Otoplasty: Jeffrey E. Janis, M.D., Rod J. Rohrich, M.D., and Karol A. Gutowski, M.D

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Jeffrey E. Janis, M.D., Rod J. Rohrich, M.D., and Karol A. Gutowski, M.D.
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Dallas, Texas; and Madison, Wis.

Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Understand the anatomy of the
prominent ear. 2. Correctly and precisely analyze the prominent ear deformity. 3. Establish and implement a surgical plan
to treat the prominent ear based on the available techniques. 4. Recognize the potential complications of surgical
correction of the prominent ear.

ods that excise, bend, suture, scratch, or repo-

Background: Auricular deformities, sition the auricular cartilage. The multitude of
specifically, prominent ears, are relatively different approaches indicates that there is not
frequent. Although the physiologic conse- one clearly definitive technique with which to
quences are negligible, the aesthetic and correct these problems. Although this discus-
psychological effects on the patient can be sion will center on the prominent ear and its
substantial. correction, the fundamental principles can be
Methods: Otoplasty techniques are used applied to other auricular deformities as well.
to correct many auricular deformities, includ- Prominent ears are relatively common, with
ing the prominent ear, the constricted ear, an incidence in whites of about 5 percent.1 It is
Stahl’s deformity, and cryptotia. Various inherited as an autosomal dominant trait and
treatments and techniques have been devel- is commonly caused by a combination of two
oped for the correction of these deformities, defects: (1) underdevelopment of antihelical
including methods that excise, bend, suture, folding and (2) overdevelopment of the con-
scratch, or reposition the auricular cartilage. chal wall.1 Despite its benign physiologic con-
Results: The multitude of different ap- sequences, numerous studies attest to the psy-
proaches indicates that there is not one chological distress, emotional trauma, and
clearly definitive technique for correcting behavioral problems this deformity can inflict
these problems. on children.2–5
Conclusions: This article reviews the Surgeons who treat this deformity must have
history of otoplasty, its anatomical basis and a thorough understanding of the anatomy of
a method for evaluation, techniques for the the normal and prominent ear, be able to cor-
correction of the deformity, and potential rectly and precisely analyze the deformity, and
complications of the procedure. (Plast. be able to establish and implement a surgical
Reconstr. Surg. 115: 60e, 2005.) plan based on the available techniques. The
purpose of this article is to give a broad over-
view of the anatomical basis for the prominent
ear and to describe the various techniques
Otoplasty techniques are used to correct many used in its correction.
auricular deformities, including the prominent
ear, the constricted ear, Stahl’s deformity, and HISTORY
cryptotia, among others. Various treatments and Dieffenbach (1845) is credited with the first
techniques have been developed for the cor- otoplasty for the protruding ear (posttrau-
rection of these deformities, including meth- matic). He used postauricular skin excision
From the Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and the Department of Plastic Surgery, University
of Wisconsin Medical School. Received for publication September 18, 2003.
DOI: 10.1097/01.PRS.0000156218.93855.C9
Vol. 115, No. 4 / OTOPLASTY 61e
with conchomastoidal fixation.6 Ely described Conchal reduction has been performed us-
his technique for elective correction of the ing various techniques. However, the use of
prominent ear in 1881 using a postauricular conchomastoidal suturing was popularized by
skin excision, conchomastoidal fixation, and Furnas22 and later modified by Spira et al.23
conchal strip excision. He performed this as a
two-stage procedure (each side performed at a
separate sitting).7 After several efforts and re- ANATOMY
visions by Keen,8 Monks,9 Cocheril,10 Mores- The ear is a complex composite of cartilage
tin,11 and Gersuny,12 Luckett introduced the and skin with many intricate involutions and
important concept of restoration of the antihe- folds (Fig. 1). It is composed of five critical
lical fold.13 Luckett corrected this deformity by elements— concha, helix, antihelix, tragus,
using a cartilage-breaking technique consisting and lobule—and parts of lesser importance,
of skin and cartilage excision along the length including the antitragus, intertragic notch, and
of the antihelical fold combined with horizon- Darwin’s tubercle.24 The anatomical divisions
tal mattress sutures. of the ear are based in embryology, with its
Becker, in 1952, introduced the concept of origins based from the first (mandibular) and
conical antihelical tubing using a combination second (hyoid) branchial arches. The hyoid
of cartilage incisions and suture techniques in arch is the predominant contributor leading to
an effort to soften the contour of the corrected the formation of the helix, scapha, antihelix,
prominent ear.14 This technique was later re- concha, antitragus, and lobule, whereas the
fined by Converse in 195515 and then Converse mandibular arch only contributes to the tragus
and Wood-Smith in 1963.16 Mustardé’s (1963) and helical crus.
approach to the creation of antihelical tubing The only difference between the neonatal
was to use permanent conchoscaphal mattress ear and the adult ear is that, in the neonate,
sutures.17,18 the cartilage is more malleable and soft. Oth-
The work of Gibson and Davis (1958) on the erwise, the anatomy is the same. The ear attains
ability of injured cartilage to warp away from approximately 85 percent of its adult size by
the injured surface19 led to the Chongchet age 3 years.3 Ear width reaches its mature size
(1963) and Stenstrom (1963) techniques. in boys at 7 years and in girls at 6 years. Ear
Chongchet’s technique used sharp scoring of length matures in boys at 13 years and in girls
the lateral scaphal cartilage (with a scalpel) to at 12.25 The older the person becomes, the
form an antihelix.20 Stenstrom, in contrast, stiffer and more calcified the cartilage. This
used a rasp to blindly score the antihelix.21 progression has an effect on the techniques

FIG. 1. Anatomy of the external ear.

Proportions of the Aesthetic Ear

The long axis of the ear inclines posteriorly at approximately a 20-

degree angle from the vertical.
The ear axis does not normally parallel the bridge of the nose (the
angle differential is approximately 15 degrees).
The ear is positioned at approximately one ear length (5.5–7 cm)
posterior to the lateral orbital rim between horizontal planes that
intersect the eyebrow and columella.
The width is approximately 50 to 60 percent of the length (width,
3–4.5 cm, length, 5.5–7 cm).
The anterolateral aspect of the helix protrudes at a 21 to 30-degree
angle from the scalp.
The anterolateral aspect of the helix measures approximately 1.5 to
2 cm from the scalp (although there is a large amount of racial
and gender variation).
The lobule and antihelical fold lie in a parallel plane at an acute
angle to the mastoid process.
The helix should project 2 to 5 mm more laterally than the
antihelix on frontal view.

used to correct the prominent ear (cartilage

FIG. 2. Main causes of the prominent ear.
molding versus cartilage breaking), which will
be discussed later. difficult cases is to apply medially directed pres-
The normal ear has several proportions that sure along the helical rim. This maneuver al-
are common in the normal, nonprominent, lows prominent conchal cartilage to be
aesthetic ear (Table I).24,26 –33 The vascular sup- visualized.35
ply to the external ear is from branches of the It is important to note that usually the prom-
external carotid artery, namely, the posterior inent ear deformity is bilateral; however, Spira
auricular and the superficial temporal arteries. et al. point out that the cause of the defect may
The innervation to the external ear follows be different for each side.23 Any procedure to
its embryologic branchial arch origins. It con- correct a prominent ear should therefore ad-
sists of the anterior and posterior branches of dress the underlying anatomical defect and at-
the great auricular nerve, which innervates the tempt to correct it. Clearly, one approach will
first branchial arch structures (tragus and he- not work for all clinical presentations.
lical crus), and the auriculotemporal nerve,
which innervates the second branchial arch GOALS OF OTOPLASTY
structures (helix, scapha, antihelix, concha, an- The correction of prominent ears should
titragus, external acoustic meatus, and lobule). keep in mind McDowell’s basic goals of
The external auditory meatus also receives in- otoplasty26:
nervation from branches of the vagus and glos-
sopharyngeal nerves. 1. All upper third ear protrusion must be
Anatomical Basis of the Prominent Ear 2. The helix of both ears should be seen be-
yond the antihelix from the front view.
The main causes of the prominent ear are as
3. The helix should have a smooth and regular
follows (Fig. 2): (1) conchal hypertrophy or
line throughout.
excess (upper pole, lower pole, or both); (2)
4. The postauricular sulcus should not be
inadequate formation of the antihelical fold
markedly decreased or distorted.
(the root, superior crus, inferior crus, or all);
5. The helix to mastoid distance should fall in
(3) a conchoscaphal angle greater than 90 de-
the normal range of 10 to 12 mm in the
grees; and (4) a combination of conchal hyper-
upper third, 16 to 18 mm in the middle
trophy and underdeveloped antihelical fold.
third, and 20 to 22 mm in the lower third.
Other causes can include cranial abnormalities
6. The position of the lateral ear border to the
(that influence the base on which the ear
head should match within 3 mm at any
rests), lobular protrusion, and anterolateral
point between the two ears.
displacement of the tail of the helix.34 Occa-
sionally, conchal excess can be difficult to ap- LaTrenta suggests that three common ana-
preciate. A well-described technique for these tomical goals must always be kept in mind: (1)
Vol. 115, No. 4 / OTOPLASTY 63e
production of a smooth, rounded, and well- mechanism is that when a baby is placed in a
defined antihelical fold; (2) a conchoscaphal supine position, the weight of the baby’s head
angle of 90 degrees; and (3) conchal reduction will fold the ear forward when the baby turns
or reduction of the conchomastoidal angle.35 its head to one side.42 This mechanism has not
Georgiade et al. add to this list the importance been definitively proven; thus, behavioral mod-
of lateral projection of the helical rim beyond ification techniques have not been a mainstay
the lobule.36 In addition, any procedure should of nonsurgical treatment.
provide symmetrical and reproducible results
and avoid unnecessary costs and complexity, OPERATIVE PROCEDURES
scars, complications, and recurrence. Surgical techniques for the correction of the
prominent ear can be grouped into maneuvers
PATIENT EVALUATION used to create the antihelical fold, to correct
During preoperative evaluation, one should the conchal defect, and to affect lobule
assess the following in the patient with promi- positioning.
nent ears37: (1) degree of antihelical folding;
(2) depth of the conchal bowl; (3) plane of the Creation of the Antihelical Fold
lobule and deformity, if present; (4) angle be- Many techniques have been described to cor-
tween the helical rim and the mastoid plane; rect the antihelical fold. These can be subdi-
and (5) quality and spring of the auricular vided into those that rely on cartilage scoring
cartilage. and those that use suture fixation. Of course,
The optimal timing of surgical correction of there are combinations of these techniques as
prominent ears depends on a rational ap- well.
proach based on auricular growth and age of Scoring techniques can be further subdi-
school matriculation.32 Because the ear is vided into those that just superficially score the
nearly fully developed by age 6 to 7 years, cartilage and those that score deep enough to
correction may be performed by this time. In actually cut through the newly created antihe-
76 patients who underwent cartilage excision lix. Furthermore, the scoring can be accom-
otoplasty for prominent ears, Balogh and plished on either the anterior or the posterior
Millesi demonstrated that auricular growth was surface of the cartilage. In general, however,
not halted after a 7-year mean follow-up.38 full-thickness penetration of the cartilage usu-
ally results in a sharper antihelical fold, which
NONSURGICAL CORRECTION is undesirable.23,43
Nonsurgical correction of ear deformities, Luckett’s original procedure to create a new
including prominent ears, usually has poor re- antihelical fold involved excising a crescentic
sults. There is evidence, however, that interven- segment of cartilage posteriorly and reapproxi-
tion within the first few days of life may ade- mating the remaining edges to each other.
quately treat a prominent ear. Excellent results However, this creates a sharp, unnatural-
were reported by Tan et al. when auricular appearing fold. Modifications of this single-
molding was started within 3 days of birth and incision technique were created that used a
continued for up to 6 months.39,40 Delay of pair of parallel incisions on either side of the
treatment yielded poor results. Tan attributes antihelix. When the edges of this cartilage
the loss of cartilage pliability after birth to de- bridge are folded back, it forms a tube, which
creasing levels for circulating maternal estro- is subsequently sutured to form a smooth,
gens, which are highest in the first 3 days after rounded, more natural-appearing antihelix.44
birth and decrease to normal levels by 6 weeks Scoring techniques are based on the obser-
of age. Matsuo et al. also reported no recur- vations of Gibson and Davis that cartilage tends
rence after 6 months when the prominent ear to warp away from an injured surface.19 Fry
was corrected with surgical tape within 3 days later confirmed this observation and attributed
of birth.41 However, results were poor when the it to “interlocked stresses” that were released by
taping was started after this period. a perichondrial incision.45 Stenstrom21 and
Matsuo et al. also observed that the percent- Chongchet20 applied this theory to otoplasty.
age of protruding ears increases from 0.4 per- Stenstrom’s initial technique consisted of ante-
cent at birth to 5.5 percent at 1 year of age and rior scaphal scoring to produce an antihelical
concluded that most protruding ears are ac- fold. He later modified his technique with the
quired deformities. They postulated that the addition of a posterior approach.46 It is impor-
tant to note that the desired amount of carti- will better correct upper pole prominence and
lage warping can be adjusted by the extent of also prevent overfolding of the antihelix.
the scratching or scoring.
Various suturing techniques will also pro-
duce an antihelix. The Mustardé approach is CORRECTION OF THE CONCHAL DEFECT.
used to create an antihelical fold for correcting Conchal deformity can be addressed by sev-
the prominence of the upper third of the ear.17 eral methods, including suturing techniques,
His technique involves mattress sutures placed excisional techniques, and scoring.
in the posterior cartilage that incorporate the Conchal mastoid sutures can be used to cor-
full thickness of the cartilage and anterior peri- rect conchal excess or prominence of the su-
chondrium (but not the anterior skin) (Fig. 3). perior two thirds of the ear. This suture tech-
Kaye47 and Tramier48 advocate an anterior nique was originally described by Owens and
approach to placing the plication sutures. Pro- Delgado (1955).52 Their method was subse-
ponents of this anterior approach believe it quently modified by Furnas,22 who used non-
eliminates the need for extensive flap dissec- absorbable, full-thickness mattress sutures
tion, thereby minimizing postoperative dis- placed in the conchal cartilage (piercing the
comfort and risk of infection and hematoma. anterior perichondrium) and sutured it to the
Pilz et al. prefer a modification of the tech- mastoid fascia (Fig. 4). This is performed be-
nique originally described by Stark and Saun- fore correction of any antihelix defect. He cau-
ders, whereby a postauricular skin excision is tions that sutures placed too far forward on the
combined with controlled dermabrasion of the mastoid or too far back on the concha will
posterior cartilage surface.49 Scapha-mastoid cause outward and forward rotation of the con-
sutures then create the desired amount of an- chal cup, causing reduction of the external
tihelical folding. Pilz et al.’s modification adds auditory canal diameter.
any combination of additional scapha-conchal, Spira and Stal modified this technique to
concha-mastoid, and/or helical sulcus-conchal include a laterally based conchal cartilage flap
sutures.50 that is subsequently sutured to the mastoid
Recreation of the curvilinear sweep of the periosteum.53 This maneuver serves to bring
antihelix is important to create a natural “un- the concha closer to the scalp and thus reduces
operated appearing” ear. This fine point is ad- protrusion. This particular technique offers
dressed by Johnson,51 who supports the use of the advantage of a thick cartilaginous flap that
Mustardé sutures placed in an oblique, rather can be more permanently and precisely an-
than radial, fashion because he believes this chored to the periosteum while decreasing the
tendency to obstruct the external auditory
Excisional techniques can also be used to
reduce conchal hypertrophy. These techniques
can be grouped into those that excise cartilage
alone and those that excise both skin and car-
tilage. The cartilage-only procedures are usu-
ally performed through a posterior approach,
whereas the skin and cartilage techniques are
usually performed through an anterior ap-
proach. There has been no proven advantage
of an anterior versus a posterior approach. In-
stead, it is a matter of personal preference. A
posterior approach to the conchal bowl is de-
scribed by Beasley and Jones.54 This technique
stresses resection of the lower conchal bowl
segment if the antitragus is prominent and
thinning of the ponticulus where the postau-
ricular muscle inserts. Elliott43,55 and Bauer50
both prefer an anterior approach because they
FIG. 3. Mustardé mattress suture technique to create the believe that the extra skin remaining after a
antihelical fold. cartilage excision may not shrink down enough
Vol. 115, No. 4 / OTOPLASTY 65e

FIG. 4. Conchal-mastoid sutures to correct conchal excess.

postoperatively to avoid leaving a visible fold in periosteum suture. Another method involves a
the conchal floor. curvilinear, fusiform excision from the ante-
Finally, careful scoring may be used alone or rior to posterior lobe margin with a central V
in combination to reduce conchal promi- excision to effect easy closure.1
nence. Using the Gibson principle, the ante-
rior surface of the concha can be scored so as
to warp the conchal wall in a posterior direc- Combined Techniques
tion. This essentially converts the prominent There have been countless descriptions by
conchal wall into scaphal surface. individual surgeons detailing their particular
combination of the above techniques to effect
Lobule Positioning
reproducible results. Stal et al. (1997) pub-
Wood-Smith uses a modified fishtail correc- lished an algorithmic approach for otoplasty
tion to correct the prominent lobule (Fig. 5).56 that uses many of the techniques in a logical,
Spira et al.23 treat the protruding lobule by systematic, graduated fashion (Fig. 6).57
wedge-excision and a deep dermis–to–scalp An ear with a deep concha but well-devel-
oped antihelical fold may only require a con-
chal resection, with the addition of a conchal
setback if the conchal-cephalic angle is greater
than 90 degrees. Commonly, a poorly devel-
oped antihelical fold will be present with or
without a deep concha. In this case, Mustardé-
type sutures should be used to create the fold.
Anterior cartilage scratching should be used as
an adjunct to help fold the cartilage. Superior
pole overcorrection should be considered be-
cause this area is prone to recurrence
A prominent lobule not corrected by finger
pressure on the helix rim will require one of
the previously described additional proce-
dures. Posterior scratching is contraindicated
because it results in cartilage bending in the
opposite rather than the desired direction.
Likewise, through-and-through cartilage inci-
FIG. 5. Modified fishtail technique to correct a prominent sions should be avoided because of the result-
lobule. ant visible step-off deformity.1

FIG. 6. An algorithmic approach to otoplasty. Reprinted with permission from Stal, S., Klebuc, M., and Spira, M. An
algorithm for otoplasty. Oper. Tech. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 4: 88, 1997.
Vol. 115, No. 4 / OTOPLASTY 67e
Minimally Invasive Otoplasty Infection is another potentially devastating
To minimize operative dissection, scarring, complication of otoplasty, especially because it
and postoperative discomfort, two recent re- can lead to the development of chondritis and
ports advocate “incisionless” or “knifeless” oto- residual deformity. Infection can be caused by
plasty. Fritsch58 describes his incisionless tech- a break in proper sterile surgical technique or
nique whereby he places percutaneous, dehiscence secondary to excessive tension dur-
permanent subcutaneous horizontal mattress ing closure, or it can be an untoward sequela of
sutures. He reported this in 13 patients and prior hematoma evacuation. If redness, swell-
found one recurrence caused by suture failure ing, and drainage are encountered, treatment
at a 6-month mean follow-up. Peled’s tech- with intravenous antibiotics is recommended,
nique59 involves a similar suture technique but as is the use of topical mafenide acetate cream.
includes anterior cartilage scoring as well. No The usual pathogens are Staphylococcus, Strepto-
recurrence was found at follow-up at 6 to 30 coccus, and sometimes Pseudomonas.
months in 20 ears. Although the long-term Chondritis is a surgical emergency. If left
effects of this suture method are not known, untreated, it can result in deformity. There-
Fritsch points out that cartilage may be perma- fore, prompt débridement of devitalized tissue
nently bent by external splints and suggests is necessary.
internal sutures may have the same effect. Late sequelae. Residual deformity is, by far, the
Thus, long-term suture failure may not be clin- most common unsatisfactory result of otoplasty.
ically significant. It usually is apparent by 6 months postopera-
Graham and Gault’s endoscopic-assisted oto- tively and is manifested by one or more of the
plasty60 approaches the posterior aspect of the following61: a sharply ridged antihelical fold;
auricular cartilage through a port in the tem- lack of normal curvature of the superior crus;
poral scalp. The posterior cartilage is weak- irregular contouring; a malpositioned or poorly
ened by abrasion, and the antihelical fold is constructed antihelical roll; an excessively large
created and maintained by nonabsorbable scapha; and a narrow ear.
scaphal-mastoid sutures placed by means of Most of the time, the residual deformity is a
small postauricular stab incisions. By moving a result of poor surgical planning and execution
large scar into the temporal scalp, an ear ke- rather than an inherent technical problem.
loid or hypertrophic scar may be avoided. This However, there are several studies, some with
endoscopic approach was used on 18 promi- long-term follow-up, that illuminate several key
nent ears, with good results and no recur- differences in technique and potential
rences. Although these minimally invasive drawbacks.
techniques show promise, long-term follow-up In a retrospective comparison of Mustardé’s
and reproducible results are needed before posterior suturing technique to Stenstrom’s an-
they can be recommended as procedures of terior scoring technique, Tan62 found that
choice. although patient satisfaction with the aesthetic
results were the same between the two ap-
proaches, ears treated by Mustardé’s method re-
Outcomes and Complications quired more than twice as many reoperations
Elliott divided unsatisfactory results of oto- (24.4 percent versus 9.9 percent). Furthermore,
plasty into early complications and late sequel- Tan confirmed the complication of sinus forma-
ae.43 Early complications include hematoma, tion and wound infections caused by the pres-
infection, chondritis, pain, bleeding, pruritus, ence of sutures (15 percent incidence).
and necrosis. Late sequelae include unsightly Mustardé himself has conducted two reviews
scarring, patient dissatisfaction, suture prob- of his own procedure. The first, in 1967, sur-
lems, and dysesthesias. veyed his results with 264 ears over a 10-year
Early complications. Hematoma is one of the period.18 Seventeen cases were judged as unsat-
most dreaded immediate postoperative compli- isfactory with problems such as kinking within
cations. It is heralded by the acute onset of the antihelix, sutures cutting out, sinus forma-
severe, persistent, and often unilateral pain. If tion, recurrence of prominence, and horizon-
encountered, the head dressing should be re- tal projection of the antitragus and lobule. He
moved and sutures released to drain the hema- details the causes for each of these complica-
toma. If there is evidence of ongoing bleeding, tions and includes guides on avoiding these
reoperation and exploration are mandatory. pitfalls. A subsequent study in 1980 of 600 ears

FIG. 7. Preoperative views of a 13-year-old girl with a lack of antihelical fold definition, conchal bowl
hypertrophy, and prominent lobules. (Above, left) Anteroposterior view; (above, center) oblique view;
(above, right) lateral view; (below) posterior view.

over 20 years found a 0 percent incidence of 89 percent were either very satisfied or satis-
stitch rejection, a 0.01 percent incidence of fied. He also noted that in 81 percent of pa-
sinus tract formation, and a 0.02 percent inci- tients, the Stenstrom technique produced a
dence of reoperation.63 round, natural antihelical fold, whereas only
Spira and Hardy critically examined their 14 percent had a sharp contour. Calder and
experience with the Mustardé technique and Naasan reviewed their experience with 562
did not find the same success rates. They de- Stenstrom otoplasties and found a 16.6 percent
termined that there were a large number of overall complication rate with an 8 percent
relatively minor complications and a high rate incidence of residual deformity (follow-up, 12
of partial recurrence of the original deformi- months). After analysis of these results, they
ty.64 In a comparative study, Hyckel et al. com- concluded that the fault at the primary proce-
pared Mustardé’s and Converse’s methods and dure was mostly that of design (73.4 percent),
found no objective or subjective differences.65 although many other residual problems were
Heftner66 surveyed patient satisfaction with caused by poor execution of technique (26.6
use of the Stenstrom technique and found that percent).67
Vol. 115, No. 4 / OTOPLASTY 69e
Adamson et al. retrospectively reviewed their lage that was bent to create an antihelix, the
experience with conchal setback and antiheli- more likely the ear was to lose its correction.
cal suture placement in 119 ears, with a median Persistent superior pole prominence was
follow-up of 6 months.68 They found that pa- also noted by Georgiade et al.36 They recom-
tients who had cartilage-cutting procedures mended additional superior helix scoring or
tended to have higher revision rates and per- higher posterior vertical mattress suture place-
sistent postoperative stigmata compared with ment to resolve this problem. Webster recom-
those who had cartilage-sparing procedures. mends slight overcorrection of the superior
Specifically, they also found that the superior pole to allow for postoperative changes.
pole became lateralized to approximately 40 The psychological and social outcomes of
percent of the original correction, although no prominent ear correction were evaluated by
significant loss of correction was noted in the Bradbury et al.,4 who found improved well-
middle and inferior areas of the ear. This led to being in 90 percent of the children 12 months
revision in 6.5 percent of the ears. Adamson et postoperatively. However, just as preoperative
al. recommend adding fossa triangularis– distress could not be predicted from the de-
temporalis fascia sutures to correct this supe- gree of ear prominence, postoperative satisfac-
rior pole lateralization. tion could not be predicted from the quality of
Loss of superior pole correction was also surgical correction. Bradbury et al. recom-
reported by Messner and Crysdale69 in patients mend psychological evaluation for any child
who underwent cartilage-sparing otoplasty us- showing evidence of marked social isolation or
ing a combination of Mustardé’s and Furnas’ acute distress before any operation.
techniques, including placement of fossa trian-
gularis–temporalis fascia sutures. The cor-
rected ears returned to their preoperative po-
sition in one third of their cases, and one third A 13-year-old otherwise healthy white girl presented with
bilateral prominent ears. Physical examination revealed bi-
of their cases had a final position between their lateral prominent ears, lack of helical fold definition (right
preoperative and postoperative positions. De- greater than left), bilateral conchal hypertrophy (right
spite this loss of correction, 85 percent of pa- greater than left), and prominent lobules (Fig. 7). The op-
tients were satisfied with their results. Messner erative plan was as follows: general anesthesia; preoperative
and Crysdale noted that ears short in their marking of the antihelix with methylene blue dye; posterior
lenticular incision; excision of the auricularis; placement of
vertical dimension (less than 50 mm) were three Mustardé sutures (superior, middle, and inferior) using
much more likely to maintain their postopera- 4-0 clear nylon (Fig. 8); placement of two (superior and
tive corrected positions. The larger the carti- inferior) conchomastoid sutures using 4-0 clear nylon; and

FIG. 8. Intraoperative view of the right ear. (Left) Before the Mustardé sutures
were placed, the anticipated sites chosen to suture were marked with methylene
blue dye. Note the lack of definition of the antihelical fold. (Right) After the
Mustardé sutures were placed.

FIG. 9. Postoperative views at 6 months. (Above, left) Anteroposterior view; (above, center) oblique
view; (above, right) lateral view; (below) posterior view.

placement of a single lobule-fascial suture (4-0 clear nylon) described by Walter and Nolst Trenité.70 An oblit-
to bring back the prominent lobule. erated postauricular sulcus can be corrected by a
At 6 months postoperatively, the patient demonstrated
significant improvement in her antihelical fold definition.
posterior zigzag skin incision, approximation of
She had more properly proportioned ears without conchal the skin triangle points, and filling of remaining
bowl excess and less prominent lobules (Fig. 9). The patient defects with full-thickness skin grafts. A pros-
was very satisfied with her outcome. thetic device is worn to prevent tissue retraction.
Minor antihelix irregularities can be treated by
curettage, and larger defects may be corrected by
REVISION OTOPLASTY insertion of temporalis fascia, cartilage grafts, or
Otoplasty procedures may result in new defor- prosthetic materials. An obliterated ear canal
mities that need to be corrected, including an caused by improper conchal setback may be cor-
obliterated postauricular sulcus, contour defor- rected by cartilage resection through a posterior
mities of the antihelical fold, a telephone defor- approach. Revision for recurrence of ear promi-
mity, a protruding lobule, an obliterated external nence, especially at the superior pole, can be
ear canal, and postperichondritis deformity. Ap- achieved by posterior cartilage thinning and an-
proaches to these common problems have been terior scoring if the cartilage is thick and stiff.
Vol. 115, No. 4 / OTOPLASTY 71e
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