AKTU Project Report Format 2018-19
AKTU Project Report Format 2018-19
AKTU Project Report Format 2018-19
April 2018-19
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Inside this Manual…….
1. General 2
3. Manuscript Preparation
3.1 Page Dimensions, Margins and Quality 2
3.2 Cover Page Title Page 3
3.3 Bonafide Certificate of Supervision 4
3.4 Abstract 5
3.5 Acknowledgements 5
3.6 Table of Contents 5
3.7 List of Tables 5
3.8 List of Figures 5
3.9 List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature 5
3.10 Chapters 5
3.11 Tables and Figures 6
3.12 Citation of References in the Report 6
3.13 References 7
3.14 Appendices 7
3.15 List of Publications of the Candidate (if available) 8
4. Typing Instructions
4.1 General 8
4.2 Chapters, Sections, Sub-sections, and Paragraphs 8
5. Numbering Instructions
5.1 Page Numbering 9
5.2 Numbering of Chapters, Sections, Sub-sections 9
5.3 Numbering of Tables and Figures 9
5.4 Numbering of Equations 10
7. Size of Report 11
Annexures - Specimens
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As enshrined in the Acts, Regulations and Ordnances of the Dr. APJ abdul kalam
Technical University, Lucknow, the objectives of the research, in general, encompass the
discovery of new facts or techniques or correlation of facts already known, through analytical or
experimental approach or both, while demonstrating a quality potential as to make a definite
contribution to the advancement of knowledge useful to the society and the scholar’s
ability to undertake sustained research in future. Accordingly, a report being a documented
manifestation of the above objectives, shall report, in an organized and scholarly fashion, an
account of the original research work of the scholar and present the findings in an
appropriate manner with actual accomplishments of the work plainly stated and honestly
3.1 Page Dimensions, Margins and Quality
• The page dimensions of the final copies of the report should be 290mm x 205mm.
Standard A4 size (297mm x 210mm) paper may be used for preparing the copies. It
should have the following page margins:
Top edge : 30 to 35 mm
Bottom edge : 25 to 30mm
Left side : 35 to 40mm
Right side : 20 to 25 mm
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• The report should be prepared on good quality white paper preferably not lower than
80 gsm.
• Tables and figures should be prepared on good quality paper preferably not lower
than 80 gsm. Tables and figures should conform to the margin specifications. Large
size figures should be photographically or otherwise reduced to the appropriate size
before insertion.
(b) the phrase (Times New Roman, font size 14, bold, each line in the Title/Sentence mode,
single line spacing, centered within the specified margin of the page).
A Project Report
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
(c) The name of the degree (Times New Roman, font size 20, bold, the whole line in
uppercase, centered within the specified margin of the page).
Mechanical Engineering
(Times New Roman, font size 16, bold, in Title
Mode, centered within the specified margin of the page).
(d) by (Times New Roman, font size 14, bold, both the characters lower case, centered
within the specified margin of the page).
(e) NAME OF STUDENTS (Times New Roman, font size 16, bold, full name as enrolled,
all characters in Title mode case , centered within the specified margin of the page).
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(f) (Enrollment Number) (Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, all numerals within a pair
of small parenreport, underneath the name of candidate and centered within the specified
margin of the page).
(Enrollment no. xxxxxxxxx)
(g) phrase of supervision (Times New Roman, font size 12, bold, line in the Title mode,
centered within the specified margin of the page).
Under the Supervision of
(h) NAME(S) OF SUPERVISOR (Times New Roman, font size 14, full name in title mode
prefixed by Prof. or Dr. centered within the specified margin of the page, separated
symmetrically in case of two supervisors, use the next line in case of three supervisors;
brief one-line mention of the names of the institution of the supervisors).
Prof. Duryodhan Singh Chatterjee
Designation (Professor/Associate Professor/
Assistant Professor)
(i) University logo (size = 25-30 mm dia)
(j) phrase for the name of faculty (Times New Roman, 12/14 pts., bold, full name of the
University faculty in title mode, centered within the specified margin of the page).
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to the
Faculty of Mechanical engineering
(k) Name of the University (Times New Roman, font size 16/14, bold, full name, all
characters upper case/Title mode, centered within the specified margin of the page).
(l) Month, Year ((Times New Roman, font size 14, bold, full name of the month in title
mode, comma, 4-digit year in Arabic, all centered within the specified margin of the
MAY, 2018
3.3 Bonafide Certificate of Supervision
The Bonafide Certificate of Supervision of the report by the supervisor(s) shall be in
double line spacing using Times New Roman font size 12, as per the format shown in
Annexure II. The heading CERTIFICATE Times New Roman font size 14 bold in
the center should start about 60mm -70mm from the top of the page.
The certificate shall carry the supervisor’s signature in original and shall be followed by
the supervisor’s name, academic designation (not any other responsibilities of
administrative nature), department and full address of the institution where the supervisor
has guided research scholar.
In case of two supervisors, the details about the signature, names, etc. mentioned above
shall be centered symmetrically within the specified margin of the page. In case of three
supervisors, the details of the third supervisor will appear in the centre underneath t h e
first two.
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The place and date of signature (left justified) common for all the supervisors will appear
below the signature(s) of the supervisor(s).
3.4 Abstract
Abstract should be an essay type of narration not exceeding four pages outlining the
research problem, the methodology used, a summary of the findings, possible applications
of the research, and suggestions/directions for future research. The abstract should not
contain cross citations. It should be typed single line spacing, in Times New Roman with
font size 12 within the specified margin of the page. It should begin with the heading as
the title of the report in title mode centered (bold), the name of candidate (next line)
centered, and then ‘ABSTRACT’ with font size 14, bold and centered. The text of
abstract should begin thereafter.
3.10 Chapters
Chapters of a report may be broadly divided into 3 parts (i) introduction, literature survey
and identification of problem and issues (ii) statement, formulation and presentation of
the problem, solution approach (iii) findings, results, discussion, implementation and
conclusions, and directions for future research.
• Each part may be suitably divided into several chapters, and a chapter may be further
divided into several sections and sub-sections, sub-sub-sections.
• Each chapter should be given an appropriate title.
• Tables and figures in a chapter should be typed in title mode in single space in Time
New Roman with font size 12. The titles of tables should be placed directly above the
table whereas the titles of figures should be placed directly underneath the figure in
the very same page which refers to the contents they annotate.
• Footnotes should be used sparingly. They should be typed single space and placed
directly underneath in the very same page which refers to the material they annotate.
For the references having two authors, the last names of the two authors in the order of
appearance can be used while for more than two authors, generally the last name of the
first author followed by et al and then the year within parentheses is used.
Jha, J.K. and Shanker, K., 2009. A single-vendor single-buyer production-inventory model with
controllable lead time and service level constraint for decaying items. International Journal of
Production Research, Vol. 47, Issue 24, pp. 6875–6898.
Chopra, S. and Meindl, P., 2003. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation.
New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Kumar Neeraj and Shanker Kripa, 2000a, A theory of balancing mechanism for comparing the
effectiveness of imbalance measures in FMS loading, Proceedings of the Special International
Conference on Production Research (ICPR) 2000, Bangkok, August 2-4, 2000, pp 133-139.
Kumar Neeraj and Shanker Kripa, 2000b, Interaction among FMS loading objectives: a parabolic
relationship between workload balance and machine utilization, Proceedings of the Special
International Conference on Production Research (ICPR) 2000, Bangkok, August 2-4, 2000, pp
3.14 Appendices
Appendices in a report are provided to give supplementary information, which if included
in the main text may serve as a distraction and could tend to dilute the central theme
under discussion.
Each appendix must find its reference in the main body of the report.
Appendices shall carry the title of the contents reported and the same title shall be
made in the contents page also.
Appendices should be numbered using Roman numerals in upper case, e.g. Appendix
I, Appendix II, etc.
Figures, tables, equations and references appearing in appendices should be numbered
locally to an appendix e.g. II.1, II.2, III.5 etc and should be referred to at appropriate
places just as in the case of chapters.
3.15 List of Publications of the Candidate
The list of publications made by research scholar during the period of research and
pertaining to the report submitted for the degree should be listed in chronological order in
the order of international refereed journals, national refereed journals, proceedings of the
conferences, in the same style as followed in providing the list of references (section
3.13). these publications, wherever relevant should be referred to in the main body of the
4.1 General
• This section includes additional information for final typing of the report. Some
information given earlier under ‘Manuscript Preparation’ shall also be referred to.
• The impression on the typed/ duplicated/ printed copies should be black in color.
• Certain symbols characters or markings not found in a standard word processor may
be hand written using Indian ink or a stylus pen (in case stencil sheets are used).
Corrections, interlineations and crossing out of letters or words is not permitted i n
any of the copies of the report intended for submission. Erasures, if made, should be
neatly carried out in all copies.
• A sub-heading at the bottom of a page must have at least two full lines below it or else
it should be carried over to the next page.
• The last word of any page should not be split using a hyphen.
• Single spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be
typed in font Style Times New Roman and Font Size 12.
Single spacing should also be used for typing:
Long Tables
Long quotations
Foot notes
multilane captions
• All quotations exceeding one line should be typed in an indented space - the
indentation being 15mm from either margin.
fc = k
Vc + Vw +Va
While referring to this equation in the body of the thesis it should be referred to as Eqn.
Note: The candidate must submit the required certificates at the time of both the
submissions (a) for evaluation and (b) final after viva voce examination for provisional
degree certificate.
There is no rigid restriction on the size of the report. However, it should be around 80
pages excluding front pages etc.
For knowing more about the styles and presentation, the following few references may be
of interest. These are, however, not required for a candidate to go through for the
preparation of the report to be submitted at GBTU.
(a) Michaelson, H.B. How to Write & Publish Engineering Papers and Reports. Oryx
Press, Phoenix.
(b) Turner, R.P. Technical Report Writing. Rinehart Press, San Francisco.
(c) Turk, C. and Krikman, J. Effective writing: Improving Scientific, Technical and
Business Communication. E & FN Spon, London.
(d) Campbell, W.G., Ballou, S.V. and Slade, C. Form and Style: Theses, Reports,
Term Papers. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston.
(e) MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. Modern Language
Association, New York.
(f) Sternberg, D. How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation. St. Martin’s
Griffin, New York.
(g) Day, R.A. and Gastel, B. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper.
Greenwood Press, Westport.
(h) Booth, W.C., Colomb, G.G. and Williams, J.M. The Craft of Research. The
University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Annexure – I
A Project Report
(Roll. No.)
Month, Year
Certified that Name of student ( enrollment no…..) has carried out the
research work presented in this report entitled “Title of Report…………….”
for the award of Bachelor of Technology from Uttar Pradesh Technical
University, Lucknow under my/our (print only that is applicable) supervision.
The report embodies results of original work, and studies are carried out by the
student himself/herself (print only that is applicable) and the contents of the
report do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or
to anybody else from this or any other University/Institution.
(Name of Supervisor)
Page No.
Certificate ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements vi
Dedication (optional) vii
List of Tables viii
List of Figures xv
List of Symbols and Abbreviations xxiii
(Enrollment No.)
to the
Month, Year
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