Document heading doi:10.1016/S2221-1691(11)60028-2 襃 2011 by the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. All rights reserved.
Article history: Objective: To determine the presence and levels of microbes in unexpired pasteurized milk from
Received 15 January 2011 randomly selected supermarkets in Kingston, Jamaica. Methods: The quantitative study used
Received in revised form 20 February 2011
a stratified random sampling technique in the selection of the 20 representative milk samples
Accepted 25 March 2011
from six (6) supermarkets. Microbiological tests such as methylene blue reduction, standard plate
Available online 30 March 2011
count (SPC), coliform plate count (CPC), purity plate culture, gram staining and biochemical tests
were performed to examine the microbes in purchased unexpired pasteurized milk. Results: One
Keywords: sample (BCr016) had a pH of 4.0, a rancid odour and curdled appearance. It decolourized within
Microbial content one hour during the methylene blue reduction test and was classified as class 4 milk. Seven of the
Pasteurized milk samples were sterile with no microbe growth on the plate count agar and violet red bile salt agar
(VRBA). The milk samples that appeared to be safe for consumption were all 10, 11, 12 and 13 days
Microbe before expiration. The VRBA sample BCr016, had a colony count of 13 400 CFU/ mL. There was the
Microbiological test presence of Escherichia coli in sample LCr021 which had a standard plate count of 1 580 SPC/mL
Escherichia coli and a coliform count of 500 CFU/mL. Enterobacter sp. was present in colonies from BCr016 and all
Enterobacter spp the other milk samples. Conclusions: Unacceptable levels of Enterobacter spp. and Escherichia
Milk coli were found in most of the samples. Effective measures to ensure safe milk for human
Dairy plant consumption such as the phosphatase test and methylene blue reduction test should be routinely
Developing country performed on each batch of milk processed by dairy plants.
of which are normal inhabitants of the large intestine[3]. The random selection of the milk samples was done covering
presence of these organisms in milk therefore indicates fecal all observed expiratory dates. The quantitative study used
contamination. The milk can be contaminated by unsanitary a stratified random sampling technique in the selection of
handling after the completion of the pasteurization process. the representative samples. Questionnaires were issued
E. coli is an important food-borne disease organism and to supervisors at the ten supermarkets in order to collect
enteropathogenic type which can cause diarrhea, even cause information on the transportation and storage of the studied
complications resulting in fatalities. According to Brock and milk. Four of the investigated supermarkets did not have
Madigan[3] approximately 18 000 persons in northern Illinois any milk in stock when the investigators visited their
and surrounding states experienced severe gastrointestinal establishment, therefore, two brands of milk, namely Cremo
illness due to infection with Salmonella typhimurium in and Serge Island Dairies, and milk from two different dairy
1985[6]. This outbreak was traced to milk provided by a single farmers were purchased from the rest six supermarkets that
dairy plant that was operated by a large grocery store chain. had pasteurized milk in stock. Four Cremo milk cartons
Defective valve in the pasteurizer was detected which lead with expiration dates of January 17, 20, 25 and 26 and four
to improper pasteurization and the presence of Salmonella Island Dairies milk cartons with expiration dates of January
which caused these serious gastrointestinal complications[6]. 17, 20, 24 and 26 were randomly selected from supermarket
Redmond[4] defines pasteurization, as a process of heating A. Four Cremo milk cartons with expiration dates of January
a liquid, particularly milk, to a temperature between 55 曟 17, 18, 21 and 26 were randomly selected from supermarket
and 70 曟, to destroy harmful bacteria without materially B. One Cremo milk carton with expiration date of January
changing the composition, flavor, or nutritive value of the 17 and one Island Dairies milk carton with expiration date
liquid[4]. According to Gunasekera[1] milk pasteurization was of January 20 were randomly selected from supermarket
introduced as a public health measure in order to destroy C. Two dairy farmers榮 milk cartons with expiration dates
human pathogens and to eliminate or reduce the activities of January 20 and 25 were selected from supermarket D.
of spoilage microorganisms[1]. The viability of bacteria in A Cremo milk carton and one transparent bottled milk
milk after heat treatments can be assessed by using three with expiration dates of January 16 and 26 were randomly
different viability indicators: (i) colony forming unit (CFU) selected from supermarket E. One Cremo milk carton with
on plate count agar, (ii) de novo expression of a gfp reporter expiration date of January 20 and one Island Dairies milk
gene, and (iii) membrane integrity based on propidium carton with expiration date of January 26 were randomly
iodide exclusion [1]. T he methylene blue reduction and selected from supermarket F. The total number of randomly
phosphatase tests are methods widely used to detect the selected pasteurized milk samples was 20. Samples were
presence of microbes in pasteurized milk. The standard collected on the morning of January 14, 2009 and transported
plate count is used to determine the total number of bacteria on ice to the laboratory, then kept in a refrigerator at 4 曟
present in a specified amount of milk, usually a milliliter for use in order to maintain similar storage conditions to
(mL). This is used for the grading of milk. The coliform that of the supermarkets from which they were purchased.
plate count is widely used to determine the total number The processing of the samples was done in the afternoon of
of coliforms present in one mL of milk sample. This study January 14, 2009.
sought to determine the presence and levels of microbes in C overt observations were conducted at selected
unexpired pasteurized milk from selected supermarkets in supermarkets. Q uestionnaires were used to obtain
Kingston, Jamaica. information from six of the investigated supermarkets. Milk
samples were cultured and observed for microbial growth.
Microbiological tests such as methylene blue reduction,
2. Materials and methods standard plate count, coliform plate count, purity plate
culture, gram staining and biochemical tests were used
2.1. Milk collection to examine the microbial quality of purchased unexpired
pasteurized milk.
Ten supermarkets in Kingston, Jamaica that offers a
wide range of grocery and non-grocery items including 2.2. Laboratory determinations
pasteurized milk to their customers were randomly selected.
The unexpired pasteurized milk was stored in small and In the methylene blue reduction test, 10 mL of the milk
large refrigerators at 4 曟 in these supermarkets. T he was added to each appropriately labeled tube. One (1) mL
temperatures of these refrigerators were monitored and of the methylene blue thiocyanate solution was added to
recorded daily by a member of staff. About 50%-80% of the the tube; the tube was stoppered and inverted, then tubes
unexpired pasteurized milk were sold to customers while were placed in the water bath immediately at 35 曟. The
expired milk were usually returned to their suppliers such samples were checked for decolourization after 30 minutes
as Cremo and Serge Island Diaries. of incubation. Subsequent readings at hourly intervals were
T he selected supermarkets were visited by the then made. After each reading, the decolourized tubes were
investigators in the study. The expiry dates of the milk removed and one complete inversion was slowly made of
samples in the large and small refrigerators were noted. A the remaining tubes. Reduction time was recorded in whole
Melisa Anderson et al./Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2011; 1(3): 205-211
hours between last inversion and decolourization where Nineteen of the twenty milk samples collected had a pH of
decolourization is considered complete when four-fifths of 7.0, a normal odour and homogenous appearance. The other
the color has disappeared[5]. sample BCr016 collected on January 14, 2009 had a pH of
I n the standard plate count, 9 m L of distilled water 4.0, a rancid odour and curdled appearance. Except sample
was pipetted in each tube and sterilized in an autoclave. BCr016 decolourized within one hour during the methylene
Four tubes were labeled undiluted as 10 , 10 and 10 blue reduction test and was classified as class 4 milk; all
-1 -2 -3
respectively for each milk sample. Under aseptic conditions the other 19 samples were not decolorized and were ranked
2 mL of milk was added to the undiluted tube and a 1 in 10 as class 1 products. (class 1-excellent, not decolorized in 8
dilution was made where 1 mL of milk was placed in the tube hours; class 2-good, decolorizied in 6-8 hours; class 3- fair,
labeled 10-1. Serial dilutions were then performed and 1 mL decolorized in 2-6 hours; class 4-decolorized in less than 2
was discarded from the10-3 tube. One (1) mL of each sample hours.)
was then transferred to a properly labeled sterile petridish. The standard plate count and coliform plate count were
Approximately 20 mL of plate count agar was then added performed where both controls passed; hence the results
and the milk samples were mixed thoroughly and uniformly were accepted as being valid. Further testing through the
with the agar. The agar was allowed to be solidified and the standard plate count and coliform plate count revealed that
petri-dishes were then incubated at 37 曟 for 48 hours. A seven of the samples were sterile, that is, no growth was
negative control was done using plate count agar only. The found on the plate count agar and violet red bile salt agar.
plates were then placed on a colony counter and the number These samples were SCr026, SCr025, SID024, LCr026, BCr026,
of bacterial colonies was recorded[6]. PIDe026 and SID026 (Table 1, 2). These results correlated
In the coliform plate count, the procedure was the same well with the methylene blue reduction results which
as the standard plate count. But approximately 15 mL of decolourized after 8 hours and were classified as excellent
violet red bile salt agar (VRBA) was then added to the quality for human consumption (class 1). The milk samples
labeled sterile petri-disk and the milk samples were mixed that appeared to be safe for consumption were all 10, 11, 12
thoroughly and uniformly with the agar. T he agar was and 13 days before expiration.
allowed to be solidified and an additional 5 mL of VRBA No colonies were formed on the standard plate count agar
was poured over the surface of the solidified agar mixture. for sample BCr016. However on the VRBA a coliform plate
The agar was then allowed to be solidified and incubated. A count of 13 400 CFU/mL was obtained (Table 3). There were
negative control was done using VRBA only. The plates were other samples that had high coliform plate count. These are:
then placed on a colony counter and the number of bacterial SCre017 with a coliform plater count of 10800 CFU/mL, SCr017
colonies was recorded[7]. with a count of 1 050 CFU/mL, LCr021 with count of 500 CFU/
For the purity plate culture, the organisms from the mL, SID020 and SIDe020 had counts of >300 CFU/mL and the
VRBA plate were sub-cultured on blood and MacConkeys other samples having counts less than or equal to 38 CFU/
agar. Different colony types were seen on the blood and mL (Table 2).
MacConkeys agar for each milk sample, therefore gram Colonies from CDa025, LCr017, BCr016, on the VRBA that
stain and biochemical tests were done on each colony was subjected to culturing on blood agar and MacConkey榮
type. The standard protocol for gram staining was done. s agar, gram staining, and biochemical testing revealed the
The slide was viewed under the oil immersion objective (暳 presence of lactose fermenting, gram negative bacilli which
100)[8]. Biochemical tests for Enterobacteriaciae involve the were identified as an Enterobacter species (Table 3). Gram
appropriate labeling of biochemical tubes - kligler, urea, staining revealed that gram negative bacillus was identified
citrate and motility indole and lysine (MIL) were labeled as E. coli in sample LCr021.
appropriately. A flamed inoculation stab was used to touch The majority (80%) of the supermarkets indicated that they
a colony from the purity plate and was used to inoculate the have had cases of early spoilage of pasteurized milk while
biochemical tubes. The biochemical tubes were incubated the remaining 20% stated that they have never had premature
at 37 曟 for 24 hours. After incubation, the colonies were milk spoilage. One-fifth (20%) of the supermarkets usually
counted by standard plate count method and the results have spoilage of milk one day before expiration while 40% of
were recorded[9]. the supermarkets had their milk spoiling two days before the
expiration date. There was spoilage of milk three days before
2.3. Statistical analysis the expiration date at 20% of the supermarkets.
One-tenth (10%) of the respondents stated that improper
The data obtained from questionnaires were analyzed processing of milk could account for premature spoilage of
using Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software milk at their supermarket; 30% stated that contamination
and Microsoft Excel 2007. This test combines ANOVA with could be a contributing factor for early milk spoilage, while
comparison of differences between means of the treatments 20% of the responses pointed to a change in temperature
at the significance level of P< 0.05. during transportation and refrigeration respectively as
possible causes of early milk spoilage.
The majority (80%) of the respondents returned spoiled
3. Results milks to the supplier and none of them disposed of the
208 Melisa Anderson et al./Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2011; 1(3): 205-211
Table 1
Standard plate count of unexpired pasteurized milk samples.
Identification number Undiluted Actual plate count (per mL)
-1 -2 -3
10 10 10
SCr017 56 23 68 14 56
SCr026 0 0 0 0 0
SID026 0 0 0 0 0
BCr016 0 0 0 0 0
SCr020 58 36 11 0 360
SCr025 0 0 0 0 0
SID024 0 0 0 0 0
CDa020 33 13 6 0 33
LCr026 0 0 0 0 0
LCr018 >300 223 168 79 79 000
BCr026 0 0 0 0 0
PCre020 19 5 0 0 <30
PIDe026 0 0 0 0 0
Table 2
Coliform plate count of unexpired pasteurized milk samples.
Identification Number Undiluted Actual plate count (per mL)
-1 -2 -3
10 10 10
SCr026 0 0 0 0 0
LCr017 30 3 0 0 30
SID017 38 12 3 0 38
SID024 0 0 0 0 0
CDa020 13 4 0 0 <30
LCr026 0 0 0 0 0
LCr018 27 12 9 3 <30
BCr026 0 0 0 0 0
PCre020 9 5 0 0 <30
PIDe026 0 0 0 0 0
Melisa Anderson et al./Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2011; 1(3): 205-211
Table 3
Colonial morphology, gram stain and biochemical results of milk samples from the supermarkets.
Identification number Isolate Blood agar MacConkey榮s agar Gram stain K U C M I L Organism identified
SCr017 A circular dull a-hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull mucoid LF colonies Small GNB in pairs A/ A-G + - - - - Enterobacter species
B Cream non hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull mucoid LF colonies Small GNB in pairs A/A-G - + - - - Enterobacter species
C Small grey shiny opaque butyrous a-hemolytic colonies Small raised shiny LF colonies Short GNB A/A - - - - - Enterobacter species
SID020 A Cream non hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull mucoid LF colonies Large thick GNB A/A - + - - - Enterobacter species
B Round cream flat circular dull a-hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull mucoid LF colonies Large thick GNB A/A-G - + - - - Enterobacter species
SCre017 A Small cream colonies non hemolytic Irregular flat dull LF colonies GNB A/A-G - + - - - Enterobacter species
B Small cream circular raised opaque dull non-hemolytic colonies Small raised shiny LF colonies GNB A/A - + + - - Enterobacter species
SCr020 A Small circular raised,cream a-s hemolytic colonies Raised mucoid LF colonies Short GNB A/A - + + _ - Enterobacter species
B Small circular raised opaque dull B-hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull LF colonies Short GNB A/A - - + - - Enterobacter species
SID017 A Small circular raised,cream non hemolytic colonies Large irregular shiny butyrous LF colonies GNB A/A + + + - - Enterobacter species
B Irregular raised cream shiny butyrous a-hemolytic colonies Large irregular flat dull LF colonies GNB A/A + + + - - Enterobacter species
CDa025 A Cream non hemolytic colonies Raised mucoid LF colonies Short GNB A/A - + + _ + Enterobacter species
B Small circular raised opaque dull B-hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull LF colonies Short GNB A/A-G - - + - - Enterobacter species
LCr021 A Large circular raised beta hemolytic colonies Raised mucoid LF colonies GNB A/A - - + + + Escherichia coli
B Large cream convex circular opaque dull a-hemolytic colonies Large irregular flat dull LF colonies Short GNB A/A - - - - - Enterobacter species
LCr017 A Cream circular non hemolytic colonies Convex circular shiny butyrous LF colonies. GNB A/A-G + + + - + Enterobacter species
B Small beta hemolytic colonies Irregular raised dull serrated LF colonies Large thick GNB A/A + + - - - Enterobacter species
C Small circular raised opaque cream colonies Irregular raised dull serrated LF colonies Short thick GNB A/A - - - - - Enterobacter species
BCr016 A Small circular raised,cream non hemolytic colonies Large irregular shiny butyrous LF colonies GNB A/A + + + - - Enterobacter species
B Irregular raised cream shiny butyrous a-hemolytic colonies Large irregular flat dull LF colonies GNB A/A - + + - - Enterobacter species
CDa025 A Cream non hemolytic colonies Raised mucoid LF colonies Short GNB A/A - + + _ + Enterobacter species
B Small circular raised opaque dull B-hemolytic colonies Irregular flat dull LF colonies Short GNB A/A-G - - + - - Enterobacter species
spoiled milk. One-tenth (10%) of the supermarket indicated therefore rendering the milk unsafe for consumption. All
that customers榮 complaint of purchasing spoiled unexpired other milk samples did not decolourize until after eight
milk while 70 % of respondents did not receive any hours and were thus classified as class 1 milks. These were
complaints from customers of purchasing spoiled unexpired regarded as excellent for consumption based on acceptable
milk. standard which states that milk not decolourized in eight
hours is excellent.
The standard plate count and coliform plate count were
4. Discussion performed where both controls passed; hence the results
were accepted as being valid. Further testing through the
The pH informs precisely about the freshness state of milk standard plate count and coliform plate count revealed
and as fresh milk is neutral or has slightly acid tendency, the that seven of the samples were sterile, that is, no growth
action of lactic bacteria will decrease the pH[10]. Nineteen of was found on the plate count agar and violet red bile salt
the twenty milk samples collected had a neutral pH, normal agar (VRBA). These samples were SCr026, SCr025, SID024,
odour and homogenous appearance. This gave an indication LCr026, BCr026, PIDe026 and SID026. These results correlated
that these milk samples were not spoiled. Sample BCr016 well with the methylene blue reduction results which
which was collected on January 14, 2009 was spoiled two decolourized after 8 hours and were classified as being
days before its expiration date of January 16, 2009. Spoilage excellent quality for human consumption. The milk samples
was evidenced by curdling, a rancid odour and an acidic pH that appeared to be safe for consumption had 10, 11, 12 and
of 4. The acidic pH is due to the production of lactic acid 13 days before expiration. The pasteurization techniques
from lactose present in the milk by spoilage microorganisms. used for these samples appeared to be adequate.
When the acidity increases in the milk, groups of casein No colonies were formed on the standard plate count
proteins lose their negative charges and their ability to agar for sample BCr016, however on the VRBA a colony
repel each other. They then bond with each other, causing count of 13 400 CFU/mL was obtained. This is an extremely
coagulation, or curdling of the milk[11]. high coliform count which is greater than the acceptable
Sample BCr016 decolourized within one hour during the count of 10 CFU/mL as defined by Standard Methods for the
methylene blue reduction test. It was therefore classified as Examination of Dairy Products (SMEDP) in 1993[12]. This high
class 4 milk which is defined as poor quality milk based on microbial activity correlates well with the decolourizing
the acceptable standard which states that milk decolourized time of less than one hour in the methylene blue reduction
in less than two hours is classified as poor (class 4). The test. Colonies from BCr016 on the VRBA were subjected
short time taken for decolourization of the methylene blue to culturing on blood agar and MacConkey榮s agar, gram
is an indication of the high microbial load present in milk staining, and biochemical testing. These tests revealed
210 Melisa Anderson et al./Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2011; 1(3): 205-211
the presence of lactose fermenting, gram negative bacilli enterohemmorrhagic (EHEC) and enteroaggregative (EAggEC)
which were identified as an Enterobacter sp. based on the [18]. No further tests were however employed to identify
biochemical results. Enterobacter species are members individual strains, since E. coli is a pathogenic coliform
of the Enterobacteriaceae family whose presence in milk capable of producing gastrointestinal illness regardless of
indicates fecal contamination since they are inhabitants of the strain. An initial attempt was made to trace the source of
the large intestine[13]. the E. coli in LCr021 by having dialogue with the staff at the
The results of the microbiological tests conducted revealed supermarket however we were unable to find the source of
the presence of E. coli in sample LCr021. This sample had a the contamination.
standard plate count of 1 580 SPC/mL and a coliform count of Observation of the supermarket from which LCr021 was
500 CFU/mL. The standard plate count limit for pasteurized purchased revealed a small refrigerator which allows
milk is 20 000 SPC/mL and the coliform plate count limit customers to conveniently open and close. The milk was
is 10 CFU/mL[14]. Therefore the standard plate count is stored at a suitable temperature but the atmosphere of
acceptable as it is less than 20 000 SPC/mL but the coliform the supermarket was very hot which could possibly result
count is unacceptable since it exceeds the acceptable limit in heat entering the refrigerator. This can facilitate the
of 10 CFU/mL. Colonies of LCR021 from VRBA showed beta multiplication of existing microorganisms leading to an
haemolytic colonies on blood agar and lactose fermenters on unacceptable high microbial count in milk.
macConkey榮s agar. Gram staining revealed gram negative According to SMEDP (1993)[12] samples CDa025 (94 000
bacilli that were identified as E. coli based on biochemical SPC/mL) and LCr018 (79 000 SPC /mL) were found to have
results. an unacceptable high microbial load. O n the basis of
Higher levels of index organisms often do not, but may comparison with SMEDP, samples SCr017 (1 050 CFU/mL),
correlate with a greater probability of enteric pathogen(s) SID020 (>300 CFU/mL), CDa025 (>300 CFU/mL), LCr017 (30
pollution and the absence of the index organism does not CFU/mL), BCr016 (13 400 CFU/mL), SIDe020 (>300 CFU/mL) and
always mean that enteric pathogens are absent from the SID017 (38 CFU/mL) were found to contain an unacceptable
food[9]. However, index organisms such as E. coli are still number of coliforms. These coliforms were further identified
being utilized as indicators for the overall quality of food as Enterobacter species. T he presence of Enterobacter
and hygienic conditions present during food processing. spp. in the milk samples is not a significant pathological
T he counts obtained are used as an assessment of the finding. Primary infections caused by Enterobacter spp. are
adequacy of pasteurization of milk. The cartoon containing rare in immuno-competent patients. Infections are more
milk sample LCR021 from one of the supermarkets was commonly found in hospital acquired infections of neonates
intact and there was no observed sign of being tampered. and the immunocompromised[19]. Since Enterobacter spp.
The presence of E. coli in LCr021 may be due to inadequate are not a significant pathological finding no further tests
pasteurization, poor hygienic processing conditions and/or were employed to identify the individual species. Both
post processing contamination of the milk because proper standard plate count and coliform count of PCre020 were
pasteurization inactivates levels of E. coli anticipated in raw acceptable therefore it was not relevant to proceed with the
milk[15]. identification of organisms within this sample. The sample
E. coli and other Enterobacteriaceae are common in food can therefore be said to be safe for consumption and the
manufacturing environments and may become part of the pasteurization technique is adequate.
resident microflora of the facility especially when sanitation S tandard plate count of milk that has been freshly
is insufficient. It is also possible for E. coli to grow on some pasteurized is generally 500 SPC/mL. This initial standard
foods under refrigeration[7]. This makes it important for the plate count most often reflects the level of thermoduric
pasteurization process to adequately elimination of any bacteria that is, those able to survive the heat treatment
existing E. coli and other organisms from milk. The low during pasteurization[20]. Initial counts greater than 1 000
infectious dose of E. coli makes a serious health risk, as a SPC/mL suggest a potential contamination problem either in
small amount of E. coli consumed in milk can cause serious the raw milk supply or within the processing equipment[20].
gastrointestinal complications. Even slight contamination Data obtained from supermarkets revealed that pasteurized
of surfaces or work areas may cause serious infection[16]. milk is transported on refrigerated trucks to maintain the
In this way, there are implications for a wide range of food shelf life of the product. All of these supermarkets store milk
handling and production industries including abattoirs, at 4 曟 and 80% complained of having cases of premature
dairies, chilled food counters in supermarkets, salads and milk spoilage. According to supermarket personnel, the
chilled food preparation factories[17]. With such a significant possible causes of spoilage include malfunctioning of
coliform count and the characteristic low infectious dose of refrigerators, contamination, improper processing and
E. coli. The presence of E. coli in LCr021 could be the culprit change in temperature during transportation. The majority
of gastrointestinal illnesses if consumed. Strains of E. coli ( 70 %) of the supermarkets did not receive customers 榮
capable of causing gastroenteritis include enterotoxigenic complaint of early spoilage of milk while 10% received
(ETEC), enteroinvasive (EIEC), enteropathogenic (EPEC), complaints; however none of the supermarkets in the study
Melisa Anderson et al./Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2011; 1(3): 205-211