Naufalrilandatekki M@student - - Id: From 15 September 2017 Until 31 March 2018)

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21st April 2019

[PT. Chevron Pasific Indon esia]

At tn. Recrui tment & Assessment Dep t

Dear Sir or Madame,

I would like to express my interest to be employee at PT.Chevron Pacific Indonesia . I am an Experienced,

graduated from Diponegoro University with a GPA of 3.38.

I have read the advertisement on website for a Job Vacancy at your company. Through this lett er I
would like to apply work.

I am very confident that I have good competency to fill the position. I was graduated from KLK
Agriservindo Management Trainee (MT) for 6 month (From 15 th September 2017 until 31 st March 2018) , that
was divided two part time and place, Fisrt Part 3 months placed in PT. Adei Plantation & Industry Mill
(Riau, Subsidiary of Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad) and Second Part 3 months placed in di PT. Steelindo
Wahana Perkasa Mill (Belitung, Subsidiary of Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad). Then, Work Placement in
PT. Karya Makmur Abadi Mill ( Middle Kalimantan, Subsidiary of Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad, from 1
April 2018 until present). As a Manager Assistant ( Laborat ory and Process Palm Oil Mill). I am every day
usually manage more than 30 employess. I have good basic chemical engineering, I have good
knowledge about ISO 9001:2008, OSHAS 18001:2007 & SMK3 PP Nomor 50 Tahun 2012, I can read and
familiar with Piping dan Inst rumentation Diagram (P & I D), i am fast learner, able to perform
multi tasking, has a good analytical thinking and interpersonal skills. I hope my qualification and
experience can be used as your consideration to hire me.

I have at tached my curriculum vi tae to this lett er for your perusal. Should you feel I meet your
expectations for the position please feel free to contac t me at [081277422728] or email me at
[ nau falrilandat ekki m@s t uden t. undi .i d ].

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you very much for your valuable time and consideration.

Yours fait hfully,

[ Si gned ]

[Naufal Rilanda]

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