8 Periodic Linear Di Erential Equations - Floquet Theory
8 Periodic Linear Di Erential Equations - Floquet Theory
8 Periodic Linear Di Erential Equations - Floquet Theory
De…nition 8.1 A periodic linear di¤ erential equation x_ = A(t)x is given by a matrix function
A : R ! gl(d; R) that is continuous and periodic (of period T > 0). Similarly as in Example 7.3,
we use the shift (t; ) = t + mod T . Then we may write x_ = A( (t; 0))x and the solutions de…ne
a dynamical system via : R S1 Rd ! S1 Rd , if we identify R mod T with the circle S1 .
Our …rst results concern the fundamental matrix of a periodic linear system.
We will need the following lemma which can be derived using the Jordan canonical form and the
scalar logarithm (see e.g. Amann [2, Lemma 20.7] or Chicone [13, Theorem 2.47]). The di¤erence
between the real and the complex situation becomes already evident by looking at 1 = ei .
Lemma 8.2 For every invertible matrix S 2 Gl(d; C) there is a matrix R 2 gl(d; C) such that
S = eR . For every invertible matrix S 2 Gl(d; R) there is a real matrix Q 2 gl(d; R) such that
S 2 = eQ . The eigenvalues of R and Q are mapped onto the eigenvalues of S and S 2 , respectively.
Proof. Observe that in both cases it su¢ ces to consider a (complex or real) Jordan block. For the
…rst statement write S = I + N = (I + 1 N ) with nilpotent N , i.e., N m = 0 for some m 2 N, and
consider the series expansion for t 7 ! ln(1 + t). Then S = eR with
( 1)j+1 j
R = (ln )I + N :
j j
For the second assertion de…ne Q := R + R 2 gl(d; R). Then S 2 = eR eR = eR+R = eQ , since
S = eR = eR .
The proof above also shows that the eigenvalues of R and Q, respectively, are mapped onto the
eigenvalues of eR .
Remark 8.3 Another way to construct Q is to observe that the real parts of the eigenvalues of S 2
are all positive. Then the real logarithm of these real parts exist and one can discuss the Jordan
blocks similarly as above noting that a real logarithm of
cos ! sin ! 0 !
r is (ln r)I + :
sin ! cos ! ! 0
Remark 8.4 By construction, the real parts of the eigenvalues of R and Q, respectively, are uniquely
determined by S. The imaginary parts are unique up to addition of 2k i; k 2 kZ. In particular,
several eigenvalues of R and Q may be mapped to the same eigenvalue of eR and eQ , respectively.
The principal fundamental solution X(t); t 2 R, is the unique solution of the matrix di¤erential
X(t) = A(t)X(t) with initial value X(0) = I: (8.1)
Then the solutions of x_ = A(t)x; x(0) = x0 , are given by x(t) = X(t)x0 . The following lemma
shows consequences of the periodicity assumption for A(t) for the fundamental solution.
Lemma 8.5 The principal fundamental solution X(t) of x_ = A(t)x with T -periodic A( ) satis…es
Proof. The assertion is clear for k = 0. Suppose it holds for k 1 2 N. Then
Y (t) := X(t + kT )X(kT ) ; t 2 R.
Then Y (0) = I and di¤erentiation yields, using periodicity of A( )
d _ 1 1
Y (t) = X(kT + t)X(kT ) = A(kT + t)X(kT + t)X(kT ) = A(t)Y (t):
Since the solution of this initial value problem is unique, Y (t) = X(t) and hence, by (8.2),
Proposition 8.6 There is a matrix Q 2 gl(d; R) such that the fundamental solution X( ) satis…es
X(2T ) = e2T Q :
The real parts j of the eigenvalues of Q are uniquely determined by this condition, and are called
Floquet exponents. Furthermore, the eigenvalues j of X(2T ) = X(T )2 satisfy j j j = e j .
Proof. By Lemma 8.2 a matrix Q with X(2T ) = e2T Q exists and the real parts of the eigenvalues
are unique. The eigenvalues of Q are mapped to the eigenvalues j of X(2T ) and their imaginary
part does not contribute to the absolute values of the j .
Next we relate the Floquet exponents to the Lyapunov exponents (x0 ) = lim supt!1 1t ln k'(t; x0 )k,
where '(t; x0 ) denotes the solution of x_ = A(t)x with '(0; x0 ) = x0 (compare De…nition 2.12).
The following theorem for periodic linear di¤erential equations is analogous to Theorem 2.13.
Theorem 8.7 Let = ( ; ') : R S1 Rd ! S1 Rd be the ‡ow associated with a periodic linear
di¤ erential equation x_ = A(t)x. The system has a …nite number of Lyapunov exponents and they
coincide with the Floquet exponents j , j = 1; :::; l d. For each exponent j and each 2 S1 there
exists a splitting Rd = j=1 L( j ; ) of Rd into linear subspaces with the following properties:
(i) The subspaces L( j ; ) have the same dimension independent of , i.e. for each j = 1; :::; l it
holds that dim L( j ; ) = dim L( j ; ) =: di for all ; 2 S1 ,
(ii) the subspaces L( j ; ) are invariant under the ‡ow , i.e. for each j = 1; :::; l it holds that
'(t; )L( j ; ) = L( j ; (t; )) = L( j ; t + ) for all t 2 R and 2 S1 ,
(iii) (x; ) = limt! 1 1t ln k'(t; ; x)k = j if and only if x 2 L( j ; )nf0g.
Proof. By their de…nition in Proposition ??, the Floquet exponents j are the real parts of the
eigenvalues of Q 2 gl(d; R).
First we show that the Floquet exponents are the Lyapunov exponents. By Lemma 8.5 we can
X(kT + s) = X(kT )X(s) for all k 2 Z and t; s 2 R:
and recall that
X(2T ) = e2T Q :
For the autonomous linear di¤erential equation y_ = Qy Theorem 2.13 yields a decomposition of
Rd into subspaces L( j ) which are characterized by the property that the Lyapunov exponents for
t ! 1 are given by the real parts j of the eigenvalues.
The continuously di¤erentiable matrix function Z(t) := X(t)e Qt ; t 2 R; maps the solution eQt x0
of y_ = Qy; y(0) = x0 2 Rd ; to the solutions of x_ = A(t)x; x(0) = x0 , since
Qt Qt
X(t)x0 = X(t)e e x0 = Z(t) eQt x0 : (8.3)
Observe that Z(t) is 2T -periodic, since
(2T +s)Q 2T Q Qs sQ
Z(2T + s) = X(2T + s)e = X(s)X(2T )e e = X(s)e = Z(s)
Proof. This follows from the construction of the spaces L( j ; ) and the corresponding properties
of the Lyapunov spaces of the autonomous equation x_ = Qx.
These facts show that for periodic matrix functions A : R ! gl(d; R) the Floquet exponents and
Floquet spaces replace the real parts of eigenvalues and the Lyapunov spaces, concepts that are so
useful in the linear algebra of (constant) matrices A 2 gl(d; R). The number of Lyapunov exponents
and the dimensions of the Lyapunov spaces are independent of 2 S1 , while the Lyapunov spaces
themselves depend on the time parameter of the periodic matrix function A(t), and they form
periodic orbits in the Grassmannians Gdj and in the corresponding ‡ag.
Remark 8.9 Transformations as Z(t) are known as Lyapunov transformations, see [23], Chapters
Periodic linear di¤erential equations yield periodic di¤erential equations in projective space: As
in Lemma 5.1, the ‡ow : R S1 Rd ! S1 Rd corresponding to x_ = A(t)x projects onto a
‡ow P on S1 Pd 1 where again the …rst component is the shift by (t; ) = t + mod T and the
second component is given by the solutions of the periodic di¤erential equation
The next corollary characterizes the Lyapunov spaces for periodic linear di¤erential equations
by this projected ‡ow. It is the analogue of Theorem 5.2.
Corollary 8.10 Let P be the projection onto S1 Pd 1 of a periodic linear ‡ow as de…ned above.
Then the following assertions hold.
(i) P has l chain recurrent components fM1 ; :::; Ml g, where l is the number of di¤ erent Lya-
punov exponents.
(ii) For each Lyapunov exponent i one has that Mi = f( ; Px); x 2 Li ( i ; ) and 2 S1 g, the
projection of the i-th Lyapunov space Li ( i ; ) onto Pd 1 . Furthermore fM1 ; :::; Ml g de…nes the
…nest Morse decomposition of P and Mi Mj if and only if i < j .
(iii) For the sets Mi in the …nest Morse decomposition, the sets
Vi := fx 2 Rd ; ( ; Px) 2 Mi g; 2 S1 ;
coincide with the Lyapunov spaces and hence yield decompositions of Rd into linear subspaces
Rd = V1 ::: Vl ; 2 S1 : (8.4)
Proof. For the autonomous linear equation x_ = Qx we have a decomposition of Rd into the
Lyapunov spaces L( j ; 0) which by Theorem 5.2 correspond to the Morse sets in the …nest Morse
decomposition. By (8.3) the matrix function Z(t) maps the solution of x_ = Qy; y(0) = x0 2 Rd ; to
the solution of x_ = A(t)x; x(0) = x0 :Since these maps and their inverses are uniformly bounded by
compactness of S1 Pd 1 , one can show that the maximal chain transitive sets in Pd 1 are mapped
onto the maximal chain transitive sets in S1 Pd 1 . Then the assertions follow.
As an application of these results, consider the problem of stability of the zero solution of x(t)
_ =
A(t)x(t) with period T > 0. The following de…nition generalizes the last part of De…nition 2.12.
With these preparations we can state the main result regarding stability of periodic linear dif-
ferential equations.
Theorem 8.12 The zero solution x(t; 0) 0 of the periodic linear di¤ erential equation x_ = A(t)x
is asymptotically stable if and only if it is exponentially stable if and only if all Lyapunov exponents
are negative if and only if L ( ) = Rd for some (and hence for all) 2 S1 .
Example 8.13 Hamiltonian systems: Let H be a continuous quadratic form in 2d variables x1 ; :::; xd ;
y1 ; :::; yd and consider the Hamiltonian system
@H @H
x_ i = , y_ i = , i = 1; :::; d.
@yi @xi
A11 A12
Using zT = [xT ; y T ] we can set H(x; y; t) = zT A(t)z, where A = with A11 and A22
AT12 A22
symmetric, and hence the equation takes the form
0 I
Note that P T (t) = QP (t)Q 1
with Q = where I is the d d identity matrix. Assume
I 0
that H is T -periodic, then the equation for z and its adjoint have the same Floquet exponents and
for each exponent its negative is also a Floquet exponent. Hence the …xed point 0 2 R2d cannot
be exponentially stable, compare [23], Chapter 60.
Example 8.14 Hill-Mathieu equations: Consider the periodic linear oscillator
y• + q1 (t)y_ + q2 (t)y = 0.
Using the substitution y = z exp( 2 q1 (u)du) one obtains Hill’s di¤ erential equation
1 1
z• + p(t)z = 0, p(t) := q2 (t) q1 (t)2 q_1 (t):
4 2
Its characteristic equation is 2 2a + 1 = 0, with a still to be determined. The multipliers satisfy
the relations 1 2 = 1 and 1 + 2 = 2a. The exponential stability of the system can be analyzed
using the parameter a: If a2 > 1, then one of the multipliers has absolute value > 1, and hence the
system has an unbounded solution. If a2 = 1, then the system has a non-trivial periodic solution
according to Example 1. If a2 < 1, then the system is stable. The parameter a can often be expressed
in form of a power series, see [23], Chapter 62, for more details. A special case of Hill’s equation is
the Mathieu equation
z• + ( 1 + 2 cos 2t)z = 0,
with 1 , 2 real parameters. For this equation numerically computed stability diagrams are available,
see, e.g., [35], Chapters VI.3 and 4.