Problem and Solution Guidelines

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Step 1: Write out the structure in draft (in blue)

Step 2: Brainstorm your ideas – think of the roots of the problem (why there is this problem), how to
tackle it, then examples and statistics

Step 3: Write and follow the structure

Step 4: Spend 5-10 mins to proof-read and edit

Structure (Example topic: How can we solve cheating among college students?)
I. Introduction
- Description
Hook: can be an interesting fact/statistics/quote/question/content of a movie/novel…
 Example: Not too long ago, a video of Indian parents scaling school wall to
help their children cheat on an exam caused a huge shock in the Internet.
This video, while amusing, provoked a question on why students (and even
parents in India would risk so much to cheat in exam.
If can’t think of a hook, just jump straight into describing, just write a little longer.
Describe in detail and explain why it’s important:
 Example: (drive it back to the context of the USA) However, cheating among
students is also a serious problem in the USA. A Princeton University study in
2001showed that 74 percent of high schoolers admitted to cheating or
plagiarism at some point during the previous school year. (reason why it’s
serious) Widespread cheating creates unfair opportunities for students,
places an emphasis on end-results alone and negatively affects the ethics of
the society.
- Thesis statement
Propose (detailed) solution:
 Example: Thus, schools need to proctor examinations and tests in a strict
manner during students’ earlier years (such as elementary schools). This can
be done by (list the steps that can be taken).
II. Body 1 (benefits)
Positive impacts from the solution: (try to give 3 ideas): Argue that the solution is practical,
feasible, cost-effective (cheap), and can be carried out.
 Example: (1) By doing so when students are much younger, it is easier to
impart on students academic honesty and ethics to make them aware of
their rights and duty as students at younger age and improve the future
generation. (2) By following such guideline, there is not much additional
cost of labor or facilities since we use the available resources (the campus
and existing teachers). (3) Therefore, this system creates a fairer
environment for students to succeed.
III. Body 2 and 3 - same format (objection-counter): how some people might disagree with you
but your solution still makes more sense
- Objection:
 Example: (use these sentence structures)
While/Although some people might argue that (create a contrast) this
system places a lot of stress on students during examination, it is actually
not the case. According to these arguments, students can feel unnecessary
stress during tests which can adversely affect their performance. (write
longer if needed)
- Counter
 Example: However, by doing this at a younger age, students get used to the
pressure and carry their tolerance of stress until they are older. It helps
students become more perseverance and strengthen their composure. By
preventing cheating, students also prepare better for examinations and
enforce their knowledge, which helps them do well in the long run (link back
to the argument that it can affect their performance – create a contrast)
IV. Conclusion
- Restatement
In conclusion, it is important that schools implement this strict system to prevent
cheating in exams at earlier stage bla bla
- Summary (rephrase in short part II - benefits)
in order to impart on students a sense of academic self-responsibility and moral values
to create a conducive environment for success while not spending too much money and
- Call to action
Moreover, (call out other stakeholders than the school – family/society…) it is also
important that parents and relatives encourage students to study for knowledge and be
honest during exams blab la.

How to give supporting examples: (acknowledge the source if possible, ex. according to BBC news, bla
bla bla)

Draw from your own (or other people’s– prefer famous people) background: Asia/Taiwan/ your work
experience/business/failure…; from books, movies, news, etc.

Use statistics if you know, can be simple (ex: 1 out of 10 people on earth is obese)

Infer from stereotypes and explain (ex: college students tend to eat unhealthy food because…)

Creative Introduction Ideas

1. Tell a true-life story about the problem.
2. Give a personal experience story.
3. Use a scenario or imagined story illustrating why this needs to be solved. (ex. Imagine one
day we run out of oxygen lol be creative)
4. Give statistics and facts about the problem which make it vivid for the reader.
5. Do a detailed explanation of the problem with facts that show why it needs to be dealt with.
6. Give the history of the situation and explain how this problem developed.
7. Use a movie, book, T.V. story or news story to show the problem and why it is important.
At the end of your introduction, you can ask your thesis question and then give your solution idea
as the thesis statement. Here are some tips:
1. State your solution clearly in one sentence.
2. Usually, your thesis sentence will come after your description of the problem.

Ways to Solve Problems

Solution How It Works Cause of Example
Problem is
Give more More teachers
money, people, Lack of in schools,
Add something
equipment, or resources more money for
stuff fire department
Fire bad
One thing or
Take something Remove source teachers, get
person causing
away of problem rid of poor
Give information
Say No to
about the People don't
Educate Drugs
problem and know what to do
Create a new School dress
Current rules
Make laws or law or rule, or code revised to
don't solve
rules reform existing require
rules uniforms
Provide a way
to enforce or School calls
Current rules
else provide parents if
Enforce laws or are adequate
more resources students don't
rules but aren't
(like more police adhere to dress
or money for code
regulators) to
Solution How It Works Cause of Example
Problem is
enforce existing
rules or laws
meeting time
Change the way
Something isn't from Tuesday
Change method something is
being done the morning to
or procedure done or
right way Saturday to get
more people to
Use advertising
or emotional People know
appeals to get what they Anti-smoking
people to do or should do, but ads
not do don't do it
More buildings
or a new
organization is Build a new
Give new
Build something needed football stadium
facilities or
new because nothing to encourage
currently fan support
existing will
solve problem
Get opposing
sides together Problem is
Work out a agreement
to work out a mostly lack of
compromise talks between
mutual agreement
Adding taxes
Take a solution on cigarettes
that worked Current solution decreases
Adapt a solution
somewhere else does not fit smoking, so put
that works
and apply it to problem a tax on
this problem unhealthy
snack foods
Get rid of
Change Leader is the Fire college
leadership problem football coach
leadership and
Solution How It Works Cause of Example
Problem is
put someone
new in charge
information or
Parents give
Change incentives to Attitudes are
children money
attitudes change the way causing problem
to do chores
people feel
about situation

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