Concept of Essential Drugs: Chapter-I

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Concept of essential drugs

J. jayasutha
department of pharmacy practice
Srm college of pharmacy

“Essential drugs are those that satisfy the

health care needs of majority of population”
ƒ Should available at all times
ƒ In adequate amounts
ƒ In the adequate dosage forms
History of the WHO Model List
of Essential Drugs

ƒ 1977 First Model list published, ± 200 active substances

ƒ List is revised every two years by WHO Expert Committee

ƒ Last essential drug list established in the year 2010

Great importance for developing countries

ƒ Development of treatment guidelines and national formularies

ƒ Comprehensive national drug formulary

ƒ Strategies to drug procurement and supply

ƒ Drug financing and Drug donations

ƒ Research priorities for drug use

ƒ Drugs needed for specific disease

Guidelines for establishing a national programme
for essential drugs

ƒ National drug regulatory authority should be established

ƒ National drug and therapeutic committee (NDTC) should be


ƒ Committee includes people from

Clinical Pharmacology
Public health fields
Also from other appropriate health care fields
ƒ Generic names should be used for all drugs

ƒ Concise, accurate and comprehensive drug

information should be prepared

ƒ Stability and bioavailability should be assured

ƒ Efficient administration of supply, storage and

distribution of drugs

ƒ Management of stocks and eliminate waste

Criteria for the selection
of essential drugs
ƒ Pattern of prevalent disease and treatment facilities

ƒ Level of training and experience of the personnel

ƒ Financial resources available in the country

ƒ Genetic, demographic and environmental factors

ƒ Evidence based and not suituation based

ƒ Selected drugs should have adequate data on their efficacy

and safety
ƒ Performance of drugs in general has been proved in a
variety of medical setting

ƒ Available in adequate quantities and in the dosage forms

that is recommended by NDTC

ƒ Assured quality, stability and bioavailability

ƒ Two or more drugs having same quality, stability and

bioavailability, choice on the basis of efficacy, safety,
quality, price and availability
ƒ Cost , an issue; unit cost of drug alone should not be
considered. Cost of total treatment, cost/benefit ratio
should also be considered
ƒ Comparative pharmacokinetic properties of drugs in
the same therapeutic category
ƒ Local facilities to manufacture and storage also be
ƒ Should contain only single drug, combination
advantage over single drug in therapeutic effect, safety
and patient compliance
Selection of Pharmaceutical dosage forms
ƒ General utility and wide availability of the dosage forms

ƒ Tablets have wide acceptability and also cost effective

ƒ Stability of dosage form under ambient climate conditions

ƒ Established local preference

ƒ Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of dosage forms

ƒ Selection of convenient dosage forms for selected population

Eg: Paediatric dosages, SR/CR dosage inclusion require
adequate documentation
ƒ Selection of specified salt form for a particular drug
Example: Chloramphenicol Palmitate, Amlodipine Besylate,
Erythromycin estolate
Quality Assurance and WHO certification scheme
ƒ Should confirm with required standards of good
Manufacturing practice (GMP) and quality control

ƒ Bioavailability of drugs

ƒ Should confine International Pharmacopoeia and

its standards
ƒ Each pharmaceutical substance by a globally acceptable
generic name is importance

ƒ International nonproprietory (INN) names becomes an

important arm of essential drug list and is almost globally

ƒ INN periodically published by WHO for new addition of

pharmaceutical products

ƒ Brought unifomity in the names of medicine

ƒ Stop confusion and to ensure, safety of drugs for patients

Tasks after the formation of
Essential drug list
ƒ Updating the essential drug list
ƒ Essential drug list for primary health care
ƒ Specialist control of drug use
ƒ Research and development
ƒ Drug information and education activities
ƒ Making a list of reserve microbials
ƒ Post registration drug studies
Updating the essential drug list-Continuous process

WHO guiding principles

ƒ Must accomodate local situations to meet health needs of
majority of population
ƒ Extent to which country establish EDL
ƒ Guiding essential drug list by WHO is a contribution to solve
ƒ Need to include additional drugs for rare disease. Eg: TB drugs
in India
ƒ Exclusion does not mean rejection
ƒ Public health issue, epidemiological changes, new drugs
availability, progress in pharmacological and pharmaceutical
Essential drug list for primary
health care centres
ƒ Existing system of medicine
ƒ National health infrastructure
ƒ Pattern of endemic diseases
ƒ Supplies
Specialist control of drug use
ƒ Adequate specialist skills and complemaentary resources
needed before the introduction of new drugs. Examples of
situation requiring specialist control of drug use
‚ Use of reserve antibiotics for multiresistant bacteria
‚ Adequate regimen for TB and leprosy
‚ Use of antineoplastic, immunosupressive agent,
antiretrovial agent
Research and development

ƒ Pharmaceutical aspects
 Development of drug procurement, drug
quality, processing, packaging and distribution
ƒ Clinical and epidemiological aspect
 To assess efficacy, safety, genetic and ethnic
ƒ Educational aspects
 Development of training programme
Drug information and education activities
ƒ Develop formulary and drug information sheet on
all drugs in EDL
ƒ Continual education programme on all aspects of
medical care, disease pattern, selection of
antimicrobials , diagnostic and other therapeutic
Making a list of reserve microbials

ƒ Amoxicillin plus clavulianic acid

ƒ Ceftriaxone
ƒ Ceftazidine
ƒ Vancomycin etc…
Post registration drug studies
ƒ Some drugs fail to produce benefit. Reasons are
 Clinical trial does not Iinclude groups like children,
pregnant women, old people
 Genetic and environment factors differs from
population to population
 Unexpected use of drugs, data on overdose not
 Poor manufacturing practice
ƒ Post registration drug studies help to estimate
future demands, quantify drug inventory,
evaluate drug use
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