My Rev - Ike
My Rev - Ike
My Rev - Ike
1."I have a right to feel good about myself because God is in me."
4.This may shock some of you, but you don't have to die to experience heaven. When you find the
heaven in you.
6.Visualize yourself surrounded by money. Think money all the time. In your mind see and feel yourself
using and enjoying more money than ever before. See your hands, pockets, and bank accounts full of
money. Picture your purse or wallet full of money. You see, you have to have a mental picture of what
you want in your mind all the time. Don't ever let it leave.
7.You have to learn how to lift up your feelings yourself — to lift up your emotions. You have to learn to
control your feelings and your emotions yourself. You have to learn to go inside yourself and develop a
positive self-image.
8.Nothing can come to you unless you believe you deserve it, and nothing can go from you unless you
believe you don't deserve it.