Fix Kel. 6
Fix Kel. 6
Fix Kel. 6
A. What is verb?
Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing.
Along with nouns, verbs are the main part of a sentence or phrase, telling a story about what
is taking place. In fact, without a verb, full thoughts can’t be properly conveyed, and even the
simplest sentences, such as Maria sings, have one. Actually, a verb can be a sentence by
itself, with the subject, in most case you, implied, such as, Sing! and Drive!
When learning the rules of grammar, schoolchildren are often taught that verbs are
‘doing’ words, meaning they signify the part of the sentence which explains the action taking
place: He ran away, she eats chocolate cake on Sundays, the horses gallop across the
fields. Ran, eats and gallop are the ‘action’ parts of those sentences, thus they are the verbs.
However, it can be confusing because not all verbs are easily identifiable as
action: I know your name, Jack thought about it, we considered several applications.
“I know your name, Jack thought about it, we considered several applications”.
As you can see from the examples above, one clue to help you recognize a verb is its
location compared to the subject. Verbs almost always come after a noun or pronoun. These
nouns and pronouns are referred to as the subject. The verb thought comes after the noun
Jack, so the action Jack (subject) was taking was thinking (verb).
In the sentence They thought about all the prizes what is happening? Thought (thinking) is
happening, so thought is the verb.
C. Types of Verbs
There are many types of verbs. In addition to the main categories of physical verbs, mental verbs, and
state of being verbs, there are several other types of verbs. In fact, there are more than ten different
types of verbs that are grouped together by function.
1. Action Verbs
Action verbs express specific actions and are used any time you want to show action or discuss
someone doing something. It’s important to remember that the action does not have to be physical.
1. Run
2. Dance
3. Slide
4. Jump
5. Think
6. Do
7. Go
8. Stand
9. Smile
10. Listen.
The action verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
2. Transitive Verbs
Transitive verbs are action verbs that always express double activities that relate or affect someone or
something else. These other things are generally direct objects, nouns or pronouns that are affected by
the verb, though some verbs can also take an indirect object, such as show, take, and make. In a
sentence with a transitive verb, someone or something receives the action of the verb.
1. Love
2. Respect
3. Tolerate
4. Believe
5. Maintain.
The transitive verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
The transitive verb is ate, Gary is the subject, because it is Gary who is doing the eating, and the
cookies are the direct object, because it is the cookies that are being eaten. Other examples:
He kicked John.
John punches him.
They sold the tickets.
In this sentence, the tickets are the direct object while him is the indirect object.
In this sentence, a pie is the direct object while her mother is the indirect object.
3. Intransitive Verbs
Intransitive verbs are action verbs that always express doable activities. They are different from
transitive verbs because there is no direct object following an intransitive verb.
1. Walk
2. Laugh
3. Cough
4. Play
5. Run
The intransitive verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
We travelled to London.
The intransitive verb is travelled, the subject is we, because we are doing the travelling, but London is
not a direct object because London is not receiving the action of the verb. Other examples:
The last example shows that the verb eats can be both transitive and intransitive depending on
whether there is a direct object or not. If the sentence read: John eats the cookies before leaving for
school, eats would be transitive as there is a direct object – the cookies.
By the way, some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive. These verbs include: start, leave,
change, live, stop.
4. Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary verbs are also known as helping verbs and are used together with a main verb to show the
verb’s tense or to form a question or negative. Common examples of auxiliary verbs include have,
might, will. These auxiliary verbs give some context to the main verb, for example, letting the reader
know when the action took place.
1. Can
2. Must
3. May
4. Should
5. Would
6. Could
7. Might
8. Will
9. Shall
10. Ought To
The auxiliary verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
The auxiliary verb is telling us that the action of the main verb go is going to take place in the future –
after football practice has ended. If the auxiliary verb was removed, we get the sentence:
In this case, there is no definite time frame for the action. The sentence suggests that going home after
football practice is just something the subject I generally does. Other examples:
In addition, we can sometimes use the auxiliary very before the pronoun to make a question:
Also, auxiliary verbs are used to help form negative statements, with the use of words like not and
never. These will usually split the auxiliary and main verbs:
5. Stative Verbs
Stative verbs can be recognized because they express a state rather than an action. They typically
relate to thoughts, emotions, relationships, senses, states of being, and measurements. The best way to
think about stative verbs is that they are verbs that describe things that are not actions. The stative
verbs are all expressing a state: A state of doubting, a state of believing, a state of wanting. These
states of being are often temporary.
The stative verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
Disagree is a stative verb here, as it describes the doctor’s state of being – disagreement.
6. Modal Verbs
Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that are used to express abilities, possibilities, permissions, and
2. Must
3. May
4. Should
5. Would
6. Could
7. Might
8. Will
9. Shall
10. Ought To
The modal verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
The auxiliary verb can is expressing an ability, suggesting that shooting a three-point shot is a skill the
subject possesses.
Please note that in the case of should and must in the examples below, the modal verbs are expressing
obligations, whereas would and may are expressing possibilities.
I should go home.
You must not delay.
Sally would not recommend the sushi.
David may be late.
7. Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs aren’t single words; instead, they are combinations of words that are used together to
take on a different meaning to that of the original verb. There are many examples of phrasal verbs,
some of which have colloquial meanings, such as make up, hand in, bring up, point out, look forward
to. Each time the verb takes the extra word(s) it takes on a new meaning. For example, make without
the upexpresses that something is being created, whereas with make up, the suggestion is that there
are some lies or a fantastical element to the story and make out can mean either to grasp or see
something difficult, or to kiss passionately.
1. Run out
2. Go all out
3. Make out
4. Hand out
5. Bring out
6. Face up
7. Think through
8. Stand Up
9. Sit Down
10. Push Up
The phrasal verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
The verb looked has taken on forward to to become a phrasal verb meaning to be excited about or
eagerly await something.
8. Irregular Verbs
The simple past form of some verbs doesnt end in-ed. Such verbs are called Irregular verb examples:
Do Did Done
The irregular verb examples in the following sentences are in bold for easy identification.
1. I do agree.
2. He does it often.
3. We have done our homework early.
4. They do their homework on Fridays.
5. I have a suspicion about Fran
6. We have no money left.
9. Reguler verb
The simple past tense of most verbs ends in-ed. These verbs are called reguler verbs.
D. VERB 1, 2, 3 (TENSES)
1. Verb 1 (Simple Present Tense)
The first form of the verb, Verb 1 (Subject + Verb 1 + Object), is the simplest verb
among the others. This verb is also called the Infinitive or Base Form which is the
basic form. When is the English verb Verb1 used?
For those of you who are still beginners, focus on using the Verb1 verb in Simple
Present Tense sentences. So that you don't get dizzy, start with simple English
sentences first. After that, go on to the other tenses.
The following are examples of English sentences using the first form of the verb
I read a book every day. (Simple Present: base form verb)
Janice reads a book every week. (Simple Present: verb ending in -s / es)
4. Verb-ing
Changing verb into an English verb-ing verb type does look really easy. Just add
the ending -ing only. But actually there are a few rules in changing it like take turns
into taking , sit becomes sitting , and lie becomes lying . You can see the
explanation and other examples in the article The Present Continuous (Verb-ing)
verb is most often used .
When do we use it? After sorting through the tenses used by V-ing, I was surprised
because the English verb was most widely used. Yep, there are 8 tenses using
Verb-ing in the sentence pattern. In addition, V-ing is also used in Gerund which
acts as a noun. The discussion of Gerund is discussed in a different article.
All the tenses that are in the CONTINUOUS word use verb-ing verbs. Consider the
example sentence.
1. Beni is calling you right now. (Present Continuous)
2. I was sleeping when they came. (Past Continuous)
3. We have been waiting here all day. (Present Perfect Contiuous)
4. I have been talking to hours before she came. (Past Perfect Continuous)
5. I will be doing my project when she arrives tonight. (Present Future
6. She said they would be playing basketball on Sunday. (Past Future
7. By 2020 I will have been living in Perth for five years. (Present Future Perfect
8. If she hadn't gone abroad, she would have been working here for ten years by
last December. (Past Future Perfect Continuous)
9. Sleeping is my hobby. (Gerund)
10. Watching a movie makes me happy. (Gerund
Am, is ,are also verb, but they are not action word. They are the simple present tense
of the verb Be. Use Am the pronoun I, and Is with the pronouns He, She, and It. Use Are
with the pronouns You, We, And They.
It’s a Donkey
It’s not a Horse
It’s very hot today
It’s not very comfortable
Was, Were also the form of the verb be. Was is the simple past tense of am and is.
Use was with the pronouns i, he, she, and it,and with singular nouns.
The verb have and has are used to say what people own or possess. They are also used to
talk about things that people do or get, such as illnesses. These words are the simple present
tense of the verb have.
Alwasilah, Chaedar A., Kaji Ulang Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris, Angkasa, Bandung,
Zandvoort, R.W., A Handbook of English Grammar., E.,L.,B.,S., Longman Group
Ltd., London, 1975.
Taufiq Hidayat, Rachmat., Belajar Mudah Bahasa Inggris., Pustaka Pelajar,Celeban
Timur UH Yogyakarta 55167.