Clause by Clause Explanation of ISO 45001 2018 en
Clause by Clause Explanation of ISO 45001 2018 en
Clause by Clause Explanation of ISO 45001 2018 en
ISO 45001:2018
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................3
1. Process and process approach .................................................................................................................................3
2. Process approach impact...........................................................................................................................................4
3. The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle ....................................................................................................................................4
4. Context of the organization ......................................................................................................................................5
5. Leadership......................................................................................................................................................................6
6. Planning ..........................................................................................................................................................................7
7. Support ...........................................................................................................................................................................9
8. Operation .....................................................................................................................................................................11
9. Performance evaluation ..........................................................................................................................................12
10. Improvement............................................................................................................................................................13
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................14
Sample of documentation templates .......................................................................................................................14
References ........................................................................................................................................................................14
This handbook is designed to help employees involved in establishing and maintaining an OH&S
Management System within their respective organizations. Each clause will be explained in the same
order, with identical clause numbers, as the ISO 45001:2018 international standard clauses themselves,
and links to supplementary learning materials will also be provided in the text to help the reader.
Tip: For more information on specific aspects of ISO 45001, see this webpage: ISO 45001 Webinars.
Process approach: Occupational health & safety systems, similarly to other management systems, use a
combination of sequences and interactions to produce a desired output. When all activities and actions
are managed, together with consideration towards each other and the end result, this method is known
as the “process approach.” A process approach will also specify the responsibilities of process owners,
rather than providing generic responsibilities. Therefore, when a company has an OH&S Management
System that is considered to be an active and fluid system, taking into account all variables and their
effects on the objectives – this is considered a process approach.
Inputs: These are a collection of elements that may be required to feed a process, for example resources,
raw materials, and machinery.
Outputs: These are the results of a process, whether desirable or undesirable outputs, such as wastage
or pollution. It should be noted that an output is not always a final element, but may only be the input
into the next process in a chain.
The process approach, therefore, becomes the most effective method of managing and mitigating
occupational health & safety hazards and risks, given that it allows for a more analytical and systemic view
of process interactions and their effects, rather than focusing on more local problems that arise within
the process. The management of the OH&S Management System by a system that has been developed
with a full understanding of the relationship of the interacting processes and their effects will yield more
short- and long-term benefits to the organization seeking to implement and maintain ISO 45001:2018.
Plan: the establishment of objectives, and the processes that may deliver them, in harmony with the
Occupational Health & Safety Policy established by the organization
Check: the monitoring and measuring of results versus the Occupational Health & Safety Policy, including
all commitments, objectives, and criteria, and the reporting of them
It should be noted that the PDCA cycle is a recognized management system methodology that is used
across various business management systems, but its use is both compulsory and highly beneficial within
ISO 45001:2018. The standard is written so that the sections of the ISO 45001:2018 standard easily fit into
this PDCA cycle.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article Defining the context of the organization according
to ISO 45001.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article Determining interested parties according to ISO
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article How to determine scope of the OH&SMS.
Risk and opportunity must be considered with respect to these elements, as well as legal and regulatory
issues, and the organization’s Occupational Health & Safety hazards themselves. This outcome needs to
ensure that the OH&S Management System can meet its intended outcomes and objectives, that any
external factors that may affect performance are avoided, and that continual improvement can be
In terms of emergency situations, the organization is required to determine any situations that may occur
and have a resulting occupational health & safety risk. Again, it is vital that documented information is
retained concerning the risks and opportunities considered and addressed in the planning phase in order
to satisfy the terms of the clause.
Tip: For additional information on this topic, click on the article What are the new requirements for risks
and opportunities according to ISO 45001?
ISO 45001:2018 asks organizations to consider, in a proactive manner, all occupational health & safety
hazards within the organization’s control. Changes or planned future changes to services also have to be
taken into account, as do any abnormal situations that may arise that are reasonable for the organization
to predict – for example, if you are about to launch a new product that needs radically new production
processes or materials. Again, the organization needs to maintain documented information on this clause
and its elements, and communication to the appropriate levels with effective frequency needs to be
planned and undertaken. In terms of documented information, if you ensure that all actual and associated
risks, the criteria you use to define them, and your significant occupational health & safety risks are
documented, then you will satisfy the terms of this clause.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article How to identify and classify OH&S hazards.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article How to identify and comply with legal requirements
in ISO 45001.
6.2 Occupational health & safety objectives and planning to achieve them
6.2.1 Occupational health & safety objectives
The standard advises that occupational health & safety objectives should be established at appropriate
levels and intervals, having considered the identified occupational health & safety hazards, risks and
opportunities, and compliance obligations. The characteristics of the set objectives are important, too:
they need to be consistent with the organization’s Occupational Health & Safety Policy, measurable where
possible, able to be monitored, communicated effectively, and be such that they can be updated when
circumstances require. Once more, it is mandatory that documented information is kept outlining this
process and its outputs.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article How to define ISO 45001 objectives and plans.
7.2 Competence
Employee competence must meet the terms of the ISO 45001:2018 standard by ensuring that the people
given responsibility for OH&S Management System tasks are capable and confident. Related to this, it
stands to reason that the experience, training, and/or education of the individual must be of the required
standard, and that any necessary training is identified and delivered – with measurable actions taken
externally or internally to ensure that this level of competence exists. Predictably, this process and its
outputs need to be recorded as documented information for the OH&S Management System.
7.3 Awareness
Awareness is closely related to competence in the standard. Employees must be made aware of the
Occupational Health & Safety Policy and its contents, any current and future impacts that may affect their
tasks, what their personal performance means to the OH&S Management System and its objectives,
including the positives or improved performance, and what the implications of poor performance may be
to the OH&S Management System. Additionally, the standard demands that workers be aware that they
can remove themselves from work situations that they consider to be a danger to their life or health.
7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General
Processes for internal and external communication need to be established and recorded as documented
information within the OH&S Management System. The key elements that need to be decided, actioned,
and recorded are what needs to be communicated, how it should be done, who needs to receive the
communication, and at what intervals it should be done. It should be noted here that any communication
outputs should be consistent with related information and content generated by the OH&S Management
System for the sake of consistency.
Tip: For more information on communication, see the article Case study: Health & safety communication
compliant with OHSAS 18001.
For more information on this topic, please see the article: New approach to ISO 45001 documentation.
For more information, please take a look at this useful handbook: Managing ISO Documentation: A Plain
English Guide.
To learn more about this topic, please see the article: List of mandatory documents according to ISO 45001.
You can use this free ISO online tool for handling your documentation, i.e., using it as a document
management system (DMS).
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article What is the purpose and structure of the Health &
Safety hazard evaluation record?
Tip: For more practical assistance with compliance evaluation, see this template for a Compliance
Evaluation Record.
TIP: For more information on this topic, see the article How to perform internal audits in ISO 45001.
Tip: Please click ISO 45001 Internal Audit Toolkit to learn more details about the internal audit process.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article How to perform the initial management review in
ISO 45001.
10. Improvement
10.1 General
Outputs from management reviews, internal audits, and compliance and performance evaluations should
all be used to form the basis for improvement actions. Improvement examples could include corrective
action, reorganization, innovation, and continual improvement programs.
Tip: For more information on this topic, see the article: Using corrective actions to eliminate
nonconformities and drive health & safety improvements.
Tip: Click here to see a template for the Procedure for the management of nonconformities and corrective
actions to help you with this process.
ISO 45001:2018 provides organizations with guidance to mitigate occupational health & safety risks and
reduce impacts within the organization. The ultimate goal of ISO 45001:2018 implementation is to
improve occupational health & safety performance; but, delivering on all of the clauses of the standard
and truly understanding them can benefit your organization in many ways. Accreditation and compliance
can bring reputational, motivational, and financial benefits to your organization through improved
efficiency and reductions in injuries, along with improvements in your procurement chain. All of these
elements are closely related to your organization’s ability to deliver satisfaction to your customers, and
fulfill the expectations and wishes of your stakeholders, while protecting the health & safety of your
workers. Bearing all of this in mind, can your organization afford not to have ISO 45001:2018?
Why not use a gap analysis tool to assess where your organization and its OH&S Management System
stand against formal requirements? Try this free online ISO 45001 Gap Analysis Tool.