Select The Right Combination To Diagnose Syphilis

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S e r o lo g y r a p i d t e s t s

Select the right combination to

diagnose Syphilis

2 complementary agglutination tests for the

detection of treponemal and non-treponemal
antibodies in serum

All-in-one kits (controls included)

Qualitative or semi quantitative approaches available
Cost effective, routine laboratory test
High sensitivity and specificity
Fast results for clinicians

Treponema pallidum
During Syphilitic infection, 2 groups of antibodies are detectable: nontreponemal antibodies which react with
nonspecific antigens (RPR VDRL test), and treponemal antibodies which react with the specific antigens to
T. pallidum (TPHA test).

RPR VDRL test is a serologic cardiolopidic and nontreponemic test for the quick detection of Syphilis. The reagent
consists of a suspension of cardiolipin/lecithin/cholesterol and carbon particles in order to improve the visual
reading. Cardiolipidic antigens react with the antibodies (reagin) present in the sample and form macroscopically
visible black dumps.

TPHA test detects human T. pallidum antibodies by an haemagglutination method. Avian erythrocytes are
sensitized with T. pallidum fragments. In the presence of specific anti-T. pallidum antibodies, sensitized erythrocytes
(Test Cells) agglutinate resulting in characteristic clouding at the bottom of the wells of the microtitre plate. In the
absence of antibodies, they sediment and form a very dense ring or compact button in the bottom of the well.
Unspecific reactions are detected using Control Cells which are unsensitized erythrocytes.

1 Mix 190 µL diluent 1 Dispense 1 drop of 2 Dispense
+ 10 µL serum serum / plasma 1 free-falling
3 Transfer 25 µL or control(s) drop of the antigen
or control(s)
of mixture suspension

2 Remove 150 µL

4 Add 75 µL of: Test Cells / Control Cells

Tap plate gently to mix the

contents thoroughly Rotate 8 min
Cover and let stand 45 to at 100 r.p.m
60 min at Room Temperature

Results are expressed as an agglutination intensity (- to 4+). Examine immediately the presence or absence of
visible agglutination.

Negative results 1 : Non reactive

2 : Weakly reactive
4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ +/-
3 : Strongly reactive
Positive results

All positive results (+/- to 4) must be tested with the For the semi-quantitative procedure, please refer to the
Part nr: EMR TPHA RPR VDRL-490-2013/00EN

semi-quantitative procedure (see technical insert). technical insert.

Product range

RPRL-0100 RPR VDRL CARBON 100 tests >99% >99%

TPHA-0100 TPHA 100 tests 98.5% 99.6%
Product not available in the US.
Please contact your sales representative for product availability in your country

T: +33 1 41 45 07 13 Serbia T: +381 11 2467119
Belgium T: +32 9 2820 531 Switzerland T: +41 26 663 86 60
Brazil T: +55 27 3025 1415 The Netherlands T: +31 313 430574
France T: +33 4 94 88 55 00 UK T: +44 1442 869320 S O L U T I O N S
Italy T: +39 02 48 40 35 42 United States T: +1 609 216 736 tailored to your needs
Middle East & Africa T: +971 4 375 2744 855-ELITECH (855-354-8324) •

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