NDElectives (Mathematics)

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Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of

code Credits Introduction

Prerequisite: NIL
Course Objectives
1. To visualize of vectors in n-space which is useful in representing data.
2. To learn handling of linear system of equations using matrix as a tool.
3. To introduce eigen values and eigen vectors which are significant in dynamic problems.
4. To introduce matrix decompositions methods that reduce a matrix into constituent parts which make
it easier to calculate more complex matrix operations
Vector spaces, linear equations and matrices, linear transformation, Inner product, eigen values and eigen
vectors, matrix decomposition.
Expected outcome:
The students will be able to apply
1. Theory of vector space in representing data.
2. Matrix operations in solving system of linear equations.
3. Matrix decomposition in solving system of equations.
Text Books:
1. Gilbert Strang Linear Algebra and It’s Applications, 4th edition, Cengage Learning, 2006.
2. Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe, Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices,
and Least Squares, Cambridge University Press, 2018
3. W. Keith Nicholson, Linear Algebra with applications, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002
1. I.N Herstein, Topics in Linear Algebra, Wiley Eastern, 1975.
2. S.Kumaresan, Linear Algebra : A Geometric Approach, Prentice-Hall of India, 2000.
3. Seymour Lipschutz, Marc Lipson, Schaum’s outline of linear algebra, 3rd Ed., Mc Graw Hill Edn.,
End Sem.
Module Content Hours Exam
Marks %
Vector Spaces: Vector Spaces, Subspaces- Definition and Examples,
I Linear independence of vectors, Bases and dimension, Linear Span, 6 15%
Vector space in Rn: System of linear equations, row space, Column
space and null space. Four fundamental spaces, relation between rank
II and nullity, consistency theorem, basis from a spanning set and 7 15%
independent set:


Linear transformations: General linear transformation, Matrix of
III transformation, Kernel and range, properties, Isomorphism, change of 7 15%
basis, invariant subspace, Linear functional.
Inner Product: Real and complex inner product spaces, properties of
inner product, length and distance, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,
IV Orthogonality, Orthogonal complement, Orthonormal bases, Gram 8 15%
Schmidt orthogonalization


Eigens pace: Properties of Eigen values and Eigen vectors , Eigen
V values, Eigen vectors, minimal polynomial, Diagonalization, 8 20%
Orthogonal diagonalization, Jordan canonical form
Matrix Factorization: LU decomposition, QR Decomposition and
VI 6 20%
singular value decomposition


(End semester examination)

Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

The question paper shall consist of Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules I and II. The
student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part B shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules III and IV. The
student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part C shall consist of three questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering Modules V and VI. The
student has to answer any two questions (20×2=40 marks)
Year of
Course code Course Name L-T-P -Credits

Prerequisite: NIL
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the fundamentals of Operation Research
2. To acquire the knowledge in different Operation Research techniques
Syllabus: Linear programming problem-Basic feasible solutions- Degeneracy dual Linear
programming problems. Optimality conditions-The Simplex Method. Artificial Variables-
Charnes’M method-Two phase Method. Dual of Linear programming problems- Duality
principle, The Primal-Duality solutions using Simplex Method. Revised Simplex method.
Assignment Problem-Formation-Optimal Solution-Hungarian Assignment Method-Traveling
salesman problem-sequencing problem-Basic terms used in sequencing-Processing n Jobs
through Two Machines-Processing n Jobs through k machines-Processing 2 Jobs through k
Machines. Project management: Guidelines for network construction. Critical path method.
(CPM). Project evaluation and review technique.(PERT). Network Techniques: Shortest path
problem. (Dijkstras Algorithm). Maximum flow problem. Minimum spanning tree problem.
Prim algorithm. The Recursive Equation approach- Characteristics of Dynamic
programming-Dynamic programming Algorithm-Solution of Discrete D.P.P-Some
applications-Solution of L.P.P by Dynamic Programming
Expected Outcome
Students will be able to
1. Solve different type LPP
2. Apply the concept of O.R in real life problems
3. Understand how to translate a real-world problem, given in words, into a
mathematical formulation
4. Understand design and analysis of algorithms in network techniques and project
Text Books:
1. G Hadley, Linear programming, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002
2. Kanti Swarup, P.K.Guptha, Man Mohan, Operations Research, Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi, 2010.
3. Taha.H.A, OperationResearch, Pecarson, 2004
1. Francis & White, Facility Layout & Location, Prentice Hall Inc., 1974
2. Hillier & Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, Holden Day Inc., 1996
3. R Panneerselvam, Operation Research. PHI, 2006
4. Samuel Eilon, Elements of Production Planning & Control, Universal Book, 1991.
Module Syllabus Hours End
Linear programming problem-Basic feasible solutions-
Degeneracy dual Linear programming problems.
I Optimality conditions-The Simplex Method. Artificial
Variables- Charnes’M method-Two phase Method. 7 15%
Dual of Linear programming problems- Duality principle,
II The Primal-Duality solutions using Simplex Method.
7 15%
Revised Simplex method
Transportation problem - Formulation - Existence of
solutions of Transportation problems - Solutions of
Transportation problem - finding an initial basic solution -
North west corner method - Least cost Method - Vogel’s
Approximation Method - Test for optimality - Modi.
7 15%
Method - Unbalanced transportation problem in
Transportation Problems – Transhipment model – Problem
with sources and destination acting as transient nodes.
Assignment Problem-Formation-Optimal Solution-
Hungarian Assignment Method-Travelling salesman
problem-sequencing problem-Basic terms used in
sequencing-Processing n Jobs through Two Machines-
7 15%
Processing n Jobs through k machines-Processing 2 Jobs
through k Machines.
Project management: Guidelines for network construction,
Critical path method (CPM), Project evaluation and review
V technique (PERT), Network Techniques: Shortest path 7 20%
problem, Dijkstras Algorithm, Maximum flow problem,
Minimum spanning tree problem, Prim algorithm.
The Recursive Equation approach- Characteristics of
Dynamic programming-Dynamic programming Algorithm-
VI Solution of Discrete D.P.P-Some applications-Solution of 7 20%
L.P.P by Dynamic Programming



(End Semester Examination)

Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

The question paper shall consist of Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules I and II.
The student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part B shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules III and IV.
The student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part C shall consist of three questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering Modules V and VI.
The student has to answer any two questions (20×2=40 marks)
Course Course Name L-T-P - Year of
code Credits Introduction
Prerequisite: NIL
Course Objectives.
1. To understand the role of approximation theory in engineering problems.
2. To familiarize various numerical methods for computation.
3. To understand the role of optimization in problem solving.
Matrix Computations, Interpolation and approximation, Inner product and Norms, Nonlinear
programming, Numerical Solution of Partial differential equations
Expected outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
(i) solve the linear system of equations
(ii) find the interpolation and approximations
(iii) apply various optimization methods in non linar programming
(iv) analyse the solution by finding the numerical solution of partial differential equations
Text Books:
1. B S Grewal, Numerical methods in Engineering and Science, Khanna Publishers
2. Sastry S.S., Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis ,Fifth Edition, PHI, 2012
3. Singiresu .S. Rao, Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, 3rd edition,New age
international publishers.
1. David K. Ruch and Patrick J. Fleet, Wavelet Theory, An Elementary Approach With
Applications, John Wiley, 2009
2. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, 11th Edition, Wiley
India, 2014
3. P. Kandasamy and K Thilagavathi: Numerical methods: S CHAND Publishers.
4. Stephen Andrilli and David Hecker, Elementary Linear Algebra, 4th edition, Academic
5. Stevwn C. Chapra and Raymond R. Canale, Numerical methods for engineer, Seventh
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2015.
Module Syllabus Hours End
I Matrix Computations: Solving linear system: Factorization
method, Relaxation method. Singular value decomposition,
7 15%
Matrix Eigen Value problem, Power method, Jacobi’s
II Inner product and Norms: Inner product spaces, properties
of inner product, length, distance and norms, Matrix
norms, Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, Orthogonality, Gram- 7
Schmidt Process, Orthogonal projection.
III Interpolation: Finite difference operators, interpolation
using divided difference. Numerical differentiation:
derivatives from difference table (finite difference and
7 15%
divided difference). Evaluation of double integrals
Trapezoidal and Simpsons rule.
IV Nonlinear programming: One dimensional minimization .
methods. Unimodal functions. Elimination methods:
Unrestricted search method, Fibonacci method, Golden 15%
section methods. Interpolation methods: Quadratic
interpolation method. Direct root method: Newton method.
V Nonlinear programming (Contd.): Unconstrained
optimization techniques: Direct search method: random
search methods, Grid search method, Univariate method.
Indirect search methods: Conjugate gradient method( 7 20%
Fletcher –Reeves method), Newton’s method, Marquardt

VI Numerical Solution of PDE: Finite difference

approximation of partial derivatives, classification of second
order P.D.E. Solution of Elliptic equation-Laplace equation.
and Poisson equation. Solution of parabolic equation-One 20%
dimensional heat equation (Crank Nicholson scheme).
Solution of Hyperbolic equation-wave equation.(Method of
finite differences)
Question Paper Pattern
(End semester examination)
Time : 3 hours Maximum marks: 100

The question paper shall consist of Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules I and II. The
student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part B shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules III and IV. The
student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part C shall consist of three questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering Modules V and VI. The
student has to answer any two questions (20×2=40 marks)
Course L-T-P - Year of
Course Name
code Credits Introduction
MA488 Cryptography 3-0-0-3 2016
Prerequisite : NIL
Course Objective:
1. To understand the fundamentals of Cryptography
2. To acquire knowledge on standard algorithms used to provide confidentiality, integrity
and authenticity.
Syllabus: Number Theory - Divisibility, The Division algorithm, Euclidean Algorithm, GCD,
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, Primes and properties, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
(statement and proof), Modular arithmetic, Euler function, Congruence in one unknown, Solution
of congruences, Modular inverse. Algebra - Definition and examples of Groups, Rings and Fields
and finite fields of the form and , Euler’s theorem, Fermat’s little theorem, The
Chinese reminder theorem. Asymmetric encryption: The discrete logarithm problem, Diffie–
Hellman key exchange, The Elgamal public key cryptosystem, Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
Integer Factorization and RSA: Euler’s formula and roots modulo pq, The RSA public key
cryptosystem, Implementation and security issues, man-in-the-middle Attack, Primality testing,
Miller–Rabin test, Pollard’ p − 1 factorization algorithm. Elliptic Curves: Elliptic curves over
real numbers, Elliptic curve addition algorithm, Elliptic curves over finite fields, The group of an
elliptic curve. The elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem, Elliptic curve cryptography, Elliptic
Diffie–Hellman key exchange, Elliptic Elgamal public key cryptosystem.
Expected Outcome:
Students will be able to
1. Learn standard algorithms used to provide confidentiality
2. Understand how secure encryption techniques work
3. Design security applications in the field of information technology.
1. Jeffrey Hoffstein, Jill Pipher and Joseph H. Silverman, An Introduction to Mathematical
Cryptography, Springer, 2008
2. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall Press
Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 2010
1 Andreas Enge, Elliptic curves and their applications to cryptography: an introduction, 1st
Edition Springer, 1999
2 D. R. Stinson, Cryptography, Theory and practice, Chapman & Hall (2006)
3 R. Lidl and H. Niederreiter, Introduction to finite fields and their applications, Cambridge
University Press.
4 Thomas Koshy, Elementary Number Theory with Applications, 2nd Edition, Academic
Press, 2007
Module Syllabus Hours End
Number Theory: Divisibility, The Division algorithm,
Euclidean Algorithm, GCD, Extended Euclidean Algorithm,
Primes and properties, Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
I 8 15%
(statement and proof), Modular arithmetic, Euler function,
Congruence in one unknown, Solution of congruences, Modular
Algebra: Definition and examples of Groups, Rings and Fields
II and finite fields of the form and , Euler’s theorem, 6 15%
Fermat’s little theorem, The Chinese reminder theorem.
Symmetric encryption: Symmetric Cipher Model, Substitution
III Techniques, Transposition Techniques, Rotor Machines, AES 6 15%
cipher, Multiple Encryption and Triple DES,
Asymmetric encryption: The discrete logarithm problem,
IV Diffie–Hellman key exchange, The Elgamal public key 7 15%
cryptosystem, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Integer Factorization and RSA: Euler’s formula and roots
modulo pq, The RSA public key cryptosystem, Implementation
V and security issues, man-in-the-middle Attack, Primality 8 20%
testing, Miller–Rabin test, Pollard’ p − 1 factorization
Elliptic Curves: Elliptic curves over real numbers, Elliptic
curve addition algorithm, Elliptic curves over finite fields, The
VI group of an elliptic curve. The elliptic curve discrete logarithm 7 20%
problem, Elliptic curve cryptography, Elliptic Diffie–Hellman
key exchange, Elliptic Elgamal public key cryptosystem


(End semester examination)

The question paper shall consist of Part A, Part B and Part C.

Part A shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules I and II. The
student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part B shall consist of three questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering Modules III and IV. The
student has to answer any two questions (15×2=30 marks).

Part C shall consist of three questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering Modules V and VI. The
student has to answer any two questions (20×2=40 marks)

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