Oleh :
D. Classification of Appetizer
1. Based on the Price
a. Hors d’oeuvre sur asette complete
This kind of appetizer usually using ordinary ingredients
with cheap price and served in a small portion.
Example: Olive Pickles and Snapper Beignet.
b. Hors d’oeuvre Royale
This appetizer usually using high quality and expensive
ingredients and served without sauce.
Example: Caviar and Smoked Salmon
c. Hors d’oeuvre Varies
This appetizer usually consists of assorted small portion of
food with varies price. Hors d’oeuvre Varies used a lot in
buffet or cocktail party.
Example: assorted canape, assorted charcuterie
E. Example of Appetizer
1. Cold Appetizer
a. Waldorf Salad: Salad made from romaine lettuce,
red apples green apple, celery, walnut raisin served
with mayonnaise, lemon juice and cream
slice of prosciutto
2. Hot Appetizer
a. Stuffed Chicken Wing Provencale: Made from
chicken wing, chicken meat, flour, bread crumb with
provencale sauce, provencale sauce is made from
tomato, white wine, garlic chicken stock, butter and
anchovy fillet.
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Barrion, Jessa. 2017. History of Appetizer :
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Chest of Books. Appetizer :
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Hendrayana, Made. Buku Resep STPBI. Denpasar: Buku Ajar STPBI.
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