HVDC Valve Testing PDF
HVDC Valve Testing PDF
HVDC Valve Testing PDF
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Task Force 03
April 1997
CIGRE WG 14-01, TE 03
Dielectric tests
Dielectric tests for HVDC valves can be divided into die followmg categories:
Mostly, die tests required for HVDC valves are similar to die dielectric tests required for other high voltage
power equipment. However, die special characteristjcs of a HVDC valve mean that die test circuits must be
carefully chosen. Compared with most power equipment, HVDC valves
- have a low value, non-linear impedance in ail frequency domains;
- incorporate a designed-in feature to siiddeniy switch die valve into a conducting state when a given
voltage threshold is exceeded;
- contain complex electronics and sensitive thynstors which may require elaborate support facilities in
die form of special monitoring circuits and auxiliaiy services;
- are relatively delicate in that die thyristors are vuluerable to damage by even quite small excesses cf
voltage, current and their derivatives above die design values.
A special case cf die switching impulse test between valve terminais, die valve non-perjodic firing test, poses
a particularly chaflenging task for the test circuit designer because it requires an impulse generator capable cf
producing flot only die impulse voltage but also a precisely defined discharge current when die valve is triggered
mie conduction at die crest of die impulse.
This report discusses some of die issues involvecj and gives guidance on die selection of suitable test circuits.
Dielectxic tes
e) The voltage distribution within die valve under various types of overvoltages is consistent with die
valve design;
f) The valve electronic circuits are immune to interference due W impulse overvoltages~ and function
correctly. (Sec appendix A for further discussion on this issue)
— -~
Fig. 1: Equivalent valve circuit for dielectric type tests between valve terminais.
The higher impedance values generally correspond with valves for long distance transmission