Order To Pay and Comply - Almidal
Order To Pay and Comply - Almidal
Order To Pay and Comply - Almidal
This pertains to the findings on General Labor Standards (GLS) and Occupational Safety
and Health Standards (OSHS) deficiencies as a result of the Routine Inspection conducted by this
Office on September 20, 2018 at the above-named establishment, pursuant to Article 128 of the
Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended.
Result of the Routine Inspection showed that the subject establishment has the
following deficiencies:
Based on the computation of this Office, the employee was found to be entitled to receive
The Notice of Result (NR) containing the findings of this office was furnished in the above-
named establishment on September 20, 2018 containing the following directive: Any questions
on the above findings shall be submitted to this Office within five (5) days and correction thereof
shall be done within ten (10) days for GLS deficiencies and within the maximum period of three
(3) months for OSHS deficiencies from receipt of this Notice. This notice shall be posted
conspicuously in the premises of the workplace. Unauthorized removal of this Notice by any
person shall be dealt with law.
Mandatory conferences were schedule on March 7, 2019 and March 19, 2019.
On March 19, 2019, respondent and worker appeared and was informed of the conference’
resetting to March 28, 2019 due to intervening activities/inspector’s meeting and regional
On March 28, 2019, both parties appeared and respondent manifested that she failed to
appear due to her baby’s hospitalization. She will submit documents to refute the computation of
the inspection on April 2, 2019.
To date, records showed that the respondent had submitted required documents
(employee’s payroll and daily time record for the period stated above) as proof of payment of the
required deficiencies of the noted GLS deficiencies. Respondent submitted documents to refute
the computation of the inspector on April 2, 2019.
With regard to Social Welfare Benefits, let copies of this order be furnished the Social
Security System and Philippine Insurance System or PhilHealth offices.