Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
© CA Darshan D. Khare
Chapter 22 Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
Sec 5: Withdrawal of Recognition
1. If CG is of the opinion that recognition granted to an Exchange must be withdrawn in the interest of the trade or of the public, it may withdraw the recognition
after serving due notice on governing body of the Exchange.
2. However, the withdrawal will not affect validity of Contracts entered into before the date of withdrawal notification.
3. RSE has not been C/D or it fails to submit the scheme within the specified time therefore or the scheme has been rejected by SEBI, the recognition granted to such
stock exchange, shall stand withdrawn and the CG shall publish, by notification in the OZ, such withdrawal of recognition.
4. Withdrawal shall not affect the validity of any contract entered into or made before the date of the notification.
© CA Darshan D. Khare
Chapter 22 Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
a. Qualification for membership member. State in which the principal office of office of the stock exchange is
b. Manner in which contracts shall be 5. SEBI also has the power to appoint the RSE is situated. situated.
entered into and enforced as one or more inquiry officers who 5. After such publication, the rules will 4. If the stock exchange has any
between members. may submit their report to SEBI. be valid, as if they had been made or objection to the amendments
c. Representation of CG on Board of 6. SEBI carries out regular inspection of amended by the stock exchange made by the SEBI, it may, within 2
Exchanges. all Exchanges at periodical intervals. itself. months apply to the SEBI for
d. Maintenance of accounts of If market condition warrants it revision.
members and their audit. carries out special investigation into
4. CG may refuse the application after the affairs of the Exchanges.
giving an opportunity of being heard.
Sec 17 read with sec 13: Power to
Sec 12: Power to suspend business of
Sec 11: Superseding of Stock Exchange Sec 7A: Rules restricting voting rights declare a transaction: prohibited,
Recognised Stock Exchange
void or illegal.
1. If in the opinion of the CG an 1. CG has above power in case of: RSE is empowered to amend the Rules 1. CG has power in Public and
emergency has arisen and for the a. Public Interest regarding following matters: Investors’ interest to declare few
purpose of meeting the emergency b. Investor’s Interest a. One member shall have one vote transactions as prohibited, void or
the CG considers it expedient to do c. Compliance of law maximum irrespective of number illegal or as a suspicion or
so, it may, by notification in the OZ d. Compliance of conditions and of shares held. consequence of fraud based on:
suspend such of its business for directions b. Voting on specific matters placed a. nature of transactions
period not exceeding 7 days. 2. CG are vested with power to before the meeting b. amount of transactions
2. The Central Government also has supersede the Board of SE after c. Powers to appoint proxy. c. volume of transactions
power to extend this period by a like serving on governing body a notice d. Supplementary & incidental d. geographical areas
notification. in writing and after giving OOBH to matters. e. Industrial areas, etc.
3. Examples: 1993 Bomb Blast-SE closed the governing Board. e. Today all SEs provide for one 2. Prohibition is a precaution, void is
for 10 days; Normally SE are closed on 3. CG may by notification in OZ declare member one vote and only members a consequence and illegal is
elections, etc. governing board of an Exchange as are allowed to be proxies. precaution as well as
superseded and may appoint consequence. To make a
person/s to perform and exercise all correction in already executed
powers of Board. fraud contracts CG has power to
give a license and ratify those
contracts by Licensed Traders.
© CA Darshan D. Khare
Chapter 22 Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
c. Any other matter incidental with, such transfer.
2. Every clearing corporation shall make bye-laws & submit it to SEBI for its approval.
3. On being satisfied that it is in the interest of the trade and also in the public interest to transfer the duties and functions of a clearing house to a clearing
corporation, SEBI may grant approval to the bye-laws and approve transfer of the duties and functions of a clearing house to a clearing corporation.
© CA Darshan D. Khare
Chapter 22 Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
5. SE shall comply with the order of SAT. 2. SAT may set aside or vary or confirm the order of SE.
Sec 22F Appeal to Supreme Court: 3. Copies of order of SAT shall be given to the parties to
1. Against the order of SAT appeal.
2. Appeal on question of law 4. The SE shall comply with order of SAT.
3. Within 60 days of receipt of order of SAT
4. Extension of period on reasonable cause up to 60 days by Supreme Court.
Sec 27: Title to Dividends; Sec 27A: Right to Receive Income from collective Investment Scheme;
Sec 27B: Right to receive income from mutual fund
a. Transferee shall have right to Dividend/ Income if the Transferee has made such claim within 15 days of such Dividend/ Income becoming due.
b. If the Transferee has not made such claim within the stipulated time, and if the delay is on account of the following reasons, even then the Transferee shall still
have the right to claim such dividend/ Income.
a. Death of Transferee b. Loss of Transfer deed c. Fault of Post
2. In cases other than mentioned above, Transferor has right over the said income.
© CA Darshan D. Khare
Chapter 22 Securities Contract Regulation Act, 1956
i. Every Court or Officer is setup by CG
ii. He will have such powers and salary as decided by CG
iii. He will have all powers of the Civil Court
© CA Darshan D. Khare