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Mine Özkar, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Sotirios Kotsopoulos, Ph.D.

Middle East Technical University Digital Design Fabrication Group
Faculty of Architecture School of Architecture and Planning
Department of Architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ankara, 06531 Cambridge, MA 02139
Contact email: ozkar@metu.edu.tr
Lecturers: Mine Ozkar and Sotirios Kotsopoulos
Workshop instructors: Mine Ozkar and Sotirios Kotsopoulos

The theory of shape grammars defines a formalism to address the ambiguity that
quantitative and symbolic computations mostly help us rule out in creative
processes. The theory was first launched by Stiny and Gips in 1972 and has
evolved into a groundbreaking pragmatist philosophy of shape and design

The course, composed of a 2 hour lecture and an optional one-day workshop for
10-12 participants, introduces the fundamentals of the theory and optionally a
venue for attendees to put these to practice in a hands-on workshop. The
lecture will focus on giving some basic knowledge of shapes, shape algebras,
and shape rules in order to explain how shape grammars translate visual and
spatial thinking into design computation. Multiple examples of generative
designs produced using shape grammars will be presented. The workshop
consists of one exercise where participants will explore spatial relations between
a number of shapes, leading to the production of a series of designs to be built
by hand, out of a prescribed material such as wooden blocks or paper.

No prerequisites other than enthusiasm for shapes and keen interest in looking
and seeing.


Lecturers: Mine Ozkar and Sotirios Kotsopoulos
Class time: 1 hr 45 mins.


Part I – The theory

1. What are shape grammars?
2. Describing shape grammars in terms of seeing and counting
3. Describing shape grammars as a rule-based system
4. Decompositions
5. The mathematical set-up of shape grammars
6. Basic elements: shapes, labels, weights
7. Shape algebras
8. Shape boundaries
9. Part relations: embedding, overlapping, discrete elements
10. Euclidean transformations
11. Maximal shapes
12. Boolean operations on shapes

Part II – Applications in design and design education 13. Recapitulation of the

main computational devices
13. Recapitulation of the main computational devices of shape grammars
14. Shape grammar applications in design analysis
15. Shape grammar applications in design synthesis
Introduction to Shape Grammars

Mine Özkar, Ph.D., METU

Sotirios Kotsopoulos, Ph.D., MIT


Slide 1

Part I – The theory
1. What are shape grammars?
2. Describing shape grammars in terms of seeing and counting
3. Describing shape grammars as a rule-based system
4. Decompositions
5. The mathematical set-up of shape grammars
6. Basic elements: shapes, labels, weights
7. Shape algebras
8. Shape boundaries
9. Part relations: embedding, overlapping, discrete elements
10. Euclidean transformations
11. Maximal shapes
12. Boolean operations on shapes

Part II – Applications in design and design education

13. Recapitulation of the main computational devices of shape
14. Shape grammar applications in design analysis
15. Shape grammar applications in design synthesis

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Slide 2
Outline of the class showing the topics addressed.

Part I

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Slide 3
Title page to Part I

What are shape grammars?

a) A computation theory
that defines a formalism to represent visual (and
spatial) thinking;
that handles ambiguities which symbols do
away with.

b) A philosophy of looking at the world

that is not through learnt or imposed definitions
but through those that have a practical
meaning at a given point in time;
that values the continuity of matter and
flexibility in how to cut it up into its parts.

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Slide 4
Shape grammars may be described at two levels. Firstly, it is a computation theory
that defines a formalism to represent visual, or even spatial, thinking. At the same
time, it handles ambiguities which conventional digital computing does away with.
The phrase shape grammar more literally refers to visual design grammars. At the
second level, the theory represents a philosophy of looking at the world that is not
through learnt or imposed decompositions (definitions) but through those that have
a practical meaning at that point in time.

What are shape grammars?

Stiny and Gips, Shape Grammars and Generative Specification,

in Best Computer Papers of 1971
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Slide 5
Shape grammars were first introduced in the beginning of the 70s by George Stiny
and James Gips. Published as one of the best computer papers of 1971, their
“Shape Grammars and Generative Specification” paper introduced a set of
generative rules for a few paintings done by Stiny himself.
The three paintings in the article, are from a series called Urform. These are going
to be the basis for illustrating various concepts of shape grammars in this class.

What are shape grammars?

“Design is calculating.”
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Slide 6
Stiny (2006) claims that design is calculating while expanding the meaning of
calculation to visual thinking via his theory of shape grammars. The motto “design is
calculating,” was a starting point in 1971 as well. The reasoning behind a visual
product was described using a grammar-like formalism with a vocabulary, a set of
rules, and a series of computations that produced designs as if they were

Seeing and Counting

Computing --- computare (to count)

Calculating --- calculus (pebble)

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Slide 7
Stiny often equates the terms design, visual reasoning and calculation. This claim
firstly enunciates an understanding that design has reasoning within. Secondly, in
the theory of shape grammars, the terms calculation and computation, which are
often interchangeably used, are seen under a new light. Counting is at the root of
computing and calculating. Visual calculation on the other hand, gives room for
seeing as well as for counting.

Seeing and Counting

How does one calculate with shapes?

Urform II, George Stiny, 1970, acryclic on canvas 30 ins x 57

ins, blue, red, orange, yellow.

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Slide 8
How does one calculate with shapes? Do visual kinds of thinking exclude
calculation? Or does calculation reduced to counting exclude visual and spatial
kinds of thinking? Stiny argues that one has to really ‘see’ in order to count and that
‘seeing’ is where creativity lies.

Seeing and Counting

Counting requires discrete parts.

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Slide 9
As in the abacus, counting requires discrete parts.

Seeing and Counting

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One can divide Urform II into smallest possible discrete bits, perhaps into dots on
the screen, each assigned with a different color code. These smallest primitives are
countable but irrelevant in the perception of the whole. This image shows a small
section of the imagined screen of dots.

Seeing and Counting

But the painting is not simply the sum of

discrete parts known beforehand.

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Slide 11
Alternatively, one can divide Urform II into some obvious parts, distinct therefore
countable. However, the painting is possibly a much more dynamically formed
formal arrangement and is not simply a sum of discrete parts that were known
before hand.

Seeing and Counting

One can see different parts to count.

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Slide 12
There are always some other parts to see. Moreover, these may be the meaningful
parts, or parts that are surprisingly merged with one another. In the visual world,
there are wholes that coexist, and they share parts, or parts of parts. This image
shows a part that is not readily there but can be seen.

Seeing and Counting

Once seen, parts can be counted.

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Slide 13
Calculation then, is to see first, then count. This way, we can calculate with different
parts each time we look at Urform II. The shape shown exists in ten instances in
Urform II: one large, nine small ones.

Seeing and Counting

Varying parts and wholes coexist.

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Slides 14

Seeing and Counting

Parts and wholes coincide.

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Slide 15

Seeing and Counting

The shape grammar way of seeing and counting

is visual rules that tell: “see the left side and then
replace it with what is on the right.”

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Slide 16
Stiny and Gip’s explanation for the process behind the Urform series is a visual rule
that tells one to see the left side to replace it with the right side. The illustration
shows one such possible rule. These kinds of rules form the basis of shape

Seeing and Counting

I can see two instances of the shape on the

left side of the rule.

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Slide 17
This is how it basically works. Looking for the left side in an initial shape set, in this
case Urform I, one can see two instances of it.

Seeing and Counting

I apply my rule to one of them.

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Slide 18
The second one is rotated 180o.

Seeing and Counting

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Slide 19
The rule is applied to the second one shown.

Seeing and Counting

Or to both.

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Slide 20
The rule is then applied to the first instance.

A rule-based system

A → B

Shape grammars is a rule-based formalism.

Rules show the particular shapes to be replaced and
the manner in which they are replaced. The
marker shows how to align the two shapes.
Rather than “if A, then B,” visual rules say “see SHAPE1,
do SHAPE2.”

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Slide 21
A shape rule has two steps when applied: a recognition of a
particular shape shown on the left side and its possible
replacement shown on the right side.
The defined rule is operational. The arrow indicates an action.
The unique feature of a shape rule is that the left and right side are visually
considered. As opposed to symbols, shapes can be looked at and seen differently.

Useful Decompositions

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Slide 22
Because shapes are visual, they can be decomposed in infinitely many ways. There
should be no preconceived decompositions and primitives acquired through such
operations. Visual rules, which are subjective, will call for various decompositions.
For example, let us look at one of the most popular examples Stiny (2006) gives to
explain why we need to be computing with visual rules. There is a shape, composed
of three triangles that will be rotated around its center. The only catch is, it will be
rotated by a rule that says “rotate triangle.”

Useful Decompositions

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Slide 23

Useful Decompositions

The visual rule: rotate an equilateral triangle

180o around its center.

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Slide 24

Useful Decompositions

⇒ ⇒ ⇒

⇒ ⇒ ⇒

⇒ ⇒

Stiny’s nine-step computation where the initial shape

of “three triangles” is redefined as “two triangles” at
steps 4 and 6.
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Slide 25
In the nine step computation, Stiny shows that the initial definition of the shape, that
is ‘three triangles’, changes in step 4 and then back again in step 6. Decompositions
should not be timeless. The initial shape could have been drawn as three triangles,
six lines, or 9 lines. Whatever the history, a new definition can always come up
while working with shapes. Ambiguity should be maintained.

The mathematical set-up

Shapes, Labels and Weights

Shape algebras
Boundaries of shapes
Part relations of shapes
Euclidean transformations
Maximal shapes
Boolean operations with shapes

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Slide 26
The mathematical set-up of the theory includes general definitions of shapes,
shape, weight and label algebras, shape boundaries, part relations, Euclidean
transformations, maximal shapes, and Boolean operations with shapes.

Shapes, labels, weights

Basic elements of shapes are points, lines, planes,

and solids, with labels, if necessary, to give abstract
information about them, and weights, as indicators
of magnitudes of some formal attributes.
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Slide 27
Shapes can be points, lines, planes, solids or combinations of these. Shapes also
can have labels that indicate additional information about them and weights that
indicate the magnitude of some formal properties. Labels are useful for adding more
constraints necessary for tasks such as establishing the order in which rules are
applied in computations.

Shape algebras

U0 0 U0 1 U0 2 U0 3
U1 1 U1 2 U1 3
U2 2 U2 3
U3 3

Shapes are categorized under different shape

algebras. The left index shows the dimension of
the basic elements, and the right index shows the
dimension in which these basic elements are
combined in shapes.
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Slide 28
Basic elements in shapes are categorized under different shape algebras. The
indices indicate the dimension of the basic element and the dimension in which
these elements are combined and transformed.

Shape algebras

U0 0 U0 1 U0 2 U0 3
U1 1 U1 2 U1 3
U2 2 U2 3
U3 3

Atomic algebras
(of points in space)

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Slide 29
All shape algebras that have 0 for the first index are atomic. A basic element within
these algebras can only be a point and has no parts other than itself. Symbols, for
example, are elements of these algebras and have a dimension of zero. Also, units
that add up to a sum of units belong in these algebras but in those that have the
second index higher than 1.

Shape algebras

U0 0 U0 1 U0 2 U0 3
U1 1 U1 2 U1 3
U2 2 U2 3
U3 3

Boolean algebra
(of zeroes and ones)

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Slide 30
The algebra where both indices are 0 is Boolean. There are only two values, null
and one. Something either is or is not.

Shape algebras

U0 0 U0 1 U0 2 U0 3
U1 1 U1 2 U1 3
U2 2 U2 3
U3 3

Algebras with part relations

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Slide 31
All algebras with the indices equal to or larger than one, show different properties
than atomic algebras. They do not have atoms but shapes with parts such as lines,
planes, solids, etc. The number of members within a set in one of those algebras
does not have to be finite. For example, in algebra U11, on a line space, there can
be infinitely many lines of different lengths.

Shape boundaries

Algebra Basic Number Boundary

elements of parts shapes

U0 j points finite none

U1 j lines infinite U0 j
U2 j planes infinite U1 j
U3 j solids infinite U2 j

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Slide 32
There is a clear relation between the categories of basic elements belonging to
different algebras. The boundaries of solids are plane shapes, the boundaries of
planes are line shapes, the boundaries of lines are points whereas points have no

Shape boundaries

U12 and U22 algebras are combined when utilizing

the relation between shapes and shapes on their
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Slide 33
Shape boundaries constitute a practical relation between shapes, which, in turn,
helps us in the way we visually think.
The rule in the illustration is in U12+U22 algebra and is used to create the design
which is in U22 algebra. Parts of plane boundaries appear as line shapes that are
utilized in generating the final form with planes.

Part relations

Three types of part relations are those of

embedded, or
discrete shapes

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Slide 34
Part relations are what differentiates shapes from atoms. Three kinds of part
relations are between overlapping, embedding and discrete shapes.

Part relations


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Slide 35
Planes with no shared boundaries are discrete.

Part relations

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Slide 36
However shapes that share a common boundary but have no part in common are
also discrete.

Part relations

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Slide 37
The two planes highlighted in slides 36 and 37 share a common boundary, but
share no plane parts.

Part relations


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Slide 38
Thus they are discrete despite the common boundary.

Part relations


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Slide 39
Those shapes that share a common part are said to overlap.

Part relations


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Slide 40
The two planes shown share a common part, and are overlapping. Both shapes
have parts that are not common with the other.

Part relations


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Slide 41
If two shapes have common parts and at least one of these shapes has no part that
is not a part of the other, then this shape is said to be embedded within the other.

Part relations


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Slide 42
The darker shape is embedded within the larger and lighter colored shape.

Euclidean transformations

Mirror reflection
…and combinations of these

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Slide 43
Euclidean transformations that are used in shape grammars are translation, scaling,
rotating and reflecting along with their combinations. In the example of the painting,
I can relocate the left side of the rule in so many places using these
transformations. I can scale it down and up, I can see its rotations, I can see its
reflections, and I can see it in multiple places, which are illustrated in slides 44
through 48.

Euclidean transformations

Mine Özkar Introduction to Shape Grammars | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 44
Let us start with any perceived shape within Urform II.

Euclidean transformations


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Slide 45
I can identify it in a smaller size.

Euclidean transformations


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Slide 46
I can identify it in a mirror reflection.

Euclidean transformations


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Slide 47
I can identify it in a 90o counter clock wise rotation.

Euclidean transformations


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Slide 48
I can identify it in another location in the painting.

Boolean operations on shapes

A ⋅ B = A – (A – B)
Symmetric difference
A ⊕ B = (A – B) + (B – A)
A ⊕ B = (A + B) – (A ⋅ B)

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Slide 49
Within the defined shape algebras, we can add and subtract shapes of the same
kind of basic elements. We can also take their unions and products.
We can combine algebras to do Boolean operations on different kinds of basic
elements in parallel.

Boolean operations on shapes

A maximal shape

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Slide 50
Operating outside the Weight algebra, the union of all planes is as shown and is
called the maximal plane. A maximal shape can be defined as the union of all
existing parts that are either overlapping with or embedded in one another. Planes
that are in discrete relation through a shared boundary can also form a maximal
shape in union.

Boolean operations on shapes

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Slide 51
If considered within the defined Weight algebra, for each tone of grey, other
maximal shapes appear. These are separately unions of shapes with overlapping
and embedding relations and with discrete relations where they share at least a
The maximal shapes shown are also members of the set of discrete shapes shown
at the beginning of the class as a possible decomposition.

Boolean operations on shapes

Symmetric difference of two planar shapes

+ =

Sum of two line shapes

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Slide 52
Here are illustrations to possible Boolean operations on shapes based on the
Urform series. The first operation shows the symmetric difference of two plane
shapes of the same weight in U22 whereas the second operation shows the sum of
the boundaries of these two planes in U12.

Boolean operations on shapes

- =

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Slide 53
In another set of illustrations are a series of Boolean operations on shapes of equal
weight value in U22.
Let us assume that there are three initial shapes. Firstly, the difference of shapes
one and two is calculated.

Boolean operations on shapes

+ =

- =

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Slide 54
Then, the sum of shapes two and three is calculated and subtracted from the result
of the first step.

Boolean operations on shapes

. =

+ + =

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Slide 55
Continuing with the operations, the product of shapes two and three is followed by
the symmetric difference of the two. From this series of operations, three new
shapes emerge. Finally, all of these three are assigned different weights and
summed up.

Up until this point, we have shown how shape algebras, Boolean operations and
part relations all work together for computing with shapes. In the next part, more
examples, from actual applications, will be utilized to illustrate these concepts

Part II

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Slide 0

Shape Grammar Applications

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Slide 1
This section includes examples of applications of shape grammars in design
education, and practice. The presentation can be divided in three parts:
recapitulation, analysis, synthesis.
After a brief recapitulation of the main computational devices of shape
grammars, it follows an overview of their applications in the analysis of design
languages. Some examples of applications of grammars in the synthesis of new
design languages are also presented.

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Slide 2
An outline of important developments in the history of computation

generative grammar

a computational device able to generate

all the grammatical sentences of a language
and only those

Chomsky 1957

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Slide 3
Definition of “grammar” as presented in Chomsky’s Syntactic Structures (1957)

grammars are rule-based systems

A  B

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Slide 4
Grammars are systems that contain computational rules. In the traditional
grammars, the substitution rules are used to erase and rewrite symbols.

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Slide 5
For example the substitution rules of the above example specify the substitutions
that are necessary in order to construct a specific set of sentences.

in shape grammars substitution rules
operate on points, lines, planes, solids

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Slide 6
Shape grammars are rule based systems in which substitution rules operate on
elements of all spatial dimensions, not just symbols. These elements include
points, lines, planes or solids.

substitution rule operating on lines

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Slide 7
Example of a shape rule applying on shapes made out of lines.

rule & derivation




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Slide 8
Example of a possible derivation.

rule & derivation

other designs in the language

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Slide 9
Examples of alterative designs in the same language. These are other possible
arrangements belonging to the same set of productions.

substitution rule operating on solids

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Slide 10
Example of a shape rule applying on shapes made out of solids.

rule & derivation



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Slide 11
Example of a derivation, after applying the specific rule.

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Slide 12
In Linguistics, hierarchies like the above inversed tree are used to illustrate the
structure of sentences.

shape grammar

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Slide 13
In shape grammars, similar devices can be used at different stages of the design
process to illustrate specific properties of a design. These may include general
wall layouts, construction details, distribution of openings etc.

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Slide 14
Example of an inversed tree capturing construction details.

“the science of form” (Göethe)

corpus for compositions finite set of rules producing

the corpus

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Slide 15
The group of examples that follow, concerns the use of shape grammars in the
analysis of existing cohesive sets of designs that we call “design languages”.
Some classic analysis applications and some less known analysis studies are
presented in this section.

the Ice-ray Grammar (Stiny 1977)

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Slide 16
The specific grammatical analysis concerns the generation of highly irregular
patterns for ornamental window and grille designs. Parametric shape grammars
are defined for the recursive generation of these patterns.

the Ice-ray Grammar (Stiny 1977)

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Slide 17
“In the case of the ice ray pattern, [the artisan] divides the whole area into large
and equal light spots, and then subdivides until it reaches the size desired; he
seldom uses dividers in his work” (Dye, 1949)

the Ice-ray Grammar (Stiny 1977)

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Slide 18
Four dividing rules are used to capture the actions of the artisan. They constitute
a shape grammar. The exact divisions are specified by a set of parameters that
take into account the ratio of the divided areas

the Ice-ray Grammar (Stiny 1977)

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Slide 19
Example of an ice-ray lattice design: Chengtu, Szechwan ice-ray design (1800

the Ice-ray Grammar (Stiny 1977)

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Slide 20
A generation of the previous ice-ray design by means of the shape grammar
specified by the four rules.

the Ice-ray Grammar (Stiny 1977)

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Slide 21
Two more examples of ice-ray lattice designs: Kwanshien, Szzechwan, 1875 AD
(left) and Jungking, Szechwan, 1725 AD (right)

the Queen Anne Grammar (Flemming 1986)

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Slide 22
In the specific example, shape grammars are used to determine the generation
of Queen Anne style houses, which dominated domestic architecture in the
United States in the 1880s. Separate grammars are provided by the author for
the generation of plans and for the articulation of plans in three dimensions. The
grammars emphasize aspects of geometry and overall design and address how
the individual parts and features are related to each other.

the Queen Anne Grammar (Flemming 1986)

the Queen Anne Grammar: rules generating the basic layout

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Slide 23
Initial shape and rules to allocate spaces around hall.

the Queen Anne Grammar: basic layouts generated by the rules 0-3

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Slide 24
Layouts produced by the application of the rule schemata 0-3

constructive analysis for Loos’ house at the Lido (Flemming 1990)

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Slide 25
An introduction to a series of architectural languages characterized by different
vocabularies of elements and by grammars whose rules indicate how the
elements can be placed in space to form compositions. Exercises with each
language include the analysis of precedents; the generation of forms using a
given rule set and follow up studies with expanded rule sets. Above an example
of a constructive analysis for Loos’ house at the Lido.

the Hepplewhite chair Grammar (Knight 1980)

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Slide 26
The paper presents a parametric shape grammar for the generation of
Hepplewhite-style chair-back designs. Three examples of the style are studied,
and in particular the design of the back itself. The proposed parametric shape
grammar defines its unique characteristics and constraints. The grammar
specifies rule schemata that generate not only the three designs in the original
corpus but also a wide range of new designs within the constraints of the

the ancient Greek Meander Grammar (Knight 1986)

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Slide 27
A formal model is applied to describe change in the meanders of the Geometric
ancient Greek ornamental style. Shape grammars are used to explicate the
underlying design of the meander from its earliest known from to the more
complex forms that evolved from it.

the De Stijl painting Grammar (Knight 1989)

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Slide 28
The paintings of two artists Georges Vantongerloo and Fritz Glarner are
examined and parametric shape grammars are outlined that capture the
transformations from one stylistic stage, or grammar, to the next. The rules of
each grammar are divided into rules that define relationships between forms or
lines, and rules that define relationships between colors. Form rules and color
rules are subdivided into categories of form and color rules that have specific
compositional functions. The categories allow the rules with similar functions to
be compared in different stylistic stages.

the Palladian Grammar (Stiny & Mitchell 1978)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 29
A parametric shape grammar is proposed for the generation of the Palladian villa
plans in six steps, including the generation of the grid and of the parti, the wall
layout, the organization of the rooms, the addition of the entrance and the
arrangement of the openings.

the Palladian Grammar (Stiny & Mitchell 1978)

the Palladian Grammar: enfilade rules

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 30
Enfilade rules.

the Palladian Grammar (Stiny & Mitchell 1978)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 31
The grammar allows the generation of the original Palladian plans, but also new
compositions that follow the compositional restrictions of the original plan

F L Wright Prairie House Grammar (Konig & Eizenberg 1981)

Stiny house

Little house Robie house Stiny house

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 32
A parametric shape grammar that generates the compositional forms and
specifies the function zones of the F. L. Wright’s prairie style houses. The
establishment of the fire place is the key to the definition of the prairie-style
house. Around this fireplace, functionally distinguished blocks are recursively
added and interpenetrated to from basic compositions from which elaborated
prairie style houses are derived.

F L Wright Prairie House Grammar (Konig & Eizenberg 1981)

the Prairie House Grammar: basic composition rule schemata

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 33
Basic composition rule schemata

F L Wright Prairie House Grammar (Konig & Eizenberg 1981)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 34
Admissible sequences of shape rule schemata applications that are used to
generate basic compositions.

F L Wright Prairie House Grammar (Konig & Eizenberg 1981)

Winslow house Henderson house Thomas house Stiny house Mitchell house March house

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 35
Examples of houses with four functional zones: living, service, porch, bedroom

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

the proposed corpus of Palladian villas: darkened images represent built villas

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 36
A production system that generates information for physical model manufacture
with a 3D-printing device, defined here as a construction grammar. The rules
etsbasedon16th-century-masonryconstruction are used to generate a villa model
as a 3D construct. The derivation of the grammar demonstrates a design process
based on physical constraints as the primary means of grammar structuring. The
paper claims that construction rules can be used to build villas in Palladio's
corpus, starting with a floor-plan drawing as the initial shape, with little need for
an elevation drawing. This paper introduces unexplored issues of physical
reasoning in the field of computing and design as part of the rule-building
process. As a detailed example, a Palladian villa (the Villa Cornaro) is fabricated
as a 3D-printed model from an eleven-part set of rules based on field analysis of
Palladio's constructed villas.

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

wall rules

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 37
Wall rules.

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

wall derivation for the villa Cornaro

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 38
The derivation of wall rules to construct the base of the Villa Cornaro (lower

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

roof construction rules

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 39
Rules for the construction of the roof

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

roof derivation for the villa Cornaro

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 40
Derivation of the roof

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

mirroring the villa along the axis E-E and preparation for 3D printing

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 41
Final rule implementation that mirrors the villa about the axis E-E. Preparation for
3D printing by subdividing the model into eight discrete smaller sections

a Palladian construction grammar (Sass 2007)

final model of the villa Cornaro

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 42
Final 3D model of the Villa Cornaro

Simmons Hall student dormitory
(Kotsopoulos 2005)
an analysis of Holl’s “porosity”

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 43
This exercise uses shape rules and grammars in a retrospective analysis that
captures the use of the concept of “porosity”. Porosity was used as a design
concept by architect S. Holl and his team in designing the Simmons Hall student
dormitory at MIT campus.


porous, permeable honeycomb

screen, net riddle, sponge

pore opening, hole

aperture, passageway cribiformity

sieve- like, sieve pervious


Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 44
The list of words organized by Holl’s design team, in an effort to provide a
contextual definition of “porosity”.

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 45
The design concept of “porosity” introduced specific kinds of design actions that
guided the production of drawings, sketches and 3D models in the design studio.
These actions are captured above by grammatical rules.

Simmons Hall student dormitory (Kotsopoulos 2005)

rule A

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 46
The shape rule schema A appears at the top, in the first row. A possible
derivation of the general massing for the building appears in the second row. The
third row contains the shape(s) that are subtracted in each step of the derivation.
The third row contains the sum of all the subtracted shapes.

Simmons Hall student dormitory (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 47
Rule variations of schema  that deals with the generation of sieve-like windows
on the panels of the elevations, and with their placement on the appropriate

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 48
Some steps from the derivation of the elevations according to the previous shape

Simmons Hall student dormitory (Kotsopoulos 2005)


Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 49
The rule schema  is responsible for the generation of the sponge like cavities
within the orthogonal grid of the building.

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 50
Derivation of the sponge like cavities within the existing orthogonal grid of the
building, according to rule schema .

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 51
Example of a sponge like cavity at the interior of Simmons Hall.

Simmons Hall student dormitory (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 52
Example of a possible derivation of Simmons Hall according to the rule schemata
, , .

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 53
Final implementation of Simmons Hall student dormitory at MIT campus, by S
Holl. The bottom illustration presents an much earlier 3D model

Simmons Hall student dormitory (Kotsopoulos 2005)
an analysis of Holl’s concept of “porosity”

A conceiving possible rules S = { S1, S2, S3 , … Sj }

B testing rule sequences T = { T1, T2 … Tk }

S = S1  S2  S3 … Sj  Cj

C organizing rules to S1 R1
productive processes S2 R2  G
: :
Sn Rn

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 54
An overview of the proposed process: starting from the articulation of possible
rules, proceeding to the testing of these rules, and concluding with the
organization of non-redundant processes that involve the most effective ones.


spatial relationships corpus of designs with

spatial vocabulary specific properties

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 55
The examples that follow, concern the use of shape grammars in design
synthesis, and the construction of new “design languages”.

the Kindergarten Grammars (Stiny 1980)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 56
Stiny’s Kindergarten grammars draws attention to pedagogical aspects of
designing with grammars and rules. In this early application of grammars is
outlined for the first time a constructive approach to the notion of the “languages
of designs”. Froebel’s building gifts are used to illustrate the approach.

spatial relation

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 57
Froebel gifts were used for educational purpose in exercises with grammars. The
exercises start with the introduction of a spatial relationship between two forms.
Then, the articulation of the corresponding shape rules allows the production of
alternative configurations, while taking into account the symmetry properties of
the two participating shapes.

basic grammars

rule rule

design design

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 58
Examples of rules and possible designs are presented above. The symmetry of
the participating forms is reduced with the use of labels.

student project: formal exercise with Froebel blocks (M Panagopoulou)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 59
Example of formal exercise with Froebel blocks (cube and oblong). The exercise
begins with the definition of a spatial relationship between the cube and the
oblong, and the articulation of the corresponding shape rules. Designs are
produced by applying the rules, while taking into account the symmetry
properties of the two shapes. The exercise was given in the Introduction to
Computational Design I: Theory and Applications, taught by Prof. Knight in the
Fall of 1998, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Student M.

student project: formal exercise with Froebel blocks (S Kotsopoulos)

rule rule

derivation derivation

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 60
Another example of formal exercise with Froebel blocks (two half cubes).
Student S. Kotsopoulos.

student project: courtyard houses in Malibu, CA, (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 61
The design of courtyard house in Malibu. The composition begins with the
definition of a spatial relationship between the participating shapes (left), and the
articulation of the corresponding shape rules. Several compositions are
produced by applying the rules. The above designs were developed in the
Introduction to Computational Design I: Theory and Applications, taught by Prof.
Knight. Student Jin-Ho Park.

student project: courtyard houses in Malibu, CA, (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 62
Variations on the same theme, for the courtyard house in Malibu.

student project: courtyard houses in Malibu, CA, (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 63
Two of the generated designs, constructed in larger scale.

student project: courtyard houses in Malibu, CA, (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 64
The two selected designs placed at the site.

student project: single-family houses in Netherlands (R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 65
Another studio example in formal composition: designs for single-family houses
in Netherlands. Again, the composition begins with the definition of spatial
relationships among forms (left), and the articulation of corresponding rules.
Several variations are produced by applying the rules. Student R. Brown

Hillside Townhouses Grammar (G Celani)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 66
Another studio example in composition with grammars: designs for Townhouses.

A. Siza’s Housing Grammar for Malagueira (Duarte 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 67
The Malagueira grammar was constructed as an analysis tool, in an effort to
capture the original language of A Siza’s designs for low cost housing. But the
research had also a strong synthesis component as it was intended to expand
the initial design language without betraying the spirit of the initial designs.

A. Siza’s Housing Grammar for Malagueira (Duarte 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 68
A parametric dissection rule that was used in the grammar.

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Slide 69
The dissections of rooms and the organization of the different functional zones of
the house.

A. Siza’s Housing Grammar for Malagueira (Duarte 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 70
A fragment from a derivation that shows the consecutive subdivisions

A. Siza’s Housing Grammar for Malagueira (Duarte 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 71
Designs produced by the Malagueira grammar that belong to the original
language of Siza’s designs.

A. Siza’s Housing Grammar for Malagueira (Duarte 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 72
New designs generated by the same rules.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)
an elementary exercise in formal composition

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 73
The example presents the generation of low cost housing units for Habitat For
Humanity, from scratch. The building programs, the sites provided by HFH, and
the examples of existing housing units, in Roxbury, Massachusetts, became a
basis for the development of what was envisioned to be used as: “an elementary
studio exercise in formal composition”.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 74
The housing units were approached as configurations of building blocks, or
rooms. These configurations are produced by applying rules that are able to
generate preferred adjacencies.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 75
The rules are organized in different levels. General rules are used first to
organize parties. At a different level, rules apply on selected parties to generate
wall layouts, or to introduce openings. Some examples of the produced
arrangements are presented above.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 76
The process started naturally, from sketching possible houses (left). Digital
models (right) were introduced at a later stage of this process.

the "kit of parts" approach

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 77
Key issue of the process was the gradual specification of a possible “kit of parts”.
These combine to produce variation.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 78
Four spatial relations between any two rooms are presented (first row): (1)
having a common boundary, (2) being discrete, (3) touching in a corner, (4)
overlapping. Five parametric variations (second row) of the first spatial relation
are used in the proposed grammar.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 79
The spatial relations introduce corresponding parametric rules.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 80
The five parametric variations of spatial relations can be generated by the above
two parametric rules.

shape grammar interpreter (Liew 2004)
converted the shape rules to machine instructions
to be executed by a digital machine

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 81
A digital shape grammar interpreter was used to facilitate to express the rules in
code and to automate the generation combinations

rules described in LISP scripting language format

a rule is composed of four parts:

1. Left-hand schema

2. Right-hand schema

3. Transformation mapping

4. Parameter mapping

the geometry is described as a series of vectors. Each vector has three components:

1. Action

2. Vector

3. Label

a horizontal parti line that is 5 units long is described as:

((action “line”) (vector 5 0) (label “parti”))

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 82
Lisp code was used to assist the fast generation of design alternatives. A line of
length 5 is described as above.

an additive rule of the form x  x + y:

(setq schema-left-rule
((action "line") (vector w 0) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector 0 h) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector (- w) 0) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector 0 (- h)) (label "parti"))
(w (> w 0)) -w
(h (> h w))
) -h h

) w

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 83
The above sequence of code expressions describe the left hand side of the rule.

(setq schema-right-rule
((action "line") (vector w 0) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector 0 h) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector (- w) 0) (label
((action "line") (vector 0 (- h)) (label
((action "move") (vector w (- h (* 0.375 w))))
((action "line") (vector a 0) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector 0 b) (label "parti"))
((action "line") (vector (- a) 0) (label
"parti“)) ((action "line") (vector 0 (- b))
(label "parti"))
(w (> w 0))
(h (> h w))
(a (> a 0)) b

(b (> b 0)) a

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 84
The above sequence of code expressions describe the right hand side of the rule

(setq tmap-rule
'((delta-xo . 0)
(delta-yo . 0)
(delta-ro . 0)
(delta-za . 0)

(setq pmap-rule
'((w . w)
(h . h)
(a . w)
(b . (* 0.75 w))

(setq housing-rule
'((left . schema-left-rule)
(right . schema-right-rule)
(tmap . tmap-rule) -a
-w -b
(pmap . pmap-rule) b

(success . nil) a
-h h
(failure . nil)
(applymode . "single")
(rulename . "housing-rule")

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 85
And, this final sequence of code expressions coordinate the left and right hand
side of the rule, in rule application.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 86
A possible derivation of a housing unit on the basis of the proposed rules

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 87
Different levels of rule-articulation: at he first row the rules produce diagrammatic
parties. At the second row wall layouts, at he third row openings and at the fourth
row windows and passages.

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 88
Different levels of rule-articulation: at he first row the rules produce diagrammatic
parties. At the second row wall layouts, at he third row openings and at the fourth
row windows and passages.

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 89
The vocabulary of doors and windows used in the exercise.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 90
Some 3D modeled and rendered examples of housing units.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 91
Some 3D printed examples of possible housing units.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 92
The sublanguage A of designs contains housing units produced by a specific set
of rules.

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 93
The sublanguage B, contains housing units produced by an alternative set of

Habitat For Humanity Housing Grammar (Kotsopoulos 2005)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 94
And, the sublanguage C contains housing units produced by a third alternative
rule set.

student project: historical museum in San Gimignano, Italy (R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 95
Another studio project using shape grammars in composition. The design for a
historical museum in San Gimignano, Italy. Student R. Brown.

student project: historical museum in San Gimignano, Italy (R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 96
Plan arrangement (above) and elevation (below)


massing studies

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 97
The underlying shape rule, presented above, guides the generation of several
possible massing studies, for the building.

student project: ocean observatory, Manhattan Beach, California
(R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 98
Studio project using shape grammars in composition. The design for an ocean
observatory in Manhattan beach, CA. Student R. Brown.

rule derivation

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 99
The underlying shape rule (bottom left), guides the generation of the building.

student project: fine arts museum in Taipei (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 100
Studio project using shape grammars in composition. The design for a fine arts
museum in Taipei. Student Jin-Ho Park.

student project: fine arts museum in Taipei (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 101
The composition begins with the definition of a spatial relationship between the
participating shapes (left). Two schematic compositions are produced by
applying the rule. Student Jin-Ho Park.

student project: elementary school complex in Los Angeles (R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 102
Studio project using shape grammars in composition. The design for an
elementary school complex in Los Angeles. Student R Brown.

student project: elementary school complex in Los Angeles (R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 103
Overview of the proposed arrangement that was generated with rules and

student project: elementary school complex in Los Angeles (R Brown)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 104
The composition starts with the definition of a spatial relationship between the
participating forms (left). Three schematic compositions are produced by
applying the rule. Student R, Brown.

student project: cultural history museum, Los Angeles (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 105
Studio project using shape grammars in composition. The design for a cultural
history museum in Los Angeles. Student Jin-Ho Park.

student project: cultural history museum, Los Angeles (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 106
The generation of the composition is based on two spatial relationships between
forms (left). Two schematic compositions are also presented above. Student R,

student project: cultural history museum, Los Angeles (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 107
The design for a cultural history museum in Los Angeles. Student Jin-Ho Park.

student project: cultural history museum, Los Angeles (Jin-Ho Park)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 108
The designed building placed in the site. Student Jin-Ho Park.

student project: apartment house complex in Manhattan, NY (M Sanal)


Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 109
Another example of use of shape grammars in composition. The design for an
apartment house complex in Manhattan, NY. The two rules that are used to
generate the design, appear at the right (bottom). Student M Sanal.

student project: apartment house complex in Manhattan, NY (M Sanal)


Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 110
Design variations produced by the same two rules.

student project: memorial to mining workers (M Wilcox)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 111
Example of the use of shape grammars in composition. A memorial to mining
workers. Student M. Wilcox.

student project: memorial to mining workers (M Wilcox)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 112
Large part of the proposed memorial remains underground

student project: subway station, MIT campus (Gane, Gichuhi, Tian)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 113
A more recent example of the use of shape grammars in composition. The
design proposal for a subway station at MIT campus. The two rules on the left,
and an overview of the produced arrangement on the right. Students: Gane,
Gichuhi, Tian.

student project: subway station, MIT campus (Gane, Gichuhi, Tian)

Sotirios Kotsopoulos shape grammar applications | SIGGRAPH 2008

Slide 114
The design of the subway station in MIT campus, at night.


Suggested reading
Stiny, George, 2006, Shape, MIT Press


Chomsky, N. 1957, Syntactic Structures, Mouton, The Hague

Duarte, J P, 2005, Towards the customization of mass-housing: the grammar of Siza’s

houses at Malagueira, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 32, pp. 347-380

Flemming, U, 1987a, More than the sum of parts: the grammar of Queen Anne houses,
Environment and Planning B:Planning and Design 14 pp. 323-350

Flemming, U, 1990, Syntactic Structures in Architecture, The Electronic Design Studio, MIT
Press, Cambridge pp. 31-47

Knight, T, 1980, The generation of Hepplewhite-style chair back designs, Environment and
Planning B: Planning andDesign 7 pp. 227-238

Knight, T, 1986, ‘Transformation of the Meander Motif on Greek Geometric Pottery’

Design Computing 1 pp. 29-67

Knight, T, 1989, ‘Transformations of De Stijl art: the paintings of Georges Vantongerloo and
Fritz Glarner’ Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 16 pp. 51-98

Koning H, and Eizenberg, J, 1981, The language of the prairie: Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie
houses, Environment andPlanning B: Planning and Design 8 pp. 295-323

Kotsopoulos, S D, Constructing Design Concepts: A computational approach to the

synthesis of architectural form, Doctorate Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of

Sass, L, 2007, A Palladian construction grammar-design reasoning with shape grammars

and rapid prototyping Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34 pp. 87-106

Stiny, G, 1977, Ice-ray: a note on Chinese lattice designs, Environment and Planning B4
pp. 89-98

Stiny, G, 1980, Kindergarten grammars: designing with Froebel’s building gifts,

Environment and Planning B 3, pp. 409-462

Stiny, G 2006, Shape, MIT Press

Stiny, G and Gips, J, 1972, Shape Grammars and the Generative Specification, Petrocelli
OR (ed) Best computer papers of 1971, pp. 125-135

Stiny, G and Mitchell, W J, 1978, The Palladian grammar, Environment and Planning B 5
pp. 5-18
Ilustration Credits for Slides

Except for the two excerpts from Stiny and Gips (1972), all illustrations in Part I, including
the remake of the nine step computation by Stiny (2006), are drawn by Mine Ozkar.

All images indicated as ‘student projects’ in Part II demonstrate student work from the
course Introduction to Shape Grammars I&II: Theory & Applications, taught by Prof. T
Knight since 1992 at UCLA and then MIT.

The presentation of the analysis on Simmons Hall dormitory contains sketches,

photographs and models by Steven Holl Architects NY, as well as computer generated
drawings and models by Sotirios Kotsopoulos.

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