Unisa Digital Logic Notes

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Digital Logic
Semesters 1 & 2

School of Computing

This document contains important information
about your module.

Dear Student

ICT2632 is offered online using a blended approach. This means that some of your
material is available in printed form (this document) and the rest is available online.
We very strongly advise you to visit the myUnisa site for this subject regularly. You
can find information about access to the site in Tutorial Letter 101, which you will also
receive in printed form, or you may download it from myUnisa. There will be no
other communication in printed form. We will use the Announcement tool on
myUnisa to provide you with any news and updates.

The site contains learning units that you must work through. Please note that the
content of the site may change as new information is added. Any such changes will
be accompanied by an announcement. It is therefore imperative that you visit the site
regularly and read the announcements.

Unit 0 Orientation


Welcome to the learning units for Digital Logic. This first unit (unit 0) covers general topics. Here, you will find
information on

the prescribed book

topics that relate to the module
the assignments

The rest of the learning units will guide you through the work that you need to study for this module. You can use the table of
contents to access the different units.

Major concepts covered

 digital concepts
 numbering systems
 logic gates
 Boolean algebra
 sequential logic

Prescribed book

Digital fundamentals
The prescribed book for this module is Digital fundamentals, written by T Floyd, and published by Pearson/Prentice Hall. You
may get the book from

 the official booksellers

 the online booksellers
 any legitimate source

You may use either the 9th or 10th edition. The book is available in a variety of formats/bindings, each with its own ISBN.
Therefore it doesn’t make sense to give you one number as there are several versions of the book with the correct content.


Assessment plan
You will be assessed using both formative and summative assessment. The formative assessment is made up of one multiple-
choice assignment and on e written assignment. The two assignments are compulsory and are weighted 40% and 60%,
respectively. You have to complete at least one assignment to gain admission to the examination. Your final mark is determined
by a 20% year mark and 80% examination mark ratio.

Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination preparation guidelines.

Note the following:


 If you are registered for the first semester, you will write the exam in May/June 2017, with the supplementary in
October/November 2017. If you are registered for the second semester, you will write your exam in October/November
2017, with the supplementary in May/June 2018.

 The examination consists of one examination paper.

 The examination paper will be set in English only and is 2 hours long.
 You will be examined on all the content covered in the assignments as well as all the content in the prescribed book,
unless specifically stated otherwise.
 Examination guidelines will be made available to you before the examination.
 Previous examination papers are available to you on myUnisa under Official Study Material.

Progressing through the learning units

Each of the learning units that follows this introductory section is divided into three parts:

 Introduction: This section tells you what you can expect to learn in the unit, and what assessment criteria will be used.
 Study material: Here you will find which chapter (and the pages) of the prescribed book you are expected to study in the
unit to meet the assessment criteria mentioned in the introduction. There will also be an indication of how long you have
to work with this unit if you are to keep up to date with your studies.
 Notes: Any particular points of interest will be picked up in this section, and so it may provide extra reading and other
material that you should have a look at.

Unit 1: Digital concepts

1.1 Introduction

In this unit you will cover digital concepts.

The following assessment criteria will be used:

1.1 Describe binary digits and logic levels.

1.2 Perform basic logic operations.

1.3 Describe basic logic functions.

1.2 Study material

Digital fundamentals

You need to study the chapter on digital concepts in the textbook.

You should familiarise yourself with the concepts in digital logic as they form the basis of everything. Be sure to understand the
difference between digital and analogue (analog in US spelling) and the basic logic operations (AND, OR, NOT). There are a
number of key terms in the book, and you need to know what each refers to. Remember that this chapter forms the basis of
your understanding. We will not delve deeper into some of the concepts in this course, but the basic understanding remains

1.3 Notes

Currently none.

Unit 2: Numbering systems

2.1 Introduction

In this unit you will cover numbering systems.

The following assessment criteria will be used:

2.1 Perform conversions between numbering systems.

2.2 Determine 1’s and 2’s complements.

2.3 Describe digital codes.

2.4 Explain and apply error correction.

2.5 Discuss operations and signed numbers.

2.2 Study material

Digital fundamentals
You need to study the chapter on number systems, operations and codes in the textbook.

In this chapter we deal with numbering systems. The importance of understanding numbering systems cannot be
over-emphasised. As human beings, we use the decimal (or base 10) system daily. However, this is not how
computers work. Computers work using the binary (or base 2) system, among others. To understand and describe
how computers work, we need to convert from one system to another.

You need to be able to apply arithmetic operations to the different numbering systems, determine complements
where applicable and explain error detection and correction. Read the chapter objectives given in the book and make
sure you can deal with those aspects of numbering systems.

2.3 Notes

Currently none.

Unit 3: Logic gates

3.1 Introduction

In this unit you will cover logic gates.

The following assessment criteria will be used:

3.1 Give the symbol for any gate.

3.2 Give the truth table for any gate.

3.3 Describe the operation of any gate.

3.4 Describe and apply fixed functions.

3.2 Study material


Digital fundamentals
You need to study the chapter on logic gates in the textbook.

Some of the material presented in this chapter is not for examination purposes. We encourage you, however,
to read all of this chapter.

The following gates are very important. You should be able to draw these gates and give the applicable truth table.
You should also be able to use them in a simple application as shown in the examples in the book.

 OR

The rest of the chapter you should read with the idea to create awareness and basic understanding of how
programmable logic, fixed function logic etc. work.

3.3 Notes

Topics from the chapter on logic gates that are excluded:

 programmable logic
 troubleshooting

Unit 4: Boolean algebra

4.1 Introduction

In this unit you will cover Boolean algebra and simplification.

The following assessment criteria will be used:

4.1 Perform operations and apply expressions.

4.2 Give the Boolean laws.

4.3 Apply theorems.

4.4 Simplify expressions.

4.5 Draw Karnaugh maps.

4.6 Work with SOP and POS expressions and standard forms.

4.7 Draw truth tables.

4.8 Write expressions in different forms.

4.9 Perform term expansion.

4.10 Perform analysis of logic circuits.

4.11 Apply an HDL to simple hardware.


4.2 Study material

You need to study chapter 4 in the textbook.

This chapter is about Boolean algebra and the simplification of logic expressions. Boolean algebra expressions come

in two forms:

 sum of product
 product of sum

You need to be well versed in both. Remember that in sum of product expressions the terms are ORed and in
product of sum expressions the terms are ANDed. De Morgan theorem is very important, as are the truth tables and
the standard form of expressions. You need to have a basic understanding of HDL.

You should be able to do circuit analysis and simplification. Two methods are used for simplification. They are
Boolean algebra techniques and Karnaugh maps. You need to know the Boolean laws by heart to use the
algebra technique. Study these laws carefully from the book.

The Karnaugh maps are drawn as multidimensional block structures. For this course we will not deal with maps that
have more than four variables. It doesn’t matter how you group the variables in the map or what variables you group
together. What is extremely important is the sequence of the variables. This sequence has to be a Gray code, as it is
part of the mathematical model. Refer to your book if you need to brush up on the Gray code.

The grouping of "1" or a "0" in a map is governed by rules. You must know these rules and have a clear
understanding of applying them.

4.3 Notes

Laws and rules

It is best to know the laws and rules by heart. So spend time getting to know what they are. This comes in handy
when simplification of an expression has to be done using manipulation.

Karnaugh maps

According to convention, variables are placed in alphabetical order on their respective axes. When you have four
variables (ABCD), AB will conventionally be placed on the x-axis and CD on the y-axis. Placing the axis any other
way will still result in the correct answer, as long as the Gray code is observed with the order of the complements of
the variables.

Term expansion and HDL

You are required to do some reading other than your textbook.

Unit 5: Sequential logic

5.1 Introduction

In this unit you will cover sequential logic.

The following assessment criteria will be used:


5.1 Give the truth tables for a sequential circuit.

5.2 Apply sequential circuits.

5.2 Study material

Digital fundamentals

You need to study the chapter on latches, flip flops and timers in the textbook.

In this chapter we deal with the basis of sequential logic. You will see concepts like a-stable, bistable and
monostable. You should be able to explain the difference between them. There are two categories of bistable
devices - the latch and the flip flop. The difference is in the way they change state.

You should be able to do the following for any latch or flip flop:
 Draw the circuit diagram showing how the gates it is built from are connected and draw the
truth table.
 Explain the difference between the latches and flip flops.

Read about propagation delays, setup times etc. just for awareness. You need to know how they
impact on the working of sequential circuits.

The 555-timer is a very widely used example of a sequential circuit. You must be able to explain how it works. It has
different modes of operation that enable it to perform a variety of tasks. Be sure that you explain how each works.

5.3 Notes

The following topics from the chapter on latches, flip flops and timers are

 the 55 timer
 CPLD macrocells
 troubleshooting
 digital system application

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