Chinese Language Textbook Recommended Adult

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Textbook for Adult

New Practical Chinese Reader

This is the most popular textbook used to teach Chinese in universities
all over the United States. Designed for native English speakers to
learn Chinese, the objective of this textbook, and its companion
workbooks, is to develop the student's ability to communicate using
Chinese through the study of language structure, language function,
and related cultural knowledge along with the training of listening,
speaking, reading and writing skills. In every lesson, the following
sections are present: Text, New Words, Notes, Conversation Practice,
Reading Comprehension, Phonetics, Grammar, Characters and
Cultural Notes. The book uses several fictional characters in different
situations to make the Chinese learning experience more enjoyable. You can order book only
or Book & DVD together.
9787561910405 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1Textbook £14.95
9787799507903 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Textbook (DVD) £15.00
9787887031952 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 textbook (CD) £20.00
9787887030818 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Textbook (4 cassette tapes) £20.00
9787561910429 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Workbook £7.95
9787887031969 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Workbook (CD) £10.00
9787887030825 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Workbook (2 cassette tapes) £10.00
9787561910412 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Instructor's Manual £9.95
9787887030894 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Instructor's Manual (1cassette)£5.00
9787887031976 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 Instructor's Manual (CD) £5.00
9787561911297 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 Textbook £14.95
9787887031983 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 textbook (CD) £20.00
9787887031112 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 Textbook (4 cassette tapes) £20.00
9787561911457 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol. 2 Workbook £7.95
9787887031990 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 Workbook (CD) £10.00
9787887031150 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 Workbook (tape) £10.00
9787561911464 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 Instructor's Manual £9.95
9787887031457 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 Textbook (4 cassette tapes) £20.00
9787561912621 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 Instructor's Manual £9.95
9787561912515 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 Textbook £19.95
9787561912522 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 Workbook £9.95
9787887031464 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 Workbook (3 cassette tapes) £15.00
9787887032003 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 textbook (CD) £20.00
9787887032010 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 workbook (CD) £10.00
9787561913192 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 Textbook £19.95
9787887031921 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 textbook (CD) £20.00
9787887031761 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 Textbook (5 cassette tapes) £25.00
9787887031778 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 Workbook (2 CDs) £10.00
9787561913314 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 Workbook £9.95
9787887031778 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 Workbook (2 CDs) £10.00
9787561913352 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 Instructor's Manual £9.95
9787561914083 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.5 Textbook £19.95
9787887032416 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.5 Textbook (CD) £20.00
9787561915288 New Practical Chinese Reader Vol.5 Instructor's Manual £9.95

Conversational 301 (in 2 Vols.)
汉语会话 301
ISBN: 7561914040; 7561914032
Price: 12.95 each volume
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press
“Conversational Chinese 301” is a best-seller and has been
reprinted 14 times. Featuring 301 unique sentences, it teaches
beginning students conversational Chinese through daily life examples and sentence pattern
repetition. It consists of 40 lessons and 8 reviews. The 40 lessons encompass nearly 30
communicative functions such as "Greeting" and "Making an Acquaintance", about 800 new
words and the fundamentals of Chinese grammar. Each lesson is divided into six parts
--Sentence, Conversation, Substitution and Extension, New Words, Grammar, and Exercises.

New Standard Chinese Elementary Book 1 (with 2 CDs)

ISBN: 9787301077771
Price: 17.95
Publisher: Peking University Press
Year: 2004
Description: Elementary Level teaches the vocabulary and grammar appropriate for HSK
Level 1-3. In addition to basic words and practical sentence patterns,

New Standard Chinese Elementary Book 2 (with 3 CDs)

ISBN: 9787301077788
Price: 19.95
Publisher: Peking University Press
Year: 2004

Practical Chinese Reader

Publisher:Commercial Press

Practical Chinese Reader, 4 textbooks accompanied with 10 aural

The beginning level consists of Books I and II (4 Audio cassettes
provided) with 50 lessons and a vocabulary of 1,000 basic words. The
situations provided in the Reader centre around two students who study Chinese first in their
own country (Book I) and ten in China (Book II). Priority is given to everyday expressions
concerning clothing, food, housing, communication, entertainment, social intercourse, etc.
And the learners may also get some useful background information regarding China's culture,
history, local customs and present-day conditions. Basic Chinese phonetics and grammar are
dealt with in a way that best solves the specific difficulties of non-Chinese speakers. Each
lesson is supplemented with a wide and varied selection of exercises.

Books III and IV (with 6 Audio cassettes) consist of 30 lessons with a vocabulary of some
2,000 words and expressions and are intended for the learners of modern Chinese at an
intermediate stage. In order to enable the learners to gain a deep understanding of Chinese and
to improve the ability to communicate in the language, the text of each lesson focuses on a
subject of interest to the learners. The topics include history, education, economy, medicine,
sports, literature and art, newspapers and broadcasting, marriage and family life, scenic spots
and historical sites etc. In addition to the text and dialogue, each lesson has explanatory notes
of words and phrases and also includes various types of exercises.

9787100000888 Practical Chinese Reader Vol.1 £9.95

9787100000895 Practical Chinese Reader Vol.2 £8.95
9787100000901 Practical Chinese Reader Vol.3 £7.95
9787100000918 Practical Chinese Reader Vol.4 £6.95
9787100000369 Practical Chinese Reader Vol.5 £5.95
9787100005104 Practical Chinese Reader Vol.6 £5.95

A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol. 1

汉字启蒙 (1)
Publisher: Sinolingua
Presents the Chinese language as it is: a world of signs with their origin and
the logic of their composition, represented by the most frequently used ones.
The 400 characters featured in Vol. 1 will enable you to recognize at least
70% of the characters used in books and newspapers.

A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol. 2

汉字启蒙 (2)
Publisher: Sinolingua
In 25 lessons an addition of 500 of the most frequently used characters is
introduced in a wider context of about 4000 words formed with them. The
total 900 characters introduced in Vol. 2 allow you to recognize 90% of the
Chinese characters met with in everyday reading.

9787800525070 A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol.1 £19.95

7800525074C A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol.1 -- 2 Cassette Tapes £10.00
9787800525087 A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol.2 £19.95
7800525082C A Key to Chinese Speech and Writing Vol.2 -- 2 Cassette Tapes £10.00

Chinese for Beginners – Textbook

Year: 2003

The course is intended for beginners learning Chinese as a foreign language. The compilers'
aim has been to make the course practical, precise and interesting. As it is for beginners, the
coursebook contains the material which is most necessary and which can be used immediately
by the student in daily life. The language points are arranged so that easy ones come before
difficult ones and simple forms come before complicated forms.

The following is a brief description of each section of the lessons in the coursebook. 1. New
Words: The whole book presents approximately 1,200 words, an average of 15 in each lesson.
2. Text: The texts cover a wide range of typical situations in students' social life and compus
life. 3. Phonetics: Students using this textbook will get thorough training in phonetics. A.
Initial and finals: The characteristics in producing Chinese compound finls are emphasized in
this book. B. Tones: The four tones constitute a special obstacle for beginning students of
Chinese. C. Stress and intonation: This textbook gives considerable attention to the
characteristics of Chinese stress and intonation and provides a number of relevant drills. 4.
Grammar: This textbook includes the basics of Chinese grammar. 5. Exercises: Exercises and
drills on phonetics, grammar and sentence patterns are provided.

Communicate in Chinese
Editor: CCTV 9
The Communicate in Chinese texts
have 40 scenarios (40 topics) in total,
published as a set of four books, each
book comprises ten lessons, the last
one being a revision lesson. The
teaching materials concentrate on
spoken Chinese, through the characters' daily activities as presented in the situational
dialogues, language context is reflected and students will find their interest grow as they
gradually grasp the ability to communicate in Chinese.
The text has split up expressions that are used in daily life into several topics, each lesson
focuses on some of the expressions on the topic, with situational dialogues, new words,
common expressions, cultural background, language points, notes, sub-situational drills, this
integrates comprehension with practical usage. To speed up the learning process for TV
viewers and learners so that they can communicate with Chinese people in simple situations,
each lesson has been divided into three parts, the first two parts mainly explain the dialogue
and include explanations of the cultural background and language points, while the third part
is for revision and contains sub-situational drills of common expressions. It can be seen that
dialogue is given a primary role while exercises complement the learning of conversations.
This set of teaching materials and television program aims to allow viewers to become adept
at using Chinese to communicate in daily life.
VCDs and audio cassettes accompanying this book are also available.
Popular Science Press

9787110055359 Communicate in Chinese Book One £9.95

9787799801438 Communicate in Chinese Book One VCD £25.00
9787110056288 Communicate in Chinese Book Two £9.95
9787799804880 Communicate in Chinese Book Two (VCD) £25.00
9787110056295 Communicate in Chinese Book Three £9.95

9787799805757 Communicate in Chinese Book Three (VCD) £25.00
9787110056301 Communicate in Chinese Book Four £9.95
9787799805771 Communicate in Chinese Book Four (VCD) £25.00

China Panorama: TV Series for Teaching Chinese As Foreign

CHINA PANORAMA is the first large-scale educational television series launched by China
that targets overseas learners of Chinese. The compiling of this innovative program has been
supervised and organized by the China National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign
Language as well as the Educational Technology Office of the Ministry of Education of
China. All these courses have been compiled and written by experts on teaching Chinese as a
second language and reflect the successful experiences and academic achievements in modern
Chinese teaching. Starting from the beginner's stage, the teaching series is classified into three
levels for primary, intermediate and advanced learners. Both principal and auxiliary courses
are available for the students. The principal courses include:

China Panorama: Approaching Chinese

Chief Editor: Lv Bisong
The program is composed of 30 lessons but divided
into 90 episodes, with each episode lasting for about
15 minutes. Through the whole program, the student
will learn about 1,000 basic words, more than 200
sentence patterns and over 3,000 commonly used sentences - enough for him or her to
communicate in daily life.
China Panorama: Approaching Chinese ( 8 Cassettes)
中国全景——初级汉语(录音带 8 盘)
ISRC CNA190000550 £29.99
China Panorama: Approaching Chinese( 10 VCDs)
中国全景——初级汉语(VCD10 片)
ISRC CNA190300520 £69.99
China Panorama: Approaching Chinese(4 CD-ROMs)
中国全景——初级汉语 (CD-ROM4 片)
ISBN 790062354X £79.99

China Panorama: Intermediate Chinese

Chief Editor: Wu Shuping
As the follow-up of Approaching Chinese, this program is meant for students who have
learned around 1,000 basic words and primary grammar of Chinese. It is composed of 100
episodes, each about 25 minutes long. They are grouped into 10 units, with each followed by
a review session.
China Panorama: Intermediate Chinese(13 Cassettes)

中国全景——中级汉语(录音带 13 盘)
ISRC CNA190200700 £45.99
China Panorama: Intermediate Chinese (13 VCDs)
中国全景——中级汉语(VCD13 片)
ISRC CNA190301620 £89.99
China Panorama: Intermediate Chinese( 5 CD-ROMs)
中国全景——中级汉语(CD-ROM5 片)
ISBN 7900623795 £79.99

China Panorama: Chinese for Tourism (25 VCDs)

中国全景——九州行(VCD25 片)
ISRC CNA190300030 £149.99
This program belongs to the advanced part of the educational TV series, suitable for
intermediate (or higher) level learners of Chinese. It has 50 episodes, each about 30 minutes
long. In the program, the host or hostess shows students around the tourist attractions or
cultural sites of famous places such as Beijing, Xi'an, Luoyang, Nanjing, Hangzhou,Suzhou,
Guilin, Chengdu, Lhasa etc.

China Panorama: Phonetic Instruction (2 VCDs)

ISRC CNA190301820 £15.99
Targeting overseas learners of Chinese, this program facilitates an all English, systematic
teaching of pinyin, imparting its initials, finals, tones as well as spelling systems. This 15-
episode (15 minutes for each) program is consists of several sections dealing with dialogue,
pronunciation, anatomy of words and syllables, tones, similar sounds and tones

China Panorama: Let's Enjoy Chinese (3 VCDs)

中国全景——轻轻松松学汉字(VCD3 片)
ISRC CNA190301810 £24.99
This auxiliary teaching TV program designed especially for foreigners introduces Chinese
character writing systems and teaches recognition of Chinese characters. It has 15 episodes of
25 minutes each. Through both Chinese and English explanations, students gradually learn 29
constituent strokes and over 90 basic characters.

Textbook of Business Chinese

Business Conversation in 30 Lessons

汉语外贸 30 课
Price: £9.95
Publisher:Beijing Language and Culture University Press
Verbal Business Communication is considered to be suitable for intermediate Chinese readers.

A Practical Business Chinese Reader

Price: £ 9.95
Publisher:Beijing University Press
This simplified-character edition can be used as a primary textbook for
foreign students of business Chinese. The text covers a range of topics
including overseas delegations, commercial activities, business-related
social activities and ceremonies.

A Practical Business Chinese Reader

Price: £19.95
Publisher:Beijing University Press

This traditional-character edition can be used as a primary textbook for

foreign students of business Chinese. The text covers a range of topics
including overseas delegations, commercial activities, business-related
social activities and ceremonies.

Gateway to Business Chinese--Regular Formulas and Etiquette

Price: £12.95
Publisher:Beijing University Press
Gateway to Business Chinese - Regular Formulas and Etiquette is for
beginners who wish to develop everyday business etiquette language skills.
The text covers various Chinese business activities and aims to improve
speaking skills through the communicative approach. The textbooks include
paper and multi-media materials to facilitate both teaching and learning.

Gateway to Business Chinese--Daily Communication

Price: £14.95
Publisher:Beijing University Press
Gateway to Business Chinese - Daily Communication is for beginners who
wish to develop everyday business etiquette language skills. The text covers
various Chinese business activities and aims to improve speaking skills

through the communicative approach. The textbooks include paper and multi-media materials
to facilitate both teaching and learning.

Advanced Business Chinese--Social Gatherings, Office Work,

Day-to-Day Operation
Price: £17.95
Publisher:Beijing University Press
Advanced Business Chinese - Social Gatherings, Office Work, Day-to-Day
Operation is for beginners who wish to develop everyday business etiquette
language skills. The text covers various Chinese business activities and
aims to improve speaking skills through the communicative approach. The
textbooks include paper and multi-media materials to facilitate both
teaching and learning.

Chinese for Managers Everyday Chinese Volume One and Two

经理人汉语 生活篇(上下)
ISBN 9787560044651
Price: £24.95 04-2005 P 16mo
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
This series is an integrated business Chinese textbooks combined
listening, speaking, reading and writing. It consists of 4 parts: phonetics,
life, business and economy. "Phonetics" is a complement textbook for
beginners, and the other 3 parts all include basic, elementary and
intermediate levels. Content of each part has its own emphasis, can be
used successively or separately.

Chinese for Managers Everyday Chinese Volume One (2

经理人汉语 生活篇(上)(配套磁带 2 盘)
ISBN 9787880801002
Price: £10.00
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Everyday Chinese Volume Two

(2 Cassettes)
经理人汉语 生活篇(下)(配套磁带 2 盘)
ISBN 9787880801019
Price: £10.00

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Phonetics

经理人汉语 语音篇
ISBN 9787560050027
Price: £5.95
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Phonetics (cassette tapes)

经理人汉语 语音篇(配套磁带 2 盘)
ISBN 9787880802146
Price: £10.00
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Business Chinese Vol 1

经理人汉语 商务篇(上)
ISBN 9787560050034
Price: £17.95
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Business Chinese Vol 2

经理人汉语 商务篇(下)
ISBN 9787560052342
Price: £17.95
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Business Chinese Vol 1 (cassette tapes)

经理人汉语 商务篇(上)(配套磁带 2 盘)
ISBN 9787880802481
Price: £10.00
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Chinese for Managers Business Chinese Vol 2 (cassette tapes)

经理人汉语 商务篇(下)(配套磁带 2 盘)
ISBN 99787880803051
Price: £10.00

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

Experiencing Chinese Living in China (With CD)

体验汉语·生活篇(40-50 课时)附 CD
ISBN 7040187477
Chief Editors: Zhu Xiaoxing etc.
Higher Education Publishing House
Price: £14.95 02-2006 P 210*280mm 168pp
Written for Chinese-language learners at the beginning level, the
material provided is suited for short-term classes or one-on-one tutorials.
It incorporates the concept of learning-through-experience and functional
language learning and is aimed at daily communication, (focus on listening and speaking
skills.) The book consists of one Pronunciation (2-4 hours) and twelve units (3-4 hours/unit),
totaling 40-50 teaching hours.

Experiencing Chinese Business Communication in China (With CD)

ISBN 7040187663
Higher Education Publishing House
Price: £14.95 03-2006 P 122pp
Chief Editor: Zhang Hong, Yue Wei
Written for business people that have completed 160 hours of Chinese-
language learning, this book focuses on functional language learning
through experience (listening/speaking emphasis.) It consists of twelve units (4-6 hours/unit),
totalling 60-80 teaching hours.

Experiencing Chinese Studying in China (With CD)

ISBN 704017734X
Higher Education Publishing House
Price: £14.95 03-2006 P 122pp
Chief Editor: Zhang Hong, Yue Wei
The new textbook shows the modern teaching idea of experiencing
teaching, and provides the book-users the teaching scheme of task, and has CD as appendix.
This book can provide the students with a two-week-study, and aims at the very beginners
whose mother language is English.


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