Chapter 2 Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss
Chapter 2 Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss
Chapter 2 Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting for weight loss is becoming more and more popular each day. The reason for
this is that people are finding it to be an effective solution to weight loss compared to other
solutions out there. According to a study conducted on the effects of intermittent fasting and the
metabolic health in humans, weight loss was reported in over 84% of the participants, with these
These results have been supported by other scientific studies, for example, the 2014 review study
of intermittent fasting vs calorie restriction for prevention of type 2 diabetes. In the study, it was
found that intermittent fasting protocols can help you to lose between 3 and 8% of your body
From the various studies conducted, and from several people own personal accounts, you can
already determine that intermittent fasting is a great way of losing weight. But how exactly
does the eating pattern aid in weight loss? Below is a look at the various ways that the various
Weight is all about calories. Each day, there is a certain amount of calories required to maintain
your specific body weight. If you consume more than the required calories, your body find itself
with an energy surplus, which is ultimately converted into body fat for storage. Continued
consumption of excess calories over time leads to more fat being stored, which is what causes
weight gain.
On the other hand, if you consume less than the required calories, your body finds itself with an
energy deficit. Therefore, it turns to alternative energy sources, including the already stored
body fat. The fat is burned down, providing your body with the required energy. Continued
calorie deficit over an extended period leads to more and more body fat being burned, which
results in weight loss. This is one of the ways in which intermittent fasting helps you to lose
Since various fasting protocols require you to fast for a certain period of time, intermittent
fasting helps to reduce your normal eating period. Therefore, you end up having a huge calorie
deficit, and sometimes, even consuming nearly 0 calories per day. The deficit forces your body
to turn to the stored body fat for energy, which helps you to lose weight gradually. And to top
on the weight loss benefits, intermittent fasting promotes the burning of the excess body fat,
which means you lose the extra fat stored in areas such as your belly, thighs, and so on.
Therefore, you end up looking thinner, which greatly improves your appearance and self-
However, since intermittent fasting does not limit the foods you can consume during the eating
period, the weight loss benefits can only be achieved if you take extra caution. Overeating or
consuming high-caloric foods during the eating period can result in you taking in more than the
required daily calories, thus resulting in the “compensation” for the days you have a calorie
deficit. This can result in little to no weight loss results, and in case you consume too many
2. Increasing Metabolism
Intermittent fasting does not only help to reduce your calorie intake, it also boosts your
metabolism, which leads in more body fat being burnt, thus leading to more weight loss. The
metabolism level increases due to the effect of fasting on the various body hormones, some of
which are involved in the fat burning process. Below is a look at these hormones, how they are
Insulin is one of the key hormones involved in the conversion of the food energy into various
forms for storage. When you eat, the insulin levels in your body rises, which results in the
conversion of the excess food energy (glucose) into glycogen. Glycogen is stored in the liver, but
only a small amount can be stored. Any remaining energy is thus converted into fat, some which
is stored in the liver and the rest in other fat deposits in the body, for example, the belly.
The whole process goes into reverse when you abstain from food (fast). The insulin levels decline,
which signals the body that there is a shortage of energy, thus triggering the burning of the stored
energy sources. The body starts by burning the glycogen that is stored in the liver, and when this
is depleted, the body turns to stored fat. The longer the fasting period, the more the insulin levels
remain low, and the more body fat is burned. This is how intermittent fasting leads to an
Human growth hormone (HGH) is a naturally occurring hormone that is released by the pituitary
gland in the brain. The secretion of the hormone begins at an early age, while still in the womb
and continues throughout the entire lifespan. HGH plays various important roles in the body,
including fueling growth and development by promoting bodily functions such as muscle growth,
tissue repair, brain function, and the most important where weight loss is concerned –
Unfortunately, secretion of the HGH declines over time, starting after teenage years (when the
growth and development starts to slow). The decreased secretion of the hormones also sees a
stimulate the release of more levels of the hormones, which as a result of, among other things,
fasting. According to studies, fasting results in the spike of the human growth hormone by up to
five times the normal levels. And since the hormone aids in metabolism, the spike helps to
increase the metabolic rate, leading to more body fat being burned.
Norepinephrine Hormone
Norepinephrine is another hormone that is affected during the fasting periods of intermittent
fasting. The naturally occurring hormone plays various important roles in the body, starting with
increasing the activity of the central nervous system – it is like adrenaline to the nervous system.
It is also released to the fat cells, where it aids in the fat burning process by amplifying the
breaking down of body fat into fat acids, which are then converted into energy.
During fasting, one of the many hormonal changes that occur in the body is an increase in the
levels of norepinephrine hormone. The hormone levels start to increase during the early stages
of “starvation”, and are among the first metabolic-related changes to occur in the body. The
increase in norepinephrine helps to boost the metabolism process, leading to more fat burning,
Unlike weight loss diets, intermittent fasting does not have requirements or limitations as to
which types of foods you can eat, and how much you can eat during the eating periods. It does
not also strictly forbid you from eating during the fast periods; you are allowed to consume some
drinks as well as foods even during the fasts. The flexibility of the intermittent fasting diet options
helps to make it easy to follow the program, which is not something you find with most weight
loss programs. Unfortunately, without any requirements and restrictions, the program can
backfire on you, causing you not to experience weight loss, or even lead to weight gain. The key,
therefore, is to be wise with your food choices, i.e., what to eat and what to avoid.
In making these food choices, you should aim to achieve a number of things:
A well balanced, nutrient dense diet that will offer your body with the nutritional value it
A low (but not restricted) calorie diet – low enough not to lead to calorie surplus, but also
consuming foods and drinks. For this reason, you should avoid any foods that can
With these in mind, you can be able to choose various foods that will nourish your body, and at
the same time, help you lose weight. Below is a look at some of the types of foods.
1. Water
Staying hydrated is important, much so during fasting, as it helps to maintain an optimal health
status. Dehydration (even during normal eating routines) can lead to health issues such as
fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. When combined with the low body-energy levels during
fasting, these effects can become more severe – something you definitely want to avoid.
Therefore, during the fasting period (and even eating periods) you should stay hydrated by
drinking enough water. The amount of water required can be consumed from person to person,
but the recommended amount is about 8 glasses per day. However, you can easily tell if you are
hydrated or not by checking the urine color; pale yellow indicates enough hydration, while dark
Your choice of water can range from ordinary tap water to bottled water, and mineral water.
However, for mineral water, you should check the ingredients for sodium and sugar content (you
2. Low Calorie-drinks
To help make the fast easier, you can also combine water with other low-calorie drinks, which
will offer you a little bit of energy without risking a calorie surplus. Good examples of such drinks
include coffee (preferably without sugar), and herbal tea. You can also drink little amounts of
Fruits and vegetables are good source of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, and thus
they are very helpful in maintaining a healthy balanced diet. Most of them are also low-calorie,
low in fat (or contain healthy fats), and high in fiber, which makes them great for weight loss. On
top of that, fruits and veggies contain antioxidants, which are help to protect your body from
Starting with fruits, some of the things you can consider on an intermittent fasting diet program
include oranges, apples, plums, strawberries, grapefruits, cherries, grapes, peaches, plums, dried
apricots. These are low in energy levels, contain fibers, and have high antioxidant levels. You can
also indulge in high energy fruits such as bananas; even with the high calorie count, they are still
For vegetables, leafy greens such as kale, collards, Swiss chards, and spinach, and cruciferous
vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are a great choice. They are low in
calories, which allows you to eat more food while keeping your daily calorie intake low. They are
also high in fiber content, which helps to make you feel fuller faster – which in turn leads to you
eating lesser amounts of food. The fibers also help to ease indigestion, which can occur as you
are switching from your normal diet to the healthy diet during the intermittent fast.
For the fruits and vegetables, you are allowed to consume as much as you want during the
feeding period, without, of course, overeating to avoid a calorie surplus. During the fasting
period, you can also consume limited amounts, to help ease the fast.
Proteins are one of the most important nutrient when it comes to weight. Several studies have
shown that proteins provide a greater feeling of satiety (due to the release of satiety hormones
after eating proteins) compared to carbohydrates and fats. The increased satiety helps you to
feel fuller faster and for longer, thus leading to reduced food consumption. Proteins also boost
the metabolism process, which leads to more fat being burned, and hence, weight loss. On top
of that, they play a very important role of healing and regenerating body tissues, which helps to
When it comes to proteins, there is no better source of this amazing weight loss nutrients than
meats. Healthy (unprocessed meats) such as lean beef, chicken (breasts) and fish will offer you
with the much needed protein content for your intermittent fasting program, without any
unhealthy side effects. Fish will also offer you the added benefits of healthy fats (omega-3 fatty
beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, and others. These contain a high-protein content, are low in
calories, and fiber, which makes them great for weight loss. Some of them also contain resistant
starch (starch that passes undigested), which offers several benefits such as helping reduce
appetite, improving insulin sensitivity, helping lower blood sugar levels, and helping with
6. Probiotics
The digestive system can be affected easily by changing foods and inconsistencies in feeding.
Therefore, when on an intermittent fast, changing your diet (to a healthier, weight-loss friendly
diet) can lead to digestion problems. The extended fast periods are also likely to lead digestion
problems such as constipation and indigestion. However, or rather fortunately, you can
counteract these problems with probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi,
pickles, traditional buttermilk, and others. These foods are rich in healthy bacteria (the
probiotics), which offer a range of health benefits aside from improving digestion. They are also
healthy, and some are low in calorie count, which helps with weight loss.
7. Nuts
Nuts are a great snack option when you are on a weight loss program, which makes them ideal
for intermittent fast meals – or healthy and limited snacking during the fasting period. Some of
them are a bit high in calories due to a high fat content, but they contain healthy (the good) fats,
which can give you a greater feeling of satiety, thus helping in weight loss. On top of that, most
nuts are not completely digested, which means that you end up with a lower energy level in your
blood stream. Aside from nuts, another great source of healthy fats for snacking is avocadoes.
They contain a high-fat content that is incredibly satiating, thus helping you to curb your appetite.
8. Whole Grains
Most weight loss tips you will come across will tell you that carbs and losing weight do not go
hand-in-hand. While this might be somehow true, due to the high calorie count of most carbs,
not all carbohydrates are bad. Therefore, you can still enjoy them during your intermittent fast
program and still lose weight. Some of the good types of carbs you can include in your meals
include whole grains such as brown rice, oats, quinoa, sorghum, millet, whole wheat, whole-grain
These are high in fibers and even contain decent amounts of proteins, which helps to increase
satiety. Some of them also contain resistant starch, which helps to reduce the calorie intake. On
top of that, studies have shown that whole-grains help to rev up the metabolism, which means
9. Eggs
Eggs are a great source of protein, and are perfect solution for your breakfast – as opposed to
other meal options such as processed cereals and meats (bacon, sausage, etc.). They are also
high in healthy fats, and contain decent amounts of vitamins. And while people are usually afraid
of them due to their high cholesterol levels (a single egg contains 212 mgs compared to the daily
requirement of 300 mgs of cholesterol) they do not necessarily result in high blood cholesterol
level. This is because they only contain HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, the good
cholesterol. The body is also able to regulate the blood cholesterol by either increasing or
While some foods can help you to lose weight, others can have negative effects, leading to
reduced weight loss and in some cases, weight gain. These are the types of foods you should
avoid completely during intermittent fasting, even though the various fasting protocols don’t
1. Processed carbohydrates
Some carbs are good for weight loss and improving your health, but others are really bad. These
bad carbs are the processed (or refined) carbohydrates. The process of refining them strips them
most of their fibers and nutrients, while leaving their high-calorie content intact. Therefore,
eating them gives you nearly empty calories – with little or no nutrition value.
Due to their low or no fiber content, refined carbs also offer a lower level of satiety, which means
that you are likely to consume more of them. On top of that, they are digested faster and easily,
which causes spikes in blood sugars, resulting in release of insulin to regulate blood sugar – which
consequently leads to more fat being stored. The faster digestion also means that the foods
remain in the digestive tract for only a short time, thus causing you to feel hungry shortly after
eating them.
2. Processed meats
Processed meats, while having a good protein content, are bad for your health. They contain
various chemical preservatives not found in fresh meat, which have been linked with various
health conditions such as cancer and heart disease (when eaten over a long period). Therefore,
Foods and drinks containing sugars are among the worst diet choices for weight loss. Sugary
foods contain a high calorie value, which leads to spikes in the blood sugar when you consume
them, and consequently, more storage of the excess energy (in the form of fat). This is particularly
Sugary drinks such as sodas and other sweetened drinks are even worse than sugary foods. This
is because they are absorbed very fast into the blood stream, thus leading to a quicker release of
insulin. The fast absorption also means that they do not offer any satiety, which is why you are
likely to consume large amounts in order to feel satisfied. This can lead to over-intake of calories,
Drinks containing artificial sweeteners, for example, diet sodas, can also be bad for your heath
and even weight loss, even if they do not contain any calories. According to studies, artificial
sweeteners have been found to cause a feeling of hunger, which causes you to eat more food.
This can result in weight gain, especially if you suffer from an eating disorder.
4. Alcoholic drinks
Alcoholic beverages are other types of drinks that are bad for you during an intermittent fast. To
start with, alcohol contains a high amount of empty calories, that are absorbed at a quick rate.
Consuming alcohol, also lowers your inhibitions, which means that you are more likely to indulge
in unhealthy foods (and in large amounts) such as pizza, french fries, potato chips, etc. Therefore,
avoiding alcohol is a good idea, but if you must, you should only drink it in moderation.
Deep fried foods such as french fries, potato chips, fried chicken, and others are sweet and fun
to eat, but they might not be good for your weight loss goals. Frying these foods increases their
calorie value by a significant amount (due to the absorbed fats). The fats used, especially in fast
food joints, are more likely to be saturated, which are unhealthy and can even lead to weight
gain. Lastly, the amazing taste of these fried foods can tempt you to eat too much of them,
leading to surplus body energy that is ultimately converted into body fat.
Intermittent fasting on its own can offer you numerous weight loss benefits, which can result in
the loss of the extra pounds you are sporting. But is it possible to boost your weight loss
results? As already mentioned, weight gain and loss is all about calories, and the bigger the
deficit in your calorie intake, the more the weight you will lose. Aside from reduced calorie
intake, another way to create a calorie deficit in your body is through exercising.
During exercise, your body requires energy to fuel the increased activity. The energy comes
primarily from the glycogen that is stored in your body. However, during an intermittent fast,
your body usually has little or no glycogen, due to the reduced calorie intake. Therefore, to fuel
the exercise routines, it must turn to other alternative fuel sources, which includes the stored
body fat. The burning of the stored fat to produce energy for the exercises leads to weight loss.
If your body is already burning the fat to provide energy for other bodily functions, exercising
Unfortunately, exercising during a fast can have its challenges. To start with, exercising can
deplete a lot of energy from your body, and having not eaten for a while, this can lead to
extremely low blood sugar levels. This can lead to a number of side effects such as headaches,
Working out on an empty stomach will make it hard to commit not just to the exercise routines,
but also to the fast. This is because of the fact that exercises tend to make you feel hungry, a
signal to your body to replace the used up energy reserves. Therefore, after a workout, you are
likely to be tempted to eat (in large amounts), which can end up doing more harm than you
intended. On top of that, your body can also turn to proteins as an alternative fuel source for
Fortunately, exercising during intermittent fasting is possible, and you can overcome some of
these challenges for more weight loss results with minimal side effects. Below is a look at how
When exercising during the fast periods, you should stick to low-intensity workout such as
walking, slight jogging, yoga, swimming, and others. These exercises will promote fat burning,
without consuming too much of the body energy such that your blood sugar levels become
extremely low. You can also try to schedule your exercises to about 1-2 hours before your
“feasting” period. This way you will be able to replenish your body energy levels if they become
too low.
If you are a fan of high-intensity exercises, the best time to perform them is after you have had
a meal. These exercises, sit ups, intense running, weight lifting, squats, push-ups, and others,
will consume a higher level of energy. Therefore, they are one of the best ways of burning the
calories you have consumed, especially if you consume more than you would like. To make it
easier on your body, you should, however, try to plan your meals so that you eat carb-rich
foods before these intense workout sessions. This will help to ensure that you have enough
glucose and glycogen in your body; thus easing the hunger after the workouts.
Even after planning your exercise routines to match perfectly with your feeding periods, your
body will still be a bit wound up after exercising. Snacking before or after the exercises can help
to lessen the effects. And since most intermittent fasting protocols offer a lot of flexibility even
during the fasting period, you should take advantage of this by sneaking in one or two snacks.
However, to avoid negating the weight loss benefits gained, you should only snack in limited
If you want to enjoy maximum weight loss benefits while on intermittent fasting, you should
ensure that your meals contain high levels of proteins. The high-protein intake will help to
preserve your lean muscles in case your bod starts burning down proteins for fuel. Also, since
proteins help to make you fell fuller, they can help to reduce your food consumption after the
5. Exercising in moderation
The key to optimal weight loss results is to find a balance between exercising and your body
energy levels. Too much exercises will completely wind you up, forcing you to consume more
food to replace the depleted energy. Therefore, you should try to moderate your workout
routines to avoid consuming too much calories. You can do this by “listening” to your body
during the workouts. If you start feeling too worn out and dizzy, this is your body’s way of
Intermittent fasting can be easier to stick to than most weight loss diets. However, getting
started, especially if you have never fasted before, can be hard. The long hours of little to no
food can leave you feeling extremely hungry, causing you to break your fast earlier than
intended. In some cases, the hunger feeling can cause you to overeat, thus resulting in more
calorie intake. So, how can you get started and stick on the intermittent fasting program?
1. Keep Hydrated
Water is one of the keys to success while on an intermittent fast. To start with, water contains
no calories, and unlike some other drinks (that contain sugars) it cannot lead to any digestion
problems. Therefore, you can drink as much water as you want during the fast and feasting
periods without any negative side effects. Staying hydrated during the fast will also ensure that
your body is functioning properly, which will reduce the risk of any health risks that can force
you to break your fast. On top of that, water can help to make you feel fuller, if you consume it
before, during, and after eating. During the fasting periods, drinking water can also help to ease
the hunger.
One of the side effects of fasting is low blood sugar levels, which can make you feel more tired
than usual. This can tempt you to break your fast so as to restore the normal body energy
levels. However, you can prevent this by reducing your daily activities, resting when you feel
tired, and having enough sleep. This will help to keep your body rested and relaxed, thus
reducing the body energy requirements. Over time, you can start increasing your activity level –
long fasting periods. However, the toll that these long fasting periods take on your body can
make it extremely hard to stick to the fasting program. The best option is, therefore, to start
slow and work your way up. You can begin by fasting for only a few hours, as few as 8, 10, or 12
hours without anything to eat. You can then work your way up to the 16/8 protocol, before
The key to successfully pushing through the fasting periods is to eat well during the feasting
window. For example, eating nutrient-dense, low-calorie but high-volume foods can help you to
fast longer without feeling hungry. Avoiding foods such as sugary drinks, alcohol, refined carbs,
and others that foods that can destabilize your insulin and blood sugar levels will also make it
Thinking about food during when fasting will only help to make you feel hungrier. The key is
thus to avoid obsessing about food during the fasting period. Instead, keep yourself occupied
by other things such as work. Even better, you can schedule your fasting periods to coincide
with sleeping, so that you have less time to think about food and eating.
have an easier time during these periods if you have a good support system. This can be
comprised of a professional personal trainer, or a friend (or group of friends) who can keep you
on your toes.