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L.M.R Assignment

Legal Aid

Submitted to: Prof.Sujith

Sayed Younus
Presidency University, School of Law
Legal Aid
Sayed Younus

The word law is defined from the “Teutonic” word “lag” which means
“definite”. The law can be defined as a definite rule of conduct and human
relationship. It also means an equal rule of conduct which is applicable
equally to all the people of the state. Law prescribes and regulates general
conditions of human activity in the state.

Custom has been one of the oldest sources of law. In ancient times, social
relations gave rise to several usages, traditions and customs. These were
used to settle and decide disputes among the people. Customs were
practiced habitually and violations of customs were disapproved and
punished by the society. Initially social institutions began working on the
basis of several accepted customs.

Gradually, the State emerged as the organized political institution of the

people having the responsibility to maintain peace, law and order;
naturally, it also began acting by making and enforcing rules based upon
customs and traditions. In fact, most of the laws had their birth when the
State began converting the customs into authoritative and binding rules.
Custom has been indeed a rich source of Law.

Meaning of Law:
The word law is defined from the “Teutonic” word “lag” which means “definite”.
The law can be defined as a definite rule of conduct and human relationship. It also
means an equal rule of conduct which is applicable equally to all the people of the
state. Law prescribes and regulates general conditions of human activity in the state.

Features of law
 Law is a general rule of human behavior in the state. It applies to all individual
of the state. All are equally treated by the law of their state.
 Law is formulated will of the state. It is rule made and implemented by the
 State always acts through the law. Laws are made and enforced by the
government of the state.
 State always acts through the law because, Laws are made and enforced by the
 Law creates binding and authoritative values or decisions or rules for all people
of the state.
 Sovereignty of the state is the basis of law and its binding character.
 Law is backed by the coercive power of the state. Violation of laws are always
 Punishment also prescribed by law.
 The courts settle all disputes among the people.
 In each State, there is only one body of Law.
 Legally, Law is a command of the sovereign. In contemporary times laws are
made by the representatives of the people who constitute the legislature of the
State. Laws are backed by on public opinion and public needs.
 The purpose of Law is to provide peace, protection, and security to the people
and to ensure conditions for their all-round development. Law also provides
protection to the rights and freedoms of the people.
 All disputes among the people are settled by the courts on the basis of an
interpretation and application of the laws of the State.
 Rule of law, equality before law and equal protection of law for all without any
discrimination, are recognized as the salient features of a modern legal system
and liberal democratic state.
Sources of Law:
1. Custom:
 Custom has been one of the oldest sources of law. In ancient times, social
relations gave rise to several usages, traditions and customs. These were used to
settle and decide disputes among the people. Customs were practiced habitually
and violations of customs were disapproved and punished by the society.
Initially social institutions began working on the basis of several accepted
 Gradually, the State emerged as the organized political institution of the people
having the responsibility to maintain peace, law and order; naturally, it also
began acting by making and enforcing rules based upon customs and traditions.
In fact, most of the laws had their birth when the State began converting the
customs into authoritative and binding rules. Custom has been indeed a rich
source of Law.

2. Religion and Morality:

 Religion and religious codes appeared naturally in every society when human
beings began observing, enjoying and fearing natural forces. These were
accepted as superior heavenly forces (Gods and Goddesses) and worshiped.
 Religion then started regulating the behavior of people and began invoking
“Godly sanction”, “fear of hell”, and “possible fruits of heaven”, for enforcing
the religious codes. It compelled the people to accept and obey religious codes.
Several religions came forward to formulate and prescribe definite codes of
conduct. The rules of morality also appeared in society. These defined what was
good & what was bad, what was right and what was wrong.
 The religious and moral codes of a society provided to the State the necessary
material for regulating the actions of the people. The State converted several
moral and religious rules into its laws. Hence Religion and Morality have also
been important sources of Law.
3. Legislation:
 Since the emergence of legislatures in 13th century, legislation has emerged as
the chief source of Law. Traditionally, the State depended upon customs and
the decrees or orders of the King for regulating the behavior of the people. Later
on, the legislature emerged as an organ of the government. It began
transforming the customary rules of behavior into definite and enacted rules of
behavior of the people.
 The King, as the sovereign, started giving these his approval. Soon legislation
emerged as the chief source of law and the legislature got recognition as the
Legal Sovereign i.e. law-making organ of the State. In contemporary times,
legislation has come to be the most potent, prolific and direct source of law. It
has come to be recognized as the chief means for the formulation of the will of
the State into binding rules.

4. Delegated Legislation:
 Because of several pressing reasons like paucity of time, lack of expertise and
increased demand for law-making, the legislature of a State finds it essential to
delegate some of its law-making powers to the executive. The executive then
makes laws/rules under this system. It is known as Delegated Legislation.
Currently, Delegated Legislation has come to be a big source of Law. However,
Delegated Legislation always works under the superior law-making power of
the Legislature.
5. Judicial Decisions:
 In contemporary times, Judicial Decision has come to be an important source of
Law. It is the responsibility of the courts to interpret and apply laws to specific
cases. The courts settle the disputes of the people in cases that come before
them. The decisions of the courts – the judicial decisions, are binding on the
parties to the case. These also get accepted as laws for future cases. But not all
judicial decisions are laws.
 Only the judicial decisions given by the apex court or the courts which stand
recognized as the Courts of Record, (like the Supreme Court and High Courts
of India) are recognized and used as laws proper. Lower Courts can settle their
cases on the basis of such judicial decisions.

6. Equity:
 Equity means fairness and sense of justice. It is also a source of Law. For
deciding cases, the judges interpret and apply laws to the specific cases. But
laws cannot fully fit in each case and these can be silent in some respects. In all
such cases, the judges depend on equity and act in accordance with their sense
of fair play and justice. Equity is used to provide relief to the aggrieved parties
and such decisions perform the function of laying down rules for the future. As
such equity acts as a source of law.

7. Scientific Commentaries:
 The works of eminent jurists always include scientific commentaries on the
Constitution and the laws of each state. These are used by the courts for
determining the meaning of law. It helps the courts to interpret and apply laws.
 The jurists not only discuss and explain the existing law but also suggest the
future possible rules of behavior. They also highlight the weaknesses of the
existing laws as well as the ways to overcome these. Interpretations given by
them help the judges to interpret and apply Laws to specific cases.
 The works of jurists like, Blackstone, Dicey, Wade, Phillips, Seeravai, B.Pi.
Rau, D.D. Basu and others have been always held in high esteem by the judges
in India. Scientific commentaries jurists always help the development and
evolution of law. Hence these also constitute a source of law. Thus, Law has
several sources. However, in contemporary times law-making by the legislature
constitutes the chief source of Law.

Types of Law:
 Broadly speaking there are two main kinds of Law:
(i) National Law i.e. the body of rules which regulates the actions of the people
in society and it is backed by the coercive power of the State.

(ii) International Law i.e. the body of rules which guides and directs the
behavior of the states in international relations. It is backed by their willingness
and consent that the states obey rules of International Law. It is a law among
nations and is not backed by any coercive power.

 National Law is the law by which the people are governed by the state. It
stands classified into several kinds:

1. Constitutional Law
2. Ordinary Law

 It is stands classified into two sub types:

(a) Private Law

(b) Public Law

 It stands again sub-divided into two parts:
(i) General Public Law

(ii) Administrative Law

1. Constitutional Law:
 Constitutional Law is the supreme law of the country. It stands written in the
Constitution of the State. The Constitutional Law lays down the organization,
powers, functions and inter-relationship of the three organs of government. It
also lays down the relationship between the people and the government as well
as the rights, freedoms (fundamental rights) and duties of the citizens. It can be
called the Law of the laws in the sense all law-making in the State is done on
the basis of powers granted by the Constitutional Law i.e. the Constitution.

2. Statute Law or Ordinary Law:

 It is also called the national law or the municipal law. It is made by the
government (legislature) and it determines and regulates the conduct and
behavior of the people. It lays down the relations among the people and their
associations, organisations, groups and institutions. The legislature makes laws,
the executive implements these and judiciary interprets and applies these to
specific cases.

 Ordinary Law is classified into two parts:

(a) Private Law and

(b) Public Law.

(a) Private Law:
 Private Law regulates the relations among individuals. It lays down rules
regarding the conduct of the individual in society and his relations with other
persons. It guarantees the enjoyment of his rights. It is through this law that the
State acts as the arbiter of disputes between any two individuals or their groups.

(b) Public Law:

 The law which regulates the relations between the individual and the State is
Public Law. It is made and enforced by the State on behalf of the community.

 Public Law stands sub divided into two categories:

(i) General Law, and

Administrative Law.

(i) General Law:

 It lays down the relations between the private citizens (Non-officials or who are
not members of the civil service) and the State. General Public Law applies to
all the citizens in their relations with the State.

(ii) Administrative Law:

 It lays down the rules governing the exercise of the constitutional authority
which stands delegated by the Constitution of the State to all the organs of
government. It also governs the relations between the civil servants and the
public and lays down the relations between the civil servants and the State. In
some States like France, Administrative Law is administered by Administrative
Courts and General Law is administered by ordinary courts. However in
countries like India, Britain and the USA the same courts administer both the
General Law and Administrative Law.

 Clarifying the distinction between Public law and Private law, Holland writes:
“In Private Law the parties concerned are private individuals alone and between
whom stands the State as an impartial arbiter. In Public Law also the State is
present as an arbiter although it is at the same time one of the parties

The rule by which the rights of parties in a lawsuit are determined by a judge's
application of relevant statutes or legal principles to the facts of the case that have
been found to be true by the jury. The final judgment or decree rendered by a court
based upon the verdict reached by the jury. Legal principles that provide the basis for
the decision rendered by a judge in a case tried without a jury or with an advisory jury
after certain facts have been established.

Under rules of federal civil procedure, conclusions of law made in such cases must be
stated separately from the findings of fact.

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