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Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

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Physical Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Evan McDermott Equipment (be specific, consider the whole lesson):
Content/Skill theme: Disc Activities Foam frisbee (one for each student)
Lesson: 2 Date/Time: 2/13-2/14 18 cones (6 colors)
Grade: K-4 Class Size: 10-25 Dodgeballs
4 Go-Gater baskets
2 Disc Golf Baskets
Bowling Pins
2 Goals
10 Polyspots

Safety (be specific, consider the whole lesson):

Students should not throw frisbees into areas occupied by other
students or when students are between them and their target.

National Standards & Outcomes State Standards & Outcomes

Standard 1:

K-1: Developmentally
appropriate/emerging outcomes first
appear in Grade 2

2: Throws overhand, demonstrating 2 of

the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern.

3: Throws overhand, demonstrating 3 of

the 5 critical elements of a mature pattern,
in nondynamic environments (closed
skills), for distance and/or force. (S1.E14.3)

4: Throws overhand to a partner or at a

target with accuracy at a reasonable
distance. (S1.E14.4b)

5: Throws overhand to a large target with

accuracy. (S1.E13.5b)

Standard 3: The physically literate

individual demonstrates the knowledge and
skills to achieve and maintain a health-
enhancing level of physical activity and

K: Participates actively in physical

education class. (S3.E2.K)

1: Engages actively in physical education

class. (S3.E2.1)

2: Engages actively in physical education

class in response to instruction and
practice. (S3.E2.2)

3: Engages actively in the activities of

physical education class without teacher
prompting. (S3.E2.3)

4: Engages actively in the activities of

physical education class, both teacher-
directed and independent. (S3.E2.4)

5: Engages actively in all of the activities of

physical education. (S3.E2.5)
Standard 4: The physically literate
individual exhibits responsible personal
and social behavior that respects self and

K: Shares equipment and space with

others. (S4.E4.K)

1: Works independently with others in a

variety of class environments (e.g., small
and large groups). (S4.E4.1)

2: Works independently with others in

partner environments. (S4.E4.2)

3: Works cooperatively with others.


4: Accepts players of all skill levels into the

physical activity. (S4.E4.4b)

5: Accepts,recognizes and actively involves

others with both higher and lower skill
abilities into physical activities and group
projects. (S4.E4.5)

Student Objectives (ESWBAT) Assessment

Observation of students following safety rules during the
Affective ESWBAT work positively with peers during the lesson focus.
lesson focus
ESWBAT recall the cues for throwing a disc during the lesson
Cognitive Questioning during lesson closure.
ESWBAT accurately throw a disc to an intended target during
Psychomotor Assessment of student success rates
the lesson focus
Teacher Objectives Assessment
1. Use student names to give positive feedback. Feedback from CT
2. Manage time effectively to leave time for closure Feedback from CT
3. Let students know how much time they have to get places. Feedback from CT

Organizational Adaptations &

Student Activities Performance Cues
Time Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Arrangement Modifications
Potential adaptations to
(min) experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; Diagram showing organization of
student activities to meet
statements; closure teacher actions students; Managerial task statements
the needs of ALL students.
● Introduction Students can select
o Students will enter the gym and run two laps then which exercises they
sit in front of the white board. want to perform.
Behavior prompts
o Teacher will remind students about the 5210
Thanks for running on
o Teacher will go over Claim (learning target), Students will run along the
the black lines!
Reasoning (why) and Evidence (how) boundaries of the basketball
▪ I can throw a frisbee to a target at court
8 Thanks for following
different distances.
▪ Frisbee is a lifetime activity Students will be spread out in
● You can play frisbee games for self-space with their partner.
Specific feedback
your whole life
▪ I can tell a friend the steps (cues) to
I really like how you’re
throwing a frisbee.
o Teacher will instruct students to find a partner
and each will pick one exercise

Time Organizational Adaptations &

Student Activities Performance Cues
(min) Arrangement Modifications
Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Diagram showing organization of Potential adaptations to
experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; students; Managerial task statements student activities to meet
statements; closure teacher actions the needs of ALL students.
● Lesson Focus Behavior Cues: Students can select the
o After students finished exercises, they will pick distance that they
up a foam frisbee and explore with the frisbee. Thanks for keeping your want to pass the
▪ Students can frisbee under control! frisbee.
● pass with a partner
● try to throw a frisbee into a Teaching Cues:
basketball hoop
● try to hit a target on the wall that Point: Point to target
they choose
o After 5 minutes of exploration, the teacher will Shoulder: Bring disc to
stop activity and introduce the teaching cues. your shoulder
▪ Point
▪ Shoulder Point: Point in the
▪ Point direction you want the
▪ Alligator disc to go as you release
▪ Claw
Students will be on the
o The teacher will instruct students to stand on the Alligator: Use two
sideline with their partner
black line with their partner. One partner will hands shaped like an
across from them.
47 move out from the line to a distance that they alligator mouth to catch
think they can throw and catch from. Students the frisbee
Students will be spread
will attempt to complete as many catches as they
throughout the gym
can. Claw: Use one hand like
▪ The teacher will have students yell out a crab claw to catch the
their number on the count of three frisbee
o Stations (K-1)
▪ During this activity, there will the three Specific feedback:
different stations. Students will rotate
stations every 4 minutes. I like how you’re
▪ Station 1: Dodgeball Knockdown pointing to your target
● Four dodgeballs will be placed as you release the disc!
on top of cones at four different
distances I like how you’re
● Students will stand on the focusing on making
polyspot and try to knock the accurate throws!
dodgeball off the cone by hitting
the dodgeball or the cone. Teacher Actions:
● After throwing at a dodgeball, Teacher will move
students will pick up their around the activity area
frisbee, return the dodgeball if giving positive feedback
necessary, and return to the
● Students will count how many
times they knock over a
▪ Station 2: Go-Gater
● Four Go-Gater baskets will be
placed at four different distances
● Students will stand on the
polyspots and try to land their
frisbee in the basket either
through the top of the basket or
through the hole on the side.
● After throwing at a basket,
students will retrieve their
frisbee, and return to the
● Students will count how many
times they make their frisbee
into the basket
▪ Disc Golf Putting
● Two disc golf baskets will be
placed at different distances
● Students will stand on the
polyspots and try to make their
frisbee into the basket.
● After throwing at a basket,
students will retrieve their
frisbee and return to the polyspot
● Students will count how many
times they make their frisbee
into the basket
o Triangle passing (2-4)
▪ Students will be in teams of 4-6
depending on numbers.
▪ 1-2 students will stand at each cone
▪ Students will pass their frisbee
counterclockwise and then follow their
▪ Students will “compete” as a team to see
how many passes they complete.
o Disc Golf (K-4)
▪ Disc Golf baskets will be placed at one
end of the gym
▪ Students will begin on the opposite end
of the gym
▪ Students will throw their discs
simultaneously to see how many throws
it takes them to make their frisbee into
the basket
o Frisbattle (K-4)
▪ Students will be split into two groups
and each group will line up on the
opposite baseline.
▪ Bowling Pins will be set up along the
free throw line for K-1 and from the top
of the three point line extended for 2-4.
▪ K-1: Students will throw their frisbees to
see which side can be the first to knock
down all of their pins
▪ 2-4: A goal will be placed at half court.
Teams will throw their frisbees to see
who can be the first to knock down all
the cones. If a student makes a frisbee
into the goal, they can go to the other
side and stand a pin back up.

Organizational Adaptations &

Student Activities Performance Cues
Time Instant activity, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning Behavior prompts; teaching Arrangement Modifications
Potential adaptations to
(min) experiences, and game-skill practice-game specifics; instructional task cues; specific feedback; Diagram showing organization of
student activities to meet
statements; closure teacher actions students; Managerial task statements
the needs of ALL students.
● Lesson Closure Behavior Prompts:
o Students will sit, squat, or kneel in front of the
white board Thanks for sitting,
▪ Students will turn to a partner and each squatting, or kneeling to
share the cues for throwing a frisbee join our conversation! Students will be seated in
5 ▪ Students will then share the highest front of the white board.
number of successful throws they made Teacher Actions:
(K-1) or how many pins they knocked
over (2-4). Teacher will monitor
student conversations

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