CH 2
CH 2
CH 2
FM 5-103
FM 5-103
Information on mission, enemy, terrain and past the deadline and are done as long as the
weather, time, and troops (METT-T) is force remains in the position. Survivability
compiled. time constraints are deeply intertwined with
mobility and countermobility time con-
The Mission straints. If the level of protection required
Subordinate commanders/leaders must cannot be achieved in the time allotted,
understand the maneuver commander’s resources are then committed to mobility or
mission and guidance. The commander/ countermobility operations, or as designated
leader must know what survivability tasks by the maneuver commander.
are necessary and how they interface with Troops and Resources
mobility, countermobility, and other tasks The commander must weigh available labor,
necessary for completing the mission. In material constraints, and engineer support
addition, the commander/leader imple- before planning an operation. Labor con-
menting survivability tasks must know if straints are identified through analysis of
any additional support is available. the three sources of labor—maneuver unit
troops, engineer troops, and indigenous (host
The Enemy nation/local area) personnel. Supply and
The maneuver commander and engineer must equipment constraints are identified through
fully understand the threat to the force. analysis of on-hand supplies, naturally-
Weapon types, probable number of weapons available materials, and supplies available
and rounds, and types of attack to expect are through military and indigenous channels.
critical in survivability planning. When these Careful procurement consideration is given
factors are known, appropriate fighting and to available civilian engineer equipment to
protective positions are designed and supplement military equipment.
Terrain and Weather The maneuver force commander and engineer
One of the most important sources of in- must have access to available intelligence
formation the maneuver commander and information provided by staff elements. Bat-
supporting engineer receive is a detailed talion S2 sections provide the bulk of recon-
terrain analysis of the area. This analysis is naissance and terrain information, and
provided by the division terrain team (DTT) experts at the division level and above assist
or corps terrain team (CTT). It includes the the commander. For example, the DS terrain
types of terrain, soil, and weather in the area team, the production section of the division
of operations. A good mental picture of the tactical operations center (DTOC) support
area of operations enables the commander to element, and the corps cartographic company
evaluate all M-CM-S and general engineering can quickly provide required terrain products.
activities to create the best plan for attack or In addition, the commander uses the division
defense. intelligence system which provides the Threat
order of battle and war-damaged key facil-
Time ities. When reconnaissance requirements ex-
Every survivability mission has a deadline ceed the capability of battalion reconnais-
for reaching a predetermined level of pro- sance elements, maneuver or supporting
tection. Hardening activities will continue engineer units collect their own information.
FM 5-103
When the engineer or maneuver units have ● Enemy’s engagement priority to include
collected all data required for protective con- which forces the Threat most likely will
struction, the data is analyzed to evaluate engage first.
possible courses of action. Alternatives are
based on the commander’s guidance on ● Ability to establish positions with organic
protection needs, priorities, and planning. equipment.
FM 5-103
FM 5-103
The table below shows example standard developed in the table are usually used by the
survivability levels for maneuver units in maneuver commander in developing prior-
defensive positions. The levels and figures ities, and by the engineer in advising the
FM 5-103
FM 5-103
each original course of action in a manner relationships and how they affect the engi-
best suited to the METT-T factors and the neer unit. The recommended command rela-
survivability analysis. The table on page 2-9 tionship for engineers is operational control
lists the different command and support (OPCON) to the supported unit.
FM 5-103
FM 5-103
positions support, and what protection the The G3/S3 has primary staff responsibility
covered routes provide when movement be- for all plans and operations, and also devel-
tween positions occurs. ops the defensive and fire support plans
considering survivability and other engi-
STAFF OFFICERS’ neering support. The G3/S3 also receives
RESPONSIBILITIES progress/ completion reports for survivability
The engineer staff officers’ (Brigade Engi- construction and emplacement and records
neer, Assistant Division Engineer) responsi- this information in conjunction with mobility
bilities include Coordination of mobility, and countermobility records (for example,
countermobility, survivability, and general minefield and obstacle records). The G3/S3
engineering tasks on the battlefield. As a works closely with the staff engineer to
special member of the commander’s staff, the develop the engineer support plans for the
engineer interacts with other staff personnel. commander.
This is accomplished by integrating surviv-
ability considerations with plans and actions G4/S4
of the other staff members, Staff responsi- The G4/S4 is the primary staff coordinator
bilities concerning survivability plans and for the logistic support required for surviv-
execution are as follows. ability tasks. The G4/S4 works closely with
the staff engineer to insure that types and
G2/S2 quantities of construction materials for sur-
The G2/S2 is the primary staff officer for vivability emplacements are available. The
intelligence matters and has responsibility G4/S4 also coordinates with the engineer to
for collecting information on Threat opera- supply additional transportation and equip-
tions and types and numbers of weapons ment in accordance with the commander’s
used, Using all available intelligence sources priorities for engineer support. Engineers
to predict enemy choices for avenues of alone do not have the assets to haul all of the
approach, the G2/S2 assists in survivability class VI material necessary for hardened
emplacement. It is the responsibility of the survivability positions.
G2/S2 to receive survivability emplacement
records from the G3/S3, disseminate the
information, and forward records to the senior
theater Army engineer,