Guidelines On Disaster Reporting

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Regional Government Center, Tuguegarao City
Tel/Fax (078) 304-1630/1631

November 15, 2018




Region 2 is frequently visited by natural disasters especially typhoons. However,

through the relentless efforts of the sub-national and local government units and the
resilience of the people, the number of casualties has been gradually and significantly
minimized in recent years.

The Cagayan Valley Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
(CVRDRRMC) has been continuously and strongly advocating the goal of zero-casualty
in times of disaster. One way to achieve this is to have an efficient and reliable warning
and reporting system. Warning is a method of informing the concerned communities of
an impending emergency and providing them with appropriate information or advice on
risk situations. Through provision of timely, reliable and understandable warning, the
public will be adequately prepared to face the hazards or the effects of a disaster.
Disaster Reporting on the other hand provides information and a clearer picture of the
situation in a disaster-stricken area. Hence, reports should be timely and more
importantly, factual. Through this, the CVRDRRMC and the concerned agencies can
have a good assessment of the situation and consequently undertake a better

Section 12 of the RA 10121 states that the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office (LDRRMO) serves as the secretariat and executive arm of the
LDRRMC. Therefore, at the local level, it is the LDRRMO, as secretariat, who shall act
as the official depository of disaster related reports coming from the member agencies
of the LDRRMC. It is the role of the LDRRMO to consolidate and submit disaster report
to higher authorities and concerned organizations following the prescribed Report
Template. The members of the Local DRRMC such as but not limited to Local Social
Welfare and Development Office, Local Health Office, Local Agriculture Office, Local

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Engineering Office, and national agencies at the local level and other organizations
working under the LDRRMC shall continuously submit their validated report to the
LDRRMO. Moreover, member agencies of the LDRRMC shall also submit their reports
to their agency counterparts following the format provided by their respective agency


The following are the incidents/events that the CVRDRRMC and LDRRMCs need to
monitor and report:
1. Weather disturbances (Tropical cyclones, Monsoon rains, Continuous rains,
2. Geologic disturbances (Earthquake, Tsunami)
3. Observance of the Holiday and Special Events (Undas, Semana Santa,etc..)
4. Planned events (Festival, Miss Earth, etc…)
5. Daily Incident Monitoring


Dissemination of Warning Information must be a priority of the CVRDRRMC and

LDRRMCs. Upon the receipt of warning information coming from authorized sources, it
must be promptly disseminated especially to the general public.

Concerned agencies giving warning information or “surveillance agencies” shall

continuously provide needed information to the CVRDRRMC member agencies and
LDRRMCs concerned in all possible means of communication. Likewise, using all
possible means of communication, CVRDRRMC member agencies and LDRRMCs
shall then disseminate this information to the general public. Redundancy of warning
shall be observed and/or encouraged.

The table below shows the agencies authorized to provide the warning information:


Status of Magat Dam NIA-MARIIS

Weather Bulletin and Advisory, Gale Warning, DOST - PAGASA
Flood Advisory and Bulletin
Water Level and Rainfall monitoring DOST / LGU
High risk areas in Rain Induced Flood and DENR-MGB

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Earthquake Information (Geophysical) DOST – PHIVOLCS
Terrorism and Crisis Management AFP / PNP / Crisis
Management Committee
Human Epidemics DOH
Animal Epidemics DA BAI
Civil Disturbance PNP
Infestation DA
Radiological and Nuclear DOST - PNRI

The abovementioned surveillance agencies shall update the CVRDRRMC and

LDRRMCs once the information is available and/or relevant for proper response. Said
information shall be used by the decision makers for the appropriate response and
monitoring. Hence, surveillance agencies need to report regularly and shall not depend
on the time of Situational Report. The figure below shows the processing of warning

• Surveillance Agencies shall provide Warning Information to

the CVRDRRMC, LDRRMCs and General Public.

• Based from the warning of the surveillance agencies,

CVRDRRMC and LDRRMCs shall take the necessary measures
Response or appropriate actions/response.

• Actions taken by the CVRDRRMC member agencies and

LDRRMCs including warning dissemination shall be
Report documented and reported.

figure 1

LGUs and CVRDRRMC member agencies may monitor updates using the social media.
However, these agencies or organizations need to be cautious especially with “fake
news” or information that may cause confusion to the public. Only information coming
from authorized agencies shall be disseminated.

Moreover, LGUs and CVRDRRMC member agencies need not to wait for SMS or email
of bulletins, information and advisory from the concerned warning agency. They may
access the OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT of these warning agencies and
disseminate the relevant and needed information.

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The following are the data needed and concerned agencies who will report said data at
the regional and local level:


(National Assets) (Local Assets)
Casualty Department of the Interior and Local Local Chief Executive (LCE)
Government in coordination with in coordination with
Office of Civil Defense, Department LDRRMO, LHO, LGOO and
of Health and Philippine National Local PNP

*CVRDRRMOC shall only include the report

of casualty once officially reported by the
Affected Population Department of Social Welfare and Local Social Welfare and
Development Development Office
Damage to Department of Agriculture Local Agriculture Office
Damage to Fisheries Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Local Agriculture Office
Status and Damage Department of Public Works and Local Engineering Office
to Roads and Bridges Highways
Damage to Health Department of Health Local Health Office in
Facilities coordination with Local
Engineering Office
Damage to Public Concerned agency Local Engineering Office
Status of National Telecommunications LDRRMO
Communication Lines Commission
Status of Electricity NGCP NGCP
Concerned Electric Cooperatives Electric Cooperatives

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Status of Water OCD in coordination with LWUA LDRRMO in coordination
Supply with LWUA
Assistance Extended DSWD and Other Agencies LDRRMO in coordination
with LSWDO
Incidents PNP, AFP, BFP, PCG, FCVRG, LDRRMO in coordination
LDRRMOs with Local PNP, BFP and
other responders

The above-mentioned data shall be consolidated by OCD at the Regional Level and
LDRRMO at the local Level in order to come-up with a Disaster Report.


Situational Reports are consolidated disaster reports submitted by the Operations

Center. The Initial report entitled as Situational Report (SitRep) No. 1 is submitted prior
to the occurrence of the disaster for anticipated incidents such in the case of typhoons,
planned events and observance of holidays and celebrations. The SitRep No. 1 is
submitted after Pre Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) Core Group Meeting. For
Sudden Onset Disaster such as Earthquakes, SitRep No. 1 will contain the effects and
initial profile of the hazard. SitRep numbers are continuing until such time that a
Terminal Report has been prepared. Preparedness measures and monitoring shall be
the title of the SitRep until Effects has been included. Below are sample Titles of

Situational Report No. 1 re Preparedness Measures for name of weather
disturbance (e.g. TY Rosita, NE monsson 2018)
Situational Report No. 1 re Preparedness Measures in observance of name of that
(e.g. Undas 2018)
Situational Report No.___ (2,3,4…) re Preparedness Measures and Monitoring of
Situational Report No. _____ (2,3,4…) re Effects of ______________
Terminal Report re ___________

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More or Less than

 Situation Update
 Situation Update
 Situation Update  Data on Evacuation
 Evacuees
 Evacuees  Status of Roads and
 Status of Roads and
 Status of Roads and Bridges
 Status of lifelines
DAY 0 Bridges  Status of lifelines
(Power, Commo, and
 Status of lifelines (Power, Commo, and
 Situation Update Water)
(Power, Commo, and Water)
 Status of Roads and  Effects : Casualty,
Water)  Effects : Casualty,
Bridges  Effects : Casualty, Damaged Houses,
Damaged Houses,
 Status of lifelines Damaged Houses, Detailed Cost of
Detailed Cost of
(Power, Commo, and Damages in every
Detailed Cost of Damages in every
Water) Sector
Damages in every Sector
 Preparedness  Preparedness Actions
Sector  Response Actions
Actions  Response Actions / Response Actions

Initial Report Progress Report Final Report

Figure 2
It is important to note that the significant data for the first SitRep (Initial Report) are the
current situation and Preparedness Actions done by the LDRRMCs and CVRDRRMC.
On succeeding SitReps, the D-DAY until DAY 2 (Progress Reports), the important data
are the affected population, evacuees, status of lifelines, casualty and response actions
of the LDRRMCs and CVRDRRMC. LDRRMC and CVRDRRMC may report initial cost
of damages in every sector as soon as data are available until such time that they can
come up with a terminal report.

It is important to note that life-preservation and life-sustenance are the priority actions of
the R/LDRRMCs therefore it is the priority needed data.


RA 10121 provides coordination mechanism during emergencies. The figure below

shows vertical and lateral reporting protocols. The N/R/P/C/MDRRMCs shall have a
functional Emergency Operations Center that shall be activated during emergencies.
The Operations Center is a facility where all disaster related reports are consolidated to
have a common report for the Council. The disaster related reports come from different
member-agencies and Local DRRMCs which are being consolidated at the CVRDRRM
Operations Center.

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This Reporting diagram (figure 3) must be followed to prevent or minimize discrepancies
in disaster reporting. Taking for instance the MSWDO, being the source of affected
population, shall submit report to the MDRRM OpCen and same report shall also be
submitted to PSWDO. Therefore, same report shall be submitted to the Regional and
National level for uniformity of data. Time and Date of reporting must also be included to
determine the accuracy and validity of the said report.

Figure 3

A. Cagayan Valley RDRRMC

The member-agencies of the CVRDRRMC shall submit written report to the

Cagayan Valley Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations
Center (CVRDRRMOC) depending on their existing agency guidelines. In the
absence of agency guidelines, concerned agency shall submit written report two
(2) hours prior to the prescribed time of reporting of CVRDRRMOC to

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CVRDRRMOC Timeline of Reporting to NDRRMOC
DAY 0 (Preparedness Measures) 1 report in a day After Pre Disaster Risk
Assessment (PDRA) core
group meeting
D-DAY (Situational Report) 1 report in a day Depends on the time of
landfall or occurrence of
1st WEEK OF DISASTER At least three reports in 8:00 AM
OPERATIONS a day 4:00 PM
12:00 MN
2nd WEEK OF DISASTER At least twice a day 8:00 AM
3rd Week of DISASTER At least once a day 8:00 AM

The CVRDRRMOC shall cater all official or validated reports of member-

agencies and LDRRMCs given that it will be submitted 2 hours before the
prescribed time of submission of CVRDRRMOC to NDRRMOC. However,
Reports of member-agencies not catered will be included in the next reporting


Figure 3 disaster reporting flowchart shows that the C/MDRRMCs shall submit
report to their respective PDRRMCs which will then submit a report to RDRRMC
following the coordination mechanism in RA10121. The C/MDRRMCs shall copy
furnish same report to the CVRDRRMOC through OCD. This will not bypass the
reporting protocol but will complement the said system.

The minimum requirement for the M/C DRRMCs to submit written disaster report
to their respective PDRRMCs is once a day, four (4) hours before the prescribed
time of submission of CVRDRRMOC to NDRRMOC as indicated in the table
above. Likewise, the minimum requirement for the PDRRMCs to submit written
disaster report to CVRDRRMOC is once a day, two (2) hours before the
prescribed time of submission of CVRDRRMOC to NDRRMOC as indicated in
the table above.

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If LDRRMCs failed to submit their written disaster report on the prescribed time,
the CVRDRRMOC shall include their written disaster report in the next reporting

For written disaster report, i.e. Situational Report, either the LDRRM Officer or
the Local Chief Executive shall sign the said report. However, for the written
disaster report, i.e. Terminal Report, the Chairperson of the LDRRMC shall be
the signatory of the said report.

The time of submission of reports is only indicative and they may still be required
to submit report earlier than and often than what is prescribed in this guidelines
especially on matters that need immediate attention from the CVRDRRMC.


Response actions to save and sustain lives and protect properties are the primordial
concern of the CVR/LDRRMCs. Therefore, it is imperative for the LDRRMCs to
regularly update the CVRDRRMOC of their situation especially for life threatening
situations. This regular update shall be done through different platforms - Viber,
Messenger, Facebook, SMS, phone calls, Strategic Information Management System
(SIMS), radio calls and the like. For instance, LDRRMOs needing search and rescue
teams for augmentation may call the CVRDRRMOC to ask for assistance in
consonance to the provision of RA 10121 Section 15; LDRRMOs may take photos of
their bulletin board or other reports such as but not limited to the status of pre-emptive
evacuation for immediate information sharing prior to the submission of official written

The CVRDRRMOC after validating the said information shall then decide if they shall
include such information to the CVRDRRMOC Disaster Report - Situational Report
pending the official written disaster report from the concerned LDRRMC.

Members of the CVRDRRMOC are highly encouraged to use same platforms to their
local counterparts. In the case of the uniformed personnel, since they are using SMS as
one of the platform of reporting mechanism, they shall also send their monitoring thru

Further, this information sharing platform is not only limited to reporting but can also be
used for warning dissemination.

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The Cagayan Valley Regional DRRM Council shall organize a Technical Working Group
tasked to develop a Standardized Disaster Report Template, in response to the request
of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers (LDRRMOs).

The Cagayan Valley RDRRMC member-agencies shall utilize their respective agency
template in disaster reporting, the Office of Civil Defense RO2 as the secretariat of the
CVRDRRMC and at the same time in charge of the Disaster Operations Center will be
the official depository of all disaster related reports. Its function is to collect, collate and
consolidate data and responsible in transferring the reports into the CVRDRRMC
Disaster Report Template and to come up with an official report (SitRep).

The Local DRRM Office will replicate the function of the Office of Civil Defense in terms
of reporting function. To come up with a standard reports it is advised that the LGUs
shall use the CVRDRRMC prescribed format or standard disaster Report Template
developed by the CVRDRRMC Technical Working Group. LDRRMOs are also
responsible in establishing harmonious relationship among its member agencies/offices
and are hereby advised to formulate SOPs for effective disaster reporting to include
validation and triangulation of data in cases of discrepancies among and between its
council members and local counterparts.

Other agencies, apart from OCD, can also request and access data and needed report
from the local government units.

The CVRDRRMC standard disaster Report Template shall be disseminated to the Local
DRRM Councils upon its effectivity.

To have a clear visualization of data or information for quick presentation and to come
up with immediate response actions and decision making, CVRDRRMC member
agencies and Local DRRMCs are also encouraged to create an Infographics of the
disaster report and must be regularly updated. The infographics is a summary of
information and can be posted at the EOC for better appreciation of the council
members, partners and other stakeholders. It is a graphical visual presentation of
information, data, or knowledge. To come up with your Agency/LGU infographics design
you may generate it by using application and Computer Software such as Microsoft
excel which is a very good tool in generating infographics. It is also important to note
that Infographics is the summary of information while the Situational Reports contains
the detailed report.

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During normal days or white alert status, incidents monitored such as but not limited
to Vehicular Accidents, Maritime Incidents, Fire and other Human Induced Incidents
shall be reported to the CV RDRRMOC by agencies responsible. Likewise LDRRMOs
are hereby encouraged to conduct daily monitoring and immediately copy furnish the
CVRDRRMOC of the reports from Initial, Progress and Terminal Incident Reports.
During Disaster Response Operations and an incident happened which is not directly
related to the disaster or isolated incident in nature (i.e Structural Fire during Typhoon),
the Incident Report Template shall be used. Note: see attached Incident Report


The LDRRMOs are also encouraged to report monitored geohazards incidents to

DENR-MGB copy furnished OCD/CVRDRRM Operations Center. Note: see attached
DENR-MGB template.


Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officers are directed to use the
Standard Disaster Report Template upon the approval of the CVRDRRM Council.
Disaster Report Template together with the approved council resolution shall be
disseminated immediately.

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