Virology:: Introduction To Virology, Its' Pathogenesis & Eradication
Virology:: Introduction To Virology, Its' Pathogenesis & Eradication
Virology:: Introduction To Virology, Its' Pathogenesis & Eradication
Lisa T. Muslich
2019 Microbiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University
Learning Objectives
-rabies vaccine-
17th century
light microscope
Foot and Mouth Disease
Pathogenic microorganism : virus,
bacteria, fungi, parasite
Viral division based on :
2. Replication strategy
3. Capsid symmetry
4. Enveloped
Properties of viruses
Obligate intracellular parasites (Inactive outside the
host cell and active only inside host cells)
Ultramicroscopic size (20 nm – 450 nm in diameter)
Basic structure (capsid & nucleic acid)
Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) : dsDNA, ssDNA, ssRNA,
or dsRNA
Surface molecules high specificity for attachment to
the host cell
Multiply by taking control of host cell’s genetic material
and regulating the synthesis and assembly of new
Lack enzymes
Lack machinery for synthesizing proteins
Size comparison of viruses with
eukaryotic cells (yeast) and bacteria
Foundations in Microbiology,
1 2
3 4
Hierarchical classification
RNA Negative-sense
Double stranded
Single stranded
Double stranded
Viral genome
The Baltimore classification :
1. dsDNA: these viruses make mRNA and replicate their genomes just
as cell do.
2. ssDNA: these viruses must first replicate their genome to dsDNA,
which is then used for transcription to mRNA.
3. dsRNA: the negative strand is used to produce +ssRNA that acts as
mRNA. Both strands are used as templates for genome replication.
4. +ssRNA: the genome acts as messenger RNA.
5. -ssRNA: these viruses synthesize +ssRNA from the genome that
acts as mRNA and as a template for genome replication.
6. +ssRNA reverse transcription: retroviruses are capable of using an
RNA template to make dsDNA, incorporate into the host genome and
becomes latent.
7. dsDNA reverse transcription: virus replicate through a single-
stranded RNA intermediate
Foundations in Microbiology,
Foundations in
Microbiology, 2012.
DNA vs RNA virus
DNA virus :
Double-strand DNA (except Parvovirus)
Naked-virus (except herpes, poxvirus, &
Icosahedron capsid and replication
inside the nucleus (except poxvirus)
RNA virus :
Single-strand RNA (except reovirus)
Enveloped (except Calicivirus,
Picornavirus, & Reovirus)
Helical capsid (except Picornavirus,
Calicivirus, Flavivirus, Retrovirus,
Reovirus, & Togavirus)
Cytoplasmic replication (except
Orthomyxovirus & Retrovirus have both
cytoplasmic and nucleic phase)
Positive, negative or both sense of RNA
DNA viruses
A. Parvoviridae Eg. JC virus (leukoencephalopathy); BK virus
(nephropathy in transplant recipients); Merkel cell
size : 18–26 nm. virus (Merkel cell skin carcinomas)
cubic symmetry (32 capsomeres), no envelope SV40, a primate virus, can also infect humans
single-stranded DNA (5 kb) D. Papillomaviridae
Replication only in actively dividing cells; capsid 8 kb, size 55–60 nm
assembly in the nucleus
Certain types of human papillomaviruses are
Human B19 replicates in immature erythroid cells causative agents of genital cancers in humans
(aplastic crisis, fifth disease, and fetal death)
cannot be grown in cultured cells in vitro.
B. Anelloviridae (from Latin anello meaning ring)
E. Adenoviridae
~30 nm in diameter
70–90 nm
icosahedral virions, no envelope.
Nonenveloped, cubic symmetry (fiber spikes)
negative sense, circular, single-stranded DNA (2–4 kb)
linear, doublestranded DNA (26–48 kb)
Anelloviruses include the torque tenoviruses, and are
globally distributed in the human population and many Replication in the nucleus.
animal species. No specific disease associations have
been proven. At least 57 types infect humans, (mucous
membranes, lymphoid tissue)
C. Polyomaviridae
cause acute respiratory diseases, conjunctivitis, and
45 nm, nonenveloped, gastroenteritis
heat-stable, solubilization-resistant viruses
cubic symmetry (72 capsomeres)
produce tumors in infected hosts.
circular, double-stranded DNA (5 kb)
replicate within the nucleus.
DNA viruses… (cont.)
F. Hepadnaviridae Eg. herpes simplex types 1 and 2 (oral and
genital lesions), varicella-zoster virus
40–48 nm, enveloped viruses (chickenpox and shingles), cytomegalovirus,
circular, partially double-stranded DNA Epstein-Barr virus (infectious mononucleosis
molecules (3.2 kbp) and association with human neoplasms),
human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (T cell
Replication involves repair of the single- lymphotropic), and human herpesvirus 8
stranded gap in the DNA, transcription of (associated with Kaposi sarcoma)
RNA, and reverse transcription of the RNA to
make genomic DNA. H. Poxviridae
27-nm icosahedral nucleocapsid core brick-shaped or ovoid viruses 220–450 nm
long × 140–260 nm wide × 140–260 nm thick
The surface protein overproduced during
replication (liver) bloodstream. envelope
e.g. Hepatitis B virus (acute and chronic characteristic vesicular skin lesions
hepatitis); persistent infections liver cancer. linear, covalently closed, double-stranded
G. Herpesviridae DNA (130–375 kb)
150–200 nm Containing about 100 proteins
The nucleocapsid is 100 nm in diameter, with Replication occurs entirely within the cell
cubic symmetry cytoplasm.
and 162 capsomeres, envelope. Some are pathogenic for humans (smallpox,
vaccinia, molluscum contagiosum); others that
linear, double-stranded DNA (120–240 kb) are pathogenic for animals can infect humans
Latent infections (ganglial or lymphoblastoid (cowpox, monkeypox).
RNA viruses
A. Picornaviridae 27–40 nm
28–30 nm, cubic symmetry cup-shaped depressions on their surfaces
ether-resistant viruses single-stranded, positive-sense RNA (7.3–
Single stranded and positive sense (7.2–8.4 8.3 kb)
kb) No envelope
Eg. enteroviruses (polioviruses, Noroviruses (eg, Norwalk virus) epidemic
coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and acute gastroenteritis.
rhinoviruses [more than 100 serotypes D. Hepeviridae
causing common colds]) and hepatovirus
(hepatitis A) 32–34 nm
Rhinoviruses are acid labile and have a high ether resistant
density; other enteroviruses are acid stable
and have a lower density single-stranded, positive-sense RNA (7.2 kb)
B. Astroviridae It lacks a genome-linked protein (VPg)
28–30 nm Human hepatitis E virus
distinctive star-shaped outline on their E. Picobirnaviridae
surfaces 35–40 nm,
linear, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA nonenveloped viruses
(6.8–7.0 kb)
may be associated with gastroenteritis in
humans and animals linear, doublestranded, segmented (bipartite)
RNA (two segments), 4kb
C. Caliciviridae
RNA viruses… (cont.)
F. Reoviridae single-stranded, positive-sense RNA (9.7–11.8 kb
60–80 nm, enveloped virion measures 65–70 nm
ether-resistant, Eg. eastern equine encephalitis virus, rubella virus
nonenveloped, icosahedral I. Flaviviridae
short spikes extend from the virion surface enveloped
linear, double-stranded, segmented RNA (10–12 40–60 nm
segments), 18–30 kbp
single-stranded, positive-sense RNA (9.5 to 12 kb)
Individual RNA segments 200 to 3000 bp
Mature virions accumulate within cisternae of the
Replication in the cytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum
Eg. Rotaviruses (gastroenteritis), Colorado tick fever Eg. yellow fever virus and dengue viruses, Hepatitis
virus of humans C virus
G. Arboviruses and Rodent-Borne Viruses J. Arenaviridae
Arboviruses complex cycle involving arthropods as pleomorphic, enveloped
vectors (dengue, yellow fever, West Nile fever, and
encephalitis viruses) 60 to 300 nm (mean, 110–130 nm)
Rodent-borne viruses persistent infections in segmented, circular, negative sense, single-
rodents (hantavirus infections and Lassa fever) stranded RNA (10–14 kb)
The viruses in these ecologic groupings belong to Replication occurs in the cytoplasm
several virus families, including arenaviridae, virions incorporate host cell ribosomes during
bunyaviridae, flaviviridae, reoviridae, rhabdoviridae, maturation “sandy” appearance
and togaviridae.
ie, the Tacaribe complex, Lassa fever virus of Africa
H. Togaviridae
alphaviruses—as well as rubella virus
lipid-containing envelope and are ether sensitive
RNA viruses… (cont.)
K. Coronaviridae segments range from 890 to 2350 nucleotides each
enveloped Eg. influenza viruses
120- to 160-nm N. Bunyaviridae
positive-sense, single stranded RNA (27–32 kb) spherical or pleomorphic
cause mild acute upper respiratory tract illnesses—“colds”—but a new 80- to 120-nm
coronaviruses causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) enveloped
Eg. Toroviruses (gastroenteritis) triple-segmented, single-stranded, negative-sense or ambisense RNA
(11–19 kb)
L. Retroviridae
three circular, helically symmetric nucleocapsids (2.5 nm in diameter
spherical, enveloped viruses (80–110 nm) and 200–3000 nm in length
two copies of linear, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA (7–11 kb Replication occurs in the cytoplasm, and an envelope is acquired by
each) budding into the Golgi.
helical nucleocapsid within an icosahedral capsid The majority transmitted to vertebrates by arthropods (arboviruses).
Hantaviruses are transmitted not by arthropods but by persistently
Contains a reverse transcriptase enzyme infected rodents via aerosols of contaminated excreta.
produces a DNA copy of the RNA genome O. Bornaviridae
DNA circularized and integrated into host chromosomal DNA. enveloped, spherical (70–130 nm)
eg. Leukemia and sarcoma viruses of animals and humans, foamy linear, single-stranded, nonsegmented, negative-sense RNA (8.5–
viruses of primates, and lentiviruses (human immunodeficiency viruses; 10.5 kb)
visna of sheep)
nonsegmented, negative-sense RNA viruses
Retroviruses cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
replication and transcription of the viral genome occur in the nucleus
M. Orthomyxoviridae
Eg. Borna disease virus is neurotropic in animals; a postulated
80- to 120-nm association with neuropsychiatric disorders of humans is unproven.
helical symmetry
round or filamentous
surface projections contain hemagglutinin or neuraminidase activity
linear, segmented, negative-sense, single-stranded RNA (10–13.6 kb)
RNA viruses… (cont.)
P. Rhabdoviridae Eg. mumps, measles,
2. Penetration.
3. Uncoating.
5. Assembly.
6. Release.
b. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
b. +ssRNA virus
1. Penetration
2. Directly translated
viral proteins
3. Negative genome is
4. Negative template
synthesize positive
5. RNA strands & protein
assemble mature
Foundations in Microbiology, 2012.
Viral multiplication
(Synthesis: Replication & protein production, cont.)
c. Retrovirus
Can reverse the order of the flow of genetic
Common genetic formation patterns are
In retrovirus : RNA DNA
1. RNA template ssDNA
2. ssDNA dsDNA
4. dsDNA ssRNA
b. Enveloped virus :
Vertical routes
Attachment to body
surface (skin, respiratory
tract, urogenital tract,
conjunctiva) OR direct
inoculation within the
body (through needle
Port d’entree
• Skin
Through injection,
• Respiratory tract
blood transfusion,
• GI tract
mosquitos bite
• Urogenital tract
Multiplication &
Blood (primer viremia)
Secondary site
Viral Pathogenesis
B. Viral spread & cell tropism
2. Latent infection
Some viruses infect and damage cells of the immune system human
retrovirus HIV
Immune response disease exacerbation subsequent infection with
similar strains (dengue virus hemorrhagic fever)
Another potential adverse effect of the immune response autoantibodies
(molecular mimicry) host may then experience postinfectious
autoimmune disease, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with
prior measles infection.
Virus mechanism to avoid immune
Antigenic Variation, eg. Influenza virus, herpes
Release of antigens
Production of antigens at sites that are
inaccessible to the immune system, eg.
Herpesvirus neurons)
Ecology & Viral Transmission
Viral transmission include:
a. Direct transmission : person to person contact, through:
Aerosol or droplet (Influenza, Measles, Smallpox)
2. Oseltamivir
3. Foscarnet
4. Acyclovir
5. Ganciclovir
Viral Eradication and Prevention
2. Viral vaccine
General principles
Viral infection specific antigen immune
response immunity
Killed-virus vaccine
Subunit vaccine
• Pieces of virus
• Disadvantages: not as immunogenic (do not
create immune response as whole pathogens
and booster)
• Examples: Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine, Human
pappillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
Jawetz, Melnick & Adelsberg Medical
Microbiology, 2016.
Clinical laboratory methods for viral
Four major methods:
1. Direct detection of the virus in clinical
2. Nucleic-acid based detection
a. Microscopy
- Bright field light microscopy can only
observe poxviruses
- Electron microscopy expensive,
labor-intensive, not a very sensitive method
in detecting virus
- Direct flourescent antibody (DFA) test
Visual changes observed from cytopathic effect, e.g.: Cowdry type A
bodies (HSV & VZV), HPV-associated koilocytes (HPV), Negri bodies
b. Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA)
- Less sensitive than cell cultures or IF test
2. Nucleic acid-based detection
Examples: - Detect non-culturable virus
1. Hybridization assay - Detect multiple virus
2. Polymerase Chain Reaction simultanously
(PCR) assays - Viral genetic characterization
3. Nucleic acid sequence-
based amplification
4. PCR + flow cytometry Disadvantages:
- Detect active and inactive
Advantages: - High cost
- Faster turnaround time - Specialized training and
- Better sensitivity than cell complex facilities
culture and DFA
- Quantitative
3. Viral isolation
Cell culture
Cytopathic effect on cell culture
Centrifugation-enhanced shell vial culture
- Gold standard
4. Serologic testing
1. Diagnosis of infections with non-culturable
agents, e.g. Hepatitis virus
2. Determination of immune status in regard to
rubella, measles, VZV, HAV, and HBV
3. Monitoring of patients who are
immunosuppressed or have had transplants
4. Epidemiologic or prevalence studies
Viral Quantitation
Hemagglutination assay
Plaque assay
Immunologic assay (ELISA, IFA)
Molecular assay (PCR)
Plaque assay.
Sherris Medical Microbiology, 2014.