Chinese Language Textbook Recommended Adult
Chinese Language Textbook Recommended Adult
Chinese Language Textbook Recommended Adult
Conversational 301 (in 2 Vols.)
汉语会话 301
ISBN: 7561914040; 7561914032
Price: 12.95 each volume
Publisher: Beijing Language and Culture University Press
“Conversational Chinese 301” is a best-seller and has been
reprinted 14 times. Featuring 301 unique sentences, it teaches
beginning students conversational Chinese through daily life examples and sentence pattern
repetition. It consists of 40 lessons and 8 reviews. The 40 lessons encompass nearly 30
communicative functions such as "Greeting" and "Making an Acquaintance", about 800 new
words and the fundamentals of Chinese grammar. Each lesson is divided into six parts
--Sentence, Conversation, Substitution and Extension, New Words, Grammar, and Exercises.
Books III and IV (with 6 Audio cassettes) consist of 30 lessons with a vocabulary of some
2,000 words and expressions and are intended for the learners of modern Chinese at an
intermediate stage. In order to enable the learners to gain a deep understanding of Chinese and
to improve the ability to communicate in the language, the text of each lesson focuses on a
subject of interest to the learners. The topics include history, education, economy, medicine,
sports, literature and art, newspapers and broadcasting, marriage and family life, scenic spots
and historical sites etc. In addition to the text and dialogue, each lesson has explanatory notes
of words and phrases and also includes various types of exercises.
The course is intended for beginners learning Chinese as a foreign language. The compilers'
aim has been to make the course practical, precise and interesting. As it is for beginners, the
coursebook contains the material which is most necessary and which can be used immediately
by the student in daily life. The language points are arranged so that easy ones come before
difficult ones and simple forms come before complicated forms.
The following is a brief description of each section of the lessons in the coursebook. 1. New
Words: The whole book presents approximately 1,200 words, an average of 15 in each lesson.
2. Text: The texts cover a wide range of typical situations in students' social life and compus
life. 3. Phonetics: Students using this textbook will get thorough training in phonetics. A.
Initial and finals: The characteristics in producing Chinese compound finls are emphasized in
this book. B. Tones: The four tones constitute a special obstacle for beginning students of
Chinese. C. Stress and intonation: This textbook gives considerable attention to the
characteristics of Chinese stress and intonation and provides a number of relevant drills. 4.
Grammar: This textbook includes the basics of Chinese grammar. 5. Exercises: Exercises and
drills on phonetics, grammar and sentence patterns are provided.
Communicate in Chinese
Editor: CCTV 9
The Communicate in Chinese texts
have 40 scenarios (40 topics) in total,
published as a set of four books, each
book comprises ten lessons, the last
one being a revision lesson. The
teaching materials concentrate on
spoken Chinese, through the characters' daily activities as presented in the situational
dialogues, language context is reflected and students will find their interest grow as they
gradually grasp the ability to communicate in Chinese.
The text has split up expressions that are used in daily life into several topics, each lesson
focuses on some of the expressions on the topic, with situational dialogues, new words,
common expressions, cultural background, language points, notes, sub-situational drills, this
integrates comprehension with practical usage. To speed up the learning process for TV
viewers and learners so that they can communicate with Chinese people in simple situations,
each lesson has been divided into three parts, the first two parts mainly explain the dialogue
and include explanations of the cultural background and language points, while the third part
is for revision and contains sub-situational drills of common expressions. It can be seen that
dialogue is given a primary role while exercises complement the learning of conversations.
This set of teaching materials and television program aims to allow viewers to become adept
at using Chinese to communicate in daily life.
VCDs and audio cassettes accompanying this book are also available.
Popular Science Press
9787799805757 Communicate in Chinese Book Three (VCD) £25.00
9787110056301 Communicate in Chinese Book Four £9.95
9787799805771 Communicate in Chinese Book Four (VCD) £25.00
中国全景——中级汉语(录音带 13 盘)
ISRC CNA190200700 £45.99
China Panorama: Intermediate Chinese (13 VCDs)
中国全景——中级汉语(VCD13 片)
ISRC CNA190301620 £89.99
China Panorama: Intermediate Chinese( 5 CD-ROMs)
中国全景——中级汉语(CD-ROM5 片)
ISBN 7900623795 £79.99
汉语外贸 30 课
Price: £9.95
Publisher:Beijing Language and Culture University Press
Verbal Business Communication is considered to be suitable for intermediate Chinese readers.
through the communicative approach. The textbooks include paper and multi-media materials
to facilitate both teaching and learning.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press