Hot Spot Stress
Hot Spot Stress
Hot Spot Stress
Inter JrNav
J Nav Archit
Archit OcOOc Engng
Engng (20110)
(2010) 2:24~33
ⓒSNAK, 2010
Experimental evaluation
Comparison eof hot spot
n ofstress
pumpj et propulssor
evaluation for anfor
methods axisymme
weldedetric body
in win
nd tunnel
Jae-Myung Lee2, Jung-Kwan Seo1, Myung-Hyun Kim2, Sang-Beom Shin3, Myung-Soo Han4, June-Soo Park5,
Ch. Suryanarayyana1,and Mahen
B. Saty 2
, K. Ramji3 and A. Saiju1
1 1
The Lloyd’s Register Educational Naval
N Trust (LRET)
Science Research
and Technolog gicalCentre of Excellence,
Laborato ory, VisakhapatPusan National
tnam, India University, Busan, Korea
2 2
Department of Naval Architecture A
Andhraand Ocean Engineering, Pusan
Universsity, Visakhapaatnam, India National University, Busan, Korea
3 3
Departmentt of Mechanicaal Hyundai Heavy AU
Engineering, Industries,
CollegeUlsan, Korea Visakhapatnaam, India
off Engineering,
Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Geoje, Korea
Korea Power Engineering Company, Yongin, Korea
D of Built Environment
of a Pum mp Jet Propuls andsorEngineering,
(PJP) was Queensland
undertaken for University of Technology,
r an underwate er body with Brisbane, Australia
axxisymmetric coonfiguration
ussing axial flow w compressor design d techniqu ues supported by Computatioonal Fluid Dynnamics (CFD) analysis for pperformance
prrediction. Expeerimental evalu uation of the PJP P was carrieed out throughh experiments in a Wind Tunnnel Facility (WTF) ( using
momentum defec Inctthis paper, fo
principle different evaluation
r propulsive p methodspr
performance of
rior HottoSpot
ding with(HSS) have
exten nsivebeen applied
experime to evaluatio
ental four different
on in welded
tank and details
cavitation in order
Ecompare them weereand to illustrate
particularly their differences.
ly conducted w respect
with ThetooHSSs at failure-critical
Self Propulsi ion Point (SPPlocations were
P), residual
torque and by means
thru of a series
ust characteris of finite
stics over a ra element
ange analyses.
of vehicl There rat
le advance wastio good
in orderoverall agreement
too ascertain between
whhether calculated
sufficieent thrustand is
deeveloped at theedetermined
design condit HSS
the least
p locations.
possible imbalWhile different
lance torque eftmethods
lef out due and procedures
to reesidual swirlexist forslip
inn the thestrea
am. Pumpjet of
annd structural
body model hot-spot stress ped
ls were develop at welded
for thejoints,
pro the recommendations
opulsion tests uusing Aluminu within
um alloythe forged
International Institute
d material. of Welding
Tessts were condu(IIW) guideline
ucted from 0
m//s to 30 m/s theat‘Hot
t fourSpot Stress’
rotationa approach
al speeds of thwere
he PJP.found
was good reference stress approximations
d confirming for fatigue-loaded
thhe thrust devellopment capability of welded
joints. This of
Esstimation paper
ressidualrecommends w and
torque was suggests
carried ouut an appropriate
at SPP finite element
correesponding to sp peeds modeling
of 15, 200and andhot
m/s tostress evaluation
o examine e technique
the effectiveness
off the on round-robin
stator. Es
Estimation stressofanalyses
hrust and and resi
idual torque results
was of
w several
also carriiedwelded
out structure
at winnd details.
speeds 0 aand 6 m/s for PJP RPMs
coorresponding too self propulsiion tests to stu udy the propulssion characteristics during thhe launch of thhe vehicle in water w where
addvance ratios Hot-spot
aare closestress; Z Finite
to Zero. Theseelement method;
ressults Structural
are essen stress; Welded
tial to assess the thrust joint; International
perfformance at Institute
veery lowofadvan
Welding (IIW).to
nce ratios
acccelerate the bbody and to control c the boody during iniitial stages. Th This technique has turned out to be very useful and
ecconomical methhod for quick assessment off overall perforrmance of the ppropulsor andd generation off exhaustive fluuid dynamic
daata to validate CFD techniques employed.
INTRODUCTION difficulties in representing the singularities at the weld toe,
KE EY WORDS: Pumpjet;P Wind d tunnel; Propuulsion; Experim finite element
mental techniqu modeling
ues; Hydrodyn cannot directly give the actual peak
Many methods are available to predict the fatigue life of stress at the weld toe (Doerk, Fricke and Weissenborn,
welded components. For this purpose, it is important to 2003; Fricke and Kahl, 2005). However, various types of
identify and consider the most commonly used stress stress extrapolation methods have been developed to
definitions, which are the nominal stress, the structural hot CD
overcome = this
Coefficien nt of(Hobbacher
problem drag (Ed), 2009; Niemi (Ed),
spot stress and the local notch stress. Nominal stresses are d
1995; = Body
Dong, diam
2001; meter
Dong, Hong and Cao, 2002; Xiao and
ρ stresses
those ity of airfrom
= Densderived in Kgg/m³
simple beam models or from KQ
Yamda, = Torque coeefficient
Finite = RPS of
Element rotor (mode
Method (FEM)el) based coarse mesh models. CTStresses = Thrust
that coe efficient
have been derived from fine mesh FEM
Stress = Diam meter of the
concentrations rotoor (model),
resulting from gross m shape of the K
TF = Thrust
are geometriccoeefficient
stresses. Effects caused by fabrication
KTm =are
structure Prope eller model
included in thethrnominal
rust coefficient
stress. The notch stress Crt
imperfections are notntincluded
= Coefficien of residual thhrust
in the FEM analyses, and must
z = No. o
of propeller bla
can be calculated by multiplying the hot spot stress by a R = Propeller Reynolds
be accounted separately, e.g. misalignments
nf numb of etwo welded
ber at full scale
J = Adva ance coefficien nt
stress concentration factor, the notch factor, Kw. The FEM R npm = Propeller R
parts. The greatest value of the extrapolation to sc
Reynolds numb ber at model caleweld toe
cann also =beRevo olutions
used of prop
to calculate peller per secon
the notch stressnd (Radaj, 1990). C = Residual th
hrust coefficien nt
of the geometric stresses outside the region is called hot spot
However, = Expa
as theanded area radii
notch of prropeller
are small in size, the steep stress. This approach is typically used for fatigue-resistant
gradient = Overa
of all areaevaluation
the stress of the blade
b curve leaves room for large design and/or the durability approval of welded offshore
errors. = Kinem
Consequently,matic viscosity
a very yfineof air,
mesh m²/sis necessary in finite tubular joints and welded ship structures with various weld
element = Axiall(Petershagen,
models velocity, m/s Fricke and Massel, 1991). INTRO ODUCTION
configurations. The size of the components involved makes it
Vt The = Tangential
structural hotvelocity , m/s
spot stresses, also called geometric difficult, or expensive to determine their fatigue behavior and
stresses, = Locall nominal
include radius, mstresses and stresses from structural Connventionally toowing tank annd cavitation tunnels are
strength experimentally.
u = Local l velocity, m/s
discontinuities and the presence of attachments, but do not used for
f experimenntal validationn of the hull form and
Most classification societies provide a method to
include = Free stream
stresses due tovelocity y, m/s of welds. Due to the
the presence propulssor designs for underw water naval platforms.
determine structural stress but they may differ in many ways.
Experim mental techniiques at theese facilities are well
A brief description of different methods of various
C g author: Jae-Myung
Ch. Suuryanarayana establisshed and beinng used for a long time. Though T the
Corresponding Lee classification societies and other code writing societies on
e surya_nnarayana_ch@ predicti ions made at t
these facilities s are fairly acc curate, they
e-mail: how to calculate the structural stress is given next. DNV
Copyright © 2010 Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by ELSEVIER B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY- NC 3.0 license
(http:/ / nc/3.0/).
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:200~210 201
(2008) recommends that a 20-node solid elements with a size Approach of welded structures according to IIW (Hobbacher
of t/2 × t/2 or 8-node shell elements with a size of t × t shall (Ed), 2009), which also includes the numerical analyses using
be used. Linear extrapolations of the component stresses the finite element method to determine and validate the hot-
from two points (t/2 and 3t/2) are conducted and the principal spot stress assessment procedures. In this review, several hot
stresses are calculated at the hot spot. spot stress methods are briefly described and discussed in
Fricke and Petershagen and Paetzold (1998) recommend more detail. Emphasis is placed on welded plate structures
the use of 20-node solid elements that have a side length of being general guides for welded plate structures such as ship
the plate thickness at the hot spot. They also recommend at and offshore structures. A more comprehensive description of
least three elements of equal length in the area where the the approaches can be found in the current IIW (Hobbacher
stress increases. The stress is calculated at the upper side of (Ed), 2009). The second part of this study is a round-robin
the element from the stresses at the four integration points. study, which consists of two bending and tension tests of a
Thereafter, a quadratic extrapolation of the component stress typical welded joint detail as well as experimental
that is normal to the weld is obtained from the three elements. measurement of HSSs. The results from the bending and
In this method, the consideration of the weld is given. tension tests are then compared with the results of the
ABS (1992) recommends that 20-node solid elements or numerical stress analyses based on round-robin exercise.
8-node shell elements are used with a size of t × t. Linear
extrapolation of the component stress from two points (t/2
and 3t/2) is conducted, and the maximum principal stress is
In Eurocode 9 (1998), the structural stress is defined as STRESSES ACCORDING TO IIW
the greatest value of the component stress extrapolated in the
normal direction to the weld. Shell or solid elements should The structural hot spot stress can be determined using
be used for modelling the structure. reference points and extrapolation to the weld toe at the hot
The recommendations of the International Institute of spot in consideration. The method as defined here is limited
Welding (IIW) on fatigue of welded components and structures to the assessment of the weld toe, i.e. cases shown in Fig.1
and on the effect of weld imperfections in respect to fatigue were (a) to (e). It is not applicable to cases where crack will grow
first published in 1996. These recommendations were later from the weld root and propagate through the weld metal, i.e.
updated in 2009 (Hobbacher (Ed), 2009). This code was cases shown in Fig. 1 (f) to (i) (Hobbacher (Ed), 2009). An
established to cover all the current methods of verification, such adequate design practice aims to overcome this kind of
as component testing, nominal stress, structural stress, and notch behaviour because the crack is not visible before it has
stress method. The main area that was updated in 2009 was the propagated through the weld. Moreover, the structural stress
structural hot-spot stress concept. This allowed for an economic methods cannot be directly applied to continuous welds
and coarser meshing in finite element analysis to be used. subject to longitudinal loading. The nominal stress approach
A recent publication by Hobbacher (2009) provides a is suitable for such cases. In the case of a biaxial stress state
review of the updated procedure to determine a precise at the plate surface, it is recommended to use the principal
recommendation for FEA meshing for the structural hot spot stress which is approximately perpendicular to the weld toe,
stress method with an additional option for coarse meshing. i.e. within a deviation of 45~90. The other principal stress
The study reported in this paper consists of two parts; a may be analysed, if necessary, using the fatigue class for
review of the current methodologies for Hot Spot Stress parallel welds in the nominal stress approach.
Types of Hot Spot Stress stress (m) and shell bending stress (b) as illustrated in Fig.
4. These stress distribution at welded joints of the plate is
Generally the hot spot is the critical location at the weld actually non-linear. However, these stresses are idealized as
toe where a fatigue crack can be expected to initiate. Hot being linear as shown in Fig. 4. The stress components of this
spots can be identified into two types (Niemi, 1995) as shown non-linear relationship can be separated into the membrane
in Fig. 2. stress, shell-bending stress and non-linear peak stress (nlp),
as shown in Fig. 5. Generally, the hot spot stresses account
For Type “A” the weld is located on a plate surface only for the overall geometry of the joint, and exclude local
For Type “B” the weld is located on a plate edge stress (nlp) concentration effects (notch effects) due to the
weld geometry discontinuities at the weld toe. The notch
Fig. 1(a)-(d) show various weld details containing Type effects are included in the hot spot S-N curves based on
“A” hot spots at the weld on the plate surface. Fig. 3 shows experimental results.
typical details of containing Type “B” hot spots at the short
weld toe or weld end on the plate edge. Geometrical notch
effects in the vicinity of the welded joint have to be taken
into account, as e.g. at plate edges, or unequal stress
distribution by various reasons. Type “A” and “B” require
different stress extrapolation points the latter not depending
on the plate thickness. Therefore this study concentrates and
focuses on Type “A” hot spot stress. The fatigue strength of
these welded joint structures appears to be underestimated by Fig. 4 Structural stresses comprising membrane and shell
the structural stress concentrations. Hence it is required to bending stresses.
take a round joint shape and shelving corner radius.
Fig. 2 Examples of hot spot types. Fig. 5 Local notch stress distribution comprising membrane
stress, shell bending stress and nonlinear peak stress.
σ HS =Eε HS (3)
Three extrapolation points at 0.4t, 0.9t and 1.4t are HSS ROUND-ROBIN STUDY
considered in the estimation of structural hot-spot stress at
the weld toe. The hot-spot stress is computed based on the Within a joint study of The Korean Weld Joining Society,
following relationship (Hobbacher (Ed), 2009). four structural details were investigated in a round-robin
It was recommended to directly read the stresses at node study by using different finite element programs and
using Eqs. (5) or (6). The first and second elements should be modeling techniques. All of the details are shown here to
0.4t and 0.6t long along the loading direction according to Eq illustrate the scatter of the analysis results. In addition, this
(5). For such cases, the first, second and third elements should
study has presented the details of an experimental study
be 0.4t, 0.5t and 0.5t long using Eq. (6). In the case of approach
undertaken to investigate two types of standard specimens
to the vicinity of discontinuity with 4-node shell and 8-node
solid elements, it needs to define the elements in more detail. (Type “A”) for hot spot stress evaluation.
The exercise in this study was independently
Relatively Coarse Meshes performed by four organizations without any information
Two extrapolation points at distances 0.5t and 1.5t in The aim of this round robin study was to elucidate the
front of the weld toe are considered in this method based on discrepancies according to the different methods, which were
thickness (Fricke, 2002). Thickness effect is also considered used by each participant. The independent participants used
in this method. The structural hot-spot stress is estimated predefined method to evaluate the stress and strain by using
using the following equation.
their own selected finite element analysis code (ANSYS,
σ HS =1.5σ(0.5t )-0.5σ(1.5t ) (7) 2006; HKS (ABAQUS), 2007; I-DEAS, 1993). For
comparative study, experimental measurements were taken
Eq. (7) is generally recommended for coarser meshes where by only one participant. It is noted that the experimental
element length at the weld toe region is equal to the plate thickness. conditions as well as specimen details were used by all the
Generally, this method is used in the ship building industry. participants in the same manner.
Experimental Setup are welded by three passes under flat position. Moldings
reflecting the weld bead shapes are obtained using dental
The dimension of the test specimen is shown in Fig. 9. silicon rubber and sliced into 2mm thickness to obtain leg
The steel plates of thickness of both 10mm are used as the lengths of both base plate and the gusset plate sides. Average
thickness of the main plate of test specimens. The gusset leg lengths of the base plate and the gusset sides are 5.0 mm,
plate dimension for both Type 1 and Type 2, indicated as respectively.
height (50mm) and width (70mm), are kept identical for Fig. 10 shows the typical placement of strain gauges. The strain
specimens. gauges near the weld toe are placed either 4mm (0.4t) in distance
The material used in this test is a ship-structural mild from the toe. The remaining strain gauges are attached 10mm (1.0t)
steel of grade-A. The design yield stress of the material is for Type 2.
defined as 235MPa for ship-structural mild steel according to Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 show a sample photo for bending and tension
the specifications of classification societies. tests. Experimental studies were conducted using a three-point
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) is used to attach the bending arrangement to simulate a 6.86 kN for bending point load,
gusset plate into the base plate. Gusset plate and main plate and a 29.4 kN for tension in the test specimen at the loading points.
(a) Type 1.
(b) Type 2.
Fig. 10 Strain gauges locations in test specimens.
Fig. 11 Tensile tests of standard specimens (left: transverse gusset, right: longitudinal gusset).
Inter J Nav Archit Oc Engng (2010) 2:200~210 207
Results of Round Robin Study spot stress of bending and tension loadings for Type I. The
tension loading has been underestimated by 16.4% with a
Fig. 13 presents the details of the finite element codes, coefficient of variation (COV) of 0.093 using the linear
type of elements, typical modeling and extrapolation rules method whilst 15.0% with a COV of 0.109 using the
for each participant. Tables 1 to 4 give the hot spot stress quadratic method in comparison with experimental and
results with various details of weldment effect, elements FEA results. Similarly, as shown in Table 2, the linear and
size and extrapolations. Details of comparison with quadratic extrapolation methods subjected to bending
experimental results are also summarized in these tables. loading underestimates the hot spot stress by 9.9% with a
As shown in Table 1, it is found that the linear and COV of 0.445 using the linear method and 16.0% with a
quadratic extrapolation method underestimates both the hot COV of 0.109 using the quadratic method.
Table 1 Hot spot stress results of type 1 subject to tension. Table 3 Hot spot stress results of type 2 subject to tension.
HSS by Extrapolation HSS by Extrapolation
Weld method Weld method
FEA Element effect FEA Element effect
Mesh Size Exp. Mesh Size Exp.
model (Bead FEA (MPa) model (Bead FEA (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa)
shape) shape)
Shell Solid Linear Quad. Linear Shell Solid Linear Quad. Linear
T1-1 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) No 41.96 41.93 52.34 T2-1 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) No 76.71 79.07 60.38
T1-2 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) No 41.95 41.92 52.34 T2-2 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) No 70.63 71.71 60.38
T1-3 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 41.79 41.69 52.34 T2-3 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 73.97 76.03 60.38
T2-4 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 77.99 81.23 60.38
T1-4 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 41.79 41.99 52.34
T2-5 F - 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 60.04 62.49 60.38
T1-5 F - 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 45.13 45.62 52.34
T2-6 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 55.92 57.49 60.38
T1-6 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 43.56 43.56 52.34
T2-7 C - 20node t×t Yes 44.59 - 60.38
T1-7 C - 20node t×t Yes 49.64 - 52.34
T2-8 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 46.19 - 60.38
T1-8 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 56.38 - 52.34
T2-9 C - 20node t×t Yes - 45.45 60.38
T1-9 C - 20node t×t Yes - 50.90 52.34 T2-10 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes - 47.17 60.38
T1-10 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes - 58.87 52.34 T2-11 C - 20node t×t Yes 56.41 58.66 60.38
T1-11 F 4node 0.5(t×t) No 41.96 41.93 52.34 T2-12 F - 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 56.41 58.76 60.38
T1-12 F 8node 0.5(t×t) No 41.95 41.92 52.34 T2-13 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 54.74 56.80 60.38
T1-13 F 4node 0.5(t×t) Yes 41.79 41.69 52.34 T2-14 C 4node - t×t No 52.39 52.78 60.38
T1-14 F 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 41.79 41.99 52.34 T2-15 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) No 52.97 54.74 60.38
T2-16 C 8node - t×t No 57.58 60.14 60.38
T1-15 F - 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 45.13 45.62 52.34
T2-17 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) No 50.72 51.80 60.38
T1-16 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 43.56 43.56 52.34
Notes: F= fine mesh; C=coarse mesh
Notes: F= fine mesh; C=coarse mesh
Table 2 Hot spot stress results of type 1 subject to bending. Table 4 Hot spot stress results of type 2 subject to bending.
HSS by Extrapolation HSS by Extrapolation
Weld Weld method
FEA Element effect FEA Element effect
Mesh Size Exp. Mesh Size Exp.
model (Bead FEA (MPa) model (Bead FEA (MPa)
(MPa) (MPa)
shape) shape)
Shell Solid Linear Quad. Linear Shell Solid Linear Quad. Linear
T1-17 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) No 218.66 214.25 410.55 T2-18 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) No 230.14 245.54 435.04
T1-18 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) No 228.77 226.12 410.55 T2-19 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) No 194.73 201.50 435.04
T1-19 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 212.88 211.11 410.55 T2-20 F 4node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 192.77 203.07 435.04
T1-20 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 220.43 218.57 410.55 T2-21 F 8node - 0.5(t×t) Yes 176.97 186.68 435.04
T1-21 F - 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 510.81 522.28 410.55 T2-22 F - 8node 0.5(t×t) Yes 564.37 601.16 435.04
T1-22 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 476.37 479.91 410.55 T2-23 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 493.84 514.63 435.04
T1-23 C - 20node t×t Yes 534.16 - 410.55 T2-24 C - 20node t×t Yes 511.47 - 435.04
T1-24 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 582.25 - 410.55 T2-25 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes 523.73 - 435.04
T1-25 C - 20node t×t Yes - 506.93 410.55 T2-26 C - 20node t×t Yes - 529.24 435.04
T1-26 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes - 549.16 410.55 T2-27 F - 20node 0.5(t×t) Yes - 541.21 435.04
Notes: F= fine mesh; C=coarse mesh Notes: F= fine mesh; C=coarse mesh
Following insights have been derived based on the median Register Educational Trust) via the LRET Research Center of
results from the round-robin study: Excellence at Pusan National University.