Partura Schmitz

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The Schmitz delivery table

comfortable and safe delivery –
with focus on preventive obstetrics

Catalogue no. 88
Valid as of September 2011
combining comfort, flexibility
and safety

Idea: Karin Berghammer/

Iris Podgorschek
Design: podpod design

The delivery table is designed in such In modern-day hospital care, great em- The closed, smooth covering and the
a way as to offer maximum freedom phasis is placed on patient satisfaction as padded areas are easy to clean and
of movement to the expectant mother well as safe medical treatment. disinfect.
during the first stage of labour and the
expulsion period. It may be adjusted The delivery table manufactured by If required, the table may be adjusted in
infinitely with a hand control. Schmitz meets all requirements: just a few steps to allow rapid surgical
The expectant mother can adjust the intervention.
table herself to suit her individual needs. It combines an attractive design with
The pleasantly padded lying surface is great comfort for the expectant mother The delivery table for a safe and gentle
large enough to allow active support by and optimum working conditions for birth.
the partner. The midwife may use the foot the obstetrics team.
section as a seat.
First stage of labour, Second stage of birth
table in lowest position (64 cm) in vertical position with partner,
to alternate between relaxation and the woman may lean against
movement, the low table height her partner, bodily contact
facilitates getting up and down from
the table

Birth in lithotomy position, Birth in crouching position,

classical position optimization of the birth axis,
maximum kyphosis,
perineum is relieved

Birth in Trendelenburg position Birth in crouching position with partner,

in shoulder dystocia, who can lift the woman slightly when
surgical interventions or manual the head emerges, bodily contact

First stage of labour and/or Surgical delivery,

transitional stage in knee-elbow forceps delivery or vacuum extraction,
position in cases of urge to bear manual expulsion in breech presentation
down prior to full dilatation post partum to care for the perineum,
of the cervical os and in in manual removal of the placenta
intrauterine asphyxia

Birth in knee-elbow position, Caesarean section in delivery room

for multiparas with a previous epidural in case of absolute indication
to relieve the perineum and with
particularly large children

Post partum, Shock position in prolapse of the cord

with birth in knee-elbow position, or circulatory collapse
the woman does not have to
turn around after delivery and can
simply sit back

Second stage of labour in vertical Leg elevation for relaxation

position, comfortable sitting position;
the recess in the mattress means
that no pressure is applied to the
perineum. The woman does not
require a partner, manual expulsion
possible in breech presentation

Delivery table Partura®
Perfectly equipped

Delivery table Partura 140.01.101

l The foot section can be separated from

the main section – for better access for
midwife and doctor – foot section may
also be used as a seat or storage.

l Parallel and separate electromotive

height adjustment of main and foot

l Easy cleaning and disinfection

thanks to closed, smooth sur-
faces, detachable upholsteries.

l Mobile by means of swivel

castors – central braking system.

l 24 standard colours for an

attractive colour design.

l Manifold possibilities of adjustment,

high stability and a lot of space
for all different labour-facilitating
positions – also involving the partner.

l Electric adjustments by means of

2 hand control units.

l Softstart function of all bed


l Multifunctional back rest, insertable

at main and foot section.

l Leg supports with ball and socket

joint for a fast adjustment out of
park into use position.

l Operational reliability at temporary

power failure thanks to integrated

1 3

Powder-coated finish:
1. colour – signal yellow RAL 1003
2 4
2. colour – grey aluminium RAL 9007
1 Accessories:
Easy and fast storing of leg supports under the top
or swinging-back, if required. 8
Cushion 104.01.601
2 to support the back
Back rest may also be attached at the foot section.
Fitted cover 104.01.602
3 for two-part-pad, white, may be washed up to 95° C
If not required, handles may stored at the head end
of main section. 9
Supporting bar 104.01.603
4 to stabilize the shoulder girdle, powder-coated steel
Main switch, potential equalization, battery indicator, tube, tiltable and height adjustable, with two s/s
socket acc. to IEC 60230 C13 swivel-type clamps, mounting on side rails

5 10
Infusion rod may be attached at the head or on Handles (pair) 104.01.604
the left or right-hand side. detachable, powder coated steel tube,
attachment to back section, s/s clamp
Handgrips for an easy movement of foot section. 11
Fixing lever for looking of foot section. Rinsing basin 104.01.605
made of stainless steel,
7 355 x 325 x 100 mm (L x W x D)
Two hand controls with helix cable, situated left and
right hand at main section. 12
Foot supports (pair) 104.01.606
stainless steel attachment, foot plates of plastic
material, grey

5 6 9 11

7 8 10 12
Delivery table Partura®

Powder coated finishes

Standard equipment Two hand controls with helix cable, left
Partura delivery table, and right of the main section, for infinite grey white RAL 9002
model no. 140.01.101. ad­just­ment driven by an electric motor.
Main section featuring seat and back, foot pure white RAL 9010
section; on casters, central locking device. v Height of main section adjustable
v Back section adjustable alabaster grey RAL 0007500*
Main and foot sections may be separated.
The foot section may be pushed under the v Seat section adjustable
main section, four locking positions. light grey RAL 7035
v Inclination of top (shock position)
Seat section features a recess of 150 mm v Height of foot section adjustable
radius. anthracite grey RAL 7016
(in connection with main section)
Two-part pad for main section and foot The integrated emergency power supply
jet black RAL 9005
section made of highly elastic coated guarantees security in case of short-term
foam, moisture repellent and secured power failure.
against slipping. white aluminium RAL 9006
Technical specifications
1 two-part cover, white, Height of main section adjustable
grey aluminium RAL 9007
may be washed up to 95° C. from 645 - 925 mm
Height of foot section adjustable
Casing and frame made of powder coated from 460 - 925 mm rape yellow RAL 1009050*
sheet steel, available colours on our colour (only in connection with main section)
chart. External dimensions of delivery table
signal yellow RAL 1003
with back rest
Back rest may be attached at the head or 2330 (L) x 1015 (W) mm
foot end, with imitation leather covering in Padded top 1950 (L) x 950 (W) mm yellow orange RAL 0506060*
granite grey 89. Length of mattress on back rest 890 mm
Length of mattress on seat section 350 mm
light ivory RAL 1015
Two Göpel-type leg ­supports, stainless Length of mattress on foot section 695 mm
steel 18/10, integral foam pad in light grey, Mattress thickness 80 mm
height adjustable. Two ­rotating joints to Angle of inclination of top 0-12° sahara beige RAL 0607030*
attach the leg supports. Quick changing (shock position)
of leg supports from parking position to Adjusting angle of back section 0-78°
copper brown RAL 8004
shock position, e.g. Adjusting angle of seat section 0-27°
Safe working load
Two handles, stainless steel 18/10, integral (main section) 220 kg antique pink RAL 3014
foam in light grey, may be attached at the Safe working load
sides. (foot section) 135 kg
pastel lilac RAL 3108010*
Weight foot section 110 kg
Infusion rod with 4 hooks, stainless steel Weight main section 265 kg
18/10, may be attached at the head and Total weight 375 kg jade green RAL 1808010*
near the handles, height adjustable. Supply voltage 230 V AC
Frequency 50 Hz
Power consumption max. 0.76 KW fir green RAL 1703020*
Back support near the seat recess, semi-
circular, integral foam light grey, for birth Protection class I/B
in squatting position. lemon green RAL 1008060*
Two-part pad for main section and foot
­section: granite grey 89 leaf green RAL 1206050*
Back rest pad: granite grey 89
Leg supports, handles and back support: turquoise blue RAL 5018
integral foam light grey
Sheet steel parts: powder coated acc. to
colour chart. white blue RAL 2408015*

light blue RAL 2606030*

sapphire blue RAL 5003

6 * RAL shades


645-925 460-925

Schmitz u. Söhne Schmitz abroad: Spain Russia and Eastern Europe
GmbH & Co. KG Switzerland SCHMITZ u. Söhne Ibérica S.L. Schmitz u. Söhne GmbH & Co. KG
P. O. Box 14 61 SCHMITZ AG Centro de Negocios Tartessos Sergey Kosolapov
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Germany (postal address) 8207 Schaffhausen C/Pollensa, n° 2 – Oficina 3 04279 Leipzig
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Technical service, hotline: Phone +41 (0) 21 6 91 74 66 Piazza Garibaldi 20 Guangzhou Representative Office
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All articles including correspond-
ing a
­ ccessories marked with the France
CE label meet the standards for SCHMITZ FRANCE SAS Latin America
medical d ­ evices acc. to Za du Serroir n° 2 Schmitz u. Söhne
MPG and the EC regulation 54690 Lay Saint Christophe GmbH & Co. KG
93/42/EEC. Phone +33 (0) 3 83 22 94 67 Alfredo Gentile
Fax +33 (0) 3 83 22 82 38 Av. Córdoba 1513 Piso 8, Oficina A Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone +54 (0)11 4811 4642
The products may only be used Fax +54 (0)11 4811 4642
for their intended purpose of use. Mobile 0911 6887 2086
Please also observe our operating

e have acc. to
W ed 008
certifi 9001:2:2007
I S O 485
E N O 13

The complete Schmitz-products range

Gynaecology, DIAMOND OPX Operating varimed® STL 285, STS 282, varimed® varimed®
Urology and A class of its own Tables for Out- Furniture for STX 280 The trolleys – Medical Furniture
Proctology patient Departments OR theatres The Patient Transport our experts for Examination and
The perfect and Operating and day-surgery Systems for Emer- for everyday Treatment Areas
equipment to meet Theatres gencies, Outpatient clinical practice
all requirements Unique Flexibility Depts., Intensive
and Reliability Care and X-Ray

The company reserves the right to alter the design, construction, dimensions and finish of its products without notice. All relevant dimensions and weights are quoted as approximate
information/data. Due to technical reasons minor colour deviations are possible. Schmitz Catalogue No. 88, 09.2011 E

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