Medical Imaging (Chapter 32 TB)

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Medical imaging (Chapter 32 TB):

 Principles of the production of X-rays by electron bombardment of a metal target:

 Contains two electrodes:

 Cathode – the heated filament from which electrons are emitted
 Anode – the rotating anode (to avoid overheating) made of a hard target
metal (tungsten)
 External power supply produces a voltage between the two electrodes, resulting to
the acceleration of a beam of electrons across the gap between the cathode and
the anode, bombarding the anode (metal target) at high speed, stopping the
electrons, hence losing a small amount of their kinetic energy in the form of X-ray
photons which emerge in all directions
 The window, is thinner than the rest allowing X-rays to emerge into the space
outside the tube; the width of the X-ray beam can be controlled using metal tubes
beyond the window to absorb X-rays, which produces a parallel-sided beam called a
collimated beam

 X-ray photons produced when electrons is accelerated have range of accelerations when
hitting the target metal, hence the distributions of wavelengths forming the broad
background braking radiation; the characteristic radiation are due to the de-excitation of
orbital electrons in the target metal (anode); the sharp cut-off at short wavelength is
because an electron gives all of its energy to a single photon and is stopped in a single
collision, as well as where its minimum wavelength gives the maximum energy

or λmin = hc / Emax

 Hardness of an X-ray beam: the measure of the penetration of the beam; the greater the
hardness, the greater the penetration / shorter wavelength / higher frequency / higher
photon energy
 Increasable by increasing the accelerating potential difference (p.d. between anode
and cathode)
 Soft X-rays are less penetrative (long wavelengths), so it is more likely to be
absorbed in the body, hence it possesses a greater health hazard than short-
wavelength radiation; minimised by using aluminium sheet filter placed in the X-ray
beam from tube
 The gradual decrease in the intensity of X-rays as it passes through matter is called
 Intensity is the power / rate of energy transfer per unit cross-sectional area; unit: W m-2

 Attenuation of X-rays passing through a uniform material given by:

 I0 is the initial intensity

 x is the thickness of the material
 I is the transmitted intensity
 is the attenuation coefficient; unit: m-1 or cm-1, etc

 Half-thickness of an absorbing material given by:

 Sharpness: ease with which edges of structures can be seen

 Determined by the width of the X-ray beam (sharp image achieved by a narrow
beam of parallel X-rays) controlled by:
 Width of the electron beam and the metal target
 Size of aperture at the exit window (reduced by adjustable lead plates)
 Collimation of beam – ensuring parallel-sided beams when passed through
the lead slits

 Contrast: difference in degree of blackening between structures

 Good contrast when the ratio between the intensity of the incident and the
emergent X-ray beam of different organs are far apart
 Principles of computed tomography or CT scanning:
 X-ray images of one slice is taken from different angles, all in the same plane
 Combined to produce a 2D image of one slice
 Repeated for many slices and images combined
 To build up 3D image of whole body structure using the computer that can be
rotated and viewed from different angles

 Advantages of CT scan over the standard X-ray image: image gives depth / 3D image
formed / final image can be rotated viewed from any angle
 Disadvantages of CT scan over the standard X-ray image: greater exposure to X-ray
radiation / more expensive / higher health risks / person must remain stationary#
 The image of an 8-voxel cube can be developed using CT scanning:

 Principles of the generation and detection of ultrasonic waves using piezo-electric


 Potential difference is applied across the piezo-electric transducer (quartz crystal)

causing it to change shape (distort)
 Applying alternating p.d. causes oscillations/vibrations
 When applied frequency is natural frequency, crystal resonates
 Natural frequency of crystal is in the ultrasound range (hence usage of ultrasound
waves), alternating p.d. produced across the crystal
 Principles behind the use of ultrasound to obtain diagnostic information about internal
 Pulse of ultrasound produced by quartz crystal / piezo-electric crystal
 Gel/coupling medium on the skin to reduce reflection at skin
 Reflected from the boundaries between media
 Reflected pulse/wave detected by ultrasound transmitter
 Reflected wave processed and displayed
 Intensity of reflected pulse/wave gives information about boundary
 Time delay gives information about the depth of boundary
 Ultrasound at higher frequencies allows smaller structures to be observed/resolved
 Specific acoustic impedance Z of a medium: product of medium density and the speed of
sound in the medium; unit: kg m-2 s-1

 The intensity reflection coefficient is given by the expression:

 is the ratio of the reflected intensity to incident intensity

 1 and Z2 are the specific acoustic impedances of media on each of the boundaries
 The greater the difference in acoustic impedances, the greater the reflected
fraction of the ultrasound waves
 The intensity I decreases with as it passes through the body of distance x, hence
attenuation of ultrasound in matter is given by:

 Ultrasound relies on the reflection of ultrasound at the boundaries between different

tissues, hence the thickness of an organ is given by:

 Principles behind the use of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) to obtain
diagnostic information about internal structures:
 Strong uniform magnetic field is applied
 Nuclei precess about the field direction

 Radio frequency pulse is applied, at the Larmor frequency, causing resonance

(nuclei absorbs the energy)
 On relaxation, nuclei emit the radio frequency pulse
 Emitted pulse is detected and processed
 Non-uniform field superimposed on uniform field
 Allows the position of resonating nuclei to be determined
 Allows for the position of detection to be changed (different slices to be studied)
 The function of the non-uniform magnetic field, superimposed on the large constant
magnetic field, in diagnosis using NMRI:
 Strong uniform magnetic field aligns the nuclei / gives rise to Larmor frequency in
the r.f. region
 Non-uniform magnetic field enables the nucli to be located / changes the Larmor

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