Grading and Reporting
Grading and Reporting
Grading and Reporting
Social Studies IV
One of the more frustrating aspects of teaching.
Grades may reflect relative performance i.e. score compared other students( where you
rank ). It is more commonly called a norm-referenced grading system. In such a
a. grade (like a class rank) depends on what group you are in, not just your own
b. typical grade may be shifted up or down, depending on group’s ability.
c. widely used because much classroom testing is norm-referenced.
Grades may also reflect absolute performance i.e. score compared to specified
performance standards ( what you can do). This is commonly called a criterion-
referenced grading. In such a system:
a. grade does NOT depend on what group you are, but only on your own performance
compared to a set of performance standard.
b. grading is complex task, because grades must:
i. clearly define the domain
ii. clearly define and justify the performance standards.
iii. be based on criterion-reference assessment
c. Conditions are hard to meet except in complete mastery learning settings.
Finally, grades may also reflect learning ability or improvement performance i.e. score compared
to learning “potential” or past performance. In such a system:
a. grades are inconsistent with a standards-based system because now, each child is his/her
own standard.
b. reliability estimating learning ability (separate from the achievement) is very difficult.
c. One cannot reliably measure change with classroom measures,
d. therefore, should only be used as a supplement.
Describe grading procedures to students at beginning of instruction.
Clarify that course grade will be based on achievement only.
Explain how other factors (efforts, work habits) will be reported.
Relate grading procedures to intended learning outcomes
Obtain valid evidences (tests, etc.) for assigning grades
Try to prevent cheating.
Return and review all test results as soon as possible.
Properly weight the various types of achievements included in grade.
Do not lower an achievement grade for tardiness, weak, effort or misbehavior.
Be fair. Avoid bias. When in doubt, review the evidence. If still in doubt, give the
higher grade.
1. Make plans
2. Start positive—and maintain a positive focus
3. Encourage parents to participate and share information
4. Plan actions cooperatively
5. End with positive comment.
6. Use good human relations skills.
Grading System
-Containing in DepEd Order no. 31, s. 2013
- students attainment of standards in terms of content
and performance.
- K+12 grading system is a none numeric equivalent
Assessment and Rating
of Learning Outcomes