EnDuraSim Rigid Elements
EnDuraSim Rigid Elements
EnDuraSim Rigid Elements
The Nastran group of elements often described as the "Rigid elements" are very useful
engineering analysis tools. "Rigid Element" is a slight misnomer, but the term is still used to
describe the most commonly used items: the "RBE2" and the "RBE3".
This article describes some of the common uses and tips for using these tools. The guide is
intended to be more practical than theoretical, however some basic theory is used to help better
understand their practical use.
Firstly, what are rigid elements, and why might you want to use them?
A rigid element is a link from one node to one or more other nodes, where the motion of the
node(s) is governed by the "degrees of freedom" you choose to connect. A rigid element is
actually a constraint equation rather than an actual element, but for practical purposes that
matters little, except for the tips to avoid common errors with rigid elements (described later in
this article).
1. To model the dynamic behaviour of a vehicle, the engine can be modelled as a mass
element connected by an RBE2 rigid element to the engine's multiple mounting locations.
This makes the reasonable assumption that the engine is "very stiff" compared to the body
structure and so the engine does not need to be modelled in detail. The mass is located at
the centre of gravity of the engine, and the rigid element links the engine mass to the
rubber mounts (eg. springs or bushes) whose stiffnesses are typically much more relevant.
3. Bolt pre-load at a critical interface needs to be modelled, but does not need the bolt to be
modelled with any more detail than as a "bar" or "beam" element. An RBE2 can be used
to connect the end node of the "bolt" element to the multiple nodes which represent the
washer area over which the bolt load acts.
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4. Masses are used to represent passenger/seating loads in a train or bus structure. The
seating and passengers are assumed not to contribute any strength to the structure. A
mass element could be used to represent one set of passengers/seat. An RBE3 element
can be used to connect the mass element to the relevant area of the structure over which
you wish to distribute the effect of the mass.
Both elements "look" the same, in that they have a single node connected to one or (usually)
multiple other nodes. The difference is that the RBE2 element adds (infinite) stiffness to the
structure, while RBE3 elements "distribute forces" around the connected nodes, without adding
any stiffness.
A rigid element can be as simple as two nodes connected at coincident locations (although it
would be very unusual to use an RBE3 in that configuration), through to the more common
appearance of a "spider" or "sea urchin" connection, or any arbitrary connection of one to
multiple nodes.
RBE2 Rigid element used to approximate the effect of a bolt head / washer.
For an RBE2 rigid element, the single node is the "independent node". It has 6 degrees of
freedom, regardless of what your FEA graphical interface looks like. The other node(s) you select
are the dependent nodes. You decide which of their degrees of freedom you wish to connect.
Note that it is important to understand the significance of your choices.
www.endurasim.com.au Tel: 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332) or +61 2 9484 7837 © 2008 EnDuraSim Pty Ltd.
Typical choices for the connected DOF would be either TX, TY, TZ, OR all 6 DOF (ie.
translations and rotations). Which DOF you connect is obviously dependent on the job which
needs to be performed.
It is critical to note that because of the "lever arm" effect of any distance between the RBE2
independent node and its dependent nodes, that the rotations at the independent node
produce translations at the dependent nodes and, conversely, connected translations at the
dependent nodes affect rotations at the independent node.
The following figures show an example of a rigid element (RBE2) used to connect a central node
to the nodes on the edge of a hole.
In the first case, only translations at the dependent nodes (the ones on the edge of the hole) are
In the second case, all 6 DOF are connected at the dependent nodes.
Note the effect on the “local slope” at the ring of dependent nodes when all DOF are connected
compared to just the translational DOF.
www.endurasim.com.au Tel: 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332) or +61 2 9484 7837 © 2008 EnDuraSim Pty Ltd.
Thus, be careful choosing the DOF to be connected at the dependent nodes, particularly for plate
and beam models. Note that for “typical” FEA if the dependent nodes are on solid elements, then
connecting only the translations vs all DOF will produce the same result – as most FEA packages'
basic solid elements only have translational stiffness (zero RX, RY, RZ stiffness) at each node .
A typical RBE2 rigid element is created as follows. In this case, only translational DOF at the
dependent nodes are connected. Note that this user interface is Femap, but the concept is similar
for other systems if rigid elements are available.
www.endurasim.com.au Tel: 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332) or +61 2 9484 7837 © 2008 EnDuraSim Pty Ltd.
The RBE3 “rigid” element is not actually “rigid”, however, it also is used to “connect” the DOF's at
one or (typically) multiple independent nodes to a single dependent node. The motion of the
single dependent node is a “factored interpolation” of the motion at the independent nodes –
based on the DOF you choose to connect and the interpolation factor(s) you choose for the
independent nodes.
In practice, the RBE3 is often used to distribute the effect of a force or mass or constraint* acting
at the dependent node over a number of other nodes (the independent nodes), without adding
stiffness to the structure. * Refer to Item 2 below.
A typical RBE3 element looks as follows. In this case, the dependent (Reference) node has 6 DOF,
governed by the interpolation of only the translations from the independent nodes (Nodes to
Average), where the interpolation factor used for the independent nodes is 1.0 for each node:
Again, this image is from Femap, but the concept is similar for other FEA packages if rigid elements
are available.
(Note that there are exceptions to the guidelines below, however, this guide is directed towards
general/common usage rather than to cover every situation for the expert user).
1. If you have multiple rigid elements, do not have any node(s) as the dependent node(s) of
more than one rigid element. Rigid elements can be nested (ie. the dependent node of
one rigid element can be the independent node for another rigid element), however you
should avoid a full circular dependency. Nodes which are dependent in multiple RBE
elements produce (in Nastran) User Fatal Message 5289 (WRGMTS).
2. Do not apply constraints to the dependent nodes of any RBE rigid element. If you do, you
must be sure that the DOFs that you constrain are not the same DOF's affected/connected
in the RBE element, otherwise (in Nastran) you will receive User Fatal Message 2101 (GP4).
www.endurasim.com.au Tel: 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332) or +61 2 9484 7837 © 2008 EnDuraSim Pty Ltd.
Thus, if an RBE3 has been used eg. to support a "balanced load" model without adding
stiffness, its single dependent node cannot be constrained directly - it needs an
intermediary stiff element (eg. CBUSH or big beam) between the constraint and the RBE's
dependent node.
3. An important reminder is that rigid elements (in most cases) operate using small
displacement theory. For example, if you use an RBE2 to rotate some structure, the initial
(infinitesimal) vector of displacement at each dependent node does not change its
direction irrespective of the magnitude of rotation at the independent node. In the case
of basic non-linear analysis, this limitation remains true. (Note, however, that in the case
of eg. NX Nastran Advanced Non-Linear option, RBE2s operate as large displacement
elements which can be used to produce true large rotations). However, for basic non-
linear analysis it is trivial (in Femap at least) to convert multi-point rigid elements into
multiple non-linear “stiff beams” which are large displacement / large rotation elements.
4. Also note that the connected degrees of freedom from the dependent nodes relate to
their “output coordinate system” (if used) rather than the global coordinate system, as
implied by some documentation.
We strongly recommend, as with any capability that you may be trying out, that you run test
model(s) to fully understand the principles that are described herein.
These brief guidelines have been created for Nastran users. However other FEA codes, such as
Abaqus, Ansys, Patran, Marc, Cosmos, Algor, Strand7 etc. may have similar link elements which
operate with similar principles.
EnDuraSim has decades of hands on experience in FEA, particularly using Femap and NX Nastran.
We provide general training in FEA or specific training for Femap and NX Nastran.
We provide quality FEA consulting, typically fixed price contract for defined scope of work.
We provide yearly unlimited (within reason) technical support for Femap with NX Nastran.
We provide Femap API programming products and services to enhance analyst productivity.
Contact us for further information.
www.endurasim.com.au Tel: 1800 FOR FEA (1800 367 332) or +61 2 9484 7837 © 2008 EnDuraSim Pty Ltd.