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2.0 THE MARKET 4-5




1.1 History of the product

Bedak sejuk, a non-chemical contain pastilles are traditional Malaysian cosmetic product. It is a
traditional cosmetic that still being used by the elderly women in Malaysia. Literally, bedak means
powder while sejuk is an adjective which means cool, thus this implies that by applying bedak
sejuk on skin it will produce a ‘cool feeling’. There is no recorded evidence exits regarding the
exact origin of bedak sejuk but it is believed that bedak sejuk has been used since long time ago
by women in Malaysia and Indonesia. The production is still using traditional method which
passed from generation to generation. The fermentation is normally conducted in containers with
lid at ambient temperature using just water. The rice grains are statically fermented naturally,
without a starter, for a certain period of time (up to 1 year) until the rice become a white paste
Whole polished rice grains or sometimes broken rice are soaked in water (1:1 or 1:2 ratio of rice
grains to water) at ambient temperature. In traditional processing method, rice grains are soaked
statically in tempayan (earthenware pot) without starter for at least three months or until the rice
grains fully dissolved. Normally, the soaking water will be changed to prevent the occurrence of
the unpleasant smell. There are few intervals time for changing the soaking water; per day, once
in 3 days, every 7 or 14 days. This is what we called as the fermentation time during the soaking
process. However, the fermentation time is not the major influence to get the finest bedak sejuk
as the soaking process is done repeatedly until for about three months or more. Bedak sejuk, a
non-chemical contained pastilles are a traditional Malaysian cosmetic product using rice as a
main ingredient. Rice oil has been used to relieve sensitive skin while rice powder, or more
commonly known locally as bedak sejuk, has been traditionally used to ‘soak’ up oil excess from
the skin

This natural product is not getting much intention nowdays due to the flooding of various modern
cosmetics products in the market either from local or oversea brand. It is reported that the Chinese
were the first to use rice powder for whitening their faces. Bedak sejuk is used as facial mask,
usually before going to sleep. The pastilles will be mixed with water and then applied onto the
skin. Bedak sejuk usually will produces a cooling effect to the users that used it as facial mask
before going to sleep. It is also proven that this Bedak sejuk helps to cure pimples without any
spots or scar on face. Besides that, it is also reported to facilitate skin whitening, solving uneven
skin tones and smoothen open pores. Bedak sejuk also can be used to apply on other body parts
for rashes and relieved itchiness due to from chickenpox.
1.2 Ingredient

The ingredients are:

 Rice (the weight depends on how much we want it)

 Water (we can use normal water or for better result we can use rain water)
 Pandan leaves or Jasmine flowers (for make it sweet smelling we can even use any type
of scent)

How to make it

The first step on how to make Bedak sejuk is by soaking clean and high quality rice grains
in water for three months or until they are dissolved. After this, the rice paste is filtered
out and then soaked again in clean water but this water is changed every two to three
weeks to get rid of the unpleasant smell.
After fermentation, the rice paste is then poured into a cone made of pandan leaf or mango
leaf and from the cone, tiny droplets of the rice paste are then dropped onto a large clean

The beads are dried under the sun for 2 hours before being left in a room overnight. Then
we should place the dried pandan leaves or jasmine flowers together with the beads to get
rid of the bad smell. Then they are brought out to the sun again for 4 to 5 days before
being bottled up for retail.
2.1 Demography

The last official census was carried out in Thailand back in 2010 and the country’s official
population was declared at 65, 479, 453. Current estimation shows a 2018 population in Thailand
of 69.18 million, an increase from 2014’s estimation of 67.7 million, making it the 21 st most
populous country on earth. The population numbers were growing at a greater rate but the family
planning program which funded by the government has raised awareness and led to a fall in
births. In 1960, the population growth was at its height with figures of around 3.1% but this has
fallen around 0.34% today. As the life expentancy of average Thai citizens increase, the number
of threats to the population is also increase. AIDS has reached epidemic proportions in this
country and in the present day, at least 700, 000 Thais are HIV positive or have AIDS. This
represents 2% of the male population and 1.5% of the female population. By comparison, the
global percentage of people living with AIDS is about 0.8% as of 2014. The quality life in Thailand
is turning to the improved access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities. There
is 97.8% of the population with improved access to clean water and 93% of the population with
improved access of sanitation. There are three main ethnic groups in Thailand which are Thai,
Thai Chinese and Malay. The official language used in Thailand is Thai and there is 90% of the
population who use the language in their daily lives.

2.2 Economic And Culture Politics

Thailand is the second largest economy in Southeast Asia after Indonesia and serves as an
economic anchor for its developing neighbour countries. In 2017, Thailand’s economy showed
mild recovery with economic growth reaching 3.7% of GDP and expected to remain between 3.5%
and 4% in 2018 and inflation estimated between 2.5% and 1.5%. The unemployment rate
remained low in 2017 (0.7%) and projected to maintain the same level in 2018. The Thai economy
is heavily based on agriculture which contributes 8.2% of GDP and employs more than 40% of
the active population. Thailand is one of the leading producers and exporters of rice and also has
rubber, sugar, corn, jute, cotton and tobacco as major crops. Other than that, fishing is also an
important activity as Thailand is a major exporter of farmed shrimp. However, agriculture’s
contribution to the GDP is declining while the exports of goods and services have increased. The
manufacturing sector accounts for 36.2% of the GDP and is well diversified. The main Thai
industries are electronics, steel and automotive. Also, Thailand is an assembly hub for
international car brands. Electrical components and appliances, computers, cement production,
furniture and plastic products are also important sectors.
The textile sector employs less than a quarter of the active population and is no longer as dynamic
as tourism, which has become the main source of foreign currency. The tertiary sector including
financial services, is rising and contributes to 55.6% of the GDP and it employs nearly 38% of the
active population. Thailand’s tourism industry marked 35.3 million visitors in 2017, allowing the
country to become one of the top 10 travel destinations. Thailand lies between Cambodia,
Myanmar and Laos and Thailand is the 50th largest country in the world with an area equal to
France. Much of Thailand’s culture comes from ethnic Thai people. Buddhism has been one of
the most important influences on Thai culture. There is so many of traditions and beliefs of Thai
people copied directly from Buddhist principles. Furthermore, Hinduism has also made important
contributions to Thai culture and the close connection between Thailand and India can be seen
from the art, literature and in many Thai customs. Indigenous belief systems such as Animism
from the cultures of Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and China have also played important part in
forming the traditions of Thailand.

Thai culture is strongly influenced by religion. The belief system and values of Buddhism play a
huge role in their daily lives and there is around 95% of the country being Theraveda Buddhist.
Throughout the country, the most important values that Thai people stick to are respect, self-
control and a non-confrontational attitude. Besides, losing a face by showing anger or by telling a
lie is a great shame for Thai people because Thailand is well known as the Land of a Thousand

2.3 Why the market is suitable

Our group eventually inventing one of the traditional Malaysian beauty product which are now
being upgraded and more improvise. This beauty product which is the ‘Bedak Sejuk’ is now being
market within the local as we widespread our product marketing towards achieving the target of
business. Therefore, we had choose Thailand as our strategic country to be a part of our business
development as their country is well-known of beauty enhancement that might be very suitable
for our product to be market off. Despite of the country we choose, there are plenty of reasons
that attract us to market our product. First of all people in Thailand is consisting with good behave
manners that will be a good encouragement for a product to be sold to the customers. They are
good at finding solution in order to attract people without harming or forcing the customers. As we
all know English is a common language that are very important in every event. Some businesses
in Thailand do need a translator to help out in business process, yet some of the business already
have their own translator. Last but not least, Thailand is very foreign orientated business
government as they contribute a lot in the development and technology invention.

3.1 Old look / version

The old version of the bedak sejuk has a large size compared to the new bedak sejuk version.
This old version of the bedak sejuk has a rough and slow texture to absorb the skin. With a large
size, the bedak sejuk is slowly melting and will cause the bedak sejuk to lumpy. The old version
bedak sejuk also does not have a more specific packaging as an example of container to put the
cool powder, this is because the old version of the bedak sejuk has no brand. This old version of
the bedak sejuk is more sticky and slow to dry.
New look / version

This new version of bedak sejuk is more flexible to users. With a smaller size than the old version
of the bedak sejuk it makes it easier for the user to melt the bedak sejuk to dissolve before placing
it on the surface of the face. This new version of bedak sejuk comes along with the fragrance of
pandan leaves and jasmine which makes the user more enjoyable and comfortable to put on their
face as compared to the old version of the bedak sejuk that does not contains any fragrance in
the seeds.
This is also due to the fact that small bedak sejuk is easier to travel in small quantities than the
large size of bedak sejuk is difficult enough to carry because it should be placed in a large
container. Small size bedak sejuk is also refined with a pandan leaf fragrance. This is because it
can attract consumers who are fond of natural fragrance. In addition, many other natural
fragrances are used such as jasmine, rose and lavender flowers. The variety in the fragrance will
be according to the interest of the user to choose the bedak sejuk.

3.2 Changes

This bedak sejuk has changed due to trend and more modern according to the country that we
planned to export which is Thailand. We have changed some of these bedak sejuk features such
as packaging and labelling. In the packaging aspect we have transformed our product by using
the PET (polyethylene terephthalate) containers to fill in our bedak sejuk seeds in which initially
we use plastics bag to retail our product in the local market. This packaging changes of our bedak
sejuk product is in order to attract our new customers in the country that we planned to export
which is Thailand. Moreover by using the PET (polyethylene terephthalate) containers, we can fill
up more bedak sejuk seeds in it which essentially bring benefits for our customers to get more
amount bedak sejuk seeds for the price that they paid earlier. This PET (polyethylene
terephthalate) containers also makes our customers easy to use and restore it back the balance
bedak sejuk seeds in which initially they find difficulty to restore it back when we use normal
plastic packaging.

Furthermore, we have labelled of bedak sejuk product with floral pattern included with our
information such as address and our trademark which is K.H Trading Sdn Bhd. At the earlier
stage, we never generate any label in our product due to less competitors of natural cosmetics
products in the market either from local or oversea brand. Right at the battle in the natural
cosmetics products market there more than hundred suppliers either from local or oversea brand
because this natural product is getting much intention nowdays. Our intention to label the bedak
sejuk product with our trademark which is K.H Trading Sdn Bhd in order to be convenient for the
users to distinguish our bedak sejuk product from other company's products in the market. We
have labelled our bedak sejuk product with the address as it will be easier for our consumers in
Thailand to to get to know the location that we manufacture and export our product. We also limit
the weightage of bedak sejuk in each container which is 100g and attached that information in
labbeling. This is because by aligning the same weightage of each bedak sejuk, the packaging
process becomes easier and each buyer gets the same amount.

 Read to Teach : Teaching Adventures Abroad. Retrieved from

 Politics of Thailand (2013, July). Retrieved from

 Thailand : Economic and Political Outline (2018, December). Retrieved from

 Thailand Population 2018 (2018, 12 August). Retrieved from

 Demographics of Thailand (2018, 18 December). Retrieved from

 Reason of doing business in Thailand 2016 (2016, 11 January). Retrieved from

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