CFD Model For Charge and Discharge Cycle of Adsorptive
CFD Model For Charge and Discharge Cycle of Adsorptive
CFD Model For Charge and Discharge Cycle of Adsorptive
Jinsheng Xiao a,b,*, Rong Peng c, Daniel Cossement b, Pierre Bénard b, Richard Chahine b
Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Automotive Components, School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University of
Technology, Hubei 430070, China
Hydrogen Research Institute, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 5H7, Canada
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Hubei 430070, China
Article history: High surface area activated carbons and other microporous adsorbents have generated
Received 20 March 2012 a significant amount of interest over the past decade as storage media for hydrogen and
Received in revised form natural gas, due to their high storage capacity at low temperatures and their use in gas
13 October 2012 purification processes. This paper uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the
Accepted 31 October 2012 charging and discharging of a sorption-based hydrogen storage system. The CFD model is
Available online 5 December 2012 based on the mass, momentum and energy conservation equations of a system formed of
gaseous and adsorbed hydrogen, an activated carbon bed and steel tank walls. The
Keywords: adsorption process is modeled using the DubinineAstakov adsorption isotherms extended
Hydrogen storage to the supercritical regime. The model is implemented using Fluent. In our study, we can
Activated carbon obtain accuracy peak temperature of simulation due to a non-constant isosteric heat of
Adsorption adsorption is used, derived from the model isotherms. We adopt piecewise heat capacity to
Charge consider the heat capacity of the adsorbed phase of hydrogen. We can make a conclusion
Discharge that the simulated temperatures without consideration of heat capacity for hydrogen in
Computational fluid dynamics adsorbed phase (cpa), rise faster and reach higher peaks than the simulated temperatures
with consideration of cpa, and diverge more from experimental results. Also, we study the
changes of temperature, pressure and adsorption during the charging and discharging
processes as well as when the system is idle (which we define as dormancy) in the case of
room temperature water cooling. The results are compared with experimental data from
a storage unit cooled with room temperature water. The simulated pressure is in a good
agreement with the experimental values. The simulated temperature profiles are also
generally in good agreement with the experimental values, except close to the inlet and the
wall. In addition, we have studied the effect of quality of the mesh on the accuracy and
stability of the numerical computation and the influence of the mass flow rates on
temperature and adsorption capacity.
Copyright ª 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
* Corresponding author. Hydrogen Research Institute, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 5H7, Canada. Tel.: þ1 819 376
5011x4478; fax: þ1 819 376 5164.
E-mail addresses: (J. Xiao), (P. Bénard), (R. Chahine).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 5 0 e1 4 5 9 1451
In this work, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 2.2. Momentum conservation equation
method is used to simulate charge and discharge cycle of
adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon with room The momentum equation can be expressed as [15]:
temperature water cooling. In our study, non-constant isos-
v ! !
teric heat of adsorption is used, derived from the model rg v þ V$ rg !
v!v ¼ Vp þ V$s þrg !
g þ F (4)
isotherms. The range of isothermal heat of adsorption is huge
due to the great variation of hydrogen adsorbed by the acti- where s is the stress tensor and the momentum source term
vated carbon, during the charge and discharge cycle of F (N/m3) is based on the Ergun equation and includes viscous
adsorptive hydrogen storage on activated carbon. So that and inertial losses. Its component in i direction, “Fi”, for simple
a non-constant isosteric heat of adsorption is used. When the homogeneous porous media, can be written as [15]:
charging mass flow rate at entrance is large, we have to
m 1
consider the heat capacity of the hydrogen adsorbed by the Fi ¼ vi C2 rg j!
v jvi (5)
k 2
activated carbon because the great variation of the adsorbed
where m (Pa s) is the dynamic viscosity of hydrogen gas, 1/k (1/
phase of hydrogen in a short time. But we can not use the user
m2) is the viscous resistance coefficient, C2 (1/m) is the inertial
defined function (UDF) in Fluent to define the heat capacity. In
resistance coefficient, j!v j is the magnitude of the velocity
order to solve this problem, we adopt piecewise heat capacity
vector and vi is the velocity component along the i direction.
to consider the heat capacity for hydrogen in adsorbed phase
(cpa). The quality of the mesh plays a significant role in the
accuracy and stability of the numerical computation. We 2.3. Energy conservation equation
attempt to search for the optimum cell number to obtain the
accurate and stable results of numerical computation. The energy equation expresses the balance between the
On that basis, we study the changes of temperature, energy amount accumulated in the tank and the energy
pressure and adsorption during the charging and discharging changes due to convective flow, pressure work, conductive
processes as well as when the system is idle (which we define and thermal dispersion fluxes and heat release due to
as dormancy) in the case of room temperature water cooling. adsorption. It can be expressed as [15]:
Also, the effects of the isosteric heat of adsorption, the heat
vh i h i
capacity and the mass flow rates on the hydrogen storage εb rg Eg þ ð1 εb Þrp Es þ V$ !
v rg Eg þ p
properties (pressure, temperature and adsorbed density vt
distributions) are studied during the charging, dormancy and ¼ V$ keff VT þ V$ s $! v þQ (6)
discharging processes.
where E is the sum of internal energy and kinetic energy and
expressed by enthalpy h as:
2. CFD model for hydrogen storage system
p v2
E¼h þ (7)
2.1. Mass conservation equation r 2
Sm ¼ rb qa (2) Q ¼ DHSm =MH2 (9)
Note that the bed density can be expressed with bed where Sm (kg/m3 s) is the mass source term, DH (J/mol) is the
porosity and particle density: rb ¼ ð1 εb Þrp ðkg AC=m3 Þ, and isosteric heat of adsorption which relate to the absolute
the mass ratio of adsorbate to adsorbent can be expressed as: adsorption. Q (W/m3) is the energy source term, which models
qa ¼ MH2 na ðkg H2 =kg ACÞ, so that the mass source term can the generated heat per unit volume.
also be written as [13]:
Fig. 1 e Geometric model (a) and grid (b) of hydrogen storage tank.
activated carbons. The absolute adsorption isotherm is of Maxsorb and submerged in a Dewar flask. The tempera-
modeled using [16]: ture evolution inside the tank is measured using eight ther-
m mocouples distributed along the vertical axis and the radius.
RT m p0 The hydrogen inflow and outflow rates are quantified with
na ¼ n0 exp ln (10)
a þ bT p
flow meters. Before starting the tests, the Dewar flask
where n0 (mol/kg) is the limiting adsorption, the values of n0 is enclosing the storage tank was filled with room temperature
71.6 mol/kg, m is a number generally close to a small integer water. Then, the tank was filled with hydrogen at the specified
and equal to 2 for most activated carbons. R is the universal flow rate. The dynamic pressures, temperatures, and flow-
gas constant, p is the equilibrium pressure, p0 is the saturation rates of the system were monitored during the charging and
pressure. The value of p0 is 1.47e9 Pa. The parameters a and b discharging processes as well as when the system is idle. The
are the enthalpic and the entropic factors, equal to 3080 J/mol detail description and some illustrations of the experimental
and 18.9 J/(mol K), respectively. system were shown in [17].
The adsorption amount has significant effect on isosteric
heat of adsorption, which decreases during adsorption while 3.2. Geometry model
increasing during desorption. Based on the model isotherms
of Equation (10), the heat of adsorption can be obtained using The Commercial CFD software Fluent is used to simulate the
the following equation [14]: hydrogen adsorption process during charging, dormancy and
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi discharging. Fig. 1(a) shows the geometric model of the
DH ¼ a lnðn0 =na Þ (11) hydrogen storage tank. The gray area (except the pipe) corre-
sponds to the tank packed with activated carbon. The
Note that the low coverage limit exhibits a weak singularity
temperature monitor points are shown as red dots, distributed
associated with the absence of a proper Henry’s law limit for
along the axial and radial directions. Fig. 1(b) shows the grid of
the Dubinin adsorption isotherms. This weak singularity has,
the hydrogen storage tank, which has 5377 nodes. The
however, little effect in the high pressure behavior.
dimensions of the geometry model and the location of the
monitoring points are given in Table 1.
where kg and ks (W/m K) are, respectively, the thermal The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method is used to
conductivities of hydrogen and activated carbon. simulate the charging and discharging of a sorption-based
The CFD software Fluent normally considers only two hydrogen storage system. In our study, we adopt piecewise
components for the mixture properties of porous media. The heat capacity to consider the heat capacity of the adsorbed
specific heat is written as a volumetric average of the gas phase of hydrogen and non-constant isosteric heat of
phase and the solid phase: adsorption. On that basis, we study the changes of tempera-
ture, pressure and adsorption during the charging, dormancy
rcp m ¼ εb rg cpg þ ð1 εb Þrp c0ps (13)
and discharging processes. Also, the effects of the isosteric
heat of adsorption, the heat capacity and the mass flow rate
where the modified specific heat for the solid phase includes on the hydrogen storage properties (pressure, temperature
the contribution of the adsorbed phase of hydrogen, and is and adsorbed density distributions) are studied during the
given by: charging, dormancy and discharging processes.
c0ps ¼ cps þ qa cpa zcps þ qa cpg (14)
4.1. Mesh sensitive analysis
where qa ¼ na MH2 , we set c0ps as the specific heat for the solid
phase (adsorbent and adsorbate) in the Fluent. We calculate The quality of the mesh plays a significant role in the accuracy
the average values of na at the end of the charging and dis- and stability of the numerical computation. The cell shape
charging according to the values of experimental temperature and cell size have an important impact on the accuracy and
and pressure. Then, we calculate the different values of c0ps stability of the numerical solution. The finer meshes can
during the processes of charging, discharging and dormancy. result higher accuracy of solution but will cost more computer
The values of c0ps at the end of the charging and discharging are memory and more CPU (Central Processing Unit) time. We
1072 J/(kg K) and 844 J/(kg K). The different values of c0ps during attempt to find the optimum mesh size by which we can get
the charging, discharging and dormancy processes are given more accurate numerical solution in shorter CPU time. In
in Table 3. order to study the effect of mesh quality on solution, we
consider three cases: (1) finer mesh: 19,671 cells and 20,654
3.4. Boundary and initial conditions nodes, (2) intermediate mesh: 4885 cells and 5377 nodes, (3)
coarser mesh: 3126 cells and 3520 nodes. We exam the effects
Boundary and initial conditions of the three tests are given in of the cell size on the accuracy of simulation pressure and
Table 4 and Table 5. The boundary and initial conditions used simulation temperature at C4 respectively. When the finer
in this section are based on Test No. 20, which was performed mesh is adopted, the accuracy almost has no more increase
at the Hydrogen Research Institute of the University of Quebec but it doubles the run time. If we use coarser mesh, the
at Trois-Rivieres. The pressure is easier to measure accurately stability of the numerical computation will decrease. So that
than the mass flow rate. Therefore, we correct the intake and the intermediate mesh is adopted in our study.
output hydrogen flow rates based on the measured pressure
4.2. Mass balance analysis
Fig. 2 e Mass balance analysis of gaseous (mg), adsorbed (ma), and total (mt) hydrogen masses.
4.3. Comparison of pressures is higher in the center of the tank and lower close to the
entrance and the walls. At 4694 s, the situation is reversed: the
Fig. 3 shows a comparison of the pressure obtained from the temperature is lower in the center of the tank and higher close
simulations with the experimental data obtained for the to the system boundaries.
system modeled. In general Fig. 3 shows good agreement with The absolute adsorption density at different locations
the experimental results, although the equilibrium pressures remains almost uniform during charging and discharging.
after charge are slightly higher than the experimental result. Fig. 4 (c) and (d) show contours of absolute adsorption in the
tank at 953 s and 4694 s respectively. At 953 s, the largest
absolute adsorption is observed close to the wall of the tank,
4.4. Distributions of temperature and adsorption whereas the smallest absolute adsorption is located at the
density center of the tank. At 4694 s, the situation is reversed and the
largest absolute adsorption is observed near the center of the
Fig. 4 (a) and (b) show the temperature distributions in the tank and the smallest close to the wall of the tank. This is
tank at 953 s and 4694 s respectively. At 953 s, the temperature because the absolute adsorption depends on the local pres-
sure and temperature. As the pressure distribution is uniform
throughout the tank while the temperature distribution var-
ies at different places, the absolute adsorption amount is
largest where the temperature is lowest and the absolute
adsorption amount is lowest where the temperature is
Fig. 4 e Contours of temperature (K) at (a) 953 s and (b) 4694 s, and absolute adsorption (mol/kg) at (c) 953 s and (d) 4694 s.
4.6. Velocity field analysis hydrogen in adsorbed phase. Three cases related to Test No. 18,
19 and 20 which have nominal charging flow rates of 60, 30 and
Fig. 6 shows the velocity magnitude distributions along axis at 15 SLPM (standard liters per minute) are adopted for the study.
different time during charge and discharge respectively. Fig. 7 Fig. 8 shows the effect of the effective heat capacity on
shows the velocity distributions at 50 s and 4644 s respec- temperature at C4 when the charging mass flow rate at entrance
tively. Generally speaking, the maximum magnitude of the is (a) 9.556 105 kg/s (Test No. 18), (b) 4.355 105 kg/s (Test
velocity is observed near the entrance. During charge, the No. 19) and (c) 2.048 105 kg/s (Test No. 20), respectively Fig. 9.
maximum magnitude of the velocity at C1, C2 and C3 are The simulated temperatures without consideration of heat
0.09 m/s, 0.056 m/s and 0.047 m/s respectively. During capacity for hydrogen in adsorbed phase (cpa), rise faster and
discharge, the maximum magnitude of the velocity at C1, C2 reach higher peaks than the simulated temperatures with
and C3 are 0.089 m/s, 0.055 m/s and 0.046 m/s respectively. consideration of cpa, and diverge more from experimental
The maximum magnitude of the velocity at C1, C2 and C3 results. These differences are more significant for higher
during charge and discharge are almost the same, but in charging mass flow rates, for example, 4.355 105 kg/s or
opposite directions. 9.556 105 kg/s. In general, the inclusion of the heat capacity
of hydrogen in adsorbed phase leads to better experimental
agreement as it pertains to temperature.
5. Parametric study
5.2. Isosteric heat of adsorption on temperature
The parameters used for this study are based on the operating
conditions of the experiments (namely Test No. 18, 19 and 20), The value of the isosteric heat of adsorption is determined by
which were performed at the Hydrogen Research Institute of a large number of experiments. The value of the isosteric heat
the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres. The boundary and of adsorption is different in different literature due to different
initial conditions used in previous section are based on Test experimental conditions and structure of activated carbon.
No. 20. The pressure is easier to measure accurately than the The range of isosteric adsorption heat is from 3000 J/mol to
mass flow rate. Therefore, we correct the intake and output 10,000 J/mol in different literature. The value of the isosteric
hydrogen flow rates based on the measured pressure profile. heat of adsorption is 3300 J/mol in [10], 10,500 J/mol in [11].
In our study, we have considered the dependence of the
5.1. Effective heat capacity on temperature isosteric heat of adsorption on the adsorbed density. In order
to validate this approach we compare four cases: (1) the
In order to study the effect of the effective heat capacity of isosteric heat of adsorption is set to a constant value of 3185 J/
adsorptive system on temperature variations, we simulated the mol; (2) the isosteric heat of adsorption is set to a constant value
system without and with consideration of the heat capacity of of 7500 J/mol; (3) a constant value of 5250 J/mol is used, obtained
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 5 0 e1 4 5 9 1457
Fig. 8 e Effect of heat capacity of adsorbed hydrogen (Cpa) Fig. 10 e Effect of mass flow rate on (a) the absolute
on temperature at C4 under different charging flow rates. adsorption and (b) temperature at C4.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 4 5 0 e1 4 5 9 1459
6. Conclusions Acknowledgments
A CFD model was developed to simulate whole char- We wish to acknowledge the supports from the NSERC
geedischarge cycle of adsorptive hydrogen storage on acti- Hydrogen Canada (H2CAN) Strategic Research Network and
vated carbon. We used the CFD software Fluent to simulate the Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN).
the hydrogen adsorption process in a hydrogen storage unit
during charging and discharging, and when the system is idle
in the case of room temperature water cooling. In our study,
we adopt piecewise heat capacity to consider the heat
capacity of the adsorbed phase of hydrogen and non-constant
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