German Medical Vocabulary

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German Dental Vocabulary

Diseases & Injuries

Medications & Treatments - English-German

German words and phrases related to medical treatment,

health care, diseases, and injuries

Note: This glossary is not intended to offer any medical advice. It is for general information
and vocabulary reference only.

Noun Genders: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), s (das, neu.)

Abbreviations: adj. (adjective), adv. (adverb), Br. (British), n. (noun), v. (verb), pl. (plural)

abscess r Abszess

acne e Akne
pimples Pickel (pl.)

ADD ADS (Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit-Störung = Attention Deficit Disorder)

ADHD ADHS (Aufmerksamkeits-Defizit und Hyperaktivitäts-Störung = Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
WEB > Attention Deficit Disorder @

addict r/e Süchtige

become addicted/an addict süchtig werden
drug addict r/e Drogensüchtige
addiction e Sucht

AIDS victim e/r AIDS-Kranke(r)

allergic (to) allergisch (gegen)

allergy e Allergie

ALS e ALS (e Amyotrophe Lateralsklerose, Amyotrophische Lateralsklerose,

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
Lou Gehrig's disease s Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom
Named for the famous German-American baseball player Heinrich Ludwig “Lou” Gehrig
(1903-1941). The star New York Yankees player was born into a poor German immigrant
family in New York City and attended college on a football scholarship. Gehrig died of the
muscle-wasting disease.

WEB > Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke

Alzheimer's (disease) e Alzheimer Krankheit

Named for the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), who first identified the
disease in 1906.

anaesthesia/anesthesia e Betäubung/e Narkose

anaesthetic/anesthetic s Betäubungsmittel/s Narkosemittel
general anesthetic e Vollnarkose
local anesthetic örtliche Betäubung

anthrax r Milzbrand, r Anthrax

The anthrax bacillus, the cause of Milzbrand, was discovered and isolated by the German
Robert Koch in 1876.

antidote (to) s Gegengift, s Gegenmittel (gegen)

appendicitis e Blinddarmentzündung

arteriosclerosis e Arteriosklerose, e Arterienverkalkung

arthritis e Arthritis, e Gelenkentzündung

aspirin s Aspirin

In Germany and some other countries, the term Aspirin is a trademarked name. Aspirin was
invented by the German firm Bayer in 1899. (More in our Erfinder - Inventors glossary.)

asthma s Asthma
asthmatic asthmatisch

bacterium (bacteria) e Bakterie (-n), s Bakterium (Bakteria)

bandage s Pflaster (-)

bandage r Verband (Verbände)
Band-Aid ® s Hansaplast ®
benign benigne (med.), gutartig
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, enlarging prostate) BPH, Benigne

blood s Blut
blood count s Blutbild
blood poisoning e Blutvergiftung
blood pressure r Blutdruck
high blood pressure r Bluthochdruck
blood sugar r Blutzucker
blood test e Blutprobe
blood type/group e Blutgruppe
blood transfusion e Bluttransfusion

bloody blutig

botulism r Botulismus

bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) die Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie,

die BSE

BPH (see "benign prostatic hyperplasia" above)

breast cancer r Brustkrebs

BSE, “mad cow” disease e BSE, r Rinderwahn

the BSE crisis e BSE-Krise

Also see
Parts of the Body in German
Lesson 15 of German for Beginners

Caesarean (section) r Kaiserschnitt
She had a (baby by) Caesarean. Sie hatte einen Kaiserschnitt.

cancer r Krebs
cancerous adj. bösartig, krebsartig

carcinogen n. r Krebserreger, s Karzinogen

carcinogenic adj. krebsauslösend, krebserregend, krebserzeugend

cardiac Herz- (prefix)

cardiac arrest r Herzstillstand
cardiac disease e Herzkrankheit
cardiac infarction r Herzinfarkt

cardiologist r Kardiologe, e Kardiologin

cardiology e Kardiologie
cardiopulmonary Herz-Lungen- (prefix)
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) e Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung (HLW)

carpal tunnel syndrome s Karpaltunnelsyndrom

CAT scan e Computertomografie

cataract r Katarakt, grauer Star

catheter r Katheter
catheterize (v.) katheterisieren

chemist, pharmacist r Apotheker (-), e Apothekerin (-innen)

chemist's shop, pharmacy e Apotheke (-n)

chemotherapy e Chemotherapie

chicken pox Windpocken (pl.)

chills r Schüttelfrost

chlamydia e Chlamydieninfektion, e Chlamydien-Infektion

cholera e Cholera

chronic (adj.) chronisch

a chronic disease eine chronische Krankheit

circulatory problem e Kreislaufstörung

The French may complain about their livers, but the number one German ailment is

CJD e CJK (die Creuzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit)

clinic e Klinik (-en)

clone n. r Klon
clone v. klonen
cloning s Klonen

(a) cold, head cold eine Erkältung, r Schnupfen

to have a cold einen Schnupfen haben
colon cancer r Darmkrebs

colonoscopy e Darmspiegelung, e Koloskopie

concussion e Gehirnerschütterung

congenital (adj.) angeboren, kongenital

congenital defect r Geburtsfehler
congenital disease e kongenitale Krankheit (-en)

conjunctivitis e Bindehautentzündung

constipation e Verstopfung

contagion e Ansteckung (contact), e Ansteckungskrankheit (disease), s Contagium

contagious (adj.) ansteckend, direkt übertragbar

convulsion(s) r Krampf (Krämpfe)

COPD COPD (Chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung, chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease)

cough r Husten
cough syrup r Hustensaft

CPR e HLW (see "cardiopulmonary resuscitation")

cramp(s) r Krampf (Krämpfe)

stomach cramp r Magenkrampf

Creuzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) e Creuzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit (CJK)

C section r Kaiserschnitt

CT scan (see CAT scan)

cure (for a disease) s Heilmittel (gegen eine Krankheit)

cure (back to health) e Heilung
cure (at spa) e Kur
take a cure eine Kur machen
cure (treatment for) e Behandlung (für)
cure (of) (v.) heilen (von)
cure s.o. of a disease jmdn. von einer Krankheit heilen

cure-all s Allheilmittel

cut n. e Schnittwunde (-n)

dandruff, flaking skin Schuppen (pl.)

dead tot

death r Tod

dental, by a dentist zahnärztlich

dentist r Zahnarzt/e Zahnärztin

diabetes e Zuckerkrankheit, r Diabetes

diabetic n. r/e Zuckerkranke, r Diabetiker/e Diabetikerin
diabetic adj. zuckerkrank, diabetisch
MORE > Diabetes @ About - Learn more about diabetes from About Guide Paula

diagnosis e Diagnose

dialysis e Dialyse

diarrhea, diarrhoea r Durchfall, e Diarrhöe

die v. sterben, ums Leben kommen

he died of cancer er starb an Krebs
she died of heart failure sie ist an Herzversagen gestorben
many people died/lost their lives viele Menschen kamen ums Leben

disease, illness e Krankheit (-en)

contagious disease ansteckende Krankheit

doctor, physician r Arzt/e Ärztin (Ärzte/Ärztinnen)

ENT (ear, nose, and throat) HNO (pron. HAH-EN-OH, Hals, Nase, Ohren = throat,
nose, ears)
ENT doctor/physician r HNO-Arzt, e HNO-Ärztin

emergency r Notfall
in an emergency im Notfall
emergency room/ward e Unfallstation
emergency services Hilfsdienste (pl.)
environment e Umwelt

fever s Fieber

first aid erste Hilfe

administer/give first aid erste Hilfe leisten
first-aid kit e Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung
first-aid kit r Verbandkasten/r Verbandskasten

flu, influenza e Grippe

gall bladder e Galle, e Gallenblase
gall stone(s) r Gallenstein (-e)

gastrointestinal Magen-Darm- (in compounds)

gastrointestinal tract r Magen-Darm-Trakt

gastroscopy e Magenspiegelung

German measles Röteln (pl.)

glucose r Traubenzucker, e Glucose

glycerin(e) s Glyzerin

gonorrhoea e Gonorrhöe, r Tripper

haematoma (Br.) s Hämatom

haemorrhoid (Br.) e Hämorrhoide

hay fever r Heuschnupfen

headache Kopfschmerzen (pl.)
headache tablet/pill, aspirin e Kopfschmerztablette
I have a headache. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.

head nurse, senior nurse e Oberschwester

heart attack r Herzanfall, r Herzinfarkt

heart failure s Herzversagen
heart pacemaker r Herzschrittmacher

MORE > Heart Disease @ About - Learn more about heart disease and cardiology
from About Guide Richard Fogoros.

heartburn s Sodbrennen

health e Gesundheit

health care e Gesundheitsfürsorge

hematoma, haematoma (Br.) s Hämatom

hemorrhage e Blutung

hemorrhoid e Hämorrhoide
hemorrhoidal ointment e Hämorrhoidensalbe

hepatitis e Leberentzündung, e Hepatitis

high blood pressure r Bluthochdruck (med. arterielle Hypertonie)

Hippocratic Oath r hippokratische Eid, r Eid des Hippokrates

HIV positive/negative HIV-positiv/-negativ

hospital s Krankenhaus, e Klinik, s Spital (Austria)

ICU (intensive care unit) e Intensivstation

illness, disease e Krankheit (-en)

incubator r Brutkasten (-kästen)

infection e Entzündung (-en), e Infektion (-en)

influenza, flu e Grippe

injection, shot e Spritze (-n)

innoculate, vaccinate v. impfen

insulin s Insulin
insulin shock r Insulinschock

intensive care unit (ICU) e Intensivstation

interaction (drugs) e Wechselwirkung (-en), e Interaktion (-en)

jaundice e Gelbsucht

Jakob-Creutzfeld disease e Jakob-Creutzfeld-Krankheit

kidney(s) e Niere (-en)
kidney failure, renal failure s Nierenversagen
kidney machine e künstliche Niere
kidney stone(s) r Nierenstein (-e)

laxative s Abführmittel

leukemia r Blutkrebs, e Leukämie

life s Leben
to lose your life, to die ums Leben kommen
many people died/lost their lives viele Menschen kamen ums Leben
Lou Gehrig's disease s Lou-Gehrig-Syndrom (see "ALS" )

Lyme disease e Lyme-Borreliose (also see TBE)

transmitted by ticks von Zecken übertragen

“mad cow” disease, BSE r Rinderwahn, e BSE

malaria e Malaria

measles e Masern (pl.)

German measles, rubella Röteln (pl.)

medical(ly) (adj., adv.) medizinisch, ärztlich, Sanitäts- (in compounds)

medical corps (mil.) e Sanitätstruppe
medical insurance e Krankenversicherung/e Krankenkasse
medical school medizinische Fakultät
medical student r Medizinstudent/-studentin

medicinal (adj., adv.) heilend, medizinisch

medicinal power(s) e Heilkraft

medicine (in general) e Medizin

medicine, medication e Arznei, s Arzneimittel, s Medikament (-e)

metabolism r Metabolismus

mono, mononucleosis s Drüsenfieber, e Mononukleose (Pfeiffersches


multiple sclerosis (MS) multiple Sklerose (die)

mumps r Mumps

muscular dystrophy e Muskeldystrophie, r Muskelschwund

nurse e Krankenschwester (-n)
head nurse e Oberschwester (-n)
male nurse, orderly r Krankenpfleger (-)
nursing e Krankenpflege
ointment, salve e Salbe (-n)

operate v. operieren
operation e Operation (-en)
have an operation sich einer Operation unterziehen, operiert werden

organ s Organ
organ bank e Organbank
organ donation e Organspende
organ donor r Organspender, e Organspenderin
organ recipient r Organempfänger, e Organempfängerin

pacemaker r Herzschrittmacher

paralysis (n.) e Lähmung, e Paralyse

paralytic (n.) r Paralytiker, e Paralytikerin
paralyzed, paralytic (adj.) gelähmt, paralysiert

parasite r Parasit (-en)

Parkinson's disease e Parkinson-Krankheit

patient r Patient (-en), e Patientin (-nen)

pharmacy, chemist's shop e Apotheke (-n)

pharmacist, chemist r Apotheker (-), e Apothekerin (-nen)

physician, doctor r Arzt/e Ärztin (Ärzte/Ärztinnen)

pill, tablet e Pille (-n), e Tablette (-n)

pimple(s) r Pickel (-)

acne e Akne

plague e Pest

pneumonia e Lungenentzündung
poison s Gift
antidote (to) s Gegengift, s Gegenmittel (gegen)
poison (v.) vergiften

poisoning e Vergiftung

prescription s Rezept

prostate (gland) e Prostata

prostate cancer r Prostatakrebs

psoriasis e Schuppenflechte

quack (doctor) r Quacksalber
quack remedy s Mittelchen, e Quacksalberkur/e Quacksalberpille

quinine s Chinin

rabies e Tollwut

rash n. r Ausschlag

rehab e Reha, e Rehabilitierung

rehab center s Reha-Zentrum (-Zentren)

rheumatism s Rheuma

rubella Röteln (pl.)

salivary gland e Speicheldrüse (-n)

salve, ointment e Salbe (-n)

SARS s SARS (Schweres akutes Atemnotsyndrom, Severe Acute Respiratory

scurvy r Skorbut

sedative, tranquilizer s Beruhigungsmittel

sexually transmitted disease (See "STD" below)

shot, injection e Spritze (-n)

side effects Nebenwirkungen (pl.)

smallpox e Pocken (pl.)

smallpox vaccination e Pockenimpfung

sonography e Sonografie
sonogram s Sonogramm (-e)

sprain e Verstauchung

STD (sexually transmitted disease) e Geschlechtskrankheit (-en)

stomach r Magen
stomach ache s Bauchweh, Magenbeschwerden (pl.)
stomach cancer r Magenkrebs
stomach ulcer s Magengeschwür

surgeon r Chirurg (-en), e Chirurgin (-innen)

syphilis e Syphilis

The German researcher Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) discovered Salvarsans, a treatment for
syphilis, in 1910. Ehrlich was also a pioneer in chemotherapy. He received the Nobel Prize for
medicine in 1908.

tablet, pill e Tablette (-n), e Pille (-n)

TBE, tick-borne encephalitis e FSME (Frühsommer-Meningo-Enzephalitis) - also see

Lyme disease
transmitted by ticks von Zecken übertragen

There is a TBE/FSME vaccine which German doctors can give to people at risk, but it cannot
be used on children under the age of 12. It is not available in the U.S. The vaccination is good
for three years. The tick-borne disease is found in southern Germany and other parts of
Europe, but is fairly rare.

WEB > FSME/TBE - A German and English description of this tick-borne disease
from the Swiss Medical Weekly.

temperature e Temperatur (-en)

he has a temperature er hat Fieber

thermal imaging e Thermografie

thermometer s Thermometer (-)

tick-borne encephalitis (see TBE above)

tissue (skin, etc.) s Gewebe (-)

tomography e Tomografie
CAT/CT scan, computer tomography e Computertomografie

tonsilitis e Mandelentzündung

tooth (teeth) r Zahn (Zähne)

toothache Zahnschmerzen (pl.)
I have a toothache. Ich habe Zahnschmerzen.

tranquilizer, sedative s Beruhigungsmittel

triglyceride s Triglyzerid (Triglyzeride, pl.)

A triglyzeride is a organic-chemical compound made up of one molecule of glycerine and

three fatty acids.
Ein Triglyzerid ist eine organischchemische Verbindung aus einem Molekül Glyzerin und drei

tuberculosis e Tuberkulose
tuberculin s Tuberkulin

typhoid fever, typhus r Typhus

ulcer s Geschwür

ulcerous (adj.) geschwürig

urologist r Urologe, e Urologin
urology e Urologie

vaccinate v. impfen
vaccination n. e Impfung (-en)
smallpox vaccination e Pockenimpfung
vaccine n. r Impfstoff

varicose vein e Krampfader

vasectomy e Vasektomie

vascular vaskulär, Gefäß- (in compounds)

vascular disease e Gefäßkrankheit

vein e Vene (-n), e Ader (-n)

varicose vein(s) e Krampfader (-n)

venereal disease, VD e Geschlechtskrankheit (-en)

violence e Gewalt
rightwing (skinhead) violence rechte Gewalt

virus s Virus
virus/viral infection e Virusinfektion

vitamin s Vitamin
vitamin deficiency r Vitaminmangel

wart e Warze (-n)

wound (n.) e Wunde (-n)

X-ray (n.) e Röntgenaufnahme, s Röntgenbild
X-ray (v.) durchleuchten, eine Röntgenaufnahme machen

The German word for X-rays comes from their German discoverer, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
(1845-1923). (More in our Erfinder - Inventors glossary.)

yellow fever s Gelbfieber

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