Nitocote En901
Nitocote En901
Nitocote En901
Chemical and abrasion resistant lining Acetic Acid 25% Hydrochloric acid 35%
Ammonium Hydroxide * Hydrofluric acid 25%
Benzene Jet fuel
The chemical and abrasion resistant coating shall be Ni- Benzoyl chloride Isopropanol
tocote EN901, a high build, two-pack epoxy-novolac system Benzyl alcohol Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
Bleach (Sodium hypochlorite) Kerosene
specially designed to provide a tough and impermeable high Boric Acid * Lactic acid 20%
chemical resistant film. Brake Fluid Methyl isobutyl ketone
Brine 10% Mineral spirit
Car oil Nicotinic acid *
Carbon tetrachloride Nitric acid 30%
Castor Oil Phenol 50% in IPA
Deionised water Phosphoric acid 85%
Diesel fuel Potassium hydroxide *
Diethanolamine 88% Propylene glycol
Ethylene glycol Sea water
Hydrogen peroxide 20% sol Skydrol
Nitocote EN901
* Any concentration in water. The local Fosroc office should be consulted for resistance to
specific chemicals and conditions or when long term exposure is required.
Fosroc Nitocote EN901
Preparation of concrete surfaces Nitocote EN901 may be used in conjunction with glass fibre
cloth to increase the thickness of the system or, where neces-
All surfaces, which are to receive the lining, must be at least
sary, bridge fine cracks in the substrate. The cloth should be
28 days old and have a moisture content of less than 5%.
laid directly on the first coat whilst wet and should be pressed
These surfaces shall be dry, sound and free form debris and
in and smoothed out with a split washer roller. A second coat
loose material. The substrate must be free from contamina-
should then be applied within the specified over-coating time.
tion such as oil, grease, wax, dirt or any other form of foreign
matter which might affect adhesion. Use of Fosroc Anti-slip grains
All blow holes and imperfections should be filled with Nitomor- Nitocote EN901 can be used in conjunction with Fosroc An-
tar FC*†. tislip Grains*† to provide a heavy-duty slip-resistant flooring
Preparation of steel surfaces
The first coat will be applied as described above with a min-
All surfaces should be grit blasted to meet the requirements of
imum film thickness of 200 microns. The base coat should
BS4232, First Quality.
now be dressed with the chosen Fosroc Antislip Grains.
The lining work should be programmed so that newly cleaned
The recommended procedure is to completely blind the base
steel is coated as soon as possible before the formation of
coat i.e. apply excess dressing aggregate to completely oblit-
rust or scale.
erate the base coat.
When the base coat has reached initial cure, the excess Anti-
Nitocote EN901 is designed to be used without primer. slip Grains should be vacuum-cleaned from the surface.
However, if the condition of the concrete substrate requires
The top coat can then be applied. Care should be taken to
priming, Nitoprime 25* can be used.
ensure that a continuous film is achieved and the surface is
Mixing completely sealed.
Additional Information
fluid micro-concretes
Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.
Fosroc Jordan
Regional Offices: email:
Head Office Amman-Khalda Offices: Tel: (06) 535 9562 Fax: (06) 535 9563
P.O Box 253,
Amman-Sahab Factory: Tel: (06) 402 2665 Fax: (06) 402 9475
King Abdullah II Industrial State
Sahab 11512, Jordan Aqaba Showroom: Tel: (03) 205 0061 Fax: (03) 205 0062