George E. Dieter-Mechanical Metallurgy SAYAN
George E. Dieter-Mechanical Metallurgy SAYAN
George E. Dieter-Mechanical Metallurgy SAYAN
Article in Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences · April 2016
DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0341
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However, looking at the foundational issue, which is concretely different from being interested
merely in the formal structure of theories, as even an elementary education in philosophy allows
us to distinguish, we realize in the end that these sectors are not disjoint, rather they fertilize each
by the power that they develop, being represented by entities dual of what describes the rate of
change of the body morphology (in geometric terms, they are elements of the cotangent space of
the manifold describing the body morphology; e.g. [7]). This abstract view allows us to go into a
— The starting point is geometric: we need to specify in some way the shape of a body
that we consider undeformed, because measuring strain means evaluating how lines,
volumes, areas vary within a body under the action of the external environment. About
this first step, the traditional format of continuum mechanics (see basic treatises on the
matter, [9–14]) shows a minimalist approach: we describe the shape of a body by selecting
just the fit region in three-dimensional space it may completely occupy, without adding
any geometric information on the way the matter is arranged at microscopic scales. Every
point of such a region is intended as the place of what we call a material element, a
conglomeration of atoms, an indistinct mass point endowed just with 3 d.f. in Euclidean
point space.
— Such initial choice determines the description of the interactions among distinct parts of
the body and the external environment. Subdivided into bulk and surface actions, they
are defined as elements of the dual space of what describes the rate of change of the body
morphology, as I have already mentioned, and satisfy the balance equations, which may
originate from multiple sources. The investigation of the nature of their origins is essential
for the individuation of reliable paths to determine them when we want to build up new
models. In fact, acting in analogy with well established practice, e.g. the balance equations
pertaining to a single mass point or a rigid body subjected to the action of the external
environment, may be at times just a hope to determine the result. The more we know
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about the nature of the interactions on and in a body, the more we can be sure about the
identification of the appropriate balance equations.
— Then we furnish information (indirectly in a sense) on the essential aspects of the material
elastically deformed crystals, provided appropriate choices of the unit cell characterizing
lattice periodicity [20,21]. The idea underlying the Cauchy–Born rule can be generalized
to multiple lattices [22] or to an expression in terms of velocities. Such a rule, however,
Beyond the interactions with quantum or statistical descriptions, the same internal structure of
continuum mechanics should be flexible to describe even unexpected expressions of condensed
matter. Reasons for this need emerge from specific circumstances.
3. What pushes us towards and beyond the borders of the traditional format of
continuum mechanics of materials
In summary, the traditional format of continuum mechanics in classical space–time, as sketched
in the previous section, is based on a conceptual hierarchy:
— Liquid crystals are composed of stick molecules with end-to-tail symmetry, which self-
organize aligning some way, driven by the interaction with the environment. A geometric
need is then the description of the local orientation of the molecules, because it
determines the essential peculiarities of liquid crystals, i.e. the transition from an order of
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alignments to another. The standard deformation map does not bring such information.
Moreover, the alignment of the stick molecules involves interactions not easily ascribable
to the standard traction due to deformation.
the molecular part rolled into a ball. Also they can suffer polarization. From a geometrical
viewpoint, the deformation alone is not sufficient to describe these microscopic features
and appropriate descriptors have to be inserted. So it is for other offspring of condensed
All the examples above are related to cases in which events developing at very small spatial
scales with respect to the size of the body have influence on the macroscopic mechanical
behaviour, exerted through interactions barely representable in terms of standard stresses. We
can call complex materials those characterized in this way to remind these peculiarities.
The effects of the microstructural changes can be at times described even within the traditional
setting as ‘irregularities’ of the deformation. Even in this case, however, we need to often render
evident the scaling, as shown in the paper by Likun Tan and Kaushik Bhattacharya in the
collection of contributions here introduced.
In any case, in constructing a continuum model of deformable bodies we need to take a
decision already from the first step in the hierarchy presented above, i.e. the representation of
the morphology of a body. Adopting the standard minimalist view, which requires for a body just
the selection of a fit region in space, is a choice. It can be enriched by the addition of variables
carrying information about the way the matter is arranged or the features involved in a class
of specific phenomena, as in the cases summarized in the items above. A basic question is to
decide whether the variables that we may introduce besides the deformation have just the role
of measuring, at a stage subsequent the description of the body morphology, the removal of the
body from thermodynamical equilibrium (as in [28–31]), or they furnish information on the body
geometry and are sensitive to changes in observers (as in [32]). In the first case, we do not need
to specify the physical nature of the variables introduced and we assign essentially a priori their
evolution, so that we speak about internal variables, according to the common jargon introduced
first in non-equilibrium thermodynamics [33] and then coupled with deformation later in the
references already mentioned. In the second case, we are introducing explicit direct or indirect
information on the shape that the body can have, expressed by variables that may be sensitive to
changes in observers just for this reason. Such variables can be associated with a distinguished
specific geometrical feature or may emerge from some statistical analyses, which may also allow
us to homogenize the material heterogeneity to get an ‘equivalent’ traditional continuum by
exploiting even intricate aspects of the stochastic calculus, as indicated in the paper by Xavier
Blanc, Claude Le Bris and Frederic Legoll in this collection of research contributions. Moreover,
the change in the geometric descriptive setting imposes us to think again of the notion of observer.
The distinction between the two ways of considering additional variables (see also relevant
discussions in [34]) has non-trivial physical consequences. In the first case, just thermodynamic
affinities are associated with the rate of change of these variables and they contribute just to
dissipation, while they play a parametric role at equilibrium, along conservative processes. In
the second case, we find true interactions, which satisfy appropriate balance equations. However,
formally the first case can be included in the second one, but the conceptual difference remains.
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The resulting models propose even arduous mathematical questions, as it emerges, e.g., from the
article by Sebastian Heinz and Alexander Mielke in this collection.
Some details, above all about the general model-building framework emerging from the
4. Morphologies
In the traditional setting of continuum mechanics of materials, a tangible body is viewed as an
abstract set B of not further specified material elements [8]. We then imagine the possibility of
establishing a one-to-one mapping
k : B −→ E
from B into the Euclidean point space E with dimension specified by the problem at hand;
typically 1, 2, 3, although to fix ideas we consider here just the three-dimensional case. In this way,
we represent the set B by its image B := k(B) and the geometric description of a material element
reduces to the assignment of a point in space.
We take B as an open bounded set coinciding with the interior of its closure and presume that
it is endowed with surface-like boundary oriented by the outward unit normal everywhere with
the exception of a finite number of corners and edges. Maps
u : B −→ Ẽ,
commonly assumed to be one-to-one, differentiable and orientation preserving, allow us to define
shapes of the body that we consider deformed with respect to B. So we call u a deformation and write
y for the value u(x). The selection of a functional space for deformations is already a constitutive
assignment. A function space is defined, in fact, by some properties pertaining to its elements, so
that they may describe some peculiarities of a class of material behaviours, excluding others.
In the above definition of u, the space Ẽ is a copy of E, obtained by an orientation-preserving
isomorphism or more simply the identification. The distinction between the space in which
we select the reference macroscopic shape of a body and the one including its deformed
configurations finds its reason of being in two basic aspects: one is connected with the definition
of changes in observers, the other concerns the computation of the so-called vertical and horizontal
variations of the energy in the conservative case, the former leading to the balance of forces, the
latter producing the balance of configurational interactions, at least in the conservative case.
At x ∈ B, consider a vector basis {eA } in Rm and a scalar product · , · , which determines a
metric g at x, a second-rank tensor with generic component gAB defined by gAB := eA , eB . g is
positive definite because {eA } is a basis and the scalar product is non-negative. Consider now the
space of linear functions over Rm . For f and element of such a space, write f(eA ) := f· eA . The dual
space has dimension m and its natural basis with respect to {eA } is given by those elements, called
covectors, indicated by {eA } and defined by the condition eA · eB = δBA . From now on we restrict our
attention on R3 , which is obtained from the space of differences of points in the three-dimensional
Euclidian space by assigning a basis and the origin of the related coordinate frame. For crystalline
bodies, the assignment of the metric in the reference space, a material metric, as we have done
so far, has a stringent physical character because the vectors {eA } can be selected as those of the
optical classes of the pertinent crystals, evidenced by experiments.
We indicate as usual by F the spatial derivative of the deformation, calculated at x. Precisely,
we have F := Du(x), with F expressed in components by (∂ui (x)/∂xA )ẽi ⊗ eA , where {ẽi } is the
counterpart of {eA } at y := u(x); in the previous formula uppercase indices refer to coordinates
on B, while lowercase indices refer to coordinates on Ba . The determinant of F allows us to
formalize the intuitive request that u has to be orientation-preserving. The condition is then
expressed by the nonlinear constraint detF > 0. By definition, F maps linearly tangent vectors
to B at x onto the tangent space of Ba at y := u(x). To summarize this statement, we write
F ∈ Hom(Tx B, Ty Ba ), where the subscript a characterizes as actual, i.e. referred to the deformed
macroscopic shape, the mathematical ingredient that it characterizes; Tx B is the tangent space
to B at x. Two linear operators play then a role: the formal adjoint of F, indicated by F∗
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and defined to be such that F∗ ∈ Hom(Ty∗ Ba , Tx∗ B), and the transpose FT , which is such that
FT ∈ Hom(Ty Ba , Tx B).
At any y ∈ B, the basis {ẽi } determines another metric, say g̃, which we can call spatial to
find necessary to go beyond the standard format of continuum mechanics, except circumstances
in which resort to infinite-dimensional spaces of descriptors appears necessary.
To describe specific (geometric) features of the structure of the matter at finer spatial scales,
beyond the time scale. In the setting discussed here, there is another geometric environment: the
manifold M of microstructural shapes. These remarks then lead to the following definition:
An axiom implicitly adopted in standard treatments is that two different observers must perceive
the same type of material. Consequently, changes of the atlas in the reference space must be also
material isomorphisms. The traditional notion introduced by Noll [8] requires to be extended to
the present multifield setting but, in any case, the condition requiring the conservation of the
referential mass density persists, so that changes of frames in the reference space must be volume
preserving, independently of the circumstance that we analyse solids or fluids, to agree with
the axiom just mentioned. Commonly, such an axiom of permanence of the material typology under
changes in observers is not rendered explicit but it is implicitly used in the Nöther theorem, the
Marsden–Hughes theorem and, above all, when we compute the horizontal variation of the elastic
energy in finite-strain elasticity.
We can define different changes in observers. We list those that we consider essential for
developing a unifying framework for the mechanics of complex materials and we do not consider
changes in the time scale.
y −→ y := a(t) + Q(t)(y − y0 ),
where y0 is an arbitrary fixed point. y and y
are the places of the same material element recorded,
respectively, by two observers O and O
. They differ from one another by the rigid-body motion
just defined, characterized by translation a(t) and rotation Q(t). By computing the time derivative
of y
and pulling back from O
to O the velocity ẏ
, we define a new velocity ẏ∗ to be
a standard relation in which c := QT a and q is the axial vector of the skew-symmetric tensor QT Q̇.
Changing coordinates in the physical space alters also the perception of the microstructures,
which are, in fact, in that space, within the deformed configuration, once u has been applied.
Their separate representation on the manifold M is just a model choice, which must account the
physical perception of the body. For this reason, we define a link between changes in observers in
the physical space, determined in general by elements of Diff(Ẽ 3 , Ẽ 3 ), the space of one-to-one
differentiable maps with differentiable inverse (diffeomorphisms in short) of Ẽ 3 onto itself—
rotations and translations are special cases—and transformations of the atlas on the manifold M,
given by elements of Diff(M, M), the group of diffeomorphism mapping M onto itself. Formally,
the link we imagine is given by a family of differentiable homomorphisms
which can be even empty. We do not need to render explicit λ for constructing a general model-
building framework. The specific choice of λ depends on the special cases we explore every time.
When the change in observer in the physical ambient space is of rigid-body-type, as above, the
set just defined reduces to
{λ : SO(3) −→ Diff(M, M)}.
with A(ν) ∈ Hom(R3 , Tν M). When SO(3) is not included in Diff(M, M) and the set {λ} is not
empty, by indicating by νλ(Q) the value of ν after the action of λ(Q) ∈ Diff(M, M) (once again the
explicit expression of νλ(Q) depends on the tensorial nature of ν and λ(Q)), A(ν) is given by
with q(t) ∈ R3 the value of a smooth map t −→ q(t) such that Q(t) = exp(−eq(t)), e Ricci’s symbol.
Otherwise, we get
A(ν) = .
dq q=0
For example, when M coincides with R3 , we find A = ν×. The choice of the relation (5.2) points
out that the microstructural descriptor is insensitive to rigid translations in space of the whole
body. In fact, ν at a point describes what is inside the material element placed there: it brings
information about the inner structure, which translates with the point and changes independently
of the translation itself.
Isometric-type changes in observers pertain also to the space where we select the reference
configuration. Let w the value at x and t of a vector field over the reference space. An observer in
this space is once again a coordinate frame. We indicate by w
the values of the considered vector
field after rotating and translating the coordinate frame. The pull-back of w
to the first observer
gives a transformation rule analogous to (5.1), a rule defining w∗ , namely
ẏ −→ ẏ# := ẏ + v̄.
w −→ w# := w + w̄.
However, according to the axiom of permanence of the material typology under changes in
observers mentioned above, changes in observers over the reference place should be described
by maps preserving the mass, i.e. the volume. Consequently, ĥt should be selected in the special
subgroup of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms.
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The second group of possible paths involves the choice of the list of state variables, so that we put
on the same conceptual level the derivation of the balance equations and the (at least preliminary)
assignment of the constitutive equations.
(7) We can evaluate, in fact, the first variation of some energy, even including dissipation
potentials (in this case, we have expressions of the so-called d’Alembert–Lagrange
(8) We can impose a balance of energy and require its covariance in the case that bulk forces can
be dissipative.
(9) We can assume an appropriate version of the Poisson brackets, even including dissipative
brackets (they are connected with a dissipation potential).
(10) We can decide a version of the second law of thermodynamics (even including the relative
power) and require its covariance.
The choice of a way to act is not just a matter of taste. Different assumptions are implied.
Our tendency should be to reduce them to the need of having a control as strong as possible of
the theoretical structures that we use, above all when we need to extend the framework that we
know to tackle the description of unusual or yet unexplored physical circumstances.
equations. When we act in this way, beyond the structure of the equations, we presume
the representation of the microstructural contact actions in terms of microstresses and
self-actions, without having proven the analogous of Cauchy’s theorem for the standard
— In the presence of dissipative bulk external actions, not necessarily associated with
a dissipation potential, covariance appears in Marsden–Hughes’s theorem [10]. In its
original version, the theorem refers to finite-strain elastodynamics of simple bodies.
(a) The procedure based on the invariance of the external power under isometric-type
changes in observers
Details on the procedure based on the invariance of the external power over a generic part of a
body viewed at continuum scale help in clarifying the previous remarks.
Let us call a part of the body in its reference place any subset of B with non-vanishing volume
and the same (geometric) regularity of B itself.
We define the power of external actions on a generic part of B (external power in short) as the
functional Pbext , linear on the rates ẏ and ν̇ and additive over disjoint parts, defined by
Pbext (ẏ, ν̇) := (b‡ · ẏ + β ‡ · ν̇) dx + (t · ẏ + τ · ν̇) dH2 ,
b ∂b
∗ B represents body forces (the sum of inertial and non-inertial components) and
where b‡ (x) ∈ Tu(x) a
∗ B is the traction through the boundary of b; τ (x) ∈ T ∗ M indicates microstructural
t(x) ∈ Tu(x) a ν̃(x)
∗ M their external bulk counterparts over the microstructure
contact actions, while β ‡ (x) ∈ Tν̃(x)
alone. dH2 is the ‘surface’ measure over ∂b. The dot between two generic symbols denotes the
duality pairing both in the expression of Pbext (ẏ, ν̇) and in any occurrence below.
By assumption both t and τ depend on x and n at every instant t. In other words, Cauchy’s
assumption about the dependence on the standard traction on the normal to the boundary of the
part considered is extended to the microstructural contact actions.
When we write such an expression of the power, we presume that the reference shape is fixed
once and for all. We then subordinate Pbext to an axiom of invariance.
Axiom of power invariance in a complex material [43]: The external power on a generic part b or
the whole B is invariant under isometry-based changes in observers, i.e.
Pbext (ẏ, ν̇) = Pbext (ẏ∗ , ν̇ ∗ )
(4) If |b‡ | is bounded over B and t(·, n) is a continuous function of x, t(x, ·), a function of n, is
homogeneous and additive, i.e. there exists a second-rank tensor field x −→ P(x) such that
P(x) = t(x, eK ) ⊗ eK ∈ Hom(Tx∗ B, Tu(x)
is the first Piola–Kirchhoff stress and eK is the kth vector of a basis in a neighbourhood of x
(Cauchy’s theorem in referential form).
(5) If in addition to the previous assumptions |A∗ β ‡ | is bounded over B and τ (·, n) is a continuous
function of x, τ (x, ·), as a function of n, is homogeneous and additive, i.e. there exists a second-rank
tensor field x −→ S(x) such that
τ (x, n) = S(x)n(x),
S(x) = τ (x, eK ) ⊗ eK ∈ Hom(Tx∗ B, Tν∗ M)
DivP + b‡ = 0 (6.6)
DivS + β ‡ − z = 0 (6.7)
SkwPF∗ = e(A∗ z + (DA∗ )S). (6.8)
(7) The equation
Pbext (ẏ, ν̇) = (P · Ḟ + z · ν̇ + S · Ṅ) dx (6.9)
holds and we call internal (or inner) power the right-hand side term.
Proof. The first item follows trivially by the arbitrariness of c and q because the axiom implies
Pbext (c + q × (y − y0 ), Aq) = 0
The first integral balance (6.1a) implies the boundedness of the absolute value of the traction
average over the boundary of any part, once the bulk actions are bounded. Consequently,
standard arguments [12] allow us to obtain the action–reaction principle (6.3) for t and the Cauchy
theorem (6.5) about the existence of a stress independent of n. Note that the existence of the stress
tensor can be obtained in less stringent regularity assumptions (e.g. [45,46]).
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so that
A∗ τ (x, n) = A(x)n(x) − (y(x) − y0 ) × P(x)n(x),
which implies the linearity of τ (x, n) with respect to n because A∗ does not depend on n.
The localization of the integral balance of forces, namely equation (6.1a), which is possible due
to the arbitrariness of b, gives rise to the local balance (6.6). By contrast, the localization of the
integral balance (6.2) implies
— z is a local action, the one of the microstructure ‘inside’ the material element at x over
itself. S measures the first-neighbour interactions due to inhomogeneous microstructural
changes among neighbouring material elements.
— If we would start from the last relation in the theorem as a first principle—it would
correspond to a principle of virtual power, when we allow the rates to be virtual—we
would impose the existence of the self-action and the stresses, in other words, we would
presume a priori the structure of the balance equations.
— The theorem indicates also that the assumption a priori of the existence of an
independent integral balance of microstructural actions can be considered superfluous.
The circumstance that such actions appear in the (generalized) balance of torques does
not imply at all that they are couples for the presence of the linear operator A∗ . Per se
the microstructural actions are not necessarily couples, while their projection through A∗
into the ambient physical space generates couples.
— Non-trivial questions pertain to boundary conditions to be prescribed for the balance of
microstructural actions. Formally, they can be of Dirichlet or Neumann type. The field
ν̃ can be assigned experimentally along ∂B in some specific circumstances, as it is for
liquid crystals for which surfactants can impose the orientation of the molecules at the
boundary. As regards the prescription of micro-tractions τ = Sn along ∂B, unless we
know a loading device able to prescribe direct contact actions over the microstructure, we
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have to impose simply Sn = 0. A case Sn = 0 occurs when we use the present framework
to construct direct models of rods and shells so that we may prescribe, e.g., external
bending moments at the boundary [47].
where k(ẏ
, ν, ν̇
) is the kinetic energy, ẏ
is defined by ẏ
:= g̃ẏ, and ν̇
is in Tν∗ M. We
consider [32] the possible presence of microscopic (relative) inertia. Cases in which it may
occur are, for example, those of bubbles migrating inside a liquid in motion, relatively to
it, and vibrating within it [48], or solids with an enormous number of cavities, each one
containing a gyroscope [49,50]. In accordance to a proposal by Capriz [32], we write the
, ν, ν̇
) := ρ ẏ
· ẏ + κ(ν, ν̇
where ρ is the referential mass density and κ is such that κ(ν, 0) = 0; it admits non-
negative definite second derivative with respect to ν̇
, i.e. ∂κ(ν, ν̇
)/∂ ν̇
∂ ν̇
· (ν̇
⊗ ν̇
) ≥ 0,
the equality sign holding when ν̇
= 0. The dependence of κ(ν, ν̇
) must be considered
deprived by the effects of macroscopic rigid-body motion so that we may consider κ as a
κ(ν, ν̇
) = h(ν, ν̇
− (Aq)
The choice prevents an incongruence which would occur, by contrast, when κ is quadratic
with respect to ν̇
and we calculate the total kinetic energy of the body along a rigid-
body motion—an unjustified extra inertia moment would appear if we do not use
a form like h. By inserting the previous assumptions in the integral balance (6.10),
the arbitrariness of the part considered implies the identifications bin = −ρ ÿ and β in =
(d/dt)∂χ (ν, ν̇)/∂ ν̇ − ∂χ (ν, ν̇)/∂ν, with χ : TM −→ R+ a C1 function such that κ(ν, ν̇
) :=
∂χ (ν, ν̇)/∂ ν̇ · ν̇ − χ (ν, ν̇), at any ν̇, with ν̇
:= ∂χ (ν, ν̇)/∂ ν̇.
an effect of the mutation is the rupture and reformation of the material bonds so that we may
include configurational forces and couples, the latter ones determined also by possible changes
in the material symmetry and (iii) a mutation alters the energetic landscape.
(a) the free energy ψ that we presume to be a differentiable function of x, t and a list ς of state
variables that we leave here undetermined—no constitutive equations enter into play—
(b) bulk configurational forces f with dissipative nature and couples μ, which have, in
contrast, both dissipative and conservative components.
Pbrel−a (ẏ, ν̇, w) := b‡ · (ẏ − Fw) dx + Pn · (ẏ − Fw) dH2
b ∂b
+ β ‡ · (ν̇ − Nw) dx + Sn · (ν̇ − Nw) dH2
b ∂b
Pbdis (w) := (n · w)ψdH2 − (∂x ψ + f ) · w dx + μ · curlw dx.
∂b b b
Theorem 6.2. The assumed invariance of the relative power under isometric-type changes in observers
implies the validity of the results 1 to 6 in theorem 6.1 and the following additional statements:
DivP − F∗ b‡ − N∗ β ‡ + ∂x ψ = f ,
Skw(g−1 P) = −2ēμ,
with ē Ricci’s symbol with all contravariant components, namely ēABC , hold.
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holds and we call extended internal (or inner) power the right-hand side term.
The balance equations above have to be accompanied by the choice of the constitutive
structures, which specify the material class and are closure conditions for the system of equations.
The Clausius–Duhem inequality helps in limiting a priori constitutive structures. Here we write
it in isothermal version as
Ψ̇ (b) − Pbext (ẏ, ν̇) ≤ 0,
and we presume it to hold for any choice of the rates involved and any part b, with Ψ̇ the time
rate of the total free energy of b. By using equation (6.9) and considering Ψ (b) as given by B ψdx,
when the free energy density ψ, the stresses P, S and the self-action z depend all on x, F, ν, N
only, the inequality imposes P := ∂ψ/∂F, z := ∂ψ/∂ν, S := ∂ψ/∂N. When it is the case, dissipative
components of P, S and z are considered to be additive to the ‘energetic’ parts, always determined
by the first derivatives of the free energy density with respect to its entries.
with e the elastic energy density and w the density of the potential of external actions. Then we
find balances of forces and micro-actions on the basis of Hamilton’s principle, by computing the
first variation of LB with respect to the action of diffeomorphisms over Ẽ and M (the so-called
vertical variation), and equating the results to zero. The resulting equations are
∂L ∂L ∂L
= − Div (6.11)
∂ ẏ ∂y ∂F
∂L ∂L ∂L
= − Div . (6.12)
∂ ν̇ ∂ν ∂N
ν = f (F),
list of entries of e, a presence which implies also the one of the self-action z, at least in its
energetic (conservative) component.
With the previous notations we may then define what we call the Hamiltonian density H by
H has partial derivatives with respect to its entries; some of them are the opposite of the
corresponding derivatives of L so that (6.11) and (6.12) can be also written in Hamiltonian form,
respectively, as
∂H ∂H ⎪
ṗ = − + Div ,⎪
∂y ∂F ⎪ ⎬
∂H ⎪
ẏ = ; ⎪
∂H ∂H ⎫
ṙ = − + Div ,⎪
∂ν ∂N ⎬
∂H ⎪
ν̇ = . ⎭
Let us consider for equations (6.13) and (6.14) boundary conditions of the type
u(x) = ū on ∂B
ν̃(x) = ν̄ on ∂B.
with K a sufficiently smooth scalar density. Define now the variational derivatives
δH ∂H ∂H
:= − Div ,
δy ∂y ∂F
δH ∂H ∂H
:= − Div ,
δν ∂ν ∂N
δH ∂H
δp ∂p
δH ∂H
and := ,
δr ∂r
where the variational (partial) derivatives δH/δy and δH/δν are meant to be computed by fixing
p and allowing y to vary and holding r, while leaving ν free to vary. In this last case, the implicit
assumption is that at every ν we can find a copy of r in Tν∗ B.
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Then we can define (see also [47]) the canonical Poisson bracket {K, H} as
δK δH δH δK
{K, H} = · − · dx
δy δp δy δp
K̇ = {K, H}
for any K satisfying the conditions above implies the validity of the balance equations.
In the presence of dissipative effects, which can be associated with a Rayleigh-type dissipation
potential, we change the equations in the above theorem with the addition of a dissipative bracket.
Specifically, we write
K̇ = {K, H} + {K, R}D , (6.15)
with R the already mentioned dissipation and the functional {·, ·}D satisfying the following
question is whether and in what sense we can characterize a priori in some way the terms B† and
B‡ . The following principle suggests an answer.
Covariance principle in dissipative setting: In any diffeomorphism-based change in observer, when
— Select the list of state variables appearing as entries of the energy (so far they have been
left unspecified in the expression of the relative power). Restrict them by the help of
objectivity assumptions (see [10–14] for the pertinent techniques). In particular, besides
the presence of the spatial and material metrics, in the list of state variables the metric on
M may appear when we consider M endowed with a metric structure as in the case it is
— Assume covariance (tensoriality) of the free energy. Formally, it means that we impose at
every instant t the identity
where the symbol ◦ indicates as above standard map composition and (ĥt × ht × (λ(ht ) ×
h̃t )) summarizes the combined action of ĥt , ht , (λ(ht ), h̃t ), those of diffeomorphism-
based changes in observers over reference and ambient spaces, and the manifold M of
microstructural shapes, respectively. In particular, it is convenient to express in terms of
time derivative of ψ the covariance condition. To this aim, we can adapt to the setting
discussed here the pertinent expression introduced in the special case of finite-strain
plasticity discussed in [42]. (Incidentally, as regards plasticity, should we identify ν with
the slip rate in single crystals or the plastic factor in the multiplicative decomposition of
F, or else a function of elastic invariants, we could recover existing models of strain-
gradient plasticity as special prominent offspring of the model-building framework
discussed here.)
— Impose the covariance principle in dissipative setting to the mechanical dissipation
inequality (7.1), written in terms of relative power.
(1) the existence of the stress and the microstress, the latter one obtained without embedding
the manifold of microstructural shapes into a linear space;
(2) the need of a bulk inner microstructural self-action to assure local balances;
(3) point-wise balances of standard, microstructural and configurational balance equations
(4) a priori constitutive restrictions.
i.e. that ĥt must be volume preserving, independently of the material nature of the body. Such a
restriction on the changes in observers, that is exactly the one adopted in computing the horizontal
variation of functionals in calculus of variations (see the treatise [53], where the independence
between balance of forces and the one of configurational action is pointed out), agrees also with
the axiom of permanence of the material typology under changes in observers.
with density e assumed to be polyconvex in F and convex in N, or polyconvex in the pair (F, N),
leaving M not embedded but requiring that it is Riemannian?
Besides statics, dynamics indicates also unexplored lands. There are existence results in special
cases of the dynamics of complex materials (e.g. [59]), but a basic question is the following:
(Problem 2) What can we say about existence and regularity of solutions to the balance equations
in Theorem 1 when we consider inertia as indicated in commenting the theorem, and what about
the qualitative behaviour of trajectories?
Macroscopic inertia can be coupled with diffusion of the microstructures, so that the balance
equation (6.7) can have parabolic nature, due to absence of microscopic inertia but presence of a
dissipative self-action z, which is then proportional to the time rate of ν. ( Problem 3) What can we
say about existence in this general case, with the restrictions above?
In selecting M, we implicitly imagine to have a determinate view on the microstructural
features that we consider prominent. In a certain sense, we are presuming a certain uniformity
in the typology of microstructures throughout the body. A closer look to physical cases can
evidence circumstances of high heterogeneity, which could suggest us to consider the field
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ν̃ as stochastic. (Problem 4) What can we say for the general structure sketched above in
this case?
Besides analytical and geometrical problems, the modelling questions are manifold. I indicate
the phenomena. Averages and fluctuations emerging from data statistical analyses address some
way the state of the knowledge in a given historical period. In this sense, the statement ‘my
world’ has to be intended as the knowledge humans have in a given time. The solipsism that
physical events are those implied by principles and mathematics adopted. They are also the limits
of researcher’s imagination, which determines value and would like to embrace the world trying
to perceive (perhaps we cannot do nothing more than trying) its ultimate essence. For these
of getting something down to a fine art, i.e. applying in rigorous and impeccable manner known
techniques. Rather it is matter of adopting some available techniques and inventing new ones in
order to create something inimitable for it is unique and imitable for it is a potentially unavoidable
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