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Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

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China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Geoscience Frontiers
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Research Paper

Geochemical contamination in the mine affected soil of Raniganj

Coalfield e A river basin scale assessment
Abhijit Manna*, Ramkrishna Maiti
Department of Geography and Environment Management, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore 721102, West Bengal, India

articleinfo abstract

Article history: The study aimed to assess the heavy metals (K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, Sr, Zr) contamination
Received 2 December 2016 in the soil of mine affected Singaran river basin and to analyse spatial variation in the contamination
Received in revised form level considering 32 soil samples. Elemental analysis of soil samples has been performed through Energy
12 June 2017
Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) to quantify the elemental concentration (mg kg —1). Heavy metal con-
Accepted 5 October 2017
centrations have been assessed through geo-accumulation index (Igeo) and enrichment factor (EF).
Available online 11 November 2017
Handling Editor: Sohini Ganguly
Indices showed soils have moderate accumulation of most of the metals with moderate enrichment of Sr,
Zr, Zn, Cu and Ni. Soil contamination level assessment has been carried out using indices like Contam -
ination Factor (CF), degree of contamination (Cdeg), modified degree of contamination (mCdeg) and
Heavy metals Pollution Load Index (PLI). CF shows moderate to considerable contamination by Sr, Zr, Ca, Cu, Mn, Zn and
Soil contamination Ni. Mean indices values (mCdeg and PLI for the entire basin are 3.38 and 2.23 respectively) show low to
Pollution indices moderate level of soil contamination. These indices result have been mapped and analysed in GIS
Pollution load platform to get spatial variation of pollution level. Opencast mines dominate middle catchment area and
Ecological risk so is comparatively contaminated. Sample sites 11, 18 and 25 evidenced high values of all indices of
Singaran basin pollution load. From the ecological standpoint Ecological Risk Factor ( Er) and Potential Ecological Risk
Index (RI) have been estimated to assess regional threat to native soil environment and it shows low
ecological risk potential. Analysis shows that mine dominated soil of the entire Singaran basin is less
contaminated in all respect but tends to the moderate contamination level at the mid-catchment area,
especially by Sr, Zr, Zn, Cu and Ni.
© 2017, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/

1. Introduction times more ecological burden than underground mine. Opencast

quarry involves excavation and removal of overburden rock and
Raniganj Coalfield (RCF) is one of the important mining regions surface soil layers and results in loss of productive soil and soil
in India by its history as well as in term of production. In RCF most biomass that ultimately affects agricultural lands leading to bare
of coals (76.07%) are produced by opencast mining method and rest unproductive land and ecological deterioration (De and Mitra,
(23.93%) is from underground method (Eastern Coalfield Limited, 2002). In RCF opencast mining is being increased extensively af-
2010e2011). Mining, especially coal mining invites the debate be- ter nationalization of Indian coal mines in 1972e1973. Mine spoil
tween resource exploitation and environmental protection. Un- characteristics of the dump area and deterioration in soil properties
derground coal mining is prone to land subsidence and coal fire of Raniganj coalfield have been studied by Sadhu et al. (2012a).
whereas opencast mine generates more ecological burden on soil, Quarrying disrupted many tributaries, choked the ephemeral
air and surface water environment. Daozhong et al. (2011) aptly drainage channels and the outwash from the overburden causes
compared the ecological rucksack between underground and open- drainage congestion and leads mobility of toxic metals in the RCF
pit Coal Mine and showed opencast mine produces 4.31 to 11.36 (Manna and Maiti, 2016). Physical weathering helps to breakdown
the sulfides to release heavy metals from the spoil dump but metal
mobilization occurs at slow rate by the physical weathering pro-
cesses and majority remains in the residual dump spoils (Dang
* Corresponding author. et al., 2002). Masto et al. (2015) stated coal dust comprises Fe, Cu,
E-mail address: rge_abhijit@mail.vidyasagar.ac.in (A. Manna).
Zn, Mn, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, Ti, Br, Zr, metals and organic pollutants. So,
Peer-review under responsibility of China University of Geosciences (Beijing).

1674-9871/© 2017, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and Peking University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an ope n access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1578 A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

Figure 1. Location of the study area. (a) India, RCF in West Bengal and Jharkhand; (b) RCF in blocks of West Bengal and Jharkhand; (c) mine area of RCF; (d) geologic structure of
RCF (Geological Survey of India).

coal mining leads to land degradation through mine pit, quarries, pollution in the soil-river-vegetation environment and showed
spoil dumps, coal dumps, coal washeries and other mine allied Kaili coal mine affected the upper catchment of the Chongan river
works. basin in Guizhou Province of China.
Earlier studies emphasised on the heavy metals contamination Study of soil contamination in RCF has been attempted by
in the coal mining region of different countries and showed these Tiwary and Dhar (1994). They tried to assess the environmental
mining features and allied activities affect the native soil by impact of coal mine in Raniganj as well as entire Damodar river
releasing toxic heavy metals. Sahoo et al. (2016) reported world- basin. De and Mitra (2004) showed mobilization of heavy metals in
wide scenario of average trace metal concentration in the coal mine the Raniganj mine area and concluded leaching is the most effective
affected soils through various indices using global reference. factor followed by surface runoff from the spoil dumps. Das and
Bhuiyan et al. (2010) made a complete evaluation of the pollution Chakrapani (2011) assessed the soil quality through 6 selected
level in the coal mine affected agricultural soils of Barapukuria coal trace metals in the Raniganj Coalfield. They also tried to estimate
mine region in Bangladesh. They have shown that the average the potential toxicity of soil and showed Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn con-
concentrations of Ti, Mn, Zn, Pb, As, Fe, Rb, Sr, Nb and Zr exceeded centrations exceed the maximum allowable concentration. Masto
the world normal averages and in some cases Mn, Zn, As and Pb et al. (2015) assessed soil quality of Sonepur bazari mine area
exceeded the toxic limit and the entire area has high magnitude of which is one of the neighbouring basins of the present basin under
contamination level. Yu et al. (2002) assessed spatio-temporal study and stated that most of the metals have significant content in
variation of heavy metal concentration in reclaimed soil of opencast mine than underground areas.
Fushun coal mine of China. Distribution of heavy metals in the soil Many other authors tried to assess the various aspects of soil
and their environmental impact has been evaluated near the contamination in the coal mine areas from different parts of the
Morupule colliery of Palapye region (only coal mine area) in world (Gangreung coalfield of Korea, Kim and Chon, 2001; Huainan
Botswana by Zhai et al. (2009). Ameh (2013) concluded that soil mining area of China, Yao et al., 2010; mine soil near Surat in India,
near Okaba coal mine of Nigeria is remarkably contaminated by Pb, Ladwani et al., 2012; Oltu coal mine district of Turkey, Tozsin, 2014).
Ni, and Cu. Chen et al. (2015) explained the characteristics of metal Still there is a lack of intensive study and application of all kind of
A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590 1579

indices for a single mine affected river basin, especially in the 240 Most of the coal deposited tracts of RCF are sandwiched between
years old Raniganj coal field, present authors have attempted so by the Ajay and the Damodar River. Present study concentrated on this
assessing 13 trace metals among 32 samples over a completely interfluve region. To conduct an intensive and scientific study au-
mine affected small river basin. thors have selected Singaran river basin, a tributary basin of
Among all the heavy metals, present study considered 13 heavy Damodar river (Fig. 2a).
metals (K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, Sr, Zr) of environ-
mental interest which were frequently observed in most of the 2.1. Rational for selection of the Singaran basin
earlier studies (along with consideration of all metals mentioned in
the literatures related to RCF). Among them Ca, Mn, K, Ti, Zn, Zr and The Singaran river basin is situated on the northern bank of
Fe have low toxicity which result mild health hazard. Whereas Cr, Damodar river covering the area 155 km2 in the center of Raniganj
Ni, Sr, Cu, Pb and As pose high toxicity and potentiality to severe Coal mine area. 60% of its basin area associated to agricultural land,
health hazard. Few among them also have radioactive isotope. In along with underground and opencast mine works. Compare to
the present study an attempt has been made to measure level of other tributary basins of Damodar river, entire Singaran basin is
contamination of heavy metals in the regional soil of coal mine affected by the mine works mainly by the opencast mine works
affected area along with the spatial distribution of contamination (Fig. 2b). Daozhong et al. (2011) showed ecological stresses by non-
level and pollution load. The study also tried to assess the basin biological metals created by opencast mines which are 1.24e4.40
level potential ecological risk created by metal pollution. times more than the underground mining. Seepage of water and
mining effluents from overburden dumps, exposed overburden and
2. Study area coal processing, contain heavy metals (Wong, 2003). Tiwary and
Dhar (1994) reported mining as environmental pollution source in
In Raniganj Coalfield (RCF), mining operation commenced in the RCF. They noticed 50% of mine water discharge directed to-
1774 AD and is going through a full-fledged operation. The Raniganj wards Damodar river and ECL discharges about 385 million litres
Coalfield (Fig. 1) spreads in the state of West Bengal and Jharkhand. per day. This seepage and discharge cause serious exposure of
In West Bengal, the coalfield covers part of Bardhaman district with metals to humans is mainly through soilecropefood pathway
fringe area falling in the districts of Birbhum, Bankura and Purulia. (Equeenuddin et al., 2010; Sahoo et al., 2012; Chuncai et al., 2014;
In Jharkhand, part of the coalfield located in Dhanbad and Santal Halim et al., 2014) and can impact on crop growth and food
Pargana districts. Raniganj Coalfield is being mined by Eastern safety (Wuana and Okieimen, 2011; Zhang et al., 2013; Rashid et al.,
Coalfield Limited (ECL), a subsidiary of Coal India Limited (CIL) and 2014). Das and Chakrapani (2011) noticed the soil and water of
only a small area by Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL, also a sub- Singaran basin are moderate and less contaminated respectively.
sidiary of CIL) and Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO). Geology So, Singaran basin is selected as it has large numbers of active and
of Raniganj Coalfield mainly consists of six rock formations of Up- abandoned opencast quarries (along with underground mines for
per Gondwana and Lower Gondwana period i.e., Talchir, Barakar, the deeper coal strata), overburden spoil dumps, abandoned mines,
Barren measure, Raniganj, Panchet and Supra-panchet formations coal dumps etc. compared to the basin lying in the immediate west
(Dutta and Dutta, 2003). Coal seams are located in the Raniganj and (having almost same areal coverage of mine works) of Singaran
Barakar rock formations of geologic segment in the RCF (Fig. 1d). basin (Fig. 2c).

Figure 2. (a) Tributary catchment basins of Damodar River, derived from DEM image; (b) small basins superimposed on mine area; (c) sele cted Singaran river basin.
1580 A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

3. Methods and techniques processing. Following Bhuiyan et al. (2010) one sample from mine
unaffected soil with shale as parent material (beyond the Singaran
3.1. Selection of Singaran basin basin area) has been collected to determine regional background
value of metal content in the soil.
Singaran basin had been demarcated following few stages in GIS
platform. At first, micro-scale channels were extracted (by calcu- 3.3. Sample preparation
lating flow accumulation) from a digital elevation image (Cartosat-
DEM, 2008) using Arc-Hydro Tool, an extension of ArcGIS Software. Samples were dried, mixed and powdered by mortar and pestle.
Then small catchment polygons (basin boundaries) were processed After sieving, dust forms (<40 mm) of samples have been collected
(Fig. 2a). from the bottom pan. Then 2 mg/mL water solution drop casted on
glass slide and finally brought to zero moisture level at the desic-
3.2. Sample collection cator (Fig. 3c). Following Thin-Film Method (Gullayanon, 2011),
samples were made so thin that absorption effects substantially
Plotting 10 × 10 grid (using ArcGIS Fishnet tool) over the Singaran disappeared (during EDX instrumentation) and the solution drop
basin, 32 Sample sites selected and samples were collected at depth casts were smoothen (that unknown elements be near the surface)
of 10 cm from surface soil (Fig. 3a and b). All samples were from to get suitable calibration results. Gold coating of samples was done
native soil with representation of agricultural soils, soil at the to remove any deflection due to conductive effect (Fig. 3d).
proximity of quarries; spoil dumps (mine overburden), river cour-
ses, river banks, ephemeral channels, interfluve areas and waste 3.4. Elemental analysis through EDX
land. Samples were collected in polyethylene bags by stainless
corer. Global Positioning System (GPS) reading have been collected In this study elemental analysis has been performed through
to confirm corresponding locations in GIS platform during data Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) at chemical laboratory of S.

Figure 3. (a) Sample sites over Singaran basin; (b) sample collection from 10 cm depth of surface soil; (c) dust sample (<40 mm) solution for drop cast; (d) gold coated sample ready
for EDX measurement; (e) measuring elements through EDX.
A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590 1581

N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Saltlake, Kolkata et al., 1995). Enrichment factor indicates the magnitude of con-
(Fig. 3e). EDX is able to determine both qualitative and quantitative centration of any contaminant in the environment (Zahran et al.,
chemical compositions by measuring the characteristic radiations 2015). It is frequently used to estimate heavy metal in topsoil due
(Gullayanon, 2011). EDX is advantageous as it allows analysis of to anthropogenic impact (Jiao et al., 2015). The normalized EF value
solid materials without digestion as in the Atomic Absorption can be derived through two staged rationing in which the metal
Spectroscopy (AAS) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission and reference metal content ratio in sample is divided by the same
Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) methods (Sitko et al., 2004). The emission ratio of uncontaminated background levels (Rubio et al., 2000). The
of the characteristic radiation for every element is completely in- equation is as below:
dependent of any type of chemical bonds which enables accurate
measurements of elements existing in a given sample (Gullayanon, ðCi=CFeÞsample
EF ¼
2011). EDX shows the characteristic peak for each element from a ðCi=CFeÞbackground
sample with atomic level precision that can directly be translated to
the chemical concentration at mg kg —1 level. Data sheets have been where, Ci is the concentration of metal and CFe is the concentration
generated through EDX ZAF Quantification. Final data have been of iron (reference metal). Fe or Al often comes to use as reference
derived from mean of three different points for a single sample. In (normalizer) metal to determine EF. Use of Fe is more feasible as
this way 32 samples have been analysed. In case of background geochemical nature of Iron is more similar to many heavy metals of
sample, minimum values (among the three points) of metals con- environmental interest both in oxic or anoxic environment (Rubio
tent have been accepted during elemental analysis. Some of the et al., 2000). Its natural concentration also tends to be uniform
background metal counts have been verified with the regional (Daskalakis and O’Connor, 1995). In this regard present study used
background data given by Das and Chakrapani (2011). Fe as normalizer and background values are as same as for Igeo.
When EF < 2 it seems to be crustal origin and >2 indicates sources
likely to be the anthropogenic (Liaghati et al., 2003). EF values
3.5. Quantification of soil contamination through indices greater than 10 are considered purely anthropogenic origin
(Bhuiyan et al., 2010). Multi-order categorization is done by many
3.5.1. Geo-accumulation index (Igeo) authors (e.g. Sadhu et al., 2012b; Zahran et al., 2015) as follows:
To estimate metal accumulation in soil and sediment, geo- EF < 2 (deficiencies to minimal enrichment); 2e5 (moderate
accumulation index (Igeo) is the very common approach which was enrichment); 5e20 (significant enrichment); 20e40 (high to very
proposed by Muller (1969) as given in equation below high enrichment) and >40 (strongly high enrichment).
" #
Cmetal ðsampleÞ 3.5.3. Contamination factor (CF)
I ¼ log2 1:5 × C
geo metal background CF is the single pollution index (Muller, 1969; Halim et al., 2014)
ð Þ
which assesses the contamination level directly by individual
where, Cmetal is concentration of individual metal in sample and element in the soil of particular site. It is the ratio derived by
Cmetal (background) is the geochemical background value of that metal. measured concentration of each metal in the soil by the regional
Multiplying factor 1.5 is background matrix correction factor background concentration value (Cabrera et al., 1999) expressed in
intended to minimize variability of background values due to following equation:
lithological variations (Stoffers et al., 1986; Ruiz, 2001). For back-
ground value world average shale’s content (Rubio et al., 2000) and Cmetal ðsampleÞ
CFi ¼
average earth crust content (Loska et al., 2004) have been used Cmetal ðbackgroundÞ
widely. But Rubio et al. (2000) recommended regional background Present study classified contamination level (CF values) into four
instead of constant value (world average, which produces varied
contamination levels with time and places). Especially background categories following Likuku et al. (2013) and Sadhu et al. (2012b).
values of Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ba Sc, Ti, Fe, and Br vary among different When, CF < 1 refers to low contamination; 1≤ CF < 3 means
soil types (Jiang et al., 1996). Depending on parent material most of moderate contamination; 3 ≤CF < 6 means considerable
trace metal concentration in soil easily vary over 2e3 orders of contamination; and CF > 6 indicates very high (100 times more
magnitude (Blaser et al., 2000). Following these recommendations than uncontaminated crust) contamination (Muller, 1969; Bhuiyan
background value of metals under present study is taken from et al., 2010).
neighbouring uncontaminated soil sample. Muller (1981) and Ruiz
(2001) classified Igeo values in seven classes. Class 0 (Igeo ≤ 0): 3.5.4. Degree of contamination (Cdeg)
practically uncontaminated; Class 1 (Igeo ¼ 0e1): uncontaminated Hakanson (1980) proposed Cdeg, (overall indicator of contami-
to moderately contaminated; Class 2 (Igeo ¼ 1e2): moderately nation) taking CF values of all individual metals together for any
sample site. Loska et al. (2004) used Cdeg to analyse the contami-
contaminated; Class 3 (Igeo ¼ 2e3) moderately to heavily contam-
nation level in farming soil. Ahdy and Khaled (2009) assessed the
inated; Class 4 (Igeo ¼ 3e4): heavily contaminated; Class 5
contamination of Mediterranean sediments using Cdeg. Halim et al.
(Igeo ¼ 4e5): heavily to extremely contaminated; Class 6 (Igeo > 5):
(2014) named same index as Overall Pollution Score (OPS). It
extremely contaminated. Class 6 is an open class having all Igeo
evaluates extent of multi-metal pollution by the numeric sum of
values higher than Class 5 and metal concentrations may be hun-
specific CF values of metals under study and was calculated using
dredfold greater than the geochemical background value (Bhuiyan
following formula:
et al., 2010).
¼ 13
3.5.2. Enrichment factor (EF) Cdeg ¼ CFi
Covelli and Fontolan (1997) and many other authors preferred
enrichment factor (EF) over Igeo to estimate contaminants. It is an
improved method which normalizes the heavy metal content in where, n is the number of contaminants under study and CF is the
comparison to the reference (normalizer) metal (Ravichandran contamination factor. Present study summed up CF values of 13
Table 1

Concentration of heavy elements, their geo-accumulation (Igeo) and enrichment factor (EF) values in the basin soils (concentration in mg kg— 1, median is used for EF).

Sample K Ca Ti Cr Mn Fe Ni
Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF
1 5400 —0.38 0.87 11,100 1.46 3.12 3900 —0.08 1.08 250 0.40 1.50 290 0.09 1.20 3440 —0.18 1.00 230 0.77 1.93
2 5800 —0.28 3.65 6500 0.69 7.14 500 —3.04 0.54 34 —2.47 0.80 50 —2.45 0.81 880 —2.15 1.00 245 0.86 8.05
3 8100 0.20 0.86 6000 0.57 1.12 2900 —0.50 0.53 27 —2.81 0.11 400 0.55 1.10 5200 0.42 1.00 45 —1.58 0.25
4 5400 —0.38 1.13 18,300 2.18 6.67 3200 —0.36 1.15 250 0.40 1.95 320 0.23 1.73 2650 —0.56 1.00 265 0.97 2.89
5 7600 0.11 1.03 19,600 2.28 4.63 5500 0.42 1.28 620 1.71 3.13 520 0.93 1.82 4090 0.07 1.00 840 2.64 5.94
6 1400 —2.33 0.26 68,800 4.09 22.70 3300 —0.32 1.07 830 2.13 5.85 610 1.16 2.97 2930 —0.41 1.00 860 2.67 8.48
7 9400 0.42 1.56 34,700 3.10 10.04 7900 0.94 2.24 730 1.95 4.51 620 1.18 2.65 3340 —0.22 1.00 760 2.49 6.58
8 3100 —1.19 0.77 14,700 1.87 6.40 5700 0.47 2.44 360 0.93 3.35 260 —0.07 1.67 2220 —0.81 1.00 800 2.57 10.42
9 12,300 0.80 0.75 11,700 1.54 1.25 9000 1.13 0.94 190 0.01 0.43 490 0.84 0.77 9060 1.22 1.00 210 0.64 0.67
10 2400 —1.55 1.10 1400 —1.53 1.12 4500 0.13 3.53 100 —0.92 1.71 190 —0.52 2.24 1210 —1.69 1.00 180 0.42 4.30
11 17,600 1.32 1.72 8300 1.04 1.42 7300 0.83 1.23 460 1.28 1.68 840 1.62 2.12 5650 0.53 1.00 610 2.18 3.12
12 17,400 1.30 2.12 31,100 2.95 6.64 8000 0.96 1.68 700 1.89 3.19 490 0.84 1.55 4530 0.22 1.00 690 2.35 4.40
13 2700 —1.38 0.89 2600 —0.63 1.50 3700 —0.15 2.10 200 0.08 2.47 150 —0.86 1.28 1670 —1.22 1.00 160 0.25 2.77
14 3300 —1.10 0.82 52,900 3.71 23.03 4200 0.03 1.80 410 1.12 3.81 2090 2.94 13.45 2220 —0.81 1.00 310 1.20 4.04
15 4200 —0.75 1.08 1100 —1.88 0.49 17000 2.05 7.47 100 —0.92 0.96 2800 3.36 18.52 2160 —0.85 1.00 140 0.05 1.87

A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

16 4600 —0.62 0.78 3300 —0.29 0.98 3900 —0.08 1.14 180 —0.07 1.14 3340 3.61 14.68 3250 —0.26 1.00 205 0.60 1.82
17 16,800 1.25 1.04 14,000 1.79 1.52 9400 1.19 1.00 440 1.22 1.02 700 1.36 1.12 8900 1.19 1.00 390 1.53 1.27
18 6200 —0.19 0.38 12,200 1.60 1.30 3700 —0.15 0.39 350 0.89 0.79 3090 3.50 4.85 9100 1.22 1.00 525 1.96 1.67
19 5300 —0.41 1.19 3200 —0.33 1.26 7100 0.79 2.74 210 0.15 1.76 210 —0.38 1.22 2460 —0.66 1.00 225 0.74 2.64
20 9000 0.35 0.57 8400 1.06 0.93 7700 0.91 0.84 370 0.97 0.88 560 1.04 0.92 8700 1.16 1.00 535 1.99 1.78
21 39,400 2.48 25.95 1800 —1.16 2.07 2800 —0.55 3.16 140 —0.43 3.44 180 —0.60 3.06 840 —2.22 1.00 150 0.15 5.16
22 10,100 0.52 1.64 5200 0.37 1.48 5400 0.39 1.51 350 0.89 2.12 280 0.04 1.18 3400 —0.20 1.00 190 0.49 1.62
23 3400 —1.05 1.57 3700 —0.13 2.98 3700 —0.15 2.93 270 0.51 4.64 190 —0.52 2.26 1200 —1.70 1.00 165 0.29 3.97
24 56,700 3.01 7.11 11,700 1.54 2.56 8900 1.11 1.92 340 0.85 1.59 350 0.36 1.13 4410 0.18 1.00 555 2.04 3.64
25 19,900 1.50 1.37 5100 0.34 0.61 5500 0.42 0.65 500 1.40 1.29 360 0.40 0.64 8020 1.04 1.00 460 1.77 1.66
26 4800 —0.55 0.92 6100 0.60 2.04 4600 0.16 1.51 180 —0.07 1.29 440 0.69 2.17 2890 —0.43 1.00 250 0.89 2.50
27 5600 —0.33 1.08 3800 —0.09 1.28 2300 —0.84 0.76 40 —2.24 0.29 130 —1.07 0.65 2860 —0.45 1.00 140 0.05 1.41
28 4300 —0.71 0.49 2200 —0.88 0.44 3300 —0.32 0.64 200 0.08 0.85 200 —0.45 0.59 4860 0.32 1.00 140 0.05 0.83
29 48,000 2.77 18.19 2400 —0.75 1.59 4700 0.19 3.05 290 0.62 4.10 230 —0.25 2.25 1460 —1.42 1.00 290 1.10 5.74
30 2500 —1.50 0.71 2100 —0.94 1.05 2800 —0.55 1.37 170 —0.15 1.81 260 —0.07 1.91 1940 —1.01 1.00 135 0.00 2.01
31 31,900 2.18 2.36 3100 —0.38 0.40 23500 2.52 2.98 150 —0.33 0.41 420 0.62 0.80 7490 0.94 1.00 210 0.64 0.81
32 8600 0.29 1.28 4700 0.22 1.22 4300 0.07 1.09 360 0.93 1.99 3170 3.54 12.14 3730 —0.06 1.00 205 0.60 1.59
Max 56,700 3.01 25.95 68,800 4.09 23.03 23500 2.52 7.47 830 2.13 5.85 3340 3.61 18.52 9100 1.22 1.00 860 2.67 10.42
Min 1400 —2.33 0.26 1100 —1.88 0.40 500 —3.04 0.39 27 —2.81 0.11 50 —2.45 0.59 840 —2.22 1.00 45 —1.58 0.25
Mean/median 11,975 0.12 1.08 11,931.25 0.75 1.49 5943.75 0.24 1.32 306.28 0.31 1.69 757.1875 0.68 1.70 3961.25 —0.27 1 347.34 1.04 2.57
Background 4700 2690 2740 126 182 2600 90
World normal 15,000 24,000 2900 70.9 571 3800 23

Sample Cu Zn As Pb Sr Zr

Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF Concentration Igeo EF
1 410 2.24 5.34 470 1.82 3.99 1 —3.75 0.08 73 0.21 1.31 347 2.00 4.52 860 2.22 5.29
2 220 1.34 11.21 120 —0.15 3.99 28 1.05 9.09 9 —2.81 0.63 125 0.52 6.37 399 1.11 9.59
3 40 —1.12 0.34 30 —2.15 0.17 9 —0.58 0.49 69 0.13 0.82 670 2.95 5.78 717 1.96 2.92
4 300 1.79 5.08 260 0.96 2.87 1 —3.75 0.11 151 1.26 3.52 310 1.83 5.25 666 1.85 5.31
5 580 2.74 6.36 840 2.65 6.01 1 —3.75 0.07 172 1.45 2.60 32 —1.44 0.35 28 —2.72 0.14
6 508 2.55 7.77 800 2.58 7.98 7 —0.95 0.68 125 0.99 2.63 46 —0.92 0.70 46 —2.00 0.33
7 480 2.46 6.44 640 2.26 5.60 25 0.89 2.14 207 1.72 3.83 83 —0.07 1.11 16 —3.53 0.10
8 503 2.53 10.16 650 2.28 8.56 16 0.25 2.06 190 1.59 5.28 196 1.17 3.96 11 —4.07 0.10
9 290 1.74 1.44 430 1.69 1.39 35 1.37 1.10 12 —2.39 0.08 412 2.24 2.04 1480 3.00 3.45
10 170 0.97 6.30 90 —0.57 2.17 25 0.89 5.90 77 0.29 3.93 222 1.35 8.23 882 2.26 15.41
11 460 2.40 3.65 790 2.57 4.09 27 1.00 1.37 158 1.33 1.73 262 1.59 2.08 239 0.37 0.89
12 500 2.52 4.95 450 1.75 2.90 1 —3.75 0.06 167 1.41 2.28 185 1.09 1.83 38 —2.28 0.18
13 70 —0.31 1.88 40 —1.74 0.70 24 0.83 4.11 21 —1.58 0.78 368 2.08 9.88 930 2.33 11.77
A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590 1583










































Figure 4. Mean geo-accumulation (Igeo) values of each metal.

elements to calculate Cdeg for each (32) sample site. Contamination
classes by Cdeg depend upon number of contaminants. Zahran et al.





(2015) categorized as followings: Cdeg values < n indicate low de-

gree of contamination; n ≤ Cdeg < 2n, moderate degree of

contamination; 2n ≤ Cdeg < 4n, considerable degree of contami-






nation; and Cdeg > 4n indicate very high degree of contamination.





3.5.5. Modified degree of contamination (mCdeg)

Abrahim (2005) and Machender et al. (2011) divided Cdeg by the

number of contaminants that produced a generalized approach to

estimate the mean degree of contamination as follows:















mCdeg ¼ Cdeg n




where, Cdeg is the degree of contamination and n is the number of





considered pollutants. Rahman et al. (2012) noticed that, it requires

at least 3 samples to modify Cdeg into mCdeg. Present study gone
through 32 samples. The categorization of mCdeg is given in

Supplementary Table 1 (Abrahim and Parker, 2008).








3.5.6. Pollution load index (PLI)


Tomlinson et al. (1980) proposed index of pollution load. PLI


assesses magnitude of pollution load by all metal at different sites.

Angulo (1996) successfully applied Tomlinson’s method to assess

coastal pollution and noticed that the PLI is necessary tool to




generate action plan. It is a simple geometric mean of contamina-




tion factor (CF) and can be expressed as:

PLI ¼ ðCF1 × CF2 × CF3 × / × CFn Þ1=n


Present study considered 13 (n) metal pollutants of environ-







mental interest. Tomlinson et al. (1980) recommended that PLI ≤ 1

represent background levels of pollutants are present and PLI > 1

would indicate deterioration of soil quality (i.e. the pollution load).



3.5.7. Ecological risk factor (Er)


Hakanson (1980) assessed Ecological Risk Factor (Er) for any








single contaminant according to toxicity response of its own. This is

calculated as:

ERi ¼ Tr × CFi

where, Tr is the toxic response of a heavy metal, and CF is the









contamination factor of that metal. Present study considered 7

heavy metals (Ti, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb and As) of ecological importance
Background value

according to availability of toxic factors and assigned toxic response


World normal

of concerned metal (Ti ¼Zn ¼ 1; Cr ¼2; Ni ¼Cu ¼ Pb ¼ 5; and

As ¼10) following Hakanson (1980) and Xu et al. (2008). Same

responses have been estimated in contaminated coastal environ-


ment by Mugosa et al. (2016). Sahoo et al. (2016) reviewed

1584 A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

ecological risk factor for the worldwide mine areas. The categories potential ecological risk); 300 ≤RI < 600 (Considerable high po-
to describe the risk factors are given in Supplementary Table 2. tential ecological risk); and RI > 600 (Significantly high potential
ecological risk).
3.5.8. Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI)
Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) is also modified form of Er 3.6. Statistical analysis
and is able to evaluate degree of environmental sensitivity caused
by toxic metals to the soil environment comprehensively Pearson’s correlation method has been adopted for the under-
(Aktaruzzaman et al., 2013; Jiao et al., 2015; Sahoo et al., 2016). RI is standing of interdependency (r value) among the metals in regards
the sum of all risk factors for considered metals in soils and can be to the contamination factor values (CF values). It varies between —1
expressed following Hakanson (1980) as: and þ1. When value near to þ1 it is positively correlated and value
near to —1 then negatively correlated.
RI ¼ ERi
3.7. GIS operations

ERi is the ecological risk factor for individual metal. RI has been The basin for study has been selected through GIS application
calculated for 7 (n) metals. Jiao et al. (2015) categorized RI values as (Manna and Maiti, 2016) discussed in Section 3.1. All calibrated data
RI < 150 (low ecological risk potential); 150 ≤ RI < 300 (Moderate of elemental concentration and indices results have been assigned

Figure 5. Distribution of enrichment factor (EF) values of metals.

A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590 1585

to the concern sample site in the GIS platform using ArcGIS soft- 4.2. Accumulation and enrichment of trace metals in surface soil
ware. Distribution of metal concentration, contamination level,
pollution load and ecological risk all have been shown in maps Igeo values of Pb and Zr have highest range from —5.98 to 1.72
through interpolation techniques in GIS platform following Rubio and —4.07 to 3.18 respectively. Other metals show range of Igeo
et al. (2000). values in descending order as Mn (—2.45 to 3.61), Ca (—1.88 to
4.09), Ti (—3.04 to 2.52), As (—3.75 to 1.45), K (—2.33 to 3.01), Cr
(—2.81 to 2.13), Zn (—2.05 to 2.69), Sr (—1.44 to 3.09), Ni (—1.58 to
4. Result and discussion 2.67), Cu (—1.12 to 2.74), and Fe (—2.22 to 1.22) (Table 1). Mean Igeo
values of As, Pb and Fe are —0.46, —0.33, and —0.28 respectively
4.1. Absolute metal concentration and soil quality that indicate practically no contamination (Class 0, Igeo ≤ 0), K, Ti,
Cr, Mn, Zr, and Ca have mean Igeo values 0.12, 0.24, 0.31, 0.68, 0.71
K and Ca show high amount absolute concentration and have and 0.75 respectively indicating uncontaminated to moderately
mean concentration of 11,975 and 11,931 mg kg —1 respectively. As contaminated state (Class 1, Igeo ¼ 0e1), Sr, Cu, Ni and Zn have mean
and Pb have lowest mean concentration of 15.41 and 88.19 mg kg —1 Igeo values 1.47, 1.21, 1.04 and 1.01 respectively that indicate mod-
respectively. The rest elements Ti, Fe, Mn, Zr, Zn, Ni, Cr, Sr and Cu erate contamination (Class 2, Igeo ¼ 1e2) (Fig. 4). Sample sites 11, 12,
have mean concentration of 5944, 3961, 757.2, 637.3, 369.1, 347.3, 17, 20 and 25 have positive Igeo values for almost all metal. Whereas
306.3, 306.3, and 256.6 mg kg—1 respectively (Table 1). Average sample sites 2, 13, 15, 21, 23, 27, 28 and 30 have negative Igeo values
concentration of each element is more than the regional back- for most of the metals.
ground level but average concentration of K, and Ca shows lower Taking Fe as normalizing element, EF of all metals has been
than world average concentration, Fe and As have mean concen- analysed. The result shows average (median has been considered as
trations slightly greater than world average and the rest Ti, Cr, Mn, average to reduce the error generally made by mean due to single
Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb, Sr, Zr have mean concentration more than world or two high values in the distribution) EF values of metals in order
average (Table 1). Distribution shows Fe has uniform distribution as Sr (4.12) > Zr (3.07) > Zn (2.89) > Cu (2.70) > Ni (2.57) > Mn
over the basin. As shows isolated distribution of minimal concen- (1.70) > Cr (1.69) > Ca (1.49) > Ti (1.32) > Pb (1.26) > As (1.16) > K
tration among the sample sites. K, Ti and Zr show maximum con- (1.08) (Table 1). Categorization of average EF values show Sr, Zr, Zn,
centration at lower reaches of the basin and the rests show Cu, Ni are moderately enriched (EF values between 2 and 5, Zahran
maximum concentration at middle catchment in the vicinity of et al., 2015) in the surface soils which indicates anthropogenic
opencast mines (Supplementary Fig. 1). origin (EF value > 2, Liaghati et al., 2003). Whereas rest of the

Table 2
Contamination factors (CF), degree of contamination (Cdeg), modified degree of contamination (mCdeg ) and pollution load indices (PLI) values of trace metals in basin soils.

Sample CF Cdeg mCdeg PLI

K Ca Ti Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn As Pb Sr Zr
1 1.15 4.13 1.42 1.98 1.59 1.32 2.56 7.07 5.28 0.11 1.74 5.98 6.99 41.33 3.18 2.15
2 1.23 2.42 0.18 0.27 0.27 0.34 2.72 3.79 1.35 3.11 0.21 2.16 3.24 21.30 1.64 0.99
3 1.72 2.23 1.06 0.21 2.20 2.00 0.50 0.69 0.34 1.00 1.64 11.55 5.83 30.97 2.38 1.34
4 1.15 6.80 1.17 1.98 1.76 1.02 2.94 5.17 2.92 0.11 3.60 5.34 5.41 39.39 3.03 2.11
5 1.62 7.29 2.01 4.92 2.86 1.57 9.33 10.00 9.44 0.11 4.10 0.55 0.23 54.02 4.15 2.18
6 0.30 25.58 1.20 6.59 3.35 1.13 9.56 8.76 8.99 0.78 2.98 0.79 0.37 70.37 5.41 2.45
7 2.00 12.90 2.88 5.79 3.41 1.28 8.44 8.28 7.19 2.78 4.93 1.43 0.13 61.45 4.73 3.09
8 0.66 5.46 2.08 2.86 1.43 0.85 8.89 8.67 7.30 1.78 4.52 3.38 0.09 47.98 3.69 2.24
9 2.62 4.35 3.28 1.51 2.69 3.48 2.33 5.00 4.83 3.89 0.29 7.10 12.03 53.41 4.11 3.13
10 0.51 0.52 1.64 0.79 1.04 0.47 2.00 2.93 1.01 2.78 1.83 3.83 7.17 26.53 2.04 1.46
11 3.74 3.09 2.66 3.65 4.62 2.17 6.78 7.93 8.88 3.00 3.76 4.52 1.94 56.74 4.36 3.92
12 3.70 11.56 2.92 5.56 2.69 1.74 7.67 8.62 5.06 0.11 3.98 3.19 0.31 57.10 4.39 2.73
13 0.57 0.97 1.35 1.59 0.82 0.64 1.78 1.21 0.45 2.67 0.50 6.34 7.56 26.45 2.03 1.32
14 0.70 19.67 1.53 3.25 11.48 0.85 3.44 5.34 2.92 1.56 2.43 7.81 0.85 61.85 4.76 2.87
15 0.89 0.41 6.20 0.79 15.38 0.83 1.56 1.38 3.03 1.67 1.12 11.17 0.47 44.91 3.45 1.75
16 0.98 1.23 1.42 1.43 18.35 1.25 2.28 2.76 3.82 1.33 1.50 12.52 0.72 49.59 3.81 2.17
17 3.57 5.20 3.43 3.49 3.85 3.42 4.33 6.38 3.48 0.11 4.14 5.72 2.83 49.97 3.84 2.96
18 1.32 4.54 1.35 2.78 16.98 3.50 5.83 7.76 9.66 1.11 4.07 12.78 1.08 72.76 5.60 3.81
19 1.13 1.19 2.59 1.67 1.15 0.95 2.50 1.90 4.04 1.00 1.93 3.90 11.54 35.49 2.73 2.03
20 1.91 3.12 2.81 2.94 3.08 3.35 5.94 2.07 5.84 1.33 3.50 1.95 1.93 39.78 3.06 2.79
21 8.38 0.67 1.02 1.11 0.99 0.32 1.67 2.93 0.67 1.00 0.36 5.69 11.81 36.63 2.82 1.47
22 2.15 1.93 1.97 2.78 1.54 1.31 2.11 0.86 1.35 4.00 0.02 5.40 7.04 32.46 2.50 1.58
23 0.72 1.38 1.35 2.14 1.04 0.46 1.83 3.28 3.37 0.89 0.98 6.19 12.41 36.04 2.77 1.78
24 12.06 4.35 3.25 2.70 1.92 1.70 6.17 4.66 6.18 0.11 2.93 1.12 0.72 47.86 3.68 2.35
25 4.23 1.90 2.01 3.97 1.98 3.08 5.11 6.90 8.43 4.11 2.05 1.90 1.92 47.58 3.66 3.29
26 1.02 2.27 1.68 1.43 2.42 1.11 2.78 3.28 4.04 2.00 0.19 7.78 9.95 39.94 3.07 2.10
27 1.19 1.41 0.84 0.32 0.71 1.10 1.56 1.38 2.02 2.67 1.45 5.31 9.45 29.41 2.26 1.54
28 0.91 0.82 1.20 1.59 1.10 1.87 1.56 1.03 0.79 2.00 1.19 7.45 13.59 35.09 2.70 1.68
29 10.21 0.89 1.72 2.30 1.26 0.56 3.22 3.28 1.57 2.11 4.07 4.53 13.21 48.95 3.77 2.57
30 0.53 0.78 1.02 1.35 1.43 0.75 1.50 1.72 1.69 0.89 0.17 4.12 5.24 21.18 1.63 1.17
31 6.79 1.15 8.58 1.19 2.31 2.88 2.33 2.76 2.25 3.00 0.02 5.26 9.26 47.78 3.68 2.19
32 1.83 1.75 1.57 2.86 17.42 1.43 2.28 3.79 4.49 1.67 1.00 2.22 0.45 42.76 3.29 2.16
Max 12.06 25.58 8.58 6.59 18.35 3.50 9.56 10.00 9.66 4.11 4.93 12.78 13.59 72.76 5.60 3.92
Min 0.30 0.41 0.18 0.21 0.27 0.32 0.50 0.69 0.34 0.11 0.02 0.55 0.09 21.18 1.63 0.99
Mean 2.55 4.44 2.17 2.43 4.16 1.52 3.86 4.42 4.15 1.71 2.10 5.28 5.18 43.97 3.38 2.23
1586 A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

Figure 6. Distribution of contamination factor (CF) values over the Singaran basin.
A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590 1587

metals have minimal enrichment (EF values between < 2), that may reach, Cr at upper catchment and Sr, Zr, Ca, Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni at middle
have crustal origin. Sample sites 14, 21, 23 and 29 evidenced catchment somewhere spreading over upper or lower reach. Fe, As
moderate to significant enrichment for almost all the metals and and Pb have less contamination all over the basin with few
sample sites 3, 9, 17, 20, 25 and 31 show less or minimal enrichment comparatively high CF values at isolated pockets.
of all the metals (Fig. 5). Most of the metals having their significant Pearson’s correlation matrix (Table 3) shows there is a less
(EF ¼5e20) to high (EF ¼ 20e40) enrichment at the sample sites relationship (i.e. independency) among the CF values of the metals.
located in the mine occupied middle catchment area (Fig. 5). To some extent Ca, Cr, Ni and Cu show positive relationship with
other metals’ contamination values. Whereas, As and Zr show
4.3. Soil contamination level negative relation with other metals’ contamination values.

Deployed contamination factor analysis shows contamination 4.4. Overall pollution level in the basin soils
level above background normal concentration. The result shows
that mean contamination levels (CF values) are in orders of Sr Degree of contamination (Cdeg) simplified the site wise
(5.28) > Zr (5.18) > Ca (4.44) > Cu (4.42) > Mn (4.16) Zn (4.15) > Ni contamination factor by summation of CF values of each element.
(3.86) > K (2.55) > Cr (2.43) > Ti (2.17) > Pb (2.10) > As (1.71) > Fe Most of the sample sites show Cdeg values 2e4 times of the sample
(1.52) (Table 2). Based on categorization of Likuku et al. (2013) these number (n) that indicates considerable degree of contamination
CF values indicate moderate to considerable high contamination (Table 2). Few sites like 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14 and 18 evidenced high
level of each metal. Specifically Sr, Zr, Ca, Cu, Mn, Zn and Ni have degree of contamination (Cdeg values greater than four times of n).
considerable contamination (3 CF ≤ < 6) whereas K, Cr, Ti, Pb As Cdeg is modified in mCdeg which gives a comprehensive result. In the
and Fe have moderate to less level of contamination (1≤ CF < 3). same way, the classification of mCdeg (Abrahim and Parker, 2008)
Site wise distribution of contamination level of each metal shown resulted high degree of contamination at sites 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14 and
in Fig. 6, indicates high contamination values of K and Ti at lower 18 (4 ≤ mCdeg < 8). Most of others have evidenced considerable
Table 3
Pearson’s correlation matrix of observed heavy metals contamination (on CF values).

K Ca Ti Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn As Pb Sr Zr
K 1
Ca —0.16 1
Ti 0.31 —0.08 1
Cr 0.03 0.73 0.03 1
Mn —0.18 0.07 0.12 0.04 1
Fe 0.13 —0.01 0.38 0.22 0.15 1
Ni 0.07 0.62 0.06 0.85 —0.02 0.22 1
Cu 0.01 0.60 —0.01 0.77 0.06 0.23 0.85 1
Zn —0.02 0.43 0.08 0.72 0.23 0.42 0.83 0.82 1
As —0.03 —0.25 0.12 —0.19 —0.11 0.10 —0.20 —0.23 —0.13 1
Pb 0.12 0.44 —0.01 0.65 0.06 0.22 0.77 0.70 0.61 —0.37 1
Sr —0.23 —0.26 0.02 —0.50 0.50 0.10 —0.52 —0.37 —0.30 —0.02 —0.26 1
Zr 0.14 —0.46 —0.07 —0.54 —0.50 —0.17 —0.63 —0.56 —0.60 0.21 —0.51 0.18 1

Figure 7. (a) Distribution of modified degree of contamination (mCdeg values); (b) pollution load (PLI values) over the catchment area.
1588 A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590

Table 4 degree of contamination (2≤mCdeg < 4) (Fig. 7a) with a value 3.38
Ecological risk (Er) and potential ecological risk factor (RI) of trace elements in basin for the entire basin (Table 2).
PLI index performed best to analyse the pollution load on a
Sample Er RI sample site by calculating geometric tendency. Present analysis
Ti Cr Ni Cu Zn As Pb shows there is a moderate pollution load over the entire sample
1 1.42 3.97 12.78 35.34 5.28 1.11 8.69 68.60 sites with average PLI value 2.23 (Table 2). Sample sites having
2 0.18 0.54 13.61 18.97 1.35 31.11 1.07 66.83 highest PLI values are 11 (3.98), 18 (3.81) and 25 (3.29) demonstrate
3 1.06 0.43 2.50 3.45 0.34 10.00 8.21 25.99 deteriorated soil (i.e. the pollution overload). All three sites are
4 1.17 3.97 14.72 25.86 2.92 1.11 17.98 67.73
located at the middle catchment area with a well-founded prox-
5 2.01 9.84 46.67 50.00 9.44 1.11 20.48 139.54
6 1.20 13.17 47.78 43.79 8.99 7.78 14.88 137.60
imity to the opencast mine subjugated area, notably sample site 18
7 2.88 11.59 42.22 41.38 7.19 27.78 24.64 157.68 is situated at the center (Fig. 7b). Sites located far from the middle
8 2.08 5.71 44.44 43.36 7.30 17.78 22.62 143.30 catchment opencast mine dominated area, show moderate to less
9 3.28 3.02 11.67 25.00 4.83 38.89 1.43 88.12 pollution load.
10 1.64 1.59 10.00 14.66 1.01 27.78 9.17 65.84
11 2.66 7.30 33.89 39.66 8.88 30.00 18.81 141.20
12 2.92 11.11 38.33 43.10 5.06 1.11 19.88 121.52 4.5. Ecological risk of the trace metal contamination
13 1.35 3.17 8.89 6.03 0.45 26.67 2.50 49.06
14 1.53 6.51 17.22 26.72 2.92 15.56 12.14 82.61 Ecological risk (Er) for 7 elements has been analysed. The result
15 6.20 1.59 7.78 6.90 3.03 16.67 5.60 47.76
shows that Er of individual metal varied significantly as Ti ranges
16 1.42 2.86 11.39 13.79 3.82 13.33 7.50 54.12
17 3.43 6.98 21.67 31.90 3.48 1.11 20.71 89.29
from 0.18 to 10.77, Cr from 0.43 to 13.27, Ni from 2.50 to 47.78, Cu
18 1.35 5.56 29.17 38.79 9.66 11.11 20.36 116.00 from 3.45 to 50, Zn from 0.34 to 9.66, As from 1.11 to 46.67 and Pb
19 2.59 3.33 12.50 9.48 4.04 10.00 9.64 51.60 from 0.12 to 25.83 (Table 3). Ti, Zn and Cr having less toxic response
20 2.81 5.87 29.72 10.34 5.84 13.33 17.50 85.43 show less average ecological risk where Ni, Cu, Pb and As with high
21 1.02 2.22 8.33 14.66 0.67 10.00 1.79 38.69
toxic response show comparatively high mean ecological risk to the
22 1.97 5.56 10.56 4.31 1.35 40.00 0.12 63.86
23 1.35 4.29 9.17 16.38 3.37 8.89 4.88 48.32 soil. Average values of Er in descending order are as follows: Cu
24 3.25 5.40 30.83 23.28 6.18 1.11 14.64 84.69 (22.12) > Ni (19.30) > As (17.12) > Pb (10.50) > Cr (4.86) > Zn
25 2.01 7.94 25.56 34.48 8.43 41.11 10.24 129.76 (4.15) > Ti (2.24). Average Er values of all metals fall in the low
26 1.68 2.86 13.89 16.38 4.04 20.00 0.95 59.80
ecological risk group (Er≤ 40) according to classification standard
27 0.84 0.63 7.78 6.90 2.02 26.67 7.26 52.10
28 1.20 3.17 7.78 5.17 0.79 20.00 5.95 44.07
in Supplementary Table 2.
29 1.72 4.60 16.11 16.38 1.57 21.11 20.36 81.85 Sensitivity of biologic environment to the toxic substances has
30 1.02 2.70 7.50 8.62 1.69 8.89 0.83 31.25 been assessed by potential ecological risk (RI) for each sample site.
31 10.77 2.38 11.67 13.79 2.25 30.00 0.12 70.97 The result is summarized in Table 4 and shows mean RI value 80.28
32 1.57 5.71 11.39 18.97 4.49 16.67 5.00 63.80
which indicates low ecological risk potential over the entire river
Max 10.77 13.17 47.78 50.00 9.66 41.11 24.64 157.68
Min 0.18 0.43 2.50 3.45 0.34 1.11 0.12 25.98 basin area. Analysing RI values for 32 sample sites, it is found that
Mean 2.24 4.86 19.30 22.12 4.15 17.12 10.50 80.28 few sample sites (5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 18 and 25) have tend to moderate
Toxic response 1.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 5.00 risk potential but not crossed the lower limit of moderate potential
category (Re-categorization with lower values has been done in
Fig. 8 as the basin shows low risk potential) and the rest (24 sites)
falls under very low risk potential category (Table 4).

5. Conclusions

Among the metals analysed, all pose more or less toxic effect on
soil environment as well as biotic environment. Their unnecessary
presence in the soil environment is the matter of concern because
of bio-magnification through the food chain from soil to plants and
impact on crop growth and food safety. Cumulative impacts create
a threat to humans and the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem
health through direct contact with contaminated soils. Present
analysis shows that average concentrations for all the metals are
more than regional reference level. Analysis through indices
revealed that all metals have minor to moderate accumulation
except As, Pb and Fe (as par Igeo), enrichment factor (EF) analysis
shows present basin soil is moderately enriched by Sr, Zr, Zn, Cu
and Ni. According to CF analysis, soil of the study area contains
moderate to considerable contamination level by all metals
(especially by Sr, Zr, Ca, Cu, Mn, Zn and Ni). Ecological risk index
(Er) shows low grade risk by representative metals. Other indices
like modified degree of contamination (mCdeg), pollution load in-
dex (PLI) and potential ecological risk (RI) show significant varia-
tion in the spatial distribution of contamination level over the
basin. Sample site 7, 11, 18 and 25 commonly show highest values
for all these three indices and all are situated at the mine domi-
nated middle catchment area which also indicate there may be the
less mobilization over local contamination. Overall (mean) values
Figure 8. Distribution potential ecological risk (RI) in the basin area. of mCdeg and PLI for the entire basin are 3.38 and 2.23 respectively,
A. Manna, R. Maiti / Geoscience Frontiers 9 (2018) 1577e1590 1589

that indicate low to moderate level of soil contamination, whereas De, S., Mitra, A.K., 2004. Mobilisation of heavy metals from mine spoils in a part of
Raniganj Coalfield, India: causes and effects. Environmental Geosciences 11,
overall RI value (80.28) for the entire basin specify low ecological
risk potential. Dutta, R.K., Dutta, A.B., 2003. Coal resource of West Bengal. Bulletin of the
Despite the low ecological risk potential, further study is needed Geological Survey of India 7 (Series A), 109.
Eastern Coalfield Limited, 2011. Annual Report of ECL. http://www.easterncoal.gov.
to monitor the changes in concentration or contamination level.
Another approach for further study is to assess the bio- Equeenuddin, Sk.Md., Tripathy, S., Sahoo, P.K., Panigrahi, M.K., 2010. Hydro-
magnification rate, human exposure to the risk and to develop geochemical characteristics of acid mine drainage and water pollution at
the measures and methods for the remediation to make coal mine Makum Coalfield, India. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 3, 75e82.
Gullayanon, R., 2011. A Calibration Methodology for Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluo-
area environmentally viable. rescence Measurements Based upon Synthetically Generated Reference Spectra.
Ph.D. thesis. Georgia Institute of Technology.
Acknowledgements Hakanson, L., 1980. Ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control, a sedimen-
tological approach. Water Research 14, 975e1001.
Halim, M.A., Majumder, R.K., Zaman, M.N., 2014. Paddy soil heavy metal
The authors thank the Council of Scientific and Industrial contamination and uptake in rice plants from the adjacent area of Bar-
Research (CSIR), India for financial assistance (Research Fellow- apukuria coal mine, northwest Bangladesh. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8,
ship). They also thank the laboratory of S.N. Bose National Centre Jiang, D.Z., Teng, E.J., Liu, Y.L., 1996. The contribution of difference on the element
for basic Sciences, Salt Lake, Kolkata, for elemental analysis. Last, background values in soils and the analysis of variance of single factor on soil
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Jiao, X., Teng, Y., Zhan, Y., Wu, J., Lin, X., 2015. Soil heavy metal pollution and risk
sample collection and preparation is highly appreciated. Assessment in Shenyang Industrial District, Northeast China. PLoS One 10,
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Supplementary data related to this article can be found at Ladwani, K.D., Manik, V.S., Ramteke, D., 2012. Assessment of heavy metal
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2017.10.011. contaminated soil near coal mining area in Gujarat by toxicity characteristics
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