Historical Evolution of Motor Technology

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Historical Evolution of Motor Technology 38

Historical Evolution of Motor Technology

Hiroyuki Mikami, Dr. Eng. OVERVIEW: Driven by a strong desire to produce electric motors using
Kazumasa Ide, Dr. Eng. domestic rather than foreign technology, Hitachi’s founder, Namihei Odaira,
Yukiaki Shimizu produced three 5-HP electric motors in 1910. Now, a century later, electric
motors incorporate a variety of different technologies and have undergone
Masaharu Senoo
significant changes in their size, performance, and other features. They have
Hideaki Seki become a key device that underpins society in a wide range of fields including
power generation, industry, transport, and home appliances.

INTRODUCTION fields including power generation, industry, transport,

2010 marked the 100th anniversary of Hitachi’s and home appliances (see Fig.  2). In particular,
formation and it is widely known that the company’s in conjunction with advances in microelectronics
first product was a 5-HP (horse power) induction motor technology and power semiconductor devices since
(see Fig. 1). Although most electric motors in Japan the 1980s, rapid progress has been made in the field
at the time were imported from overseas, Hitachi’s of inverters (a form of electrical conversion system)
founder, Namihei Odaira, embarked on development and the drive control systems that combine inverters
driven by a strong desire to produce electric motors with motors. Along with control functions that have
using his team’s own technology developed locally made it possible to supply motors with operating
in place of foreign technology. After overcoming characteristics tailored to specific system applications,
numerous technical challenges, the result was it also seems likely that this progress was helped along
three 5-HP motors produced in 1910. This was the by the desire for greater energy efficiency. Almost all
beginning of Hitachi’s activities in the field of electric power generation involves the use of generators and
motors as well as its starting point in motor technology electric motors are widely used as power sources in
development. factories, railways, and home appliances, and even
Now, a century later, the electric motor has become in vehicles and data processing equipment. It is also
a key device that underpins society in a wide range of widely known that motors account for approximately

Field Application Output (W)

1 10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M 1G
EPT (main motor)
(EPS, pump, etc.)

Household AC

Home Refrigerator
Washing machine

Vacuum cleaner
General purpose
(pump, blower, etc.)

Fig. 1—5-HP (horse power) Induction Motor. Steel mill
After building up experience and skills through the repair of
Power Wind power
electrical machinery, Hitachi produced three induction motors systems
Thermal power
with an external diameter of approximately 400 mm and a
weight of approximately 150 kg. The motors were designed EPT: electric power train HEV: hybrid electric vehicle
EPS: electric power steering AC: air conditioner
by Naosaburo Takao (who later became Vice-President) and
manufactured from parts made using a sheet steel processing Fig. 2—Examples of Hitachi Electric Motor Products.
machine imported from the UK and a coil winding machine Motors and generators have advanced to become key devices
they built themselves. that help underpin society.
Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 1 39

40% of all electricity consumption (1) . As well as 5-HP (3.7-kW) 4-pole induction motor
playing a major role in industrial progress, it is no
exaggeration to say that rotating machinery in the form
1910 1916 1935 1951 1955 1963 1970 1991 1994
of motors and generators form part of the foundations
1977 2001
of modern society. 100
Total prod. = 20 M Total prod. = 40 M
Journal bearing Ball bearing
This article reviews the historical evolution of

Ratio of mass (%)

the technology used in electric motors together with Copper Aluminum
bar rotor diecast rotor
generators, inverter control, and other associated Class A
Class E
components, describes examples of work being done 40
Steel plate Aluminum
Cast iron frame frame frame
on the ongoing development of motors, and looks at 20
the outlook for the future. JIS
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
CHANGES IN MOTOR TECHNOLOGY JIS: Japanese Industrial Standards
Fig. 3 shows the history of motors and associated
Fig. 4—Changing Mass of Hitachi 5-HP Motor.
technology. This history goes back nearly two
Numerous technical developments have made motors smaller
centuries to a series of inventions inspired by Faraday’s and lighter.
laws of electromagnetic induction in the first half of
the 19th century. Because early motors were powered
by batteries, most progress focused on DC (direct Hitachi have changed over time. The adoption of a
current) motors. This was followed subsequently by wide range of technologies has reduced motor size
the invention of practical induction, synchronous, and to about one-fifth that of the first motor made back
other AC (alternating current) motors as AC power in 1910 and advances in production techniques have
technology became more advanced. The principles seen cumulative production pass 45 million motors in
behind the motors used today were largely worked January 2010.
out during the 19th century and they have undergone The following sections describe the changes that
steady progress since then by drawing on advances have taken place in the key technologies of design
in the three key enabling technologies of design, (analysis), materials, and production techniques that
materials, and production techniques. have underpinned the evolution of the electric motor.
The 5-HP electric motor described above was also
part of this history of progress. Fig. 4 shows a graph Design and Analysis Technologies
indicating how the weights of 5-HP motors made by This section takes as an example the use of
electromagnetic field analysis in electrical and
magnetic design which is considered the most
1830 1900 2000 important design and analysis technology for motors
Hitachi 5-HP induction motors and generators.
Motor development at Hitachi
Fig.  5 plots the progress in electromagnetic
5-HP motor field analysis alongside the changes in the capacity
▲: Steinmetz ▲: Kron coordinate ▲: 2D magnetic analysis
transformation ▲: 3D magnetic
of turbine generators which are the largest of all
▲: Concordia theory analysis rotating machines. Because conducting studies on
Systematization Design
▲: DC generator / Magneto of motor theory technology full-scale prototypes is impractical when developing
▲: DC generator / ▲: Electrical steel ▲: Rare-earth
Dynamo sheet permanent magnet
large generators, electromagnetic field analysis
▲: AC generator ▲: SMC has played a role in design investigations since the
▲: Induction motor ▲: Amorphous steel sheet
Invention of “motor” Material technology technique was first invented. Quasi two- and three-
▲: Insulation ▲: High-space-factor winding dimensional analyses were first used in the 1960s and
Production technology ▲: Segment core
three-dimensional analysis using the edge-element-
Period of invention Period of
scientific initiatives
Period of industrial
based finite element method is now widely used (2).
2D: two-dimensional 3D: three-dimensional DC: direct current
Computing speeds have also been improved, not only
AC: alternating current SMC: soft magnetic composite because of the obvious improvement in the capabilities
Fig. 3—History of Motors and Associated Technologies. of the computers themselves, but also through the
The electric motor was invented in the 1830s and underwent adoption of a number of computational techniques.
scientific and industrial advances during the 20th century. A relationship is evident between this trend and the
Historical Evolution of Motor Technology 40

Stator Frame
Hitachi turbine generator

Conventional 4-pole
Max. capacity (MVA)

1,600 Conventional 2-pole 1,570 MVA Rotor

1,300 MVA 200

1,200 Air-cooled 2-pole Amn

1,120 MVA 100

940 MVA 800 MVA

800 0



400 250 MVA Tim

eH 0

70 MVA onic

n Ord

60 0



3D analysis
Quasi 3D analysis Electromagnetic field Spectral force resolution Structural vibration
2D analysis
Relative calculation speed (p. u.)

108 Parallel computing

Improvements of edge- Cal. by simplified stator model

Sound pressure level (dBA)

Application of FEA
element FEA formulation Meas. Cal. by complete stator model
106 to electromagnetism 80
104 Quasi-3D Robust algorithms 60
formulation for solving non-linear 50
10 2 problem
Invention of edge-element FEA 30 Pick up points
1 for noise
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 20
Year 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
p. u.: per unit FEA: finite element analysis Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 5—Advances in Analysis and Design Techniques Relating Fig. 6—Motor Electromagnetism and Noise Analysis.
to Electromagnetic Field Analysis. Motor noise can be estimated quantitatively based on a
Large and complex analyses have facilitated the development coupled electromagnetic force, structure, and fluid analysis.
of motors, generators, and other machines thanks to advances
in the computing environment.

analysis, structural analysis, and vibration and noise

increase in the capacity of the turbine generators analysis and it has become possible in recent years to
made by Hitachi, which has utilized electromagnetic analyze motor noise through coupled electromagnetic
field analysis from its very beginnings, and this force, structure, and fluid analysis (5) (see Fig. 6).
corroborates the role that analysis techniques have
played in increasing capacity. Materials and Production Techniques
The ability to use two-dimensional electromagnetic Materials and production techniques have made
field analysis to analyze the mechanical movement a major contribution to improvements in motor
of the rotating part of the motor (rotor) dates back performance over recent years. In terms of materials,
to the latter half of the 1980s. This analysis took a mass production of electrical steel commenced in the
considerable length of time in those days meaning 1960s and this material was quickly adopted for use
that it could not necessarily simulate all the different in motors. Similarly, rare-earth magnets invented in
motor operating conditions and accordingly it was
only used in a limited way. To eliminate restrictions
480 NdFeB magnet
like this, Hitachi developed techniques for shortening
product (kJ/m3)
Max. energy

the calculation time by taking advantage of the various 320 SmCo magnet
cyclic aspects of internal motor operation based on 160 AlNiCo magnet
motor theory(3). These expanded the range of cases that Ferrite magnet
1910 1950 2000
could be analyzed and allowed a complete cycle of the
Air conditioner compressor motor
waveform to be calculated from analysis information
for a particular region only, including analysis of Stator

situations that combined both long-wavelength

Ferrite magnet NdFeB magnet
components and very short-wavelength components Rotor q-axis
as occur in induction motor rotor currents. Based on cut
analysis techniques like these, it became possible to Feature Distributed
Concentrated Rotor core Thin slot
winding winding
with q-axis cut insulation
calculate losses caused by short-wavelength/high- Performance 3 kNm/m3, 94% 7 kNm/m3, 95% ← , 95.5% ← , 96.0%
frequency components that occur due to the motor
NdFeB: neodymium iron boron SmCo: samarium cobalt
structure and to separate fully the electromagnetic AlNiCo: aluminum nickel cobalt
force components associated with each mode and Fig. 7—Advances in Motors Due to Rare-earth Magnets.
frequency(4). Progress has also been made on coupled The invention of the neodymium magnet led to a major step
analysis techniques such as electromagnetic field forward in motor performance.
Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 1 41

1983 have played a major role in reducing motor size of the coil wound around the mold. Technology was
and improving performance. also developed to ensure that the stator core is put
Fig.  7 shows the history of permanent magnet together with a high degree of roundness when it is
development and advances in permanent magnet separated and reassembled, resulting in small size and
motors. Magnet energy product improves progressively low cogging torque. This technology has been used in
from ferrite through alnico and samarium-cobalt industrial servo motors since 2000 (6).
magnets. While the most commonly used magnet in
earlier times was the low-cost ferrite magnet, use of INVERTER AND DRIVE CONTROL
neodymium magnets (the strongest type of magnet) TECHNOLOGIES
grew rapidly after their invention. Looking at the Changes in Variable-speed Systems
influence these magnets have had on Hitachi’s air Whereas DC motors had previously been the
conditioner compressor motors, initially these motors mainstay for variable-speed motor control, a major
used ferrite magnet rotors combined with distributed- shift to AC motors took place in the 1980s. Fig.  9
winding stators. The arrival of the neodymium magnet shows the history of advances in motor drive control.
saw the adoption of concentrated windings for the The major factors behind these advances are the
stator and, as shown in the figure, smaller coil end performance improvements in microcomputers and
size. Although coil ends with concentrated windings the main circuit elements used in inverters. The main
are smaller, because they produce large harmonic control method changed progressively to AC motor
components in the magnetic flux distribution, the vector control and, in terms of precision, response, and
stator and rotor shape become important design speed range, the performance of AC motors came to
considerations. Consequently, advances in the surpass that of DC motors.
electromagnetic field analysis techniques described
above have been complementary with those in magnet Sensorless Control
materials and have allowed both axial length to be Fig.  10 shows how vector control of induction
roughly halved and efficiency to be improved. motors has evolved. The general-purpose inverter has
One example of production technology is a provided the driving force behind induction motor
technique for achieving a high space factor (winding control technology. Sensorless vector control was
density) through use of a split core. Fig. 8 shows an incorporated in general-purpose inverters in 1989.
example of a technique for increasing the density of
wires in the winding slots by using a press-forming
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
machine to pressure-mold an aligned pre-wound core.
This achieves a high space factor by molding the wire Motor DCM ACM (IM, SM)

into the shape of the slot that is to hold the winding Power M-G Thyristor Leonard Cycloconverter
converter PWM invertor
without compromising the insulation performance
Control Analog-digital
circuit Analog hybrid Digital (microprocessor), ASIC

Control Sequence control, Vector control

High-density wire molding technology algorithm PI control Anti-vibration control
Self-bonding wire
I Precision DCM ACM 1.0
Clinging (%) 0.05
by energizing 0.25 0.01

Response DCM 60
15 – 20 500 – 1000
(rad/s) 2
Press die Speed DCM 1:1000 –
Winding frame range 1:5 1:200

AC servo motor (2001) DCM: DC motor ACM: AC motor IM: induction motor
SM: synchronous motor M-G: motor-generator
• Small size PWM: pulse width modulation
• High space factor: 75% • Low cogging torque ASIC: application specific integrated circuit PI: proportional/integral
• High accuracy • High speed response:
roundness: 0.03 mm 500 Hz Fig. 9—History of Advances in Motor Drive Control.
State in slot section
The performance of variable-speed AC motor systems has
improved with advances in control and power conversion
Fig. 8—Split Core and Winding with High Space Factor. equipment (Reference: 2001 Annual Conference of Industry
Better motor performance was achieved by improving the coil Applications Society, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of
space factor and the precision of split core assembly. Japan, S11-1).
Historical Evolution of Motor Technology 42
200% torque
Permanent magnet motors were introduced in
frequency at

Sensorless vector control


5.0 V/F
constant • HITACHI • HITACHI • HITACHI Hitachi air conditioners in 1982 and mass-market
1.0 HFC-VWA SJ300 SJ700
0.0 models have used sensorless control since that time.
1970 1980 1990 2000

1989 1999 2006

Since then, permanent magnet motors and sensorless
Speed sensorless Zero-speed SJ700 control have become the industry standard for air
vector control sensorless 200% torque at 0.3 Hz, conditioners. PAM (pulse amplitude modulation)
vector 150% torque at 0 Hz
control which varies the amplitude of voltage pulses
0.3 Hz 200
100 was developed subsequently and technology for
Torque (%)
0 300 600 900 1200
driving motors with an ideal sine wave current was
HFC-VWA SJ300 Speed (min-1) developed in 2002. A form of sensorless control that
V/F: voltage/frequency
used neither the position sensor nor current sensor
originally required when using vector control to drive a
Fig. 10—Advances in Vector Control for Induction Motors.
motor was developed at the same time, resulting in the
Advances in vector control provided improvements in motor
ultimate circuit configuration for an ideal drive (7).
Sensorless control without position or current
sensors is now being widely adopted in home
Air conditioner

6.0 Induction PM motor appliances such as refrigerators, cordless cleaners, and

motor • Less & less

• 120° control
• PAM washing machines as well as in other fields such as in
2.0 industry or for auxiliary automotive motors.
1970 1980 1990 2000


Conventional Less & less
PM Concerns in recent years about how to prevent
Position Current sensor Sensorless Sensorless
global warming are driving demands to reduce motor
Controller MPU based

energy consumption by making motors even smaller
Development of position- current and more efficient. To achieve both smaller size and
sensorless control with 120° Ideal sine wave current drive
commutation, use of PM introduced in consumer appliances higher efficiency, it is necessary to minimize as far as
motors in air conditioners. using “less & less” technology.
possible the various types of energy loss that occur
COP: coefficient of performance PM: permanent magnet inside motors while simultaneously dealing with the
PAM: pulse amplitude modulation MPU: microprocessor unit
reduction in heat dissipation performance that results
Fig. 11—Advances in Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet when motors are made smaller.
Against this background and on the occasion of
Advances in control techniques for permanent magnet motors
that do not use position and current sensors and which were
the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding,
developed for use in air conditioners. Hitachi, Ltd. in collaboration with Hitachi Industrial
Equipment Systems Co., Ltd. produced a prototype
concept motor in 2010 with the intention of achieving
Compared to V/F (voltage/frequency) control used even smaller motor sizes in future. The prototype
previously which kept the flux swing constant, vector involved the development of technology to improve
control achieves a significant improvement in low-speed heat dissipation, a coupled magnetic field and thermal
torque by controlling the torque components. Zero- analysis technique that simultaneously analyzes the
hertz sensorless technology was first commercialized magnetic flux and heat flow in the motor, and design
in 1999 and succeeded in performing vector control at optimization techniques that are based on this analysis
0 Hz, something that was not previously possible. technology. It is this analysis technology that makes
Fig.  11 shows the history of sensorless control the greatest contribution to the design of motors for
techniques for permanent magnet motors. Development small size and the following sections describe the
of permanent magnet motor control was undertaken technology itself together with the prototype motor
primarily for air conditioning appliances. The size and that was investigated with its aid (8).
efficiency of permanent magnet motors underwent a
sudden improvement with the invention of rare-earth Coupled Magnetic Field and Thermal Analysis
magnets, but because they cannot be started without an and Shape Optimization Techniques
inverter, the applications for these motors have grown Because the objective was to make a smaller motor,
with the help of control technology. a permanent magnet configuration was chosen for the
Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 1 43

prototype. The technologies required for permanent Stator core

magnet motor design can be broadly divided into x6

electrical design, cooling design, and demagnetization

x8 Coil
analysis (demagnetization: the loss by a magnet of its
magnetism). Conventionally, the most common design
approach has been to treat electrical design, cooling x7

design, and demagnetization analysis separately and x5 x9

base the design on individual analyses that dealt x4
with losses, temperature, or other parameters. Also, x1
Rotor core
design conditions such as the variation in material
characteristics or dimensional tolerances often have
specific ranges. Accordingly, it was essential to Permanent magnet
run analyses based on severe conditions to ensure (a) Optimized variables in magnetic field analysis model
performance could be achieved even under worst-case
conditions. This design methodology meant that excess Objective function
Variable x
margins were built into the motor’s structural design
and performance, in which case a series of prototypes (1) Calculation of material History of
constants temperature rise
would be produced after the design stage to adjust
(2) Generation of finite
the extent of these structural design and performance element mesh
margins. Read previous
Typically, the structural design of a motor is (3) 2D-magnetic field analysis values.

determined by the required torque performance and Optimization

engine (4) Calculation of motor losses
permitted temperature rise. Problems that arise when
a motor is made smaller while keeping the same
(5) Calculation of thermal
output and efficiency include that losses remain the History of
core length
same despite the smaller chassis and the excessive (6) Steady-state thermal
rise in temperature due to the reduction in surface network analysis
area for dissipating heat. The problems associated (7) Calculation of motor
with higher temperature include loss of magnetism characteristics
Set new values.
in permanent magnets and an increase in winding
Objective function F(x)
resistance, resulting in a deterioration in motor torque
characteristics. In other words, there is a trade-off (b) Flow of proposed method
between motor size and temperature. Accordingly,
Fig. 12—Newly Developed Coupled Magnetic Field and
striking a good balance between temperature rise and
Thermal Analysis and Shape Optimization Techniques.
torque performance is a key point when designing Linked analysis of heat and magnetic fields together with shape
motors for small size and it is considered essential that optimization achieved both a shorter design time and a smaller
the temperature in the actual environment where the motor.
motor is to be used be considered in the analysis if a
design that achieves this balance is to be obtained.
In response, Hitachi has developed analysis set in the objective function and the calculation is
technologies that can be used to design smaller repeated until the objective function criterion (which
permanent magnet motors by linking magnetic field in this case is the minimum motor size) is satisfied,
analysis using the two-dimensional finite element with the optimization engine used each time to set the
method with thermal analysis using the equivalent variables for the next iteration subject to the specified
thermal network method and combining these with restrictions.
shape optimization using mathematical programming
methods. Fig. 12 shows a flow chart of this analysis Prototype Results
technique. The analysis starts by setting assorted A prototype 5-HP permanent magnet motor
motor variables which are used as the basis of a two- produced using the above techniques achieved a
dimensional magnetic field analysis which is followed volume only one-fifteenth that of Hitachi’s original
by a thermal analysis. The results of the analysis are 5-HP induction motor from 1910 (and only one-third
Historical Evolution of Motor Technology 44

D e sp it e h av i ng su ch a h ig h d eg r e e of
miniaturization, the motor achieved a very high
Hitachi’s first motor (IM)
efficiency of approximately 94% in continuous
operation tests.
Current model
(PM) The evolution of the electric motor has been
underpinned by design, production, and material
technologies. In recent years in particular, motor
performance has received a major boost from a variety
of simulation techniques and other advances such as
in materials technology, particularly in the field of
permanent magnet motors. Prompted by concerns
Fig. 13—Comparison of Original 5-HP Motor, Current about reducing the burden on the environment, it is
Production Model, and New Prototype. anticipated that, in addition to the expected further
The body of the prototype motor is only one-fifteenth the size of improvements in efficiency, the future will also
Hitachi’s original motor. see further research into motor structure aimed at
reducing material usage through smaller motor sizes
and making available materials that do not include
scarce resources (9) . With use of electric motors
5-HP motor and inverters becoming standard practice, it is also
designed by anticipated that motors, inverters, and motor control
will become integrated in both a structural and design
sense. In terms of control, vector control has entered
widespread use starting with 120° commutation
control, and it seems likely that control techniques
that take account of motor non-linearity caused
by magnetic saturation will enter practical use in
order to combine controllability with small size and
light weight (10) . In the field of design technology,
meanwhile, it is anticipated that integrated design
Fig. 14—Prototype Motor on Show at Hitachi uVALUE methods will be adopted using techniques based on
Convention 2010 held in Japan.
overall optimization instead of designing the inverter,
The prototype motor was included in the 100th Anniversary
Exhibit and was made using a design prepared by Hitachi’s
motor, and control separately as in the past and then
Design Division. having to tune their combined operation.

the volume of current 5-HP induction motors) (see Motors and generators are examples of products
Fig.  13). The motor development also drew on the that utilize magnetism in their operation. This article
leading-edge materials of the Hitachi Group including has reviewed the historical evolution and future
the use of neodymium magnets from Hitachi Metals, outlook for these machines along with the inverter-
Ltd. in the rotor, enameled wire from Hitachi Cable, based control systems used to drive them.
Ltd., and organic chemical materials from Hitachi As with the relationship between motors and
Chemical Co., Ltd. control and motors and inverters, it is anticipated that
An example of the prototype motor produced electric drive will continue to make rapid advances
using a design from Hitachi’s Design Division was in the future through the ability to produce designs
unveiled to the public at the “Hitachi uVALUE that are even better at balancing reliability, structural
Convention 2010” held in July 2010 in Japan where it design, and value by designing motors and inverters
was included in an exhibit celebrating the company’s as a single unit.
100th anniversary (see Fig. 14).
Hitachi Review Vol. 60 (2011), No. 1 45
REFERENCES (6) Y. Enomoto, “Factor Analysis on Cogging Torques in
(1) “Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems 2007 Segment Core Motors,” The Transactions of the Institute
Conference Reports,” The Japan Electrical Manufacturers’ of Electrical Engineers of Japan 124-D, No. 1, p. 85 (Jan.
Association, Electrical Manufacture 14 (Oct. 2007). 2004).
(2) S. Wakui, “3D Magnetic Field Analysis of a Turbine (7) Y. Kawabata, “Study of Control for Position Sensorless and
Generator Stator Core-end Region,” The Transactions of Motor Current Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous
the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 124-D, No. 1, Motors Drives,” Proceedings of the 2002 Japan Industry
pp. 77–84 (2004). Applications Society Conference 1, No. 171 (2002).
(3) H. Mikami, “Analysis of Higher Harmonic Components in (8) N. Iwasaki, “Miniaturization Design and Performance
Magnetic Fields on Three Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Evaluation of Prototype Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Motors Considering Higher Harmonics in the Secondary Motor Optimally Designed with Thermo-Magnetic Field
Current,” The Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Coupling Analysis,” The Papers of Technical Meeting on
Engineers of Japan 116-D, 158–116 (Jan. 1996). Rotating Machinery, IEE Japan, RM-10-66 (May 2010).
(4) K. Ide, “Analysis of the Harmonics of the Void Magnetic Flux (9) H. Amano, “Examination of Applying Amorphous Rolled
Waves of the Synchronous Machine Considering Positive- Core to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors,” The
phase/negative-phase Separation,” The 1992 National Papers of Technical Meeting on Rotating Machinery, IEE
Convention Record I.E.E.Japan, No. 708 (1992). Japan, RM-08-122 (Nov. 2008).
(5) K. Siohata, “A Method for Analyzing Electromagnetic-Force- (10) H. Nagura, “New Vector Controller for PM Motors Which
Induced Vibration and Noise Analysis,” The Transactions of Modeled the Cross-Coupling Magnetic Flux Saturation,”
the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 118-D, No. 11, Proceedings of the 2009 Japan Industry Applications Society
p. 1301 (Nov. 1998). Conference, No. 1-151 (2009).


Hiroyuki Mikami, Dr. Eng. Kazumasa Ide, Dr. Eng.

Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1990, and now works at the Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1988, and now works at
Department of Motor Systems Research, Hitachi the Department of Power Electronics Systems
Research Laboratory. He is currently engaged in Research, Hitachi Research Laboratory. He is
research and development of motors, generators, currently engaged in research and development of
and drive systems. Dr. Mikami is a member of The power electronics equipment including motors. Dr.
Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan and The Ide is a senior member of The Institute of Electrical
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Engineers of Japan and IEEE.

Yukiaki Shimizu Masaharu Senoo

Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1972, and now works at Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1975, and now works at the
the Motor Power Systems Division. He is currently Motor Power Systems Division. He is currently
engaged in a project to strengthen motor and inverter engaged in a project to strengthen motor and inverter
development. development. Mr. Senoo is a member of The Institute
of Electrical Engineers of Japan.

Hideaki Seki
Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1979, and now works at the
Motor Power Systems Division. He is currently
engaged in a project to strengthen motor and inverter

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