Secrets of The Spies
Secrets of The Spies
Secrets of The Spies
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
In the UK there is a clear distinction between an intelligence officer and agent. An officer is usually an official on the payroll of
government and, if working overseas, he or she is probably attached to an embassy or in the employment of a registered company.
An agent can be anyone prepared to pass on useful information, be it a simple tip or high-grade intelligence, or he can be hired,
trained and given guidance on how to obtain it. The agent is paid by the state via his controller or handler, but don’t expect to find a
wage slip. This description varies from country to country; some nations describe intelligence officers as ‘agents’, though for the
purposes of this Tradecraft feature we have used the British model. A powerful feature that covers fully the ‘art of going grey’.
It seems bizarre that in these days of heightened tension and uncertainty, political correctness even applies to the world of espionage.
Just a few months ago, two undercover SAS surveillance officers were challenged in Iraq and their subsequent arrest resulted in a
major incident. Both men were in a vehicle and wore local attire, yet they were betrayed by standard British Army boots. ‘Blending’ in
to any environment is by any definition crucial and most agents will reconnoitre their area of operations. Unfortunately, terrorists have
learned this spy trait as well.
Officers and agents are often chosen for specific tasks, and it is unlikely a pupil educated in Oxford speaking the ‘Queen’s English’
would be assigned to a task in a remote mining town in Russia. Selection is of paramount importance. The use and ‘turning’ of locals
in foreign lands is a skill....
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
The art of intelligence gathering has changed dramatically as emerging technology affords the ‘spy’ with many new avenues of acquiring secrets.
However, computers and modern ‘gadgets’ will never replace some of the ‘established’ trade secrets - such as holding your nerve, or in this
feature - exchanging information in a subtle, but covert manner. Eye Spy takes a candid look at a few tricks of the trade...
Hiding a package or message for a colleague or acquaintance to locate is not a difficult task. First you have to find a suitable location
that is discreet and known to both parties. This is often referred to as a ‘Dead Letter Drop’ or ‘Box’ or ‘DLD’. Sometimes it is not
possible to prepare for such an exchange, and persons must meet face-to-face. This is called a ‘Live Drop.’ Get it wrong, and it could
cost you more than the
contents of the packet.
The simplest way of passing a message or item to a person is called the ‘Brush Pass’, ‘Reverse Pickpocket’ or ‘Handover’...
Eye Spy looks at a multitude of variants involving this simple, but effective tradecraft, including the ‘Lovers Switch’ - a kiss over a
candlelit table or departing train - the package is slipped carefully into the mouth.
Eye Spy takes a look at some of the skills and traits required to make the
perfect drop...
Establishing locations for dead drops takes time and is often dependant on
the type of material being handled. For example, it is of little use using a tiny
hole in a wall if two persons are intending to engineer a deal involving a box
containing weapons or a significantly over-sized package.
Agents will often establish a number of drop zones and provide each with a
designated name or code. Dead drops are relatively obscured from public
view, though not always. It has been known for public telephone boxes,
garbage bins and even lamp posts to be used in the middle of a high street.
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
The locations chosen for a drop are usually on public land.
PAGE Select a location on private land or in secure premises
means the risk of exposure increases dramatically. Police or
If the operative requires only to leave a written item, a library There are hundreds of ways in which an agent can be
is ideal. Shelves are packed with books, and provided the alerted to a dead letter drop. In this case, the string
agent does not choose a popular work, then leaving a signals a package is ready to collect. The knot at the
message in a book is quite safe.... end of string relates to a specific dead drop area.
The origins of the ‘brush pass’ can be traced back to America and the
CIA, and involved the skilful manipulation of gaps in surveillance and
the covert passing of items from one person to another without being
noticed... even if the exchange is under observance.
Smith replied, “Your concern is that it’s sitting out there with nobody in charge?” The agent nodded.
Improvising, Smith escorted the agent to a subway entrance near Grand Central, which also led into the
old Biltmore Hotel. A pedestrian could walk straight into the hotel or turn right and descend a flight of
steps into the subway. “Let’s try this,” Smith said. He asked the agent to stand inside the crowded
doorway at the top of the stairs leading down to the subway, where he could not be seen from the street.
“I’ll walk through the door, and hand you a newspaper,” Smith said. “When you get that newspaper, turn
around and go down the stairs, and I’ll go straight into the hotel.”
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
The planting of secret surveillance devices still happens, of course, but the word ‘bug’ now has many applications. Eye Spy
Associate Editor Glenmore Tranear-Harvey explains why it’s almost impossible to guard against today’s ‘super bugs’
You don’t have to be a terrorist, international drugs-smuggler, money-launderer, intelligence officer from a hostile country - or even
Koffi Annan - to be the object of covert surveillance by the clandestine services. The world of espionage embraces us all. As you go
about your daily life, you could be the subject of eavesdropping and surveillance. (So, benefit cheats, illegal immigrants and errant
husbands beware!)
The modern day ‘spook’ has a wide range of techniques and top-secret gadgetry available. You can be spied upon in practically every
situation. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the ‘privacy’ of your home or office; whether you are walking or in a car; in a crowded
party or in the middle of a field; in daylight or with the ‘cover’ of darkness. Your every word, movement or action can be detected and
recorded by the security and intelligence services.
Thinking of popping that sensitive letter in the post? Secret equipment enables your mail to be scanned and read without the envelope
seal being opened.
So what about email, faxes or the internet? Anything you send using digital transmission can be ‘tracked and cracked’. Even
encrypted or ‘hidden’ messages. Steganographic scanners can detect the electronic equivalent of a microdot, by isolating individual
pixels buried in an internet website image. Your computer can be ‘hacked’ so that all of your computer’s contents can be viewed
remotely at any time by the ‘watchers’....
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
• Trade secrets
PAGE • Recording without a recognised bug
• Car tracking devices
Legal phone tapping can only be conducted in the UK, USA and Europe
after the issuing of a court warrant. Intercepting incoming and outgoing
phone calls, in most cases, is via a telephone exchange. The security
services can then identify the number of the caller and receiver. Rarely do
undercover officers actually place a bug on the line, in the phone or
handset - however it does happen. Unlicensed operators can also use
similar technology in the form of devices that simply clip on the telephone
line and transmit the conversation to a receiver. Unfortunately this takes
only about 10-15 seconds, and the clip is usually placed on a section of
line that is hidden from view - in the undergrowth or behind a fall pipe.
Planning for the arrival of a dignitary or VIP is essential. In the world of intelligence it
can be crucial.
Government close protection officers are effectively elite policemen, and often perform
personal protection duties for ministers, defence officials and even the President of the
United States and his huge entourage. One trade secret that relates to this particular
industry is highlighted in this feature - the wearing of a special insignia badge or crest. It
is called a HARD PIN. During President Bush’s state visit to the UK in 2003, US Secret
Service agents and Scotland Yard officers wore a particular red badge. It was unique to
this operation, and its bright colour, design, and reflective insignia was no coincidence.
It is a signal to other security officers, watching British intelligence, and police officials
that these men are there to help guard officials and dignitaries, such as the US Ambas-
sador to Britain who also attended this London event. The crest will have been chosen
at the last moment, and details of its design given to British security officers. This helps
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
prevent insurgency by an attacker, or a terrorist dressing and mimicking a Secret Service agent enabling
PAGE him to get within striking distance of the VIP.
7 EXTRACT: The agent in the centre photograph (right), is also wearing another badge. This could mean he
is a coordinator and is armed. It is also likely that the other agents would have been allowed to carry
firearms because of the huge terrorist threat that exists against the UK and America. Also, the suits must
not cloak or disguise the red badge, henceforth, note all the agents are wearing dark suits. The HARD
PIN may be specially designed for key events...
Even if we are to look at the most seemingly obvious requirements, there are contradictions. First, many government agencies stress
integrity and loyalty as prerequisites for anyone wishing to serve their country within the intelligence setting. However, loyalty is a
complex quality. Does this mean loyalty to the state or loyalty to the organisation? This is a question that might have challenged one
former MI5 agent who sometimes enters the pages of Eye Spy.
Intelligence is something that would seem crucial if one wants to work within the various security services. Organisations such as the
FBI and MI5 often recruit people with impressive academic backgrounds. In the past, Oxford and Cambridge have provided quite a
few candidates for government recruiters. But today, an impressive academic background is not enough. Perhaps equally important
is an individual’s application of his or her intellectual capabilities....
Experience is the best teacher, so some past cases have been selected and described to illustrate
important points. Some timeless truths that need to be repeated may be best illustrated by older
case files. Due to security, legal, privacy, and practical bureaucratic considerations, it usually
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
takes several years after an arrest and conviction before unclassified information on new cases
PAGE becomes available for broad dissemination.
There are four principal ways by which spies are detected: 1. Reporting
by sources within a foreign intelligence service; 2. Routine counterintelligence monitoring; 3. Their own mistakes....
A fascinating insight into the world of real life spycatchers...
Who are the snoops?: Competitors, vendors, investigators, business intelligence consultants, colleagues vying for positions, over-
bearing bosses, suspicious partners, the press, labour negotiators, government agencies. The list is long.
Why would I be a target?: Money and power are the top two reasons behind illegal surveillance. If anything you say or write could
increase someone else’s wealth or influence, you are a target.
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
Despite what many people believe, following a vehicle is a precise art and one that cannot be learned overnight. If the driver of a
target vehicle happens to be a criminal or worse - a terrorist, then the task is made even more dangerous, especially so if the
surveillance is covert. There are numerous trade tips in this feature, including selection of vehicle, dress code, what to do in built-up
areas, where to park, where not to park, communication skills, what to do if the target decides to journey on foot etc.
At some point in time in your driving career you will be asked by a friend, colleague or
family member to “follow me.” Depending on a variety of factors your journey will be easy,
fairly easy, moderate, difficult... or impossible. Imagine therefore trying to follow a car
without being seen for several hours. Add to that you must conduct a running commentary,
and at some stage you might be asked to follow on foot. Ultimately, some government
officers may also have to interact with the person under surveillance. For the security
services, tracking a car covertly is at best complex. It’s made particularly difficult if the
driver or occupants in the target vehicle suspect they are under surveillance, or if the
individual has colleagues performing anti-surveillance. The odds of an operation being
compromised are lessened by correct vehicle selection, driving appropriately and commu-
nicating properly with colleagues.
Some analysts believe it’s easier to track a car on an open road or motorway. Other
surveillance officers think differently, and prefer to follow in built-up areas. The truth is,
neither option is easy. Both scenarios can be affected by an array of situations. On a long
motorway journey speed may be a factor; road traffic works can mean congestion and a
slower pace. In an urban environment speeds are slower because of traffic lights, junctions,
pedestrians, and increased traffic; the chance of losing sight of the vehicle increases
dramatically if a surveillance driver loses concentration - even for a moment. This is one
reason, but not the only one, why a professional surveillance operation will always involve
several operatives and vehicles. At any point the suspect could stop and proceed on foot,
thus vehicles will often carry more than one officer - just in case the surveillance has to be
continued on foot. A second officer can provide commentary by radio, allowing the driver to
focus on the road. He will deliver clear instructions calmly and without hesitation. Many
surveillance vehicles now have the added bonus of satellite navigation systems, but
professional operatives often avoid using these devices during an intense operation.
But the biggest threat to any surveillance is if the same vehicle is noticed on multiple occasions. Thankfully, by driving correctly and
choosing the “right car”, it’s possible to avoid detection.
There are other lesser known factors which can ruin a vehicle surveillance. A chase car is equally as vulnerable when stationary or
waiting for the target to depart. Not wearing a seat belt can attract attention. Parking on a yellow line (even briefly), may soon incur
the wrath of a traffic warden. Sipping coffee or eating while at the wheel and in motion is distracting: in the UK, it’s also illegal and if
seen, the car will be stopped. Using a cell phone by hand or trying to find directions....
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
STOP! Don’t buy that wiretap locator gadget from the mail-order catalogue. It’s not effective. Don’t call the experts
to check your phone lines... well at least not yet. You are the average person. You’re not involved in industrial
espionage or government intrigue. You suspect an acquaintance, neighbour, or even a family member of being the
culprit. You stand a good chance of discovering the eavesdrop-
ping device yourself. Basic wiretaps are just that - attachments
to the telephone wires. Most amateur taps can be found just by
looking at the wiring. There is no need to touch. In fact, you
should never touch or tamper with unfamiliar wiring, or wiring
which does not belong to you.
be used for a second phone line, to carry power to...
Distraction - it’s one of the most subtle, yet important weapons in the armoury of a spy, but increasingly some of this tradecraft used for
hundreds of years is being adopted by terrorists, organised gangs and simple crooks. Eye Spy looks at the multifaceted tradecraft
known as ‘distraction’
One of the most common thefts - that at first seems to be the result of a local
thug, occurs from public photo booths - usually located in busy shopping
centres, train stations or large department stores. Adults use these outlets to
acquire passports or driving licence photos. The booths themselves present a
problem and many are quite simply “an accident waiting to happen” - for they
are usually masked by only a three-quarter pull curtain, but they feel ‘cosy’
and once inside, the user feels safe from prying eyes. The booth in this case,
is the actual distraction.
However, the trained criminal may wait for hours until he selects a target -
usually a business person. Most people enter these booths and place their
bag[s] on the floor. In a second it is easily pulled from under the curtain, and
the thief disappears into the crowd... sometimes with enough information,
and perhaps an old passport, credit cards, bill heads, address book, personal
details etc. to create a new identity. Never place your bag on the floor; ask a
friend to watch outside while the photos are being taken.
Major international crime gangs are often the most difficult to challenge.
When drug cartels decide to move 200 million dollars of cocaine into Europe,
for example, they will create a parallel operation that is described by Interpol
as a distraction operation, albeit on a grandiose scale. If the ghost operation
also works, then the outcome is a double success, if not, the loss is put
The honest photo booth - a criminal’s best
down to ‘collateral damage’, and a few unimportant criminals will be caught.
friend. Once inside the user feels safe - but a
So how does it work?...
bag placed on the floor is easy to remove.
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
EXTRACT THREE Above: A typical purse snatch captured by Eye Spy. Subjects A
stop a couple (Subjects B) and ask for directions or assistance.
TERRORIST DISTRACTIONS While engaged in the conversation, another member of the gang
(Subject C) runs past and removes an item from the woman’s
Today’s terrorists are far more sophisticated than they bag - giving the impression she is hurrying to catch a bus
ever were. This makes them unpredictable. Following the
attacks on London in 2005 and
New York in 2001, the streets
of both these cities were
flooded with heavily armed
police and troops. Some
members of the public called
this an ‘after-reaction’, or ‘too
little too late’. It was neither. In
both instances, the security
services had no idea if further
attacks were imminent. One
incident in London may be the
‘trigger’ or call sign for another
attack in New York. For example, within minutes of the 7 July 2005 bombings in London, security was tightened in New York, a move that
saw hundreds of specialist officers deployed at specific sites across the city. Extra visible uniformed patrols were ordered and there was a
general feeling that the ‘ripples’ from the London attacks may cross the Atlantic....
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
If you suspect you are being bugged, and you can’t find the device, then there are a few options available to you. White Noise will
render most recordings useless. It’s a type of noise that is produced by combining sounds of all different frequencies together. If you
took all of the imaginable tones that a human can hear and combined them together, you would have white noise.
The adjective ‘white’ is used to describe this type of noise because of the way white light works. White light is light that is made up of
all of the different colours (frequencies) of light combined together (a prism or a rainbow separates white light back into its compo-
nent colours). In the same way, white noise is a combination of all of the different frequencies of sound. You can think of white noise
as 20,000 tones all playing at the same time. Because white noise contains all frequencies, it is frequently used to mask other
sounds. If you are in a hotel and voices from the room next-door are leaking into your room, you might turn on a fan to drown out the
voices. The fan produces a good approximation of white noise.....
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E
If those intent on terrorism or criminal activity believe their only ‘enemies’ are the police, CCTV cameras, security services or law
abiding members of the public, think again. The intelligence world has a plethora of people, tools and ‘tricks of the trade’ to gather
vital information on subjects under surveillance - it also has two unlikely friends - the ticket and receipt...
It comes in all shapes and sizes; some are about two inches square, while others, such as airline
booking forms printed from the internet, are as large as the paper you are reading. Its material
value is worthless, but a ticket, and more importantly, the data contained within, is priceless to
the intelligence world. For investigators searching train wreckage after the 7 July London atroci-
ties, finding such items proved spectacular. Tickets purchased at various stations (and recovered
from the bodies of the bombers) led the police all the way to Luton, and the recovery of even
more explosives. Ticket analysis on a vehicle recovered at the car park in Luton station provided
more data. Soon the trail led back to Leeds and quite quickly all four terrorists were identified.
Within hours the ‘bomb factory’ had been found and further investigations ensued. But what are
the authorities looking for?
“Typical users type about 300 characters per minute, leaving enough time for a computer to isolate the sounds of individual key-
strokes and categorise the letters based upon the statistical characteristics of English text. For example, the letters ‘th’ will occur
together more frequently than ‘tj,’ and the word ‘yet’ is far more common than ‘yrg’.
“Using statistical learning theory, the computer can categorise the sounds of each key as it’s struck and develop a good first guess
with an accuracy of 60 percent for characters, and 20 percent for words,” said Li Zhuang, a UC Berkeley Ph.D. student in computer
science and lead author of the study. “We then use spelling and grammar checks to refine the results, which increased the character
accuracy to 70 percent and the word accuracy to 50 percent. The text is somewhat readable at this point.”
The recording is then played back repeatedly in a feedback loop to ‘train’ the computer to increase its accuracy until no significant
improvement is seen....
© E Y E S P Y I N T E L L I G E N C E M A G A Z I N E