Introduction To The East African

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Morley, C.K., D.K. Ngenoh, and J.K.

Ego, 1999, Introduction to the

East African Rift System, in C.K. Morley ed., Geoscience of Rift
Systems—Evolution of East Africa: AAPG Studies in Geology
No. 44, p. 1–18.

Chapter 1

Introduction to the East African

Rift System
C.K. Morley (part 1) D.K. Ngenoh (part 2)
Department of Petroleum Geoscience J.K. Ego (part 2)
University of Brunei Darussalam National Oil Company of Kenya
Negara Brunei Darussalam Nairobi, Kenya

The Tertiary age East African Rift System (EARS) is predominantly located in zones of Precambrian
orogenic belts avoiding stable Archean cratonic areas. The most profound influence of preexisting fabrics
is exerted by Precambrian ductile fabrics. However, later predominantly extensional events of Permo-
Triassic (Karroo), Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene age have also variably influenced the location and
orientation of the Tertiary rift systems.
The two branches of the East African Rift System have undergone different tectonic histories. In gen-
eral, the western branch can be regarded as a good model of a young continental rift while the eastern
branch is representative of a “failed” mature continental rift system. Both are characterized by large half
graben systems filled by fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine sediments, and/or by volcanics and volcaniclastics.
The basin fills can be up to 7–8 km thick. In comparison with the eastern branch, the western branch is
younger (late Miocene-Recent), less volcanic-rich but more seismically active, with deeper earthquakes
(down to about 30–40 km). Extension estimates for the eastern branch depend upon location, but range
up to 40 km (Turkana area), maximum extension in the western branch is about 10–12 km.
The eastern branch was probably initiated in the Eocene. In the Kenya and Ethiopian Rifts, older half
grabens were abandoned in the Pliocene in favor of a narrow rift zone characterized by minor fault
swarms, dike intrusions, and volcanic centers. There is evidence for an important active rift component
(very thin mantle lithosphere, large topographic domes, anomalously low velocities in the mantle) as
well as passive rifting. Deep refraction profiles indicate extension ranges between 10–40 km in the Kenya
Rift (increasing northwards). However, this may be an underestimate if the crust has been inflated by
intrusion of magma during extension.

Part 1—Introduction to the East The East African Rift System forms a narrow (50–150 km
wide), elongate system of normal faults that stretches some
African Rift System 3,500 km in a submeridian direction. It is connected to the
world wide system of oceanic rifts via the Afar Triangle to
the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea (Figures 1 and 2). The
INTRODUCTION EARS is composed of two rift trends called the eastern and
This section aims to briefly review of some of the key western branches. The eastern branch, located north and
geological features of the East African Rift System (EARS), east of Lake Victoria, is a volcanic-rich system that forms
as background information for the more detailed geology the Kenya and Ethiopian Rifts. In places the rift system was
presented in following chapters. probably initiated in the early Miocene, but there is also evi-
The East African Rift System has been the classic area of dence for earlier Paleogene rift activity in northern Kenya
continental rifting since the process was described in Kenya and Ethiopia (Hendrie et al. 1994, Ebinger et al. 1993, Chap-
by Gregory (1896, 1921). Today, a number of different ters 2 and 3). The rift branch is well exposed at the surface
avenues of research are being undertaken in the rift system, and is dotted with relatively small lakes. Lake Turkana is the
the type of study and location very much dictated by the sole large lake in the eastern branch (Figure 3). The western
morphology of the region. branch appears to have been initiated later than the east-

2 Morley et al.

Figure 1. Simplified map of

the rift systems surrounding
Africa, (modified from
Olivet, in Coussement 1995).

ern branch, during the late Miocene (Ebinger 1989). It is lacustrine systems can be studied. These two advantages
composed of a series of extensive deep and shallow lakes: have provided the focus of much recent research into the
Mobutu (or Albert), Edward (or Idi Amin), Kivu, Tanganyika, western branch.
Rukwa, and Malawi (or Nyasa) (Figure 3). These lakes mask The eastern branch is dotted with small lakes, but out-
much of the rift structure. The western branch is associated crops within the rift system are numerous and extensive.
with much less volcanism than is the eastern branch Most of the exposed section is either volcanic flows,
although both branches are seismically and volcanically igneous intrusives, or pyroclastic sediments. Much of the
active today (Figure 2). outcrop work has centered around understanding the vol-
At the largest scale, the topography of the EARS is char- canic sequences stratigraphically and geochemically. It has
acterized by two large lithospheric domes called the Afar taken a long time to build up a regional picture of the dis-
and East African Domes (Figure 2). They are separated by tribution and evolution of the igneous rocks because of the
the Turkana depression (600 m average elevation) of north- vast areas involved (e.g., Williams 1978, Macdonald et al.
ern Kenya. The average elevations are 1,500 m for the Afar 1994). As a consequence, detailed geochemical studies of
Dome and 1,200 m for the East African Dome. Away from the igneous suites are relatively few and far between.
these areas the topography ranges between 300–900 m In places extensive deposits of young (Plio-Pleistocene),
(Ebinger et al. 1989). Both domes have diameters of about dominantly fluvio-lacustrine sediments are present. Some
1,000 km and are associated with large negative gravity contain remarkable assemblages of fossils including verte-
anomalies (Figure 2). Within the East African Dome smaller brate bones and a few have become well known sites for
domes (perhaps associated with magmatic underplating) investigations into our hominid ancestors (e.g., Olduvai
with radii of 100–200 km are present, notably the Kivu and Gorge, Koobi Fora, Middle Awash Valley, and Hadar). How-
Kenya Domes. ever, exposures of older sedimentary sequences are compar-
The main rift basins of the western branch are largely atively rare. The volcanic rocks that cover much of the rift
covered by water. Hence outcrop studies are restricted to mask evidence of the older rift history. Nevertheless, in a
the rift margins. However, the lakes have two advantages— few places within the rift, erosion through topographically
it is much easier to acquire seismic reflection data over high basement blocks provides a glimpse at the deeper rift
water than land, and modern sedimentary processes in large section, which includes arkosic sandstones (e.g., Tugen
Introduction to the East African Rift System 3

Hills, Kito Pass—Chapman et al. 1978, and the Turkana Miocene-Recent) is spectacularly exposed in places and dis-
area—Williamson and Savage 1986, Wescott et al. 1993). plays the characteristics of normal fault systems very well
Only in the Turkana area has the geology of these older (Crossley 1978, Griffiths 1980, Chapter 11). However, only a
sequences been studied in detail, and this was only possi- certain amount about the structure of the Kenya Rift can be
ble due to hydrocarbon exploration. The field work, geo- learned from surface studies. One point that helps illustrate
physical, and drilling results that shed much light on the the problems of understanding the rift evolution from sur-
Paleogene-Miocene history of the northern Kenya Rift are face studies alone concerns the Lokichar Fault in the
presented in Chapters 2 and 3. Turkana area (see Chapter 2). Despite the very high quality
The general structural pattern of the eastern branch has work conducted in the Kenya Rift during the 1970s and
been ascertained from surface mapping and from satellite 1980s no published maps of the Kenya Rift system during
imagery (e.g., Baker et al. 1972, Bosworth and Maurin 1993, that period showed the existence of the Lokichar Fault. Yet
Grimaud et al. 1994). The relatively young deformation (late this fault is possibly the largest fault in the Kenya Rift and

Figure 2. Distribution of
topographic domes with rela-
tion to rift structure in East
Africa (after Ebinger et al.
1989). Western branch vol-
canic centers: R = Rungwe,
T= Toro-Ankole, V= Virunga,
K = South Kivu.
4 Morley et al.

the EARS. The first data came from surveys by Project PROBE
over lakes Tanganyika, Malawi, and Turkana (e.g., Rosendahl
et al. 1988, Ebinger et al. 1987, Specht and Rosendahl
1989, Dunkleman et al. 1989). Oil exploration in the north-
ern Kenya Rift, Lake Rukwa, Ruzizi Plain, and the Usangu
Flats provided information on more basins of the East
African Rift System.
The western branch of the rift contains a string of half
graben basins that are mostly concealed beneath the major
lakes. The basins tend to be characterized by the dominance
of large boundary faults which produce asymmetrical half
grabens. Long rift segments exhibit an alternation in the
sense of “polarity” of the half grabens about every 60–100
km (e.g., Rosendahl et al. 1986, Ebinger et al. 1987). The
basins are probably all relatively young (late Miocene-
Recent), although the Rukwa Rift is the only one in the
western branch whose age is well constrained (Wescott et
al. 1991). These basins are filled predominantly by clastic
sediments eroded from basement and sedimentary rock
source areas, and deposited in fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine
environments. Occasionally carbonates were deposited, par-
ticularly in shoreline and shallow lacustrine environments
(e.g., Cohen and Thouin 1987). The basin fills reach maxi-
mum thicknesses of 6–7 km (Morley, 1989).
The rift basins of the eastern branch are more poorly
known. Extensive Miocene-Recent lava flows have concealed
much of the older rift history. However, in northern Kenya
surface and subsurface geology show a history of rifting
that extends not only throughout the Miocene, but into the
Paleogene as well (Morley et al. 1992, Chapters 2 and 3). A
brief review of these basins is provided in Part 2 of this
chapter. While the western branch of the rift system pro-
vides good examples of relatively simple extensional struc-
tural geometries, the much longer-lived northern Kenya Rift
shows how extensional systems evolve through time. A com-
Figure 3. Location map for the East African Rift System (after plex history of boundary fault propagation, activation, and
Morley 1995). deactivation occurs in northern Kenya, within an overall
easterly migration of tectonic activity with time (Baker and
may have accommodated over 10 km of extension (Hendrie Wohlenberg 1971, Morley et al. 1992). The basins are filled
et al. 1994). It took seismic reflection data to establish the by basement-derived sedimentary rocks, volcaniclastics, and
presence of the fault (Morley et al. 1992). lava flows.
Recent studies have helped unify some of the more frag- Extension across the western branch is estimated to be a
mented aspects of previous research. In particular, the deep maximum of about 13 km equating to a Beta (β) factor of
seismic refraction profiling program in the Kenya Rift 1.2–1.3 (Morley 1988, Ebinger 1989, Kusznir et al. 1995).
(KRISP) has provided details about the structure of the Considerably more extension, up to about 40 km, affected
lower crust and mantle that has important implications for the northern Kenya Rift (KRISP 1991, Morley et al. 1992,
the geodynamics, structure, and igneous evolution of the Hendrie et al. 1994).
rift and has helped to pull different geoscience disciplines
together (for example, the special volumes of Tectonophysics Volcanism
No. 236, 1994 and No. 278, 1997). Important volcanism has affected the East African Rift
System since its formation. There is, however, a marked dif-
ference between the quantity and timing of volcanic emis-
MAJOR ASPECTS OF THE EAST AFRICAN sions between the eastern and western branches. The west-
RIFT SYSTEM ern branch began volcanic activity in the late Miocene and
activity has been restricted to four main areas: Rungwe;
Rift Basins of the East African Rift System Virunga; South Kivu; and Toro-Ankole (see Ebinger 1989 for
a review, Figure 2). Volcanic activity began in the eastern
Seismic reflection surveys acquired during the 1980s branch during the Oligocene and today outcrops of volcanic
revealed the existence of very deep, extensive rift basins in rocks are very widespread.
Introduction to the East African Rift System 5

In the eastern branch, rifting was accompanied or pre- ism in the northern and central Kenya Rift, south of the
ceded by voluminous eruptions of basalts, trachytes, and Tugen Hills area (Figure 3) the reverse seems to apply and
phonolites (Baker et al. 1972, Justin-Visentin et al. 1974) volcanism probably preceded rifting.
followed, in some places, by rhyolites. Trace element geo-
chemistry suggests that most of the melts under the rift Pre-Rift Structure
zone have been derived from the mantle, perhaps at depths The East African Rift System is developed on crust that
between 40–80 km (transition from spinel to garnet peri- exhibits a relatively simple Phanerozoic history of succes-
dotite, e.g., Latin et al. 1993, Macdonald 1994), while geo- sive rift and sag basins formed during the Paleozoic, Meso-
physical data indicate that zones of partial melts lie zoic, and early Tertiary. Most important in terms of extent
between 60–100 km (e.g., Banks and Beamish 1979, and influence on the EARS geometry is the Precambrian
Achauer et al. 1994). The large volumes of basaltic magma crystalline basement. The basement is formed by a number
(about 924,000 km3 over the last 30 m.y.) are estimated to of relatively stable Archean cratonic areas surrounded by
have required a source region larger than the volume of the orogenic sutures (orogenic or mobile belts). The good qual-
lithosphere under the rift. This led Latin et al. (1993) to ity of exposures associated with the East African Rift, aided
infer that the partial melt zone in the lithosphere was fed by the absence of a thermal sag basin, enables the interac-
by extra material derived from a rising asthenospheric man- tion between rift structure and basement fabric to be inves-
tle plume. Some melting of the crust may also have tigated (see Chapters 9 and 11). The region serves as a good
occurred, but contributed a relatively small amount to the analog for the role of fabrics on rift structure. In the fol-
total volume of magma (see Macdonald et al. 1994 for a lowing section the history and nature of the largest scale
review). In the Kenya Rift some compositional changes in fabric elements are considered.
the extrusives can be attributed to variations in Precambri-
an basement composition (Smith and Mosley 1993). Precambrian Basement
From the Pliocene to the Present, magmatic and tecton- Of the five Archean cratons that make up southern
ic activity in the eastern branch has been concentrated Africa, two play an important part in the EARS, these are
within a narrow axial trough (e.g., Suguta Valley, Figure 4). the Zambian and Tanzanian Cratons. Both are composed of
This change in activity is marked by different petrological para- and orthogneisses, with associated basic and ultraba-
and geochemical characteristics of the extrusives, which are sic rocks (Anhaeusser et al. 1969). Stabilization appears to
predominantly transitional series basalts (Barberi and San- have occurred between 3,600 and 3,000 Ma. for the Tan-
tacroce 1980). Despite the concentration of volcanic activ- zanian Craton (Spooner et al. 1970, McConnell 1972, Kroner
ity within the rift there is also marked Miocene-Quaternary 1977), and at about 1,820 Ma. for the Zambian Craton
“off-axis” volcanism on the rift flanks, such as Mount Elgon, (Brewer et al. 1979). Crustal thickness of the cold and rigid
Mount Kenya, and Mount Kilimanjaro. cratons may reach 50–60 km. The rift structure at the
It is commonly thought that the earliest volcanism in the largest scale is controlled by the presence of these cratonic
Kenya Rift preceded the earliest known rifting (e.g., Baker areas, both the western and eastern branches lie within the
and Wohlenberg 1971, Morley et al. 1992, Macdonald et al. orogenic or mobile belts that surround the Tanzanian Craton
1994). Volcanic activity was initiated at younger times pro- (McConnell 1972, Figure 5).
gressing southwards. Volcanism commenced around 33–36 The orogenic belts display three main episodes of defor-
Ma. in northern Kenya (Lotikipi area), and around 15 Ma. in mation. The oldest is the Eburnean (2,100–1,800 Ma.). It is
the southern part of the rift. In the southern Kenya Rift important for creating the approximately 140° striking
crustal extension began around 10 Ma., while the splay ductile metamorphic fabric that deflects the rifts from a
faults further south were initiated around 5 Ma. The onset north-south orientation to an northwest-southeast orienta-
of extension in the Lotikipi and Turkana area is not so clear. tion in the western rift branch between Lakes Tanganyika,
Previous work has viewed the volcanics in the Lotikipi area Rukwa, and Malawi.
as forming prior to the main rifting events (e.g., Baker and The Kibarian Orogeny (1,400–900 Ma.) forms north to
Wohlenberg 1971, Morley et al. 1992). However, in Chapter north northeast trending zones of ductile deformation. In
3 it is argued that the Lotikipi volcanics may have occurred particular, one chain (Karagwe-Ankole) forms the basement
during and after a Paleogene rifting event. This extensional to the northern Tanganyika-Lake Kivu area.
event may be related to the Central African Rift-Anza The Panafrican or Katangian Orogeny of about 600 Ma.,
Graben system, not the East African Rift System—its rela- created the most widespread orogenic belts including the
tionship to the volcanism is unclear. In the central and crystalline basement which underlies the Kenya Rift (e.g.,
northern Kenya Rift the onset of volcanism prior to rifting McConnell 1972, Smith and Mosley 1993). In the western
is also in doubt because feldspathic (basement derived) branch the orogeny is represented by the Bukoban Belt,
sandstones underlie middle Miocene volcanics and directly which is relatively weakly deformed and includes platform
overlie Precambrian basement in the Lokichar Basin, the sedimentary rocks, that are exposed on the eastern side of
Kito Pass area, and the Tugen Hills (Chapman et al. 1978, Lake Tanganyika (Holmes 1952, Daly 1984).
Morley et al. 1992). These sandstones are of Paleogene-mid-
dle Miocene age in the Lokichar Basin and are clearly syn- Karroo Basins
rift deposits (Morley et al. 1992, Chapter 2). The data The Karroo is a term used to identify dominantly conti-
presently available suggests that faulting preceding volcan- nental deposits that occur in a number of separate basins
6 Morley et al.

Figure 4. Location map for the Kenya Rift (combining data

from Baker 1986, Morley et al. 1992, and Smith and Mosley
1993). Crustal cross sections are based on seismic refraction
profiling (after KRISP 1991).

throughout southern Africa (Figure 6). They range in age east-west (Daly et al. 1989). It has been proposed by Daly
from Late Paleozoic to the Early Jurassic. In South Africa et al. (1989) that these basins developed in the foreland of
the largest Karroo basin is a foreland basin associated with the Cape Fold and Thrust Belt under conditions of approxi-
the Cape Fold and Thrust Belt. Many of the other more lin- mately north-south compression, and east-west extension.
ear Karroo deposits have been interpreted as representing The Karroo rifts followed pre-existing lines of weakness in
extensional or pull-apart basins (see Kreuser 1995 for a the basement and opened under oblique shear. Several seg-
review). They most commonly trend northwest-southeast or ments of the EARS follow the trends of Karroo basins. Most
northeast-southwest, and less commonly north-south and important for the data examined in this volume is the super-
Introduction to the East African Rift System 7

imposition of the Karroo age and proto-Rukwa Rift and the

late Tertiary-Recent age rifts in the vicinity of Lake Rukwa
(Figure 3).
Although many of the Karroo outcrops lie in fault bound-
ed basins it does not necessarily mean that all the Karroo
sediments were deposited in rifts. Some units may well rep-
resent sag basin deposits that were subsequently preserved
in grabens and eroded from the flanks. This problem has not
been widely investigated. However, it seems clear that the
Karroo deposits of northeastern Kenya are widespread and
seismic data has revealed they change thickness only grad-
ually and are little affected by faulting—these features
point to a sag basin origin.

Jurassic Rifting
The middle Jurassic extensional phase is the most “suc-
cessful” of the many rifting episodes that affected East

Figure 6. Map of the main Karroo outcrops in central and

southern Africa. The pre-Jurassic rifting fit of Madagascar,
India, and Antarctica with Africa is also shown (after Daly et
al. 1989).

Africa, but is very poorly represented onshore. Around

Oxfordian time, Madagascar, India, and Antarctica separat-
ed from East Africa and oceanic crust was generated (Rabi-
nowitz et al. 1983). The Lamu Embayment in Kenya (Figure
6) is the most likely site for the pre-rift location of Mada-
gascar and coincides with the southeasterly termination of
the Anza Graben (Reeves et al. 1987). Consequently, some
control on the location and orientation of the Anza Graben
might be due to the presence of an older Jurassic triple
junction in the vicinity. There appears to be little influence
by Jurassic rifting on the other rift basins examined in this
volume. The Jurassic rift-related basins seem to be confined
to the coastal regions of Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique.

Cretaceous-Paleogene Rifting
An extensive rift system runs across central Africa, from
the west coast in Nigeria to the east coast in Kenya. In
places it may have a Jurassic history, but in general the rifts
formed during the Cretaceous, with episodic active rifting
lasting in some areas until the early Tertiary (e.g., Schull
1988, Genik 1992, Bosworth 1992, Bosworth and Morley
1994). This rift system affects the EARS in the northern
Kenya area where the northwest trending Anza Graben ter-
minates on the east side of Lake Turkana. The connection of
the Anza Graben with the rift in Sudan is poorly known, but
such a connection must lie in northern Kenya (Figure 7).
Exploration in this area, discussed in Chapters 2 and 3, pro-
vides important information on the relationships between
the older and younger rift trends. In most places the Creta-
ceous-Paleogene rifts are located in completely covered,
low-lying areas, and are only known from subsurface stud-
ies (particularly gravity and seismic surveys and drilling).
Figure 5. Map showing the main elements of the Precambrian These rifts form deep basins (6–8 km) that in places have
basement terranes (compiled from Mondeguer 1991 and Smith significant accumulations of hydrocarbons (e.g., Schull
and Mosley 1993). 1988, Genik 1992). The extension of the productive rift
8 Morley et al.

Figure 7. Map of the Cretaceous rift system

in East Africa (after Ebinger and Ibrahim
1994 and Hendrie et al. 1994).

trends in Sudan were traced to the Anza Graben which was by magmatic underplating. This would mean that progres-
explored by several oil companies. Subsurface data for the sive shallowing of the Moho to the north does not neces-
Anza Graben is examined in Chapter 4. sarily indicate an increase in the amount of extension (Fig-
The topographic low in northern Kenya between the East ure 4). This conclusion has two flaws. First, there is no
African and Afar Domes (Figure 2) coincides with the trend evidence for approximately 35–40 km of extension in the
of Cretaceous-Paleogene rifting and may reflect a regional upper crust of the central Kenya Rift, as there is for the
influence of the older rift trend on the younger one. Turkana area. It does not appear possible for half graben
systems, as extensive as those in the Turkana area, to be
concealed beneath flows in the central and southern Kenya
DEEP STRUCTURE OF THE RIFT AND Rift. The surface rift simply is not wide enough. Nor are
TECTONIC MODELS FOR RIFTING large negative gravity anomalies, indicative of buried
basins, present. The second flaw is the assumption that
Significant variations in the thickness and structure of volcanism diminishes in volume to the north. Karson and
the crust in the Kenya Rift has been revealed by seismic Curtis (1989) made a minimum estimate of the volume of
refraction and wide-angle reflection surveys conducted by extrusives in the Kenya Rift between 4°N and 2°S of
the KRISP working party (1991). The crust thins from about 109,400 km3. Yet for the Lotikipi Plain area (partly below
35–40 km on the flanks to 30 km along the rift axis in the and partly above 4°N) across to the east side of Lake
central part of the rift (Figure 4). Passing along the rift axis, Turkana, the volume of Oligocene-Miocene lavas was esti-
the crust thins from about 35 km beneath the Kenya Dome mated at 450,000 km3 by Morley et al. (1992). Consequent-
to about 20 km in the Turkana area. A high velocity zone ly it is difficult to argue that the volume of lavas decreases
(6.8 km/sec) at the base of the crust has been interpreted to the north.
as a zone of magmatic underplating (Green et al. 1991, Despite the plausibility of the arguments for significant
KRISP working party 1991, Figure 4). crustal inflation by magmatic intrusion there does not seem
The potential zone of magmatic underplating represents to be a major discrepancy between upper and lower crustal
material added to the crust during rifting, and implies that thinning estimates in the Kenya Rift. In fact, estimates of
the amount of crustal stretching (Beta factor) is higher than upper crustal extension fit well with extension estimates
the present thickness of crust would indicate (Latin et al. using the KRISP data. For both brittle and ductile extension
1993, Macdonald et al. 1994). Macdonald (1994) suggested in the Turkana area extension is estimated at about 40 km
that the central and southern Kenya Rift may have under- (Hendrie et al. 1994), while about 10 km is estimated for
gone the same amount of extension as did the Turkana area, the central Kenya Rift. Hence it is difficult to explain why
but since volcanism is more voluminous in the central and there appears to be a good correlation between upper and
southern Kenya Rift, the crustal thinning was compensated lower crustal thinning when magmatic underplating and
Introduction to the East African Rift System 9

intrusion should result in a relative underestimate of lower refraction or reflection survey is needed in the Turkana area
crustal thinning. to help resolve this problem.
This problem remains unresolved, and has important Considerable debate has centered around whether the
implications. One, or a combination, of the following factors tectonic evolution of the East African Rift is active or pas-
could be involved: sive (e.g., Morgan and Baker 1983). In the passive model,
1. the extension estimates are wrong; rifting is driven by regional stresses (the forces created by
2. assumptions about the relative volumes of intruded to the processes of plate tectonics, such as subduction and
extruded igneous rocks are incorrect; ridge push) and the athenospheric mantle rises passively,
3. a significant volume of crustal material is lost into the controlled by the amount and geometry of extension in the
mantle when magma is intruded (Morley 1994); and lithosphere (e.g., McKenzie 1978). In the active rift model,
4. the simple shear/pure extension model for the Turkana the rise of the asthenospheric mantle is attributed to ther-
area is incorrect. mal plumes and is independent of extension in the lithos-
Seismic refraction data and low rift topography suggest phere—the upwelling asthenosphere is the driving mecha-
considerable ductile flow of the lower crust (Mechie et al. nism for rifting.
1994). If ductile flow can move material laterally along the Many geophysical studies of the East African Rift System
rift, or towards the rift flanks, then the material added dur- have been directed at trying to constrain the active and
ing magmatic underplating may be widely redistributed by passive rifting models. There is strong evidence for mantle
nonplanar ductile strain. A more detailed deep-crustal thermal plumes (active rifting), as indicated by the broad

Figure 8. Map of the seismicity of East

Africa from events recorded this century
(from Nusbaum et al. 1993).
10 Morley et al.

Figure 9. Schematic cross sections

illustrating the tectonic development
of a continental rift system based
upon the East African Rift System
(after Morley 1994).

topographic highs of the Afar and East African Domes crust to at least 165 km depth has been identified in the
(Ebinger et al. 1989, Figure 2). The KRISP seismic refraction southern Kenya Rift (Achauer et al. 1994, Slack and Davis
project, building on earlier studies, identified velocity and 1994). Consequently, the asthenosphere is interpreted to lie
density anomalies in the upper mantle underlying the Kenya very close to the base of the crust under the Kenya Rift and
Rift, interpreted as the presence of partial melts (Davis et thermal processes within the mantle are thought to be
al. 1993, Mechie et al. 1994, Keller et al. 1994). A steep important for affecting both the igneous and structural evo-
sided low-velocity body confined to approximately the lution of the rift (e.g., Baker and Wohlenberg 1971, Williams
width of the surface rift, and extending from the base of the 1978, Morley 1994, Smith 1994). It is thought that the
Introduction to the East African Rift System 11

observed crustal thinning of about 10 km is too little to Tongue et al. 1994). Data from the central Kenya Rift
explain the magnitude of mantle lithosphere thinning (Tongue et al. 1994) shows a clustering of events beneath
required to emplace asthenospheric mantle near the base of the central trough of the Kenya Rift at depths between 2–7
the crust, hence an active mantle plume has been proposed km, with the brittle-ductile transition zone lying at about
instead (Davis et al. 1993). 12–16 km. Sub-vertical fault plane mechanisms are thought
These data do not mean that a passive rifting model can to represent failure on dike-country rock interfaces and dike
be entirely written off. A passive rift system will tend to propagation, with minimum compressive stress directions
locate itself at the weakest regions of the continental ranging between east-west and northwest-southeast (Young
lithosphere. If mantle plumes are responsible for the weak- et al. 1991, Tongue et al. 1994). The Kenya Rift is at a rel-
ening, then a passive rift will be superimposed on active atively advanced stage of structural evolution in contrast to
regions of the mantle. One problem with the passive rifting the western branch. The early half grabens with large
model is that the African Plate is regionally in a state of bounding normal faults have been abandoned in favor of a
compression, which led Zoback (1992) to argue that the narrow zone of minor faults developed above a relatively
buoyancy force of low-density upper mantle beneath the high brittle-ductile transition zone. Young volcanic activity
Kenya Rift is (locally) more dominant than the ridge-push is concentrated along this central zone and sub-surface dike
compression and this produces the present-day northwest- emplacement appears to be an important mechanism for
southeast extension. However, there is strong evidence for accommodating extension.
several significant changes in the paleostress field from the A schematic model for the evolution of the rift system is
Miocene-Recent (see Bosworth et al. 1992 and Bosworth illustrated in Figure 9, which combines the observations
and Strecker 1997 for reviews, and Chapter 12). Such made from seismic refraction, seismological, seismic reflec-
changes conflict with the long term process envisioned by tion, and surface geological studies. The asthenosphere
Zoback (1992). The active rift model also fails to explain rises underneath the rift by both active and passive mech-
why the northwest-southeast oriented minimum compres- anisms triggering partial melting of the upper mantle and
sive stress direction arose in the late Pleistocene, whereas the emplacement of magma bodies within the crust. Rifting
the topographic domes developed much earlier (Bosworth et in the crust begins by the formation of high-angle deep-
al. 1992, Bosworth and Strecker 1997). penetrating, large normal faults, leading to the develop-
ment of large half grabens, such as those found in the west-
ern branch of the EARS. As rifting progresses, the
SEISMICITY IN EAST AFRICA brittle-ductile transition zone within the crust rises and
Figure 8 is a map of earthquake epicenters in East Africa, earthquake epicenters tend to rise. Somewhat lower-angle
it shows that the western branch of the rift is considerably boundary faults may develop. Some rift basins become
more active than the eastern branch (Fairhead and Girdler abandoned and new ones created. As extension progresses,
1971, Nusbaum et al. 1993). The western branch represents a relatively narrow belt of igneous intrusions may form with-
a continental rift in the early stages of development, hav- in the crust. Extension and igneous activity may become
ing a duration of some 10 m.y. (e.g., Ebinger 1989). Strong progressively more concentrated in this zone resulting in
seismic activity runs from Lake Mobutu in the north to Lake dike and minor fault swarms taking over accommodation of
Malawi in the south, also a large area to the west of the rift extension from the large half graben boundary fault sys-
is seismically active (Fairhead and Henderson 1977). One tems. This evolutionary sequence could lead to oceanic rift-
striking feature of the western branch is that many earth- ing (Mohr 1982).
quakes are of large magnitude and deep seated. Between
Lakes Tanganyika and Malawi, focal depths tend to be inter-
mediate (13–17 km), (Shudofsky 1985). However, data from SUMMARY
Lake Rukwa shows a large deep earthquake with a focal The East African Rift System is formed primarily in the
depth of 25 km (Forster et al. 1995) in this zone with a zones of Precambrian orogenic belts, and avoids the stable
northeast-southwest to east northeast-west southwest min- Archean cratonic areas. The most profound influence of pre-
imum compressive stress direction. Seismicity in the Rukwa existing fabrics is exerted by Precambrian ductile fabrics.
area ranges between depths of 6–30 km (Camelbeeck and However, late predominantly extensional events during the
Iranga 1996) and is associated with the boundary fault mar- Permo-Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Paleogene have
gin of the rift, with motion on planes dipping between 60° also influenced the location, orientation, and geometry of
and 70°. Deep seismicity between 29–40 km affects the the Tertiary rift systems to some extent.
extremities of the rift branches and the Ruwenzori Horst The two branches of the EARS have undergone different
area (Zana and Hamaguchi 1978, Shudofsky 1985, Shudofsky tectonic histories. In general, the western branch can be
et al. 1987). The localization of deep earthquakes to the regarded as a good model for a young continental rift while
extremities of the rift branches suggests that the early the eastern branch is more representative of a mature con-
stages of rift development in cold, brittle continental crust tinental rift system that has failed to produce oceanic crust.
are characterized by deep faults that can traverse much of In comparison with the eastern branch, the western branch
the crust (Morley 1989, Girdler and McConnell 1994). is younger (late Miocene-Recent), has only scattered, iso-
The eastern branch is seismically relatively quiet (Figure lated areas of volcanic activity, and is more seismically
8). Nevertheless, numerous small earthquakes affect it (e.g., active with deeper earthquakes (down to about 30–40 km).
12 Morley et al.

The eastern branch was probably initiated in the Eocene and North; and the Elgayo-Tugen Hills Basin or South Kerio
is at a structurally more advanced stage than the eastern Trough (Figure 10). Most of these basins are half grabens
branch. In the Kenya and Ethiopian Rifts, older half grabens bounded on one side by major boundary faults (Figures
have been abandoned in favor of a narrow rift zone charac- 11–14). Sedimentation in many of these basins was
terized by minor fault swarms, dike intrusions, and volcanic episodically interrupted by volcanic pulses (Figure 15).
centers. There is evidence for an important active rift com- Extensional activity in several of the basins was also episod-
ponent (very thin mantle lithosphere, large topographic ic and significantly different timing of deformation can be
domes), as well as the effects of passive rifting. identified even in adjacent basins.
Recent research has shed considerable new light on the A brief summary of the tectonic history and stratigraphy
geological evolution and structure of the EARS and older rift of the known half graben basins as determined by oil explo-
basins, yet many problems remain. Some of these problems ration activity to date is presented in Part 2 of this chapter.
are as follows:
1. The complete paleostress evolution of the rift is not fully
understood, although multiple stress changes have been
suspected or recorded. The driving mechanisms for the
stress changes remain a cause for debate.
2. The role of active and passive rift mechanisms and their
impact on the generation of magmas is still an area of
active investigation.
3. There is the problem concerning the amount of extension
undergone by the rift system. Current estimates of upper
crustal extension appear to tie well with the deep crustal
extension estimates from seismic refraction data. Howev-
er, the lower crust appears to contain a significant vol-
ume of intruded material, that perhaps should have
inflated the crustal volume during extension. Conse-
quently, the lower crust should actually display less
extension than the upper crust. This issue needs consid-
erably more investigation. More details about the deep
structure of the crust would be very beneficial.
4. A comparison between deep profiles across the western
and eastern branches would help our understanding of
how rifts evolve, at present only data from the Kenya Rift
is available.
5. The presence or absence of old, deep basins in the
Ethiopian and southern Kenya Rifts needs to be further
investigated. The Turkana area has provided some
examples of the older half graben history of the rift, but
large areas of the eastern branch have very little subsur-
face control.

Part 2—Rift Basins in the Kenya

Tertiary Rift

The Kenya Rift lies in the eastern branch of the East
African Rift System (EARS). Major extensional faults in the
Kenya Rift define separate sub-basins with distinctive struc- Figure 10. A map of the Tertiary Kenya Rift showing major
tural and geological settings (e.g., Chapman et al. 1978, faults, seismic lines, and basins. The basins shown above are:
Morley et al. 1992). Different basin terminologies within 1. Lotikipi; 2. Gatome; 3. Turkana North; 4. Turkana Central;
different companies has resulted in multiple names for some 5. Turkana (onshore) or Kerio north; 6. North Lokichar or
basins as follows: Turkana (offshore) or Turkana Basin; Lodwar North; 7. Lokichar or Lodwar South; 8. Kerio Basin or
Lokichar or Lodwar South; North Lokichar or Lodwar North; Kerio South; 9. Turkana South; and 10. Elgayo-Tugen Hills or
Kerio Basin or Kerio South; Turkana Basin (onshore) or Kerio South Kerio Trough.
Introduction to the East African Rift System 13

Figure 11. Seismic line across the Elgayo-Tugen Hills, or South Kerio Trough, KV1-89 and KV1E-89 (acquired by NOCK, see Figure 10
for location).

Figure 12. Regional composite of seismic

lines TVK-13 and TVK-12 across the Kerio and
Lokichar Basins (data acquired by Amoco).
14 Morley et al.

Figure 13. Seismic line S91-10 across Turkana (onshore) basin (data acquired by Shell, see Figures 10 and 12 for location).

SOUTH KERIO TROUGH OR ELGAYO-TUGEN data (BEICIP 1987). The seismic reflection data could not
HILLS BASIN penetrate the thick volcanic cover in the shallow subsurface.
No wells have been drilled in the basin, but the stratig-
The South Kerio Trough covers the Kerio Valley and the raphy is known from exposures in the Tugen Hills, which lie
Loboi Plains in the southeastern area of the central Kenya towards the flexural margin (e.g., Chapman et al. 1978). The
Rift (Figure 10). Seismic data acquired over the area by the flexural margin is terminated by the Tugen Hills and Saimo
National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK) in 1990 has been Faults which bound a basin to the east. A section from Pre-
processed and interpreted (Pope 1992 and Ngenoh 1993, cambrian basement up to the Pliocene has been mapped
Figure 11). There are no significant structures seen on the (Chapman et al. 1978). Much of the basin fill is comprised
processed lines, although the seismic data does show a of middle Miocene-Pliocene volcanic flows and volcaniclas-
large boundary fault, the Elgayo Fault, which marks the tics. However, some formations contain coarse arkosic clas-
western boundary of the trough (Figure 11). This fault tics, including the Tambach Formation arkosic sands (Figure
curves towards the basin depocenter as defined by gravity 15) which are moderately-well sorted, fine- to medium-

Figure 14. Seismic line S90-100 across the North Lokichar Basin (data acquired by Shell, see Figures 10 and 12 for location).
Introduction to the East African Rift System 15

Figure 15. Stratigraphic correlation

between various basins in central
and northern Kenya (data after
Chapman et al. 1978, exploration
wells, and Morley et al. 1992).

grained, and cemented by clays (illite and smectites) and Basin fill was predominantly of fluvial and fluvio-lacus-
calcite. Primary porosity has been reduced by these cements trine sediments with two marked pulses of lacustrine devel-
from about 35% to 10% (Ego 1994). opment. The lacustrine shales have good to excellent source
Miocene syn-rift sedimentary deposits in the Tambach rock potential and are of Types I and II. The porosities of
and Ngorora Formations contain good lacustrine source potential reservoir sandstones decrease with depth from
rocks. Outcrop samples from these formations (the Kapki- about 17% to approximately 10% (unpublished report by
amo and Poi sub-basins within the Tugen Hills) yielded Shell E&P, Kenya B.V. 1993). Diagenetic pore filling clays
average TOC values of 3% in some intervals (NOCK unpub- (smectites and chlorite) and zeolites reduce the porosity
lished report, 1989), of good to excellent oil-prone, Type-1 and permeability—a common occurrence in volcanic-
source rocks of lacustrine-algal origin. The Ngorora Forma- derived clastic sediments.
tion was deposited on the Tiim Phonolites and capped by A regional cross section (composite of seismic lines TVK-
the Ewalel Phonolite (Bishop and Chapman 1970, Figure 13 and TVK-12) which crosses the Lokichar and Kerio Basins
15). It’s stratigraphy has been extensively studied and dis- is shown in Figure 12. It shows two half grabens separated
plays a variety of fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine environments by a basement high, which in outcrop is called the Lokhone
including tuffaceous sandstone filled channels, stunted Horst. The density of secondary normal faults is higher in
stromatolitic carbonates, and fish-bearing paper shales the Kerio Basin than the Lokichar Basin. Most secondary
(e.g., Bishop and Chapman 1970, Bishop and Pickford faults appear to penetrate basement.
1975). The latter weather to a white color, but fresh sam-
ples are high in TOC.
This basin lies in the southwest part of the Turkana The Kerio North Basin is the northern-most basin to be
region (Figures 10 and 12). Palynological data, from explored by drilling (Figures 10, 12, and 15), where the
exposed sedimentary rocks and drilling, indicate that the Eliye Springs-1 well was drilled to a depth of 2,970 m (see
deeper part of the basin is Eocene and early Miocene in age. Chapter 3). The stratigraphy of the basin is not well con-
Subsidence in the basin was controlled throughout its his- strained due to the poor recovery of palynofloras from the
tory by an east-dipping master fault with a maximum throw well; mainly red beds barren of palynomorphs were pene-
of about 7 km. trated. However, radiometric dating of volcanics and a few
16 Morley et al.

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