Unit Operations For Waste Water Treatment: Course Content
Unit Operations For Waste Water Treatment: Course Content
Unit Operations For Waste Water Treatment: Course Content
3) To what level do we need to remove contaminants? BOD5 = 30 mg/L monthly average Turbidity (a measure of suspended solids): less
than 0.5 NTU in at least 95% of samples taken
Suspended Solids = 30 mg/L monthly average
each month.
The degree to which drinking water must be
pH (if there is industrial input) = 6 – 9
treated depends on the raw water quality and continuous
the desired quality of the finished water. Lead: 0.005 mg/L
4) How are these contaminants removed from General overview of plant components
water and wastewater? Raw Wastewater Influent
A. Bar Racks
Mechanically cleaned bar screens B. Fine screens
Typical design information for mechanically cleaned bar racks Description of fine screen
Type of Screening surface
Screening Size Size range Screen
U.S. customary units SI units
device classification in mma medium Application
Cleaning method Cleaning method
Parameter Unit Manual Mechanical Unit Manual Mechanical inclined wedgewire
Medium 0.01 – 0.1 0.25 – 2.5 Primary treatment
(fixed) screen
Bar size
Drum Stainless-steel
Width in 0.2 – 0.6 0.2 – 0.6 mm 5 -15 5 -15 Coarse 0.1 – 0.2 2.5 – 5 wedgewire Preliminary treatment
Depth in 1.0 – 1.5 1.0 – 1.5 mm 25- 38 25 – 38 Stainless-steel wedgewire
Medium 0.01 – 0.1 0.25 – 2.5 screen Primary treatment
Clear spacing between bars In 1.0 – 2.0 0.6 – 3.0 mm 25 – 50 15 – 75
Removal of residual
Slope from vertical ° 30 – 45 0 – 30 30 – 45 0 – 30 Fine 6 – 35㎛ Stainless-steel and polyester secondary
screen cloths suspended solids
Approach velocity
Maximum ft/s 1.0 – 2.0 2.0 – 3.25 m/s 0.3 – 0.6 0.6 – 1.0 Combined sewer
Horizontal Stainless-steel
Medium 0.06 – 0.17 1.6 – 4 overflows/
reciprocating bars
Minimum ft/s 1.0 – 1.6 m/s 0.3 – 0.5 stormwater
Allowable headloss in 6 6 - 24 mm 150 150 - 600 Chain - driven screens Continuous belt screens Combined sewer
Tangential Fine 0.0475 1200㎛ Stainless-steel
Volume Requirements for Equalization Basin Mixing Mixing operations classified as continuous rapid
(< 30 s)
Important unit operation in wastewater
treatment including continuous (i.e. ongoing)
1. Mixing of one substance completely with Continuous rapid mixing
another Most often used when one substance is to be
2. blending of miscible liquids mixed with another.
3. flocculation of waste particles Mainly used for blending of chemicals with
4. continuous mixing of liquid suspensions waste water (addition of alum & addition of
5. heat transfer
Blending of miscible liquids
Schematic mass diagrams for the volume of Equalization Basin Addition of chemicals to sludge.
Objectives of Sedimentation
To separate solids from liquid using the force
of gravity. In sedimentation, only suspended
solids (SS) are removed.
Types of Settling
Particle Settling Theory
Type I settling (free settling)
Type II settling (settling of flocculated
particles) where : gravitational force, MLT-2
: density of particle, ML-3
Type III settling (zone or hindered : density of water, ML-3
: acceleration due to gravity, LT-2
settling) : volume of particle, M3
Particles settle according to Stoke’s law where ; : flowrate, ㎥/sec 1. Surface overflow rate
: surface of the sedimentation basin 2. Depth of tank
Design parameter is surface overflow rate
: particle settling velocity or,
Rearranging upper Eq 3. Hydraulic retention time
: Q/A = overflow rate “ critical velocity "
Chemical unit processes-precipitation It can be used on a small or large scale. When colloidal matter such as emulsified oil or metal
A beaker full of waste, a 50,000 tank, a 1,000,000 bearing particles are treated with metal salts and lime
Widely used, technology for the removal of metals and gallon lagoon or a lake can be batch treated with or NaOH, the metal salts act as primary coagulants.
other inorganics, suspended solids, fats, oils, greases, chemicals. The positively charged metal ions combine with the
and some other organic substances from wastewater. Chemical precipitation can be used in a continuous negative colloid particles and neutralize their charge.
treatment system on flows ranging from a trickle to 1 The particles then repel each other less strongly and
Precipitation is a method of causing contaminants that gallon/minute, 1,000 gallons/minute and more. tend to coagulate or collect into larger particles.
are either dissolved or suspended in solution to settle Precipitation is assisted through the use of a coagulant,
out of solution as a solid precipitate, which can then be an agent which causes smaller particles suspended in
filtered, centrifuged, or otherwise separated from the solution to gather into larger aggregates.
liquid portion.
Frequently, polymers are used as coagulants.
Chemicals for precipitation Advantages Competing reactions, varying levels of alkalinity and
Chemical precipitation is a well-established technology other factors typically make calculation of proper
Lime – Calcium Oxide, CaO chemical dosages impossible.
with ready availability of equipment and many
Ferrous Sulfate – Fe(SO4)3 chemicals. Chemical precipitation may require working with
Alum or Filter Alum – Al2(SO4)3.14H2O corrosive chemicals, increasing operator safety
Ferric Chloride – FeCl3 Some treatment chemicals, especially lime, are very
inexpensive. The addition of treatment chemicals, especially lime,
Polymer may increase the volume of waste sludge up to 50
Completely enclosed systems are often conveniently
Large amounts of chemicals may need to be
self-operating and low maintenance.
transported to the treatment location.
Polymers can be expensive.
APPLICATION OF DIFF. CHEMICALS Ferrous Sulphate – Fe(SO4)3 Alum or Filter Alum – Al2(SO4)3.14H2O
Lime – Calcium Oxide, CaO Typically used with lime to soften water. The Used for water softening and phosphate removal.
Produces calcium carbonate in wastewater chemical combination forms calcium sulfate Reacts with available alkalinity (carbonate, bicarbonate
and ferric hydroxide. Wastewater must contain and hydroxide) or phosphate to form insoluble
which acts as a coagulant for hardness and
aluminium salts.
particulate matter. Often used in conjunction dissolved oxygen for reaction to proceed
with other coagulants, since: successfully. Polymer
High molecular weight compounds (usually synthetic)
(1) by itself, large quantities of lime are required
Ferric Chloride – FeCl3 which can be anionic, cationic, or non-ionic. When
for effectiveness, and
added to wastewater, can be used for charge
(2) lime typically generates more sludge than Reacts with alkalinity or phosphates to form neutralization for emulsion-breaking, or as bridge-
other coagulants. insoluble iron salts. making coagulants, or both. Can also be used as filter
aids and sludge conditioners.
Septic Systems
The Soak Pit can be left empty and lined with a As wastewater (pre-treated grey water or
porous material (to provide support and prevent
black water) percolates through the soil
collapse), or left unlined and filled with coarse from the Soak Pit, small particles are Advantages Disadvantages
rocks and gravel. Can be built and repaired Pre-treatment is required to
filtered out by the soil matrix and organics
The rocks and gravel will prevent the walls from with locally available prevent clogging, although
are digested by micro-organisms. materials. eventual clogging is
collapsing, but will still provide adequate space for Small land area required. inevitable.
the wastewater. Low capital cost; low May negatively affect soil and
In both cases, a layer of sand and fine gravel Thus, Soak Pits are best suited to soils with operating cost. groundwater properties.
should be spread across the bottom to help good absorptive properties; clay, hard Can be built and maintained
with locally available
disperse the flow. packed or rocky soils are not appropriate. materials.
The soak pit should be between 1.5 and 4m deep, Simple technique for all
but never less than 1.5m above the ground water users.
Health Aspects
Soak Pit is not used for raw sewage, and as long as
the previous Collection and Storage/Treatment
technology is functioning well, health concerns are
The technology is located underground and thus,
humans and animals should have no contact with
the effluent.
It is important however, that the Soak Pit is located
a safe distance from a drinking water source (ideally
Since the Soak Pit is odourless and not visible, it
should be accepted by even the most sensitive
The second process is facultative In the maturation pond, pathogens are reduced: Application and suitability
the water an be released to a river
Stabilization ponds are particularly well suited for
tropical and subtropical countries because the intensity
of the sunlight and temperature are key factors for the
Anaerobic Facultative Maturation
Anaerobic Facultative Maturation efficiency of the removal processes.