General Chemistry Syllabus PDF

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The syllabus outlines the topics, schedule, assessments, policies, and resources for a General Chemistry course.

The first quarter will cover the basics of chemistry including atomic structure, chemical formulas and reactions, stoichiometry, gases, and thermochemistry.

The course uses a combination of written work (25%), performance tasks (45%), and quarterly assessments (30%) for grading.


Last Revised 13 April 2019

Instructor Jim R. Cruz, RCh


Chapter 1
Chemistry and Measurement

An Introduction to Chemistry
1. Chemistry The instructor may give the following in
2. The Scientific Method order to assess how much have you 6 hours LEC + 2
3. Classifications of Matter understood the topics: hours QUIZ
4. The Three States of Matter
 Seatwork
5. Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter
 Problem Set 4 MEETINGS
Physical Measurements  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
6. Measurements
7. Handling Numbers
8. Dimensional Analysis in Solving Problems

Chapter 2
Atoms, Molecules, and Ions

Atomic Theory and Atomic Structure

1. The Atomic Theory
2. The Structure of the Atom
3. Atomic Number, Mass Number, and Isotopes The instructor may give the following in
4. The Periodic Table order to assess how much have you 8 hours LEC + 2
understood the topics: hours QUIZ
Chemical Substances: Formulas and Names
 Seatwork
5. Molecules and Ions
 Problem Set 5 MEETINGS
6. Chemical Formulas
7. Naming Compounds  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
8. Introduction to Organic Compounds

Chemical Reactions: Equations

9. Writing Chemical Equations
10. Balancing Chemical Equations

Chapter 3

Mass and Moles of Substance

1. Atomic Mass
2. Avogadro’s Number and the Molar Mass of an
Element The instructor may give the following in
3. Molecular Mass order to assess how much have you
understood the topics: 8 hours LEC + 2
Determining Chemical Formulas  Seatwork hours QUIZ
4. Percent Composition of Compounds
 Problem Set
5. Experimental Determination of Empirical 5 MEETINGS
Formulas  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
6. Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations  Experiment

7. Amounts of Reactants and Products
8. Limiting Reagents
9. Reaction Yield
Chapter 4
Chemical Reactions

Ions in Aqueous Solutions

1. Ionic Theory of Solutions and Solubility Rules
2. Molecular and Ionic Equations

Types of Chemical Reactions The instructor may give the following in

3. Precipitation Reactions order to assess how much have you
4. Acid-Base Reactions understood the topics: 8 hours LEC + 2
5. Combustion Reactions  Seatwork hours QUIZ
6. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
 Problem Set
7. Balancing Simple Oxidation-Reduction Equations 5 MEETINGS
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Working with Solutions  Experiment
8. Molar Concentration
9. Diluting Solutions

Quantitative Analysis
10. Gravimetric Analysis
11. Volumetric Analysis

Chapter 5

Gas Laws
1. General Properties of Gases The instructor may give the following in
2. Pressure of a Gas order to assess how much have you
3. The Gas Laws understood the topics: 6 hours LEC + 2
4. The Ideal Gas Equation  Seatwork hours QUIZ
5. Stoichiometry Problems Involving Gas Volumes
 Problem Set
6. Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures 4 MEETINGS
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Kinetic Molecular Theory  Experiment
7. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of an Ideal Gas
8. Molecular Speeds; Diffusion and Effusion
9. Real Gases

Chapter 6

Understanding Heats of Reaction

1. Energy and Its Units
2. Heat of Reaction The instructor may give the following in
3. Enthalpy and Enthalpy Change order to assess how much have you
understood the topics: 6 hours LEC + 2
4. Thermochemical Equations
 Seatwork hours QUIZ
5. Applying Stoichiometry to Heats of Reaction
6. Measuring Heats of Reaction  Problem Set
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Using Heats of Reaction  Experiment
7. Hess’s Law
8. Standard Enthalpy of Formation
9. Fuels – Foods, Commercial Fuels, and Rocket

End of Quarter 1 for Semester 1 Midterm Examination (MCQ) 2 hours

Chapter 7
Quantum Theory of the Atom

Light Waves, Photons, and the Bohr Theory The instructor may give the following in
1. The Wave Nature of Light order to assess how much have you 4 hours LEC + 2
2. Quantum Effects and Photons understood the topics: hours QUIZ
3. Bohr’s Theory of the Hydrogen Atom
 Seatwork
 Problem Set 3 MEETINGS
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Numbers
4. Quantum Mechanics  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
5. Quantum Numbers
6. Atomic Orbitals

Chapter 8
Electron Configurations and Periodicity

Electronic Structure of Atoms

1. Electron Spin and the Pauli Exclusion Principle The instructor may give the following in
2. The Building-Up Principle and the Periodic Table order to assess how much have you 4 hours LEC + 2
3. Writing Electron Configurations understood the topics: hours QUIZ
4. Orbital Diagrams of Atoms; Hund’s Rule  Seatwork
 Problem Set 3 MEETINGS
Periodicity of the Elements  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
5. Mendeleev’s Predictions from the Periodic Table
6. Some Periodic Properties
7. Periodicity in the Main-Group Elements

Chapter 9
Ionic and Covalent Bonding

Ionic Bonds
1. Describing Ionic Bond
2. Electron Configurations of Ions
3. Ionic Radii The instructor may give the following in
order to assess how much have you 6 hours LEC + 2
Covalent Bonds understood the topics: hours QUIZ
4. Describing Covalent Bond  Seatwork
5. Electronegativity  Problem Set 4 MEETINGS
6. Writing Lewis Electron-Dot Formulas  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
7. Delocalized Bonding: Resonance
8. Exceptions to the Octet Rule
9. Formal Charge and Lewis Formulas
10. Bond Length and Bond Order
11. Bond Energy

Chapter 10
Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory

Molecular Geometry and Directional Bonding The instructor may give the following in
1. The Valence-Shell Electron-Pair Repulsion Model order to assess how much have you 6 hours LEC + 2
2. Dipole Moment and Molecular Geometry understood the topics: hours QUIZ
3. Valence Bond Theory  Seatwork
4. Description of Multiple Bonding  Problem Set 4 MEETINGS
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Molecular Orbital Theory
5. Principles of Molecular Orbital Theory

End of Quarter 2 for Semester 1 Final Examination (MCQ) 2 hours

Chapter 11
States of Matter; Liquids and Solids

1. Recap: The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Liquids

and Solids

Changes of State
2. Phase Transitions The instructor may give the following in
3. Phase Diagrams order to assess how much have you
understood the topics: 6 hours LEC + 2
 Seatwork hours QUIZ
Liquid State
4. Properties of Liquids: Surface Tension and  Problem Set
Viscosity  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
5. Intermolecular Forces  Experiment

Solid State
6. Classification of Solids by Type of Attraction of
7. Crystalline Solids; Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells
8. Calculations Involving Unit-Cell Dimensions

Chapter 12

Solution Formation
1. Types of Solutions
2. Solubility and the Solution Process
3. Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Solubility The instructor may give the following in
order to assess how much have you
understood the topics: 8 hours LEC + 2
Colligative Properties
 Seatwork hours QUIZ
4. Ways of Expressing Concentration Units
5. Vapor Pressure of a Solution  Problem Set
6. Boiling-Point Elevation and Freezing-Point  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Depression  Experiment
7. Osmosis
8. Colligative Properties of Ionic Solutions

Colloid Formation
9. Colloids

Chapter 13
Chemical Kinetics

Reaction Rate and Rate Laws

1. The Rate of a Reaction The instructor may give the following in
2. The Rate Laws order to assess how much have you 8 hours LEC + 2
3. Dependence of Rate on Concentration and Time understood the topics: hours QUIZ
 Seatwork
Energetics of Reaction
 Problem Set 5 MEETINGS
4. Activation Energy and Temperature Dependence
of Rate Constants  Quiz (MCQ + PS)

5. Catalysis
Chapter 14
Chemical Equilibrium

Describing Chemical Equilibrium

1. The Concept of Equilibrium
2. Equilibrium Constants
3. Heterogeneous Equilibria; Solvents in
Homogeneous Equilibria The instructor may give the following in
order to assess how much have you 8 hours LEC + 2
Using the Equilibrium Constant understood the topics: hours QUIZ
4. Qualitatively Interpreting the Equilibrium
 Seatwork
 Problem Set 5 MEETINGS
5. Predicting Direction of reaction
6. Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations  Quiz (MCQ + PS)

Changing Reaction Conditions; Le Châtelier’s

7. Removing Products or Adding Reactants
8. Changing the Pressure and Temperature
9. Effect of Catalyst

Chapter 15
Acids and Bases

Acid-Base Concepts
1. Arrhenius Concept of Acids and Bases
2. Brønsted Concept of Acids and Bases The instructor may give the following in
3. Lewis Concept of Acids and Bases order to assess how much have you 6 hours LEC + 2
understood the topics: hours QUIZ
Acid and Base Strengths
 Seatwork
4. Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases
 Problem Set 4 MEETINGS
5. Molecular Structure and Acid Strength
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Self-Ionization of Water and pH
6. Self-Ionization of Water
7. Solutions of a Strong Acid or Base
8. The pH of a Solution

End of Quarter 3 for Semester 2 Midterm Examination (MCQ) 2 hours

Chapter 16
Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria

Solutions of a Weak Acid or Base

1. Acid-Ionization Equilibria
2. Polyprotic Acids
3. Base-Ionization Equilibria
4. Acid-Base Properties of Salt Solutions
The instructor may give the following in
Solutions of a Weak Acid or Base with Another Solute order to assess how much have you
understood the topics: 8 hours LEC + 2
5. Common-Ion Effect
 Seatwork hours QUIZ
6. Buffers
7. Acid-Base Titration Curves  Problem Set
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Solubility Equilibria  Experiment
8. Solubility Product Constant
9. Solubility and the Common-Ion Effect
10. Precipitation Calculations
11. Effect of pH on Solubility
12. Application of the Solubility Product Principle to
Qualitative Analysis

Chapter 17
Thermodynamics and Equilibrium

1. First Law of Thermodynamics; Enthalpy

Spontaneous Process and Entropy

2. Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics The instructor may give the following in
3. Standard Entropies and the Third Law of order to assess how much have you 6 hours LEC + 2
Thermodynamics understood the topics: hours QUIZ
 Seatwork
Free-Energy Concept  Problem Set 4 MEETINGS
4. Free Energy and Spontaneity  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
5. Interpretation of Free Energy

Free Energy and Equilibrium Constants

6. Relating Δ𝐺° to the Equilibrium Constant
7. Change of Free Energy with Temperature

Chapter 18

1. Balancing Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in
Acidic and Basic Solutions
The instructor may give the following in
Voltaic Cells order to assess how much have you
2. Construction of Voltaic Cells understood the topics: 6 hours LEC + 2
3. Notation for Voltaic Cells  Seatwork hours QUIZ
4. Cell Potential
 Problem Set
5. Equilibrium Constants from Cell Potentials 4 MEETINGS
6. Dependence of Cell Potential on Concentration  Quiz (MCQ + PS)
7. Some Commercial Voltaic Cells  Experiment

Electrolytic Cells
8. Electrolysis
9. Stoichiometry of Electrolysis
Chapter 19
Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Reactions
1. Radioactivity The instructor may give the following in
2. Nuclear Reactions order to assess how much have you 4 hours LEC + 2
3. Radiations and Matter: Detection and Biological understood the topics: hours QUIZ
 Seatwork
4. Rate of Radioactive Decay
 Problem Set 3 MEETINGS
5. Applications of Radioactive Isotopes
 Quiz (MCQ + PS)
Energy of Nuclear Reactions
6. Mass-Energy Calculations
7. Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion

Chapter 20
Organic Chemistry and Polymers

1. The Bonding of Carbon

2. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
3. Alkenes and Alkynes The instructor may give the following in
4. Aromatic Hydrocarbons order to assess how much have you 4 hours LEC + 2
5. Naming Hydrocarbons understood the topics: hours QUIZ
 Seatwork
Synthetic Polymers  Problem Set 3 MEETINGS
6. Synthesis of Organic Polymers  Quiz (MCQ)
7. Electrically Conducting Polymers

Natural Polymers
8. Carbohydrates
9. Proteins
10. Nucleic Acids

End of Quarter 4 for Semester 2 Final Examination (MCQ) 2 hours

 Prescribed time allotment may vary depending on the speed of discussion.
 Experiments may or may not be conducted depending on classroom situations.
 MCQ – Multiple Choice Question; PS – Problem Solving

As students, you are expected to abide by the policies set by your instructor over the course of the semester.

1. Class attendance will be checked every meeting. Avoid getting late or absent, unless you have an admissible reason.
2. Always have a hardcopy of the lecture guide every class hours. In addition, have the syllabus printed out to serve as your
guide for the lecture flow.
3. Sharing of calculators and index cards during the examination is strictly prohibited. Be responsible enough to bring your
own materials for the exam.
4. Cheating, in any form, is a heinous crime. If anyone has been caught cheating, the whole class will get a deduction of ten
(10) points from their raw score in the quiz or examination. Deductions may pile up as long as cheating prevails.
5. If in any case, you were absent on the day of a quiz or an exam, kindly approach me in the soonest possible time for you
so that we can arrange a schedule for you to take the missed quiz or exam. Also, provide an excuse letter signed by your
6. Make-up classes may be held whenever there are suspension of classes. This is likely to be executed online.
7. Use of cellular phones is strictly prohibited in the class, unless you have to attend to important phone calls or messages
from your parents or work company.
8. Learning is always an option. As iskolar ng bayan, you are expected to act scholarly and be brilliant in everything. Do not
settle for mediocrity. Do not disappoint the future you!


As students, you are expected to desire more than taught in classroom. Here are some of the books that I would like you to have
for your reference:
1. Brown, T.L, LeMay Jr., H.E., Bursten, B.E., Murphy, C.J., Woodward, P.M. (2011) Chemistry – The Central Science, (12th
Edition), Prentice-Hall International, Inc.
2. Chang, R., Overby, J. (2011) General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, (6th Edition), New York: McGraw-Hill Companies,
3. Ebbing, D.D. and Gammon, S.D. (2009) General Chemistry, (9th Edition), Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
4. Masterton, W.L., Hurley, C.N., Neth, E.J. (2012) Chemistry Principles and Reactions, (7th Edition), California: Brooks/Cole
5. Petrucci, R.H., Herring, F.G., Madura, J.D., Bissonnette, C. (2011) General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications,
(10th Edition), Toronto: Pearson Canada

Aside from my own YouTube channel, you may want to check other YouTube Channels that also provides general knowledge in
General Chemistry:
 Khan Academy -
 CrashCourse -
 Professor Dave Explains -

General Chemistry is an Academic Track course, grading system would be as follows:

 Written Work – 25%
o Notebook/Notes
o Quizzes
 Performance Task – 45%
o Assignment
o Experiment
o Problem Set
o Recitation
o Seatwork
 Quarterly Assessment – 30%
o Midterm/Final Examination

An online version of the Electronic Class Record will be uploaded for transparency. As per DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, the
transmutation of grades would be as follows:

Initial Grade Transmuted Grade Initial Grade Transmuted Grade

100 100
98.40 – 99.99 99 66.40 – 67.99 79
96.80 – 98.39 98 64.80 – 66.39 78
95.20 – 96.79 97 63.20 – 64.79 77
93.60 – 95.19 96 61.60 – 63.19 76
92.00 – 93.59 95 60.00 – 61.59 75
90.40 – 91.99 94 56.00 – 59.99 74
88.80 – 90.39 93 52.00 – 55.99 73
87.20 – 88.79 92 48.00 - 51.99 72
85.60 – 87.19 91 44.00 – 47.99 71
84.00 – 85.59 90 40.00 – 43.99 70
82.40 – 83.99 89 36.00 – 39.99 69
80.80 – 82.39 88 32.00 – 35.99 68
79.20 – 80.79 87 28.00 – 31.99 67
77.60 – 79.19 86 24.00 – 27.99 66
76.00 – 77.59 85 20.00 – 23.99 65
74.40 – 75.99 84 16.00 – 19.99 64
72.80 – 74.39 83 12.00 – 15.99 63
71.20 – 72.79 82 8.00 – 11.99 62
69.60 – 71.19 81 4.00 – 7.99 61
68.00 – 69.59 80 0.00 – 3.99 60

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