Design and Fabrication of 456 MHZ Bandpass Filter: January 2012
Design and Fabrication of 456 MHZ Bandpass Filter: January 2012
Design and Fabrication of 456 MHZ Bandpass Filter: January 2012
2 183
1 author:
Fajri Darwis
Indonesian Institute of Sciences
All content following this page was uploaded by Fajri Darwis on 10 July 2015.
Abstract : This paper presents the design and fabrication of bandpass filter for frequency-modulated
continuous wave radar system. A bandpass filter was designed at the operating center frequency of 456 MHz,
bandwidth of 60 MHz, 3 dB insertion loss, 1.1 VSWR, 50 ohm impedance. The design filter was simulated using
ADS 2011. The outcome of this research was a prototype of a 456 MHz bandpass filter and the results of the
measurement were approximately similar to the required specifications.
Keywords : bpf, bandwidth, insertion loss, vswr
I. Introduction
Bandpass filter is a passive component which is able to select signals inside a specific bandwidth at a
certain center frequency and reject signals in another frequency region, especially in frequency regions, which
have the potential to interfere the information signals [1]. A bandpass filter must be used in transmitter and
receiver to reject undesired signals [2].
In the previous research we have done the designed and simulated the bandpass filter as in [2] using
Elsie Tonne version 2.4. This research, we simulated and fabricated lumped-element bandpass filter for the
radar system at the operating center frequency of 456 MHz, bandwidth of 60 MHz. The simulation of bandpass
filter in this research using ADS 2011. This bandpass filter would be used in receiver block which is used as an
intermediate frequency (IF) and the center frequency of 456 MHz was obtained based on the rule RF – LO = IF
A Bandpass prototype can be designed with low-pass filter and high-pass filter. Figure 1 shows one
method of realizing bandpass prototype with low-pass filter prototype [2][3][4].
In this method, we replace each series inductor with a series capacitor and inductor resonator and then replace
each shunt capacitor with a shunt parallel resonant capacitor and inductor [2]. We can normalize bandpass filter
with calculate shunt elements and series elements as follows [2][4]
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Design and Fabrication of 456 MHz Bandpass Filter
To find the final design, we denormalize the elements with the following rules [2]
The results of denormalized all elements are the values of L and C components for final bandpass filter design
which have calculated in [2]: C1 = 23.6019 pF, C2 = 0.7401 pF, C3 = 95.5681 pF, C4 = 0.4617 pF, C5 = 95.5681
pF, C6 = 0.7401 pF, C7 = 23.6019 pF, L1 = 5.1838 nH, L2 = 0.1653 µH, L3 = 1.2802 nH, L4 = 0.2652 µH, L5 =
1.2802 nH, L6 = 0.1653 µH, L7 = 5.1838 nH.
The values of components L and C which were obtained from calculations in the filter design were simulated
using ADS 2011. This software has also been used to design bandpass filter [5]. The filter structure and 50 ohm
transmission in ports, input and output are shown in Figure 3.
The results of simulation which have been done using ADS 2011 are shown below.
Figure 4 show the simulation result either insertion loss and return loss. The S21 characteristic depict the value
of insertion loss and the S11 characteristic depict the value of return loss. The insertion loss at frequency of 456
MHz is -1.237E-4 dB, -3.005 dB of insertion loss at lower frequency and -3.038 dB of insertion loss at upper
frequency. At the frequency of 456 MHz the return loss is -45.455 dB. From the value of return loss at
frequency of 456 MHz, we find the value of VSWR is 1.01. The result of insertion loss and VSWR using Elsie
Tones version 2.4 were 0.4 and 1.0, respectively [2]. The results of simulation using both of the software were
still in the specification and could be fabricated.
III. Fabrication and Measurement
The values of components must be approximately equal to the values of components are traded. So we
must consider the traded components of L and C to realize the design [2]. The bandpass filter is fabricated on
Duroid 5880 and using the SMD components.
The values of insertion loss at center, lower and upper frequency from measurement are shown in Figure 5.
From the figure above we find a resonant at frequency of 456 MHz. The insertion loss values at center, lower
and upper frequency are -3.045 dB, -6.351 dB and -5.953 dB, respectively. The value of VSWR is depicted on
Figure 6.
From Figure 6 we obtain the value of VSWR at frequency of 456 MHz is 1.042. It is equal to -33.736 dB of the
value of return loss. The VSWR represents the reflection factor. Figure 7 shows the photograph of bandpass
filter with the package. 40 | Page
Design and Fabrication of 456 MHz Bandpass Filter
There are any different results of the filter performance between simulation and fabrication. We see that the
value of insertion loss at center frequency in simulation is about 3 dB better than filter which is fabricated. And
the value of return loss in simulation is 11.719 dB better than filter which is fabricated. The different of filter
characteristics are caused by the value of components are not equal to the calculation results. The value of
components used in fabrication is approach to the calculation results and consider the traded components too.
Furthermore, we must consider the losses of connectors. The bandwidth with the 3 dB boundary is about 60
MHz. It is conforming to the design.
IV. Conclusion
The S-parameter characteristics of the simulation and measurement shows good filter performance. The
measurement has the larger of insertion loss and return loss, -3.045 dB and -33.736 dB, respectively. It is caused
the value of components not equal to the design. On the other hand, the simulation does not compute the losses
of connector and poor connection between transmission line and connector. On the whole, the performance of
bandpass filter approximately suitable with required specification.
[1] Alaydrus, M, Designing Microstrip Bandpass Filter at 3.2 GHz, International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
2(2), 2010, 71-78.
[2] Darwis F, Permana D, Design and Simulation of 456 MHz Bandpass Filter for Radar System, Proc. 6th National Radar Seminar and
International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (ICRAMET), Bali, 2012, 68 -72.
[3] Sayre WC, Complete Wireless Design (New York, McGraw-Hill, 2008).
[4] White FJ, High Frequency Technique (New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, 2004).
[5] M. Ganesh Madhan et al, Design and Fabrication of Transmission line base Wideband band pass filter, Procedia Engineering, 2012;
30: 646-653. 41 | Page