Arun Father LTR To PM 17-04-2019
Arun Father LTR To PM 17-04-2019
Arun Father LTR To PM 17-04-2019
c/o C-13-11, Megan Avenue II, No. 12, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Fax: +6 03-2181 4270
17th April 2019
YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
The Right Hon. Prime Minister of Malaysia
YAB Tun,
Re: Justice for my son, lawyer Arun Kasi
Federal Court’s Refusal to Release Open Court CRT Recording in Contempt Case
CRT Recording be made available to my Son and be Played in Parliament
Federal Court Application No. 08(1)-394-07/2018(W)
2. With respect to the judiciary, it is no secret that Government had complaints over
the judiciary under the conditions implanted by the previous government. Even
before coming into power, it was PH’s manifesto to “restore public trust in the
judicial and legal institutions”. Media was filled with articles criticising and
condemning judiciary. Police and MACC complaints were lodged over alleged
judicial misconducts and they were investigating, as appearing in media. The then
CJ publicly announced internal investigations into alleged judicial misconducts.
One suit was filed against the then CJ for failing to defend the judiciary. Bar
Council asked, 4 times, for RCI. Justice Hamid Sultan affirmed an affidavit
(“Affidavit”) exposing various alleged judicial improprieties. The Government
announced RCI upon the Affidavit.
3. The AG himself outright scandalised the entire judiciary in his bold speech at the
Legal Year Opening in Jan 2019 in the presence of many judges including the
then CJ, lawyers, etc. where he expressly said:
The administration of justice has not been immune from the cancer of
corruption which spread in the conditions created by the former government.
The scandals that involved judges, lawyers, prosecutors and litigants for at
least 3 decades since the Judicial Crisis of 1988 are too well known …
5. The AG claimed, contradicting his own faith expressed in the speech, that my son
had insinuated that the judges were corrupt and cited my son for contempt and
asks to send my son to prison. If the AG believes any person to be in contempt,
then it must first be himself for the outright speech. Is he not applying the rule of
law to himself?
6. This species of contempt, called ‘scandalising courts’ had become obsolete and
even abolished in civilised countries as being contrary to freedom of speech. In
UK, it was so abolished by s. 33 of Crime and Courts Act 2013.
7. Prior to the media coverage of my son’s criticism, the Impugned Decision was
already severally criticised in the Affidavit and as such is likely the subject matter
of RCI. Is the AG pre-empting the RCI with the contempt proceedings?
8. The Government announced RCI upon the Affidavit and asked the AG to draft the
terms of reference. In conflict, the AG applied to expunge the Affidavit. The AG,
during my son’s contempt hearing, described the Affidavit as “notorious”. No
moment in RCI establishment for more than 50 days and Bar Council expressed
concern over the delay. Is the AG acting on a frolic of his own contrary to the
government direction?
9. The conflicting stands taken by the AG is a matter that YAB Tun has to cause
probe in national interest.
10. The AG conducted the proceedings in such a way that my son was so
time-pressed that he had no fair opportunity to defend.
11. The AG filed the application for leave on 26th Feb 2019 at 6.39 p.m. The AG got it
instantly heard ex parte the next morning and it was granted. No Certificate of
Urgency or any form of written request is seen from the publicly available e-filing
system records. The AG must explain how he secured the date?
12. The AG served the cause papers on my son on 1st March 2019. My son applied to
set aside the leave on 7th March 2019, which was short fixed on 13th March 2019.
My son asked for adjournment of the hearing to properly prepare for the argument.
The AG refused to support the adjournment request, resulting in it being
disallowed. The Court heard and dismissed the application on 13th March 2019,
and quickly fixed hearing of the AG’s substantive application to commit my son on
28th March 2019.
13. My son made another application to cross-examine the AG on 20th March 2019
which was also quickly fixed for hearing on 28th March 2019.
14. On 28th March 2019, my son’s only child aged 15 was hospitalised in serious
condition. She was admitted since 12th March 2019. She was suffering threatening
health condition since Jan 2019 and had been numerous times hospitalised since
then. My son’s request for adjournment on this ground, which had affected his
ability to properly prepare for the defence, at the hearing on 28th March 2019 was
vigorously opposed by the AG and disallowed.
16. Within 28 days, from 1st March to 28th March, 2 interlocutory applications of my
son were heard and dismissed and the substantive application of the AG to
commit was heard and decision reserved on 23rd April 2019. Hardly any counsel
will accept the brief and be properly able to argue in the short intervals within
which the AG secured the hearing dates, more so this case being before the
highest court at the first instance.
17. Even a murderer, robber or rapist will be given fair opportunity to defend and
reasonable time for his counsel to prepare, but the AG did not allow that to my
18. The AG initiated the contempt proceedings straight before the Federal Court
depriving my son of right of appeals. The AG affirmed the affidavit and personally
conducted the hearing, but without ensuring fair opportunity to defend for my son.
19. My son’s law practice was abruptly disturbed by the conduct of the AG and is
nearly finished off, with clients taking away files at Federal Court and other
courts. .The proceedings had severally damaged the entire family, particularly my
son’s only child reading law at the age of 15.
20. The AG put himself in conflict in the prosecuting my son. The subject matter of my
son’s criticism involved AIAC, which is an institution within the purview of the AG.
The AG appointed the current acting director of the AIAC vouching for him. The
current acting director was the counsel, prior to the appointment, who moved the
Court for the Impugned Decision. The ex-director affirmed an affidavit claiming
close friendship between the AG and the current acting director, who were once
partners in a law firm for 18 years.
21. In all these circumstances, my son asked the Court for CRT recording of the
proceedings, by 6 letters over 3 weeks, so that he could apply for review of the
interlocutory decision(s). But the court refused without giving any reason. I believe
there is no confidentiality in an open court proceedings. I also believe that
contempt proceedings will deserve the highest degree of transparency because
the court is both the alleged victim and judge of its own cause.
22. The AG was able to get and exhibit to his affidavit the notes of proceedings for the
hearing when the Impugned Decision was made without even a request letter
appearing in the publicly available e-filing system records. The AG must explain
how he got the notes?
23. I want the Parliament to watch the CRT recording to see how the AG conducted
the proceedings and applied the rule of law.
24. With due respect to the Court, I most humbly call upon the YAP Tun now to direct
the AG to ask the Court for the CRT recording and hand it over to my son to
enable him to make the review applications.
25. If that does not happen, I will have no alternative but to day-time fast before the
Parliament until the CRT recording is made available to my son, by permission of
the Hon. Speaker.
26. I have utmost faith in the God and YAB Tun and that justice will prevail.