Model 266DRH Differential Model 266HRH Gauge Model 266NRH Absolute
Model 266DRH Differential Model 266HRH Gauge Model 266NRH Absolute
Model 266DRH Differential Model 266HRH Gauge Model 266NRH Absolute
Reliable sensing system coupled with very latest digital PED compliance to Sound Engineering Practice (SEP)
— provides large turn down ratio up to 60:1 WirelessHART version
— the battery powered solution compliant to IEC 62591
Comprehensive sensor choice
— optimize in-use total performance and stability Best-in-class battery life
— up to 10 years @ 32 s update time
Flexible configuration facilities — in-field replaceable
— provided locally via local LCD keypad
Product in compliance with Directive 2011/65/UE (RoHS II)
New TTG (Through-The-Glass) keypad technology
— allows quick and easy local configuration without opening In-built advanced diagnostics
the cover, even in explosion proof environments
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
General description
Models detailed in this data sheet apply for those transmitters which include one or two remote seal(s) connected via a capil-
lary to the transmitter sensor. Depending on the selected ordering code the following models are available:
a) model 266DRH which allows a differential measurement using either
- two remote seals of same type and size or
- one direct mount seal on positive side and one remote seal on negative side, of same type and size or
- one remote seal on positive and a standard threaded connection direct 1/4 in. – 18 NPT on flange
or 1/2 in. – 14 NPT through adapter, for the wet or dry leg on negative side opposite to seal, or
- one direct mount seal on positive side and a standard threaded connection direct 1/4 in. – 18 NPT on flange
or 1/2 in. – 14 NPT through adapter, for the wet or dry leg on negative side.
b) model 266HRH or 266NRH have the remote or direct mount seall on the positive side and the user can select the suitable
code for having the reference at armospheric or vacuum pressure respectively for gauge or absolute measure.
Direct mount seal is integral to the transducer by a short capillary connection inside a protective rigid tube. This construction
forms a standalone single assembly suitable to be mounted to the process by the seal(s) mounting facilities.
All data apply for identical characteristics of the two sides when the transmitter is differential with two seals.
The S26 series is available with process connections for ASME, EN or JIS pipe flanges, wedge flow elements, chemical tees,
and threaded pipe fittings. Extended diaphragm remote seals, suitable for connection to 2in - 3in or 4in flanged tank nozzles or
flanged tees, permit the seal diaphragm to be located flush with the inside of a tank or pipe. Sanitary type seals meet the strin-
gent requirements of sanitary food, dairy, pharmaceutical and BioTech applications, offering FDA approved fillings and
compliance with 3-A Sanitary Standards.
Fill fluids with FDA are defined as food fills and are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) by the US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).
Accuracy is only marginally affected when seal diaphragm stiffness is relevant compared with sensor stiffness.
This is the only characteristic of the S26 system which has role on accuracy performance. High stiffness of diaphragm associ-
ated with low URL might produce increased errors of linearity, hysteresis, and long term stability; when diaphragm stiffness is
accuracy related also temperature effects are significantly affected.
Some basic considerations on diaphragm stiffness help understanding effects introduced by S26 system associated with trans-
mitters. This is physically defined by the ratio between the pressure variation applied to the diaphragm and the corresponding
volume variation. The stiffness is not linear along the whole diaphragm volumetric displacement, but the S26 design is such to
maintain the system linear within the service conditions of the transmitter such as:
- Operating pressure range
- Operating static pressure (for differential transmitters)
- Ambient and process temperature limits
Diaphragm stiffness is a function of material and thickness (elastic coefficient), diameter (type), convolution shape and geometry
(design defined).
S26 system has effect on temperature performance of the complete transmitter. This effect is mostly on zero of the instrument
and is produced by the expansion of the fill fluid into the closed volume formed by the transmitter flange cavity the capillary vol-
ume and the remote seal volume. This volume filled with a fluid with specific expansion coefficient; change in temperature of
the measuring device produce a volume variation which is absorbe by the remote diaphragm, whose stiffness produces a
change in the fluid pressure: this is the zero error. In real application the transmitter/seal system is not the same and stable
temperature. Therefore the errors referred in this document for each type of diaphragm and different fluids should be taken as a
reference for qualitatively evaluation and not a true behaviour in normal application conditions. Should again be recognized that
the stiffness of diaphragm and in this case, the thermal coefficient of fluid are the parameter to take into account.
Application of S26 seal to transmitters increases the original time response. The amount of the increase depends from the
number of elements and condition of the instrument as follow:
- transmitter sensor range
- physical configuration (i.e. a remote seal on other side)
- type of measure/number of seal (one or two)
- fill fluid viscosity of the S26 system applied
- ambient temperature (affects the transmitter and the capillary) and process temperature on the seal diaphragm
- capillary length
The delay introduced by the seal may be considered as an added constant time to the one of the associated transmitter.
For obtaining the best application solution:
• choose sensor code with URL closest to application SPAN
• select largest diameter diaphragm seal related to URL.
• keep the capillary length as short as possible
• select the fill fluid that suits the most extreme process conditions expected (highest temperature and lowest pressure) and it
is compatible with the process fluid.
• In vacuum application, choose always the all welded version and mount the transmitter primary 30 cm/12 inches or more
below the bottom seal connection.
• In a two-seal system use the same diaphragm size, capillary length and fill fluid on each side of the transmitter
Ordering Information
The transmitter and each seal system are each identified by a product code number. These code numbers are stamped on the
transmitter nameplate and each character identifies specific product features. Refer to ordering information for a detailed expla-
nation of the product code numbers.
Industrial application in chemical, sanitary, food and any other process industries may require seal configurations and/or
process connection different from those reported in this document. Each “special” should be evaluated by ABB to check the
correctness and its level of functionality. Ask for the “S26 series seal form” to define precisely the measuring problem and appli-
cation requirements.
ABB can also cooperate with you by developing a special remote seal for problems requiring individual solutions.
Seal Seal type Seal diaphragm Two seals construction One seal construction Mnemonic
model size (thickness) SENSOR SENSOR
[flange type] B E F H M P Q S E F H M P Q S W Z
1.5 in. /DN 40 - - 1 4 5 5 5 5 - - 3 5 5 5 5 5 - P1.5
Wafer 2 in. / DN 50 - 1 3 8 8 10 10 10 - 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 - P2
S26WA (ASME and 3 in. / DN 80 1.5 3 6 8 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 - P3
S26WE EN standards) 1.5 in. /DN 40 (low) - 1 3 6 6 8 8 8 - - 4 6 6 6 6 6 - F1.5
2 in. / DN 50 (low) 1 2 4 8 12 16 16 16 1 3 8 12 16 16 16 16 - F2
3 in. / DN 80 (low) 2 5 8 10 16 16 16 16 2 6 10 16 16 16 16 16 - F3
2 in. / DN 50 - 1 3 8 8 8 8 8 - 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 - P2
Flanged flush 3 in. / DN 80 1.5 3 6 10 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 - P3
diaphragm 4 in. / DN 100 1.5 3 6 10 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 - P3
S26FA (ASME and EN 2 in. / DN 50 (low) 1 2 4 10 12 16 16 16 1 3 8 12 16 16 16 16 - F2
S26FE standards) 3 in. / DN 80 (low) 2 5 8 12 16 16 16 16 2 6 10 16 16 16 16 16 - F3
S26RA 4 in. / DN 100 (low) 2 5 8 12 16 16 16 16 2 6 10 16 16 16 16 16 - F3
S26RE 2 in. / DN 50 - 1 3 6 6 8 8 - - 1 4 6 6 6 - - - E2
Flanged extended 3 in. / DN 80 1 2 4 8 12 12 12 - - 3 8 10 10 10 - - - E3
diaphragm (ASME 4 in. / DN 100 1.5 3 6 8 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 - P3
and EN standards) 2 in. / DN 50 [fixed] - 1 3 6 6 8 8 8 - - 4 6 6 6 6 - - F1.5
3 in. / DN 80 [fixed] 2 5 8 10 12 12 12 12 2 6 10 12 12 12 12 - - F2.5
4 in. / DN100 [fixed] 2 5 8 10 12 12 12 12 2 6 10 12 12 12 12 - - F2.5
Flanged flush A 50 - - 3 8 8 8 8 8 - 2 6 8 8 8 8 - - P2
S26RJ diaphragm A 80 1.5 3 6 8 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 - - P3
(JIS standards) A 100 1.5 3 6 8 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 - - P3
Flanged flush 1.5 in. - - - 4 5 5 5 5 - - 3 5 5 5 5 5 - P1.5
S26RR diaphragm (Ring Joint 2 in. - 1 3 8 8 8 8 8 - 2 6 8 8 8 8 8 - P2
ASME standard) 3 in. 1.5 3 6 8 16 16 16 16 1 4 10 10 10 10 10 10 - P3
S26RH Flanged to ISO 10423 1 13/16 in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 5 H1.5
flush diaphragm (API) 2 1/16 in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 8 P1.5
S26CN Flanged Chemical Tee 3 in. 1.5 3 6 8 8 8 8 8 1 4 8 8 8 8 8 - - P3
S26TT Threaded off-line flanged 2 1/2 in. 1 2 4 8 12 12 12 12 2 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 - T2.5
S26MA Off-line flanged (ASME 2 1/2 in. 1 2 4 8 12 12 12 12 2 3 8 8 8 8 8 - - T2.5
S26ME and EN standards)
Union nut, Triclamp, 2 in. / F50 - - 1 3 6 6 6 - - 1 3 6 6 6 - - - S2
S26SS Sanitary, Aseptic 3 in. / 4 in. / F80 1.5 3 6 10 10 10 10 - 3 6 10 10 10 10 - - - S3
Cherry Burrell, 2 in. - - 1 3 6 6 6 - - 1 3 6 6 6 - - - S2.5
Cherry Burrell Aseptic 3 in. / 4 in. 1.5 3 6 10 10 10 10 - 3 6 10 10 10 10 - - - S3.5
S26VN Saddle and Socket 2 1/2 in. - - - 4 5 5 5 5 - - 3 5 5 5 5 - - P1.5
S26UN Union connection type 1 1/2 in. - - - - - - - - - - 3 5 5 5 5 - - Z1.5
S26BN Button type 1 in. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 3 3 - B1
S26PN Urea service 1 1/2 in. - - - - - - - - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 - U1.5
flanged 2 1/2 in. - - 3 6 6 6 6 6 - 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 - U2.5
The following table shows the types of seals available as direct mount.
According to the combination SEAL/TRANSMITTER SENSOR the table details the compatibility for one direct mount seal con-
struction and the MAXIMUM CAPILLARY LENGTH when a second seal is selected as remote.
The mnemonics will be used as shortest cross references in the following pages of the data sheet.
Seal Seal type Seal diaphragm One direct mount seal One DM plus one remote seal Mnemonic
model size (thickness) SENSOR SENSOR
[flange type] E F H M P Q S W Z B E F H M P Q S
2 in. / DN 50 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 1 3 5 8 8 8 8 P2
Flanged flush 3 in. / DN 80 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 3 5 10 10 10 10 10 P3
diaphragm 4 in. / DN 100 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 3 5 10 10 10 10 10 P3
S26FA (ASME and EN 2 in. / DN 50 (low) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 2 4 8 12 16 16 16 F2
S26FE standards) 3 in. / DN 80 (low) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 4 6 12 16 16 16 16 F3
S26RA 4 in. / DN 100 (low) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 4 6 12 16 16 16 16 F3
S26RE 2 in. / DN 50 - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - 4 6 6 6 - E2
Flanged extended 3 in. / DN 80 Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - 2 3 8 10 10 10 - E3
diaphragm (ASME 4 in. / DN 100 Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - 3 5 10 10 10 10 - P3
and EN standards) 2 in. / DN 50 [fixed] - - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - 3 6 6 6 6 F1.5
3 in. / DN 80 [fixed] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - 2 6 10 12 16 16 16 F2.5
4 in. / DN100 [fixed] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - 2 6 10 12 16 16 16 F2.5
Flanged flush A 50 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 1 3 5 8 8 8 8 P2
S26RJ diaphragm A 80 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 3 5 10 10 10 10 10 P3
(JIS standards) A 100 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 3 5 10 10 10 10 10 P3
Flanged flush 1.5 in. - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - 3 5 5 5 5 P1.5
S26RR diaphragm (Ring Joint 2 in. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 1 3 5 8 8 8 8 P2
ASME standard) 3 in. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - 3 5 10 10 10 10 10 P3
S26RH Flanged to ISO 10423 1 13/16 in. - - - - - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - H1.5
flush diaphragm (API) 2 1/16 in. - - - - - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - P1.5
S26TT Threaded off-line flanged 2 1/2 in. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - 2 4 8 8 10 10 10 T2.5
S26MA Off-line flanged (ASME 2 1/2 in. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - 2 4 8 8 10 10 10 T2.5
S26ME and EN standards)
Union nut, Triclamp, 2 in. / F50 - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - 3 6 6 6 - S2
Sanitary, Aseptic 3 in. / 4 in. / F80 Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - 3 4 8 8 8 8 - S3
S26SS Cherry Burrell, 2 in. - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - 3 6 6 6 - S2.5
Cherry Burrell Aseptic 3 in. / 4 in. Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - 3 4 8 8 8 8 - S3.5
Beverage 1 1/2 in. Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - K1.5
S26VN Saddle and Socket 2 1/2 in. - - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - P1.5
In-line type 1 in. - - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - J1
S26JN (ONLY DIRECT 1 1/2 in. - - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - J1.5
MOUNT WITH 2 in. - - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - J2
266HRH / 266NRH) 3 in. - - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - J3
Pulp & Paper 1 in. ball valve (266HRH only) - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - Y1
application specific 1 in. (gasketed, NPT, Gas) - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - M1
S26KN (ONLY DIRECT 1 in. (NPT, Gas) - - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - M1
MOUNT WITH 1 1/2 in. (gasketed) - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - M1.5
266HRH / 266NRH) 1 1/2 in. (NPT - Gas) - Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - M1.5A
1 1/2 in. (M44 thread) - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - M1.5B
Material Process temperature limits Seals model (mnemonic) Process temperature limits
Tantalum diaphragm 260 °C (500 °F) max. S26JN In-line type (J1, J1.5, J2, J3) –40 and 180 °C (–40 and 356 °F)
PFA anti-stick coating 204 °C (400 °F) max. S26KN Pulp & Paper (M1, M1.5 all) –40 and 150 °C (–40 and 302 °F)
PFA anti-corrosion/anti-stick coating 250 °C (482 °F) max. S26KN Pulp & Paper (Y1) –20 and 130 °C (–4 and 266 °F)
AISI gold plated diaphragm 320 °C (608 °F) max. S26SS Beverage (K1.5) –40 and 150 °C (–40 and 302 °F)
PTFE gasket -100 and 260 °C (-148 and 500 °F) S26SS with Ethylene Propylene -40 and 121 °C (-40 and 250 °F)
Viton gasket -20 and 260 °C (-4 and 500 °F) gasket EPDM 3-A 18-03 Class II
graphite gasket (except S26CN) -100 and 360 °C (-148 and 680 °F) S26SS with Ethylene Propylene gasket -40 and 149 °C (-40 and 300 °F)
graphite gasket for S26CN -100 and 340 °C (-148 and 644 °F) S26XX with PFA anti-stick coating max. 204 °C (max 400 °F)
Silicone rubber gasket -50 and 204 °C (-58 and 400 °F)
Ethylene Propylene gasket -40 and 149 °C (-40 and 300 °F) Storage
Ethylene Propylene gasket -40 and 121 °C (-40 and 250 °F) Models 266XRH Storage temperature limits
EPDM 3-A 18-03 Class II Storage limits –50 and 85 °C (–58 and 185 °F)
LCD integral display –40 and 85 °C (–40 and 185 °F)
Current consumption
operating (quiescent): 15 mA
fault current limiting: 20 mA max.
Output signal
Physical layer in compliance to IEC 61158–2/EN 61158–2.
Transmission to Manchester II modulation, at 31.25 kbit/s.
Additional blocks
1 enhanced Resource block,
1 custom Pressure with calibration transducer block
1 custom Advanced Diagnostics transducer block including
Plugged Input Line Detection
1 custom Local Display transducer block
Number of VCRs
Electromagnetic field
Meets all the requirements of EN 61326 for surge immunity
level (of NAMUR NE 21 on request).
S26RA, S26RE, S26RJ Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote system error 1 metre capillary
rotating flange error (ambient) (ambient) error (ambient)
seal size - Mnemonic
2 in. / DN 50 / A50 - P2 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.23 kPa, 0.92 inH2O 0.16 kPa, 0.64 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.11 kPa, 0.44 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 / A50 - P2 ≥160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.23 kPa, 0.92 inH2O 0.16 kPa, 0.64 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.07 kPa, 0.28 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 - F2 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.05 kPa, 0.2 inH2O 0.04 kPa, 0.16 inH2O 0.04 kPa, 0.16 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 - E2 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.25 kPa, 1 inH2O 0.21 kPa, 0.84 inH2O 0.20 kPa, 0.80 inH2O 0.15 kPa, 0.60 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 - E2 ≥160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.25 kPa, 1 inH2O 0.21 kPa, 0.84 inH2O 0.20 kPa, 0.80 inH2O 0.10 kPa, 0.40 inH2O
3 / 4 in. / DN 80 / 100 4 - 16 kPa, 16 - 64 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O
A80 / 100 - P3
3 / 4 in. / DN 80 / 100 ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
A80 / 100 - P3
3 / 4 in. / DN 80 / 100 - F3 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.01 kPa, 0.04 inH2O
3 in. / DN 80 - E3 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.05 kPa, 0.20 inH2O 0.05 kPa, 0.20 inH2O 0.04 kPa, 0.16 inH2O
S26RR flanged RJ Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote mount 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) error (ambient) error (ambient)
1 1/2 in. - P1.5 ≥ 160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.74 kPa, 3 inH2O 0.67 kPa, 2.68 inH2O 0.62 kPa, 2.48 inH2O 0.31 kPa, 1.24 inH2O
2 in. - P2 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.23 kPa, 0.92 inH2O 0.16 kPa, 0.64 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.11 kPa, 0.44 inH2O
2 in. - P2 ≥160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.23 kPa, 0.92 inH2O 0.16 kPa, 0.64 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.07 kPa, 0.28 inH2O
3 in. - P3 4 - 16 kPa, 16 - 64 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O
3 in. - P3 ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
S26RH flanged ISO seal Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote mount 1 metre capillary
size - Mnemonic error (ambient) error (ambient) error (ambient)
1 13/16 in. - H1.5 ≥ 70000 kPa, 10150 psi 0.74 kPa, 3 inH2O 0.67 kPa, 2.68 inH2O 0.62 kPa, 2.48 inH2O 0.31 kPa, 1.24 inH2O
2 1/16 in. - P1.5 ≥ 70000 kPa, 10150 psi 0.64 kPa, 2.56 inH2O 1.25 kPa, 5.0 inH2O 1.14 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.38 kPa, 1.52 inH2O
S26MA, S26ME off-line flange Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote system error 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) (ambient) error (ambient)
2 1/2 in. - T2.5 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.26 kPa, 1.04 inH2O 0.11 kPa, 0.44 inH2O 0.1 kPa, 0.4 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O
S26TT off-line threaded Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote system error 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) (ambient) error (ambient)
2 1/2 in. - T2.5 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.26 kPa, 1.04 inH2O 0.11 kPa, 0.44 inH2O 0.1 kPa, 0.4 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O
S26SS sanitary and food Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote system error 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) (ambient) error (ambient)
2 in. / F50 - S2 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.7 kPa, 2.8 inH2O 0.93 kPa, 3.72 inH2O 0.87 kPa, 3.48 inH2O 0.68 kPa, 2.72 inH2O
2 in. / F50 - S2 ≥160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.7 kPa, 2.8 inH2O 0.93 kPa, 3.72 inH2O 0.87 kPa, 3.48 inH2O 0.44 kPa, 1.76 inH2O
2 in. - S2.5 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.16 kPa, 0.64 inH2O 0.19 kPa, 0.76 inH2O 0.18 kPa, 0.72 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O
2 in. - S2.5 ≥160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.16 kPa, 0.64 inH2O 0.19 kPa, 0.76 inH2O 0.18 kPa, 0.72 inH2O 0.09 kPa, 0.36 inH2O
3 / 4 in. / F80 - S3 4 - 16 kPa, 16 - 64 inH2O 0.06 kPa, 0.24 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.01 kPa, 0.04 inH2O
3 / 4 in. / F80 - S3 ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.06 kPa, 0.24 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
3 / 4 in. - S3.5 4 - 16 kPa, 16 - 64 inH2O 0.04 kPa, 0.16 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.01 kPa, 0.04 inH2O
3 / 4 in. - S3.5 ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.04 kPa, 0.16 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
1 1/2 in. - K1.5 ≥ 40 kPa, 260 inH2O 0.2 kPa, 0.8 inH2O 0.5 kPa, 2 inH2O NA NA
S26VN saddle & socket Sensor URL Seal error (process) Direct mount system Remote mount 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) error (ambient) error (ambient)
1 1/2 in. - P1.5 ≥ 160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.74 kPa, 3 inH2O 0.67 kPa, 2.68 inH2O 0.62 kPa, 2.48 inH2O 0.31 kPa, 1.24 inH2O
S26WA, S26WE wafer Sensor URL Seal error (process) Remote mount 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) error (ambient)
1 1/2 in. / DN 40 - P1.5 ≥ 160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.74 kPa, 3 inH2O 0.62 kPa, 2.48 inH2O 0.31 kPa, 1.24 inH2O
1 1/2 in. / DN 40 - F1.5 ≥ 160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.15 kPa, 0.6 inH2O 0.15 kPa, 0.6 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 - P2 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.23 kPa, 0.92 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.11 kPa, 0.44 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 - P2 ≥160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.23 kPa, 0.92 inH2O 0.14 kPa, 0.56 inH2O 0.07 kPa, 0.28 inH2O
2 in. / DN 50 - F2 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.05 kPa, 0.2 inH2O 0.04 kPa, 0.16 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
3 in. / DN 80 - P3 4 - 16 kPa, 16 - 64 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O
3 in. / DN 80 - P3 ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
3 in. / DN 80 - F3 ≥ 4 kPa, 16 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.01 kPa, 0.04 inH2O
S26CN Chemical Tee Sensor URL Seal error (process) Remote system 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic error (ambient) error (ambient)
3 in. - P3 4 - 16 kPa, 16 - 64 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O
3 in. - P3 ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.08 kPa, 0.32 inH2O 0.02 kPa, 0.08 inH2O 0.03 kPa, 0.12 inH2O
S26BN Button type Sensor URL Seal error (process) Remote system error 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic (ambient) error (ambient)
1 in. - B1 ≥ 8 MPa, 1160 psi 1.3 kPa, 5.2 inH2O 6.5 kPa, 26 inH2O 1.9 kPa, 7.6 inH2O
S26UN Union connection Sensor URL Seal error (process) Remote system error 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic (ambient) error (ambient)
1 1/2 in. - Z1.5 ≥ 160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.29 kPa, 1.16 inH2O 0.62 kPa, 2.48 inH2O 0.31 kPa, 1.24 inH2O
S26PN urea service Sensor URL Seal error (process) Remote system error 1 metre capillary
seal size - Mnemonic (ambient) error (ambient)
1 1/2 in. - U1.5 (2 in. flange) ≥ 160 kPa, 642 inH2O 0.86 kPa, 3.44 inH2O 1.1 kPa, 4.4 inH2O 0.54 kPa, 2.16 inH2O
2 1/2 in. - U2.5 (3 in. flange) ≥ 40 kPa, 160 inH2O 0.18 kPa, 0.72 inH2O 0.06 kPa, 0.24 inH2O 0.11 kPa, 0.44 inH2O
S26JN in-line Sensor URL Seal error Direct mount error (ambient)
seal size - Mnemonic (process)
1 in. - J1 ≥ 600 kPa, 87 psi 2.2 kPa, 8.8 inH2O 0.94 kPa, 3.76 inH2O
1 1/2 in. - J1.5 ≥ 600 kPa, 87 psi 1.4 kPa, 5.6 inH2O 0.36 kPa, 1.44 inH2O
2 in. - J2 ≥ 600 kPa, 87 psi 4.6 kPa, 18.4 inH2O 0.94 kPa, 3.76 inH2O
4 in. - J3 ≥ 600 kPa, 87 psi 3.0 kPa, 12 inH2O 0.42 kPa, 1.68 inH2O
Process flanges, adapters, plugs and drain/vent valves (*) Covers O-ring
AISI 316 L ss (1); Hastelloy® C-276 (2); Monel 400® (3). Buna N.
Tag and manual language (codes Tx and Mx) Mass (without options and seals)
models 266DRH: 4 kg approx (8.8 lb)
Process connections 266DRH only - side without seal models 266HRH, 266NRH: 2 kg approx (4.4 lb)
on conventional flanges : 1/4 in. – 18 NPT on process axis Add 1.5 kg (3.4 lb) for AISI housing.
on adapters : 1/2 in. – 14 NPT on process axis Add 650 g (1.5 lb) for packing.
fixing threads: 7/16 in. – 20 UNF at 41.3mm centre distance Consider additional weight up to 50 kg (up to 110 lb) for seals.
Refer to S26 seal data sheet for process connection variants Packing
through remote seal. Carton
29 (1.14) 29 (1.14)
1 2 70 (2.75)
91 (3.58) 18 (0.71) 58 (2.28) 55 (2.17)
l k
179 (7.02)
210 (8.28)
54 (2.13)
1 Adjustments | 2 Identification plate | 3 Certification plate | 4 Drain/vent valve | 5 Process connection | 6 Terminal side |
7 L1 and L5 integral display housing | 8 Electronic side | 9 Adapter | j Space for cover removal | k Battery housing of WirelessHART version |
l Antenna of WirelessHART version
54 (2.13)
NOTE : For 266DRH using one seal only, the threaded connection (1/4 in. – 18 NPT direct or 1/2 in. – 14 NPT through adapter)
of conventional flange, gasket groove and gaskets are in accordance with IEC 61518.
Bolting threads for fixing adapter or other devices (i.e. manifold etc.) on process flange is 7/16 in. – 20 UNF.
Negative side of gauge measurement version 266DRHxP is provided with a removable filter, granting protection to the
atmospheric pressure reference.
266DRH with barrel housing and remote seal(s) on bracket for vertical or horizontal 60 mm. (2 in.) pipe
29 (1.14)
91 (3.58) 18 (0.71) 58 (2.28) 55 (2.17) 18 (0.71)
179 (7.02)
210 (8.28)
72 (2.83)
89 (3.48)
54 (2.13) 113 (4.45)
116 (4.57)
210 (8.28)
54 (2.13) 72 (2.83)
71(2.80) 113 (4.45)
113 (4.43)
123 (4.86)
29 (1.14)
63 (2.48) 18 (0.71)
41.3 (1.63)
178 (6.99)
51 (2.01)
129 (5.06)
55 (2.17)
18 (0.71)
18 (0.71)
116 (4.57)
266DRH with barrel housing and remote seal(s) on flat bracket for vertical or horizontal 60 mm. (2 in.) pipe
179 (7.02)
210 (8.28)
204 (8.03)
70 (2.75)
84 (3.31)
70 (2.75) 25 (0.98)
98 (3.86) 107 (4.21)
266HRH, 266NRH with barrel housing and remote seal(s) on bracket for vertical or horizontal 60 mm. (2 in.) pipe
sensors F, H, M, P, Q, S, W
18 (0.71)
51.3 (2.02)
13 (0.51)
21 (0.83) for sensor W
72 (2.83)
116 (4.57) 108 (4.25)
145 (5.71)
223.9 (8.81)
283 (11.12)
68.5 (2.7)
Ø 65 (2.56)
72 (2.83)
108 (4.25)
116 (4.57)
266HRH, 266NRH with DIN housing and remote seal(s) on bracket for vertical or horizontal 60 mm. (2 in.) pipe
sensors F, H, M, P, Q, S, W
130 (5.12) 29 (1.14) 122 (4.80) 30 (1.19)
85 (3.35) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71)
66 (2.60) 72 (2.83)
145 (5.71)
11 (0.43)
200 (7.87)
72 (2.83)
18 (0.71)
16 (0.63)
51.3 (2.02)
117 (4.60)
105 (4.13)
S26RA, S26RE, S26RJ Rotating flange diaphragm seals (flush and extended)
Flushing ring (option) F
158 (6.22) 50, 100, 150 mm (1.97, 3.94, 5.91)
25 (0.98) for 1/4 NPT
Insert lenght available
158 (6.22) 33 (1.30) for 1/2 NPT
flushing thread(s)
266DRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26RA/S26RE/S26RJ rotating flange Raised Face flush diaphragm
29 (1.14)
70 (2.75)
k 9
j 8
210 (8.28)
11.1 (0.43)
144 (5.67)
18 (0.71)
50,100,150 mm (1.97, 3.94, 5.91)
Extension lenght available
266HRH/266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26RA/S26RE/S26RJ flanged Raised Face extended diaphragm
18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71) 91 (3.58)
145 (5.71)
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
92 (3.62)
76 (2.99)
63 (2.48)
Note 1 - Flange thickness tolerance is +3.0 / -0.0 mm. (+0.12 / 0.0 in.).
Note 2 - Flange thickness tolerance is +1.0 / -1.3 mm. (+0.04 / 0.05 in.) up to 18 mm. or ±1.5 mm. (±0.06 in.) from 18 to 50 mm.
Note 3 - Flange thickness tolerance is +1.5 / -0.0 mm. (+0.06 / 0.0 in.) up to Class 20K or +2.0 / -0.0 mm. (+0.08 / 0.0 in.) from Class 20K to Class 50K.
141 (5.55) ØH
134 (5.3) 25 (0.98) for 1/4 NPT 134 (5.3) 50, 100, 150 mm (1.97, 3.94, 5.91)
33 (1.30) for 1/2 NPT Insert lenght available
flushing threads
ASME and EN 1092-1 smooth and Form B1 (flushing ring as option, only for flush version)
G 3 (0.12)
134 (5.3)
134 (5.3)
43 (1.70) 130 (5.12) 25 (0.98) for 1/4 NPT 71 (2.8) 130 (5.12) L
33 (1.30) for 1/2 NPT
flushing threads
266HRH/266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26FA/S26FE fixed flange Raised Face
91 (3.58) 91 (3.58)
145 (5.71)
145 (5.71)
18 (0.71)
18 (0.71)
Insert lenght available
16 (0.63)
16 (0.63)
80 (3.15)
80 (3.15)
3 (0.12)
Note 1 - Flange thickness tolerance is +3.0 / -0.0 mm. (+0.12 / 0.0 in.).
Note 2 - Flange thickness tolerance is +1.0 / -1.3 mm. (+0.04 / 0.05 in.) up to 18 mm. or ±1.5 mm. (±0.06 in.) from 18 to 50 mm.
Note 2 - Flange thickness tolerance is +1.0 / -1.3 mm. (+0.04 / 0.05 in.) up to 18 mm. or ±1.5 mm. (±0.06 in.) from 18 to 50 mm.
S26MA, S26ME Model off-line flanged diaphragm seal 266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing
C and direct mount seal S26Mx off-line
Ø110 (4.33)
66 (2.60)
66 (2.60) E
158 (6.22)
130 (5.12) C
134 (5.27)
109.2 (4.3)
130 (5.12) 53.3 (2.1) for 1/4 in. and 1/2 in.
63.5 (2.5) for 3/4 in., 1 in. and 1 1/2 in. 109.2 (4.3)
134 (5.3)
18 (0.71)
B (Rd)
266DRH with barrel housing and direct mount 266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount
seal S26SS Union Nut seal S26SS Union Nut
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
34 (1.34)
35 (1.38)
B (Rd)
127 (5)
18 (0.71)
128 (5.04) 18 (0.71) B (Rd)
134 (5.3)
27 (1.06)
20 (0.79)
2.85 (0.11)
266DRH with barrel housing and direct mount 266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount
seal S26SS Triclamp seal S26SS Triclamp
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
35 (1.38)
134 (5.3)
ØC 3 in. 98.4 (3.87) 81 (3.19) 71 (2.80) 83.8 (3.3) 7.9 (0.31) 15 (0.59) 3 (0.12)
ØD 4 in. 124 (4.88) 111.25 (4.38) 71 (2.80) 109.3 (4.3) 7.9 (0.31) 15 (0.59) 3 (0.12)
266DRH with barrel housing and direct mount 266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount
seal S26SS Cherry Burrell seal S26SS Cherry Burrell
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
E F G 35 (1.38)
128 (5.04)
Ø 119 (4.68)
Ø 85.5 (3.36)
Ø 49.5 (1.94)
134 (5.3)
18.5 (0.72)
Ø 78.9 (3.10)
Ø 110 (4.33)
Ø 152 (6.00)
266DRH with barrel housing and direct mount 266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount
seal S26SS Sanitary flush seal S26SS Sanitary flush
32 (1.26)
145 (5.71)
19 (0.75)
8 (0.31) for thin wall
13 (0.51) for thick wall
16 (0.63)
Ø 118 (4.65)
Ø 119 (4.69)
Ø 152 (5.98)
Ø 86 (3.39)
Ø 75 (2.95)
18 (0.71)
35 (1.38)
70 (2.76)
22 (0.87)
Ø 75 (2.95)
128 (5.04) 22 (0.87)
Ø 86 (3.39)
163 (6.42)
Ø 119 (4.69)
Ø 152 (5.98)
10 (0.39)
4in 104.1 (4.1)
6in 154.9 (6.1)
Weep hole
5.6 (0.22)
12.7 (0.5)
Tank Spud
Ø 152 (5.96)
NOTE: The tank spud required for connection of this seal element must be welded to the process vessel prior to connecting the
seal, following a recommended welding and pressure testing procedure.
266DRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26SS Sanitary extended
Ø 132.6 (5.22)
Ø 100 (3.93)
Ø 152 (5.96)
Ø 72 (2.83)
5.6 (0.22)
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
35 (1.38)
10 (0.39)
5.6 (0.22)
12.7 (0.5)
266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26SS beverage bolted
Ø 64 (2.52)
16 (0.63)
Ø 52.2(2.06)
N°6 holes Ø 6.5
Ø 39(1.54)
18 (0.71)
40 (1.57)
Ø 34(1.34)
Ø 39.8
12 (0.47)
N°6 holes M6
36 (1.42)
5 (0.20)
simmetrically (1.57)
placed at 60° Ø 44 (1.73)
Ø 52.2 (2.06)
4 (0.16)
1.3 (0.06)
Ø 64 (2.52)
11.2 (0.45)
4.2 (0.16)
19.3 (0.75)
7.9 (0.31)
15 (0.59)
Ø 71 (2.80)
126.5 (4.98)
Ø 79 (3.11) Ø 79 (3.11)
23 (0.90)
23 (0.90)
44 (1.73)
74 (2.91)
16 (0.62)
Ø 52 (2.04) Gasket
Ø 96 (3.77)
Ø 96 (3.77)
Ø 96 (3.77) Ø 96 (3.77)
Fitting connection Dimensions mm. (in.) for S26VN- saddle type Fitting connection Dimensions mm. (in.) for S26VN- socket type
Size A (dia) B C (dia) R Size A (dia) B C
Saddle 2 in. 55 (2.17) 48 (1.89) 40 (1.57) 30 Socket 1/2 in. 21.8 (0.86) 15.9 (0.63) 86 (3.39)
Saddle 2 1/2 in. 76 (3.0) 45 (1.77) 52 (2.05) 45 Socket 3/4 in. 27 (1.06) 21.2 (0.83) 96 (3.78)
Saddle 3 in. 76 (3.0) 45 (1.77) 50 (1.97) 45 Socket 1 in. 33.6 (1.32) 26.8 (1.06) 101 (3.98)
Saddle 4 in. 76 (3.0) 41 (1.61) 50 (1.97) 57 Socket 1 1/2 in. 48.5 (1.91) 41 (1.61) 121 (4.76)
Saddle 5 in. 76 (3.0) 40 (1.57) 50 (1.97) 70 Socket 2 in. 60.5 (2.38) 52.5 (2.07) 121 (4.76)
Saddle 6 in. 76 (3.0) 36 (1.42) 50 (1.97) 85
266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26VN saddle and socket
91 (3.58) 91 (3.58)
220 (8.66)
220 (8.66)
ØC Ø 52 (2.04)
Ø 96 (3.77)
Ø 96 (3.77)
Ø Mb
60 (2.36) ØD
266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26KN pulp and paper NPT threaded connections
18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71)
145 (5.71)
145 (5.71)
16 (0.63)
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
18 (0.71)
65 (2.56)
66 (2.6)
26 (1.02) 39 (1.54)
1 in.-11.5 NPT 1 1/2 in.-11.5 NPT
41 (1.61) width across flats of hexagon 55 (2.17) width across flats of hexagon
266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount seal S26KN pulp and paper Gas threaded connections
18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71)
145 (5.71)
145 (5.71)
16 (0.63)
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
18 (0.71)
63 (2.48)
61 (2.4)
26 (1.02) 39 (1.54)
G 1 in. A G 1 1/2 in. A
41 (1.61) width across flats of hexagon 55 (2.17) width across flats of hexagon
145 (5.71)
16 (0.63)
16 (0.63)
ø 26.7 (1.05)
ø 8 (0.31)
ø 40.8 (1.61)
ø 8 (0.31)
18 (0.71)
18 (0.71)
5/16-18 UNC
45 (1.77)
58 (2.28)
fixing hole for spud 5/16-18 UNC
fixing hole for spud
26 (1.02)
25.4 (1)
ø 33.4
25.4 (1)
40 (1.57) (1.31) 40 (1.57) ø 48.2
266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount 266HRH / 266NRH with barrel housing and direct mount
seal S26KN pulp and paper ball valve connection seal S26KN pulp and paper to threaded spud
18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71) 18 (0.71) 113 (4.45) 29 (1.14) 18 (0.71)
145 (5.71)
145 (5.71)
16 (0.63)
16 (0.63)
18 (0.71)
18 (0.71)
70 (2.76)
37 (1.46)
G 1 in.
127 (5)
35 (1.38)
30 (1.18)
M44 x 1.25
46 (1.81) width across flats of hexagon
20 (0.79)
25 (0.98)
Ø A flushing ring
Ø diaphragm
Ø diaphagm
Ø diaphragm
25 (0.98) for 1/4 NPT
Gasket seat
134 (5.3)
134 (5.3)
134 (5.3)
ASME and EN 1092-1 Form B1 smooth and serrated EN 1092-1 Form D EN 1092-1 Form E
(flushing ring as option)
Ø 111 (4.38)
134 (5.3)
Ø 127 (5)
Ø 168.3 (6.63)
N°4 Holes
134 (5.3)
Ø 25.4( 1)
45 (1.77)
31.8 (1.25)
2 (0.07)
131 (5.16)
40.3 (1.59)
2 (0.07)
Ø 69 or Ø 94
(2.7 or 3.7) Ø 37.5
2 1/2 in.urea service seal 1 1/2 in.urea service seal (1.47)
Flange ASME 600, 3 in. Ø 127 (5) Flange ASME 2500, 2 in. Ø 53 (2.08)
Ø 110 (4.33)
Ø 83 (3-1/4)
Ø 23 (59/64)
Ø 24 (15/16)
51 (2)
13.49 (17/32)
2 holes 1/2-13 NC-2
on Ø 2-1/2 in. bolt circle
25 (1) Spacer 6.35 (1/4)
128 (5-1/32)
2.3 (3/32)
Thick Gasket
Ø 23 (59/64)
Ø 24 (15/16)
52 (2-1/16)
13 (17/32)
78 (3-1/16) 6.35 (1/4) Universal– type 90
146 (5-3/4)
Ø 24 (15/16)
Ø 23 (59/64)
13.49 (17/32)
19 (3/4)
6.35 (1/4)
76 (3)
146 (5-3/4)
Ø 22.23 (7/8)
Ø 24 (15/16)
Ø 23 (59/64)
13.49 (17/32)
42.86 (1-11/16)
47.6 (1-7/8)
21.43 (27/32)
Ø 33.34 (1-5/16)
6.35 (1/4)
95.25 (3-3/4)
125.41 (4-15/16)
Bracket – type 89
134 (5.34)
29 (1.14)
16 (0.6)
Ø 39 (1.53)
Ø 42 (1.65)
Ø 51 (2)
9 (0.35)
14 (0.55)
54 (2 1/8) - 16N2
10 (0.39) Full Thread 2 (0.08)
Ø 111 (4.37)
Ø 96 (3.78)
Ø 42 (1.65)
Ø 127 (5)
Union Connection
57 (2.25)
8 Mounting Holes
Ø 8.7 (0.34) Equally spaced
Diaphragm Surface
Ø 89 (3.5)
Electrical connections
HART Version
1 2
+ +
- 1 F1 F2 F3 F4
1 2 3
4 5 6
Y Z #
9 3
@ % & / +
0 -
HART hand-held communicator may be connected at any wiring termination point in the loop, providing the minimum
resistance is 250 ohm. If this is less than 250 ohm, additional resistance should be added to allow communications.
Maximum voltage drop on external remote indicator is 0.7 V DC.
1 Power source | 2 Remote indicator | 3 Handheld communicator | 4 External ground termination point | 5 Internal ground termination point |
6 Line load | 7 Fieldbus line (polarity independent)
1 HaNRHeld communicator | 2 External ground termination point | 3 Battery | 4 Fast connection for harvesting unit
Ordering information
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model 266DRH Differential Pressure Transmitter with remote seal
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
Refer to additional ordering information and specify one or more codes for each transmitter if additional options are required.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 6th characters 266DRH X X X X X X X
Differential Pressure Transmitter with remote seal– BASE ACCURACY 0.06 %
SENSOR - Span limits - 7th character continued
0.2 and 4 kPa 2 and 40 mbar 0.8 and 16 inH2O (Note 11) B see next page
0.8 and 16 kPa 8 and 160 mbar 3.2 and 64 inH2O (Note 11) E
0.67 and 40 kPa 6.7 and 400 mbar 2.67 and 160 inH2O F
2.67 and 160 kPa 26.7 and 1600 mbar 10.7 and 642 inH2O H
10 and 600 kPa 0.1 and 6 bar 1.45 and 87 psi M
40 and 2400 kPa 0.4 and 24 bar 5.8 and 348 psi P
134 and 8000 kPa 1.34 and 80 bar 19.4 and 1160 psi Q
267 and 16000 kPa 2.67 and 160 bar 38.7 and 2320 psi (Note 11) S
Application - 8th character
Differential measurement at standard static pressure S
Differential measurement at high static pressure (NOT AVAILABLE WITH DIRECT MOUNT SEALS) H
Gauge measurement (Note 3) P
Diaphragm material / Fill fluid (wetted parts) - 9 th character
AISI 316 L ss Silicone oil (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 3, 11) NACE S
Hastelloy® C-276 Silicone oil (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 3, 11, 19) NACE K
Monel 400® Silicone oil (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 3, 11, 19) NACE M
Tantalum Silicone oil (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 3, 11, 19) NACE T
AISI 316 L ss Inert fluid - Galden (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11) NACE A
Hastelloy® C-276 Inert fluid - Galden (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE F
Monel 400® Inert fluid - Galden (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE C
Tantalum Inert fluid - Galden (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE D
AISI 316 L ss Inert fluid - Halocarbon (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11) NACE L
Hastelloy® C-276 Inert fluid - Halocarbon (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE P
Monel 400® Inert fluid - Halocarbon (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE 4
Tantalum Inert fluid - Halocarbon (one seal only to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE 5
AISI 316 L ss (not wetted) Silicone oil (two seals to be quoted) (Notes 2, 19) NACE R
AISI 316 L ss (not wetted) Inert fluid - Galden (two seals to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 11, 19) NACE 2
AISI 316 L ss (not wetted) Inert fluid - Halocarbon (two seals to be quoted) (Notes 1, 3, 19) NACE W
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model 266HRH Gauge Pressure Transmitter with remote seal
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
Refer to additional ordering information and specify one or more codes for each transmitter if additional options are required.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 6th characters 266HRH X X X X X
Gauge Pressure Transmitter with remote seal – BASE ACCURACY 0.06 %
SENSOR - Span limits - 7th character see
0.67 and 40 kPa 6.7 and 400 mbar 2.67 and 160 inH2O F next
2.67 and 160 kPa 26.7 and 1600 mbar 10.7 and 642 inH2O H page
10 and 600 kPa 0.1 and 6 bar 1.45 and 87 psi M
40 and 2400 kPa 0.4 and 24 bar 5.8 and 348 psi P
134 and 8000 kPa 1.34 and 80 bar 19.4 and 1160 psi Q
267 and 16000 kPa 2.67 and 160 bar 38.7 and 2320 psi S
1400 and 70000 kPa 14 and 700 bar 203 and 10150 psi W
10500 and 105000 kPa 105 and 1050 bar 1522 and 15225 psi Z
Diaphragm material / Fill fluid - 8 th character
AISI 316 L ss Silicone oil (Note 5) NACE R
AISI 316 L ss Inert fluid - Galden (Notes 1, 2, 5) NACE 2
AISI 316 L ss Inert fluid - Halocarbon (Notes 1, 2, 5) NACE W
Inconel® 718 No filling (Notes 2, 6) U
Process connection - 9th character
Remote or direct mount seal (one seal to be quoted separately) R
Housing material and electrical connection - 10th character
Aluminium alloy (barrel version) 1/2 in. – 14 NPT (Note 8) A
Aluminium alloy (barrel version) M20 x 1.5 (CM 20) (TO BE USED for WirelessHART) B
AISI 316 L ss (barrel version) (I2 or I3 required) 1/2 in. – 14 NPT (Note 8) S
AISI 316 L ss (barrel version) (I2 or I3 required) M20 x 1.5 (CM20) (TO BE USED for WirelessHART) T
Aluminium alloy (DIN version) M20 x 1.5 (CM20) (not Ex d or XP) (Note 8) J
Note 1: Not available with mounting flange rating code E3, E5, G3, G4, G5
Note 2: Not available with extensions length and material code 2, 4, 6
Note 3: Not available with extensions length and material code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Note 4: Not available with diaphragm material code MM, LM, TM, NM, KM, YM, WM
Note 5: Not available with transmitter side of connection code L
Note 6: Not available with capillary protection code A, B
Note 7: Not available with capillary protection code N
Note 8: Suitable for oxygen service
Note 9: Suitable for food application
Note 10: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code 2, 3, 4, 5
Note 11: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code N
Note 12: Not available with Seal surface finish code 1
Note 13: Not available with Hastelloy C-276 flushing ring material code H
Note 14: Not available with AISI 316 L flushing ring material code A
Note 15: Not available with diaphragm material code ZM
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26RE Rotating flange diaphragm seals (flush and extended) to EN 1092-1
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1 st to 5th characters S26RE X XX X X XX X X X X X
Rotating flange diaphragm seal (flush and extended) to EN 1092-1
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character continued
High pressure side H see next page
Low pressure side L
Mounting Flange Rating / Size - 7 and 8 characters
th th
PN 16 - 40 / DN 50 N2
PN 63 / DN 50 N3
PN 100 / DN 50 N4
PN 16 / DN 80 P1
PN 40 / DN 80 P2
PN 63 / DN 80 P3
PN 100 / DN 80 P4
PN 16 / DN 100 Q1
PN 40 / DN 100 Q2
Mounting Flange Material - 9th character
Carbon steel C
AISI 316 ss S
Extensions Length and Material - 10th character
Flush F
50 mm. (2 in.) AISI 316 L ss (Note 1) 1
50 mm. (2 in.) Hastelloy C-276 (Note 1) 2
100 mm. (4 in.) AISI 316 L ss (Note 1) 3
100 mm. (4 in.) Hastelloy C-276 (Note 1) 4
150 mm. (6 in.) AISI 316 L ss (Note 1) 5
150 mm. (6 in.) Hastelloy C-276 (Note 1) 6
Diaphragm Material - 11th and 12th characters
AISI 316 L ss (Note 2) NACE SM
AISI 316 L ss - Low thickness (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) NACE SL
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HM
Hastelloy C-276 - Low thickness (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) NACE HL
Hastelloy C-2000 (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) NACE MM
Inconel 625 (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) NACE LM
Tantalum (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) TM
AISI 316 L ss gold plated (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) NACE NM
AISI 316 L ss with PFA anti-stick coating (Note 2) NACE KM
Hastelloy C-276 with PFA anti-stick coating NACE YM
AISI 316 L ss with PFA coating anti-corrosion and anti-stick (Note 2) NACE WM
Diaflex (AISI with anti-abrasion treatment) (Note 2) NACE FM
Superduplex ss (UNS S32750 to ASTM SA479) (not for extended diaphragm) (Note 3) NACE EM
Monel (Note 3) NACE GM
Note 1: Not available with mounting flange rating code N3, N4, P3, P4
Note 2: Not available with extensions length and material code 2, 4, 6
Note 3: Not available with extensions length and material code 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Note 4: Not available with diaphragm material code MM, LM, TM, NM, KM, YM, WM
Note 5: Not available with transmitter side of connection code L
Note 6: Not available with capillary protection code A, B
Note 7: Not available with capillary protection code N
Note 8: Suitable for oxygen service
Note 9: Suitable for food application
Note 10: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code 2, 3, 4, 5
Note 11: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code N
Note 12: Not available with Seal surface finish code 1
Note 13: Not available with Hastelloy C-276 flushing ring material code H
Note 14: Not available with AISI 316 L flushing ring material code A
10K / A50 B2
20K / A50 B4
40K / A50 B6
10K / A80 C2
20K / A80 C4
40K / A80 C6
10K / A100 D2
20K / A100 D4
Mounting Flange Material - 9th character
Carbon steel C
AISI 316 ss S
Extensions Length - 10 th character
Flush F
Diaphragm Material - 11th and 12th characters
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HM
Hastelloy C-2000 NACE MM
Inconel 625 NACE LM
Tantalum TM
AISI 316 L ss gold plated NACE NM
AISI 316 L ss with PFA anti-stick coating NACE KM
Hastelloy C-276 with PFA anti-stick coating NACE YM
AISI 316 L ss with PFA coating anti-corrosion and anti-stick NACE WM
Superduplex ss (UNS S32750 to ASTM SA479) NACE EM
Seal Surface Finish - 13 character
Serrated (Note 1) 1
Smooth 2
Capillary Protection - 14th character
AISI 316 L ss armour A
AISI 316 L ss armour with PVC protective cover B
Extension tube for direct mount seal (Note 2) N
Note 1: Not available with diaphragm material code HM, MM, LM, TN, NM, KM, YM, WM
Note 2: Not available with transmitter side of connection code L
Note 3: Not available with capillary protection code A, B
Note 4: Not available with capillary protection code N
Note 5: Suitable for oxygen service
Note 6: Suitable for food application
Carbon steel C
AISI 316 ss S
Extensions Length - 10th character
Flush F
Diaphragm Material - 11th and 12th characters
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HM
Inconel 625 NACE LM
Seal Surface Finish - 13th character
Ring joint 3
Capillary Protection - 14th character
AISI 316 L ss armour A
AISI 316 L ss armour with PVC protective cover B
Extension tube for direct mount seal (Note 1) N
AISI 316 L ss S
Extensions Length and Material - 10th character
Flush F
50 mm. (2 in.) AISI 316 L ss 1
100 mm. (4 in.) AISI 316 L ss 3
150 mm. (6 in.) AISI 316 L ss 5
Diaphragm Material - 11th and 12th characters
AISI 316 L ss - Low thickness (Note 1) NACE SL
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HM
Hastelloy C-276 - Low thickness (Note 1) NACE HL
Hastelloy C-2000 (Note 1) NACE MM
Inconel 625 (Note 1) NACE LM
None (Note 8) N
AISI 316 L ss (Note 9) NACE A
Hastelloy C-276 (Notes 9, 10) NACE H
Flushing Ring: Plug and Gasket - 19 th character
No plug - No gasket N
No plug - garlock (Note 9) A
No plug - PTFE (Note 9) B
No plug - graphite (Note 9) C
AISI 316 L ss - no gasket (Notes 9, 11) NACE D
AISI 316 L ss - garlock (Notes 9, 11) NACE E
AISI 316 L ss - PTFE (Notes 9, 11) NACE F
AISI 316 L ss - graphite (Notes 9, 11) NACE G
Hastelloy C-276 - no gasket (Notes 9, 12) NACE H
Hastelloy C-276 - garlock (Notes 9, 12) NACE L
Hastelloy C-276 - PTFE (Notes 9, 12) NACE M
Hastelloy C-276 - graphite (Notes 9, 12) NACE P
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26FE Fixed flange diaphragm seals (flush) to EN 1092-1
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1 st to 5th characters S26FE X XX X X XX X X X X X
Fixed flange diaphragm seal (flush) to EN 1092-1
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character continued
High pressure side H see next page
Low pressure side L
Mounting Flange Rating / Size - 7 and 8 characters
th th
PN 16 / DN 50 N1
PN 40 / DN 50 N2
PN 63 / DN 50 (Note 1) N3
PN 100 / DN 50 (Note 1) N4
PN 16 / DN 80 P1
PN 40 / DN 80 P2
PN 63 / DN 80 (Note 1) P3
PN 100 / DN 80 (Note 1) P4
PN 16 / DN 100 Q1
Mounting Flange Material - 9th character
AISI 316 L ss S
Extensions Length - 10th character
Flush F
50 mm. (2 in.) AISI 316 L ss 1
100 mm. (4 in.) AISI 316 L ss 3
150 mm. (6 in.) AISI 316 L ss 5
Diaphragm Material - 11 and 12 characters
th th
Silicone oil PMX 200 10 cSt (-40 to 250 °C; -40 to 480 °F) S
Silicone oil Baysilone PD5 5 cSt (-85 to 250 °C; -121 to 480 °F) P
Inert oil - Galden G5 (Oxygen service) (Note 8) N
Inert oil - Halocarbon 4.2 (Oxygen service) (Note 8) D
Silicone oil for high temperature (-10 to 375 °C; 14 to 707 °F) G
Silicone polymer Syltherm XLT (-100 to 100 °C; -148 to 212 °F) C
Mineral oil Esso Marcol 152 (FDA approved) (Note 9) W
Vegetable oil Neobee M-20 (FDA approved) (Note 9) A
Glycerin-water 70% (FDA approved) (Note 9) B
PN 16 - 40 / DN 25 L2
PN 16 - 40 / DN 40 M2
Mounting Flange Material / Seat Form - 9th character
AISI 316 L ss / Form B1 - serrated finish NACE S
Hastelloy C-276 / Form B1 - serrated finish NACE H
Diaphragm Material - 10th and 11th characters
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HM
Hastelloy C-2000 NACE MM
Inconel 625 NACE LM
Tantalum TM
AISI 316 L ss gold plated NACE NM
Capillary Protection - 12th character
AISI 316 L ss armour A
AISI 316 L ss armour with PVC protective cover B
Extension tube for direct mount seal (Note 1) N
100 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26SS Sanitary and food diaphragm seals
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26SS X X XX X X X X X
Sanitary and food diaphragm seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character continued
High pressure side H see next page
Low pressure side L
Mounting connection - 7 character
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 101
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
102 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26VN Socket and saddle diaphragm seals
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26VN X XX X X X X X
Socket and saddle diaphragm seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character continued
High pressure side H see next page
Low pressure side L
Diaphragm Material - 7 and 8 characters
th th
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 103
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
104 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26WA Wafer diaphragm seal to ASME B16.5
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26WA X XX X XX X X X X X
Wafer diaphragm seal to ASME B16.5
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character continued
High pressure side H see next page
Low pressure side L
Mounting Flange Rating / Size - 7 and 8 characters
th th
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 105
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
106 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
Flushing Ring: Hole and Thread - 16th character
None N
1 hole - 1/2 in. NPT 2
2 holes - 1/2 in. NPT 3
1 hole - 1/4 in. NPT 4
2 holes - 1/4 in. NPT 5
Flushing Ring Material - 17 character
None (Note 4) N
AISI 316 L ss (Note 5) NACE A
Hastelloy C-276 (Notes 5, 6) NACE H
Flushing Ring: Plug and Gasket - 18th character
No plug - No gasket N
No plug - garlock (Note 5) A
No plug - PTFE (Note 5) B
No plug - graphite (Note 5) C
AISI 316 L ss - no gasket (Notes 5, 7) NACE D
AISI 316 L ss - garlock (Notes 5, 7) NACE E
AISI 316 L ss - PTFE (Notes 5, 7) NACE F
AISI 316 L ss - graphite (Notes 5, 7) NACE G
Hastelloy C-276 - no gasket (Notes 5, 8) NACE H
Hastelloy C-276 - garlock (Notes 5, 8) NACE L
Hastelloy C-276 - PTFE (Notes 5, 8) NACE M
Hastelloy C-276 - graphite (Notes 5, 8) NACE P
Note 1: Not available with diaphragm material code MM, LM, TM, NM, KM, YM, WM
Note 2: Suitable for oxygen service
Note 3: Suitable for food application
Note 4: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code 2, 3, 4, 5
Note 5: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code N
Note 6: Not available with Seal surface finish code 1
Note 7: Not available with Hastelloy C-276 flushing ring material code H
Note 8: Not available with AISI 316 L flushing ring material code A
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 107
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
EN 1092-1 DN 40 M5
EN 1092-1 DN 50 N5
EN 1092-1 DN 80 P5
Extensions Length and Material - 9th character
Flush F
Diaphragm Material - 10th and 11th characters
AISI 316 L ss - Low thickness NACE SL
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HM
Hastelloy C-276 - Low thickness NACE HL
Hastelloy C-2000 NACE MM
Inconel 625 NACE LM
Tantalum TM
AISI 316 L ss gold plated NACE NM
AISI 316 L ss with PFA anti-stick coating NACE KM
Hastelloy C-276 with PFA anti-stick coating NACE YM
AISI 316 L ss with PFA coating anti-corrosion and anti-stick NACE WM
Diaflex (AISI with anti-abrasion treatment) NACE FM
Superduplex ss (UNS S32750 to ASTM SA479) NACE EM
Seal Surface Finish - 12th character
Serrated (Note 1) 1
Smooth 2
Form E - Spigot type (Note 2) 4
Form D - Groove type (Note 3) 6
Capillary Protection - 13th character
AISI 316 L ss armour A
AISI 316 L ss armour with PVC protective cover B
108 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
Capillary Length m (Feet) - 14th character
1 (3) A continued
1.5 (5) B see next page
2 (7) C
2.5 (8) D
3 (10) E
3.5 (12) F
4 (13) G
4.5 (15) H
5 (17) J
5.5 (18) K
6 (20) L
6.5 (22) M
7 (23.5) N
7.5 (25) P
8 (27) Q
9 (30) R
10 (33) S
12 (40) T
14 (47) U
16 (53) V
Fill Fluid - 15th character
Silicone oil PMX 200 10 cSt (-40 to 250 °C; -40 to 480 °F) S
Silicone oil Baysilone PD5 5 cSt (-85 to 250 °C; -121 to 480 °F) P
Inert oil - Galden G5 (Oxygen service) (Note 4) N
Inert oil - Halocarbon 4.2 (Oxygen service) (Note 4) D
Silicone oil for high temperature (-10 to 375 °C; 14 to 707 °F) G
Silicone polymer Syltherm XLT (-100 to 100 °C; -148 to 212 °F) C
Mineral oil Esso Marcol 152 (FDA approved) (Note 5) W
Vegetable oil Neobee M-20 (FDA approved) (Note 5) A
Glycerin-water 70% (FDA approved) (Note 5) B
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 109
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
None (Note 7) N
AISI 316 L ss (Note 8) NACE A
Hastelloy C-276 (Notes 8, 9) NACE H
Flushing Ring: Plug and Gasket - 18th character
No plug - No gasket N
No plug - garlock (Note 8) A
No plug - PTFE (Note 8) B
No plug - graphite (Note 8) C
AISI 316 L ss - no gasket (Notes 8, 10) NACE D
AISI 316 L ss - garlock (Notes 8, 10) NACE E
AISI 316 L ss - PTFE (Notes 8, 10) NACE F
AISI 316 L ss - graphite (Notes 8, 10) NACE G
Hastelloy C-276 - no gasket (Notes 8, 11) NACE H
Hastelloy C-276 - garlock (Notes 8, 11) NACE L
Hastelloy C-276 - PTFE (Notes 8, 11) NACE M
Hastelloy C-276 - graphite (Notes 8, 11) NACE P
Note 1: Not available with diaphragm material code MM, LM, TM, NM, KM, YM, WM
Note 2: Not available with diaphragm material code SM, HM, MM, LM, TM, NM, KM, YM, WM, FM, EM
Note 3: Not available with diaphragm material code SM, HM, HL, MM, LM, TM, NM, KM, YM, WM, FM, EM
Note 4: Suitable for oxygen service
Note 5: Suitable for food application
Note 6: Not available with Seal surface finish code 4, 6
Note 7: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code 2, 3, 4, 5
Note 8: Not available with Flushing ring: hole and thread code N
Note 9: Not available with Seal surface finish code 1
Note 10: Not available with Hastelloy C-276 flushing ring material code H
Note 11: Not available with AISI 316 L flushing ring material code A
110 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26CN Chemical Tee diaphragm seal
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26CN X XX XX X X X X
Chemical Tee seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character
High pressure side H
Low pressure side L
Mounting Flange Rating / Size - 7 and 8 characters
th th
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 111
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26BN Button type remote diaphragm seals
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26BN X X X XX X X X X X
Button type remote diaphragm seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character
High pressure side H
Size - 7th character
1 in. M
Mounting connection type - 8th character
3 1/4 in. flange extended – type 91 A
3 1/2 in. flange extended – type 91 modified B
1 1/2 in. 16N-2 threaded union – type 92 C
Bracket – type 89 D
Universal – type 90 E
1 1/2 in. 12NF threaded union – type 92 modified F
Diaphragm Material - 9 and 10 characters
th th
112 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26UN Union connection remote diaphragm seals
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26UN X X XX X X X X X
Union connection remote diaphragm seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6 th character
High pressure side H
Size - 7th character
1 1/2 in. L
Diaphragm Material - 8th and 9th characters
Hastelloy C-276 NACE HL
Capillary Protection - 10 th character
AISI 316 L ss armour A
AISI 316 L ss armour with PVC protective cover B
Capillary Length m (Feet) - 11th character
1 (3) A
1.5 (5) B
2 (7) C
2.5 (8) D
3 (10) E
3.5 (12) F
4 (13) G
4.5 (15) H
5 (17) J
Fill Fluid - 12 character
Silicone oil PMX 200 10 cSt (-40 to 250 °C; -40 to 480 °F) S
Silicone oil Baysilone PD5 5 cSt (-85 to 250 °C; -121 to 480 °F) P
Inert oil - Galden G5 (Oxygen service) (Note 1) N
Inert oil - Halocarbon 4.2 (Oxygen service) (Note 1) D
Silicone oil for high temperature (-10 to 375 °C; 14 to 707 °F) G
Silicone polymer Syltherm XLT (-100 to 100 °C; -148 to 212 °F) C
Mineral oil Esso Marcol 152 (FDA approved) (Note 2) W
Vegetable oil Neobee M-20 (FDA approved) (Note 2) A
Glycerin-water 70% (FDA approved) (Note 2) B
Process Fitting Connections - 13th character
Not required 1
AISI 316 ss weld bushing 3
Chemical tee flange 4
Gasket - 14 th character
Not required 1
Silicone rubber 5
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 113
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26PN urea service remote diaphragm seals
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26PN X X X XX X X X X
Urea service remote diaphragm seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character
High pressure side H
Low pressure side L
Size / Mounting Flange Rating / Material - 7 th
3 in. / ASME 600 RF integral flange / AISI 316 L ss Urea Grade H
2 in. / ASME 2500 threaded flange / Carbon steel J
Extension lenght / diameter - 8 th character
40.3 mm (1.59 in.) / 69 mm (2.71 in.) (Note 1) R
40.3 mm (1.59 in.) / 94 mm (3.7 in.) (Note 1) S
131 mm (5.16 in.) / 37.5 mm (1.47 in.) (Note 2) T
Diaphragm Material - 9 th and 10th characters
AISI 316 L ss Urea Grade SM
Capillary Protection - 11th character
AISI 316 L ss armour A
AISI 316 L ss armour with PVC protective cover B
Capillary Length m (Feet) - 12th character
1 (3) A
1.5 (5) B
2 (7) C
2.5 (8) D
3 (10) E
3.5 (12) F
4 (13) G
4.5 (15) H
5 (17) J
5.5 (18) (Note 1) K
6 (20) (Note 1) L
Fill Fluid - 13th character
Silicone oil PMX 200 10 cSt (-40 to 250 °C; -40 to 480 °F) S
Silicone oil for high temperature (-10 to 375 °C; 14 to 707 °F) G
Certification - 14th character
None 1
Huey test 3
114 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
BASIC ORDERING INFORMATION model S26KN Pulp and paper diaphragm seals
Select one character or set of characters from each category and specify complete catalog number.
BASE MODEL - 1st to 5th characters S26KN X X XX X X X X
Pulp and paper diaphragm seal
Transmitter Side of Connection - 6th character
High pressure side H
Size / Mounting connection - 7th character
1 in. pulp and paper seal - sealing with gaskets to spud (NOT AVAILABLE WITH SENSOR F AND S) U
1 1/2 in. pulp and paper seal - sealing with gasket to spud (NOT AVAILABLE WITH SENSOR S) K
1 in. pulp and paper seal with 1 in. NPT male threaded connection (NOT AVAILABLE WITH SENSOR F) W
1 1/2 in. pulp and paper seal with 1 1/2 in. NPT male threaded connection Z
1 in. pulp and paper seal with G 1 in. A male threaded connection (NOT AVAILABLE WITH SENSOR F) 1
1 1/2 in. pulp and paper seal with G 1 1/2 in. A male threaded connection 2
1 in. pulp and paper seal with ball valve connection (NOT AVAILABLE WITH SENSOR F AND S and 266NRH) Y
1 1/2 in. pulp and paper seal - sealing with gasket to M44 threaded spud (NOT AVAILABLE WITH SENSOR S) V
Diaphragm Material - 8 and 9 characters
th th
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 115
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
116 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
(1) The materials of constructions comply with metallurgical recommendations of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 for sour oil field
production environments. As specific environmental limits may apply to certain materials, please consult latest standard for
further details. AISI 316/316 L, Hastelloy C-276, Monel 400 also conform to NACE MR0103 for sour refining environments.
(2) NACE MR-01-75 addresses bolting requirements in two classes:
– Exposed bolts: bolts directly exposed to the sour environment or buried, incapsulated or anyway not exposed to atmosphere
– Non exposed bolts: the bolting must not be directly exposed to sour environments and must be directly exposed to the
atmosphere at all times.
266DRH bolting identified by “NACE” are in compliance with requirements of NACE MR0175 when considered “exposed bolting”.
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 117
Model 266DRH Differential
Model 266HRH Gauge
Model 266NRH Absolute
118 DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH
2600T Series Pressure transmitters 266DRH, 266HRH, 266NRH | DS/266XRH-EN Rev. O 119
Contact us
ABB S.p.A.
Industrial Automation
Via Luigi Vaccani 4
22016 Tremezzina (CO)
Tel: +39 0344 58111