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Guide to Modern Arabic Interior Design

Comelite Architecture and Structure
Guide to Modern Arabic Interior Design
Learn about the 4 essentials of Modern Arabic Interior Design

1. Introduction 3
2. Islamic Style 5
3. Moroccan Style 10
4. Mediterranean Style 15
5. Modernism 19
6. Characteristics Of The Modern Arabic Style 23
7. Conclusion 31

2 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 3
When you merge some exclusive styles for the sake
of design, you begin to break ground in untrodden
territory. Modern Arabic interior design is a sum of
many small features that make a whole. It consists of
several combinations of atypical interior styles that
combine to form this contemporary interpretation.

Modern Arabic interior design is a fruitful combination

of the Islamic, Moroccan and Mediterranean styles
with a dash oftheTransitionalstyle ofModernism. Each
one of these styles have individual characteristics of
their own, but when they come together, they can
make something completely unique and different.
In order to understand the holistic nature of the
modern Arabic scheme, you need to first take a look
at all four of these styles individually.

4 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 5
Islamic style is a combination of
strict geometry, careful layouts and
an open space philosophy. Its initial,
singular purpose was to display Islamic
architecture in a way that seemed
grand and majestic. So the Islamic
style used sweeping courtyards, large
arches with pishtaqs and iwans along
with the arcades and porticos. Islamic
architecture was all about grandeur, in
an understated manner.

While we study the modern Arabic

design aspect, it is important to note that
Islamic architecture was used in secular
buildings – mostly mosques. However,
with the rise of the Byzantine Empire, it
seeped into palaces and forts as well.
The most notable example of this would
be the Palace of Alhambra in Spain.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 6

Since we will be looking at the modern
Arabic style in terms of small scale inte-
riors, it is important that we understand
Islamic influences in this context. When
we condense Islamic style to suit small
spaces such as the today’s residences,
we will need to scale some of the follow-
ing aspects accordingly:

a. Geometry
Geometry is one of the defining aspects
of Islamic interiors and architecture. From
the beautifully carved mashraba’s to the
complicated floor patterns, geometry is
an inherent part of this style.

b. Proportion
Proportion of any architecture or interior
in this style is set around the dome, but
small scale practices can take the size of
the room as standard proportion and de-
sign accordingly.

7 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

c. Design Elements
1. Arches
Islamic style introduces a plethora of arch
styles, which can be used as a wall cen-
terpiece in modern Arabic interiors with
subtle contemporary touches.

2. Iwans
A square niche outside of the depressed
arch, Iwans are a salient Islamic feature.
They are a major standout design ele-
ment in any modern Arabic design, and
can be merged with a modern vibe.

3. Calligraphy
Not the most defining design element,
but Calligraphy is an important aspect of
Islamic design. It reinforces the sense of
Arabic culture and sanctity of the religion.

8 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

d. Colors
The colors of Islamic style can be neu-
tral with a tiny hint of bold. Take the Blue
Mosque in Turkey as an example – the
domes are a bright cascading blue, while
the rest is simply neutral gray/brown.

Islamic flairs are common in Arabic style.
A modern Arabic design can have ge-
ometry in the form of laser cut partition
screens and complicated floor tile pat-
terns. The proportion in a modern Arabic
setting can be defined by an imposing
arch as the center of design. Calligra-
phy can be framed on the walls to im-
ply a modern touch. The color palate, of
course, needs to be restrained in order
to focus on other touches, but the de-
sign elements are majorly Islamic.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 9


Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 10

An exotic style of interior design that
takes inspiration from its culture and a
few hints of Islamic architecture itself.
The Moroccan style focuses on colors,
patterns and an overall traditional vibe
that comes from a combination of both.
The richness of Moroccan style comple-
ments its Islamic counterparts. When we
merge both in modern Arabic style, the
end product always turns out charming
and luxurious. Let’s elaborate on some of
the major design elements of this style.

a. Bold colors
The Moroccan style thrives on bold color
choices – mostly reds, blues and greens.
These color choices make this style live-
ly and vibrant. In a modern Arabic con-
text, the bold colors will simmer down
to bold accents. These could be subtle
paintings or miniature decoration pieces
in strategic locations.

11 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

b. Plush furniture
To reinforce a sense of luxury, Moroccan
style furniture tends to be quite plush.
The upholstery is mostly made of rich
fabrics. If the rest of the interior is muted,
color can be brought out via the furniture.
Modern Arabic style appreciates this har-
mony and copies this sense of luxury in
its aesthetic.

c. Ornamentation
Moroccan ornamentation consists of
small decoration pieces and other trin-
kets, sometimes in metallic tones. Mod-
ern Arabic style borrows this style of or-
namentation as well.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 12

d. Rugs
Persian rugs are the carpet of
choice for Moroccan style in-
teriors. Since both Islamic and
Arabic themes take inspiration
from Persian ideologies, it is
only right that the modern Ar-
abic style own this principle.

e. Mosaics/Tiles
Geometry through mosaics is
one of the go-to techniques
of the Moroccan style. With
the right design, it can also be
combined with the modern
Arabic genre of interiors.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design 13

f. Hanging Lanterns and Lights
Hanging lights are no modern innova-
tion. They are the peculiar descend-
ants of the age old lantern. Moroccan
style emphasizes a lot of its aesthetic
on hanging lights. The design of these
lights is quite defining and can be trans-
lated to the modern Arabic genre.

The modern Arabic style definitely
showcases small hints of the Moroccan
style. From a sweepingly grand theme,
to the beauty of traditional lighting, the
modern Arabic style can translate it all
into its sub-genre in small doses that
combine expertly with other styles.

14 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design


Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
Mediterranean style is most commonly
found in the countries surrounding the
Mediterranean Sea, including Spain, Italy
and France. Since these countries span
the coast where the Byzantine Empire
was the strongest, they seem to have
a few chosen characteristics of Islamic
and Byzantine architecture. There a
few key defining features of this style
that include but are not limited to low
pitched roofs, red shingles, warm color
schemes and a stucco finish. These
are mostly the exterior characteristics;
the interior mostly showcases open
space planning with wide, outdoor living
spaces, extensive arched openings and
wrought iron railings.
The modern Arabic interior theme takes
after this one in the form of open living
areas, sometimes double height atriums,
arched openings and entry ways and a
warm color scheme.

16 Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

Let us compare some key elements of
this design with the Arabic style.

a. Open Courtyards/Living Areas

The Mediterranean style of interior de-
signing often has large, open living are-
as with plush furniture sets. These cre-
ate a sense of openness in the scheme.
Modern Arabic layouts often articulate
this concept in interior designing.

b. Stucco Siding
The stucco siding is done in mostly
warm colors – pastel browns, light yel-
lows and other eastern color schemes.
This recreates a warmth within the exte-
rior, which is then translated to the inte-
rior spaces with a similar color scheme.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
c. Central Courtyards/Patios
Central courtyards may not be able to ret-
rofit in the modern Arabic scheme due to
space constraints, but the idea of patios
is certainly quite Mediterranean.

d. Arched Openings
Arched openings tend to enhance a
sense of grandeur, which the modern Ar-
abic style inherited from its Islamic coun-
terpart. An arched opening is just another
way to enhance that sense of opulence
even in a typical residential setting.

The Mediterranean influences on the
modern Arabic style might be far and few
compared to the Islamic and Moroccan
style, but they are also very key. The most
prominent are the introduction of arched
entryways, a sensible color scheme to
tone down the boldness of the Moroccan
style and definitely the patio.

18Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design


Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
Since the modern Arabic style actual-
ly uses three traditional counterparts to
its one modern one, we should see how
that works. The ratio is definitely off, as
modernism in the modern Arabic style
ends up being very minimal at best. So
we need to see just how the ‘modern’
aspect of this style can apply to the ac-
tual design.

a. Tone variation
Since we’ve already established that the
color palate of the modern Arabic style
would be a warm one, the modern as-
pect of that would be a tone variation.
This would require the complete color
scheme to follow one color, but with dif-
ferent hues.

20Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

b. Floor and Ceiling
Since recreating the grand ceiling de-
signs of the Islamic/Moroccan/Medi-
terranean variety would be impossible
and unsavory on a small scale, the false
ceiling and floor designs would be in a
decidedly modern scheme. This means
that wooden floors, warm toned tiles
and other modern aspects would be
feasible for flooring. Similarly, LED lights,
down lighters and strip lighting will rein-
force the modern vibe in this style from
the ceiling design.

c. Minimal Accents
Going minimal for such a non-minimal
style would require extensive pruning.
The modern Arabic style is one of a kind,
and going minimal would mean pruning
the frills on furniture, curtains, and other
physical design features.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
d. Clean Lines
Clean, straight lines are a key element
of the modern style. To introduce it in
the modern Arabic style would require
straightening out the furniture and other
design elements that make up the rest
of this style.

A combination of all of the above four
elements within context of the three tra-
ditional styles will end up defining the
modern aspect of the modern Arabic
design aesthetic.

22Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design


Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
Now that we have studied the vari-
ous components that actually make up
modern Arabic style, it is time to see
how the whole competes with the sum
of its parts. The modern Arabic style is a
delectable mix of eastern and western
styles. It is not only a theme; it defines
the lifestyle of an entire generation.

The modern Arabic style effects the

color scheme, layout and the furniture
selection of your home. It has some very
specific guidelines that will end up de-
fining the final outlook of your space.
Further, we will be looking at just how
we can implement the modern Arabic
style in a successful design.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
1. Space Layout
When designing for a modern Arabic
theme, you should use your allotted
space in a correct way. It doesn’t mat-
ter if you’re designing for a small or large
space; you have to use all the elements
we’ve discussed above in moderation. If
even one element overpowers the rest,
it can end up ruining the entire theme.

The Arab culture revolves around fam-

ily. The importance of gathering in the
presence of your family is one of the de-
fining principles of the culture. So trans-
lating that fact into spaces means that
the living room will be the social hub of
the house. Considering the ideology of
space layout, the proper furniture set-
ting can go a long way towards making
a space look welcoming.

25Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

Now, the layout should be such that it
reinforces a comfortable ambiance. Too
much distance between seating fixtures
can lead to a static silence, so it is better
to orient the furniture in a way that al-
lows for a friendly atmosphere.

The focal point of any living room should

depend on the culture. Tradition is what
defines the cultural focal point of any
social space like a living room. For most,
it is the fireplace or the television. Once
you know the focal point, you should ori-
ent the furniture layout towards it.

The Muslim culture appreciates a sense

of peace and personal space. Therefore,
space layout is one of the more impor-
tant aspects of the modern Arabic home

26Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

Cultural Inhibitions
When designing the modern Arabic
theme for Muslim clients, you need to
consider the cultural and religious as-
pects of the layout along with the aes-
thetic. Muslims pray five times a day on
a daily basis, and the orientation of the
Prayer Mat defines the layout of the fur-
niture. The Prayer Mat always the Qibla.

Most typical families can say their prayers

in any room, granted the prayer mat does
not face the television, bathroom or any
other human interference. In space plan-
ning for the prayer area, you should keep
in mind to keep it away from heavy traffic
zones – especially children’s play areas.

A small nook facing westward would be

more than enough. The television should
notably be behind the Qibla, so that any
traffic from adjacent rooms can pass be-
hind the praying person without interfer-
Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
2. Color, Materials and Lighting
It may not seem like it on the surface, but
all three of these interior design aspects
are quite interrelated. We’ve already es-
tablished that the modern Arabic style
emulates a warm color palate with a
splash of bold in very subtle yet strate-
gic places.

The tangent of this ‘warm’ color scheme

runs the gamut of the eastern color pal-
ate. The materials are always organic
and natural looking – wood, stone, stuc-
co, etc. these complement the aura of
the modern Arabic color palate.

As far as the lighting is concerned, hang-

ing Moroccan lamps, or stylish uplighters
are the way to go. The ambiance should
be cozy and intimate, so the bulbs should
emulate gold light that could be auto-
mated by smart technology.

28Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

3. Furniture Design
The furniture design of a modern Arabic
scheme should be ergonomic but also
fashionable. There are quite a few sali-
ent features of this style, many themat-
ic and many functional. Just make sure
that whatever suits the theme is also du-
rable as well.

The furniture scheme for a modern Ar-

abic layout would need to complement
the theme. Instead of couches and so-
fas, the major seating design fixture in
the living are should be a ‘diwan.’ It is
essentially a couch, which is crafted to
specifically fit in with the ‘Arabic’ part of
the modern Arabic style. Its overly tradi-
tional outlook can be a defining feature
of your aesthetic.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
If you want a little something different,
then arranging a number of special
seating mattresses around the periph-
ery of the room is also a feasible option.
There are specifically designed pillows
to serve the purpose.

One major aspect that relates to furni-

ture design in the modern Arabic inte-
rior theme is that Muslims do not wear
their outside shoes inside the home.
They roam about their interiors barefoot
– many are even fully carpeted. While
decorating, consider creating a space
for guest shoes as well as the owners’
so shoes don’t pile up and create
an eyesore.

Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design
We hope that reading this eBook helps
you understand the intricacies of mod-
ern Arabic design. It takes extensive ex-
perience to master the implementation
of this style. We, as masters of this style
with professional experience, can help
you bring it into your home.

31Guide To Modern Arabic Interior Design

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