4: 1
Massive clay stone and slit stone 3/4 : 1 to 1: 1
Igneous Rocks
Granites, Trap, Basalt and Lava 1/4:1 to 1/2:1
Metamorphic Rocks
Gneiss, Schist and Marble Slate 1/4: ito 1/2: 1
Slate i/2:ito3/4:1 The above methods may be used either singly or in combination and are described below:-
a) Shotcreting
Shotcrete consists of cement morta.r with aggregate upto 20 mm size, and is applied to the surface hy as air ct
Thickness of layer deposited varies from 70 mm to 100 mm. Prior to the application of shoterete, the slope couRt
he thoroughly scaled of loose rock pieces. The process requires special machinery and trained personnel Sometimes
a steel mesh is bolted to the slope face before shotcreting is done. It is desirable to insert pipes into the rock slope
to provide drainage and~avoid build-up of pore pressure after shotcreting is done on the slope.
hi (;routing
Grouting is osed to improve weathered slopes from which rocks or boulders nsay be falling. Proper type or cement
grout and safe inleetion pressure have to be determined earerully. Stringent quality control has to he exercised on
mix proportions, water content, grout pressure, etc.. during the grouting operation. Grouting is a costly remedial
measure and is recommended for use only in exceptional situations.
By providing suitably placed benches or ditches that intersect the trajectory of the falling rocks, the. roadway and
other structures can be protected front the roekfall ha,ard. Yet another method is to provide a protective fence. The
location and height of the fence can also he determined on the basis of the possible tralectories of falling rocks.
Such fences are of two types i.e. fixed and swinging. in some instances instead of fesees gahion walls or sand bags
are provided on the slope or on a bench or ditch to retain or stop the moving boulders or attenuate their momentum
An outstanding example on the use of rack-fence in India is the swinging fence across Khooni Nallah bridge rock-fall
area in J&K on NHIA. A view of the same is given in Chapter 16 Fig. 16.5.
11.8.4. Rockfall control using geogrids: Rockfali hazard can be mitigated by use of geog rids. In this
technique, the susceptible slope is covered with a geog rid mesh. To fix the geog rids on the slope, stable part
of the slope area not forming a source of rockfall, has to be first identified and located. This area will normally
be situated some distancebeyond the periphery of the slope affected by instability. At their end, the geogrids
are rigidly fixed by suitable anchors. In general, the fixing procedure involves a trench to be made on the
stable part of the slope and iron bolts are fixed in the trench which is then filled with cement concrete. The
geogrid roll is fixed to the iron bolts with help of clamps and nuts. The geogrid is then rolled down the slope
ensuring that the roll generally follows the contours of the slope. The remaining edges of the geogrid are
<< 169
IRC:SP:48-i 998
then fixed by driving ‘T’ roads into the slope so as to maintain good contact between the geogrid and the
rock slope. Geogrids are manufactured from selected polymers by a special process that aligns the molecular
chains of the polymers and thereby produces material of high tensile strength and high resistance to natural
ambient conditions.
11 .8.5. Rock bolts and prestressed anchors: Rock bolts and anchors are used to strengthen,
reinforce or tie together unstable blocks or beds of rocks. The use of rock bolts is normally confined to keep in place shallow layers of rock. The bolts exert
a compressive force so that relaxation, exfoliation and elastic rebound of rock layers are prevented. The
design is based on the shear resistance along the discontinuities identified for improvement. If the surface
layers of rock are in a weathered state, the bolt head is likely to experience a loss in tension. Under such
conditions, the rock face under each bolt head must be protected by fixing wire mesh set in sbotcrete.
Normally the design load does not exceed 60% of ultimate strength of bolts. Prestressed anchors are used when it is required to stabilise a rock slope against the possibility
of deep seated failure. High tensile steel tendons or cables are commonly used to provide the prestressing
force. However, before grouting fixed end of anchor, it is necessary to grout fissures in the rock. The
procedure therefore should be, making the boreholes, weter pressure test and if the borehole stands water
pressure, grc.uting the fixed end of anchors. Otherwise, grouting the borehole and reboring and grouting the
fixed end of anchors thereafter. After the grout has set reinforcing cable is stretched to impart a calculated
magnitude of prestressing force to the rock mass and then the cable is fixed to the anchor plate. Prestressed
anchor is an expensive remedial measure and is used only where there is no other alternative. Prestressed
anchors have been used to improve the stability of rock slopes beneath Khooni nallah bridge [mentionedii
para (c) above] and to improve the stability of hill slope in Shimla area in Himachal Pradesh.
11.9.1. Field instrumentation and monitoring is a requirement for detecting signs of impending instability
as well as post-slide movements. Observational data on vertical and lateral surface and sub-surface
movements, and piezometric pressures within the unstable slopes are necessary for evaluation of stability
and design of control measures.
11.9.2. The instrumentation programme should be planned to provide the basic information of the
following aspects:
a) Monitoring of the build-up and dissipation of pore water pressure at different points in the slide area, specially
around the failure plane.
Fig. 11.23 gives layout of instrumentation for monitoring a slope. The section gives a brief outline
<< 170
IRC:SP:48.-1 998
FIXED BORE HOLE EXTENSOMETER - A number of piezometers are available for this purpose. These piezometers are broadly classified
into three categories.
a) Hydraulic piezometer
b) Pneumatic piezometer and
c) Electrical piezometer.
11 . Apart from the general surveying methods, photo-grammetric methods, surface extensometers,
rock gauges, covergence gauge of various types using mechanical, electrical or electronic gadgets are also
used in monitoring surface movements.
IRC:SP:48-1998 Surface vertical movements are also measured with platform gauges, extensometers, hydraulic
settlement gauges mercury settlement/heave and magnetic settlement/heave gauges. Some inclinometers
are also combined with extensometer for monitoring vertical settlements. Surface measurements of
inclination or rotation is monitored with tilt meters. This also contains a gravity sensing transducer which may
be mechanical, electrical or electronic. Warning devices: The main aim of instrumentation isto provide timely warning against incipient
instability of a slope. The installation of warning devices on hill slopes helps the detection of an impending
slope movement and thereby provides time for taking precautionary measures to prevent any loss of life and
property due to landslide. Some warning devices are mainly simple slide fences with alarm buzzers. Inclinometers,
extensometers and piezometers can be coupled with alarm buzzers. These instruments are pre-calibrated
to sound alarm signals at a predetermined rate of movement or increase in a particular parameter.
11.10.1. A systematic collection of data helps in proper study of landslide problem thereby leading to a
correct identification of landslide mechanism and choice of appropriate remedial measures. Use of
standardised proforma for data recording also helps in setting up a data bank of landslides and interchange
of information between experts belonging to different disciplines concerned with landslide studies.. The
correction of landslidescontinues to be as much of an art as a science. Properly recorded and analysed case
histories are of unique value in evaluation of the range of applicability of various theoretical models used in
the analysis. Further, stability and efficacy of remedial measures can also be determined with the help of
such recorded case histories.
1.1. Location
Name of the Road:
ii. National Highway No.:
or State Highway No:
or Other roads:
Name of the Category No.:
1.2. Location of the Slide:
Name of the place:
ii. at Km from:
iii. Name, if any, by which the slide is commonly referred to
2.0. Data to be collected regarding the slide when it is active:
a. Date of sliding:
b. No. of times sliding has taken place in the year:
c. Duration for which road was blocked by the slide No. of days/hours
d. Damages to propety or persons caused by the slide:
e. Quantity of material cleared:
f. Method of clearance; Manual/cr by machine and the time taken for clearIng:
g. Cost of clearance operation:
h. Were any permanent stabilising measures ~xecutedsince last sliding and if so,
their efficacy:
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Is the slide preceded by rainfall or snowfall?
j. Is extent of area participating: in sliding
k. Is the cause of slide due to man made causes such as back-cutting, etc.:
I. Does the slide appear to be a surficial one or a deep seated one:
d) Weathering
Indicate whether the rock is subject to weathering or other degrading process due
to natural or man made causes
3.3. Geotechnical data
Give the classification of soil (or soil fraction of the mantle material) and
identification data according to standard soil mechanics procedure
<< 173
IRC:SP:48-1 998
ii. Is there any pro-consolidated clay or shale met with?
b) Alteration of forces acting
Has there been any increases in the load due to construction of embank-
ments or structures or accumulation of slide material?:
ii. Has any construction work been carried out that adversely influences the
stability, such as under-cutting the toe etc.?
iii. Has the slope been subject to vibrating action of either construction equip-
ment or due to earthquakes or due to blasting?
c) Action of Water
Has any water or seepage been noticed at the joint planes or along the
slide surface or in clay strata?
ii. Give a brief description of the drainage conditions prevailling in the slide
iii. Are there any sources of water flow nearby, such as a lake or reservoir or
a river etc.?
3.4. Causes of slide
Landslides are normally caused by a number of factors rather than a single factor. Indicate
which in your opinion are the predominant causes, and give, if possible, the order of their relative
a) Geological Causes
Weathered rock, disintegrated and/or decomposed rock, due to various
reasons like temperature changes, frost effects, other natural or man
made causes, etc.
ii. Joint planes dipping unfavourably
b) Geotechnical Causes
Increase in load causing sliding due to any construction or accumulation
of slide material or snow.
ii. Reduction in resisting forces caused by excavation at toe.
iii. Increase in water content of clayey layers due to rainfall or seepage, bad
drainage, sudden draw-down, rise in water level in lake upstream,
iv, Interbeds of clay or shale or micaceous matter that are susceptible of
being softened by the action of water.
3.5. Classification of slide:
Give the classification of the slide according to the Varness system of classification.
3.6. Remedial measures:
a) Has the slide area been studied for evolving remedial measures?
b) If so, by which organisation?
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
d) Were any/all of the remedial measures implemented? If so, detail them
e) What is the degree of success met with in stabilizing the slide area?
3,7, Recommendations:
11 .11.1. In general, landslides represent a complex phenomenon. Factors such as the composition of the
slope viz, the mixture of soil and rock debris, jointed nature of rockbeds with varying thickness of beds and
spacing of joints, presence of inter-bedding, shear and fault planes, weaker gauge material, etc., contribute
to this inhomogeneity. The built-in stresses arising from the past tectonic history are not susceptible of rational
estimation but affect the slope stability profoundly both in the short term as well as in the long term. Prime
causative factors such as rainfall have a highly random distribution in terms of intensity, duration and temporal
as well as spatial incidence of slides. To these complexities has to be added the effect of developmental
works in hill areas on the stability of slopes. Thus, the prediction, analysis and correction of landslides is
rendered a truly challenging task,
11 .11.2. It thus follows that considerable amount of field survey, boring, sampling and testing is required
for carrying out a reliable analysis of the stability of slopes on which to base the remedial measures. An
observational nrocedure of monitoring the surface movements, normally forms an integral part of systematic
landslide ~:ti,id~os.
However, given the various constraints of time and money, such elaborate procedures are
resorted to n c.’ase of landslides of major significance where a combination of remedial measures is essential.
Simple, easy to use guidelines are sought forthe practicing engineerto deal with routine type of slope stability
11 .11.3. The incidence of landslides along a given road maybe minimised by adopting some precautionary
measures.. In case of relatively small landslides, remedial measures can be undertaken on the basis of their
suitability for the particular slide as judged from past experience as to whether or not the particular remedial
measures provided were satisfactory in the area.
a) A rnaiority of landslides are induced by rainfall ordue to surrace erosion. Thus, good drainage of the slope assumes
great importance. The slope stretches prone to slide or those wIth known history of instability should he checked
carefully before the onset of monsoon, paying particular attention to the following factors,
h The engineer should observe and note such visible features as bulge in the pavements or at the toe of the slope,
broken pipes, tilting of trees, distress in buildings, which are indicative of ground movements that may eventually
lead to a landslide,
ci Such inspections should not be confined merely to the road width but should encompass the uphill and downhill
slopes as well, A trained observer can obtain a great deal of information on the various factors affecting the stability
ot’ the slope.
dl Condition of surface drains such as catch water drains, chutes, etc., and any signs of chocking of these drains or
cracking of the bed. if observed, should be repaired immediately.
<< 175
IRC:SP:48-1 998
e) Choked culverts and road side drains should be cleared of any debris.
f) Tension cracks are tell-tale signs of impending instability. Water seeping through the tension cracks has the effect
of increasing the instability of the slope. All slide prone areas should be inspected periodically for the presence of
tension cracks and the same should be sealed following the procedure described earlier. This should be treated as
routine maintenance measure and helps to substantially reduce the incidçnce of slope instability.
g) Denuded slopes are more susceptible for eventual mass movements. It is highly desirable that a slope regeneration
programme be adopted to promote the vegetative growth on eroded slopes. A suitable method, from among these
discussed in the earlier sections, may be adopted for the purpose.
h) Where earth fills with high retaining walls exist, it should be ensured that the backfill used is having good drainage
characteristics. The earth pressure exerted by a saturated fill is nearly double that in the unsaturated state. Weep
holes or other drains should be cleared.
i) In case of deep seated complex or recurring slides, it is essential that a thorough stability analysis, including an
evaluation of the response of the slope to changes in significant parameters, such as piezometric levels, shear
strength parameters~etc.,should be carried out. It is desirable that an expert organisation is consulted for this
11.12. Illustrations
11.12.1. The following sketches, views and figures are given:-
IRC:SP:48-1 998
11.13.1 The performance of a hill road is directly proportional to degree of stability of slopes on which t
has been built.
12.1. Introduction
12.1.1, A large number of roads have now been constructed in the Himalayas, especially in high altitude
area. Many of these roads run over high passes, having altitudes above 3000 M and through snow belts and
avalanche prone slopes. Large stretches of these roads normally remain closed for six to seven months in
a year due to heavy snow fall during winter months and consequent accumulation/compaction of snow at
low temperatures, snow drift and avalanches. Keeping these roads open to traffic for longer periods during
the year is of vital importance not only for strategic reasons, but also for the welfare of the people living in
these areas. The prevailing environmental condition in these areas necessitate specialised methods of snow
clearance of roads and avalanche control to minimise the road closure period.
12.’t.2. Studies pertaining to snow, ice and related manifestations are only about 20 years old in India
and the Snow id Avalanches Study Establishment (SASE) is engaged in research and development in the
field. Keeping a road open in snow bound high altitude in winter as against closfr~gfor winter months would
depend on road user requirements and practicability of keeping the road ope r’ ~fl winIer coi.i pled with the
financial outlay involved.
12.1.3. In this Chapter it is aimed to outline the most practicable procedures and solutions to problems
concerning snow clearance based on experience gained in the last 30 years on roads in the Himalayan
12,2.1. Terrain and geology: These roads run at altitudes ranging between 2500 m to 5000 m. Most of
these roads are above the tree line and in very scantily populated areas. Only grass and rhododendrons
grow along these roads. The soil in the area is mostly ofglacial origin and consist of metamorphosed, stratified
and schistose rock formation which distingegrate under extreme weather conditions. The portion covered
with fluvio-glacial materials are very unstable and prone to slide.
12.2.2. Climatic conditions: Rainfall is very heavy and goes upto 500 cm in the Eastern Himalayas,
even in high altitude snow fall areas, whereas in Western Sector it ranges from 150-250 cm in lower ranges
but scanty in higher altitudes. The winter temperature, depending upon the altitude and the place could be
as low as -35°C(The temperature goes down to minus 50°in certain areas). In summer the day temperature
may be as high as 30°C.Velocities of wind exceeding 80 km/h are common, especially near the high passes.
The chilling effect of the wind in winter could be devasting and during this period snow clearance operation
s near impossible. A chill temperature chart would help as a guideline forworking conditions during the worst
12,3.1. Snow pattern: The snowfall season begins with the onset of winter transition and as such the
first snowfall in the higher altitudes of the Himalayas may occur some time towards the end of September.
However, these events may be sporadic till the end of October and also snow melt may take place rather
rapidly in autumn as the land surface has stored sufficient heat during the preceding summer season.
Subsequently mid-latitude storms and their extension equator-wards, with the advance of the winter season,
results in accumulation of the snow in depth as well as in extending it towards the greater Himalayas and
IRC:SP:48-1 998
even on its lower ranges. Th’ ~s,by January-February, during the peak of the winter season (this period
constitutt:,.s the heavy snowfall period), snow accumulation i.s expected to be maximum.
17 3.1.1. Snow melt, atleast in the lower Himalayan ranges and in the latitude belt 30°-40°
N, may beg~n
from April andwithin about ~t-8weeks (May-June) almost all the snow may melt away with the advance of
summer season. Thus, in July-August snow is expected t~iremain only on high mountain ranges near and
above what is called the “permanent snow line. Snowfall occurs in spells or storms spread generally over a period of four months, duration ot
from one to seven days. The infensity of snowfall in individual storms has a greater
individual storms varyirlg
effect oc snow clearance operations than the total snowfall. High intensities of snowfall above 3 to 4cm/hour
are qu~ecommon in the Western Himalayas.
12.3.2. Type of snow: Snow is a mixture of ice,, waterand air. Itmay be classified physicallyas crystalline,
qranular. powdery pallet snow or mixtures. Crystalline snow has good internal cohesion. Freshly deposited
snow is a highly porous permeable aggregate of ice grains. Snow type is drier in western sector than in
eastern sector. Fresh snow in a powdery and granular condition, is easy to clear but if the snow is allowed
to accumulate, it gets compacted and hardened over a period of time rendering subsequent snow clearance
difficult. The lower layers get hardened and dense, become icy smooth and very difficult to clear. Snow
hardens as the temperature drops.
12.3.3. Density: The density of fresh snowfall is not affected by wind and is quite low, the values ranging
between 0,04 to 0.14 gm per cubic centimetre. Maximum packing and settlement takes place within the first
24 hrs resulting in the loose snow attaining density of 0.15gm per cubic centimetre. On further accumulation
and time lapse the density of snow may rise upto 0.45 gm per cubic centimetre due to densification of the
snow cover.. The accumulation may result in standing snow of 8 to 10 mts on the road surface and exceeding
30 metres at avalanche sites.
12.3.4. Snow drift: In addition to the thick blanket of snow due to direct procipitat~on,the high velocity
winds activate deposition of large quantity of snow on the road from the adjacent slopes due to snow drift.
This constitutes a major hazard in snow clearance efforts.
12.3.5. Icing: The snow melt water on the pavement fieezes at night when temperature drops below
freezing point. Thus the water freezes in the form of thin ice layers which are glass smooth and form a
potential traffic hazard. Icings are irregular sheets of ice bui’I up on the pavement bythin films of waterwhich
flows out on the surface and freezes when exposed to sub-zero temperatures. It is very important that the
road alignments in areas prone to icing are so chosen as to minimise the recurring problem of icing in relation
to the pavement.
12.3.6. Avalanche: Avalanche is a hurtling mass of snow (speed has been clocked upto 90 rn/sec or
37.0 km/hour) with ice and debris, descending along a mountain slope with tremendous momentum.
Avalanches are caused due to:
a) Wind
b) Vibration and earth tremors
c) Rise in temperature at the end of Winter
d) Gravity
e) Heavy snow storm and geomorphological features of terrain
f) Even a falling branch, a hopping animal or a passing plane can trigger an avalanche AvaLanche prone areas in Himalayas exist at very high altitudes and extend to hundreds of Kms.
Grassy slopes are considered most dangerous for avalanche occurrence. The intensity of an avalanche
event is adequately described when following parameters are known by direct or indirect method:-
a. The area and extent of the avalanche, particularly the run out zone.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
b. Distribution of impact pressures and forces likely to be exerted upon obstacles along the road.
c. Types of avalanches likely to reach various locations on the road.
d. The frequency of avalanche occurrence along the road Terrain and avalanches formation: Terrain plays a very important role in avalanche formation.
Steepness, exposition or orientation and shape and type of the surface of the slope contribute a great deal
towards avalanche formation. The relation between slope and avalanche formation is given in Fig. 12.1.
FORMATION Type of avalanches: Snow avalanches are broadly classified into two categories i.e. loose snow
and packed snow or slab avalanches. Criteria, nomenclature and characteristics are given in Fig. 12.2. Loose snow avalanche originates at a point and fan outexpanding both in width and depth. Such
an avalanche occurs usually during or immediately after a storm and does not pose serious problems unless
it is damp or wet. Avalanches of packed snow result in the release of a cohesive slab with a wide fracture
line. These avalanches are dangerous. Slab avalanches may originate either at the surface or along a weak
layer below. A fast moving dry snow soft slab avalanche many a time turn out to be an air-borne powder
avalanche with an airwave moving several metres ahead of the slide at somewhat higher level, leaving in its
wake vast destruction. When the snow conditions are critical, slopes of 30~to 450 give rise to dangerous
avalanches. The speed range of large avalanches is:
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
123.6 5. During spring, ambient temperatures go up and the intense solar radiation converts a large portion
of snow pack into wet cohesionless mass resulting in wet snow avalanches. Avalanches affect all the major
roads in the high altitudes. The avalanches activity is most pronounced in the months of January, February
and March and continues even upto April in very high altitude of more than 5000 m.
123.66. Zones of avalanches: An avalanche has the following three well defined zones as shown n
Fig. 12.3.
a) Formation zone or starting zone: The slope of an avalanche formation zone is generally more than 30° Steclscr
slopes more than 60°do not help in accumulation of snow and therefore chances of avalanche occurrence becomes
minimum. Only frequent sloughing keeps on taking place which are of minor nature compared to the devastating,
hi Middle Zone or Avalanche Path: The part of an avalanche track below the formation ‘zone and above the rsn out
zone is known as Middle zone or avalanche path. The slope of this path is generally snore than 12°.
c. Run Out Zone: The lowest pan of an avalanche area, where the snow mass of a moving avalanche come to a halt
because of the decrease of slope or a natural obstacle, is known as the run out zone, The zone is marked h) the
debris carried by avalanche waves. The slope of a run out zone is generally less than 12
12.3,6,8, Spring thaw: High altitude roads in heavy snowfall areas experience a major drainage problem
during spring thaw. The snow melt water flows with tremendous velocity over the pavement, causing its
erosion covered on either side by snow accumulated on berms during snow clearance Operations. The water
released by thawing collects in the centre of the pavement and the road itself acts as a drain. At times this
running snow melt, water freezes on the pavement and causes skidding. Thaw water penetrates through the
potholes and crevices in the pavement. When subsequent freezing occurs, this thaw also freezes and
expands causing damage to the pavement. This alternative cycle of road thawing and freezing is one of the
major causes of damage to the pavement in snow bound areas. Pavement can be protected by using superior specifications like bituminous macadam and
repairing alt potholes and crevices priorto wintersnowfall. Damages to berms can be minimised by periodical
application of hygroscopic chemical like calcium chloride (Salt) or light oils. The rate of application can be
between 0.25 kg to 1 kg of calcium chloride per sq. mt. But this is a very expensive proposition. The best
solution is to dispose of the thaw water by making temporary crass drains.
12.3.7. Glaciers: A glacier is an ice sheet that has spread out from a central mass and covering a large
area. Glacier moves slowly in a continuous stream down a valley under its own weight. The problem posed
by glacier iscompulsion to align roads over glaciers that have settled rather than snow clearance opemtions.
Adequate protective measures are needed where road netotiates glaciers.
12,4,1, General: Snow removal and avalanche control should be one of the factors to be considered in
the planning stage of the highway. The alignment selected should be free of these problems as far as possible.
Designs to mitigate snow problems should provide for higher road levels, wider right of way, gentle slopes,
careful designation of borrow pit locations and proper selection and placing of roadside plants. Special
considerations should be given to the design of adequate drainage system. Grades in flat stretches should be kept above the general elevation of the adlacent land. If all
grades are constructed 0.5 1.0 m higher than the land on either side of the highway, practically ‘no snow
will drift on to the carriageway portion of the road; even wet packing snow wilt tend to clear off the surface of
such grades. A narrow right of way is a snow hazard, Vegetation, buildings, fences and other structures cause
serious snow drifting on the road unless the right of way is wide enough so that these drifts run out before
they reach the carriageway potion of the road.
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12.5. Advance Planning Action for Snow Clearance
12.5.1. General: Meficulous advance planning and preparations are required to be done with the greatest
care so that snow clearance operations do not get hampered and delays are minimised.
12.51,1. CarefilI and detailed. planning for the use of labour and equipments during snow storms and
avalanche activity is necessary for successful results. The experience, ability and dependability of all men,
types and adaptability of all available equipments and finally the type and relative importance of the roads
to he cleared during the storm must be considered. The plan should assign adequate equipment,
well~rnanned,to the most important specific sections of the road without overlooking the other sectors on the
road and keeping in view the vagaries of the snow storm. During snow clearance season the men should be
kept alert at all times and should be ready to undertake snow clearance immediately on occurrence.
12.5.. 2. Snow markers: The function of snow marker is to indicate the location of the road and depth of
snow to the snow clearance team. A snow marker is a 80 mm dia 3 to S rn long G I Pipe, graduated at 0.25
rn intervals~filled with concrete and erected on the Valley side with properfoundation. It is essential to check
all the snow markers before the closure of road. A typical sketch of Snow Marker is shown in Fig. 12.4.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
12.5.3. Equipment: It is absolutely essential that appropriate type of equipments for snow clearance are
positioned at the appropriate locations and their mechanical conditions checked before they are positioned
at site. The equipments should be in perfect working condition. The locations where these equi~mentsare
required to be positioned should be so selected that they are safe, secure and clearly away from avalanche
prone areas. Adequate stock of spares and a team of well trained mechanics for the periodical maintenance
of the equipment both duringthe idle period as well as during the operation should be positioned at centrally
located camps in the sector, close to the location of the equipment. Adequate quantity of the right type of
fuel and starting aids should also be stocked in the respective camps.
12.5.4. Manpower: The main aspects to be borne in mind regarding man power are:
a) The men should be physically robust and mentally alert; preferably of a lower age group.
Adequate number of men to work with the equipment and for essential admini Si rat lye duties should be positioned
cit appropriate locations well before on set of winter.
ci Suitable shelter with heating and warming arrangements, adequate food, clothing and medicines, dc’ , should he
available at the various camps before deployment of the men,
di Proper inter~communicationby wireless. .set between the sectors and HQ should he ensured.
ci Suitable rescue/recovery posts should be established.
I’) Air sorties for mail, evacuation of casulties. supply of rations, spares and conveyance of personnel should he made
available as a routine! on call service so that personnel have high morale.
g) Essential recreational facilities should be provided.
1~c’’ sea,, and should be given adequate winter
hi The men should be accllinatised to work in high altitude ‘•‘‘.‘
and snow clothing and trained to take precautions nt’a~p~, o~’~v
,~c!vceSc’effects on them.
12.6. Snow Clearance Equipment
12 6.1. General: There is almost 10% decrease in efficiency of mechanical equipment for every 1000 m
above mean sea level. Clearance machinery now in service in the country, is mostly irnported equipment,
mainly of German, Swiss and Canadian origin. There is a need to indigenise at least certain assemblies. Effects.of cold on mechanical equipments and counter measures: Metal under very low
temperature will develop brittleness and the stressed parts and welds tend to fracture under impact. The
adverse effect of this brittleness is particl.itarIy on blades and cutting edges of dozers, bucket fingers of loaders
arid external moving parts and snow cutters. Cold also causes loosening of many parts such as master pins,
cap screws ~nd nuts etc. Rubber hoses, fan belts, hydraulic pipes, tyres, etc. are liable to harden and crack
at low temperatures. Seals also harden causing stiff operation and failure leading to leakages. tnsulation of
electric cable may fail. Springs develop fatigue and lose tension. Wheeled machines become immobilized
by soft snow of more than 30 cm and hence tracked machines are more suitable. Suitable shelters should
be provided to machines. All plants should have heated cabins for efficient operation. The efficiency of the
plant operator under exposed conditions may be as low as 35% whereas in a closed well heated cabin it
could be as high as 75%. Snow clearance equipment can be broadly classified as snow removal machine
and spreading machines. Snow removal machines can be further classified as blade ploughs and rotary
12.6.2. Crawler tractor (blade plough): For heavy snow clearance operations, the blade plough dozer
is the most suitable equipment. Its advantages are:
IRC:SP:48-1 998
d~ Presence of rock pieces and boulders in the snow does not damage or affect Its performance and it is specially
suitable for clearance avalanche debn,s
e) It can tackle hard snow except frozen ie~smooih suriace,s where it tends in slip
f) Its output varies from 1000.2000 tunne per day depending upon the ~ ‘ ,. site conditions
12.6.2,1. Its disadvantage is that its track damages the pavement if sufficient ~:‘or:e~.’.
‘itS ~e riot talcen
during snow clearance. Normally 15 cm to 25 cm snow is left uncleared below its irack to aecid damage to
the pavement. The residual snow can be cleared manually.
12.6.3. Rotary snow plough or cutter: This is a versatile snow clearance equipment.
12.6.4. Wheeled Dozers (Blade Plough): Wheeled dozers are useful for fresh light snow clearance.
12.6.5. Non-rotary snow plough: Non-rotary snow plough with different types of blades attached to a
separate prime mover or to the normal vehicles and snow sweepers are used for clearance operations in
fresh snow with tight precipitation.
12.6.6. Drag scrapers: A triangular metal frame of sides about 2.5 M long with rubber padding dragged
by a load carrier vehicle can be used for clearing residual snow on the road after clearance by snow cutters,
with a reasonable degree of success.
12.6.7. Spreading machines: These machines are used for spreading gritting materials and deicing
salts/chemicals on the roads.
12.6.8. Space heater: These are designed to blow a hot blast of air. Before starting engines in sub-zero
temperatures hot blast of air is blown on engines so as to loosen the bearings for easy starting. It is also
useful for changing engine oil in winter under low temperatures and for repairing machines in winter.
12.6.9. Slave starter: These are used for charging batteries which frequently get discharged due to very
low temperatures. It can charge upto ten, 12V batteries at a time.
12.7.1. General: Snow Clearance Operation can be broadly classified into two types viz:
a) Continuous snow clearance in winter and part of summer which involves clearance of snow as and when it occurs
is called winter snow clearance,
IRC:SP:48-1 998
b~ Summer snow clearance which commences when the snow precipitation is over and the total accumulated snow of
the season is tackled in one operation.
12.7.2 Continuous snow clearance: It is easy to clear freshly fallen snow by an appropriate equipment
like snow cutter upto a depth of less than 1 m provided there are no repeated snowfall, thereby giving
adequate time for clearing all the fresh snow before the occurrence of the next snowfall. Roads below 3000
m falling in the snow belt can be kept open by continuous snow clearance using appropriate equipment.
12.73. Light dry snow is of little concern, but wet snow with heavy winds is a problem which results in
dangerous conditions if not properly tackled. Wet snow under traffic, packed on the pavements and
particularly if followed by a drop in temperature, can create very dangerous conditions. The best method of
preventing the packing of wet snow is to have a large fleet of light, high speed, straight blade snow ploughs
available, These ploughs should be started with the storm and kept working till the storm ends and the
pavements are clear or until the snow gets so deep that snow ploughs cannot handle the situation.
12.7.4, Packed snow and icing problems: Packed snow forms when fresh snow is not cleared
immediately and the ploughs cannot keep ahead of the storm. Curves, hill sections, highway intersections
and icing prone stretches, should be covered with a chemically treated abrasive material like sand or small
chips. if the traffic is sufficiently heavy to warrant it, the entire road should be treated with abrasives. This
type of work should be continuous during winter months. Application of abrasive material either alone or in
combination with calcium or sodium chloride should be undertaken for treating icy pavements. The pavement
should be treated whenever slippery conditions exists. The treatment procedure is given in para 12.10.
12.7.5. Summer snow clearance: In higher reaches of the great Himalayan ranges which are distinct
snow belts, specially in the Western Himalayas, the intensity and periodicity of snowfall combined with
avalanche activity and icing problems make it almost impossible to undertake snow clearance operations
continuously. The snow, perforce, will have to be allowed to accumulate during winter months and in such
cases the road sector has to be closed during winter months. The compacted snow on the road at places
will be of the order of 10 to 12 m and at major avalanche sites this may exceed 30 m.
12.7.6. Organisation: Despite the fact that summer snow clearance operation is mostly based on
machines, adequate manpower is essential for various allied tasks like deicing, maintenance of the cleared
road, cutting of rolled down trees, blasting of boulders brought by avalanches, launching of equipment
bridges, carriage of stores, etc.
12.7.7. Sequence of summer snow clearance operation: Because the entire road is covered under a
thick blanket of snow, it is a difficult job to trace the road alignment, though the snow markers erected
specifically for this purpose do help. At times the snow markers get burned or unrooted. At many places,
huge avalanches occur making it difficult to locate the road. If the snow clearance operation is commenced
without locating the road this can lead to disaster. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to identify and mark
the road alignment. Firstly, the road alignment should be marked with the help of prismatic compass and
levelling instruments based on survey charts of the road. The help of snow marker should also be taken. The
recce party with prismatic compass, levelling instrument and rolls of magnetic bearing charts mark the road
alignment, with pegs/local material followed by tracked dozers. Once the road alignment is identified and marked by the reconnaissance party, a dozer should
be deployed first to make a break through for the snow cutter and other tractor to follow the leading crawler
tractor cuts the snow and makes the path for itself. The distance between tractors is kept 50 to 200 m
depending upon site conditions. Where hard snow is encountered, it should be tackled by the crawler tractor.
In this manner except for last 5 to 10 cm, the snow clearance is done by a combination of dozers and snow
cutter. The remaining 5 to 10 cm of snow on the road surface should not be cleared by the crawler tractors
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to minimise damage to surface. This should be cleared by motor grader or manually or allowed to melt away.
One snow cutter and a crawler tractor should follow in the rear to widen the cleared portion and also to clear
any snow drift or avalanche which may occur.
12,7.8, Clearance of overhanging snow: Whenever deep box cuts of snow are involved, the snow
should initially be cut in a half tunnel pattern and subsequentlythese masses of overhanging and unsuppotled
snow should be removed. Resorting to blasting is not desirable as this may trigger avalanche.
12.7.9. Precautions: When snow clearance operation is in progress the following precautions should be
taken to ensure safety of men and machines.
a All men and machines should be deployed in a dispersed manner to guard against avalanches. At the cnd oF the Ll~O.
the machines should be parked at places free of likely avalanches.
hi A sentry with a whistle should be detailed and located at a vantage point to give early warning of avaIanehe~
c) All machines parked for the night should be covered with tarpaulines and other protective measures taken,
d) l:)uring snow clearance operation an ambulance along with nursing assistant and first aid, should be avail~hleat
e) All workers should wear sun goggles as protection of eyes against glare of sun-shine
f) Adding anti-freeze chemicals to radiator water, use of winter grade diesel, draining radiators in the night are sonic
methods to keep vehicles/equipments in running order.
12.7.10. CommunicatIons: Itis necessary that parties engaged in snow clearance are in communication
with their main camp and the main camp in turn is in contact with their HO. For this, short range walkie-talkie,
wireless sets for local contacts and wireless radio sets for long range communications are essential.
12.8.1. After snow clearance, enormous maintenance efforts are required to make the road traffic-worthy.
Road maintenance parties should follow immediately behind the snow clearance teams. The damage done
by snow and avalanches to the drainage system should be restored on highest priority. The most important
and immediate problem is the control of snow melt water on the road surface. A party should be detailed to
control this water by diverting it to flow across the road at suitable intervals and also to clear the existing
drains and culverts. The maintenance team should repair the following damages:
hi Pothole repairs
1) After the snow clearance on the road, the snow on hill slopes melt and may cause slides, Also the rivers flooded
with snow melt water can cause toe erosion. Machines should be kept ready at vulnerable points to tackle these
12.9.1. General: To tackle the problem of avalanche control appropriately, a fairly accurate knowledge
and data is necessary of the type of avalanche frequency at the location, its magnitude and intensity, extent
of spread and the return period of the climax avalanche, which is the avalanche that causes maximum
damage and havoc.
12.9.2. In absence of adequate information and data available on past avalanche activity, recourse may
hr. taken to indirect evidence as under.
12.9.3. Avalanche Forecasting: Avalanche forecasting is basically dependent on the direct evidence
method, indirect evidence method! the statistical approach or a combination of these. In the Western
Himalayas, SASE issues a higher danqer forecast on avalanches on radio based on the data collected by
their obseniatories located near formation zones on important roads. Maximum avalanches occur in months
of Fehruat’y and March in Western Himalayas. It is necessary to stop all snow clearance efforts once the
warninq is issued, to avoid loss of lives and damage to equipments.
12.9.4. Control structures: Corresponding to their nature and mode of action, three different type of
structures can he distinguished. Structures in the formation zone which prevent avalanches, structures in
the avalanche path which deflect the avalanches and structures in the run out zone which reduce the
damaging effect of the avalanches. Formation zone control is most effective and permanent solution to the
avalanche control problem but requires heavy expenditure and long time for construction. Avalanche control
using structural methods involves long term study, proper designs and deployment of huge resources for
construction. Avalanches can be controlled by the following structures:
at Stopping structures like snow bridges, snow rakes, snow fences, avalanche fences, terraces and snow ncr.s
I Drift control measures like appropriate highway design, planting trees and structures like inclined roofs, ss rod
baft les and snow fences
ci Deflecting structures like gallery, guide and diversion wails. Structures in the formation zone: The various types of alavanche control measures used in
the formation zone are supporting structures which are normal to the slopes, like steps or terraces where the
support surface is close to the horizontal and act as earthen dams as the retaining barriers in the formation
zone. While steps and terraces give protection in limiting the glide and creep, they do not render enough
protection in stabilising the newly fallen snow and retaining it.
12.E.4 .2. Above the tree line permanent structures could be set up in materials like steel, concrete, etc.,
having tong life, Below the tree line where the structures are surrounded by forest, the construction could be
of timber (keeping however. environmental aspects in view).
12.. 9.4.4. In addition to the above structures, drift control structures should also be put up in the formation
zone. These structures make use of wind force and prevent formation of great mounds of snow and cornices.
Generally these are used in conjunction with the supporting structures. The type of drift structures in use are:
:s’t jet roof: Put on a ridge to prevent formation of cornices and is constructed of rounded timber, Refer Fig. 12.10
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IRC SP:48”l 998
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tll ~ ~
1C ‘ibis greveoSS comiC0 and may he made of timber or steel. pipet. sh~CtSetc ~ typical atafltdmuc’fh
WlPÔ ~aff
~ en in Fig 12 Ii
c~ Snow fence: Snow fences prevent drifting of snow on to the road and cart he. j:rtedr of timher. concrel’.: ~tc~L Ole
Two typical types of fences are shown in Figs. 12.12 and 12.13.
II [1
~s ~W#~s fñ~ ñY,~.‘Wi~f4~
IRC:SP:48-1 998 Structures in ava’anche path: To protect the important installations in the avalanche path,
deflecting structures are used. Those structures are designedto change the direction of the moving avalanche
and deflect it away from the object to be protected. The deflecting structures are:
al (;allery: Used for protection of highways, it runs through the terrain like a narrow band. The avalanches arc either
conducted over the gallery or they are partially deposited on the roof. Refer Fig 12.14.
hi (;uide walls: These are built above a gallery in order to limit width of a flowing avalanche to the length of the
gallery. This is also shown in Fig. 12.14.
ci 1)iversion dams: These are made of earth or concrete with Stone pitching and are meant to divert the floss of an
avalanche in the desired direction. Refer Fig. 12.15.
d) Avalanche ramp: This is made of earth to allow avalanche to pass over. Refer Fig,, 12. lb..
et Avalanche wedge: These are used for breaking the speed of avalanche and thus to protect structures Refer
Fig. 12.17. Guiding and diversionary structures are massive in nature to withstand impact of avalanche
moving at full speed. These are useful only in special cases where ground contours, curves or other natural
obstacles tend to divert the avalanche out of its original path.
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IRC:Sp48 1998
Vt g
(5 ci 1~~
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IRC:SP:48..1 998 Structures in run out zone: These structures are massive in Construction and are used to
shorten the run out zone or give a direct protection to an installation. These obstruct the force of the moving
avalancnes. These structures are:-
a) Masonry catch dams Refer Fig. 12.18
b) Retaining walls
c) Wedges ansi mounds. Refer Fig. 12.19
20 1:20 SLOPE
6mm 0 BAR Q..MESH
0.300 MS ROD
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Q_ <
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
12.10. Treatment of Icy Pavements
12.10.1. General Treatment of icy pavementsisgiven in 12.7.4. In some cases calcium or sodium chloride is applied
without abrasives. The pavement should be treated wherever slippery conditions exist and for as long a
period as necessary.
12.10.2. Equipment A truck equipped with a special cinder or aggregate bed having a conveyor belt at the bottom for
feeding the abrasive material to a spinner type spreader at the rear, all powered by the power take off of the
truck, has proved to be the fastest and most economical spreader. When the conveyor type truck bed is not
available, then any 2 to 5 ton truck with a dump bed can be used and spreading can be done manually.
12.10.3. Chemicals Calcium chloride and sodium chloride are the most suitable chemicals and these should conform
to the relevant IS specifications.
12.10.4. Abrasives Local availability and unit cost determines the type of abrasive to be used. The following abrasives
are most commonly used:
a) Sand Sand containing excess of fines does not provide good traction and coarse material is likely to whip oft and
therefore these are not effective in combating the skid hazard. Sand for ice control should be clean, hard, sharp and
free from loam clay or froren lunip., with 100% passing a tO mm sieve and not more than 30% passing ~0Omicron
hi Washed stone screenings Stone screenings from which the fines have been removed by washing produces ii good
abrasive, Its gradation should be the sante as for sand given above.., Treatment with abrasives: Abrasives should be treated to prevent freezing before application
and as an aid to anchoring the material in the ice or packed snow so that it will not be blown off the road.
Heating the abrasive does not work. Treatment with sodium or calcium chloride is the best method of
prepar~ngabrasives for tackling icy pavements. On heavily trafficked roads untreated abrasives whip off the
road and even moderate winds will sweep the material from the surface. Application of abrasives: Before treating a road with abrasives or chemicalsto prevent skidding
on icy surfaces, the snow or loose ice should be removed as completely as possible by a blade grader. An
application of 0.4 kg treated sand or screenings per sq.m. will give a good cover and should make the road
non-skid if it is uniformly distributed. When traffic or wind has whipped off the abrasive material it should be
recovered, especially on steep grades, curves and intersections.
I When abrasives are placed in storage they should be treated with chloride, the quantitydepending
on the moisture content of the abrasive and the temperature.
12.10.6. Brine spray method A convenient method of applying calcium chloride to the abrasive material to obtain quick and
uniform dispersal of the chemical is by spraying with brine. The brine should be made up of 1 kg of flake
calcium chloride to 2 It of water. Calcium or Sodium Chloride treatment should be applied as sparingly as possible to concrete
pavement.. This is because repeated freezing and thawing of concrete in contact with these salts may make
it susceptible to surface pitting or scaling. The concrete pavements that have been given protective surface
treatments or those made from entrained concrete are generally not susceptible to damage from ice control
12.11 .1. Snow clearance is not a common theme other than to highway engineers directly involved in it.
However the subject is important and will gain essentiality in future with need to open more areas in remote
high altitudes. The data therefore needs regular upgradation.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
13.1. General
13.1.1. On account of availability of cheap and abundant labour, only labour intensive methods have so
far been largely used for road construction in the country except for hill and remote areas in the Himalayan
region. Complete mechanisation of road construction was not considered necessary. Mechanisation is
confined to situations requiring high productivity, high standard of quality and superior quality surface finish.
Almost all road construction activities can be carried out manually except obligatory items like transportation
of materials, rolling and other such items but mechanised means can accelerate speed and improve quality.
13.1.2. Construction of roads in hills are machine based with an appropriate mixture of labour due to the
following main factors:-
13.1.3. In most of the hilly areas, labour has to be imported from plains due to paucity of local labour.
Such labour takes long time to accllmatise and their output is also comparatively lower. Thus use of labour
intensive methods in hilly areas is often not economical and takes longer duration. The terrain in hilly areas
is generally difficult. The construction of roads in some areas requires extensive blasting and the roads have
to be carved through very steep and vertical rock faces. Thus exclusive dependence on manual labour for
work in hilly areas has safety hazards. Due to severe climatic conditions in most of the hilly areas, the fair
weather period available for work is also low. Some of the hilly areas have heavy rainfall or snow-fall for
major part of the year. Since the time available for work is very limited, mechanisation is rather a necessity
to achieve high productivity during the available short time.
13.1.4. Production of road construction machinery in the country is presently confined to only somc.
selected machines and manufacture of most of these machines is of recent origin. Some of the machines,
though indigenously available, cannot be used in hilly areas due to constraints like narrow width, sharp bends,
steep gradients and severe climatic conditions. A suitable blend of machines and manual labour, depending
upon local conditions and nature of activity, is generally considered most appropriate for hill road construction.
The proportion is decided keeping in view the output norms of men and machines and fair weather period
available for construction activity in different hilly areas. The average output norms for labour and machines
for major construction activities are given in Appendices 9 and 10. The norms vary inter-alia with the terrain~’
climatic conditions and skill of labour. In case of machines, output norms further vary with make, model and
mechanical conditions of machines and degree of complementing/balancing resources available. These
norms are only a rough guide for altitudes upto 2100 meters.
13.1.5. For works at altitudesexceeding 2100 mtrs a reduction factor has to be applied as efficiency gets
reduced due to high altitude effect. Considering loss of output of men and machines above 2100 mtrs altitude
the extra efforts required upto 5700 m altitude is given in Table 13.1.
<< 201
Table 13.1. Extra Efforts Required in respect of Men and Machinery
for altitudes above 2100 m
21 00-2400 7 3
2401-2700 15 6
2701-3000 25 9
3001 -3300 32 12
3301 -3600 48 15
3601-3900 66 18
3901-4200 86 21
4201 -4500 108 24
4501 -4800 132 27
4801-5100 156 30
5101-5400 180 33
5401-5700 204 36 —
13.1.6. The fair weather full working periods for heavy snowfall/rainfall areas in hilly region are generally
assumed as follows:
13.1.7. The weather in most of the areas follows a cycle. Thus fair weather period also varies from year
to year. The length of fair weather periods shown above is only the average period.
13.2.1. Road construction work is divided into the following major phases:
a) Road alignment
b) Formation cutting/embankment
c) Protective and drainage works
d) Pavement works
13.2.2. The tools, appliances and equipment required for different construction activities/phases may be
classified under the following sub~headsdepending upon the method of construction adopted:-
a) Manual Method
b) Mechanised Method
Most of the tools and appliances used by manual labour for various phases of construction are
conventional tools and appliances and common to all the activities/phases of construction. Special tools,
appliances and equipment are also used for special construction activities like bituminous work and
construction of concrete road, etc. Some machines/equipments like dozers, compressors, crushers, pay
leaders and load carriers are also similarly common to most of the construction activities where mechanised
methods are adopted.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
13.2.3. The following tools, appliances and equipment are generally required for manual and mechanized
A. Manual Method
B. Formation cuttingfembankment
Jungle clearance
i. Hand Saws, Felling axes and dahs
ii. Anchor bars and rope
iii. Flags and measuring tape
i. Pick axes, crow bars, shovels and spades
ii. Cane baskets and wheel barrows
iii. Sledges and chisels
iv. Rammers and compactors
v. Flags and rope
vi. Water cans, empty drums for storage of water and hose pipe
vii. Sheep foot roller with prime mover
viii. Template, straight edge 3 metres long and Engineer’s sprit level
ix. Mason’s thread and other tools as required for surface dressing or making camber.
Blasting tools
IRC:SP:48-1 998
C. Protective and drainage work
i. Hessain cloth and potythene sheets
ii. Buckets, cans and hose pipe
iii. Empty drums or water storage tanks 200 litres capacity
D. Pavement work
Laying out
i. Pegs, nails, rope, measuring tape, chalk and angle iron
ii. Wooden strips of required dimensions for edge support
Cleaning the surface
i. Wire brushes
ii. Coir brushes
iii. Brooms and old gunny bags
Handling and spreading materials
i. Baskets lines with gunny cloth and wheel barrows
ii. Bucket Gl-6 to 12 litres capacity
iii. Empty drums or GI storage tank-200 litres capacity
iv. Heating trays, wheel barrows
v. Hammer and cutter for opening bitumen drums
vi. 15 to 30 litres capacity containers for measuring aggregate
vii. Shovels and spades
viii. Rakers with small and long handle
ix. Spring balance 10 and 25 Kg
x. Bitumen boiler
xi. Chain pulley arrangement for lifting drums
xii. Tractor or other arrangement to pull the bitumen boiler (Road Roller may also be able to
do this)
Checking profile and quality control
i. Thermometer dial type range 00 250°C-
<< 204
IRC:SP:48-1 998
ii. Thermometer, mercury in glass-range 0° 250°C
- Concrete roads: Sir~ein practice, the construction of concrete road is generally semi-
mechanised, the list of tools, appliances and equipment, as required for semi-mechanised construction, is
as follows~-
Canvas belt
vi. Long handled broom
vii. Graduated wedge gauge and straight edge
viii. Diamond cutter for making saw cut joints
<< 205
B, Mechanised Method
13.2.4. On major projects, the work of bulky and repetitive nature can be done more economically and
efficiently by well-designed machines. The use of machines also greatly reduces logistic problems. Practically
every operation in construction of roads can be performed by different types of equipment, but under any
given set of conditions only a particular type of machine would be most effective. Thus selection of machines
for any partrcLlla.r phase of construction requires detailed study about brands, models and specifications of
the various equipment available and their suitability for particular phase of construction. IRC publication
Handbook on Road Construction Machinery” of MOST may be referred for further details. A list of plant and equipment commonly required for different phases of mechanised construction
are as follows:-
A. Formation cut/embankment
Jungle clearance
Crawler tractor with bulldozer attachment
ii. Power saw
ii. Tractor mounted winch
iv. Rooters
v. Disc harrow
vi. Rotary tillers
vii. Water lorries
viii. Water pump
ix. Motor grader
x. Compactor Sheep foot with prime mover, Vibratory roller and smooth wheel roller (8/10
tonne capacity).
Air compressor
ii. Wagon drill
iii. Jack hammer with accessories
iv. Exploder with shot firing cable
v. Ohm-meter
vi. Winch for suspending scaffolding
B. Protective and drainage works
ii. Back hoe ripper with prime mover/tractor
iii. Concrete mixer
iv. Tripod pulley block/crane
v. Truck mounted mixers
vi. Vibrators Internal and screed type
vii. Fork lift
viii. Water lorries
ix, Bar bending machine
x. Water pump
xi. Load Carriers (Dumper/Tipper & Trucks)
C. Flexible pavement (Pavement with bituminous surfacing)
Crushing of aggregate
Stone crusher
<< 206
IRC:SP:48-1 998
ii, Granulators
iii. Air compressor
iv. Jack hammer with accessories
v. Blasting accessories
vi. Tractor with dozer attachment, wheel dozer
vii. Pay loader (front end loader)
viii. Load carriers (Dumper/Tipper & Trucks)
ix. Generator
Bitumen Work
Bituminous heating and handling equipment
Bitumen tanker (in case of bulk supply arrangement)
ii. Bitumen boiler
iii. Mastic cooker (in case of mastic asphalt)
Bitumen spraying and mixing equipment
Bitumen pressure distributor
ii. Gritter
iii. Hot mix or cold mixing plant of appropriate capacity with all accessories as laid down in
IRC: SP-24
iv. Dumper/Tippers and Trucks
Spreading and laying bituminous courses
Paver finisher
0. Rolling equipment and pavement marking equipment
Three wheeled roller, 8/12 tonne
ii. Tandem roller
i .. Vibratory roller
iv. Pneumatic tyre roller
v. Pavement marker
E. Tools for checking surface evenness and density/compaction
Prof ilometer
ii. Density meter The surface unevenness and compaction are generally checked with camber board/template,
straight edge, depth gauge and density measuring kit. Recently unevenness indicator and nuclear density
meters have also been introduced for exercising quality control.
Preparation/compaction sub-grade
Motor grader
ii. Compactor 8/10 tonne steel wheeled roller, vibratory roller, tandem roller
Preparation of concrete mix and laying
Weigh batch plant of suitable capacity
ii. Trucks/dumpers/tippers
iii. Mixer mounted on truck
iv. Water bowser/water lorry
v. Cement silo
vi. Concrete laying train
vii. Joint sealing machine
viii. Joint cutting machine
ix. Fork-lift for shifting at work site.
x. Water pump
xi. Concrete vibrators internal type and screed type.
xii. Generator
xiii. Sub form paver
13.2.5. Tools and appliances for safety during construction. These are common to all activities and are
listed below:
a) Road barriers
b) Diversion boards
C) Caution boards
d) Red flags
e) Red lamps
f) Field tent and accessories
g) Gum boots
h) Gloves
i) Goggles
j) First aid box
k) Oxygen kit for high altitude work
13.2.6. Aoart from the tools, appliances and equipment required for construction, it will be necessary to
set up well equipped laboratoryfor carrying out quality control and acceptance checks as per guidelines in
IRC:SP-1 1 “Quality Control for Construction of Roads and Runways”.
13.2.7. The list of equipment for various phases of construction in the preceding paras is by no means
exhaustive. The list, however, includes the items which will generally be needed. Where no machine is
available for any particular activity, the machine/equipment could be supplemented by manual labour, on as
required basis, to ensure proper execution of such activities and quality control. In addition, some ancillary
tools will also be required for all phases of construction for taking measurement, marking distances, storage
of water and providing repair cover to the machine/equipment, etc.
13.2.8. The basic features of the various major equipments listed in the preceeding paras, have been
briefly described in MOST “Hand Book on Road Construction Machinery’ published by Indian Roads
Congress, IRC publications like lRC:72-1978 “Recommended Practice for Use and Upkeep of Equipment,
Tools and Appliances for Bituminous Pavement Construction” and IRC:43-1972 ~RecommendedPractice
for Tools, Equipment and Appliances for Concrete Pavement Construction”.
13.2.9, All the equipments should conform to the relevant lSl standards. Where no lSl standards are
available the equipments shall conform to the approved quality to ensure satisfactory performance.
13.3.1. The following major equipments are generally required for construction of various phases of hill
<< 208
- Formation cutting/embankment
ii. Scraper 30.160 HP
iii. Motor grader 125-190 Hp - Subgrade preparation/correction of surface profile
- Formation cutting/side slope cutting/protective
iv. Excavator 100-120 HP
drainage works
3/nl - Blasting work/quarry operation
V. Compressor 7.10 n1
vi. Road roller : 8-10 tonne capacity/Vibratory Compaction
roller/Pneumatic roller
vii. Stone crusher with/without granulator : 30-50 Crushing of stone aggregates
tonne or Portable stone crusher 10-20 tonne
viii. Hot mix plant : 30-4~tonne capacity Bituminous work
ix. Concrete mixer 0.3/0.2 m Concrete work
x. Weigh batch plant : 0.5 corn Concrete work
xi. Front end loader bucket 1.5-2 cu.m Loading of Vehicles
Xii. Generator set : 2KVA, 11,5 KVA, 30 KVA For Power supply
xiii. Vehicles’. 7.10 tonne capacity Transportation of resources
13.4.1. Good organisation is always necessary to maintain output. The following factors are generally
taken into consideration when planning deployment of equipment to obtain optimum output.
The economical limit of haul, with the blade, is about 100 metres. It can be increased to about 120 metres when
dozing down hill. Increased output is achieved by:-
iii. Slot dozing i.e. dozing in one path so that the windrows formed by the spillage from the slides of blade
would reduce further spillage.
b. Grader
The grader is designed for accurate shaping and finishing of earth work, it should not be used for digging or
transporting earth in bulk, Motor grader is self propelled and has pneumatic tyres: it can, therefore, travel on road
wilhout causing damage at high speed. It is suitable for light cuts in comparatively easy material. In wet soil
condition, its tractive resistance is poor.
c. Mechanical Excavator
The output of mechanical excavator depends on the provision of adequate earih carrying transport. except when
excavated material can be side-cast.
i. The number of haulage vehicles, that an excavator can feed with, is given by the following expression.
Vehicle carrying capacity per hour is made up of effective load per trip multiplied by number of trips per hour,
the latter being loading time plus travelling time (haul and return) plus unloading time plus turning and
manoeuvering time.
ii. The use of vehicle of same capacity saves time in loading as the number of buckets to a full load is soon
IRC:SP:48-1 998
ii Scrapers
The economical range of tractor scraper is about 300 metres, one-way haul. The motorised scraper is designed for
longer hauls. Its deploytrient on short haul is wasteful and a bad practice. Optimum output is achieved by:-
i. Making maximum use of down grades for cutting and full haul. Downgrade.s should be created or increased
when possible.
ii. Loadtng towards the fill or dumping area only, unless it conflicts with movement of vehicles, This reduces
ii. Ensuring that heaped load is obtained; a push dozer may be needed to achieve this,
iv, Planning cuts to form intermediate ridges so as to permit saddle loading by following scraper.
v. Planning work to avoid unnecessary turns, gear changes and travelling in highest possible gear
vi Using ripper, if the ground is hard. Using push dozer, if it is soft and wet.
a) Work must he planned to avoid interference between machines e.g. between digging plant or grader and haulage
hi Haul age and working routes rOust be planned and well maintained and traffic control arranged
c) Mutual assistance. e.g. push dozer and scrapers, must be organized.
dl Working down-grades increases output and upgrades reduces same.
el Time spent on proper servicing is less than time lost through breakdowns due to neglect.
ii Output figure is generally based on an 8 hour shift. On longer shifts, hourly output will fall owing to fatigue of the
g) Night work reduces output. With moonlight or artificial illumination, output is unlikely to exceed 80% of day light
h) Slight moisture in sandy soil increases output by preventing dust and heaped loads, Wet soils form a slurry and can
reduce output. Mud may bog down tractors and reduce output considerably. Frost may require rooting or blasting
and subsequent thaw niay bring the work to stand.still,
i) Drainage is of vital importance. Formation work grading must always maintain the correct cross section. Before
closing down the work in the evening, ruts and potholes should be smoothed out and temoporary drainage ditches
provided, where necessary.
13.4.3.. Balanced output: The effective output of a machine is often dependent either upon the material
made available to it by other piece of equipment or upon the rate of removal of the material which it itself
prod Llces. For example, material such as shale may have to be ripped with a ripper or blasted with explosives
before it can be broken. If it is then loaded by a power shovel into dumpers or trucks fortransport to a distant
site, the overall output wilt depend not only upon the capacity of the power shovel but also upon the rate of
loosening and number of haulage vehicles deployed. In any individual operation, therefore, it is important to
ensure that a properly balanced set of equipment and labour is provided. The principles of balanced output must, as far as possible,, be applied throughout the chain of
operations, to avoid wastage of inputs.
13.5.1.. Correct selection of equipment and tools, correct techniques of operation, balanced sot of
equipment and regular maintenance can give optimum and economical outputs from construction machinery.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.1. General
14.1.1. A road is designed and constructed to cater to needs of the road user i.e. comfortable and safe
passage on it at the design speed without a hold-up. Thus the road user and vehicle which compose the
traffic is the most important consideration as soon as a road is opened to traffic. All facilities and amenities
will have to be provided to ensure smooth traffic consisting of a well-maintained road with information on its
condition, warnings and caution, way-side amenities, etc. This has to be ensured and assured on a regular
and sustained basis which needs an effective and planned maintenance programme and its efficient
implementation. On hill roads all above aspects become more pronounced due to terrain, topographic and
climatic conditions of hill/mountain regions.
14.1.2.. Maintenance of hill roads involves a variety of operations from planning, programming and
scheduling to actual implementation on ground. The aim should be to keep the road surface and
appurtenances in good order and extend life of the road assets to maximum possible and minimise hold-ups
to traffic. This will include identification of defects and remedial measures and involves launching an effective
management system. In broad terms, maintenance activity will include normal maintenance, periodic
renewal, special repairs, emergent repairs, slide/snow clearance operations and preparation of a plan of
timely upgradation based on traffic data.
14.2.1. The basic objectives of maintenance function are to maintain and operate the highway system
in a manner such that comfort/safety are afforded to public, investment, aesthetics and compatibility of road
system including environment are preserved and resources are used economically. Each ofthese objectives
is elaborated in following paras.
14.2.2. Service to travelling public: The road system should be maintained adequately at all times
within the fiscal constraints to ensure safe and convenient travel considering the density and nature of traffic
being served. Emergent conditions may develop from time to time adversely affecting safe and convenient
travel which should be attended to promptly. Persons dealing with maintenance of traffic should be on call
at all times and be ready to be of service in effective use of the roads.
14.2.3. Preservation of investment: It is the objective, as far as possible, t.o maintain alt roads, bridges
and appurtenances in originally constructed or subsequently improved condition, and perform works of such
conclusive and restorative nature to ensure that the investment of public funds in each road is preserved.
14.2.4. Preventive maintenance: Maintenance of a clearly preventive nature (as opposed to waiting
until correction is required) shall be performed by operating units. Planned work of a restorative nature
(maintenance, replacements or reconstruction) which wilt be done in a reasonable length of time, shall be
the only reason for deferring routine maintenance.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.2.6. Consistency of maintenance service: All roads providing similar service will require similar
maintenance care based on needs and requirements of particular region and road.
14.2.7. Economy of operation and performance improvement: It is the objective to constantly devote
efforts lowards improving the performance of the maintenance organisation through a process of research
and analysis, management improvement and training, investigative research in the field of maintenance,
equipment, materials and technology and regular communication with operating personnel to incorporate
improvements as developed.
14.3.1. The performance of a hill road vis-a-vis traffic comfort is dependent mainly on the following:-
a) Road geometries
- Road and carriageway width, radii of curves, widening at curves, gradients, summit and valley curves,, sight
distance, super-elevation/camber/cross-fall etc.
b) Efficiency of drainage
C) Riding surface and its conditions
d) Unstable areas, slide-prone areas and areas susceptible to erosion.
e) Information system/signs
f) Climatic conditions
The above factors have therefore a prominent place of consideration in the maintenance efforts
for the road.
14.4.1. Periodic Maintenance activities on hill roads will consist of the following:-
a,) Routine maintenance and upkeep of road component as under:-
iv. Structures like retaining walls, breast walls, parapets, railings, toe walls., cheek walls, river training
structures, etc.
v. Km. stones, road signs, boundary pillars, etc. including replacemetit when required.
vi. Roadside accommodation like rest houses, inspection bungalows, residential and office/storage
accomodation, gang huts, etc.
di Providing adequate information, warning, etc. to the road user on the road condition.
ci Collection of traffic data for forecasting future trends to plan upgrading the pavement composition and if so
necessary, the road standards.
Repairs of damages caused by floods, rains or other natural calamities that are beyond scope of
ordinary repairs/routine maintenance come under this category and are normally executed as original job
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Funds for these works may be from additional maintenance grant or capital works grant as decided by
approving authority.
On hill roads, it may often become necessary to take up on immediate basis work of emergent
nature like rebuilding structures, construction of bridges in replacement of washed away bridges, cutting a
new formation in place of breached/washed off road stretch, diversions, etc., to restore traffic or to warn off
danger to life/property. Such works may have to be commenced by field executive in anticipation of formal
sanctions based on urgency as these works do not come under purview of normal maintenance or grant
therefor. However this work is considered under ‘Maintenance’ as this is a work to ensure continued traffic
ability of the road and special maintenance grant is allotted for this purpose.
This refers to periodic renewal of wearing course of the carriageway based on guidelines on life
cycle and specifications adopted for the road. (in the case of gravelled or metalled or earthen roads, the
renewal of the top layer is not normally done periodically but repairs carried out regularly under ordinary
repairs. Where quantum of work is high due to damages by natural causes, these are treated as special
repairs). The first step to planning of maintenance operation and for decidingrequired finance is evaluation
of the existing road in terms of its physical condition, structural capacity and surface profile (roughness), etc.
For this purpose, basic road inventory containing all details of the existing road should be available. The
following details are required to have a complete inventory. District map: District Map on the scale of 1:50,000 should be available with the following details
shown in Fig. 14.1.
14.5.1 .3. Strip maps: Strip maps where required of a particular section of the road must have the following
details as given in Fig. 14.2.
a) Kilometrage, altitude, road geometries Vi7,, road v. .lth, steep gradients, if any, culverts with brief particulars.,
crossings. etc.
d An~other features such as sections which ;.:‘.~:~‘~: .,eCCiSl attention to substandard geometries. e.g. inadequate sight
di stance, hori,orttal or vertical alignincr~t. narrow width, inadequate superclc‘.‘ation. weak bridges. etc.
14,5,1 .4. Surface history: Surface history of the road should be compiled in the format given in Appendix
11. It should contain the summary of information available in the road register maintained on the prescribed
tines. The information should be as accurate as possible and collected from the available records. This will
help in deciding when renewal coat due with its period in a particular stretch of road.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
km 320 2400m
km 310
CRAVEL(1 km)
km298 )
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.5.2. Condition survey When all the inventory of the road is available, condition survey can be carried out:
a) By visual inspection
b) By mechanical evaluation
Condition survey by visual inspection/assessment of the pavement cover the type, magnitude
and location of the deficiencyor distress. Necessary information about the routine maintenance can be had
by simply going along the road and comparing past and present state and arriving at the likely causes of
distress. Pavement surface evaluation based on surface condition (cracking, patching), riding quality (i.e.
road roughness) and skid resistance would form basis for taking periodic maintenance decisions. Condition
survey at fixed frequency is necessary for determining periodic renewal requirements, long term
maintenance strategy and need for upgradation. For this purpose, the condition survey should be conducted
for each stretch of the road as frequently as the situation warrants. Generally, the condition survey is carried
out from a vehicle travelling at a slow speed supplemented by inspection of more critical spots on foot. The
data collected should be recorded methodically kilometre-wise. It is desirable that these condition surveys
be carried out by the Junior Engineer/Assistant Engineer. While carrying out inspections, the check list of
items given in Appendix 12 should be kept in mind. The findings of condition survey should be recorded in
a suitable format. Based on the condition evaluation, the causes for the various defects observed should be
examined in detail and a decision taken whether to initiate a particular maintenance activity, or to go in for
more detailed investigations to determinethe maintenance/rehabilitation needs precisely. Whenever distress
on the pavement has reached the stage which affects the smooth operation of traffic, it should be rectified
straightway. For other defects like cracking, ravelling etc., the optimal strategy should be determined having
regard to the various factors involved and a decision taken whether to go in for measures like seal/renewal
coat or to strengthen/reconstruct the pavement. If the latter appears necessary, further investigations about
structural deficiencies must be taken up. In other words, the planning of the various maintenance operations
should be co-ordinated and looked upon as a total system rather than each activity being considered in
isolation. The criteria for maintenance priorities/rehabilitation needs would be as per the guidelines given
under the heading “Maintenance Criteria” in paras 14.7 and 14J.1 to Once the overall maintenance plan has been drawn up, attention should be given to the proper
organisation and management of the whole programme including deployment of various resources i.e. men,
materials and equipment, in an efficient manner. For each maintenance activity, the work at site should be
carefully controlled so that the optimum output and quality are achieved. Annual calender of road maintenance activities: The planning and programming of various
major maintenance activities throughout the year should be done in advance keeping in view the climatic
conditions and periods available for carrying out different activities, This calendar will help in planning the
activities at the appropriate time.
1 Roads in hills are subject to vagaries of weather like heavy rain-fall, floods, land-slides, snowfall,
broaches, etc. blocking road and compelling closure of road at times inspite of the desirable principle that a
road is available for traffic all the time. Though the resources and financial outlay required for uninterrupted
IJRC:SP:48-1 998
road availability may be dispropotionately huge, (and even then an assurance of uninterrupted availability
cannot be ensured at all times on a hill road) it is a practice to classify roads under different scales of
maintenance depending on their importance. Certain norms/guidelines for maintenance of hill roads have
been laid down by a Committee appointed by MOST, which may be followed to the extent the availability of
funds permits. Roads in snow bound areas are so classified depending on intensity, quantum, and period of
snowfall i.e. roads planned to be kept open throughout the year and those kept open only in summer months
(i.e. closed in winter).
14.5.5. Financing Adequate finances have to be arranged on an annual basis for all activities of maintenance as
a) Ordinary repairs/routine maintenance and data collection are financed out of annual maintenance grants
hi Periodical renewals are met out of separate sanction or grants under maintenance head or as works financed as
original/capital work,
ci Special repairs/flood damage repairs and emergent repairs are met out of separate grants u oiler original/capital works
or special maintenance grant as decided by approving authority.
dl Clearance of snow in winter or summer or both, which can not be done under normal maintenance,, need a separate
grant under maintenance head, The inspection should be done as frequently as possible by engineers at various levels as
required of them. As the traffic worthiness and safety on hill roads depend on efficient maintenance, efforts should
be made to get finance to an approved scale per Km per year for ordinary repairs, and maintenance, annual
grants for snow clearance, assessed annual amounts for special repair and anticipated emergent repairs
through annual budget so that finances do not hinder road availability of desired standard to the user.
14.6. Inspection
14.6.1. Inspection should be carried out not only to check the condition of works but also for planning
future strategies. Senior officers should make it a point to note and communicate instructions to the
subordinates. While on inspection, the senior officer should go through the notes of junior colleagues and
make suitable suggestions so that inspections are meaningful. Items required to be inspected are listed in
the check list given at Appendix 12.
14.6.2. Identification of defects: It is important to identify and locate the defects of surface, shoulders,
side drains and cross drainage during the inspection of the road by various officers. Reference should be
made to IRC: 82 “Code of Practice for Maintenance of Bituminous Surfaces of Highways” to help in identifying
the various surface defects such as bleeding, streaking, cracking, ravefling, edge subsidence, edge fretting,
rutting, shoving, potholes etc. Common defects and deficiencies of shoulders, side drains, cross drainage
works, etc., have been indicated in a separate para 14.8.6 under ~heheading “Maintenance of Drains, Cross
Drainage Works, Shoulders and Slopes’. A suitable proc~d.~e showed be evolved for inspection and
<< 217
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.7. Maintenance Criteria
14.7.1. Once the inspection of road for condition survey has been carried out and its findings available,
the priorities for the required maintenance operations are required to be fixed. These priorities are to be
assigned judiciously looking to the urgency of the work. The urgency is governed by factors like
14.7.1 .1. Guidance regarding assignment of priorities is given in Table 14.1, which indicates the priorities
for various operations broadly on the following principles.
1. Landslides/slips Any type of slip or slides blocking the road and Steps to be taken as given in Urgent
affecting flow of traffic. Chapter 17 “Traffic
Management”. Slide to be
cleared on top priority.
2. Snuss’ - f/ll/Avalan Road affected by snow-fall or avalanche activity, To be cleared as per policy on Urgent
else compelling suspension of traffic. road-open period in winter
season for the road
3. Ma)or breaches in Any type of breach which endangers safety of Steps to be taken as given in Urgent
the roadway traffic and causes obstruction to flow of traffic, Chapter 17 “Traffic
4. Minor cats, ruts or Cuts or blockades which do not completely Blockades to be removed and Urgent
blockades obstruct the traffic but endanger safety of traffic, the cuts repaired.
5. Branches ot trees Any kind Get them cut in order of lower Special Attention
ol height less than ones first
4.5 ns over the
1. Cracking not a) Cracking in local areas equal to or less than a) Local sealing or filling of Routine
accompanied by 2) per cent of the total area. the cracks.
2 of
Is) cracking in large areas exceeding 25 per cent b) Binder @ 1.5 kg/rn
bitumen etnulsion or of I
of the total area kg/nt2 of cutback for local
Special Attention
c) Chippings (6-10 mm) for
local surfacing repairs.
Needs surfacing after local
IRC:SP:48-1 998
2. Stripping a) In local areas exceeding 25 per cent of the Apply local sealing Routine
total area
b) In long areas exceeding 25 per cent of total Apply surface dressing Special Attention
3. Bleeding a) In local areas not exceeding 25 per cent of Spread and roll over 6 mm size Routine
total area aggregate, heated to 60°C
b) In local areas exceeding 25 per cent of total Apply surface dressing Special Attention
Apply coat @ 0.5 kg/rn2 and fill Routine
4. Rutting a) Less than 50 mm accompanied2 by cracking bituminous mix using a rake and
of less than or equal to 10 tn/rn leaving an excess thickiness of
about one third the depth of rut.
Compact till surface is level and
do local sealing of cracks,
c) More than 50 mm accompanied by cracking With surface dressing over Work of original
more than 10 rn/rn2 cracks. Overlay required nature
5. Potholes Potholes as soon as they occur Local restoration by patching Special Attention
7. Edge subsidence Any extent Patch road edge and repair Recurrent
and rutting shoulder
9. Undulations Any extent Investigate the cause and rectify Special Attention
1. E)c for mation or Any extent Fill, compact and bring its Routine
scour of shoulders surface to desired camber
1 . Causeways
2. Culverts
3. Equipment Bra.
E. Major bridges
F. Structures like retaining walls, breast walls, river training structures etc.
G. Other works
In case the road is breached or blocked action as given in Chapter 17 Traffic management’ should
be taken.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.7,2. Criteria for renewal: The wearing course will need renewal periodically either as redoing the
worn-off or distressed wearing course or to upgrade the same to superior specifications to cater to the
increased traffic needs. The following criteria may be adopted in this regard:-
a) Normally, the wearing surface will have a life cycle under design traffic conditions, weather conditions, etc. Based
on inspection and surveys of the condition of the surface, over a period of time and considering traffic/climatic
conditions, normal life cycle for surface course should be arrived at, which can act as a guide. The rough life cycle
for hill roads, is given, Table 14.2 as a guide.
hi While the life cycle given above is a guide, there will be instances where the condition may not warrant renewal
even if stipulated life has been achieved and may be deferred. There may also be cases where renewal may be
required before stipulated life. ln such instances renewal showed he done at that time to prevent deterioration of
the pavement and hazards to traffic.
ci When a road is due for renewal, it would be logical and rational to evaluate traffic volume and conditions and plan
up-gradation of specifications of wearing course. The guidelines for assessment of traffic and need for upgradation
are given in Chapter 4 “Planning Cri’eria”. If upgradation is necessary, design and specifications should be as per
Chapter 10 “Pavement Design” for Hill Roads in respect of composition and specifications.
S.D.C - - 6 - - -
PC, 6 - 5 - 6 -
S.D. 5 - 4 - 5 -
MR - 5 - 4 - 5
SOC * 25 mm Semi-dense carpet
PC - 25 MM Premix carpet with seal coat
SD - One coat surface dressing with precoatedchips
MR - 75 mm (compacted) metal renewal i.e. 100 mm loose
14.7.2 1. It must always be borne in mind that if timely renewals and/or upgradations are neglected, the
road condition is bound to deteriorate not only resulting in inconvenience to traffic but also in compromising
safety and possible avoidable additional financesto restore normalcy. Principles: In the implementation of maintenance operations, the road user and personnel
involved in the work should not be exposed to hazards. Besides, delay and inconvenience to the traffic should
be feduced to the minimum. Road user, even when fully aware that maintenance is for his ultimate good and
safety, does not take it kindly if it is not done in a proper manner. Traffic hazards and inconvenience can be minimised by use of temporary road signs and
controlling/guiding of the traffic. While keeping in mind the positioning of road signs, the standard signs in
good and clear condition should be displayed in a proper and standard layout, so as to give the drivers
<< 221
IRC:SP:48-1 998
sufficient time to understand and react to the information on the sign. The signs to be used should be as per
IRC:67.-1977 “Code of Practice for Road Signs~.A few of these are shown in Fig. 14,3.
a) Repairing the edges of the carriageway, shoulders, cleaning out drains, cutting grass etc, where carriageway is not
h) Repairing the carriageway restricting the traffic.
ci While working on the centre line such as centre line marking/painting necessitating the traffic to use restricted width
on either side.
di Total closure of the road necessitating use of diversion due to widening/reconstruction of an existing CI) work or
construction of a new structure or due to breach or damage to existing road or CD works or due to land-slides.
14.8.1,5. Works on edges and shoulders: The positioning of the cautionary signs for this category are
illustrated in Fig. 14.4, Before starting the work, all warning signs should be installed in the following manner.
MEN AT WORK” should be placed 200 m before approaching the work area and “RESTRICTION ENDS”
sign should be displayed 200 m beyond the work area. When the work is completed, these signs should be
removed in the reverse order.
IRC:Sp:48-1 998 Restricting the traffic: At times, the traffic is to be restricted only due to repairs being carried
out such as major patch repairs, etc. The position of various cautionary and warning signs are illustrated in
Fig 14.5 which are to be installed before start of the work in the following sequence:
iii. “KEEP LEFT/RIGHT” sign to be placed at the commencement point of work and next to the harriers on either end
of the work area.
v. DRUMS painted white and black should he placed at 10 m intervals for guiding the traffic. In the approaches these
are to be kept in a tapered manner.
VI. “RESTRICTION ENDS” sign should be installed 200 mn beyond the work area.
lOOm J 1 Omi Om’lOmlOmiOmlO miOm
6 6 66 66 ~‘ 0
200m • L~ ~z::1—<—
,lOm I
lOOm I lOOm Signs, lights, barriers and other traffic control devices should be kept maintained in a satisfactory
condition tiU such time the traffic is restored and allowed to follow its normal path.
14.8.1 .7. Working in the centre line of carriageway: On hill roads work on centre line of single lane roads
like marking should, preferably be done in the nights or early mornings, when traffic is very low as diverting
traffic to half-width may not be practicable in all cases. The procedure laid down below may be followed in
two-lane roads and at locations in single lane roads where passing traffic on half-width is possible:-
“The traffic should use available half-width. Cautionary and warning signs should be installed as
given in preceding paras and as persequencegiventherein.”
IRC:SP:48-1 998 The positioning of signs etc. as above is given in Fig. 14.6.
i.. that the traffic must be guided properly where it is required to follow an alternate facility,
ii. given a clear warning of any hazards that may be present ahead,
a) Arrangement when traffic is suspended on a section of the road closed due to breach or damage.
The above are dealt with in detail in Chapter 17 “Traffic Management” paras 17.2., 17.3 which
may be referred.
IRC:SP:48-1 998 General: It will probably not be possible to provide all the safety requirements recommended for
small works due to paucity of funds and limitation of resources. Hence, the engineer must take his own
decisions regarding display of adequate cautionary signs depending upon the traffic on the road. However,
for important roads, these systems must be adopted. The following further precautions must be taken:
ii. Gum hoots, spectacles, etc. must be given to persons using bitumen.
iv. Helmets, goggles, etc. as required for the type of work engaged on should be provided.
i. As far as possible, the materials, equipment and machinery should be collected/installed/parked in places
sufficiently away from the berms in the available road land, Only in unavoidable cases, the same shall be
allowed to be collected/installed/parked near the edge of the berms. ln any case, no material should be
collected nor any equipment/machinery installed/parked en berms near and in the curves.
ii. Caution sign boards should be maintained at all the required and desired places.
iii. Machinery should be parked at appropriate places with red flags and red lights on.
iv. Minimum quantity of materials required for one operation should be collected so that it does not hinder the
road user. The types of defects in bituminous surfacing are grouped under four categories as under:
a) Surface Defects
l’hese include fatty surfaces, sniooth surfaces, streaking and hungry surfaces. These are associated with the surfacing
layers and may be due to excessive or deficient quantities of bitumen in these layers.
b) Cracks
These can be broadly classified as hair-line cracks, alligator cracks.., longitudinal cracks, edge cracks., shrinkage
cracks and reflection cracks. A comtnon defect in bituminous surface is the formation of cracks. The crack pattern
can, in many cases, indicate the cause of the defect. As soon as cracks are observed, it is necessary to study the
pattern in detail so as to arrive at the cause, Immediate remedial action should be taken there after because of the
danger of ingress of water through the cracks and of the formation of pot holes and ravelling. Cracks can hardly be
observed from tnoving vehicles and inspection on foot is always essential.
ci l)eformation
Under this are grouped slippage, rutting, corrugations, shallow depressions, settlements, and upheavals. Any change
in the shape of the pavement from its original shape is a deformation. It may be associated with slippage, rutting.
etc. The treatment measures aim at the removal of the cause, and bringing it to original level by fill material or by
removing the entire affected part and replacing it with new material.
d) Disintegration
This covers stripping, loss of aggregates, ravelling, formation of potholes and edge breaking. These are some defects.
which if not rectified immediately result in the disintegration of the pavement into small loose fragments and
necessitate complete rebuilding of the pavement.
IRC:SP:48-1998 The details of various types of defects and their treatment are given in Table 14.3 and broad
specifications for sealing and patching materials in Table 14.4:
A. Surface Defects
1, Fatty surface Collection of binder on the surface Excessive binder in premix, Sand blinding.
spray or tack coat, loss of cover . open graded
aggregates; excessively heavy premix, liquid seal
axle loads coat; burning of
excess binder;
removal of
affected area
3. Streaking Presence of alteniate lean and heavy lines of Non-uniform application of Appiication of a
bitumen bitumen or at a low temperature. new surface
4. Hungry surface Loss of aggregates or presence of fine cracks Use of less bitumen or Slurry seal or fog
absorptive aggregates. seal
B. Cracks
1. I-lair line crack Short and fine cracks at close intervals on the Insufficient bitumen, excessive The treatment will
surface. filler or improper compaction. depend on whether
pavement is
structurally sound
or unsound. Where
the pavement is
structurally sound.
the crack should be
filled with a Isiw
viscosity binder or
a slurry seal or fog
seal depending on
the width of
cracks. Unsound
cracked pavements
will need
strengthening or
e ha hi lit at ii n
2. Alligator crack Inter-connected cracks forming a series of small Weak pavement, unstable -do-
blocks conditions of sub-grade or
lower layers, excessive
overloads or brittleness of
3. L.ongitudinal crack Cracks in a straight line along the road Poor drainage, shoulder -do-
settlement, weak joint between
adjoining pavement layers or
differential frost heave.
4. Edge crack Crack near and parallel to pavement edge. Lack of support from shoulder, -do-
poor drainage, frost heave, or
inadequate pavement width.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
5. Shrinkage crack Cracks in transverse directions or inter-connectd Shrinkage of bituminous layer -do-
cracks forming a series of large blocks. with age.
6. Reflection crack Sympathetic cracks over joints and cracks in the Due to joints and cracks in the -do-
pavement underneath. pavement layer underneath.
C. Deformation
1. Slippage Formation of crescent shaped cracks pointing in Unusual thrust of wheels in a Removal of the
the direction of the thrust of wheels direction, lack or failure ofbond surface layer in the
between surface and lower affected area and
pavement courses. replacement with
fresh material
2. Rutting Longitudinal depression in the wheel tracks Heavy channelised traffic, Filling the
inadequate compaction of depressions with
pavement layers, poor stability premix material.
of pavement material, or heavy
bullock cart traffic.
3. Corrugations Formation of regular undulations. Lack of stability in the mix, Scarification and
oscillations set up by vehicle relaying of
springs, faulty laying of surface surfacing. or
course. cutting of high
spots and filling
low spots.
4. Shoving Localised bulging of pavement surface along Unstable mix, lack of bond Removing the
with crescent shaped cracks between layers, or heavy start - material to firm
stop type movements and those base and relaying a
involving negotiation of curves stable mix.
and graidents.
6. Settlement & Large deformation of pavement Poor compaction of fills, poor Where fill is wcak,
upheaval drainage, inadequate pavement, the dcfccri cc’ fir]
or frost heave. should ii
redone \~
i n a rl r’ ,i a t
pavr: Iris. nt i
p.sverrtcnl ci, ciii
be strcngt t~cncii
D. Disintegration
1. Stripping Separation of bitumen front aggregate in the Use of hydrophilic aggregate, Spreading and
presence of moisture. inadequate mix composition. compacting heated
continuous contact with water, sand over thc
poor bond between aggregate affected area in the
and bitumen at the time of case of surface
construction, poor compaction dressing;
etc. replacement with
fresh bituminous
mix with added
agent in other
IRC:SP:48-1 998
2. Loss of aggregate Rough surface with lois of aggregate in some Ageingand hardeningofbinder, Application of
portions stripping, poor bond between liquid seal. fog
binder and aggregate, seal, or slurry seal
insufficient binder, brittleness depending on the
of binder etc. extent of damage.
3. Ravelling Failure of hinder to hold the aggregate shown up Poor compaction, poor bond Application of
by pock marks or eroded areas on the surface between binder and aggregate, cut-back covered
insufficient hinder, brittleness with coarse sand,
of binder etc. or slurry seal, or a
premix renewal
4. Pothole Appearance of bowl shaped holes., usually after Ingress of water into the Filling potholes
rain, pavement, lack of bond between with prenti x
the surfacing and WBM base, material, or
insufficient bitumen content, p en e tr at Io n
etc. patching.
5. Edge breaking Irregular breakage of pavement edges Water infiltration, poor lateral Cutting the
support from shoulders, affected area to
inadequate strength of regular sections
pavement edges etc. and rebuilding
with simultaneous
attention paid to
the proper
construe t on sit’
Table 14,4. Broad Specifications for Sealing and Patching Materials for Repairing Defects
(Refer IRC:82-1982)
Sl.No. Treatment Binder Aggregate Specification in
1. Seal
a) L,iquid seal Penetration grade, cut-back or emulsion 6.3 mm size Spray hinder
Rapid Setting uniformly at 9.S
kgJlO sq.rn. spread
aggregate over it at
0.09 cu.milQ sq.m
and roll.
b) Fog seal Slow setting emulsion diluted with equal Spray hinder at
amount of water 0.5-1 litre/sq. in.
Allow traffic after
seal sets, If
necessary by the
Engineer, apply
tack coat with
diluted emulsion at
2.5-3.5 kg/b sq.m.
ci Slurry seal Slow setting emulsion Well graded material between Apply slurry mix
4.75 mm and 75 micron consisting of
18-20% emulsion
and 10-12% water
by weight of
aggregate at the
rate coverage of
200 sq.m. per
tonne giving a
thickness of 2 to 5
mm. No rolling is
2. Patching
a) Sand premix Penetration grade, or cut-back (Rapid or Fine grit 1.7mm to 180 micron Apply tack coat at
Medium curring) 7.5 kg per 10 sq.m.
Spread mix
consisting of 0.06
cu.m, of grit and
6.8 kg ofbinder per
10 sq.m. and roll.
hi Open graded Paving grade, RC or MC cut-back, 12.5 mm and 10 mm size Apply tack coat.
premix Medium setting emulsion aggregate prepare the mix as
per IRCHl4 spread
and roll. Where
cut-back is the
binder, the premix
should be prepared
at least 3 days in
advance of use.
The final surface
should be provided
with seal coat.
ci Dense-graded Paving grade bitumen Well-graded as per 1RC:29 Apply tack coat
premix prepare and spread
the mix as per
IRC:29 and
di Penetration Penetration grade, RC or MC cut-back Coarse and key aggregate as per Apply tack coat,
patch ing IRC:20 spread coarse
aggregate and dry
roll; apply binder
and key aggregate
and roll as per
IRC:20. For
patching I 5-7.5 mm
thickness, use
BUSO as per
Notes: i. The area to be treated should be thoroughly cleaned prior to application of the remedial treatment.
ii. If it is a pothole the edges of the hole should be square and cut to solid material with vertical edges.
iii. The treatment area should be dry unless the binder is an emulsion.
iv. The areas where fresh material is applied should be finished in line with the adjoining pavement.
v. For more details on the construction procedure, reference should be made to IRC;82.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.8.3. Productivity of maintenance labour As maintenance of hill roads requires deployment of considerable labour, by the very nature of
maintenance activities (even if machines are also deployed), the efficiency of maintenance efforts and
consequent road condition will depend, to a great extent, on the output/productivity of labour. The necessity
to get optimum outputs from labour, mostly employed as part of maintenance gangs, by all the means like
appropriate tools, correct distribution and assignment of tasks, and allocation of duties cannot but be
emphasised. Clear directions: The directions and allocation of duties to supervisory staff on maintenance
should be unambiguously specific and clear so that they effectively co-ordinate the maintenance tasks and
ensure optimum outputs from labour. Task norms of gangmen: The gangmen must fully know the tasks they are to carry out and the
expected output. There should be regular checking whether the tasks assigned and output achieved are as
per norms. Gang books shall be maintained indicating work assigned to the gang and work done by the
gang during a month. Gang beats: The gang should be made responsible for a particular section of the road depending
upon the nature of works in that reach and the mobility of the labour. Normal beat of gang on hill roads is
from 5 to 10 km Storing materials, tools and plant should be at a central location for quick and proper access. Mobile gang system: Mobile system of gangs in the place of the conventional labour gangs,
who are practically immobile and have little or no equipments, will go a long way in streamlining the routine
maintenance work. In this system, the labourers instead of moving individually on foot move about collectively
in groups of 10 or more in a truck equipped with necessary basic tools for routine maintenance work. In
addition to the required equipments, the truck may carry premixed stock-piled patching material. Such groups,
because of their mobility, are capable of looking after sections of road from 30-50 km with much greater ease
and efficiency than the dispersed gang labourers. Despite its initial cost, it is advantageous in the long run.
The headquarters of one or more mobile gangs should be fixed at a convenient location on the road side
where the necessary store sheds for tools/plant and construction materials could be available together with
rest shed. Proper tools and plant: Proper tools and plant having multi-purpose use increase efficiency of
the labour. Tractors with trailers, disc-harrows, wheel barrows, small mechanical rammers can do multi jobs.
Use of tar-patcher, motorized equipment for preparing cut back by using kerosene, folding wooden camber
boards, etc., are small equipments which add to the efficiency of labour and quality of work. Training: Righttype of person should be employed foreverytype of work. Whereasfemale labour
can be goodtransportersforsmall loads, only skilled male labour should be employed forwork like bituminous
construction. Regular training regarding works to be carried out, use of tools, plant and materials, etc. should
be imparted to these workers. Material that is used for maintenance of bituminous paved surface is bitumen and aggregate. As
the riding quality of the road depends on the surface condition, it is essential that bitumen and aggregates
are stored at sites on the road for speedy repairs. For this, procurement can be divided into different
<< 231
14M.4.2, Control procurement of binders: The materials that are procured and stored centrally are
bitumen, cut-backs and emulsions. These bituminous products should be procured and stored centrally in
each section for use in the work. The quantity required should be calculated from the repair programme
approved which will also decide the time scheduling of procurement. Aggregate: The aggregate for renewal work should be collected at site of work only when it is
required to be ust...d. Aggregates for patch work can be collected at the time of starting the work after
calculating actual requirement and also can he procured before critical season (such as rains) and stored in
every kilometre on a specially prepared platform preferably by the side of each kilometre stone. A judicious
decision in this respect has to be taken by the engineer-in-charge depending upon likely work and availability
of materials at short notice. The spectrum of technologies available for maintenance of hill roads ranges from labour based
to machine/equipment based and combination of labour and machines (intermediate) although the relative
proportions can differ substantially. While the socio-econimic conditions in India indicate labour based
maintenance to provide employment to a large number of people, it may be necessary to use equipment to
achieve specified quality and in the interest of speedy achievement of the end product. Even the labour based methods have to use certain items of obligatory equipment on
maintenance (except probably on light vehicle roads, Bridle roads/paths) such as compaction equipment
(Rollers), vehicles fortransportat.ion, earthmoving equipmentfor landslide clearance, compressors and drills
for blasting or quarry operation, bitumen heaters and distributors, etc. For snow clearance operations,
bulldozers and special snow clearance equipment will also be needed, Machinery becomes an obligatory
requirement as it will not be possible to get all the maintenance activities on a hill road executed purely by
manual labour considering magnitude of the task, necessity to clear road blocks and slides without delay
and for quality outputs. Hence policy should be made out grading the roads for purposes of maintenance as
“Labour Based,” “Machine Based” and combination to a pre-determined proportion and scales worked oul
as given under para 14.5.4 ‘Scale of Maintenance” paras to ante. The machinery required
for each road depending on its priority, behaviour and climatic conditions should be decided and allotted. Use of works animals, where available, are also very useful and cost effective in maintenance
activities. It may be possible to use agricultural equipment like tractors, trailers, etc. for grading, haulage,
digging, etc. Drainage .1. The c’bjective is to ensure that drainage elements remain free of obstruction and retain their
intended cross sections and grades. They must function properly so that surface and sub-surface water can
drain freely and quickly away from the road or under the road. Water is the worst enemy of any road and on
a hill road drainage is the most important aspect for stability. Uncontrolled drainage can:-
- Erode soil and therefore road bed
- weaken pavement
- Cause landslides
- Destroy shoulders and slopes
<< 232
IRC:SP:48-1 998 The maintenance activities on the drainage system are given below:
i. Routine Activities
- Reshape/regrade/deepen
- Clearing and cleaning
- Erosion repair
ii. Perodical Activities
- Provision ot lateral ditches (turn out)
b) Culverts
i. Routine Activities
- Clearing and cleaning including catchpits
- Repair to cracks
- Erosion repair
- Repair to protection works
ii. Periodical Activities
- Repairofinvert
- Repair of walls, aprons etc.
c) causeways
Routine Activities
- Minor surface repair
- Replacing guide posts
- Replacing flood gauges
- Repairing protection works
U. Periodical Activities
- Repairs offloor
- Repairs ofhead walls
- Repairs of apron Inspection: Inspection of drainage system is an year round task. Structure must be examined in
dry season when little or no water is flowing so that structural damage cracks, settlement, erosion, etc., can
be seen better, identified and repaired well as, waterway cleared of debris. The functioning of drainage
system during the rainy season should also be inspected. Special emphasis must he given to inspection of
drainage rNorks during thaw period at end of winter in snow bound area to identify crucial places and their
clearance, on priority to avoid damage to roads. If surface and ground water drains freely as intended., the
system can he deemed satisfactory, otherwise there is something wrong and needs to ho repaired.
For Example:
If a eulvert outlet discharge is small when the inlet is at’ full head or subtiserged, the culvert is nor funcuoning or is
darstaged/cracked in flooring/abutments
- Where the carriageway does not have an adequate camber or cross fall, the surface water will pond on the surface
and accelerate the forroation of ruts, potholes and unintended ditches.
Where drains have little or no scope or inadequate turn outs, silting will occur and cause ponding of water and
weakening of pavement.
a) Drains
- Drain cross section destroyed
- Ponding in drain
- Erosion
b) Causeways
- Potholes in paved surtace
- Cracks in paved surface
- Guide posts missing
- Flood gauge missing/tilted
- Damage to curtain wall/appron.
c) Culverts
- Silting, sanding, blockage by debds or frozen water
- Erosion at inlet and outlet
- settlement cracks
- Damage to flooring and parapets
Defect ponding
Cause and effect - Cross section too small or grade improper. The shoulder material becomes
soft and can easily erode. The pavement can also be flooded and thus
Cause and Effect - Invert slope is too fiat, the water cannot now at sufficient veloerty. It
neglected the drain will get blocked.
Activity - Deepen drains (desilring) giving proper grades and/or provide lateral drains
(turn outs)
Cause and Effect Blockade by debris, and vegetation; if neglected cross section is reduced
and water cannot flow as intended.
Cause and Effects Invert slope is too steep. If neglected, water flows at too high a velocity
and starts carrying away the soil. The drain becomes deeper (ravine). The
sides then cave in, the shoulder or even part of carriageway can get washed
b) (::ulverta
- Culvert constructed too low, and hence material from stream bed gets
deposited in the culvert.
- vegetation and flooding debris carried by water have got lodged in the
culvert. If neglected, the intended waterway opening will be so reduced that
flood water cannot flow. lt will back up or pond on the upstream side of
culvert and may eventually overflow the road formation. The road is in
danger of being washed away.
Cause and Effect The culvert invert has been constructed on too steep a grade so that water
flows too fast.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
- If neglected, the stream bed is eroded and a pool or ravine develops. The
culvert downstream head wall and wing walls and even a section of the
culvert and road formation can collapse into the pool or ravine.
Activity - Erosion repair and provision of toe wall or pitching of stream bed.
- Minor damage - if the settlement is minor, only light cracking will result
in head walls, wing walls and main structure. This will hardly affect the
functioning of the structure.
Activity - Crack repair for minor damage. Sealing cracks with clay/bituminous mulch
to extend life of culvert and reconstruct in the event of collapse.
c) Causeways
The surface of causeways is endangered by washouts and slush movement caused by water current. Routine
maintenance in this case can only by regarded as temporary measure. The activities include masonry repair, placing
of stone crates; and erosion protection of causeway openings.
Cause and Effect - Settlement of slab. If neglected, the cracks in concrete slab spread and
widen especially during the following flood season.
Activity - Minor surface repair (sealing cracks)
Cause and Effect - Accident, vandalism, flood damage. If neglected, when the pavement
becomes submerged during flood and the edge of pavement cannot he seen,
vehicles can accidentally drive into deep water. A hill road is formed by cutting slopes or forming slopes and stability of the road is dependent on
slope stability itself. It is therefore essential that the slopes are maintained to designed
standards/specifications and corrective action taken, whenever the slope is disturbed. Typical cross-section
given in Fig. 14.7 shows the road and the slopes on hill and valley side and certain correction measures. The subject of slope stability has been dealt in Chapter 11 “Slope Stability, Erosion Control and
Landslide Correction” and also in this Chapter under heading “Landslides” para Causes of instability of slopes: Slopes may become unstable due to drainage water and
accompanying erosion, slides breaches etc., or may be triggered by other causes like earthquakes/tremors,
floods in streams/rivers downstream of slopes etc. Remedies: Irrespective of the cause, the efforts in maintenance should be to ensure that the
original slope is maintained and stability retained. This can be done by regular dressing of slopes, ensuring
vegetation is not denuded, by turfing/growing plants and if necessary by structures like retaining walls, breast
walls, toe/check walls etc.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
1486.25. Slope stability coupled with controlled drainage can go a long way in maintaining a more or less,
hill road free of slope failure. Shoulders provide lateral support to the pavement. They are used for parking vehicles in case of
single lane roads., provide room for passing vehicles where carriageway width is insufficient and also comes
in handy for the parking of disabled vehicles at locations where passing places are not nearby. These at
times serve as a track for slow moving vehicles. Properly maintained shoulders also help the drainage of
surface water quickly to the side drains. Improper maintenance of shoulders will cause drainage water to
flow along the edge of the pavement resulting in caving and thereby penetration of moisture to the subgrade.
14.8,6.3,2. In order to perform the functions stated above satisfactorily it is necessary that the surface of the
shoulders are hard enough to resist the abrasive action of vehicles and the disrupting influences of the
elements of nature: The shoulder surface should always slope uniformly (as per standards) from the edge of the
pavement so that any water falling on the road surface or shoulders is speedily drained off. Paved or hard
shoulder reduces the problem considerably.
14,8.6.3,4. The work of maintenance of earth shoulders consists of periodically replacing earth or moorum
carried away from the shoulders, to remove ruts and restore the slope to the designed level. This work is
generally heavy during and after the rains.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
14.8.7. Maintenance of structures Structures like retaining/breast walls, toe/check walls, parapets, railings, etc on the road have to
he maintained always in a good state so that they perform their designed role. To achieve this, regular
inspj~ction/checksto identify any damages/inadequacies should be carried out as brought out earlier in this
chapter and repairs promptly carried out. All repairs have to be completed before rainy season and any damages in rains temporarily
repaired immediately must be permanently restored as soon after the rainy season, as possible.
drivers and as the road network becomes more extensive the number of traffic signs increases. As traffic
flow increases, an increasing effort on their maintenance is needed. Signs which are clean and in good
condition can be easily seen and understood and inspire confidence that their message is accurate and
reliable. Damaged or missing signs should,forthe same reasons, be replaced promptly, and temporary signs
should be removed upon completion of the maintenance works to which they are related. The provision and
care of signs is very cheap and cost effective. Signs should be inspected, cleaned and repaired if necessary
at least twice a year. It is worth keeping records of traffic signs. They should be included in an inventory and
transferred to a signs register in which details of inspections, repairs and replacements are recorded. It is
useful if their location is also recorded in strip map. Railings: Guard-rails and parapet rails are provided to protect road users; to prevent vehicles
from running over high embankments or valley side and parapet rails on bridges to safeguard pedestrians
and vehicles. They should be repaired promptly, if damaged and kept clean and repainted regularly so as to
maintain their visibility. Kilometre stones: These provide both drivers and the maintenance organisation with the basic
reference for the location of any point on the road. Kilometre stones should be kept clean and repainted
regularly and vegetation around these should be cleared so that they can easily be read from a moving
vehicle, Marker stones Each Bridge Culvert and other structures should be serially numbered within the
Kilometre in which it is located thus: 80/2 is the second culvert or bridge in Km 80. These numbers should
be marked on parapets/structures or Separate marker stone placed firmly near the structure and used as
references in the culvert and bridge registers. The painting of markers should be maintained properly for
easy identification. Delineators: These are usually provided only on high bank or on bends. They should be kept
clean and colour washed/painted regularly. IReflectors may also be fitted on them if they are properly fixed.
Vegetation around the delineators should be cleared so that they can be easily seen from a distance.
14.8.10. Special problems and techniques for maintenance of roads In heavy rainfall areas General: In heavy rainfall areas in hilly terrain, the major problems faced in maintaining the roads
are landslides, drainage and soil erosion, apart from frequent damages to road pavement. The remedial
measures to be adopted for these are discussed in succeeding paras.
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IRC:SF:48-1 998, Landslide problem:The subject ofland slides have beendiscussed in detail in Chapter 11 “Slope
Stability, Erosion Control and Landslides Correction~.Landslide constitutes by far the most serious problem
in maintenance of roads in hilly terrain subjected to heavy rainfall. The remedial measures for
control/minimising the problems are briefly reiterated below:
a) The side slopes or the hill proper angle so that they are stable.
should be maintained• ~to
b) Mmimum deforestation should only be done on the hill face above the road as this cause disturbances to the stability
of hill slopes.
ci All potential landslide/disturbed slopes should be identified and suitable treatment should be provided eg~terraced
benches, afforestation, turfing/plantation of shrubs/bushes, alongwith asphalt mulch treatment of jute/coir netting
di Indiscriminate blasting in hill slopes causes destahilisation and this should he avoided as far as possible.
e Jhoom cultivation in hill slopes above the road constitue potential factors for destabilising hill slope and this should
be discouraged.
1) Apart from the treatment of disturbed hill slopes, protective structures in the form of retaining walls, check walls,
breast walls, toe walls, etc. help in stabilising hill slopes and contain the landslides.
g) The immediate action required on occurrence of a landslide is to clear the same quickly by deploying adequate
machinery like dozers/excavators/payloaders. It will be good to keep the machines atlnear vulnerable slide
areas/stretches, available on call at short notice. Drainage problem: Most of the maintenance problems in hill roads on heavy rainfall areas starts
from improper drainage. It is therefore, very essential to provide adequate system for ensuring easy and
prompt drainage of rain water or of molten snow flowing to the road from the upper catchment areas. This
subject has been dealt in detail at appropriate places in this manual. Uncontrolled drainage is a major cause
of landslide. Following steps should be taken to ensure effective drainage:
a) Surface/Subsurface water should he led to natural water courses below’ road through cross drainage structures, In
particular, intercepting or catch water drains provided above the cut slopes for speedy and safe disposal of rain
water should be kept in good repair condition and cleared ofobstructions. Side drains should be maintained to their
capacity for ensuring effective drainage even when partially blocked/choked due to debris, growth of plants. etc
The drains should have gentle gradients and side slopes to enable carrying the flow without erosion. Drains should
be lined/cement pointed where erosion is anticipated due to poor or weak soil and in subsidence areas,
b) where the side drains are likely to be choked with sliding materials, they should be covered temporarily during
rainy season with closely placed wooden ballies or punctured bitumen barrel sheets where feasible, in order to ensure
uninterrupted drainage.
ci At the upstream side of the culvert, the catch pit provided should be kept clean,
d) Drains, catch pits, etc., should be cleared of all debris and repaired, where necessary, before the onset of the rainy
ci In order to avoid rain water flowing across the road surface, when side drains are blocked in part length due to
landslides/erosion of hill slopes, temporary drains with guidebunds should be provided by the side of the choked
drain in order to channeliae water to the unaffected portion of road side drain.
0 Weep holes of retaining walls and breast walls should be cleared and all vegetative growth/chokage should be
removed before onset of monsoon, Soil erosion problems: Measures should be taken to ensure that erosion of soilfrom hill slopes
both above and below the road formation is kept to the minimum, as this eventually leads to landslide/chokage
of drains and natural water courses. Some of the erosion control measures are indicated below:
a) It should be ensured that the cross drainage structures discharging water on the valley side do not cause erosion
even when flowing for a long period. Necessary channel training and erosion control works like paving/pitching of
the channel and out fall points, drop walls, apron etc. below the outlet ofcross drainage structures~.should be properly
IRC:SP:48-1 998
hi Vegetative cover should be established on cut/fill slopes through any of the techniques described in IRC:56
“Recommended Practice for Treatment of Embankment Slopes for Erosion Control”, The activity 01’ establishing
vegetation on barren slopes should be treated as part of the regular maintenance activities on roads.
14,8.10.5. Repairs to damages of pavement: Repairs to damages of pavement like potholes and
depression form another important maintenance task. Such repairs should be done to regular shape and
should match the existing surface to correct level and grade. Paras 14.7 “Maintenance Criteria” and 14.8.2
“Symptoms, causes and treatment of surface defects~may be referred. Vegetative growth from roadside berms and from hilt slopes for a height of atleast 2 m above
the road level should be trimmed regularly.
14.8.12. Special problems and techniques for maintenance of road in high altitude and snow
fall areas, The main problems in maintenance of roads in high altitude areas are of drainage caused by
rapid melting of snow during spring, extreme cold climate during winter and consequent restrictions in
working. Loss of efficiency of men and machines in the rarefied atmosphere is also a major problem. Drainage problems: There is scanty rainfall in most of the high altitude areas (except in
certain high altitude areas of Eastern Himalayas where rainfall also is fairly high) and most of the precipitation
consists of snow. The drainage problems are mostly due tothawing of snow and ice. Temperature rise during
the day results in rapid melting of snow with the advent of spring. The streams in the region have heavy floods during spring. Large amount of debris and ice
carried in such streams results in more drainage problems. Since the soil surface is invariably frozen at the
end of winter, there is no absorption of moisture by the soil and the run off coefficient is sometimes as high
as 100 per cent. Flash floods also sometimes occur in the streams due to breaking of glacier dams and cloud
bursts. The major factors responsible for drainage problems in these regions include temperature, humidity,
snowfall and consequent run-off, nature of soil and catchment area, etc. Problems of snowfall: The problems due to snow and avalanche on hill roads is dealt
elaborately in Chapter 12 “Snow Clearance and Avalanche Treatment”. But the important aspects related to
maintenance of hill roads are reiterated here. Heavy snowfall combined with severe cold climate causes numerous problems for the
maintenance of roads at high altitudes. The problems faced are as under:
a) Slow seepage
In stretches subjected to heavy snowfall melting of snow results in slow seepage into sub-soil and subgrade causing
subsidence of subgrade over long lengths. Slow seepage from the accumulated snow above road formation also
destabilises the hill slopes above the road formation resulting in landslides.
hi Snow avalanches
Often huge accumulation of snow comes down the slope at great speed and brings boulders and debris..Such
avalanches along the re-entrants cause considerable damage to road formation, pavement and permanent structures,
apart from the potential danger to traffic, life and property.
[)uring heavy snowfall large stretches of road are affected. For the quick opening of the road communication, the
normal practice is to clear minimum road width required for passing of vehicles for one way traffic. mn the first
<< 239
IRC:SP:48-1 998
instance. The restricted width of road acts as drain for melting snow and causes slow seepage of water iii road crust
and subgrade and often causes damages to road crust/settlement of subgrade.
d) Effect of Frost
Freezing of water behind the retaining wall causes cracks in the structure due to increases in volume of hack fill,
Formation of ice pockets in some stretches also causes heaving of subgrade and crust.
ci Icing problems
Where a thin layer of snow has remained on pavement for some time, it becomes more dense and compact due to
drop in temperature caused by cold wind blowing on the surface during winter months and also hardening effect of
moving traffic. The top layer of snow on road is rapidly coated with an ice glaze, which is very hard.,slippery and
extremely dangerous for traffic due to the skidding effect of vehicles. This thin layer of ice poses great problems
for removal as it is hard and adhere tenaciously to paved surface.
Efficiency of men and machinery decreases at high altitudes due to lack of oxygen, low atmospheric pressure and
severe climatic conditions. Working hours are also restricted. Working season for constructing works in solving,
cement and bitumen is normally limited between middle of May to middle of November. The loss of efficiency of
men and machines above 2100 m altitude are given in Table 13.1 underChapter 13 “Road Construction Tools, Plants
and Equipment”. Remedial measures: The remedial measures for above are given as under:
i. Quick removal of snow from whole formation by using wheel dozers, motor graders and special rotary
cutter type snow clearance machines.
iii. If restricted width ofroad has been opened due to compulsion of providing prompt road communication by
clearing snow, then cross drains must be opened on either side of the road at intervals to guide incIted snow
water to valley sides or roadside drains.
b) Snow avalanches
Potential snow avalanche zone must be identified and camping, movement of traffic, etc. must not he permitted in
such avalanche prone areas during the snowfall season. Effect of snow avalanches can be controlled/maintained by
provision of following.
i. Stopping structures like snow bridges, snow rakes, snow fences, avalanches fences, terraces and snow nets
ii. Drift control structures like inclined roofs, wind baffles and snow fences.
iii. 1)eflecting structures like gallery construction, guide and diversion walls.
ci Effect offrost/icing
Efficient drainage of water is to be ensured from back face of retaining/breast walls through weep holes, etc. Surface
water on road formation and drain should not be allowed to stand but drained out quickly so that the same does not
seep through to tbe subgrade. Common salt/urea can be sprinkled on ice/frost on critical stretches to cause deicing
and avoid skidding and slipping of vehicles. Problems in maintenance of machinery: In high altitude areas, the work is mainly equipment
oriented. The maintenanceof equipment and machinery requires planning as various types of snow clearance
machinery and vehicles are involved and repairs have to be carried out on an emergency basis. Temperature
prevailing in most of the snow clearance detachments/locations can be much below subzero level. Proper
precautions for men engaged on repairs/maintenance of the equipment have, therefore, to be ensured. Apart
from providing the man with adequate snow clothing, the repair workshop shed should also be kept warm
by use of heaters. Some of the preventive maintenance measures for the equipment are:
a) Radiators are drained or wrapped up after working hours.
b) Batteries are removed and kept in heated/covered rooms
<< 240
IRC:SP:48-1 998
c) Subzero diesel is used as primary oil.
d) Close and proper check on appropriate lubricants is ensured. Problems of providing the required spares for equipment, plant and vehicles for snow
clearanct~~ efforts also need close attention and advance planning for ensuring timely procurement and
placement at appropriate places. This is particularly so for snow clearance equipment which are of foreign
make as procl.Jrement of spares for repairs of FIP assembly,hydraulic pump assembly, impellers, outer blade,
etc., involves long range advance planning, in view of the long lead time involved for materialisation.
14.9.1. In the preceding paragraphs the aspects of maintenance from objective to execution has been
dealt with. To ensure effective maintenance, it is essential that organisation deployed on maintenance task
under the engineer-in-charge of maintenance is armed with a systematic operational procedure and
step-by~stepmethodology. Such a system should be evolved for each road or group of roads depending on
the ground, terrain, topographic, climatic and traffic conditions and user requirements.
14.10. Monitoring
14.10.1. An efficient system of monitoring the maintenance task should be evolved so that the
performance is studied for upgradation of technology in rendering better service to the road user and traffic.
14.11.1. Training of all the personnel involved in maintenance is an integral part of the maintenance
function. Such training, as may be required by the operating and maintenance personnel to achieve better
performance, can be classified as below:
14.11.3. Training of gangmen/mates: The training of maintenance gangmen in two areas is very
essential as under.
a) Safety aspects
b) Repair methods
a) training of flag-men
b) use and lay out of temporary traffic signs for repair works
c) safety oriented handling and parking of machinery and equipment
24 I
IRC:SP:48-1 998
d) safety in slide areas
a) slide clearance
b) snow clearance
c) drain maintenance
d) proper patching methods
e) proper grading of shoulders
f) maintenance of drainage structures
g) crack sealing
h) painting and maintenance of the traffic signs and warnings
i) equipment maintenance
14.12.1. Ministry of Surface Transport “Manual for Maintenance of Roads” may be referred for details of
oertain formats for recording field data, duties of subordinate staff, etc., engaged for maintenance.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
15.1. TheNeed
15.1.1. The provision of roadside amenities in hill roads contribute to a large extent in ensuring safety
besides making the journey convenient and pleasant. The type of amenity, its location and its frequency
depends on many factors which include classification of highway, traffic volume, type of vehicles, steepness
of grades, road geometrics, terrain and environment. Main amenities which need consideration are scenic
overlook, fuel stations, servicing areas, recovery posts, water points, lay-byes, walkways in tunnels and on
bridges, rest areas, restaurants, shelters against rain/snow at bus stops, emergency telephones, traffic aid
posts, tourist information centres, guide maps and facilities at check posts/border posts. In view of the safety
aspects involved, it is of paramount importance that the need for amenities and their provision should be
incorporated into the regular planning, design, construction and maintenance/improvement practices
followed in hill roads. The requirement of each of the amenities is discussed in subsequent paras.
15.2.1. It is quite natural for a traveller to be attracted by a sight of natural oeauty or some other point of
interest. This results in distraction and haphazard parking at such location causing bottlenecks and accidents.
It is, therefore, advisable to provide a separate laybye at such locations for parking and combine these with
rest areas wherever possible.. Sign posts should also be posted to inform the user of its location. The design
of laybye should be adequate to cater to the volume of traffic expected to stop at the location. Typical design
of laybyes are given in Fig. 15.1.
15.3. Fuel Stations, Service Stations, Watering Points and First-Aid Posts
15.3.1. Driving on hill roads is strenuous both for the driver and the vehicle. Invariably the engines
generate more heat in continuous climbs and low gears and drivers often stop to feed water at natural water
courses. At such locations extra widening or separate laybye should be provided. Besides this, oil
consumption increases and wear on brakes etc. also gets pronounced. As such, arrangements for refuelling,
oil check, water and air pressure check and normal repair and servicing become essential facilities required
for vehicles. The study group on wayside amenities of the Ministry of Surface Transport has recommended
that small repair and service stations should be set up at distances of about 80 km in hilly areas and also at
the terminals on a route. This recommendation should be followed as far as possible. IRC:1 2-1 983 provides
guidance on fuel filling stations and service stations. These should be adopted with necessary changes to
suit hill roads.
15.3.2. As hill roads give rise to larger incidence of accidents, FiRST AlD posts at fairly frequent intervals
to render relief to accident victims is essential. These may conveniently be combined with fuel stations,
service stations etc.
15.4.1. Research in road safety has shown that a major cause of fatal accident is fatigue and/or driver
falling asleep at the wheel. To avoid such occurrences, it is desirable to provide rest areas at every 3 hours
driving time distance. The facilities to be provided would depend on the volume of traffic. On low density
traffic routes, where higher type of development is not feasible, parking spaces, toilets and minimum shelter
with table/benches can be provided. Since, in hilly areas, not much land is available, these areas could be
IAC:Sp:48-1 998
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
combined with scenic overlooks. The ideal roadside rest areas should have fully equipped shelter, concrete
tables, drinking water facilities either by pumping from adjoining river or tapped from nearby perennial
sources, telephone, toilets, waste receptacles and area lighting. Self draining soakage pit system of disposal
which require minimum attention is desirable. Arrangement for coffee, tea and cold drinks should be made
at these locations and special care exercised to exclude alcohol and other drugs which compromise driving
ability of driver and safety.
15.4.2. In providing such facilities, great care should be taken to maintain cleanliness and tackle the
problem of disposal of rubbish litter etc. and in provision of sanitary facilities. The main requirement at such
places is that there should not be any contamination of ground water, surface water or surface soil and that
the excreta should not be accessible to flies or animals and the area should remain free from odours or
unsightly conditions. At the same time, the disposal method should be simple and inexpensive in construction
and operation. Figs. 15,2 and 15.3 show typical plans for such areas. These would need modification
according to site slopes and conditions.
FIG. 15.2.
#m’. ~
IRC:SP:48-1 998
15.4.3. In hilly areas, there are several locations, where buses make short stop-overs for alighting/getting
down of passengers. These should be provided with a lay-bye with a suitable shed for waiting passengers.
A typical design is shown in Fig. 15.4. The bus stop should normally be located where the road is straight
on both sides, the gradient is level or as fIat as possible and the visibility is reasonable (not less than 50 m).
ItIs advisable to choose locations where it is possible to widen the roadway economically for accommodating
lay-byes, passenger shelter etc. The hill slopes should be properly dressed and suitably protected to avoid
slips. Water should be drained away from the lay-bye area. Suitable signs should also be provided at and in
advance of such locations.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
15.4.4. In all these developments emphasis should also be laid on aesthetics, environment protection
and blending of the facility with the landscape. Land for this purpose should be acquired at the time of land
acquisition for the road itself.
15.5.1. A major problem in hill roads is the absence of suitable communication and assistance to aid the
stranded and damaged vehicles and passengers in case of accident or brake down. It is suggested that a
system of ground traffic aid post with telephone/wireless communication be provided along all highways.
The traffic aid post should be fully equipped with mobile traffic patrol cars, recovery vehicles/cranes, First
Aid kit etc.
15.6.1. One of the most important amenity to a traveller is availability of adequate travelling information.
Adequate number of road signs in accordance with IRC:67-1977-”Code of Practice of Road SignsTM should
be provided on all roads. In order to enhance the visibility, all road signs should be made from retro- reflective
sheeting as per guidelines circulated vide Ministry of Surface Transport letter No. RW/NH-33023/31/88-DO
Ill dated 2.5.1994. Also information sign boards to indicate the roadcondition i.e. Road open/closed, expected
time of opening etc. should he displayed at suitable locations, preferably seotorwise. Weather information
along the route also be added as this is vital for travelling public. At check posts additional amenities by way
of tourist information, road maps etc. should also be provided. Similar information, in printed form should
also he made available at roadside fuel stations and restaurants. Sign posting should be in English and other
regional languages in accordance with the practice being followed on National Highways.
15.7.1. A major cause of increase in accidents is also the non-availability of adequate resting places for
truck drivers and crew. To take care of this requirement, truck parking complexes should be set up at
convenient locations at a distance of about 150 km on selected major arterial routes and such complexes
should have facilities for parking, refuelling, carrying out of repairs, supply of spare parts, canteen, board and
lodge etc.
15.8.1. A major problem in hill roads is absence of clean and suitable eating places andthe encroachment
by small establishments on to the road. To solve the problem, suitable locations along the highway should
be developed and leased to the operators at low cost. Such places should be kept well away from the right
of way and should be provided with off-road parking facilities. Control should be exercised on them to improve
the hygiene with the cooperation of local bodies and health authorities.
15.9.1. Roadside amenities should be developed in coordination with other related departments like the
Department of Tourism, State Transport Undertakings, Automobile Association, Transport Operators and
ascertaining views of public through local Non-Governmental Organisations. Private sector participation for
development of scenic spots, water points, shelters at but stop etc. -with permission for display of their
advertisements as per approved pattern could be considered so as to meet the cost of these amenities.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
16.1. General
16.1.1. The concern for safety on hill roads is an essential part of highway engineering. This involves
decisions on administration, design, construction, maintenance and operation including traffic management.
The objective is to set standards which will produce desired degree of mobility and reduce accident risk.
16.1.2. It must always be borne in mind, that safety on a hill road is directly proportional to adherence of
laid down geometric standards, specifications and traffic rules and any compromiseon this, for economic or
other considerations, will only result in a road of sub-standard safety norms, It is always good to build a road
to laid down standards ratherthan attempt improvements after building sub-standard roads and experiencing
safety hazards. Improvements will always have limitations and unless re-buitt, cannot be a substitute for a
newly constructed good road.
16.2.1. Driving in hills, especially in adverse and inclement weather conditions, is a very complex, difficult
and tiring task. Accidents occur at places where the ryth m of motion changes unexpectedly for a driver. Such
happenings are not infrequent on hilt roads due to the following:-
a) Travelling over sharp curves of sub~normalradius in conditions of inadequate sight distance needs frequent
deceleration and acceleration.
hi Curves have to be negotiated in varying speeds due to varying degrees ofcurvature and applying brake when entering
a curve and accelerating at the exit.
c) Alternating entry from major valley into a side-valley, crossing of streams by narrow bridges, causeways, etc.
d) Steep grades and alternating UP and DOWN grades and negotiation of high altitudes.
16.2.2. Considering the above, the aim of the highway engineer should be to duly consider the usual
driving errors and response of the vehicles and design a highway which will eliminate such errors and reduce
stress on the drivers. A well - designed and constructed road will always be less prone to accidents and will
add to safety.
16.3.1. Safety on roads in hills, like in the plains, is dependent on the same factors i.e. Driver, Vehicle,
Road and Environmental Conditions. However, environmental factors affect a hill road very much due to
severity of climatic and terrain conditions like torrential rains and consequent slides (mud flow, rock fall rolling
boulders., etc.), snow fall, snow drifts, avalanche/glacier activity icing problems, fog chilly winds, blizzards,
etc. Measures to improve safety on hill roads follow the usual pattern of Engineering, Enforcement and
Education measures. However, while dealing with engineering measures in detail, as relevant to this manual,
others are proposed to be touched upon only.
16.3.2. Road condition plays a very significantpart in road safety. Studies based on wide spread scientific
research, involving analysis of road accidents, examination of interaction between vehicles, different road
conditions and driver reaction to highway situations, has established a clear relationship between road
condition and safety.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
16.3.3. There are elements of roadway that have a direct effect on safety which include cross-section,
vertical and horizontal alignments, access control, system of lay-out, inter-section design, pavement surface,
illumination, road signs and barriers. The effect of these in combination and not individually determines the
level of safety.
16.4.1. Engineering measures to improve safety in hill roads can be classified into four aspects as under:-
a) Geometric design measures which ensures adequate width, curve radii, easy grades and sight distance.
b) Engineering design measures to deal with specific and exclusive conditions in hills. This includes design and
provision of good drainage system, protection like parapets, railings, snow fences, snow shelters, rolling boulder
buffer (netting), etc.
c) Traffic control devices like signs, signals, pavement markings, delineators, advance public warning system etc.
16.5.1. There are laws enforcing traffic and vehicle discipline to be adhered to by alt road users and
drivers. Strict enforcement of these by the appropriate authorities and deterrent action on violations can
enhance safety level. Some of these are mentioned below:-
a) Condition of the vehicle: The vehicle must be in a mechanically fit condition to operate on hill roads.
b) Condition of driver: The driver should be physically and mentally capable and alerl to operate in the hills and
undergo rigors of climate and toughness of terrain met with. Drunken driving should be checked.
c) Over!oadlng: Overloading of vehicles (load carriers and passengers) has to be strictly prohibited. The practice of
passengers travelling on bus top as also on heavily loaded truck or overcrowding in driver’s cabin which has to be
16.6.1. Consciousness among the users about the road condition and necessity to adopt safety measures
should be imparted by appropriate awareness system like pamphlets, mass media publicity, etc. Important
ACCIDENT’ and SAFE DR1V1NG TECHNIQUES” etc. can be imparted by training measures by traffic control
and enforcing authorities. Private sector participation for erection of such slogan boards with their
advertisement as per approved pattern on the reverse of board may be considered
16.7.1. For evolving safety measures on existing road system, it is necessary to collect data on accident
and conduct safety analysis. These can be done with the aid of the following:-
a) Preparation of ‘Accident Spot Maps’ wherein location, types, severity, seasonal incidence, pedestrain involvement,
night incidence etc. of accident is marked.
TM as per IRC:53-l952 “Roade Accident Forms At and 4”
b) Preparation of “Accident Report Form
c) Detailed study of accident spots based on either number of accidents or accident rates, indicating geometry, road
width, obstruction etc.
d) Collision diagram indicating type and nature of collision of vehicles, pedestrains involved etc.
e) Traffic volume
IRC:SP:48-1 998
By analysing the above data as per normal traffic engineering practice, suitable remedial measures can be
16.8.1. Geometric deficiencies cover inadequacies in sight distance, horizontal curves, vertical curves,
pavement widths, gradients, setback distances/vision berms, camber, super elevation, passing place s and
lateral/vertical clearance. Deficiency in any of these compromises safety, the extent depending on the severity
of the inadequacy.
16.8.2. Safety on individual horizontal curves: This can be improved by following methods: Narrow/sharp curves and zigs: A common type of deficiency in hill road.s is the existence of
narrow and sharp curve.s/zigs with inadequate sight distance. This leads to frequent head-on collision. At
such locations following measures may be taken:
a) A double solid centre line should be painted to prohibit overtaking in accordance with IRC: 35.1970 ‘Code of
Practice for Road Markings”. Cat eyes should be provided along the centre line for visibility at night, Parapet walls,
guard stones or railings along the valley side should be provided at all sharp curves. (The hill roads are desIgned
for intermediate sight distance and hence this can be enforced).
b( ‘OVERTAKING PROHIBITED’, ‘COMPULSORY SOUND HORN’ signs and ‘speed limits’ shall l:ie posted on
each side of the curve in accordance with the provision of IRC: 67-1977 “Code of Practice for Road Signs”
Retro-reflective sheeting may be used on all signs to improve its visibility.
ci Adequate widening, transition curves and sight distance should be provided, if feasible, as a long term measure in
accordance with standards.
d) All blind curves must have two lanes which should be divided by fixing stone or concrete studs as hroti~hioul
earlier also.
16.8.3. Vertical curves and grades: in hill areas steep grades contribute to a large extent to accidents.
This may be due to factors like insufficient sight distances, low capacity, interference to traffic on ascending
grade, and vehicles whose brakes have failed. insufficient sight distance along L-section of a road due to small radius of convex vertical curve
is one of the main causes of head-on collision accident in hill roads.
a) Widening of lanes and marking ofa continuous centre line and/orproviding cateyes prohibiting overtaking as shown
in Fig. 16.1. This is effective for traffic volumes upto 500 vehicles/day on two-lane. roads
h) Provision of a dividing stand at least 1 m wide starting at a point which is within clear sight distance as shown in
Fig. 16.2. This is suitable for traffic volume from 500 to 1500 vehicles/day on two lane road.
c) Increasing the radius of vertical curve by cutting the protruding crests so as to conform to the speed and curve radii
requirements as shown in Fig. 16.3. This is the solution on single lane roads, which most of the hill roads are
Note: Hill Roads are not normally designed for overtaking sight distance and hence by enforcing traffic discipline, the problem
can be reduced to a great extent.
5Gm lOOm 5Gm
IRC:SP:48-1 998
16.8.4. Bridge approaches: Another serious accident prone location in hill road is existence of bridge
with curved approach combined with down gradient. Such locations are common sites of topping over of
vehicle over the bridge. Such siting of bridges should be avoided and bridge structure should follow the
general flow of the alignment. However, short term measures to improve safety are to increase visibility, use
of reflective cautionary signs, use of speed control measures and strong guard rails to deflect out of control
vehicles. Delineators in approach to bridge should also be provided as per IRC: 79-1981 “Recommended
Practice for Road Delineators”.
16.9.1. A common problem in high attitude and snowfall areas is of snow drifts and avalanches. This
requires a detailed study of the phenomenon and identification of sections prone to this. Having identified
the area, first a warning system has to be developed and then long term engineering measures planned. The
engineering measures available are snow fences, construction of snow-sheds to allow passage of snow drifts
over the road and construction of tunnels etc.
If these phenomenon are noticed at the survey stage itself, the road design can locate the road
alignment and structures suitably and incorporate suitable protection measures right in the beginning. Snow
markers showing depth of snow in metres should be placed on both sides of road for guidance. These are
dealt with in detail in Chapter 12 “Snow Clearance and Avalanche Treatment”.
16.9.2. Views of three snow/avalanche protection structures are given in Fig. 16.4.
16.10.1. A common cause of accidents in some locations in hill roads is shooting boulders or rock fall.
This is basically due to unstable upper slope. Some of the measures to improve safety of such locations are
listed below and may be applied selectively depending on the situation, (The subject of stability has been
dealt in Chapter 11 “Slope Stability and Erosion Control and Landslides Correction”).
a) Stahilise the upper slope by improving drainage, other erosion control measure and treatment of exposed rock face.
b( Planting of upper slopes with a belt of trees to stop the boulders short of the road.
c) Providing extra wide hill side shoulders with deep drain to catch these falling debris and carry away as the water
d) Provide a shelter similar to snow shelter to allow the boulder to go over the road.
e) Provide deflection walls and buffer zone to divert boulders and impound them.
fi i)esign a wire net screen buffer to catch the boulders and subsequently dispose them off suitably.
g) Post appropriate warning signs to caution the traffic.
16.10.2. A view of a buffer-net constructed on one important hill road is given in Fig 16.5.
16.10.3.. Slides, flow of excessive water and slope materials on roads is a common factor endangering
safety on roads in hills during rainy season. Major slides block the road and smaller slides make the roads
slushy and slippery. Water overflowing drain erodes the berms, jeopardising safety. A combination of
catch-water drains, chutes, catch pits with cross drains and adequate camber can channelise the drainage
and improve safety on roads as discussed in the relevant chapters earlier.
1611 .1. Vehicles rolling off the road into the valley is also a major safety problem. In areas prone to this
type of accidents i.e. blind curves, sharp curves and deep vertical cuts, strong parapet walls capable of
IRC:SP:48-1 998
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Fig. 16.5
IRC:SP:48”l 998
restraining the vehicles back or guard rails/cables fixed to deep piles or strong pillars should be provided at
suitable intervals. These can only act as caution and the proper solution is improvement of geometrics and
educating drivers on safety.
16.12.1. In sections of roads subjected to serious visibility reduction due to fog, rain, low clouds and on
sharp curves, road delineators should be provided in accordance with IRC:79-1 981 Recommended Practice
for Road Dolineators’. All delineators should, as far as possible, use retro-reflective sheeting. The firm edge
of the road should be marked with stone of approximately uniform size and should be white washed. At
dangerous points, parapets should be constructed.
16.13,1. In many locations of hill roads in high altitude areas water over the road surfaces freezes into ice
lenses which makethe roadway slippery causing accidents by skidding. In such locations following measures
should be adopted:-
a) Instal warning signs of SLIPPERY ROAD’ (as per JRC:67-1977) and provide additional informatory signs advising
use of tyre chains and impose speed limits.
h) Improve drainage by providing steep hill side cross fall draining water towards hill side. This measure will also
help to some extent prevent skidding/running of vehicles to valley side.
l’rovide impact resistance guard railing or parapet wall on the valley side.
16,13.2, The problem of snow and ice has been dealt in Chapter 12. Snow Clearance and Avalanche
16.14. Miscellaneous
16,14,1, Road side trees, poles, projecting rocks, parapets are also a source of accidents. These should
be painted in accordance with Clause 13.3 of IRC: 35 ~Codeof Practice for Road Marking” to reduce hazard
and to provide delineation. All stone/tree hindrances, in case these cannot be removed should be white
washed. White washing is necessary for safe night driving. A band of reflective sheeting should also be used
to improve night visibility.
16.1 5~1. Construction sites on hill roads also pose a safety hazard unless suitable precautionary measures
are taken. Road signs such as ‘DEAD SLOW’ ‘WORK IN PROGRESS’ should be placed well in advance of
work sites to warn the road users of the danger ahead. While working on deep foundations the area leading
to the work site must be heavily barricaded and lighted at night prevent any errant vehicle falling in.
16.16.1. Ribbon Development along highways intheform of encroachments, proliferation of eating places,
roadside vehicle repair shops etc. is a growing menace and seriously impairs safe movement of vehicles.
Measures to control this involves removal of encroachments, provision of railings on road boundary, provision
of separate aybyes, parking places and making way-side amenities available off the road at convenient
places. Cautionary signs and speed barriers should be provided in approaches to such areas to reduce risk
of accidents.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
16,17. Traffic Management
16.18.1. To reduce accidents on heavily trafficked single lane road sectors, gate timings system for UP
and DOWN traffic can be introduced to control traffic so that vehicles in opposite directions do not use the
road simultaneously. This has been dealt in detail in Chapter 17 “Traffic Management’.
16.19. Sum Up
16.19.1. Keeping all above in view, safety can be improved by following in combination:
ci construction of protective structure for traffic like parapets, railings, snow sheds, boulder net, etc
16.19.2. The efforts should be to ensure safe and comfortable travel at design speed for the road user in
hilly regions.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
17.1. General
17.1.1. In hill roads there are several typical situations in which traffic management becomes essential.
Traffic management can be classified into two categories. One which requires traffic management due to
closure, mishap, etc. The second where traffic is required to be regulated to improve operation and safety.
a) Speed restrictions,
h) Restriction on parking.
c) Use of traffic control devices/Signs like Speed Signs. Curve Warning Signs, Central line marking, No passing signs.
Warning about land slide/Rockfall areas etc.
dl Time restrictions or gate system for up and down traffic, where required.
17.2.1. In the event of traffic being suspended on a section of hill road, the following traffic arrangement
should be made:-
a) If the duration ofsuspension is such as to necessitate diversion of traffic to another route, guidance about this should
he provided at the appropriate road inter-section, on either side of the damaged section, where it would he possible
for the through traffic to alter its course, This should be done with the help of suitable warning signs put up in a
pair, one just close to the intersection and the other ~0 to 60 meters away depending on vehicle speeds at the site.
In addition, a prominent ‘ROAI) CLOSED’ sign should be fixed on the far side of the intersection blocking half the
width of the carriageway. Word message on the signs may he in more than one language according to needs of the
road users.. To regulate traffic at the points of re-routing, police help may also he requisitioned. Together with thss,
Press and other Mass media should he used to notify the public about road closure and alternative routing for the
through traffic. A typical information board may he as under:-
hi Similar boards should be erected at the junction where the traffic is to take a diverted route requesting to follow
ci Strong inviolable harriers should be erected in the immediate vicinity of the damaged section on both stdes so that
raffic can have no chance of going through imprudently. Besides, regulatory signs announcing that the road ahead
is closed should he installed on the approaches: one sign at TO m from the harrier and the other 31) to 60 metres
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
further away These shouldhe supplemented by a ‘ROAD CLOSED’ sign affixed to the barrier in prominent position
Word messages on the sign may he in more than one language as dictated by needs of the road users
ci A watchman should he present at the harrier at all times Whenever the harrier is to be temporarily opened for
construction traffic in connection with repairs to the damaged section, a responsible person must be present at the
site l’or superrising traffic arrangements and explaining the hazard ahead to adamant drivers The construction traffic
may be allowed through a small opening (about 3 m wide) at the extreme edge of the roadway, normally kept blocked
with a double row of painted bitumen drutos or harrier frames which should be removed only for permitting the
constriction vehicles to pass each tioie and put back in position immediately thereafter.
f) Signs. lights, barriers and other traffic control devices should he kept maintained in a satisfactory condition till such
time the traffic is restored and allowed to follow its normal path.
g) Typical arrangenients according to the above plan are illustrated in Fig. 17.1. It should be suitably modified for
each location to ensure adequate visibility and sight distance on curves etc
17.3. Arrangements when Part of Carriageway is Blocked and Leading to One Way Operation
a) Traffic ma) be passed either over part width of the structure or a temporary diversion, depending on site conditions,
intensity and volume of traffic, preferably on economic considerations and other related matters The former method
should be employed as far as possible specially when the work could he conveniently carried out in half width at a
tmosc and there arc no undue problems in channelling the traffic through the available road width. In both cases., the
work should be so planned that widening/reconstruction of the cross-drainage facility is over in the shortest time
possible following properly conceived construction schedules. This will be facilitated if all the matenals and other
equipments are collected at site in advance before the work actually commences
hi One-way traffic operation should be established whenever the traffic is to be allowed over part width of a structure.
This should he done with the help of flagmen. positioned on opposite sides, who should be on duty during all hours.
For regulation of traffic, the flagnien should be equipped with red/green flags and lanterns/tights or reversible
stop/go sign hoards Where possible short range radio transmitters may be used for communication if the blocked
stretch is long.
L) Where t’or an~reason traffic cannot be allowed over part width of a structure, a temporary diversion should be
constructed The width and paving specifications for the diversion should be decided on factors like the penod for
which diversion svill he in use, intensity and volume of traffic and climatic conditions. Attention must also be given
to the as oidance of dust nuisance On both ends, the diversion should be joined to the main carriageway with smooth
transition, with visibility requirements fully taken care of.
d At the point where traffic is to deviate from its normal path (whether on temporary diversion of part width of the
carriageway, the channel for traffic should be clearly marked with the aid of pavement markings and painted drums
ora similar des ice At night the passage should be delineated with lanterns or other suitable light source. To enhance
night visibility. reflectorised paint or sheeting may be used for the painting of markings and drums,. Power operated
flashing lights ntay be used where needed and feasible.
ci Strong harriers of suitable design should be erected on either side of the portion of carriageway closed to traffic.
both svhen the traffic is to he turned to a diversion road or channelled on to part width of the structure, For protection
of traffic, red lanterns or warning lights of similar type should be mounted on the barriers at night and kept lit
throughout front sunset to sunrise Besides, barricades should be painted with alternate black and white markings,
for which reflectorised paint/sheets should he preferred to improve their night visibility.
i’) On both sides, suitable regulatory/warning signs should be installed for the guidance of road users. Word message
on the signs may be in more than one language as necessary. On each approach at least two signs should be put-up,
one close to the point where transition of carriageway begins and the other 30-60 m away. Signs maybe placed in
the following order “MEN AT WORK” sign at 60 m from work area, “NARROW ROAD AHEAD” at 30 m from
work area, “KEEP LEFT” at start of work area and “RESTRICTION ENDS” at 30 m beyond the area.
gt Signs, lights harriers and other traffic control devices, as also the temporary diversion, should he kept
well~mamntainedtill such time the traffic is again able to follow its normal path.
<< 259
IRC:SP:48-1 998
L AH EA D~J..~SiUT-1
SIGN~2 / ,‘,
SIGN —.13
IRC:SP:48-1 998
hi) Typical arrangements for the two cases where traffic may be passed (i) over part width of a structure or (ii) over a
temporary diversion, are illustrated, in Figs. 17.2 and 17.3 respectively.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
1~I.i~’T,tT“10 C,’~”..LE,i
IRC:SP:48-1 998
17.4. Large Weather Warning Signs
17,4.1, At tue start of sections sUbjeCt to ClOSUre Under bad weather conditions and at other frequently
travellei:i SEIC1OOOS, large Changeable message informatory signs should be installed to proVidewarning and/or
information to users of conditions expected on the route. The sign should also be used to inform public of
sections whic.h are Closed due to blizzard, landslides etc.
17.5.1. An important element of traffic management in hilt roads is proper traffic signing and marking. In
general, to be effective, the signs/markings should only be installed where needed, convey a clear simple
warning, command respect and attention of road user and give adequate time for proper response. It is,
therefore, very important not to allow Llnauthorised and unnecessary signs on roads. Some of the signs and
markings noiTnally rctquired in hill road are given in succeeding paras. As fog is a problem in many such
roads use of luminous paints/strips may be used for sign boards.
17.52. Speed Omit signs: ln hill roads, speed regulations and speed limits are necessaryto supplement
motorist’s judgementin determining speedthat are reasonable and properfor particularweather and roadway
conditions. .i. pe.ii.d limits should be imposed to reduce accidents and improve traffic flow. However, if the
speed limits ar~iUnreasonable, the limit will be disobeyed and loose much of its value. The speed limit signs
should Conform to IRC: 67-1977 “Code of Practice for Road Signs”. The speed limit should be determined
on the hasis of, where applicable, proper engineering and traffic data, i.e., prevailing wind speeds, physical
feature.s of road, accident experience, traffic characteristics and traffic control.
17.5.3. Curve warning signs: On sharp curves i.e., curves that permit less speed than the general
operating speed of the highway, curve sign should be provided and advisory speed plate added below it.
17.5.4. No parking and no standingistopping sign: Safety, comfort and convenience of road users,
demands a prope.r a..nd effective regulation of parking on hill roads, due to inadequacy of wide areas for
parking on roadside and steep slopes. Parking restriction should be placed after a careful study of the traffic
patterns and engineering requirements. The signs for controlling parking should conform to IRC: 67-1 977
“Code of Practice for Road Signs” and should be accompanied by suitable kerb or carriageway marking as
indicated in IRC: 35-1 970 “Code of Practice for Road Markings”.
17..i...5. Centre line and no passing marking/signs: In accident prone location and sharp curves where
head-on coINs ions are common, centre line marking should be provided as indicated in IRC: 35-1 970 “Code
of PracticE.: for Road Markings”. On blind curves in single lane roads the width may be made two lane and
lanes divided by studs/cats eye.
iTS 1. No-pi~singsign and painting of strips as per IRC: 35-1970 mentioned in preceding paras, should
he. adopted where the passing sight distance is restricted, and volume of traffic is high. Other useful signs for regulating traffic on hill roads which are given in IRC: 67-1977 “Code of
Practice for Road Signs~and should be posted are. “FALLING ROCKS”, “LOOSE GRAVEL”, “STEEP
17.6. Traffic Regulation in Winter
17.6.1. Traffic accidents rate is much higher on roads with ice and snow. To reduce these accidents, the
following measures are recommended:
cii ProCidr inforotation to road user in advance to reduce the element of surprise as far as possible.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
b) Impose lower speed limits.
ci Surveillance of traffic and road conditions.
17.7.1. On a number of important hill roads there is seasonal heavy traffic due to tourist or pilgrimage
season etc. when the vehicles using road shows manifold increase over the normal period. To ensure that
such increased traffic does not result in congestion and traffic bottlenecks, possible danger and safety to
road users and vehicles and to avoid accidents, a gate system may be introduced in the affected Sector.
Traffic is allowed at fixed timings so that UP and DOWN traffic do not use the stretch
simultaneously. However, to ensure that the travelling public is not put to inconvenience and to reduce delays,
central vehicle crossing grounds could be created in between the stretch so that the Up and Down traffic
converge on to the Crossing ground and proceed further to the destination. The gates and crossing grounds
function as traffic control points properly manned with telephone, radio sets etc. for traffic control and
convenience to road users. Such system has been found to function efficiently not only in thickly trafficked
corridors but also in stretches where road passes through difficult terrain conditions like snow fall areas, high
mountain passes, etc. A typical arrangement is given in Fig. 17.4.
1300—1500 Hrs
,//~ 0900—1100 Hrs
0700—0900 Hrs
IRC:SP:48-1 998
17.8. Weather Information System
17.8.1. On important roads specially in snow bound areas it is essential to develop a Road weather
information system’ which should contain several field stations and a central unit. Field stations should be
equipped with sensors to determinethe temperature of road surface, humidity, wind speed, and its direction,
condition of road surface (wet, dry, slippery) and information about weather (precipitation). Inclement weather
is hazardous on hill roads and more so in high altitudes. The change of weather is also faster and sudden.
Sensitive barometer may be utilised to forecast change likely in weather. Drop in pressure indicates
approaching inclement weather. The siting of field station should be preceded by a detailed climate survey
to ensure best possible sites. The field stations should be linked to a central station by telephone and/or radio
control sets. The Central unit should be equipped with computer to record and analyse the data and a
communication system to transit data and warnings to public and field maintenance units. Road users can
be informed over the radio and at restaurants/eating places along the routes.
17.8.2. The information centre should also have cooperative connections with transport firms plying on
the road who provide feedback on actual site conditions. Use of TV monitors and weather radar can also be
made if funds permit. Radar is very useful as it gives advance warning of the approaching bad weather. The
success of the system depends on quick response from snow and ice clearing maintenance teams and on
ability to regulate traffic at start of safe sections identified by earlier studies.
IRC:SP:48-i 998
18.1. General
16.1 .1. Blasting of rock disturbs the stability of nearby hill side to a great extent. This also results in
immediate and delayed landslides and slip zones causing considerable damage to property. For road
construction in hills, rock blasting may be inescapable but it should be avoided to the maximum extent. There
should not be tendency to resort to rock blasting only for immediate economy in cost and expediency of
construction work. Rock blasting preferably should be done for hard rocks and also where road cutting cannot
be done manually by shovels, crow-bars and dozers. For restricting rock blasting to the barest minimum the
following guidelines must be strictly followed.
18.2. Guidelines
18.2.1. All the staff involved in rock blasting work, right from the Engineer to the skilled worker must be
given necessary training and consciousness regarding grav. adverse ecological effects as well as danger
to life and property due to rock blasting so that they do rock blasting only when unavoidable and do it in the
proper mannerconsciously. The manufacturers of explosives normally arrange training courses for users on
18.2.2. Rock blasting must be properly planned and controlled. Rock blasting work for a project must he
planned in detail at the stage of preparation of estimates. The blasting work must be carried out under the
direct supervision of a Junior Engineer or trained Supervisor. Daily account must be maintained of rock
blasting to he done, explosives planned/expected to he used and actually used under the direct control of
the Engineer and wherever there is any anticipated deviation in quantities from that planned it should he
checked. Only just sufficient quantity of explosive should be issued in the morning for the days work and
consumption justification should be scrutinised at the close of day’s work.
18.2.3. For blasting, holes should be drilled along the Line of Least Resistance to avoid developing of
cleavage planes/cracks and opening up fissures etc. The depth of holes should be minimum. Minimum
numbers of holes should be blasted at a time. In case of large scale blasting to be done by electric detonators,
delay detonators should be used in order to disperse shock waves.
18.2.4. On hill roads blasted material and debris rolling down should be avoided where these are likely
to result in destahilisation of hillside or cause soil erosion. Subject to cost effectiveness, the debris should
be moved to selected safer places where these are not Likely to be washed away. These should be kept in
such form as are likely to stabilise later.
18.3.1. Since hilly regions in the country have predominance of rock varieties in some areas, blasting is
rather a necessity in road construction activities. Blasting is required for rock excavation in hill sides, through
cutting and quarrying. Blasting of ledge or half tunnel across a cliff face may also, sometimes, be necessary.
Before deciding the exact alignment of the road and method of cutting, the dip of the rock must be carefully
examined to ensure that the completed road would be stable. Particular care should be ta ken to detect faults,
which often provide planes of potential slips which may be dangerous.
<< 266
18.4. Explosives and Accessories
18.4.1. The choice of explosives and accessories depends upon the nature of strata and its
18.4.2. An explosive is a substance or a mixture of substances, which for the purpose of transport,
handling and storage is in stable equilibrium. The equilibrium is upset, if subjected to severe shock resulting
in violent release of energy in the form of shock waves accompanied by extremely rapid conversion of the
explosives into a large volume of gases at high temperature and pressure. The necessary shock is provided
by means of a detonator or detonating fuse. The explosives are normally Nitroglycerine based, though
Ammonium Nitrate based explosives are also available. For road construction, nitroglycerine based gelatine
is used. These are known by trade/brand names and terms ~gelatine”or “special gelatine” of various strengths
or power are commonly used and understood. Power
The most important property of an explosive is its strength or power. Blasting gelatine, the most
powerful of all commercial explosives, is taken as the standard and the power of all other explosives are
measured in relation to the power of blasting gelatine, indicated as percentages. Velocity of detonation: Detonation of an explosive is the rate which the detonating wave travels
through a column of explosives and is of considerable importance since shock energy of detonation increases
rapidly with velocity. High velocity explosives are preferred for special purposes such as plaster shooting
and underwater work. Low velocity explosives are most suitable where excessive shattering is to be avoided. Density: The density is important when selecting an explosive for a particular use. With a high
density explosive the energy of the shot is concentrated, a desirable feature in tunnelling whereas a low
density explosive distributes energy along the shot hole. Water resistance: Explosives differ widely in resistance to water and moisture penetration. While
some explosives deteriorate rapidly under wet conditions, others are designed to withstand water for
considerable periods. If blasting is to be done under wet conditions, a water resistant explosive should
preferably be selected. Sensitivity: An explosive must not be sensitive to normal handling, shock and fraction, but it must
remain sufficiently sensitive to be satisfactorily detonated and capableof propagating satisfactorily, cartridge
to cartridge even over short gaps, such as may occur in practice. Fume characteristics: Explosives when used under stipulated ventilation conditions should
liberate minimum of harmful gases in the process of detonation. Thermal stability: Explosive combination should be such as to be stable under all normal
conditions of transportation, handling and usage. This is extremely important as use of explosive itself
depends on this characteristic. The details of some explosives most commonly used in road construction are given in Table 18.1.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Table 18.1. Explosives in Common Use
Name of explosives Velocity of detonation Normal density Nature of rock
(confined) metres! gms/cc to be blasted
Blasting gelatine 60% 5000 1.40 Medium, hard and soft rock
18.4,4.2. The explosives are supplied in cylindrical cartridges of diameter varying from 25-32 mm and
length 200-250 mm, the weight of a cartridge being 130-220 gm depending on size.
18.4.5. Detonator High explosives are by themselves not very sensitive and need some form of intense local shock
to initiate them, This shock is produced by a detonator. Extremelysensitive composition are loaded in small
quantities into copper or aluminium tubes to form detonators and in this form, they are used to prime charges
on high explosives. It is the spark or SPIT from a safety fuse, which causes the detonator to explode. A variety
of detonators are used for blasting. Plain detonators: Plain detonator for use with safety fuse, consists of a small aluminium tube
closed at one end. It contain a base charge of PETN (PENTA ERYTHRTOL TETRANITRATE) and a priming
charge of ASA composition (lead azide, lead styphnate and aluminium powder) in an aluminium tube. This
standard tube is known as a No. 6 detonator and is commonly used. Super plain detonators No. 8 strength
are also used for specific purposes. Delay detonators: Many blasting operations call for a series of shots to be fired in a
pre-determined sequence, which can be achieved by the use of short delay denoters. This detonator consists
basically of an electric detonator with appropriate delay element interposed between the fusehead and the
priming charge. There are eleven detonators in this range, numbered 0 to 10 (the number of delay detonators
of certain manufacturers has been increased to 16, numbered 0- 15) with nominal delay intervals of 25 milk
seconds (increased in later numbers) between consecutive numbers having leading wires of 24 SWG, PVC
coated. Sketch of various types of detonators and fuse head is given in Fig. 18.1.
18.4.6. Detonating fuse: Detonating fuse is a simple and safe device for initiating cap sensitive
commercial explosives particularly suitable for simultaneous firing of multiple charges and for the mass
initiation of Large charges. It consists of a core of PETN with covering of textile and plastic. It is initiated by
a No. 6 detonator and detonates at a velocity of approximately 6500 m/sec.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
18.4.8, Exploder: When explosives are to be initiated electrically a portable exploder for generating
electricity is used. The exploders being manufactured in the country, have a range of 50 shots to 200 shots
at a time. An exploder, is generally built on a metal chassis contained in a waterproof ‘bakelite’ case. It
comprises of a dynamo which is operated by turning a handle. The A.C. Voltage generated by the dynamo
is stepped up by a transformer rectifier and used to charge a condenser to a potential of not less than 1,200
<< 269
IRC:SP:48-1 998
volts. When the tiring button is pressed the condenser is discharged through the electric circuit firing the
18.5.1. All the relevant central, state and local laws and rules and regulations framed thereunder shall
be complied. Loading, unloading and handling of explosives shall be supervised by qualified personnel. At
the time of loading or unloading of explosives, no electrical switch should be operated.
18.5.2. Containers For carrying small quantity (upto 5 kg of explosives) specially designed insulated
containers may be used. These containers shall be constructed of finished wood not less than 50 mm thick
or plastic material not less than 6 mm thick or pressed fibre not less than 10 mm thick. Metal components,
including nails, bolts, screws, etc., shall not be used in the construction of the containers, which shall be
waterproof and provided with lids, The containers shall be provided with suitable non-conductive carrying
device, such as rubber, leather or canvas handle or strap.
18.5.3. Vehicles The vehicles used for transporting explosive shall be driven only by an experienced
driver who is physically fit and is familiar with the precautions to be taken while carrying the explosives in his
vehicle. All vehicles used for transporting explosives shall be maintained in good working condition and all
systems of same must be checked before starting move of vehicle. The vehicles should preferably be
enclosed type with locking arrangements and body-work leak-proof. In open body vehicle the floor of the vehicle carrying explosive shall be leak proof. The sides and
ends shall be of sufficient height to prevent the explosive from falling off the vehicles. .1. The interior of the body shall not have any exposed metal parts, except those of copper, brass
and other non-sparking metals and shall preferably be lined with wood. The chassis of the vehicles shall be well sprung. The tyre pressure shall be maintained as per
the requirement of the Indian Explosives Regulations. All electrical wiring and equipment of vehicles shall be adequately insulated and protected against
mechanical damage to prevent short circuiting. Two carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, each of not less than 3 kg capacity, conforming to IS:
2878-1986, shall be carried on each vehicle. The extinguishers shall be securely mounted on the vehicles
in such a manner that they can be readily removed for use in an emergency. A motor vehicle carrying explosives shall not be refuelled except in emergencies and even then
only when the motor has been stopped and other precautions have been taken to prevent accidents. The quantity carried, in any single vehicle should not exceed 75% of its rated capacity or 3600
kgs, whichever is less.
18.5.4. Safety Precautions in Transportation: Safety precautions outlined below shall be observed for
transportation of explosives. No metals except approved metal truck bodies shall be allowed to come in contact with cases of
explosives. Metal, flammable or corrosive substances shall not be transported with explosives. As far as
possible, transportation of any other material alongwith explosives shall be prohibited.
<< 270
IRC:SP:48-1 998 Smoking shall be prohibited in the vehicle carrying explosives and in its vicinity upto a distance
of 30 m.
18,5.4,4. Explosives and detonators of blasting caps shall not be permitted to be transported in the same
vehicle. Detonators and other explosives for blasting shall be transported to the site of work in the original
containers or in securely locked separate non-metallic container and shall not be carried loose or mixed with
other materials.’ Care shall be taken while loading and unloading of explosives, like inside of vehicle body must
be free from grit, oil rags etc., unloading should not be done near exhaust of pipe, explosive protected from
rain/prolonged exposure to sun, engine of vehicle switched off and no refuelling permitted while unloading
etc. The filled containers shall not be handled roughly or dropped.,. Drivers shall not leave the vehicles unattended while transporting explosives. The speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 25 km/h on rough roads and 40 km/h elsewhere. Vehicles, transporting explosives shall not be taken into a garage, repair shop or.parked in
congested areas, public parking or similar places. Explosives shall not be transported in trailers. Further, any trailer shall not be attached to a motor
truck or vehicle when it is being used in transporting explosives. Explosives shall not be transported on public highways during darkness, except in emergencies
and even then only when the approval of the concerned authorities has been obtained. Such vehicles shall
be fitted with adequate warning lights on both ends, while operating in darkness. Explosives shall not be transferred from one vehicle to another on public highways, except in.
cases of emergency. When explosives are carried in a convoy, the distance between any two vehicles will not be less
than 75 metres.
18.6.1.. Storage of explosives is regulated by IndianExplosives Act 1884 and provision there under should
<< 271
IRC:SP:48-1 998
18.6.3. All major dumps as well as dumps in disturbed area having explosive of 3 ton or more should be
fenced with double fencing of barbed wire. Similarly all precautions of security must also be taken for safe
storage of explosives.
18.6.4. Explosive cases should not be stacked in more than five tiers and should be stacked in such a
way that ends of the cases showing the date of manufacture are visible, which will facilitate use of stock
18.6.5. Explosives upto 4 kgs should be kept in a securely locked container away from fire and
detonators/capped fuses should be kept in separate containers. While storing explosive upto 20-25 kgs a
small store/magazine should be built. In case of storage for large quantity, following guidelines be followed. Building should be specially constructed for this purpose situated away from residential/industrial
area and highway. About 2.42 sqm floor area should be considered for each ton of explosive. While stacking cases,
each stack should not have more than 5 tiers and a working space of 1.22 m must be left between two stacks. Where quantity of explosive exceeds 20 tonne a separate building for storage of detonators must
be built and for leser quantity detonators can be stored in an annexe, which is built as integral part of main
building but has a substantial partition with an air space between them. As a rough guide a double partition
of 2 cm each with 45 cm air space between them will suffice the purpose of storing 10,000 detonators.
18.6.6. Blasting caps, electric blasting caps or primers shall not be stored in the same box or room with
other explosives in big dumps. However, in small dumps sand bag revetments of appropriate thicknesses
and hight will be used to segregate different zones of explosives.
18.6.7. Explosives, fuse or fuse lighters shall not be stored in a damp or wet place or near oil, gasoline,
or near radiators, steam pipes or other sources of heat.
18.6.8. Smoking and use of matches, naked lights and readily flammable articles or open fire/flame shall
be prohibited with in the fenced areaaround it. Similarly explosives should be kept away from electric contact,
fuse boxes and switches.
18.6.9,. An area upto a distance of not less than 50 m on all sides of a magazine shall be maintained free
of all vegetation, debris and combustibles.
18.6.10. Metals, metallic objects and metal tools that are capable of producing sparks shall not be stored
or used inside or in the immediate vicinity of the magazine.
18.6.11. Boxes of explosives shall not be thrown down or dragged along the floor and may be stacked on
wooden trestles.
18.6.12. Package containing explosives shall not be allowed to remain in the sun.
18.6.13. Empty boxes, packing materials or any combustible material shall not be stored inside or in the
vicinity of the magazine.
18.6.14. Adequate quantity of water and fire fighting equipment shall be provided near/in the magazine.
Guards shall be properly trained in handling such equipment.
<< 272
IRC:SP:48-1 998
etc. shall be prominently displayed in front of the magazine.
18,6,16. Well trained preferably armed guards shall be posted to guard the magazine.
18.6.18. Magazine shoes, without nails, shall be kept at all times in the magazine and a wooden tub or
cement trough, approximately 300 mm high and 450 mm in diameter, filled with water shall be fixed near the
door of the magazine. Persons entering the magazine shall put on the magazine shoes provided for the
purpose and be careful is not to allow the magazine shoes to touch the ground outside clear floor. Persons
with bare feet shall, before entering the magazine, dip their feet in water and then step direct from the tub on
to the clean floor.
18.6.19. For continued blasting operations the magazine shall be located at a safe distance near the work
site and actual requirement of explosives for each blast may be drawn and transported to the site and
Ieft-overs, if any, must be immediately returned to the magazine. Where the blasting operations extend to
several scattered sites and/or one for a short duration, portable magazines shall be used. Each such
magazine shall be located at a safe distance from the work site, enclosed in a fence and properly guarded.
18.7.1. High explosives are initiated by plain detonators in conjunction with safety fuse, by ordinary
electric detonators, delay detonators or by detonating fuse. A cartridge of explosives containing a detonator is known as a ‘primer’ cartridge. Only one primer
is required in any one shothole, irrespective of the number of other cartridges used therein. Where gelatine
explosive is used, primer cartridge is generally the top cartridge. Preparing the ‘Primer’ Cartridge: All the saw-dust should be shaken out of the detonator. The
safety fuse should be cut straight across with a sharp clean knife. The newly cut fuse should be pushed into
the detonator holding it away and the detonator crimped securely to the fuse with a crimper, ensuring not to
crimp the detonator tube on the part which contains the detonating composition. The length of crimp should
ho 3 mm to 6 mm from the open end of the tube. The cartridge should be opened at one end and a hole
made with a pricker. The detonator should be pushed in until it is burned, the open end closed and the paper
tied round the fuse with a piece of string. The other end of safety fuse should be cut at an angle or scarp for
easy lighting.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
~.. H The holes are drilled in rockwith Jack hammer operated with the help of a compressor. The holes
are generally 20 mm to 40 mm dia and 1 to 3 m deep. The holes can be drilled vertical, horizontal or at any
angle. The holes should be cleaned first with compressed air or scraper. The diameter of the hole should be
at least 3 mm more than the cartridge diameter. The primer cartridge should be made. Sufficiently long fuses
should be used to enable men to get clear after lighting the fuse. If a total of say, three cartridges are required
in a hole, then two cartridges should be inserted followed by the primer. The primer’ cartridge is always the
last. The base of the detonator should point towards the full length of the charge. The cartridges should be
pushed in one by one with a wooden stemming rod. After charging, the hole should be stemmed with sand or a mixture of sand and clay. The first
few inches of stemming should be tamped gently with the wooden rod increasing the pressure as the
shotholes get tilled. Stemming material should be free from sharp particles. The fuse should not be damaged
or pulled while stemming. It should be ensured that all personnel have taken shelter before going to light the
fuse. After lighting the fuse with aflame, moving to a place of safety away atleast 100 metres from the direction
of the blast from the shot holes is essential. This method of initiation is safer than blasting with safety fuse since the blaster is definitely out
of the way of danger at the time of the blast. Electric shot tiring allows upto 200 shots to be fired at a time
and with this method the possibilities of misfires are also remote. Preparing the primer cartridge: The detonator leading wires should be straightened. A hole
should be made with the pricker in one end of the cartridge. (For plain detonators the cartridge end is opened,
but with electric detonator this is not necessary). The detonator should be inserted inside the hole until it is
burned. The wires are then hitched round the cartridge to prevent the detonator from being withdrawn. Charging and firing: For firing a single shot, the procedure is very simple. The hole should be
charged with the requisite number of cartridges, inserting the primer last. After the hole has been stemmed,
IRC:SP:48-1 998
the bare ends of the detonator lead wires should be connected to the firing cable. Moving to the firing station,
the other end of the cable should be connected to the exploder and fired. Finally the firing key should be
removed and the cable from the exploder disconnected. For firing two or more shots at a time, the lead wires are connected in a series circuit. The series
circuit is made by connecting one wine from each detonator to one wire of the succeeding detonator and so
on, thus forming a continuous circuit. The free wires at either end are then connected to the shot firing cable
and the circuit tested with an ohmmeter prior to fining. In damp conditions, each joint should be insulatedto prevent current leakages which might cause
misfires and also as a safeguard against stray currents. While blasting with safety fuse, the shots in a round do not go off simultaneously. There is usually
a short interval between each shot. With electric shot firing, however, all the shots in a round explode
simultaneously and only one shot is heard. Short delay detonators are more suitable for blasting in road construction, excavations and
quarrying. Charging and firing: The primercartridge is prepared in exactlythe same wayas with an ordinary
electric detonator. With ordinary electric detonators, the ‘Primer’ is inserted into the shothole last. With delay
detonators however, the primer is inserted first, followed by other cartridges. The base of the detonator
should point towards the mouth of the hole. The wires should be connected up in series. It does not matter
whether the leadwire of a No. 1 delay is connected with that of a No. 7 or a No. 2 delay; as long as the series
circuit is properly made, the detonators will explode at the appropriate intervals. Advantages of short-delay blasting: The technique of short-deley blasting offers a number of
advantages over simultaneous blasting, particularly in reducing ground vibrations and improving
fragmentation as given below.
al Reducing of ground vibration: In blasting for road construction in unstable rock formations, care should be taken
to avoid excessive vibrations, Short delay detonators could also be used when blasting in the vicinity of buildings
and structures, The magniture of the vibrations produced by 5kg of explosives fired by ordinary detonators is more
than that resulting from 75 kg fired with a combination of~No, 0 to No. 10 short delay detonators.
hi Multi.row firing: Firing with ordinary detonators, only one row of holes can be fired satisfactorily at a time. To
fire several rows, some form of delay is necessary. With delay detonators, the second row fires after the first row
has been broken and the third row comes into action after the first two rows have been displaced and so on
c,~ Less boulders: Very few boulders are produced with short delay blasting.
dl Less back break: With instantaneous blasting by ordinary detention the area behind the shotholes is likely to he
badly cracked, These cracks may cause the roadside wall to collapse at a later date. By using short delay detonators.
back break or hack cracking can be reduced. Detonating fuse is the simplest and safest accessory for initiating explosive charges. It is not
normally economical to use detonating fuse in short jack hammer holes. ln certain cases however,, where
speed is essential, the time required for charging and blasting can be considerably reduced with the use of
detonating fuse. A large number of shots connected with detonating fuse can be initiated by a single detonator,
thus eliminating the length and complicated procedure of electrical connections or of lighting fuses. The
process of blasting with detonating fuse is comparatively costly and its use may not be economical in some
IRC:SP:48-1 998
18,7.5.2. Preparing the primer cartridge: A suitable hole should be made with a prickerthrough the primer
cartridge, longitudinally in the case of special gelatines. A piece of detonating fuse of suitable length should
then be threaded through the cartridge and the projecting end secured to it by a knot or by taping it to the
side of the cartridge so that it cannot be pulled out. The methods for this are illustrated in Fig. 18.3.
Ll~,flN Connecting and initiation detonating fuse: For charging the holes, the procedure is similar to
that adopted for blasting with plain or electric detonators. When the holes have been stemmed, about 15 to
25 cm of detonating fuse should remain outside each hole. A tong piece of detonating fuse known as a main
line or trunk line should then be laid alongside the holes and the short pieces of detonating fuse connected
to the main line. An ‘L’ joint or a clove-hitch joint can be used for connecting branch lines to the main line.
This can be initiated by all types of detonators. The detonator secured to one end of the main line by adhesive
tape, should point towards the charges.
18.8.1. The design of an efficient blast depends upon the relationship between the diameter and depth
of hole, spacing, burden etc. In order to ensure that each cartrid9e of explosives does maximum work for
given working conditions, systematic trials are essential to arrive at the best blasting technique. However,
some important general principles are given hereunder.
18.8.2. Drilling: It is necessary to have a free face of the rock forming a ‘bench’ for ensuring effective
utilisation of explosives. This is done by developing a free face first and then drilling rows of shotholes, parallel
to the free face, 1.5 to 1.7 metres deep and blasting them. The holes in the middle two rows are inclined so
as to form a wedge as illustrated in the Fig. 18.4. These inclined holes are blasted first, followed by other
holes, fired in sequence. The resulting excavation is about 1.5 metres deep and can be deepened further
using similar blasting pattern.
IRC:SP:4.8-1 998
1/ \\ \\ ~ 1/ /1 II 1/ \\
1/ \\ \\ \~ \\ II 1/ /1 1/ \\ STAGE — 1
ii \\ \\ \~ \\ 1/ 1/ II /1 \\
II ~\ ‘~\ \\ \\ /1 if f~’ .~I ~
II \~ \\ \\ \\ II /1 1/ 11 \\
F \\ \\ \\ \y1 1/ II /~“ ~
18.8.3. Burden: This is the most critical parameter in benching. ‘Burden’ is the perpendicular distance
from shot hole to the nearest free face of the rock in the direction in which the displacement is most likely to
occur. Its actual value will depend upon a combination of variables inôluding rock characteristics, the nature
of explosive and the diameter of explosive etc.
18.8.4. Depth of holes: The depth of a drill hole depends upon type of drilling equipment and loading
method adopted. In case of manual loading the bench height should not exceed 2-3 metres and depth of
hole should be kept 3-4 metres, while using jack hammers. As a rule, the depth of hole should never be less
than the ‘Burden’. In practice holes are drilled to a depth varying from 1.5-2.5 times the ‘Burden’. While
deciding the depth of drill holes it must be borne in mind that depth of stemming should not be less than the
‘Burden’; otherwise Line of Least Resistance will be established in the direction of stemming and blasting
may not be much effective.
18.8,4.1. In general, a few deep bore holes are more efficient than large number of shallow ones as the
amount of material detached is proportional to the cube of the depth of the charge. Also the vertical holes
are easy to drill and normally give best results. They should be so placed that the Line of Least Resistance
is horizontal.
18.8.5. Spacing of holes: The spacing between holes is dependent upon the nature of rock, degree of
fragmentation required and the method of firing. Where holes are fired singly or with large intervals, the
spacing may be twice the Burden’. However, where shotholes are fired simultaneously, which is the most
common practice, spacing should not exceed 1.5 times the ‘Burden’. In very hard and tough rocks, the
spacing may have to be less than the ‘Burden’. The optimum spacing between drilled holes should be
determined by trials.
18.9.1. Volume of rock blasted: The volume of rock blasted is proportional to the depth and spacing of
drill holes and burden and is given by the formula:
Volume of rock blasted per hole (Cum) = Depth (m) x Burden (m) x Spacing (m) For jack hammer holes it is not necessary to calculate the volume per individual hole. The total
volume to be blasted may be calculated as follows:-
Total volume of rock (Cum) = Average depth (m) x Total length of face (m) x Average
burden (m)
18.9.2. Blasting ratio: The volume of rock broken by a unit weight of explosive is known as “Blasting
Ratio”. This ratio is usually expressed in ‘Cum of rock broken per Kg of explosives~.For blasting with gelatine
80%, the following ratios may be adopted:-
18.9.3. Quantity of explosives required: The quantity of explosives required per hole or per blast can
be worked out as follows:-
Example 1: Ten jack hammer holes are expected to break 20 cu. m (solid) of medium hard rock.
What will be the charge per hole?
Volume of rock - 20 cu.m.
Blasting Ratio - 4 cu.m. per kg.
Therefore, total charge in 10 holes - 20/4 = 5 kg
Therefore, charge in each hole = 5/10 = 172 kg
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Example 2: 32 mm dia drill holes is 2 m deep, with 1.5 m
Burden and 1 .5 m spacing in Hard Rock.
Volume of Rock = 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 = 4.5 cu.m. per hole
Blasting Ratio = 3 Total charge = 4.5/3 = 1 .5 kg explosive
a) i’o break ovcrsiie boulders produced during the primary blast to suitable size.
18.10.2. There are two basic methods of secondary blasting viz. Pop Shooting and Plaster Shooting.
18.10.3. Pop shooting: Pop shooting consists of drilling a hole just close to the centre of the boulder to
be broken SO that the charge is centrally situated and depth of hole a little more than” half the thickness of
the boulder. A hole is drilled either manually with the help of a cold chisel or with a hand drill or compressor
drill as the situation may permit The charge varies with the size of the boulder, but for average conditions, a boulder of size 1.4
m x 1 .4 ni x 1 m requires a charge of 140 gm i.e. one cartridge of blasting gelatine 80% for every two cu.m.
of the boulder. The shots can be fired by safety fuse alone or in conjunction with detonating fuse. Machines/equipment etc. deployed on the road near the site should be withdrawn to safer
distances, since there is considerable scatter of rock when firing pop shots.
18.10.4. Plaster shooting (mud capping): Plaster shooting also known as ‘Pressure Blasting’ provides
a ready means of breaking even large boulders in circumstances where drilling is difficult due to expediency,
or due to non-availability of drilling tools/equipment at sites such as isolated landslides. A charge of one or
more cartridges is primed with a detonator and safety fuse, and laid on the surface of the boulder. It is then
covered with a shovel-full of plastic clay which is pressed into position by hand. lt should be in good contact
with the surface around the explosive charge. In plaster shooting, the charge used is about four times that required for pop shooting, primanly
depending upon the thickness of the boulder. Table 18.2 gives a guide to the quantity of explosive required
for different boulder thicknesses although it will vary with the type of rock blasted. Best results in plaster
shooting are obtained when the rock is of a hard and brittle nature.
Upto4O 100
40-70 200
70-90 300
90-110 400
110-140 400-700
18.11. Blasting Methods for Different Road Construction Activities
18.11.1. New roads: The most convenient method is to drill vertical holes in several parallel rows across
the roadside face of hillto obtain ‘benching’. A series of benches can be established to achieve the full height
of the cutting. The height of the benches will vary depending upon the type of the drilling equipment available
and with jack hammers it rarely exceeds 3 metres. For fast advance of the benches, multi-row firing is often
useful. The method is illustrated in Fig. 18.5.
/ ~
,.,../,,,../ /
-~ L~J1~i~ Cuttings: There are two general types of cuts, a side hill cut where the excavation is made on
the side of the hill leaving a wall on one side only and a through cut, where the excavation is made through
a hill leaving a wall on both sides. The procedure is described below:-
a) Side Hill Cuts: The first operation is the removal of soft over-burden. This is carried out in advance of the rock
excavation, to facilitate drilling of the rock. When the rock has been exposed, a free face is established across the
width of the cutting. This is done by two or more parallel rows of vertical holes and charging and firing them
simultaneously. Once the free face has been established, the work proceeds by blasting successive rows of holes
drilled parallel to it. For deep cuttings, the desired level of road can be reached by excavating in several lifts,
h) Through cut: In case of through cut, a long cut can be opened up along the centre line on either side depending on
the slope ofthe surface. This face is then worked as aquarry and pushed back laterally to the slope line, This method
can be repeated on successive lifts until the cut becomes too narrow. After that, the through cut is worked in the
normal manner, that is, with the shots extending to the full width.
18.11.2. Half-tunnelling: Half tunnels are made where the strata is particularly strong and where
construction of an open road would entail prohibitive amount of rock excavation. The width and height of
half-tunnels (and full tLinnels) should also consider future requirements of widening etc. as hill cutting later
on will be very inconvenient and too costly. The half tunnel should be 7 m or more wide and 5-6 m high. Jack
hammer drills fitted with air legs are most suitable for drilling the horizontal holes required for half-tunnelling.
For drilling holes in the upper section of the cave a portable staging with several platforms will be necessary.
Alternatively, where the half t”nnels are not very high, the upper holes can be drilled by standing on the
debris produced by an earlier blast. Horizontal holes drilled parallel to the hill-side should be .6 to 2 m deep
and fired with short delay detonators. A typical half tunnel face showing hole placement and distribution of
short delay detonators is illustrated in Fig. 18.6.
18.11.3. Tunnelling (full)! drifting: A variety of drilling patterns are adopted in tunnelling work. The usual
procedure is to fire several shots to break out a preliminary cavity known as ‘cut’, in the centre of the cross
section. This is further widened by means of easer shots and final trimmer shots are fired to bring the tunnel
\ 7
1 2 3 4 7 E
0000 /
~ E
¶¶¶ lm] 1m 1 m LmLmLr~J Im
to’ the required finished size. The type of cuts commonly used include pyramid cut, drag cut and burn cut
depending upon the nature of rock. These are described below:-
a) Pyramid cut: A typical arrangement is given in Fig. 18.7. Due to the inclination of the holes, the depth of the cut
is generally restricted to half the width of the drift.
b~ Wedge cut: A typical system is given in Fig. 18.8. The holes are inclined at an angle not less than 4511 towards the
centre and almost meeting at the back of the cut. In large tunnels a double wedge cut is often used i.e. a small wedge
followed by a larger one.
~ote: Both pyramid and wedge cuts are suitable for uniform bedded hard rocks. Explosives consumption is less
than for other types of cut, but the depth of pull is restricted by the width of the drift.
c) Drag cut: This is mainly used in small drifts. A typical system is given in Fig. 18.9. Wherever possible holes are
inclined to the cleavage so that strata breaks along these planes. ‘D’ is not more than H/2 & ‘h’ is not more than
H/3, where D is depth of hole, H is height of cut and h is height of bottom most hole from ground level
~l) Burn cut: Typical arrangement is given in Fig. 18.10. While it is difficult to drill more than half the width of the
tunnel with a, b and c above due to angle of drill hole, with the burn cut, advances equal to width of tunnel can be
obtained. Burn cut patterns comprise a number of parallel holes of the same diameter, closely spaced, some of which
are heavily charged and the remainder left empty to provide a free face, lt is necessary to have a series of charges firing at intervals. This is achieved either by using
delay detonators if fired electrically or plastic cord, if fired with safetyfuse. Generally special blasting gelatines
are best suited forthis work. Consumption of gelatine varies from 0.7-0.25 kg/cu.m of rock broken depending
upon the nature of rock and size of excavation.
<< 281
—~. ~~fL
J~ ~
a::::::::::::: c::::::::::::o
a::::::::::::: :::::::::::::D
-‘. —
\\ ~ D = 60mm
d = 32mm
— D = 7?H/2 5 = ‘112mm
h = To expedite progress on a long stretch of half tunnel or tunnel, approach tunnels may be driven
at intermediate points, at right angles to the direction of the centre line of proposed road. This will allow extra
tunnel faces to be opened up. Once the faces have advanced away from the tunnel the compressor and
other equipment can be stored in the bye-end.
18.11.4. Excavation of rock foundations: Excavation of foundations for bridges, piers etc. forms an
important part of the road building projects.
<< 282
IRC:SP:48-1 998 First a small pit should be formed by blasting and this can be later enlarged and deepened to the
desired limits of excavation. Several pairs of inclined holes shoud be drilled in the form of a wedge. These
holes should be drilled 0.9 to 1.2 m deep at 75 cm centre to centre and each hole should be charged with
two or three 25 mm x 20 cm cartridges of blasting gelatine 80% strength.
18.11 .4.2. For excavation in low lying areas and river beds the depth of water normally ranges from 3 to 90
cm. Drilling in shallow water is rather difficult and the holes often get filled up with sand and dirt. The depth
of holes, therefore, should not be more than 0.9 m. A number of holes should be drilled 0.9 m deep with
6 m spacings and each hole should be charged with blasting gelatine 80% strength at a ratio of
approximately 1.5 cu.m per kg. Detonating fuse may be used for under water blasting and the cartridges should be taped on a
thin strip of wood or bamboo. If electric detonators are used then all joints should be properly insulated and
kept out of water.
18.11.5. Well-sinking
Since conditions in sinking are normally wet, it is important to use high density, water resistant,
gelatinous explosives. The principle in sinking is same as in tunnelling. An initial cavity is created by bla~ting
a ring of holes inclined towards the centre as to form an inverted pyramid. The subsequent ring of ‘easers’
and simper’ holes which are succeedingly less inclined than the preceding holes, fire into this cavity. The
charge ratio is about 0.45 2 kg/cu.m solid rock broken.
Hill roads are sometimes blocked by slips/landslides and also by large boulders sliding down hill.
Smaller pieces can be bulldozed away but the large ones often require to be blasted. Both pop shooting and
plaster shooting can be applied to break up large boulders.
18.12.1. Air compressors of 4 to 6 cu.m/min. capacity are generally used. The accessories required with
a compressor are as follows:
a) Jack Hammer 1 to 3 Nos depending on capacity of the compressors
b) Line lubricator - ito 3 Nos
C) Air hose pipe - 100 m
d) Hose pipe couplings - 8 No as required
e) Drill rods (I) 1 tn - 6 Nos
f) (ii) . 1.5 m - 6 Nos
g) Grinder for sharpening 1 No
h) Essential spare parts forjack hammer
18.13. Record of OrillingfBlastlng
18.13.1. Record of drilling and blasting may be maintained in the format given in Table 18.3.
Table 18.3. Record of Drilling and Blasting
Date Location Rock
Hole Hole Height Depth Burden Spacing volume Charge Charge Detonating Detonators Remarks
No. Dia of of Hole (m) (m) of Solid per Hole Ratio Fuse (Mention
(mm) Face (m) Rock per type wise)
(m) Hole (kg) (m) (Nos)
IRC:SP:48-1 998
18.14. BlastIng in Adverse Weather Conditions
18.14.1. Special measures have to be adopted when blasting in unfavourable weather conditions. In very cold weather: Low freezing type explosives can be stored and used upto 0°Cor
even at lower temperatures if the exposure is of short duration. Prolonged exposure to lower temperatures
may, however, cause the explosives to freeze. On freezing, explosives lose their plasticity and become hard.
In frozen state, some types of explosives are very sensitive and liable to premature explosion. Alt types of detonators and detonating fuse remain unaffected by low temperatures. The outer
coating of safety fuse will freeze in sub-zero temperature conditions. Precaution to be taken to prevent explosives from freezing: The following precautions
should be taken:-
a) Store all explosives in well constructed magazines until required for use.
c) Cover cases of explosives with tarpauline when awaiting use in the field.
d) Use up the contents of the case quickly once it has been opened.
f) Explosives should not be left exposed in the open for longer than is absolutely necessary.
g) As a general rule, explosives should be issued from a magazine on a ‘first-in first-out’ basis. Precautions to be taken with frozen explosives: The precaution to be taken are:-
c) Attempt to soften a frozen cartridge of explosives by pressing it in the hand or rolling it on the ground should not
be resorted to.
d) Attempt to thaw frozen~explosives by heating them over an open fire should not be done. Precautions to be taken with frozen safety fuse: The outer coating of safety fuse is likely
to crack if it is stored and uncoiled in very cold weather. Moisture or water may enter through these cracks
and affect the black-powder core. In wet weather: Blasting gelatine is water resistant and can be kept submerged in water for
atleast 24 hours. Ordinary detonators and safety fuse can be used in wet holes provided the crimps have
been treated with cap sealing compound. Blasting with safety fuse cannot be practised when it is actually raining. Electric shot firing
may be carried on provided all the joints have been properly insulated. The most suitable method, of course, is to use detonating fuse for blasting in very wet weather.
If the holes contain water, a knot should be tied in the fuse in such a way that about 8-10 cm of fuse extend
beyond the knot. A cap sealing compound may be required when holes are likely to contain water. The
junction between the fuse and detonator should be properly coated with this compound.
IRC:SP:48-1 998, During thunderstorms: Blasting should be stopped and all men must leave the blasting site,
when an electric storm is approaching. An electrical shot firing circuit, if struck by lightening may detonate
despite all precautions. Lightening several kms away may produce electrical charges sufficient to fire electric
detonatcrs. In case the storm is not severe, then the charges primed with detonating fuse can be initiated by
plain detonator and safety fuse. In foggy weather: Shot firing should be suspended during dense fog. Due to poor visibility
it becomes difficult to ensure that the danger area has been cleared of men and animals. In foggy weather it takes a long time for the fumes to clear and workers should not return to
the work site until the smoke and fumes have disappeared., In high wind: In high wind., as difficulty may be experienced in lighting fuses with ordinary
matches, special matches and lighting devices available for this purpose should be used.
18.15.1. Fragments of rock always fly as a result of blasts. These fragments should not be allowed to
fly dangerously when blasting nea,rviflages or buildings etc. Fly rock can be prevented by placing blasting
mats on top of the area being fired. These are heavy large mats in various sizes and can be made from 2 to
4 cm manila rope or old steel wire rope or old rubber tyres etc. These mats catch or arrest the fly rock. Holes
should be some what under-charged in order to avoid fly rock. Only two or three shot holes should be fired
at a time, with minimum quantity of explosive just to crack/break the rock.
18.16. Misfires
18.16.1. In case the proper method of blasting is used, the occurrence of misfire will be very rare.
Occasionally, however, the shot firer may encounter a misfired shot and it is important that he should know
how to deal with it. It is a general practice to wait for 30 minutes, when blasting with plain detonators, before
returning to blasting site and 5 minutes when using electric detonators or delay detonators.
18.16.2. Cause of misfires: These are explained below along with precautions for their prevention:
a) With safety fuse and plain detonators:
Cause How to prevent
1. Black powder core becoming damp Store fuse in cool, dry place. Use waterproof fuse
in wet holes.
2. Cracking of fuse by uncoiling in very Warm frozen fuse at 20°to 25°for
cold weather. Moisture can enter eight hours before uncoiling.
through these cracks.
3. Water entering detonator Crimp tightly. Use cap seating compound. Dip
the joint in the compound and allow it to dry
before making up the primer. Do not use grease
for water proofing.
4. Fuse damaged during stemming Use fine material for stemming and stem gently
using a wooden rod.
5. End of fuse may have absorbed Use freshly cut fuse only.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
6. Fuse cut at an angle may double Cut fuse straight across section with a
back inside a detonator. sharp knife.
7. Air gap between detonating compaction Remove all saw dust and dirt from detonators.
and fuse and saw dust or dirt inside Make sure that the end of the fuse is in close
detonator. contact with the detonating compaction.
8. Fuse and detonator may have been Fix fuse securely and test by pulling during
pulled out of the primer stemming.
9. Fuse may have come out of detonator Use a proper crimper. Do not crip with tooth
or ordinary pliers.
10.Fuse may not have lighted. Be sure that each fuse is burning before
lighting the next fuse.
4. Poor connection causes partial Make clean, firm joints and keep them dry.
misfire in round
5. Faulty exploder or faulty operation Check exploder regularly and see that it is
of exploder capable of firing the required number of shots.
Keep exploder dry. Use full force when
turning the key
6. Insulation scraping off causing Avoid sharp particles in stemming and stem
short circuit. gently
7. Lead wire touching rails, pipes etc. Keep wire of blasting circuit away from
Cause earth leakage and short circuit metal objects
8. Bare joints lying in water or on wet Insulate all joints and keep them above wet
ground ground
9. Wrong wires connected with each Make proper series connection and check
other with ohmmeter
1O.Cut off with delay detonators Place primer cartridge at the back or bottom
of the hole when using delay detonators.
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IRC:SP:48-1 998
18163. Detecting of misfired shots: While blasting with safety fuse it is easy to locate the misfired
shot by simple visual examination. When firing electrically, however, the procedure described below has to
be adopted to find the faulty shot. Where the electric detonators are connected in seiles, the first step is to divide the circuit at the
face in half, connecting one half to the shot firing cable and testing it from the firing point, all men having
been withdrawn from blasting site. This procedure will indicate in which half of the circuit, the defect lies. The
defective half of the circuit is again halved, the test repeated and the faulty quarter of the circuit discovered.
By further repetition of this method, the faulty shot will be finally located. The remaining shots can be fired
after taping the leading wires from the defective shot to a suitable marker. A search should be made
afterwards for undetonated cartridges and detonator, assuming that the misfired hole has been dislodged
during the blast.
18.16,4. Dealing with misfired shots: Where a misfire occurs with safety fuse,, the exposed fuse should
be examined after a lapse of thirty minutes. If a sufficient length of sound fuse is found projecting from the
hole, then it should be relighted. Where the fuse has burnt to a point inside the stemmed hole, the procedure
given below should be adopted. This procedure will also apply to misfires with electric detonator.
18.16.4,1, Recovering the charge by removal of stemming: Attempts should be made to remove the
stemming by blowing out with compressed air or flushing out with water. The air blast or water should be
introduced through rubber or non-ferrous metal pipe. No tools should be used for digging out stemming since
there is the risk of detonation of the charge by friction or shock. After the stemming has been removed, it
may be possible to withdraw remaining cartridges in the shot hole. Displacement of charge by relieving holes: If it is not possible to fire the charge by inserting
a fresh primer, then a relieving hole, not more than 90 cm deep should be drilled parallel to and atleast
45 cm away from the misfired shot. After firing the relieving shot, the debns must be carefully searched and
the undetonated cartridges and detonator recovered.
18,16.4.3. Misfired shot containing detonating fuse: With charge in large diameter holes primed with
detonating fuse, the stemming should be removed to expose a short length of detonating fuse. A primer
should then be secured to the fuse and fired. This will most likely detonate the misfired charge. If, however,
the fuse cannot be exposed, then relieving holes, not more than 38 mm diameter and 90 cm depth should
be drilled and blasted in such a way that the rock is benched away from around the misfire.
18.18. Caution
18.18,1, Explosives and accessories are sensitive materials and hence blasting operation has inherent
risk and danger unless the entire operation is handled with security and safety as prime factor. Utmost care
and caution should be exercised in handling and use of explosives and laid down procedures strictly adhered
<< 287
IRC:SP:48-1 998
19.1. General
19.1.1. Development in terms of environment consequent to the realisation that the environment was
deteriorating and earth’s resources were fast depleting threatening man’s survival on earth itself has given
rise to serious universal thought on preservation of environment and maintenance of a balanced eco-system.
19.1.2, Development without destruction” in pursuance of the national priority to create a balance
between ecology and development is of utmost importance. While constructing roads for the development
and prosperity of the nation, it has to be ensured that the eco-system is not disturbed and a harmonious,
balance struck between road development and environment.
19.2. Definitions and Introduction
19.2 .1. Environment includes water, air, land and all items forming part of surroundings whereas ecology
is the relationship between organisms i.e. human beings, living creatures, plants, micro-organisms, etc. Thus
environment will include ecological resources also. Eco-system is the ecological community living together
with its physical environment considered as a unit. Disturbance to any of the component factors in a unit
environment is likely to upset the ecological balance and lead to destruction. Hence maintenance of
ecological balance is of prime concern.
19.2.2. Certain important aspects of environmental degradation that can result in ecological imbalance
are given below:-
a) Anything that afrects quality of air that we breathe adversely affects general well being of all living creatures, i.e.
human, animal and plant life,
b) ozone layer surrounding earth acts as protective filter against harmful rays reaching the earth and any disturbance
to this layer tampers with life supporting system and therefore harmful to healthy life.
C) Emission of green house gases i.e. carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane. etc. by human activities and
industrialisation leading to destruction of patches of ozone layer and consequent global warming, could destroy
crop patterns, cause skin diseases, raise water level in oceans and resultant flooding, etc.
d) Forests are repositories of the earth’s bio-diversity and the millions of species that exist in the forests are natural
wealth and is greatly responsible for preservation of the Eco.system. The forests have, therefore, to be preserved
even if certain of the forest wealth/resources require to be exploited for development and industrialisation.
e) Pollution of water sources and affecting quality and supply of fresh water sources can affect life and health of living
organisms including human beings.
g) Rapid industrialisation, population growth, denuding forest cover, Creation of habitation in virgin areas, and
development projects affecting not only natural resources, but also people and destruction of naturally stable hills,
rivers, lakes, and items of art, culture and heritage.
It may be seen from above that any development activity can result in disturbance to the eco-system unless
effective measures are taken to ensure that adverse effects are inevitable minimum and adequate mitigation
measures are also taken.
19.2.3. In the post-independence period, massive and large development projects were undertaken for
development and economic upliftment in all spheres viz, communications including roads, irrigation, flood
control, housing, industries etc. These were mostly launched on technical and economic feasibility and on
<< 288
IRC:SP:48-1 998
socio-eóonomic considerations. Impact or adverse effect on environment was not a guiding consideration,
This obviotisly had detrimental effect on the eco-system. This issue has received world wide concern and
attention since the recent past. The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in Jun., 92, in which India was an active
participant and ratification of Global Bio-diversity convention on 29 December, 1993 are indicators of our
grave concern in the matter. For developing countries like India, the crucial issue is development for uplifting
living standards of the people as against environmental protection. It cannot be denied that environmental
problems are due to inadequacy of development and development project itself is a tool for preservation of
environment as long as effective protection measures are taken.
19.3.1, All road or highway projects have necessarily to come up on land and hence have an impact on
physical and natural resources such as water, air, soil, vegetation, forests, noise levels, etc. as under
depending on location of the highway project.
19,3.2. The roads in hilly regions are aligned in forest and mountain areas. In most of these areas
survival itself is a fight against nature but the region by themselves are endowed with gifts of nature and
environmentally and ecologically fascinating. These areas are treasure houses of flora and fauna, important
as tourist and health resorts, pilgrim centers, adventure sports area, habited by under privileged brethren of
our land whose advancement and merger into mainstream of national life depends on good road
communication. At the same time, these areas are ideal for development schemes also like hydel projects,
flood control etc.
19.3.3. The regions are mostly in unstable terrain conditions subject to extremes of climate and are prone
to land-slides, flooding, snowfall, snow drifts, glaciers/avalanche activity and so on which have adverse effect
on road system. However, the road system is itself an encroachment on surroundings, disturbing natural
state, when this is coupled with adverse conditions situation worsens. As a balanced eco-system is essential
for survival of all living species it becomes imperative that when hill roads are developed preservation of
environment and ecological balance is a part of the project.
19.4.1. Highway projects have impact on the physical resources such as drainage, surface water quality,
air quality, soils and noise levels. Improper cross drainage can cause swamps on either side of the road
embankment possibly leading to increased flood water levels. Water quality can be affected during
construction and operation of the highway by run-off of wastes. Po!~tioncan occur through accidents causing
spills of transported materials. The air quality can be affected by emission during construction from mobile
sources such as vehicles involved in construction activities as als’~from fixed sources such as stationary
construction equipments like stone crushers and hot mix plants. During the operation phase, air quality can
be affected by vehicular exhaust. Air pollutants of primary concern include suspended particle matter,
nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and lead. Air pollution impact will be more appreciable in
urban and industrial areas.
19.4.2. The possible positive and negative impacts (beneficial and adverse/detrimental) to the
environment resulting from a proposed highway project in hills are given in Table 19.1.
19.5.1. The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India have outlined “Environmental
Guidelines” for highway projects. The environmental parameters, associated with highway projects are given
in Table 19.2.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Table 19.1. Beneficial and Negative Impacts of Hill Road Projects
IRC:SP:48-1 998
19.5.2. The guidelines prescribe the following procedure for assessing highway projects
a Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Tb is isa procedure fur bringing out the potential effects of human activities on ens ironrnental systems. identifying
posit ye and negative effcets resulting from the construction of projects considering various alternative sites or
oNions aisil drawing out a list of parameters relevant to the project.
F:rtvirtttimeritsil Impact Statement (EN)
‘l’tse environmental impact assessment is to be followed by Environmental Impact Statement. The basic objective
of the EIS is to identify. predict and evaluate the likely impacts ofa given activity and then prepare necessary action
plans to eliminate or mitigate the adverse impacts as a part of the overall environment management plan. EIS should
cover t tie foIl owitt g
A brief discussion of the project.
ii. Description of the existing environment.
iii. Likely inspacts of the prssposed project both adverse and beneficial; reversible, short/long term impacts
iv Mitigation, protection and enhancement measures.
Consideration of alternatives.
vi l/ffect of no - change alternative
‘these steps arc necessary to predict the likely adverse consequence which will result not only in avoidable loss of
natural resources hut also additional expenditure. To cite an instance, absence of eatchrnent area treattnent rtiay
lead to loss of fertile top soil, flash floods and reduction of live storage of reservoirs. The adverse consequences
result in loss of national assets such as land, water, forests and a vast variety of plants and animals.
ci Environment Management Plan (EMP)
The Environment Management Plan is an implementation plan for carrying out mitigation, protection and
enhancement tnca.sures as are reeotnmended by the EIS. The EMP gives details as to how these measures should be
operated, the resources required and the schedule for implementation.
19.6.1. Keeping in view the importance of environmental aspects, it is imperative that mitigation measures
are incorporated at the planning stage itself which may even involve changing the vertical and horizontal
alignments. Sufficient information needs to be elicited at the planning stage in regard to environmental
characteristics of the project viz, delineation of national parks, recreation areas, land use, details of forest
lands’, proposals for rehabilitation of displaced persons, compensation for loss of forest areas, details of land
fill/embankments, proposals for protection and renewal of forests, balancing of cut and fill and site clearance
19.6.2... Mitigation measures for fixed source emission could include location of all stationary equipment
as far away as practicable from the work site to allow dispersion of emitted pollutants and stabilisation of
areas prone to dust emission by spreading water. Mitigation measures for noise during construction could
include spelling out permissible standards for noise for construction equipment in the contract specifications
and restricting the hours of construction at sensitive areas such as schools and hospitals.
19.6.3. Mitigation measures for mobile sources could include performing construction activities during
non-peak hours to avoid street closures, use of low emission (diesel) vehicles, setting limits of maximum
allowable emission periodic checks for emission control, use of dust covers over the beds of trucks during
19.6.4. Mitigation measures for unstable hill slopes, landslide prone areas etc could be appropriate
stabilisation measures, protective/control structures and even alternate route selection etc.
19.6.5. Mitigation me.asures during operation phase could include construction of buffer strips on either
side, planting of tree belts, construction of noise barriers, noise insulation of public building such as schools,
IRC:SP:48-1 998
hospitals etc, improvement of equipment and vehicle design, rerouting of heavy traffic and changing speed
19.7.1, Monitoring of the impacts and measures taken, especially air, noise, water, effectiveness of
control measures, etc. is a requirement to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate.
19.8.1. While implementing hill road projects certain aspects of construction and maintenance should be
kept in mind for implementation as a part of the project covering project proposals, construction techniques,
maintenance system, etc. Some important aspects are given as under
al Important points on which attention is required during planning and construction and moniture of hill roads. —
Appendix - 14
b) Check list of points about erosion control on the construction of roads in hilly areas. Appendix - 15
19.9.1. The Ministry of Environment and Forests notified rules relating to environmental clearance
requirements in January, 1992 which envisaged state level clearance upto 5 km length for all roads in the
Himalayas or involving forest lands and Central level clearance for lengths beyond 5 km. However, these
rules were revised in January, 1993. The revised rules envisage the following given in Table 19.3.
3. State Highways
Clearance for projects above these threshold levels is to be obtained at the Central C. ~vernmentlevel. As
these policies are subject to change, the latest and the current policy will have to be adopted.
19.10. Legislation on Environmental Issues
19.10.1. To ensure control on use of forest area for development projects and to ensure protection of
environment while implementing such projects the following enactments have been done by Govt. of India.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
The provisions in the above Ordinance/Act (as per current amendments, if any) as well as Rules
framed there-under should be kept in view while planning and implementing road projects and making
Environmental Impact Assessment. These are very relevant to hill roads due to the terrain and topography
of the regions where hill roads are planned.
19.10.2. The Forest (conservation) Rules, 1981 have been amended vide Forest (conservation)
Amendment Rules 1992 and the current provision of rule 4 are as under
a) Every State Government of other authority seeking the prior approval under section 2 shall send its proposal to the
central Government in the form appended to these rules. Provided that all proposals involving clearing of naturally
grown trees in forest land or portion thereoffor the purpose of using it for reafforestation shall be sent in the form
of Working Plan/Management Plan.
2) Every proposal referred to in sub-rule (I) shall be sent to the following address, namely
Provided that all proposals involving forest land upto twenty hectares and proposals involving clearing of
naturally grown trees in forest land or portion thereof for the purpose of using it for reafforestation shall
be sent to the Chief Conservator of Forests/Conservator of Forests of the concerned Regional Office of the
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
b) In rule 5 of the said rules for sub rule (I) the following sub-rule shall be substituted. namely
I) “The Central Government shall refer every proposal received by it under sub-rule (I) of rule 4 of the
committee for its advice thereon if the area of the forest land involved is more than twenty hectares.
Provided that proposals involving clearing of naturally grown trees in forest land or portion thereof for the
purpose of using it for reafforestation shall not be referred to the Committee for its advice.”
For the annexure appended to the said rules, the form shall be as per format given at Appendix-16.
19.11. Conclusion
19.11,1. As environmental clearance has become an inescapable part of preparation of highway projects,
it is essential that all highway engineers are familiar with the requirements of the Ministry of Environment
and Forests. The mitigation measures required for environmental management should be well understood
and provided for as specific items in the cost estimates. If sufficient and detailed attention is not paid to this,
it is quite likely that the clearance of highway projects will get badly delayed affecting development.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
20.1. General
20.1.1. The project data collected during the survey, trace cut and investigation together with the
proposals worked out on that basis should be presented in proper form forfull appreciation by the appropriate
authority. This should be divided in three parts under the following headings which when read together will
constitute the complete project documents:
a) The Project Report
b) Estimate
c) Drawings
20.1.2. Details to be presented in each part are brought out in subsequent paragraphs for guidance. It
should, however, be understood that the extent of detailingan individual aspect would depend upon the size
of the concerned project and its scope e.g. whether new construction or improvements to an existing road.
20.1.3. Special features to hill area like Reserved Forests, wild life sanctuaries etc. should also be
collected and find a place in the Project Report.
20.2.1. The Project Report is one of the most important parts of the project document and should give a
precise account of the different features for easy understanding and appreciation of the proposals. The
information provided may be conveniently dealt with under the following heads:
a) Preliminary
b) Road features
c) Road design and specifications
d) Drainage facilities Including cross drainage structures
a) Materials, labour and equipment
f) Rates
g) Construction programming
h) Miscellaneous
20.2.2. Preferably the design calculations etc. with regard to the above items should be attached as
20.2.3. Preliminary
a) Name of the work and its broad scope : Information here should give a general idea of the scheme as a whole.
b) Authority and plan provision: Reference to the order of the competent authority calling for the project and the
provision of the work in the relevant development plan, should be given.
i. Previous history of the road and its present condition (in the case of existing roads) or development history
of the project as regards economic activity, population served, available transport facilities etc. (in the case
of new roads). Highlight aspects such as susceptibility of the area to floods, waterlogging etc.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
it. The general topographical and geological features of the area.
iii, Rainfall snowfall, and their annual average intensity and distribution during the year, range of temperature
during summer and winter months, etc.
dl Necessity: indicate the necessity for the project and the circumstances which have made its execution urgent.
ci Method of execution: Discuss technology proposed for construction, whether labour based, machine based or
a) Route selection
Considerations governing the route selection and the effect ofthe proposed route on the overall transportation pattern
of the area with respect to other facilities like railways, inland waterways etc. (in the case of new roads) alongwith
the merits and demerits of alternative routes investigated and reasons for selecting the proposed route should be
brought out.
b The general alignment ofthe road and its details, section by section, with reference to topographical and geological
features, obligatory points such as bridge sites, important population centres, existing or prospective industrial
centres, etc., has to be brought out. It should alto discuss points of general importance like high banks, heavy
cuttings, nature of gradients, radii of curves, sight distance, nature of toil along the alignment etc.
The effect on Environment and Ecology due to the proposed mad project
the should be briefly
ofbrought out, The subject
0 and main aspects Environmental Inspact
is covered under Chapter 19 “Ecology
should beand Envimnment
Assessment done for the project touched upon. If Environmental clearance from Government has been
obtained, the sasne should be mentioned; if not obtained the present stage and details should be given. If no
environmental clearance is required or proposed to be obtained, it should be clearly brought out indicating reasons
The proposals regarding right-of-way, acquisition of structures alongside roadway, carriageway width, etc., should
he discussed, In the case of existing roads, the cross-sectional elements with the widths existing may be brought
e) Traffic
The type of traffic survey conducted for various sections, the data collected and the likely future growth has to be
explained. The designtraffic figures, separately for each elementofthe project, e.g. width of carriageway, pavement
intersections, railway crossings etc. should be touched upon. For existing roads, the accident data with special
reference to the known accident prone locations may be elaborated.
a) Road design
This should cover the special features of road design e.g. fixation of grade line vis-a-vis HFLJWater table, high
ernbankments, treatment of cut sections, design of road junctions, removal ofgeometric deficiencies in the case of
existing roads, remedial measures for landslide prone locations etc. Design calculations should be attached where
necessary. Any deviations from the prescribed standards should be discussed with reasons for the same.
hi Pavetnent design
The soil investigation data for pavement design should be presented in atabular form, The methodology ofcollecting
these data should be discussed and the pavement design proposals with respect to the altematives considered brought
IRC:SP:48-1 998
c) Protective works (other than cross-drainage works)
The proposals for retaining wails, breast walls, pitching, parapet walls, railing etc. should be brought out and design
calculation attached.
d) Specifications
Reference to the standard specifications in accordance with which the works are proposed to be executed should be
highlighted. Any modifications proposed or special specifications suggested should be brought out,
b) l)etails of surface/sub-surface drainage measures proposed e.g. longitudinal side drains, catch-water drains,
longitudinal/transverse sub-drains, blanket courses etc., be given. Design calculations/drawings as neces.sary may
be attached.
c) Highlight, ifany, special measures are proposed to check soil erosion and assist soil conservation. Slide-prone and
unstable areas and measures proposed may be discussed.
d) The proposals regarding small cross-drainage structures i.e. culverts and minor bridges (upto 20 rntrs span should
he explained. Details of the proposed structures may be given in a tabular form with cross reference to the standard
designs adopted or the detailed drawings enclosed, The table should also indicate special features of each struct arc
like design HFL, deck level, waterway, etc supported by waterway calculations.
e) Details of major bridges involved and proposed for bridging should be brought out. If temporary bridges are
proposed in the initial construction stage, the estimate should include same. Replacement of temporary bridges by
permanent bridges at a later date can be a separate project later,
g) Wether the structures to be built are proposed as per standard designs should be staled. If so, give reference to the
relevant drawings. Otherwise, design calculations and drawings should be attached,
a) Materials
The results of the soil and materials survey with reference to various sections of the road, bringing out clearly the
sources from which lie materials are to be obtained and their suitability for use in the works should be presented
Borrow area charts, quarry charts, approximate likely yield, results of tests on material, etc.. may be attached,
Facilities for transport of materials, and how these are to be provided should he discussed.
h) Labour
The requirements of labour for the work, whether it is to be imported, skilled labour needed, housing facilities, etc.,
should be discussed in the reporl.
c) Equipment
List the total equipment required for the project, the equipment already available with the department and additional
equipment required to be procured, etc., should be stated in the report.
20.2.8. Rates
a) Reference to the schedule of Rates adopted and the year of its publications should be mentioned. Whether the
Schedule is current or any correction have to he applied has to be indicated.
b) The items for which suitable rates are not available in the. Schedule should he based on analysis of rates which
should be attached to the estimate,
IRC:SP:48-1 998
20.2.9. Construction programming
a) Whether the work is proposed to be executed departmentally or through contract, period proposed for completion
of the project and the constraints which might possibly upset this schedule should be mentioned,
hi Construction schedule should be drawn up either in the form of a bar chart or on the basis of Critical Path Method
(CPM). For details of the latter, reference may be made to IRC Special Publication 14 “A Manual for the Application
of the Critical Path Method for Highway Projects in India”.
20.2.10. Miscellaneous Mention about the miscellaneous items of work like the following should be made:
a) Rest houses and temporary work sheds
b) Diversions and haul roads;
c) Arrangements for water supply and other site amenities;
d) Traffic control devices e.g. signs, pavement markings, guard stones, kilometre stones etc.
e) Roadside plantations, turfing, landscaping, wayside amenities etc.
I) Tourist facility items such as parking/scenic laybyes.
g) Environmental protection measures
20.3. Estimate
20.3.1. The Project Estimate should give a clear picture of the financial commitments involved and should
be realistic. This is possible only if the items of work are carefully listed, the quantities determined to a
reasonable degree of accuracy and the rates provided on a realistic basis.
This should give the total cost of the scheme with a general break-up under major heads of items with further
sub-divisions as necessary), e.g. land acquisition, site clearance, hill cutting under various types of excavation and
filling, sub-bases and bases, bituminous work/cement concrete pavement, cross-drainage and other miscellaneous
structures, miscellaneous items, percentage charges for contingencies, work charged establishment, quality control
i) Abstract of cost indicating quantities, rates and amount of each item of work.
iii) Analysis of rates for items not covered by the relevant schedule of rates; and
20.3.3. Where a project work is proposed to be executed in stages, the estimate should be prepared for
each stage separately.
20.4. Drawings
20.4.1. General Project drawings should depict the proposed works in relation to the existing features,
besides other information necessary for easy and accurate translation of the proposals in the field. For easy
understanding and interpretation, it is desirable that the drawings should follow a uniform practice with regard
to size, scales and the details to be incorporated.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
20.4.2. Drawing size: Drawings should be of adequate size to accommodate a reasonable length of the
road or a structural unit in full detail. At the same time, these should not be inconveniently large to necessitate
several folds. From this angle it is recommended that preferably the size may ~e 594 mm x 420 mm,
corresponding to the size A2 of IS: 696-1960. Drawings of this size could be stitched in a folder with flexible
covers so that the folio can be rolled for convenient handling. On one sheet of this size, it will be possible to
accommodate the plan and L-section of one km length of the road with sufficient overlap on either side, it
drawn to the horizontal scale of 1:2500. A wide margin of 40 mm may be kept on the left hand side of the
drawing to facilitate stitching into a folio. Chapter 5 “Survey and Alignment” may be referred regarding map
20.4.3. Component parts of highway project drawings:- The drawings usually required for a road
project include the following:-
In a highway project, a large number of small cross drainage structures will be required. Unless there is a special
problem, it should normally be convenient to adopt standard designs for these. If a standard design is not used for
any reason, a separate drawing should be prepared for each cross drainage structure. However protective structures
on downstream side of culverts to drain outflow of water may vary from culvert to culvert and as such, wherever
IRC:SP:48-1998 such provision is required, a separate drawing should be prepared for same. A convenient scale is 1:50. These will
f) Major bridges
Drawings for major bridges should be included where feasible. However, it is a normal practice to provide for
temporary bridges in the initial stages and frame separate report/estimate for major bridges based on adequate field
data and subsoil investigation
These drawings should clearly show the foundation and structural details as also the materials proposed to be used.
The scale chosen should be large enough to show all the details comprehensively.
The various items that should be incorporated in a Project Report are shown in the form of a
check list in Appendix 17 for guidance. This is intended to serve as a ready reference to ensure that all the
items have been included and to give an opportunity to the engineer preparing the project to review his work
and to state why some items have been left out.
(Para 4.,2.2.refers)
5 2 3 4 S 6 7 R 9
HOURL’( 1p.5
HO4JRL’~ •tOt~L.
2.2. refers~)
DbJLN’ ~ P
______ TO ___~ 1455 _____________ —
~ (w MI’~) ~.-.
DIPECTION O~TRWflC~- FROM__________ (uP)
fROM VttI~~t
covwy ~ I ‘ulu T~UcK1
— 0100
0900 — 1000
1000 — 1100
1100 — 12.08
— 130*
1300 140*
1408 - IDOl
¶100 — 1100
1700 —
i,o~ —
1000 1100
—,--— — —T----~ r —~ —- — — — ~~~~-1~
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(Para 5.3.2 refers)
1 The a~gnmontshould be as direct as possible between the obligatory and control points to be
linked,. A direct highway ink results in economy ~nconstrucifon, maintenance and operation.
2. The location should result in m~n~mum interference to agricullure and industry It shou’d steer
clear of obstructions such as cemetries, burning ghats, places of worship, archaeo’ogical and historical
monuments, and public facilities ike hospitals, schoo’s, play grounds etc.
3 Where the proposed location interferes with uti~tyseMces like overhead transmission lines, water
supply lines, etc. decision of changing the highway alignment or shifting the utility services should be based
on a study of the relative economics and feasibility.
4. As far as possible, frequent crossing and re-crossing of raUway lines, canals, water courses,
ridges, etc. should be avoided.
5 The augnment should avoid large scale cutting and fitling, and follow the profile of the land as
far as possib’e. Use of tunnels to avoid deep cuts should be considered where feasible and economicaL If
the road has to be in cutting, the location and the grade line should permit the adoption of half cut and half
fill type of cross-section which involves least disturbance to the natural ground subject, however, to
considerations of economy and road stability being satisfied.
7 When crossing mountain ranges, the highway should preferably cross the ridges at their lowest
e~ovat~on.In certa~ncases it may be more expethentto nogot~atehigh mountain ranges through tunnels, This
decision should be taken after considering the relative economics or the strategic requirements.
9, As far as possible, the afignment should permit adoption of a uniform design speed and easy
curvature in the entire length.
10. The route should avoki the introduction of haiNpin bends, as far as possible and their location,
particu!ar~yn valleys avoided. The bends should be located on stable and flat hilt slopes. Also, a series of
hair~pinbends on the same face of the hill should be avoided.
11 Needless rise and fall must be avoided where the general purpose of the route is to gain elevation
from a lower to a h~ghorpoint. Also, deep cuts involving destabitisation of natural hill slope should be avoided.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
12. It is preferable that crossings of major rivers (waterway exceeding 60 m) should be at right angles
to the river flow with highway alignment subordrnated to considerations of the bridge siting. Crossings of
medium/minor streams may also sometimes govern the choice of aUgnment n the case of hill roads due to
foundaflori problems, though their positions will be determined generaUy by requirements of the highway
proper and the crossings could be even skew or on curve if necessary.
~i) Unstable bill features and areas having perennia1fpotent~a1landslide or settlement problems.
(ii~ Areas subject to seepage/flow from springs, hyde! channels, sub-terranean channels etc.
~ii~) Steep hill sides.
15. Location along a river valley has the inherent advantage of comparatively gentle gradients,
proximity of nhib~tedvillages, and easy supply of water for construction purpose. But this solution is beset
with disadvantages such as need for a !arge number of crossdrainage structures and protect3ve works
against toe erosion. These pros and cons should be kept in v~ewwhde makrng initial selection of the
16. The location should be such that the highway is fully integratedwith the surrounding landscape
of the area~.It would be desirable to study the environmental impact of the highway and ensure that the
adverse effects are kept to the minimum.
17. An aUgnment Ukely to receive plenty of sun tight should receive preference over the one which
w~lIbe n shade.
<< 304
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(Para 5.3.7 refers)
4. Geometrics:
(a) Gradients
(b) Curves, hair~pinbends, etc.
6. Right~ofway, bring~ngout constraints on account of built-up area, monuments and other structures,
8. CLimatic conditions:
8.2 Rainfall data average annual, peak intensities, monthly distribution (to the extent availabre)
8.3 SnowfaU data average annual, peak intensities, month’y distribufion (to the extent avaflable)
avalanches etc.
8.4 Wind direction and velocities
8.5 Fog condftions
8.6 Exposure to sun
8.7 Unusual weather conditions like cloud bursts, etc.
9. Fac~titiesfResources
9.5 Construction materia’s (timber, bamboo, sand, stone, shingte, etc.) extent of their avaiIab~1ity
and leads involved,
10, Value of land agriculture land, frrigated land, buitt-up land, forest land, etc.
18, Other major developmental projects being taker up in the area e.g. hydro~eIectricprojects
19. Miscerlaneous such as camping sites, law and order prob’ems, royalty charges, ava~tabilityof
contractors for collection and carriage of construction materials, working period avaiJable for construction
work etc.
GI—~ 174~
A -~ 2~co 1. PEOFL~S!E~
2 50 ~ARD RO~ HEAl!! ~ 7~—O’ t~2~ - 1~O TRAC~ VILL~G~
. ~ ?RO~cOTT~E
(All 1140) WITH 9 ~ .~ TICN N L ~ P~5 200
2 YE~& iC)~E’cLOCK
MIXED ~ 5 —2 ~ 0 ALICN~E~r s~c~2
2.00 - .-cU~ ~ 3A$~AS PER NEFA
~ 4. MO~LYT~ LA~
SH~tB A$B 60 ~ NOT
~Ii JS~Z fl LAND
20—401 l~25
I ~ K GR—s1906 9 1~~iJ~YhOT
~ ~U p
7~5t6~O/ YILLA~ MUL~A~L~
~99 JAI.’~NII’~
V~LL~T (sit 1001 1
C oN ~jp~ ACRE ~ ~
~ ~4A~I 100LA~UR
~)FF 1OCI 7o._Ool ~ NO
Po5sI~ ~
c - ~.
BU8li~3 5LDDLi~ IL
-~25O ~
35 —4O~ 650 BRXD~~ NIL
‘~ ~ ~ P0
1140 ~TO~
5EILING ~ -- ~ 0.00
(bit t8~4p!)
• (0
IRC:SP:48-1 998
<< 309
IRC:SP:48-1 998
<< 310
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(Para 5.5.7 refers)
1 A comprehensive view of the terrain through which the highway is to pass is an essential
requirement for the engineers to appreciate and integrate the natural and cultural features of the terrain that
niluence the geometric design and economic considerations in highway planning. Field methods of route
sUrveying being limited by nature cannot provide this facility in adequate measure particularly in the hilly
region. Aerial Survey is therefore the answer to meet such requirements.
2. Topographic maps made from the aerial photographs and the regional photomosaics with
stereoscopic prints duly correlated with the ground control stations provide a comprehensive three
dimensional view of the natural and cultural environment between the terminal points. During aerial survey
the recording by film of segments of land surface is done, which consists of taking individual perspective
views (contact prints) overlapping one another by predetermined percentage along the line of survey. Two
different views of all the images on the ground obtained thereof can be studied with stereoscopic instruments
to observe the three dimensions of length, width and height. The approximate scale of the perspective view
obtained is ro ated to the elevation of the camera stations above the grounds and the focal length of the
camera in LJSO and may be determined by one of the established formulae in vogue.
3. After aerial recording and production of air photographs the next step in the survey isthe air photo
interpretations (if aerial photographs are readily available for the area, study can be done straight away). it
consists of the following techniques:~
5. Photo interpretation is the technique of obtaining required informations from the photographs and
determining their effect upon a particular problem by logic and reasoning. fl is also an inference technique
hut being a specialised art requires broad technical knowledge in several sciences combined with deductive
and inductive reasoning ability.
7. Photo reading and photo interpretation studies follow the same procedures to secure information,
The primary difference between the two is in limitation of background of the person who makes the study.
8. All photo studies should start with the preparation of a mosaic consisting of alternate prints in
each photographic flight line. This mosaic is most easily assembled by stapling individual photographs to a
fibre board and matching overlap arid sidelap areas of adjacent pictures. The mosaic provides a regional
view of large segment of the terrain. This regional view will show changes in natural and cultural features
that are significant to the particular study. All rivers and streams can be located and their shape observed.
<< 311
IRC:SP:48-1 998
All transportation systems can be seen and any adjustment in alignment may be indicative of strong
topographic differences. On the mosaic the major land forms of valleys, plains and mountains may be distinct.
All important features may be marked by the use of blue or orange china marking pencils.
9. The regional mosaic analysis is then followed by a detailed stereoscopic examination using a
ens stereoscope and the appropriate airphotos that match in overlap of prints that form the mosaic. The
stereoscopic examination is made to determine all factors for the photo reading or photo interpretation
analysis. All unidentified features of importance to the study are also marked and access roads are selected
so that ground control can be obtained by field reconnaissance. The final step in the procedure is the
preparation of a photo map or a line map by use of photogrammetric techniques.
10. Photo interpretation technique, including photo study duly supplemented by photogrammetry can
be very effectively adopted in collecting following information of the region.
ai Cultural features like residential, commercial and industrial buildings, existing roads and railways, and use and
habitations pattern etc.
Ib) Natural features like rivers, lakes, valleys, plains, mountains, ridges forests etc.
(C) Watersheds for approximate estimation of quantity of storm water that will flow through a culvert at a point in the
(dl Types and nature of soils and rocks.
11, Aerial surveys with associated photo interpretation technique can thus be profitably adopted
during the following stages of Highway Engineering Investigations:-
It can also be used for determining various economical routes of access to construction sites for
transporting equipment and materials.
12, Aerial survey is a valuabletechniquethat can be used bythe highway design engineers forterrain
evaluation, However, many of the features shown on aerial photographs cannot be evaluated by these
techniques alone and must be supplemented by well planned field surveys.
13. Photogrammetry is the Science or Art of obtaining reliable measurements by means of metric
photography. The distinction of the metric photograph over the ordinary photograph is that the former enables
the engineer to mathematically and physically recover the effective geometric point of convergence of the
rays which formed the photograph.
14. The photogrammetric system may be defined as coordinated chain of instruments and associated
methods for procurement, recording, storage, reduction and presentation of metric data based on the
photograph. The photogrammetric system consists of following operations:..
15, Data Acquisition Operation is concerned with the procurement of raw data/raw information in the
form of suitable photograph. The aim of the system is to obtain photographic negatives of the specified object
with sufficient accuracy and completeness of data for intended use. The basic instrument of the data
acquisition system is the photogrammetric camera. The supporting auxiliary equipment necessary to conduct
the data acquisition phase are platform for the camera, exposures point selection devices and laboratory
IRC:SP:48-1 998
processing equipment for the film. Platform for camera may be an aircraft or satellite. The function of the
camera is to create and record a perspective projection of the object photographed. Two photographs taken
of the same object from two different camera positions enables a photographer to achieve spatial
intersections of rays for determining a point uniquely in space.
16. Data reduction operation is concerned in coverting the photographic data into final data form as
per requirement of the user, for example, reducing the angular data of the aerial photograph in combination
with ground control data to produce a topographic map. The basic instrument of the data reduction operation
are the stereo plotter and transformation printer. The function of the stereo plotter is to create and measure
a three dimensional model of the object photographed.
17. If the final data form is to be digital, stereo comparator may be the basic instrument for data
reduction operation. Normally the data processing is done with electronic computer.
18, Achieving good results from photogrammetry depends to a great deal on the skill and experience
of the camera operator and stereo plotter and also on the experience of Engineer responsible for designing
the system and supervision of operations.
19. Remote sensing is the modern scientific method of acquiring data or information on natural and
cultural features of a terrain of interest from measurements made at a distance without coming in physical
contact with the object. It may in fact be described as extended photo interpretation method. Broadly the
remote sensing device consists of following components:-
20. Aerial photographs are used for detailed study of the local areas of interest whereas satellite
imageries provide overall view of the region.
(a) Mappers
(b) Side looking airborne radars
(c) Microwave radicometers
Such sensors have high flying aircraft or manned/unmanned satellites or spacecrafts as platform
which provide ideal vantage points for observations and recording.
(Para 5.5.7 refers)
1. Geology is the science to study the composition and arrangements of the elements of the earth’s
crust, In terms of geologictime and studythe earth’s crust is not a stable mass but its shape and configuration
have constantly undergone changes not only because of erosive actions of climate, wind, water, ice and
snow but also because of major tectonic movements caused due to internal stresses and strains, Mountains
and valleys have thus been formed. Further the intense sub-terranean heat has modified and changed the
condition of many of the constituent materials. Consequently the rock formations of the earth are folded,
tilted, cracked and displaced. The survey and study of these structural features are of considerable
significance to the highway engineer and must be understood to facilitate intelligent interpretation of surface
and subsurface conditions of planning, designing and construction of the highway and its structural
components, particularly in the hilly regions.
2. A detailed study of geological, pedological and geomorphological maps, as required and aerial
photographs, if available, showing physiographic features of the terrain under investigation has to he made
by the engineers who verify the suitability of the region for highway construction. The information gathered
from such study have to be supplemented with further information collected during field survey. The following
structural features and subsurface condition of the area of interest need detailed investigation during the field
(a) Typos of rocks and soils and land fomi in the area of interest
(b) Hardness of rock
(c) Dip and strike of the rock
(d) Folding or bending of rock
(e) Joints or fracture of the rock
(f) Faulting of fracture zone of the rock
3. It is advantageous to associate a geologist or geotechnical engineer with the study and field
survey to assist the highway engineer in the scientific evaluation of the terrain and selecting the best possible
and stable road alignment free from following geological hazards to the possible extent
(a) Vertical and horizontal movement of the land mass that cause land slides.
(hI Cracks, fissures and weak planes in the rock that activate and trigger slides and avalanches.
(c) Sources of water seepage which disturb stability of hill slopes.
4. Apart from helping in selection of stable alignment , geological survey assists the highway
engineer in locating
(a) Safe camp sites for the workers
(hI Appropriate quarries for stone and sand for the construction work
(c) Perennial water sources both for human consumption and construction purposes.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(Pare 13.1.4 refers)
8. Hand breaking of stone to 20 mm size 0.1 96m3 per labour per day
11. WBM 11 cm spread, rolled, blinded etc. 10.30m2 per labour per day
23. Edging with rubble stone 15x20 cm 27mlmason with 2 labour days
24. RCC (1:2:4) or (1:3:6) in slabs mixed in 7m3/day with 17.5 labour and
concrete mixer but excluding centering and 1/2 concrete mixer day
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(Para 13.1.4 refers)
7, 2.13m3/crusherlhour or 17m3!crusher/day
Crushing stone metal 20 mm size
8. Compaction of subgrade 231 .25m2/road roller/hour or 1850m2/road
(PARAl 45 1.4 REFERS)
NAME Of ROAD ----------km l/O TO 20/O
I CJ 1
~co Yl~o
Appendix - 12
(Para and 14.6.1 refers)
Check list of points to be examined during inspection for Maintenance of Hill Roads
(at level of Assistant Engineers/Junior Engineers/Supervisors)
1. Safety aspects
a) Behaviour of the slide whether dormant, active or unstable areas likely to become active,
any movements observed
Effectiveness of control measures already done
Functioning of drainage arrangement
Condition of protective/control structures and their effectiveness
3. Snow-fall/damages
5 Carriageway and crust conditions
8. Culverts/scuppers/minor bridges
Damages, if any
Free flowing or is there any blockage
Silting of catch-pits
Damages to head waifs, parapets, etc., if any
General condition
Any damages/cracks
Weep-holes - effective functioning
Apron, revetment, pitching - properly maintained or not.
Whether aggregates, bitumen, required for maintenance are available at sites located at regular
intervals and are stacked properly.
14. Encroachment:
Appendix - 73
(Para 18.17.1 refers)
W While Using
2.8 i. Don’t use tools made of iron or steel for opening cases. Use hard wood or
brass implements.
2.10 ii.
.., Oon’t leave explosives lying in the hot sun.
3.3 Ill. Do replace the cover of the case after the required quantity has been
taken out.
3.4 iv. Don’t carry explosives in your pockets.
3.5 V. Don’t make up primers near large stacks of explosives
3.6 vi. Don’t insert anything but a fuse inside a detonator
3.1 vii. Don’t handle or be near exptosives during an electric storm. All persons should
retire to a place of safety.
3.10 VIII. Don’t use damaged or deteriorated explosives and accessories.
3.7 ix. Don’t break explosives cartridge
d) While Stemming
i. Don’t use metallic rods for stemming. Use only wooden rods. The end of the
rod should be kept square by sawing off the pointed end periodically.
ii. Don’t apply pressure directly on the primer cartridge. Always put a few cm of
““” stemming after the primer is in position inside the hole.
Ill” Don’t use sharp particles in the stemming
iv. Don’t damage fuse, lead wires or detonating fuse while stemming.
6 While Firing with Safety Fuse
i. Don’t use short fuse. The minimum length should be 1.2 m and make sure you
have time to reach a place of safety before the explosive detonates.
ii” Do use only approved crimpers for securing detonators on to fuse.
,.. use fuse lighters. If matches have to be used slit the end of fuse, hold the
match head in the slit and rub the side of an empty match box against
the match-head.
iv. Don’t use explosive cartridges for lightening fuse. It is extremely dangerous.
<< 321
White Firing Electrically
Don’t use electric detonators during dust storms or near any other source of
large static charges.
Do keep the firing circuit insulated from the ground, bare wires, rails, pipes
or any other paths of stray currents.
III. Do test the firing circuit with an Ohmmeter or circuit tester from the firing
iv Do make sure that all joints are firm, clean and dry.
V. Do keep lead wires short-circuited until ready for firing.
<< 322
Appendix 14
(Para 19.8.1 refers)
1. Any road construction activity in the Hilly region should be based on a Master Plan of the
district and should be integrated with existing roads as far as possible.
2. It may not be possible to give road connections to all villages. The concept of giving connection
to a cluster of villages though an all-weather motorable road is more practicable. The other
villages could be connected to the roadhead through bridle paths, bridle bridges, foot tracks
or light vehicle roads as feasible.
3. All road construction activities should be coordinated through a single agency both at the
central and the state level.
4. Roads to be constructed by all agencies should generally conform to the design standards
and specification laid down by IRC for similar category of roads.
.5 . Adequate attention must be paid while selecting road alignment, that landslide/erosion prone
areas are avoided as far as possible. While selecting the road alignment the advice of
geotechnical engineers and geologists, forest and soil conservation experts shoufd be taken
right from the start.
6. During the prooess of road construc?ion, out and fill method should be resorted to in order to
cause minimum disturbance.
7. Heavy rock blasting should be avoided and controlled blasting should be resorted to by using
a low explosive charge. Bfasting should be adequately supervised by technical personnel.
Selection of blasting holes should be so done as to avoid large scale disturbance to the rock
face, developing cleavage planes/cracks and opening up fissures etc.
8. Spoil from cut/blasted rock should not be thrown haphazardly along the valley stopes as these
are likely to cause heavy siltation/chokage of waterchannefslstreams and damage agricultural
lands. These should be preserved by stocking at selected location atong roadside for future
9 Cut slopes should be rendered stable in the construction stage itself by cutting at the correct
angle and benching etc. including slope stabilising structures like drains, breast walls, pitching
etc. Wherever considered appropriate on the basis of a technical study conducted for the
purpose, funds should be provided in the project estimates for the treatment of the unstable
areas both above road fevel and below road formation. Steps should be taken to stabitise the
existing roads within a fixed time frame.
10 All cut/denuded slopes should be treated with vegetative tuning.
11 Deforestation during the construction of road should be kept to the minimum and should be
done only in consultation with Forest Authorities. Any cutting of trees must be replaced by
planting 3 to 4 times the number so that atleast an equal number survives.
12 Drainage of water from roadside should be given adequate attention and an effective system
of drainage should be constructed to lead the run-off to natural water courses. fn panicular,
suitable intercepting and catch water drains should be provided above the cut slopes for the
speedy and safe disposal of water. It should be ensured that water is not drained into villages
<< 323
and cultivated land. Location of cross drains and culverts should be so chosen as to avoid
erosian of the outlet. Adequate erosion control works like drop walls, apron etc. at out-fail
points alongwith pitching/paving of the channel should be undertaken.
13. To minimise the adverse effects of cattle grazing proper check should be exercised and the
concept of rotationa! grazing should be implemented. ‘Jhoom’ cultivation, impounding water
very near and above the hill roads for terraced paddy cultivation and fish rearing must be
14. The use of horizontal drains represents the most promising method of correcting flow types
of landslides. Efforts should be made to instal horizontal drains at selected locations with a
view to gaining first-hand experience of their functioning and in order to develop their use.
15. The main approach to the control of rock-fall should be to contain the rock-fall or to deflect the
falling rock away from the road pavement and towards the cliff.
16. To the extent feasible, roads should be aligned away from streams and torrents except where
these are to be crossed. Since the greatest damage always occurs along water courses,
special attention is necessary to create protection belts of forests on both sides.
17. Excavated material should not be thrown haphazardly but dumped duly dressed in a suitable
form at suitable places where it cannot get easily washed away by rain and such spoil deposits
may be duly turfed or provided some vegetative cover towards the same purpose.
18. Strip forests with suitable site conditions for minimum distance of 30 m on either side of the
road should be provided. These should be raised and maintained by forest authorities. No
felling except of dead or dying trees should be permitted in this area.
19. A mountainous road, when located along a river valley, has the inherent advantage of gentle
gradients, proximity to in-habited village, and general convenience of construction and
operation of the facility. However, this solution has the disadvantage of larger outlay on cross
drainage and protective works as well as problem of erosion. All these factors should be
carefully considered before making final selection.
20. The alignment should involve least number of hairpin bends. Where unavoidabie, these should
be located on stable and less steep slopes.
21. While locating roads in high mountain ranges, it may be expedient and economical in some
cases to construct tunnels to shorten the length of the alignment.
22. As far as possible, mountain ridges should be crossed at their lower elevation.
23. In hilly country, a location subject to sunlight should get preference over a location in the
shade. In snowfall area roads should run, as far as possible on southern face of hill to get sun
light for maximum period in winter.
24. Areas liable to snow drift should be avoided.
25. Prompt removal of debris blocking the road because of landslides or other reasons.
26. Eroded areas should be promptly made up and provided with vegetative cover.
27. Drains, catch pits etc, should be cleared of all debris and repaired where necessary before
the onset of the rainy season.
<< 324
Appendk- 75
(Para 19.8.1 refers)
2. Have soil maps and aerial photographs studies and investigations been made to focate areas
or sections with high erosion potential.
5. Does the selected alignment follow the lie of the land and avoid large scale cutting.
9. How will adjacent and nearby streams, ponds and lakes be affected by project construction.
10. Does the road cross section involve a lot of disturbance to the natural ground.
11. Are the design cut slopes stable for the type of strata.
12. Are slope stabilising structures like breast walls, pitching etc. required.
13. Does the cut hill face require any special treatment to prevent slips.
14. Has the area for clearing and grubbing been clearly demarcated.
15. Has a work schedule been worked out for the different construction operations.
16. What erosion control works are required before clearing and other works are started.
17. Are any temporary erosion control measures required between successive construction
18. Have sediment traps, benches, catch water drains, side drains, ditch paving, slope protection
works and other erosion control items been identified on the plans and provided in the
19. Have the location and alignment of culverts been fixed with due consideration to erosion at
outlets and siltation at inlets.
<< 325
20. Have the necessary erosion control measures been taken at the out falls of culverts.
21. Has the proper disposal of surplus excavated material been thought of and provided for.
22. What action has been taken to establish vegetative cover to cut/fitl sloes and plantings on the
disturbed roadside land.
24. Do any of the design measures require modification in the light of field conditions.
<< 326
Appendix 76
(Pat-a 19.10.2 refers)
(see rule 4)
1. Project details :-
0) Short narrative of the proposal and project/scheme for which the forest land is required.
(ii) Map showing the required forest area, boundary of adjoining forest and item wise break-up
of the required forest area for different purposes (to be authenticated by an officer not below
the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests) ................................
(iv) Justification for locating the project in the forest area giving alternatives examined and reasons
for their rejection .......................................
3. Item-wise break-up of the totat land required for the projectlscheme alongwith its existing
land use.......
04 Vulnerability of the forest area to erosion. Whether it forms a part of seriously eroded area or
not ........... ...........
(vi) Whether it forms a part of National Park, Wildlife Sanctuary, Nature Reserve, Biosphere
Reserve, etc; and if so, details of the area involved. (Specific comments of the chief wiidlife
warden to be annexed) ......................
<< 327
(vii) Item-wise break-up of the farest land required for the project/scheme for different
purposes .. . .. .,..................““..
(ix) Whether it is a habitat for migrating fauna or forms a breeding ground for them ,.........I........I..
0) Details of non-forest area/degraded forest area identified for compensatory afforestation. Its
distance from adjoining forests, number of patches, size of each patch .....................I
(ii) Map showing non-forest/degraded forest area identified for compensatory afforestation and
adjoining forest boundaries . . .. . . .. . ...I...................
WI Certificates from competent authority regarding suitability of area identified for compensatory
afforestation for afforestation and from management point of view. (To be signed by an officer
not below the rank of Deputy Conservator of Forests) .._. . . .. . . . ...“..........
(vi) Certificate from the Chief Secretary regarding non-availability of the non-forest land for
compensatory afforestation (if applicable) .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .
7. Details regarding transmission lines (only for ‘transmission line’ proposals )I-
<< 328
8. Details of irrigation/hydel projects (only for irrigation/hydel prolects ):-
(vi) Break-up of area falling in catchment area of the project (forest and, cultivated land,
pasture and, human cultivation and others)
(x) Area of submergence at 4 meter below full reservoir level (for medium and major
projects only)
(xiii) Total financial outlay and details regarding availability of funds for catchment area
treatment plan
10. Details regarding mining proposals (only for mining proposals ):-
(iii) Estimated reserve of each mineral/ore in the forest area and in the non~forest
IRC:SP:48-1 998
(v) Nature of mining operations
(open cast/underground)
(vi) Phased reclamation plan
(viii) Copy of the lease deed (to be attached only for renewal purposes)
(ix) Number of labourers to be employed
(a) Mining
(b) Storing mineral/ore
(xi) Reasons why any of the activities referred to in (a) to (h) above under the project for which
forest land has been asked for cannot be undertaken/located outside forest area
(xii) The extent of damage likely to be caused and the number of trees affected on account of
mining and related activities
(xiii) Distance of the mining area from perennial water courses, national and state highways,
national parks, sanctuaries and biosphere reserves
(xv) Extent of subsistence expected in underground mining operations and its impact on water,
forest and other vegetation
11. Cost benefit analysis
If, yes. whether, requisite details for the same have been furnished (Yes/No)
13. Whether any work In violation of the Act has been carried out (Yes/No)
If yes.
(i) Details of the same including date of commencement
IRC:SP:48-1 998
16. Detailed opinion of the chief conservator of forests/head of the forest department
concerned covering the following aspects, namely
(i) cut-turn of timber, fuelwood and other forest produce from the forest land involved;
Certified that all other alternatives for the purpose have been explored and the demand for the required area
N.B.1 While furnishing details of flora and fauna, the species should be described by their scientific
N.B.2 If the space provided above is not sufficient to specify any information. Please attach separate
Foot Note
The principal rules were notified vide number G.S.R. 719 dated the 20th July, 1981 and subsequently
amended vide
(1) G.S,R. 14, dated the 28th December, 1987
(2) G.S.A. 6.10 (D), dated the 26th June, 1989
IRC:SP:48-1 998
Appendix 17
(Para2O,5 refers)
Project Report
1.1 Preliminary
i) Name of work and its scope
ii) Authority and plan provisions
iii) History, geography, climate, etc.
iv) Necessity
1.6 Rates
I) Schedule of rates
ii) Rate justification
IRC:SP:48-1 998
2. Estimate
3. Project Drawings
i) Locality map-cum-site plan
ii) Land acquisition plans
iii) Plan and longitudinal sections
iv) Typical cross-sections cross-section sheet
v) Detailed cross-sections
vi) Drawings for cross-sections drawings for cross-drainage structures
vii) Road junction drawings
viii) Drawings for retaining walls and other starting walls and other structures.
IRC:SP:48-1 998
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IRC:SP:48—1 998
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