Solar Refrigerator System
Solar Refrigerator System
Solar Refrigerator System
Session : 2018-19
Submitted by
Rahul Kumar-1538440073
Sachin Mishra-1538440086
Vishal Maurya-1538440111
Project Guide
expressed their in, but approve the project for the purpose of which it is
Head of Department
We are extremely grateful and remain indebted to our guide “Mr.Shubham Singh
Yadav” for being a source of inspiration and for his constant support in the design,
Implementation and evaluation of the project. We are thankful to them for their
I wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to our other faculty members and
In 1839, the ability of some materials to create an electrical charge from light exposure
was first observed by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel.[3] Though the premiere solar
panels were too inefficient for even simple electric devices they were used as an
instrument to measure light.[4] The observation by Becquerel was not replicated again
until 1873, when Willoughby Smith discovered that the charge could be caused by light
hitting selenium. After this discovery, William Grylls Adams and Richard Evans
Day published "The action of light on selenium" in 1876, describing the experiment
they used to replicate Smith's results.[3][5] In 1881, Charles Fritts created the first
commercial solar panel, which was reported by Fritts as "continuous, constant and of
considerable force not only by exposure to sunlight but also to dim, diffused
daylight."[6] However, these solar panels were very inefficient, especially compared to
coal-fired power plants. In 1939, Russell Ohl created the solar cell design that is used
in many modern solar panels. He patented his design in 1941.[7] In 1954, this design
was first used by Bell Labs to create the first commercially viable silicon solar cell.[3]
Reported timeline of champion solar module energy conversion efficiencies since 1988
(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Each module is rated by its DC output power under standard test conditions (STC),
and typically ranges from 100 to 365 Watts (W). The efficiency of a module determines
the area of a module given the same rated output – an 8% efficient 230 W module will
have twice the area of a 16% efficient 230 W module. There are a few commercially
available solar modules that exceed efficiency of 24%[8] [9]
Depending on construction, photovoltaic modules can produce electricity from a range
of frequencies of light, but usually cannot cover the entire solar range
(specifically, ultraviolet, infrared and low or diffused light). Hence, much of the
incident sunlightenergy is wasted by solar modules, and they can give far higher
efficiencies if illuminated with monochromatic light. Therefore, another design concept
is to split the light into six to eight different wavelength ranges that will produce a
different color of light, and direct the beams onto different cells tuned to those
ranges.[10] This has been projected to be capable of raising efficiency by 50%.
A single solar module can produce only a limited amount of power; most installations
contain multiple modules. A photovoltaic system typically includes an array of
photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a battery pack for storage, interconnection wiring,
and optionally a solar tracking mechanism.
Scientists from Spectrolab, a subsidiary of Boeing, have reported development
of multi-junction solar cells with an efficiency of more than 40%, a new world record for
solar photovoltaic cells.[11] The Spectrolab scientists also predict that concentrator solar
cells could achieve efficiencies of more than 45% or even 50% in the future, with
theoretical efficiencies being about 58% in cells with more than three junctions.
Currently, the best achieved sunlight conversion rate (solar module efficiency) is
around 21.5% in new commercial products[12] typically lower than the efficiencies of
their cells in isolation. The most efficient mass-produced solar modules[disputed –
have power density values of up to 175 W/m2 (16.22 W/ft2).[13]
Research by Imperial College, London has shown that the efficiency of a solar panel
can be improved by studying the light-receiving semiconductor surface
with aluminumnanocylinders similar to the ridges on Lego blocks.
The scattered light then travels along a longer path in the semiconductor which means
that more photons can be absorbed and converted into current. Although these
nanocylinders have been used previously (aluminum was preceded by gold and silver),
the light scattering occurred in the near infrared region and visible light was absorbed
strongly. Aluminum was found to have absorbed the ultraviolet part of the spectrum,
while the visible and near infrared parts of the spectrum were found to be scattered by
the aluminum surface. This, the research argued, could bring down the cost
significantly and improve the efficiency as aluminum is more abundant and less costly
than gold and silver. The research also noted that the increase in current makes
thinner film solar panels technically feasible without "compromising power conversion
efficiencies, thus reducing material consumption".[14]
Efficiencies of solar panel can be calculated by MPP (maximum power point) value
of solar panels
Solar inverters convert the DC power to AC power by performing MPPT process:
solar inverter samples the output Power (I-V curve) from the solar cell and applies
the proper resistance (load) to solar cells to obtain maximum power.
MPP (Maximum power point) of the solar panel consists of MPP voltage (V mpp)
and MPP current (I mpp): it is a capacity of the solar panel and the higher value can
make higher MPP.
Micro-inverted solar panels are wired in parallel, which produces more output than
normal panels which are wired in series with the output of the series determined by the
lowest performing panel (this is known as the "Christmas light effect"). Micro-inverters
work independently so each panel contributes its maximum possible output given the
available sunlight.[15]
Main articles: Crystalline silicon and Thin film solar cell
Several companies have begun embedding electronics into PV modules. This enables
performing maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for each module individually, and
the measurement of performance data for monitoring and fault detection at module
level. Some of these solutions make use of power optimizers, a DC-to-DC converter
technology developed to maximize the power harvest from solar photovoltaic systems.
As of about 2010, such electronics can also compensate for shading effects, wherein a
shadow falling across a section of a module causes the electrical output of one or more
strings of cells in the module to fall to zero, but not having the output of the entire
module fall to zero.
Solar panel conversion efficiency, typically in the 20% range, is reduced by dust,
grime, pollen, and other particulates that accumulate on the solar panel. "A dirty solar
panel can reduce its power capabilities by up to 30% in high dust/pollen or desert
areas", says Seamus Curran, associate professor of physics at the University of
Houston and director of the Institute for NanoEnergy, which specializes in the design,
engineering, and assembly of nanostructures.[27]
Paying to have solar panels cleaned is often not a good investment; researchers found
panels that had not been cleaned, or rained on, for 145 days during a summer drought
in California, lost only 7.4% of their efficiency. Overall, for a typical residential solar
system of 5 kW, washing panels halfway through the summer would translate into a
mere $20 gain in electricity production until the summer drought ends—in about 2 ½
months. For larger commercial rooftop systems, the financial losses are bigger but still
rarely enough to warrant the cost of washing the panels. On average, panels lost a
little less than 0.05% of their overall efficiency per day.[28]
Most parts of a solar module can be recycled including up to 95% of certain
semiconductor materials or the glass as well as large amounts of ferrous and non-
ferrous metals.[29]Some private companies and non-profit organizations are currently
engaged in take-back and recycling operations for end-of-life modules.[30]
Recycling possibilities depend on the kind of technology used in the modules:
Silicon based modules: aluminum frames and junction boxes are dismantled
manually at the beginning of the process. The module is then crushed in a mill and
the different fractions are separated - glass, plastics and metals.[31] It is possible to
recover more than 80% of the incoming weight.[32] This process can be performed
by flat glass recyclers since morphology and composition of a PV module is similar
to those flat glasses used in the building and automotive industry. The recovered
glass for example is readily accepted by the glass foam and glass insulation
Non-silicon based modules: they require specific recycling technologies such as the
use of chemical baths in order to separate the different semiconductor
materials.[33] For cadmium telluride modules, the recycling process begins by
crushing the module and subsequently separating the different fractions. This
recycling process is designed to recover up to 90% of the glass and 95% of the
semiconductor materials contained.[34] Some commercial-scale recycling facilities
have been created in recent years by private companies.[35] For aluminium flat plate
reflector: the trendiness of the reflectors has been brought up by fabricating them
using a thin layer (around 0.016 mm to 0.024 mm) of Aluminum coating present
inside the non-recycled plastic food packages.[36]
Since 2010, there is an annual European conference bringing together manufacturers,
recyclers and researchers to look at the future of PV module recycling. [37][38]
See also: List of photovoltaics companies
Yingli 3,200
ReneSola 1,728
Kyocera 1,200
JA Solar 1,173
Swanson's law states that with every doubling of production of panels, there has been
a 20 percent reduction in the cost of panels.[46]
The price of solar electrical power has continued to fall so that in many countries it has
become cheaper than ordinary fossil fuel electricity from the electricity grid since 2012,
a phenomenon known as grid parity.[47]
Average pricing information divides in three pricing categories: those buying small
quantities (modules of all sizes in the kilowatt range annually), mid-range buyers
(typically up to 10 MWp annually), and large quantity buyers (self-explanatory—and
with access to the lowest prices). Over the long term there is clearly a systematic
reduction in the price of cells and modules. For example, in 2012 it was estimated that
the quantity cost per watt was about US$0.60, which was 250 times lower than the
cost in 1970 of US$150.[48][49] A 2015 study shows price/kWh dropping by 10% per year
since 1980, and predicts that solar could contribute 20% of total electricity consumption
by 2030, whereas the International Energy Agency predicts 16% by 2050.[50]
Real world energy production costs depend a great deal on local weather conditions. In
a cloudy country such as the United Kingdom, the cost per produced kWh is higher
than in sunnier countries like Spain.
According to .S. Energy Information Administration, prices per megawatthour are
expected to converge and reach parity with conventional energy production sources
during the period 2020-2030. According to EIA, the parity can be achieved without
need for subsidy support and can be accomplished through organic market
mechanisms, namely production price reduction and an technological advancement.
Pole mounts, which are driven directly into the ground or embedded in concrete.
Foundation mounts, such as concrete slabs or poured footings
Ballasted footing mounts, such as concrete or steel bases that use weight to secure
the solar module system in position and do not require ground penetration. This
type of mounting system is well suited for sites where excavation is not possible
such as capped landfills and simplifies decommissioning or relocation of solar
module systems.
Roof-mounted solar power systems consist of solar modules held in place by racks or
frames attached to roof-based mounting supports.[56]Roof-based mounting supports
Rail mounts, which are attached directly to the roof structure and may use additional
rails for attaching the module racking or frames.
Ballasted footing mounts, such as concrete or steel bases that use weight to secure
the panel system in position and do not require through penetration. This mounting
method allows for decommissioning or relocation of solar panel systems with no
adverse effect on the roof structure.
All wiring connecting adjacent solar modules to the energy harvesting equipment
must be installed according to local electrical codes and should be run in a conduit
appropriate for the climate conditions
Solar trackers increase the amount of energy produced per module at a cost of
mechanical complexity and need for maintenance. They sense the direction of the Sun
and tilt or rotate the modules as needed for maximum exposure to the
light.[57][58] Alternatively, fixed racks hold modules stationary as the sun moves across
the sky. The fixed rack sets the angle at which the module is held. Tilt angles
equivalent to an installation's latitude are common. Most of these fixed racks are set on
poles above ground.[59] Panels that face West or East may provide slightly lower
energy, but evens out the supply, and may provide more power during peak
Standards generally used in photovoltaic modules:
IEC 61215 (crystalline silicon performance), 61646 (thin film performance) and
61730 (all modules, safety)
ISO 9488 Solar energy—Vocabulary.
UL 1703 from Underwriters Laboratories
UL 1741 from Underwriters Laboratories
UL 2703 from Underwriters Laboratories
CE mark
Electrical Safety Tester (EST) Series (EST-460, EST-22V, EST-22H, EST-110).
Outdoor solar panels usually includes MC4 connectors. Automotive solar panels also
can include car lighter and USB adapter. Indoor panels (including solar pv glasses, thin
films and windows) can integrate microinverter (AC Solar panels).
There are many practical applications for the use of solar panels or photovoltaics. It
can first be used in agriculture as a power source for irrigation. In health care solar
panels can be used to refrigerate medical supplies. It can also be used for
infrastructure. PV modules are used in photovoltaic systems and include a large variety
of electric devices:
Pollution and Energy in Production
Solar panel has been a well-known method of generating clean, emission free
electricity. However, it produces only direct current electricity (DC), which is not what
normal appliances use. Solar photovoltaic systems (solar PV systems) are often made
of solar PV panels (modules) and inverter (changing DC to AC). Solar PV panels are
mainly made of solar photovoltaic cells, which has no fundamental difference to the
material for making computer chips. The process of producing solar PV cells (computer
chips) is energy intensive and involves highly poisonous and environmental toxic
chemicals. There are few solar PV manufacturing plants around the world producing
PV modules with energy produced from PV. This measure greatly reduces the carbon
footprint during the manufacturing process. Managing the chemicals used in the
manufacturing process is subject to the factories' local laws and regulations.
Impact on Electricity Network
With the increasing levels of rooftop photovoltaic systems, the energy flow becomes 2-
way. When there is more local generation than consumption, electricity is exported to
the grid. However, electricity network traditionally is not designed to deal with the 2-
way energy transfer. Therefore, some technical issues may occur. For example in
Queensland Australia, there have been more than 30% of households with rooftop PV
by the end of 2017. The famous Californian 2020 duck curve appears very often for a
lot of communities from 2015 onwards. An over-voltage issue may come out as the
electricity flows from these PV households back to the network.[61] There are solutions
to manage the over voltage issue, such as regulating PV inverter power factor, new
voltage and energy control equipment at electricity distributor level, re-conducting the
electricity wires, demand side management, etc. There are often limitations and costs
related to these solutions.
Implication onto Electricity Bill Management and Energy Investment
There is no silver bullet in electricity or energy demand and bill management, because
customers (sites) have different specific situations, e.g. different comfort/convenience
needs, different electricity tariffs, or different usage patterns. Electricity tariff may have
a few elements, such as daily access and metering charge, energy charge (based on
kWh, MWh) or peak demand charge (e.g. a price for the highest 30min energy
consumption in a month). PV is a promising option for reducing energy charge when
electricity price is reasonably high and continuously increasing, such as in Australia
and Germany. However for sites with peak demand charge in place, PV may be less
attractive if peak demands mostly occur in the late afternoon to early evening, for
example residential communities. Overall, energy investment is largely an economical
decision and it is better to make investment decisions based on systematical
evaluation of options in operational improvement, energy efficiency, onsite generation
and energy storage.[62][63]
See also
Battery (electricity)
Daisy chain (electrical engineering)
Digital modeling and fabrication
Domestic energy consumption
Grid-tied electrical system
Growth of photovoltaics
List of photovoltaics companies
MC4 connector
Rooftop photovoltaic power station
Sky footage
Solar charger
Solar cooker
Solar oven
Solar roadway
Solar still